Skin diseases in dogs. Skin diseases in dogs: atopic dermatitis, demodicosis, lichen, pyoderma

Skin diseases in dogs occupy a leading place in veterinary medicine today. Almost every pet has suffered from dermatitis or allergies at least once in its life.

There are many factors that provoke the development of skin disease: poor ecology, not always competent breeding work, poor quality care for the animal, and much more. Symptoms of skin diseases cause great discomfort to the dog, so treatment should be started without delay.

Causes of the disease

To the main reasons causing pathologies skin, include:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • disruption of activity internal organs and systems;
  • poor care and maintenance;
  • poor quality food;
  • genetic predisposition.

List skin diseases is very extensive, consider the most common of them:

There is no single treatment for skin diseases. The doctor prescribes it after making a specific diagnosis.

Which breeds are more susceptible

The skin disease can be diagnosed in any dog, regardless of gender or age. However, there is a natural predisposition, according to which various skin pathologies can be found in representatives individual breeds much more often than in other dogs.

For example, acanthosis nigricans is diagnosed primarily in short-haired breeds, most often in dachshunds. Poodles, pinschers, dachshunds, and whippets suffer from hypotrichosis. In these dogs, hairless areas are located on the dewlap, on the outside of the ears.

Bulldogs, St. Bernards, Chow Chows, Spaniels, Pekingese, and Pugs are characterized by inflammation skin folds. Samoyeds, Dalmatians, Retrievers, and Dobermans most often suffer from pigmentation disorders. Seborrhea is mainly observed in German Shepherds, Dobermans, Spaniels, Schnauzers, atopic dermatitis- in bulldogs, boxers, pugs, sharpeis, setters, labradors.

Main symptoms

Each skin disease has its own symptoms, but there are also general symptoms, indicating the presence of pet pathology skin. These signs include:

  1. Severe itching. The dog is constantly itching, literally tearing its body with its claws. As a result, wounds, abrasions and other damage form on the skin.
  2. Shedding not related to seasonal changes, alopecia.
  3. Dandruff, seborrhea.
  4. Spots, redness, pigmentation on the skin.
  5. Ulcers, abscesses, swelling, acute weeping eczema.

Fungal diseases, as a rule, are not accompanied by itching, burning, or redness of the skin. A characteristic feature is the appearance of bald patches.

With mycosis caused by yeast fungi, the dog experiences baldness, inflamed areas of the skin, changes hairline.

If a dog is bitten by blood-sucking insects, it experiences severe itching, itches. Scratching causes secondary infection and provokes the development of infected dermatitis.

Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic

Diagnosis of skin diseases is associated with certain difficulties, since pathologies have many similar signs. For staging accurate diagnosis The veterinarian needs to conduct a visual examination of the animal, collect anamnesis and perform a number of necessary diagnostic tests.

If allergic dermatitis is suspected, the doctor interviews the owner to identify the etiology of the allergen. In particular, he is interested in the symptoms of the disease, the frequency of relapses, information about the parents, feeding and maintenance features, walking, previous illnesses, etc.

The diagnostic approach depends on detailed history diseases in combination with physical and dermatological examination. TO mandatory methods diagnostics include:

  • blood tests (general, biochemical);
  • stool and urine analysis;
  • skin scraping;
  • trichogramma;
  • cytology;
  • mycological studies;
  • PCR diagnostics of pathogens.

The presence of lichen is determined by using a UV lamp. If you suspect cancer A skin biopsy is performed.

Treatment and prognosis

There is no single treatment regimen for skin pathologies. For each disease, certain principles of therapy have been developed, which are actually based on eliminating the problem. If the disease is caused by a fungal infection, a course of antibiotics is prescribed wide range actions (Tsiprovet, Cephalen, Xiclav, etc.).

In addition, there are general procedures treatments aimed at affecting the affected areas of the skin. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic solutions, ointments, creams (Migstim, Diclorex, Fitoelita, etc.).

To cleanse and moisturize the skin, therapeutic and prophylactic shampoos (Geksovet, Ketovet, Meladerm) are used.

Since many skin pathologies, in particular allergies, arise due to weakening immune system and reduction protective functions body, the principles of therapy are based on increasing the immune response and getting rid of allergens. Yes, when food allergies the dog is shown strict hypoallergenic diet with the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements (only after consulting a veterinarian).

For itching they are prescribed antihistamines(Zyrtec, Claritin, Lominal, Telfast, Gismanal, Trexil), antipruritic ointments. Often itching is accompanied by eczema. For weeping skin lesions, drying ointments and creams are indicated, for dry ones - moisturizing ones.

: corticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, etc.), which suppress inflammatory process and eliminate characteristic symptoms.

As for the prognosis, most skin diseases respond well to treatment, provided that it is started in a timely manner. Chronic diseases much more difficult to treat. You need to understand that, most likely, skin pathologies such as allergies and dermatitis chronic form will haunt your pet throughout its life with periods of exacerbations and remissions.

However, in some cases, when the itching becomes resistant to treatment, or in case of skin cancer, the only humane way to save the animal from suffering is euthanasia.

What to do at home

The owner is required to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. You cannot self-medicate, otherwise irreparable harm will be caused to your pet’s health. Do not exceed the dosage, as this will lead to the appearance of side effects and complications. You can ease your dog's suffering with: folk ways, but replacing conservative therapy with them is not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

Widely used to treat skin diseases medicinal plants- calendula, chamomile, echinacea. Herbal infusions, teas are used as lotions and compresses that eliminate symptoms and accelerate skin regeneration.

Very effective for treating wounds, rashes, eliminating pain, discomfort and itching is the use of aloe, which can be called unique plant. Aloe leaf should be scrolled through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender, squeeze out the juice and soak gauze with it. A compress with aloe is applied to the damaged areas and left for several hours.

During treatment, the dog should be given maximum comfortable conditions accommodation. In the room where it is kept, it is necessary to wash the floor every day and ventilate it often.

Prevention measures

It is impossible to protect your dog from skin diseases, but owners can reduce the risk of infection. To do this, you need to adhere to certain preventive measures:

If your pet’s behavior has changed, he has become lethargic, apathetic, itches constantly, spots, blisters, scratches, and bald spots have appeared on his body, do not delay a visit to the veterinary clinic. Remember that some skin diseases, such as lichen, are also dangerous for humans.

Skin diseases in dogs are becoming more common today. The reason lies in many aspects: improper and inadequate nutrition, deterioration of the ecological atmosphere of the air, a sedentary lifestyle, crossing with infected individuals. Often skin diseases in animals manifest themselves as hereditary predispositions to skin diseases.

Types of skin diseases in dogs

If there is the slightest change in the dog’s hair, contact a veterinary clinic for necessary tests and making an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Here are some common skin diseases in dogs. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Symptoms of the disease

If skin diseases appear in dogs , symptoms are divided into 3 groups.

  1. Excruciating itching, in which the dog scratches the body until there are abrasions and scratches.
  2. The appearance of neoplasms on the skin: plaques different sizes And color range, warts, blisters. On the damaged body of the dog, peeling and redness of the skin develops, which turns into baldness.
  3. If the damaged areas of the skin get infected or get microbes, the dog’s skin becomes inflamed, swollen and festers.

Skin diseases in dogs are dangerous for animals and humans. It is important to provide timely medical care to a pet.

Treatment of skin diseases

Selected simple diseases of dogs and skin diseases can be cured at home.

Healing properties has home flower- aloe. Aloe juice applied to the dog's damaged skin will relieve itching, discomfort and burning sensation. It’s easy to squeeze aloe juice yourself or buy a ready-made product at the pharmacy.

Herbal decoctions have similar effects: chamomile, calendula, echinacea. Drugs reduce painful sensations in dogs, relieve inflammation and eliminate microbial suppuration on the skin.

These drugs are used exclusively in the initial stages of the disease. If complex skin diseases are observed in dogs, treatment is carried out in a veterinary clinic. Before prescribing drugs, the doctor must conduct full diagnostics suspected disease, take appropriate skin tests and blood tests, and scrape the dog's skin. After determining the exact diagnosis of the disease, effective treatment is prescribed.

An accurate diagnosis of the disease cannot be made solely by visual examination. It will be necessary to conduct laboratory tests on the dog's hair.

If the doctor, looking at the dog, immediately prescribes medications, you cannot treat a dog under the guidance of such a doctor. Remember incorrect treatment can lead to the death of the animal.

Preventive measures

Dog diseases are often associated with improper maintenance and care. It is necessary to fulfill simple conditions so that the pet remains healthy and alert.

Don't let me suffer four-legged friend, remain a responsible owner.

Dogs, especially those taken from a kennel or on the street, can rarely boast of excellent health. But even completely domestic pets, who almost never leave the apartment, may well “please” the owner with something “like that.” Skin diseases in dogs are especially unpleasant (in every sense), since some of these pathologies can easily be transmitted to humans.

Almost all diseases are much easier to prevent than to try to cure them for a long time and tediously. We will help you by describing the most dangerous predisposing factors that directly contribute to the rate of development of all the diseases described in the article.

  • First, feeding. The dog's diet should be balanced, with the right amount of vitamins and microelements. If the dog eats normally, then everything will be fine with his skin. The diet must be approved by a veterinarian or an experienced breeder.
  • Influence external environment also should not be discounted. If a dog lives in the city, breathes dirty air and walks in winter without a cape, when it is constantly doused with chemicals, it will definitely not have healthy skin.
  • On the contrary, staying in an apartment for a long time complete absence walking will also not end well.
  • Genetic diseases. Some dog breeds (bulldogs, chow chows) are especially prone to inflammatory skin diseases.

Immune system disorders

Many breeders often forget that the reason external manifestations often you need to look within. IN last years People and their pets are increasingly being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases, as well as hundreds and thousands of types of allergic reactions. These skin diseases are especially common in dogs. small breeds. Many of them are genetically predisposed to them.

An ideal example of such a pathology is. Is a manifestation of the body's response to pollen, food allergens, other substances that can be found everywhere. The disease is very widespread, in other cases affecting up to 15% of all dogs, regardless of their gender, age and physiological condition.

Important! Atopic dermatitis is different from common allergies the fact that in his case large, practically non-healing inflammatory lesions skin.

At the same time, first on the sides and stomach, and then over the entire surface of the body, areas spread where blisters with cloudy pus appear, and inflammation quickly develops, going deeper. Very often such dogs are threatened fungal diseases. Treatment is complicated by the fact that sometimes it is extremely difficult to make the necessary diagnosis. Purpose medicines Only a veterinary specialist should do this, since the breeder simply will not have the necessary experience!

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Other dermatitis

In general, it is called dermatitis inflammatory disease skin (shown in the photo), and the reasons can be very diverse. We just talked about the allergic variety, but it is just a grain of sand in the “friendly ranks” of this pathology. Here is a relatively detailed classification:

  • Allergies (including flea allergies).
  • Inflammation of skin folds (in mastiffs, bulldogs, chow-chows).

The first most common is flea dermatitis. As you might guess, it appears if your dog is bitten day and night by small, hardworking bloodsuckers. Their saliva is full harmful substances, so it is not surprising that a response begins to develop in the body: the bite sites swell, turn red, and the overall body temperature may increase. If the dog begins to comb them, then the matter is complicated by purulent dermatitis.

We should not forget about contact varieties of this disease, when skin damage is caused by exposure to some substance that gets on its surface. Most often, contact dermatitis appears in the abdominal area (there is little hair there) and is a response to a new shampoo (for example).

As for inflammation of the skin folds, the onset of the disease is difficult to notice. First, small diaper rashes form, which very quickly become infected and rot. A sick animal gives off very bad smell, the dog's temperature rises sharply. The main thing is to get the dog to the veterinarian as quickly as possible, since the mortality rate from this pathology is quite high.

Diseases of fungal origin

There are several varieties, but they are all more often combined into the group of dermatomycosis. It is especially famous, which everyone knows under the name “ringworm”. Zooanthroponosis, that is, a disease transmitted from animals to humans. Caused by a pathogenic fungus. Carriers can be both other sick animals and blood-sucking insects. Almost all breeds of dogs are susceptible to the disease, but smooth-haired ones become infected more easily.

The symptoms are quite simple: round spots, asymmetrically scattered over the surface of the body, the skin on the surface of which peels off, forming “cigarette ash”. The concentric circles formed in these places are also characteristic.

Treatment is quite specific and includes the administration of therapeutic vaccines (Vakderm, for example), the application of Yam ointment and the administration of griseofulvin. The latter substance is quite toxic, and therefore should only be administered by a veterinarian. It is worth noting that with this pathology, you will have to wash the entire apartment (if the dog lived there) with mandatory disinfection of bed linen, clothing and household items, since the fungus is very tenacious and easily “takes root” on a person.

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Diseases caused by pathogenic mites

The symptoms are quite specific, which greatly facilitates diagnosis in veterinary clinic: It all starts with redness of the skin and the formation of patches of baldness. Scales appear. Most often, the damage is localized on the head. The disease progresses rapidly, pronounced scabs, bleeding erosions and blisters filled with pus (pyoderm) appear. As a rule, the disease is not transmitted from dog to dog. They even experimented with transplanting the affected areas of skin, but, with the puppy’s normal immunity, nothing happened.

This disease is somewhat unique, since veterinarians and doctors (yes, it also occurs in humans) are still arguing about its causes:

  • Some believe that any contact with a sick individual ends in infection.
  • Others suggest that ticks of this genus are found everywhere, but only in cases of weak immunity can a dog or person get sick.

Oddly enough, practice supports both of these concepts, since the disease occurs in two forms at once:

  • Focal, when there are three or four affected areas on the body. In this case, cases of self-healing often occur. This happens when the immune system is strengthened.
  • A generalized form in which many small lesions merge, gradually covering the entire surface of the animal’s body.

The distribution of sick animals by breed is also interesting:

  • Not less than 20% - German Shepherd(not Eastern European, but the original breed).
  • Rottweilers - 28%!
  • Boxer - 20%.

Dogs, like people, can get sick, including skin diseases. And if an animal has lesions on its skin, the owners first of all suspect that it is lichen. However, this is not the only disease that a pet can develop. Certain diseases can be transmitted to humans, while others are purely canine. What can provoke skin diseases in dogs and how to recognize whether the disease is dangerous or not?

Among the most common factors contributing to the development of skin diseases are the following:

  • Poor nutrition. If a dog's food does not contain the required amount, this will have a detrimental effect on the general condition of the animal, including the skin. When choosing a diet, it is advisable to consult with experienced breeder or a veterinarian.
  • Negative influence of the external environment. A dog living in the city, breathing polluted air, walking in winter without a blanket that would protect the pet from chemical reagents is unlikely to have healthy skin. But if the dog is not taken out at all, this will also negatively affect its skin.
  • Hereditary diseases. Some breeds of dogs (bulldog, poodle, etc.) have a predisposition to skin inflammation.

Skin pathologies associated with the immune system

Recently, not only in humans, but also in animals, autoimmune diseases, as well as many different ones, are increasingly being discovered. Most often, representatives of small breeds suffer from such ailments, and many of them have a hereditary predisposition to them.

The most common disease of this type can be called atopic. This is, in essence, the body’s response to external stimuli - flowering plants, allergenic food, medical supplies and other substances that surround us.

The incidence rate of this disease is quite high; it affects about 15% of all dogs, regardless of their breed, age and physiology.

It is important not to confuse atopic dermatitis with normal allergic reaction. It is primarily characterized by the formation of inflamed areas of the skin occupying large area and practically impossible to heal.

Bald spots with flaky skin appear on the dog’s sides, stomach, and later throughout the body; blisters filled with cloudy purulent exudate can often be observed. In this case, inflammation develops quite quickly, and the disease penetrates into ever deeper layers of the epidermis.

Against the background of atopic dermatitis, diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. Diagnosis of this disease- Very difficult task Therefore, if symptoms occur, you should immediately seek the advice of a qualified veterinarian.

Dermatitis of various origins

Inflammation of the skin can be caused by a wide variety of irritants. Exists next classification diseases:

  • dermatitis allergic nature, including flea;
  • traumatic dermatitis - appears if the skin long time is affected by any negative factor;
  • an inflammatory process that affects the folds of the skin - dogs that have excess skin are susceptible - chow-chow, Mastino Neapolitan, Shar-Pei, bulldogs.

Also often found contact types a disease in which inflammation occurs when irritating substances come into contact with the skin. Most often, the lesion is localized in the abdominal area.

If we talk about dermatitis affecting skin folds, then initial stage diseases are very difficult to detect. Initially, minor diaper rash appears in the folds, into which infection later penetrates, and the affected areas of the skin begin to rot. In this case you can feel bad smell emanating from the animal, the dog becomes lethargic and increases significantly. As soon as discovered this disease, it is important to take your sick pet to the veterinarian as quickly as possible, since the percentage fatal outcome for skin fold dermatitis is quite high.

Dermatitis caused by fungus

If we delve into the details, there are several forms of such dermatitis, which are combined into one group - dermatomycosis.

Trichophytosis - dermatitis caused by pathogenic fungi, is more common than others and is best known as " ringworm" A person can also become infected with this disease from a dog. Not only infected animals, but also blood-sucking insects serve as carriers. The disease can affect dogs of all breeds and sizes, but it is most easily transmitted to pets with short hair.

Among the main symptoms are the following:

  • round spots appear on the body, asymmetrically located;
  • the surface of the affected areas peels off, forming “cigarette ash” on the surface;
  • Concentric circles form in places where the disease is localized.

Treatment for fungal dermatitis is quite complex and should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. The therapy is complex and includes the following stages:

  • administration of vaccine preparations, for example, Vakderm;
  • external application of ointments, most often prescribed is Yam;
  • introduction antifungal agent Griseofulvin, which is highly toxic, so accurate dosage is very important.

It is worth remembering that if a sick animal lives in an apartment, then the entire room, bedding, clothing and household items must be disinfected, since it can live outside the host for a long time, waiting for a suitable candidate.

Skin diseases caused by mites

Diagnosing the disease is not difficult, as it is accompanied by quite clear specific symptoms:

  • the skin in the affected areas is hyperemic;
  • bald areas appear;
  • the skin becomes covered with scales;
  • at further development diseases, scabs appear, the skin erodes;
  • observed a large number of blisters with purulent contents.

In most cases, the dog's skin is affected in the scalp area.

Veterinarians and doctors still have not figured out what causes the development - some believe that it is transmitted through contact with an infected individual, others that ticks are everywhere, and a pet with a weakened immune system gets sick.

Practice shows that both theories have a right to exist, since the disease occurs in two forms:

  • Focal – several lesions appear on the body (3-4). In this situation, there are often cases of self-healing, subject to additional strengthening of the immune system.
  • Generalized - the body is covered with multiple lesions, which subsequently cover the entire surface of the body. In this case, there is a high probability of general intoxication of the body. Ticks, penetrating deeper and deeper, can also appear on internal organs.

Treatment of the second form is carried out only in clinical settings. Therapy is lengthy, expensive and still persists high risk relapses.

Prevention of skin diseases in dogs

Of course, you won’t be able to protect your pets from all misfortunes, but you can still significantly reduce the risk of infection. What can be done for this?

  • provide the dog with adequate nutrition;
  • during the off-season, in poor health and other situations, give your pet vitamin complexes;
  • do not allow the dog to communicate with stray relatives;
  • monitor the condition of the pet’s skin and general well-being;
  • keep the dog clean, on time and brush its coat.

If you stick to these simple rules, then it is quite possible to protect your beloved pet from any misfortune, especially from skin ailments.