Non-surgical liposuction. Non-surgical liposuction - correction of stubborn areas of the female figure

In the world of contouring and hardware cosmetology, increasing preference is given to laser and ultrasound, which in the literal sense of the word are capable of working miracles. Accordingly, traditional methods are becoming a thing of the past - they continue to be used, but much less frequently.

Previously, the word “liposuction” meant a complex surgical operation to remove fat from under the skin using aspiration (pumping). Today, such figure correction is possible without abdominal incisions or even punctures. Just recently it seemed like science fiction, but today you can remove your problem areas on the body in half an hour and in the evening enjoy pleasant company at some celebration.

However, in reality, not everything is so smooth: non-surgical liposuction has its disadvantages, which in some cases outweigh all the advantages. Because of this, not all plastic surgeons are in a hurry to abandon the classical procedure of pumping out fat in favor of techniques that break down fat cells without damaging the skin. Why?


First, it’s worth understanding what non-surgical liposuction is. Since many concepts in contouring and hardware cosmetology are just being established, they can get confusing.

Plastic surgeons claim that this concept cannot exist at all. Liposuction, by classical definition, is still an operation to artificially pump out fat. It cannot be performed without cavity incisions and punctures. The main instruments for its implementation are a scalpel, cannulas, a vacuum apparatus and other auxiliary devices.

Therefore, experts suggest replacing the word “liposuction” with “lipolysis” in this case. Initially, this term refers to the metabolic process of fat breakdown into components under the action of lipase. Now it has a new meaning: the breakdown of apocytes under the influence of external factors - physical (ultrasound, laser, low temperature) and chemical (lipolytics) with the subsequent removal of breakdown products naturally.

Lipolysis is carried out without surgery, i.e. the doctor does not make any incisions or punctures on the patient’s body. It’s also worth mentioning separately about punctures, since many people misunderstand this word within the framework of liposuction. This means creating a hole for the cannula - these are solid tubes that are inserted into the cavity. Their diameter may not exceed the diameter of a syringe needle, but the cannula will remain in the patient’s body during almost the entire procedure, whereas a simple injection is completed in just 20-30 seconds, practically without violating the integrity of the skin.

Plastic surgeons insist that non-surgical liposuction procedures are not part of their scope of practice. And indeed, judging by the protocols and features of their implementation, they are the legal territory of hardware cosmetology.

Based on the foregoing, non-surgical liposuction (correctly lipolysis) means a procedure that meets the following criteria:

  • no incisions or punctures are made on the patient’s body to insert cannulas - only injections are allowed;
  • general anesthesia is not used;
  • fat is not pumped out by aspiration - this happens naturally;
  • fat cells are broken down through the influence of various factors and drugs that do not require disruption of the integrity of the skin;
  • the procedure can be carried out not in a clinic, but in a regular beauty salon.

Due to the ambiguous understanding of the terms “liposuction”, “lipolysis” and “punctures” in various sources, different procedures are indicated under non-surgical methods for eliminating fat deposits. We will review only those techniques that meet all of the above criteria. But first, let's talk about their safety.

A little about security

Any non-surgical procedure is promoted as safe and non-traumatic. In fact, this myth should be destroyed immediately so that there are no later unjustified disappointments and unfulfilled hopes. Get ready for the fact that pain, side effects, and the risk of complications - all this is present here, no matter how much you are convinced otherwise.

What are the pitfalls of hardware lipolysis?

  1. A large load on the liver, which must neutralize the breakdown products of apocytes. This means that it will be necessary to make her work easier with a diet.
  2. If there are problems with the lymphatic system, which removes the emulsion after the breakdown of fat cells, it will not cope with this task. The result is intoxication of the body. To prevent this from happening, you will have to do it regularly.
  3. The use of conductive gels and injectable drugs often provokes allergic reactions.

Now let’s take a short overview of the main techniques.

Injection liposuction

Mechanism of action

Injections of lipolytics are administered into the problem area of ​​the body. These are drugs that can destroy apocytes to an emulsion state. They may include the following components:

  • sodium deoxylate;
  • amino acids;
  • phosphatidylcholine;
  • benzopyrone;
  • hormones;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • lidocaine;
  • vitamins;
  • procaine;
  • peptides;
  • plant extracts;
  • L-carnitine;
  • sulfonamides.

Of the branded drugs, the most commonly used are Spanish Adipo Forte, Dermastabilon and Ampeloslim, Italian Aqualyx and Revital Celluform, Russian lipolytics from the company Skinasil (Slim Body, Lipocat, MRX-lipolytic complex, Phosphatidylcholine and others).

Preferred indications:

  • male gynecomastia;
  • lipomas.

Special contraindications:

  • allergy to lipolytic components.
  • low prices: 1 zone (10x20 or 15x15 cm) - no more than $50;
  • ease of operation;
  • speed (everything takes no more than 15-20 minutes);
  • you can leave the office immediately after the injections;
  • no additional procedures required;
  • possibility of correction of absolutely all areas of the body.
  • often the components of lipolytics are not the most pleasant and harmless plant extracts, but aggressive chemicals that can negatively affect the functioning of various organs;
  • many cannot tolerate injections and pricks;
  • invasiveness.
  1. A light 5-minute massage to improve blood circulation and lymph flow.
  2. Disinfection of the area.
  3. An anesthetic gel may be applied.
  4. From 3 to 10 injections are performed.
  5. Repeated disinfection.

Special complications:

  • nodular formations under the skin, lumpy surface;
  • painful sensations;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • swelling;
  • allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock.

Ultrasonic cavitation

Mechanism of action

Special handpieces that create waves penetrate the tissue and form covers there. These are bubbles that begin to move very quickly and chaotically in a liquid environment. When they collide, they create a mini-explosion that ruptures nearby fat cells. At the same time, everything else is not damaged (nerves and blood vessels have a denser consistency, and they do not react in any way to the activity of the covers).

Preferred indications:

  • loose skin.

Special contraindications:

  • fat deposits on the face: jowls and a double chin cannot be removed, since ultrasound is contraindicated for this part of the body.
  • high (maximum compared to other methods) efficiency;
  • skin rejuvenation as a pleasant bonus;
  • non-invasiveness.
  • additional lymphatic drainage (most often massage) is required as an auxiliary means - without it, cavitation may be completely useless;
  • cannot be used to correct the shape of the face;
  • A fairly long procedure that can take up to 3-4 hours.

Features of the procedure:

  1. The marker indicates problem areas.
  2. A conductive gel is applied to the skin.
  3. Massage movements are carried out with a handpiece emitting ultrasound over the problem area in accordance with the direction of lymph flow
  4. Thorough treatment of areas with obvious bumps and irregularities under the skin.
  5. The first part of the lymphatic drainage massage is aggressive, when only the problem area that has just been treated with ultrasound is massaged. Techniques used: or cans.
  6. The second part of the lymphatic drainage massage is general for the whole body. Myostimulation or is most often used.

Ultrasonic devices from Italy (Venus Wavemed, Cellulab), China (Ultrasonic, Luna), Japan (Prolight White) are used for this purpose.

Special complications

Most often, the liver suffers, since the procedure is very effective, and the fat emulsion is removed from the body too actively. The consequence is the following complications:

  • nausea;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • dizziness;
  • rotten belching;
  • bad breath;
  • yellow whites of the eyes.

Laser lipolysis

Mechanism of action

When fat cells are broken down under the influence of a targeted, ultra-fine beam of light. It disrupts the apocytic membranes, causing them to rupture, releasing emulsified fluid. The beam is produced by special diode attachments. They are fixed on the problem area, then a conductor is inserted under the skin, which connects with them and forms an energy potential.

Preferred indications:

  • hyperhidrosis;
  • sagging mammary glands in men;
  • fat deposits after pregnancy, childbirth, cesarean section;
  • loss of skin turgor.

Special contraindications:

  • There are none - all contraindications are typical for any non-surgical liposuction.
  • the laser acts very precisely and purposefully;
  • the skin becomes incredibly smooth and elastic.
  • invasiveness (requires insertion of a guidewire).

Features of the procedure:

  1. The problem area is outlined.
  2. The skin is treated with a special degreasing, disinfecting, laser-enhancing solution.
  3. Insertion of an optical conductor under the skin.
  4. Attaching the laser attachment with diode plates.
  5. Turning on the device means the appearance of an electrical potential between the conductor and the diodes.
  6. Roller massage is performed.
  7. The patient performs special exercises to enhance lymph flow.

Special complications:

  • skin irritation;
  • bumps and irregularities;
  • exacerbation of thrombophlebitis.


Mechanism of action

Cryolipolysis, or cryoliposuction, or cold liposculpture is the cryogenic destruction of apocytes in a non-invasive way. The problem area is cooled. Fat cells cannot tolerate low temperatures and break down.

Preferred indications:

Special contraindications:

  • Raynaud's syndrome.
  • high efficiency;
  • the ability to use for figure correction when.
  • During 1 session, only 1 zone is processed;
  • discomfort is possible during the procedure;
  • high price;
  • This type of liposuction is only available in large cities.

Features of the procedure:

  1. The problem area is marked.
  2. Treated with a special gel.
  3. The cold is applied through a vacuum applicator connected to a special apparatus and drawing in folds on the skin.
  4. Duration - 1 hour.

Special complications:

  • hematomas;
  • frostbite;
  • circulatory disorders.

If you are afraid of a scalpel, a cannula, or operations, then all these non-surgical liposuction procedures will undoubtedly allow you to correct your figure and eliminate fat deposits, bypassing your fears. But at the same time, it is important to take into account not only their advantages, but also to be fully aware of their disadvantages. There is no need to idealize them and wait for a miracle.

And listen to the opinion of the specialist who will guide you. He may advise giving preference to plastic surgery due to individual characteristics - you should not refuse professional recommendations. Be an educated patient and weigh the pros and cons.

Every woman wants to be beautiful and should not deny herself this pleasure. Among the many methods that allow you to get rid of excess fat, you can highlight such clinic services as non-surgical liposuction, which involves local removal of fat cells. The safety and relevance of this method will be discussed.

Overweight young ladies laugh at thin girls when they express dissatisfaction with their figure, but in vain. In fact, no one is immune from excess fat reserves, so the dissatisfaction of slender young ladies is justified. Hereditary factors often lead us to accumulate excess fat in undesirable areas - on the chin, arms, thighs, buttocks, etc. In the fight against such a problem, physical activity and diet will be powerless, but liposuction will reduce the volume of fat cells, since it is focused on local elimination of deficiencies, that is, it will eliminate excess volume specifically in the problem area of ​​the body.

To determine whether you have any deficiencies, you should undress and look at your reflection in the mirror. This will make it much easier to understand whether the body is truly perfect as you or others assume. If you manage to find the problem area, it's time to take action.

Liposuction is a serious operation to remove excess fat deposits in a problem area. Various methods of liposuction offer one procedure or several sessions, after which you will gain features close to ideal.

Before moving on to the interpretation and description of non-surgical liposuction, I would like to briefly describe this procedure. The traditional method of liposuction involves making several incisions or punctures in the skin, into which thin cannula tubes connected to a pump are inserted. This special pump creates pressure to pump out fat. Depending on the type of liposuction, you can pump out from 0.5 to 3 liters of fat at a time and make your silhouette thinner by 2-9 centimeters in one go. The liposuction procedure can last from 20 minutes to several hours.

Liposuction is an event that needs to be planned and prepared for in advance. So, a few weeks before the procedure, you should stop smoking and not smoke for another 2-3 weeks to speed up the recovery process. In problem areas where liposuction was performed, it is necessary to correct the silhouette with elastic shapewear, which will prevent the skin from sagging and allow it to be more elastic.

Liposuction is a virtually painless procedure, although in some cases dizziness, swelling and bruising may occur. Liposuction does not treat the problem of general obesity, but eliminates fat from a specific area of ​​the body. After liposuction, as your total body weight increases, fat will be evenly distributed throughout the body rather than deposited in a specific area.

At its core, non-surgical liposuction is a reduction in fat volume while preserving the skin, that is, the skin is not damaged. This method is safer than surgical liposuction, which involves small skin incisions and the use of general or local anesthesia. Non-surgical liposuction reduces the possibility of infection and other complications that often accompany surgery. Such consequences may include seromas, edema, postoperative hematomas, painful sensitivity, and septic phenomena.

The cost of non-surgical liposuction is often lower than the classic service.

With the CoolSculpting machine, you can perform a safe, non-surgical liposuction procedure based on the use of cold. This type of liposuction is used with this device to solve problem areas on the lateral surfaces of the torso and back. During the procedure, the skin, other tissues and blood vessels are not damaged, since the device only has a destructive effect on fat cells. The duration of the procedure is approximately 60 minutes. There is no preparation required for this event and there is no rehabilitation.

Cryopolysis with the CoolSculpting device allows you to get rid of fat traps - areas of the body where fat cannot be removed using methods such as massage, diet, and exercise. The cryolysis procedure is aimed at busy and business people who do not have the opportunity to have free time for preparation and rehabilitation after liposuction. There is no need to wear corrective underwear and lubricate the problem area with compounds that allow you to quickly get rid of bruises, since the device does not leave any bruises on the body. The cost of crypolysis of one zone is 10,000 rubles.

The destruction of fat accumulations by the action of a laser beam involves the laser liposuction technique. This procedure is quite popular and in demand among modern women who do not want to subject their skin to surgery.

Non-surgical laser liposuction involves destroying fat cells with a laser, which then turns the fat into liquid. After this, the liquefied fat is eliminated naturally. If the volume of fat is large, then it is sucked out with a special apparatus. Both the first and second versions of laser liposuction involve the absence of pain during the procedure and long rehabilitation. The effect of the procedure does not occur immediately; you need to wait some time until all the fat is removed from the body.

Laser non-surgical liposuction has the following advantages:

  • Minimal blood loss
  • No tissue trauma. It should be noted that the laser beam is capable of “soldering” the tips of damaged vessels.
  • No pain
  • Short rehabilitation period
  • The ability to selectively affect adipose tissue (since the laser beam is clearly visible to the specialist during the procedure). This will allow you to achieve symmetry of the curves and adjust the contour.
  • The laser beam stimulates collagen production, increases skin elasticity and has a lifting effect.

Laser liposuction involves local anesthesia. The specialist inserts a very thin needle under the patient's skin, inside of which there is an optical fiber. The diameter of the needle does not exceed 1 millimeter. During laser liposuction, the doctor constantly monitors the position of the needle, which allows for effective destruction of adipose tissue in equal proportions. It takes the doctor 45-60 minutes to treat one problem area. The total procedure time can be up to 3 hours and depends on the number of fat deposits and the need to pump out excess fat reserves during the procedure. The maximum volume of fat processed by laser liposuction can be 0.5 liters.

In order for the non-surgical laser liposuction procedure to be successful, you need to prepare for it and take the following steps:

  • Undergo a general examination by a doctor and take the necessary tests
  • Consult an anesthesiologist. The specialist will identify the best anesthetic in your case and determine the required volume.
  • 2 days before the non-surgical laser liposuction procedure, stop taking antispasmodics, anticoagulants and painkillers.

After laser liposuction has been performed, you must visit the clinic for dressings and at the same time wear special compression garments, which should be ordered in advance. A specialist providing a service for eliminating fat cells may prescribe antibiotics, which should be taken for 5 days. 3 weeks after the procedure, in the absence of special indications, physical activity is allowed, which should be moderate. The full rhythm of life can be restored after a month, but you should know that the full rehabilitation cycle lasts about six months.

5-7 days after the procedure, we can talk about the first results. The contours will gradually improve and improve over the next few months.

After non-surgical laser liposuction, in rare cases, the following complications are possible:

  • Redness or irritation of the skin.
  • Minor swelling.
  • Burns.
  • Infectious complications.

Laser non-surgical liposuction may be recommended for patients wishing to restore attractive body contours in areas such as the chin, knees, cheeks, forearms and thighs. Note that laser liposuction has an anti-cellulite effect, so it may also be of interest to a certain category of women. The scope of application of laser liposuction can also be the correction of irregularities in the abdomen, the treatment of hyperhidrosis, lipomas and pseudogenicomastia.

In addition to obese patients, the following persons should refuse the laser liposuction procedure:

  • Those with chronic and severe diseases of internal organs.
  • For diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
  • For oncological diseases.
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • During lactation and pregnancy.

One of the effective methods of getting rid of fat in problem areas and cellulite is ultrasonic liposuction. This method is widespread in aesthetic medicine and refers to therapeutic methods for getting rid of fat. Ultrasonic non-surgical liposuction involves the absence of surgical intervention. At its core, ultrasonic liposuction with the Cellu Program device is the same cavitation that we already talked about earlier.

By European standards, liposuction with Cellu Program is considered one of the most effective and safe. Adipose tissue located deep under the skin is exposed to ultrasonic low-frequency pulses, which leads to the formation of some chaos in the fatty tissue, which is why the fatty cell membrane is damaged. After traditional liquefaction, excess fat is removed from the body using the circulatory or lymphatic systems. According to patients, the innovative combination of low and high ultrasound waves is very effective and does not make you wait for results. The cost of one such procedure can range from 2000 rubles per session.

If it is possible to remove fat without surgery, this should be taken advantage of. If there is no excess fat in the body, with the help of non-surgical liposuction you can overcome such a female ailment as cellulite. On average, the cost of liposuction for one area can vary from 2,000 to 90,000 rubles, depending on the problem area and the equipment used.

The State Scientific Center for Laser Medicine provides many services to its clients. One of the most popular among them is non-surgical liposuction. It provides the opportunity to correct defects in the figure and face without the intervention of a surgeon. The proposed procedure is non-traumatic and safe. And the result simply amazes her: subcutaneous fat is removed in significant volumes, healing is rapid, and performance is restored in a matter of hours. Our center performs high-quality professional laser liposuction, the reviews about the procedure are the best. You can view them on this website. Thanks to laser lipolysis, many women got the chance to correct figure flaws that were inherited from them and from which they suffered all their lives.

Who is indicated for laser lipolysis?

Non-surgical laser liposuction is recommended for women and men whose fat deposits have not yet reached critical sizes. If you are bothered by several kilograms of fat on your stomach, hips and other parts of the body, if you are tired of fighting them in all available ways, including through tedious exercise in the gym, then laser liposuction is exactly what you need. Many of our patients know that losing weight begins with certain activities (sports, diet). But at a certain point the weight stops, all available methods of getting rid of fat stop working. It is almost impossible to get rid of some of the deposits even over a long period of dieting and training. The fight against a double chin is simply legendary: women try to get rid of it in a variety of ways and in 98% of cases - to no avail. And that’s when non-surgical liposuction comes to the rescue, reviews of which are only positive.

Types and properties of liposuction

If you want to quickly and without unnecessary negative feelings “say goodbye” to the hated fat, then non-surgical laser liposuction is suitable for you. Reviews from those clients who have already undergone this procedure at our center indicate that getting rid of excess weight occurs quite quickly and effectively. The treatment technology is such that there are no stitches or wounds left on the skin. A narrowly directed laser beam breaks down fat deposits, breaks down fat cells, and they disappear without a trace. Laser liposuction of the abdomen allows you to remove from 2 to 5 cm in one session. And if you undergo a course of procedures prescribed by your doctor, then you are guaranteed slimness and firmness of the skin.

Laser liposuction in Moscow of the chin will remove fat from a place that is not subject to any training or diet. This is well known to those who have worked long and very hard on this problem, done gymnastics, and worked intensively on problem areas using specific massage techniques. Laser liposuction of the face will help you tighten your chin and other problem areas quickly and very efficiently. Half an hour or an hour separates you from the ideal oval face. By contacting us, you will forget about torment and sagging skin.

Non-surgical liposuction of the abdomen, thighs, and face is almost painless; full recovery after the procedure takes 2–3 weeks. Liposuction can be done repeatedly; it does not harm the skin, blood vessels, or metabolic processes. If you follow simple nutritional rules, fat will not return to you. If this happens, then laser liposuction will come to your aid again. The price of the procedure is significant, but far from critical; some women spend much more money on massages, scrubs and lifting products of dubious quality.

Benefits of non-surgical liposuction:

  • Non-invasive (non-surgical).
  • No anesthesia: this procedure is painless.
  • There is no need to wear compression garments.
  • No washboard effect.
  • No hematomas.
  • Preservation of sensitivity in the treated area.
  • Improved skin condition.
  • Outpatient.
  • Lasting results

Don’t engage in self-treatment, come to us, and your success will be guaranteed!

Exhaustive diets, counting calories and regular exercise do not get rid of hated fat deposits? Liposuction comes to the rescue - removing fat by destroying fat cells. Today there are many varieties of this procedure, but the most popular remains non-surgical liposuction. Let's figure out how the procedure works and which type of cavitation without surgical intervention is better to choose.

What is non-surgical liposuction and what is its essence?

The operation involves the destruction and removal of fat cells from the treated area. The first versions of the procedures were extremely traumatic and required long-term rehabilitation. Today, there are many methods of minimally invasive surgery, when fat is removed with thin cannulas under local anesthesia. However, not every person can decide to undergo surgery, and for some, the intervention may be contraindicated. Therefore, aesthetic cosmetology and non-surgical liposuction come to the rescue.

The essence of the technique is to destroy fat cells using hardware and injection techniques without removing the destroyed fat from the body. After breakdown, fat cells and their contents are eliminated naturally. This is the main difference between surgical and non-surgical liposuction.

To achieve a lasting effect, several (8 or more) procedures are needed, but the technique is not accompanied by any traumatic manipulations and does not require a rehabilitation period. Immediately after the procedure, you can go to work, play sports, and lead your usual lifestyle.

What problems does it help to cope with and in what areas is it performed?

Non-surgical liposuction can be performed on any part of the body except the mammary glands and genitals. Moreover, if during surgical liposuction the surgeon may refuse to treat the patient’s abdomen and buttocks at the same time, then non-surgical liposuction (except injection) can be performed on any area of ​​the body.

Most often, women ask to have their buttocks, thighs and abdomen corrected. By the way, injections can also be performed on the face: the doctor will effectively treat the cheeks with special preparations.

In addition to destroying fat cells, non-surgical liposuction can get rid of cellulite and tighten soft tissue.

Types of non-surgical liposuction

To begin with, we propose to divide non-surgical liposuction into 2 main types:

  1. injection;
  2. hardware room

Injections involve the administration of direct and indirect lipolytics (agents that destroy fat cells) with special, very thin mesotherapy needles of various lengths. It sounds scary, but don’t be scared: the diameter of a mesotherapy needle is smaller than an insulin needle, and the length is from 4 mm (used on the face) to 13 mm (used on the body).

Hardware Impact there are two types:

  1. ultrasonic cavitation;
  2. vacuum roller massage or LPG.

On the Internet you can see that non-surgical methods also include. This is not true; this option is a minimally invasive surgical liposuction method and is performed in specialized plastic surgery clinics.

Who should not undergo non-surgical liposuction and why?

The list of contraindications for non-surgical liposuction is much lower than for a surgical procedure. There is a separate contraindication for injections: direct lipolytics cannot be administered to patients with liver diseases. And the use of indirect lipolytics is allowed.

In general, non-surgical liposuction is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as women who have decompensated heart and vascular diseases, suffer from serious blood diseases and mental disorders.

Cavitation and vacuum roller massage are prohibited from being performed at the site of skin damage (wounds, scratches, rashes). Separately, it is worth highlighting the ban on performing injections for people with active skin diseases, even if the rash is not at the site of exposure.

Benefits of the procedure

Non-surgical cavitation has clear advantages over surgical intervention:

  • performed without anesthesia;
  • does not require special training;
  • carried out at any convenient time and takes 1-2 hours;
  • after the procedure, there is no need to limit yourself and change your lifestyle (take time off from work, give up the gym and walks);
  • if performed correctly, there is no risk of complications;
  • has a small list of contraindications.


Ultrasonic cavitation and vacuum massage are performed using special devices. The sensor affects problem areas and, thanks to active massage movements and physiotherapeutic effects, destroys fat cells. When performing hardware effects, the cosmetologist’s skill and knowledge of massage lines are important, because uncoordinated massage, even with the most powerful and modern devices, will not produce results. The duration of the massage is 40-60 minutes. Frequency: every other day.

It involves the introduction of a mesotherapy cocktail over the entire area of ​​the treated area. There is 1 injection per 1 square centimeter. The injections are performed so quickly that you do not have time to get scared and feel pain. An experienced cosmetologist will be able to treat one problem area in just 10-15 minutes. Frequency – 1 time every 7-14 days, depending on the drug.

Is advance preparation necessary?

No preparation is needed before non-surgical liposuction. You can come for a consultation, discuss with a cosmetologist the possibilities of body correction in your case, and start the course the next day or the same day.

What results should I expect and when?

The results accumulate over the course of the course. After the first two procedures, you may notice an increase in cellulite and some sagging skin. This is due to the fact that the first effects provide a powerful effect, that is, swelling goes away. And after the third procedure, active lipolysis (destruction of fat cells) and skin tightening begins. Closer to the middle of the course, you will notice that your waist has appeared, your hips have decreased in volume, your abs have appeared and your buttocks have tightened.

The number of procedures per course is determined individually.


If you do not exercise, abuse bad habits and adhere to a diet, the result will not appear even after performing 10 procedures!

And with the right approach, you can notice the first changes in your body after the second manipulation. By the way, injection liposuction is the most effective. And to achieve a better result, a cosmetologist can recommend a combination of injections and vacuum roller massage or cavitation.

How many courses are needed (before the first results appear and in general)

You will notice a decrease in body volume after 2 injection liposuction procedures and after 4-5 hardware procedures.

The course of non-surgical liposuction using injections is 6-8-10 manipulations; for the face, 4-6 procedures are required.

The course of hardware treatment includes at least 8 visits to a specialist. And after achieving the result, to maintain the effect obtained, it is recommended to repeat the cavitation or massage procedure once every 1-1.5 months.

Are there possible consequences and complications after?

One of the common consequences is the appearance of hematomas. Bruises are especially pronounced after injection liposuction. This is not considered a complication, but an individual reaction to exposure (injections, hardware massage). Non-surgical liposuction does not pose any serious complications.

How much does such pleasure cost?

The cost of mesotherapy depends on the cocktail used. The price of one procedure is 1000 - 2000 rubles per problem area.

The cost of the vacuum liposuction procedure (vacuum roller massage) is 400 - 800 rubles, depending on the clinic.

Ultrasonic cavitation costs about 600 - 1000 rubles per procedure.

So, non-surgical liposuction it will cost 5,000 - 15,000 rubles, depending on the chosen method, but if performed correctly, the method gives good, long-term results. And if you repeat the hardware effects once every month, the result will remain with you for years.

Today, more and more people prefer non-surgical methods of figure correction. Non-surgical liposuction using the UltraShape Contour V3 device is one of the most effective procedures for correcting local fat deposits, for which the patient does not need to undergo special examinations, and after that there is no rehabilitation period required.

UltraShape Contour V3 liposuction involves applying focused ultrasound waves to the subcutaneous fat layer. At the same time, the surrounding tissues - blood and lymphatic vessels, skin and nerve endings - are intact (not affected). The procedure does not have a thermal effect, the temperature in the tissues does not increase. The built-in ultrasound imaging system provides precise feedback, allowing real-time action on fat cell membranes.

This procedure removes excess subcutaneous fat from various parts of the body - abdomen, hips, sides, buttocks, back, arms. Using three-level focused ultrasound emitted in a pulsed mode, complete destruction of fat cells is achieved - selectively, in correction zones.

In one non-surgical liposuction procedure, it is possible to get rid of several centimeters of the subcutaneous fat layer.

After undergoing a non-surgical liposuction procedure using the UltraShape Contour V3 device, the patient can immediately return to their normal rhythm of life. The effect of the procedure is persistent and long-term, noticeable immediately and increasing over two weeks.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure


  • Fat deposits in the abdominal area
  • Fat deposits in the inner thighs
  • Fat deposits in the buttocks area
  • Fat deposits in the back area


  • Pacemaker
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Cirrhosis of the liver

Non-surgical liposuction prices

Any article about liposuction begins with a mention of diets (certainly “strict”), physical exercises (certainly “exhausting”) and complaints about figure imperfections (certainly “in the modern world”). We suggest doing without banal introductions: if you decide to...

Despite the fact that ultrasonic liposuction has been used for quite a long time and is extremely successfully used for figure correction, there are some persistent myths associated with it. In this article we will dot all the i’s. “Non-surgical liposuction can cause burns” MYTHUnder the influence of ultrasound, the temperature...

There is an opinion that ultrasonic liposuction can be useful only for very small fat deposits, and in really obese people it has no effect. Let's look into this issue. Each body is individual, but fat cells in all people have a similar structure. Under the influence...

Questions and answers about the procedure

Question from 10/15/2019 / Guest

Hello. Is the stomach one zone?


One zone during non-surgical UltraShape Contour liposuction is 10x10 cm. The abdominal area, on average, can range from 2 to 4 zones. The number of zones is determined during a personal consultation with a specialist.

Natalia Imaeva

Question from 07/11/2018 /

Hello. I want to remove belly fat and at the same time tighten the skin in this area. I am 30 years old, but the problem is that I have stones in my gall bladder. Can you recommend any hardware techniques or is this an absolute contraindication? Tatiana


For correction, the following procedures are possible: Non-surgical liposuction (UltraShape Contour), SplitFat-System. It is possible to choose the procedure that is most effective for you during a personal consultation with a specialist.

Natalia Imaeva

Question from 05/12/2018 / Maryam

How much does a belly core cost?

Hello, Maryam!

To correct this area, the following procedures are possible: SplitFat-System, BodyLine, SuperSculpt, Non-surgical liposuction using the UltraShape Contour V3 device. It is possible to choose the method that is most effective for you during a personal consultation with a specialist. You can find out more about the procedures (including their costs) on the website pages dedicated to these procedures.

Ilmira Petrova

Question from 03/24/2018 / Irina

Hello. I am 49 years old. Lip contouring - augmentation - what drug is used. I took Juvederm Smile 0.55 ml in September. I want to do more - is it possible or not. I also have sagging skin on my stomach and wanted to reduce my waist, belly and cellulite. Which procedures help better and faster, with the least contraindications. How and with whom to make an appointment - preferably a clinic on Barclay or Arbat.

Hello Irina!

To correct the figure and improve skin turgor, the following procedures are possible: UltraShape Contour, Slim Up, Ozone Therapy, Thermage, BodyLine. Contour plastic procedures are carried out using the following drugs: Juvederm, Teosyal, Regenyal Idea. You can make an appointment for a consultation with the head of the clinic on Arbat - Ilmira Petrova or with the head of the clinic on Barclay - Natalia Imaeva (). It is possible to choose the procedure that is most effective for you during a personal consultation with a specialist.

Ilmira Petrova