Give definitions for the types of routes in accordance with the charter of the Russian Railways. The main provisions of the charter of railway transport

State Duma

Federation Council

(as amended by Federal Laws of 07.07.2003 N 122-FZ,

dated 12/04/2006 N 201-FZ, dated 06/26/2007 N 118-FZ,

dated 11/08/2007 N 258-FZ, dated 07/23/2008 N 160-FZ,

dated 19.07.2011 N 248-FZ, dated 14.06.2012 N 78-FZ)

(see overview of changes in this document)

Chapter I. General Provisions

Article 1 individuals and legal entities when using the services of public railway transport (hereinafter - railway transport) and non-public railway transport, and establishes their rights, duties and responsibilities.

This Charter defines the basic conditions for the organization and implementation of the transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage, the provision of services for the use of public railway transport infrastructure and other services related to transportation.

This Charter also applies to the carriage of goods, cargo luggage, the loading and unloading of which is carried out in places of public and non-public use, including non-public railway tracks, as well as on railway lines under construction adjacent to public railway lines.

Article 2. The following basic concepts are used in this Charter:

carrier - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who, under a contract of carriage by public rail transport, has assumed the obligation to deliver a passenger, cargo, baggage, cargo luggage entrusted to them by the sender from the point of departure to the destination, as well as to issue the cargo, luggage, cargo luggage to a person authorized to receive it (to the recipient);

public railway transport infrastructure (hereinafter - infrastructure) - a technological complex that includes public railway tracks and other structures, railway stations, power supply devices, communication networks, signaling, centralization and blocking systems, information complexes and a traffic control system and other providing the functioning of this complex buildings, structures, structures, devices and equipment;

infrastructure owner - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who has infrastructure on the basis of ownership or other rights and provides services for its use on the basis of a relevant agreement;

(As amended by Federal Law No. 258-FZ of November 8, 2007)

consignor (sender) - a natural or legal person who, under a contract of carriage, acts on his own behalf or on behalf of the owner of the cargo, baggage, cargo luggage and is indicated in the transportation document;

consignee (recipient) - an individual or legal entity authorized to receive cargo, luggage, cargo luggage;

cargo - an object (including products, items, minerals, materials, raw materials, production and consumption waste), accepted in the prescribed manner for transportation in freight wagons, containers;

Dangerous cargo - a cargo that, due to its inherent properties, under certain conditions during transportation, shunting, loading and unloading operations and storage can cause an explosion, fire, chemical or other type of contamination or damage to technical means, devices, equipment and other objects of the railway transport and third parties, as well as causing harm to the life or health of citizens, harm to the environment;

baggage - passenger's belongings accepted in accordance with the established procedure for transportation in a passenger or mail-luggage train to the railway station of destination indicated in the travel document (ticket);

cargo luggage - an object accepted from an individual or legal entity in accordance with the established procedure for transportation in a passenger, mail-luggage or cargo-passenger train;

carriage document - a document confirming the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods (railway bill of lading) or certifying the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of a passenger, baggage, cargo baggage (travel document (ticket), baggage receipt, baggage receipt);

public railway tracks - railway tracks in the territories of railway stations open for performing operations of receiving and departing trains, receiving and issuing cargo, baggage, cargo luggage, servicing passengers and performing marshalling and shunting operations, as well as railway tracks connecting such stations;

non-public railway tracks - railway sidings adjoining directly or through other railway sidings to public railways and intended to serve certain users of railway transport services on the terms of contracts or to perform work for their own needs;

owner of a non-public railway track - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who owns or otherwise owns a non-public railway track, as well as buildings, structures and structures, other objects related to the performance of transport work and the provision of railway transport services;

public places - covered and open warehouses, as well as areas specially allocated on the territory of the railway station, owned by the owner of the infrastructure and used to perform operations for loading, unloading, sorting, storing goods, including containers, luggage, cargo luggage of users of railway transport services ;

places of non-public use - railway tracks of non-public use, covered and open warehouses, as well as areas located on the territory of a railway station that do not belong to the owner of the infrastructure or leased to them and used to perform operations for loading, unloading goods, including containers, specified users of railway transport services;

transportation in international traffic with the participation of railway transport - transportation in direct and indirect international traffic of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage between the Russian Federation and foreign states, including transit through the territory of the Russian Federation, as a result of which passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage cross the state border of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation;

transportation in direct international traffic - transportation in international traffic of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage carried out between railway stations in different states or several modes of transport in different states under a single transportation document issued for the entire route;

transportation in indirect international traffic - transportation in international traffic of passengers, cargo, baggage, cargo luggage, carried out through railway stations and ports located within the border area according to transportation documents issued in the states participating in the transportation, as well as transportation by several modes of transport on separate transportation documents on transport of each type;

transportation in direct rail traffic - transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage between railway stations in the Russian Federation with the participation of one or more infrastructures under a single transportation document issued for the entire route;

transportation in direct mixed traffic - transportation carried out within the territory of the Russian Federation by several modes of transport under a single transport document (consignment note) issued for the entire route;

transportation in indirect mixed traffic - transportation carried out within the territory of the Russian Federation by several modes of transport according to separate transportation documents on transport of each type;

special rail transportation - rail transportation designed to meet especially important state and defense needs, as well as rail transportation of convicts and persons in custody;

military rail transportation - rail transportation of military units and subdivisions, military cargo, military teams and individuals serving in the military, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, employees of the federal state security service;

fee - the rate of payment for an additional operation or work not included in the tariff;

collection of rules for transportation by rail - an information publication in which normative legal and other acts approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation are published;

tariff guides - collections in which tariffs approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, rates of payment and fees for works and services of railway transport, rules for the application of such tariffs, rates of payment, fees, as well as lists approved by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport are published railway stations, distances between them and operations carried out in the territories of railway stations;

passenger - an individual who has entered into a contract for the carriage of a passenger;

(as amended by Federal Law No. 78-FZ of June 14, 2012)

(see text in previous edition)

railway station - a point that divides the railway line into stages or block sections, ensures the functioning of the railway transport infrastructure, has a track development that allows you to perform operations for the reception, departure, overtaking of trains, operations for servicing passengers and receiving, issuing goods, baggage, cargo luggage , and with advanced track devices, perform shunting work on the disbanding and formation of trains and technical operations with trains;

low-intensity lines (sections) - public railway tracks with low traffic density and low work efficiency, the criteria for which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 3 rail transport and the rules for the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo luggage by rail.

The rules for the carriage of goods by rail are regulatory legal acts that contain norms that are binding on carriers, infrastructure owners, consignors, consignees, owners of non-public railway tracks, other legal entities and individuals, and regulate the conditions for the carriage of goods, taking into account their characteristics, traffic safety , safety of cargo, railway rolling stock and containers, as well as environmental safety.

The Rules for the Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo Luggage by Rail are regulatory legal acts that contain norms binding on carriers, infrastructure owners, passengers, senders, recipients, other legal entities and individuals, and regulate the conditions for the carriage of passengers, hand luggage, baggage, cargo luggage .

The rules for the provision of services for the transportation of passengers, as well as cargo, luggage and cargo luggage for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. These rules, in particular, define items that are not allowed to be carried as carry-on baggage, baggage, or cargo baggage.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of July 7, 2003)

(see text in previous edition)

The procedure for the transportation of postal items and the procedure for including mail cars in trains are established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of communications. The main conditions for the organization and implementation of special and military rail transportation are determined by this Charter.

Features of the organization, implementation of military rail transportation and the procedure for their payment are regulated by the Charter of military rail transportation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and other regulatory legal acts.

Passengers, as well as individuals who intend to use or use the services of transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo luggage for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities, as consumers enjoy all the rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of rights consumers.

The rules for the provision of services for the use of the railway transport infrastructure are approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 160-FZ of July 23, 2008)

(see text in previous edition)

Features of the organization and implementation of special rail transportation are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 4. Transportation of passengers, cargo, baggage, cargo-luggage shall be carried out on public railways and between railway stations open for the performance of relevant operations. The list of such stations and the operations they perform is compiled on the basis of requests from infrastructure owners, approved by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport, and published in the relevant tariff manual.

Article 5. Transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage by rail is carried out respectively in wagons and containers of carriers, other legal entities and individuals.

Article 6

Features of the carriage of goods on railway tracks that are under construction before being put into permanent operation, and the provision of services related to these features, including responsibility for the time spent by cars on such tracks, are provided for in contracts concluded between carriers and organizations engaged in construction or operation of railway tracks under construction on behalf of the owners of such tracks. The procedure for concluding such contracts is established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.

Article 7. The centralized management of special and military rail transportation in rail transport is carried out taking into account the provision of traffic safety, as well as the protection of state secrets in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The federal executive authorities, whose competence includes the organization and implementation of special and military rail transportation, interact with infrastructure owners and carriers through military transport authorities - military communications authorities and special rail transportation authorities.

(Part two as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of July 7, 2003)

(see text in previous edition)

Infrastructure owners and carriers, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, provide the military transport authorities with the necessary services to ensure their core activities.

Military rail transportation is carried out on a priority basis.

In order to ensure especially urgent military rail transportation, carriers, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, form and maintain a reserve of railway rolling stock at the expense of the federal budget.

For the transportation of persons undergoing military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, employees of the federal state security service, wagons or seats in passenger trains are allocated.

The acquisition, maintenance and operation of special wagons for the transportation of convicts and the transportation of persons held in custody are carried out at the expense of funds provided for these purposes by the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year, in the manner established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Laws No. 122-FZ of July 7, 2003, No. 160-FZ of July 23, 2008)

(see text in previous edition)

Infrastructure owners allocate, under the terms of a lease agreement, in public places on the territories of railway stations, the necessary places for the storage of special wagons.

Infrastructure owners and transporters provide the necessary conditions for transporting convicts and transporting detainees.

Article 8 ) special conditions for the transportation of such goods, luggage, cargo luggage and the responsibility of the parties for their transportation and safety may be established. The procedure for concluding such contracts is established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail and the rules for the carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo luggage by rail.

1 0 11 12 ..

Chapter 2

Charter of the railway transport of the Russian Federation - the legal basis for cargo and commercial work

Significance of the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation

Carrying out the transportation of goods, passengers, luggage and cargo luggage, railway transport enters into certain legal relationships with consignors, consignees, passengers, individuals and legal entities, other modes of transport and vehicle owners.

General legal norms that define relations arising in connection with the activities of railways are regulated by civil law, but they are not sufficient to regulate relations arising in the course of transportation, since they do not reflect the specifics of the transportation process. Therefore, Article 784 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the general conditions of transportation are determined by transport charters and codes, other laws and rules issued in accordance with them.

The most important legal acts regulating relations arising between railways and consignors, consignees and passengers are the Federal Laws "On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation" and "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation". Railway charter

Transport of the Russian Federation (hereinafter the Charter) dated January 10, 2003, which entered into force on May 18, 2003, regulates the relations that have arisen between carriers, passengers, consignors, consignees, owners of public railway transport infrastructures, owners of non-public railway tracks, other individuals and legal entities when using the services of public rail transport and non-public rail transport, and establishes their rights, duties and responsibilities. Having the status of a federal law, the Charter defines the basic conditions for the organization and implementation of the transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage, the provision of services for the use of public railway transport infrastructure and other services related to transportation.

The Charter also applies to the transportation of goods, cargo luggage, loading and unloading of which is carried out in places of public and non-public use, as well as on railway lines under construction adjacent to public railway tracks.

The norms of transport law enshrined in the Charter are based on the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law on Natural Monopolies, the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and other federal laws and international treaties in force in the field of railway transport. The Charter defines the procedure and conditions for interaction between carriers and infrastructure owners in the course of transportation by rail, provides for access to infrastructure on a non-discriminatory basis, creates equal conditions for the provision of services for its use by carriers, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. The Charter establishes mandatory indicators for the quality of transportation of goods, luggage and cargo luggage (delivery time, safety of goods, luggage and cargo luggage) and service for users of railway transport services for all infrastructure owners, carriers and organizations, individual entrepreneurs performing auxiliary work (services) during transportation.

With the adoption of the Federal Laws “On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation” and the “Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation”, the foundations for legislative regulation of the activities of railway transport and ensuring its normal operation in market conditions have been created.

Defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of the carrier, infrastructure, owners of the MNOP (enterprises, organizations, institutions) and citizens using the services of railway transport.

Brief historical overview.

1885 - General Charter of the Russian Railways

1920 - Charter of the Railways of the RSFSR

1927 - Charter of the railways of the USSR

1998 - Transport Charter of the Railways of the Russian Federation (Federal Law)

2003 - Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation (Federal Law)

1. General Provisions

The definitions of the carrier, infrastructure, owners, MOP, MNOP are given, the types of transportation are given.

2. Transportation of goods, containers and carload shipments of cargo and luggage

3. Interaction between the owner of the infrastructure and carriers in the preparation and implementation of the transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage

4. Non-public railway tracks

5. Transportation of goods in direct mixed traffic.

6. Transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo luggage.

7. Responsibility of carriers, infrastructure owners, consignors (senders), consignees (recipients), passengers

8. Acts, claims, lawsuits.

9. Final and transitional provisions.

Planning of cargo transportation.

Plans for the transportation of goods in modern conditions are developed for a monthly period.

"Monthly transportation plan" is an operational transportation plan


1. Full and timely satisfaction of effective demand for railway transport services for the carriage of goods with the lowest transport costs.

2. Efficient use of rolling stock

3. Clear interaction with other modes of transport

Monthly planning of cargo transportation serves as the basis for the technical regulation of operational work and the determination of the following indicators:

Dimensions of movement by rail and directions

Standards for the maintenance of locomotives and locomotive crews

· Fuel and electricity consumption

· Parameters of regulation of wagon fleets by type of rolling stock for each railroad, for each inter-road butt point.

Financial expenses for the purchase of equipment and rolling stock

The carrying capacity of the railway

Monthly planning is carried out on the basis of data:

· agreements on the organization of transportation of goods, is concluded between large civil defense and railway;

· on the basis of applications of civil defense for the transportation of goods for all types of messages;

· on the basis of marketing research and forecasting of loading by nomenclature groups of goods.

Applications are submitted to the company's transport service system or directly from large consignors through the ETRAN-client system. All applications in the system of corporate transport services are classified:

For each departure station

For each nomenclature of goods

By type of shipment (carriage, small, container, route)

By wagon affiliation

By type of message

Applications for the carriage of goods in direct and indirect international traffic through border stations are submitted separately for each border station, and for mixed traffic (railway and water) for each transshipment point.

The consignor of the dispatch draws up an application for the carriage of cargo in the required quantity and submits it to the carrier at least 10 days before the start of transportation in direct communication and 15 days in advance in all types of international and mixed messages (in paper form). The validity of the application is not more than 45 days.

The carrier is obliged to consider the application within two days from the date of receipt and give a decision:

· Agreed


· Agreed in part

The application is transferred to the owner of the infrastructure, is considered:

no more than 5 days - when transported by direct message

no more than 10 days - in all types of international and mixed traffic

and returned to the shipper.

In order to organize the timely execution of accepted applications for the carriage of goods, the carrier carries out continuous operational planning for loading on specific days of the application validity period.

The application contains the following data:

carrier - name and code according to OKPO (all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations)

period - the validity period of the application

type of shipment (carriage, container, small, route)

departure station, code

nomenclature group of cargo

type of message

consignor - full name and OKPO code


wagon, container accessories

· shipment date

Destination stations, wagon codes, type of country of destination

Accounting for the implementation of the application is made according to the "Record card" of the GU-1 form. It is conducted by the carrier's representative for each consignor on the basis of agreed requests. Signed daily or on loading days by both parties (shipper and carrier)

Freight railway tariffs,
their meaning and construction system.

State Duma of the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 18-FZ dated May 19, 2003

Adopted by the State Duma on December 24, 2002
Approved by the Federation Council on December 27, 2002

President of Russian Federation

  • Chapter V


Article 1 and legal entities when using the services of public railway transport (hereinafter - railway transport) and non-public railway transport, and establishes their rights, obligations and responsibilities. This Charter defines the basic conditions for the organization and implementation of the transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage, the provision of services for the use of public railway transport infrastructure and other services related to transportation.
This Charter also applies to the carriage of goods, cargo luggage, the loading and unloading of which is carried out in places of public and non-public use, including non-public railway tracks, as well as on railway lines under construction adjacent to public railway lines.

Article 2. The following basic concepts are used in this Charter:
- carrier - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who, under a contract of carriage by public rail transport, has assumed the obligation to deliver the passenger, the cargo entrusted to them by the sender, luggage, cargo luggage from the point of departure to the point of destination, as well as to issue the cargo, luggage, cargo luggage to the person authorized to receive it person (recipient);
- infrastructure of public railway transport (hereinafter referred to as infrastructure) - a technological complex that includes public railway tracks and other structures, railway stations, power supply devices, communication networks, signaling, centralization and blocking systems, information complexes and a traffic control system and others buildings, structures, structures, devices and equipment that ensure the functioning of this complex;
- the owner of the infrastructure - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who owns the infrastructure on the right of ownership or on another right and provides services for its use on the basis of an appropriate license and contract;
- consignor (sender) - an individual or legal entity who, under a contract of carriage, acts on his own behalf or on behalf of the owner of the cargo, baggage, cargo luggage and is indicated in the transportation document;
- consignee (recipient) - an individual or legal entity authorized to receive cargo, luggage, cargo luggage;
- cargo - an object (including products, items, minerals, materials, raw materials, production and consumption waste), accepted in the prescribed manner for transportation in freight wagons, containers;
- dangerous goods - cargo, which, due to its inherent properties, under limited conditions during transportation, shunting, loading and unloading operations and storage can cause an explosion, fire, chemical or other type of contamination or damage to technical means, devices, equipment and other objects railway transport and third parties, as well as causing harm to the life or health of citizens; harm to the environment;
- luggage - passenger's belongings accepted in accordance with the established procedure for transportation in a passenger or mail-luggage train to the railway station of destination indicated in the travel document (ticket);
- cargo luggage - an object accepted from an individual or legal entity in accordance with the established procedure for transportation in a passenger, mail-luggage or cargo-passenger train; - transportation document - a document confirming the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods (railway bill of lading) or certifying the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo baggage (travel document (ticket), baggage receipt, baggage receipt);
- public railway tracks - railway tracks in the territories of railway stations open for performing operations of receiving and departing trains, receiving and issuing cargo, baggage, cargo luggage, servicing passengers and performing marshalling and shunting operations, as well as railway tracks connecting such stations ; - non-public railway tracks - railway sidings adjoining directly or through other railway sidings to public railway tracks and intended to serve certain users of railway transport services on the terms of contracts or to perform work for their own needs;
- the owner of a non-public railway track - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who owns or otherwise owns a non-public railway track, as well as buildings, structures and structures, other objects related to the performance of transport work and the provision of railway transport services;
- public places - covered and open warehouses, as well as areas specially allocated on the territory of the railway station, owned by the owner of the infrastructure and used to perform operations for loading, unloading, sorting, storage of goods, including containers, baggage, cargo luggage of users of railway services transport;
- places of non-public use - railway tracks of non-public use, covered and open warehouses, as well as areas located on the territory of the railway station that do not belong to the owner of the infrastructure or leased to them and used to perform operations for loading and unloading goods, including containers, certain users of railway transport services;
- transportation in international traffic with the participation of railway transport - transportation in direct and indirect international traffic of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage between the Russian Federation and foreign states, including transit through the territory of the Russian Federation, as a result of which passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage cross the State Border of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation;
- transportation in direct international traffic - transportation in international traffic of passengers, cargo, baggage, cargo-luggage carried out between railway stations in different states or several modes of transport in different states under a single transportation document issued for the entire route;
- transportation in indirect international traffic - transportation in international traffic of passengers, cargo, baggage, cargo-luggage, carried out through railway stations and ports located within the border area according to transportation documents issued in the states participating in the transportation, as well as transportation by several modes of transport on separate transportation documents for each type of transport;
- transportation in direct rail traffic - transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage between railway stations in the Russian Federation with the participation of one or more infrastructures under a single transportation document issued for the entire route;
- transportation in direct mixed traffic - transportation carried out within the territory of the Russian Federation by several modes of transport under a single transport document (consignment note) issued for the entire route;
- transportation in indirect mixed traffic - transportation carried out within the territory of the Russian Federation by several modes of transport according to separate transportation documents on transport of each type;
- special rail transportation - rail transportation designed to meet especially important state and defense needs, as well as rail transportation of convicts and persons in custody;
- military rail transportation - rail transportation of military units and subunits, military cargo, military teams and individuals serving in the military, serving in the internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, employees of the federal state security service;
- fee - the rate of payment for an additional operation or work not included in the tariff;
- a collection of rules for transportation by rail - an information publication in which regulatory legal and other acts approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation are published;
- tariff guides - collections in which tariffs approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, rates of payment and fees for works and services of railway transport, rules for the application of such tariffs, rates of payment, fees, as well as approved by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport lists of railway stations, distances between them and operations carried out in the territories of railway stations;
- passenger - a person traveling on a train using a valid travel document (ticket) or having a travel document (ticket) and staying on the territory of a railway station, railway station or passenger platform immediately before the specified trip or immediately after it;
- railway station - a point that divides the railway line into stages or block sections, ensures the functioning of the railway transport infrastructure, has a track development that allows you to perform operations for the reception, departure, overtaking of trains, operations for servicing passengers and receiving, issuing goods, baggage, cargo luggage, and with advanced track devices, perform shunting work on disbanding and forming trains and technical operations with trains;
- low-intensity lines (sections) - public railway tracks with low traffic density and low work efficiency, the criteria for which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 3 rail transport and the rules for the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo luggage by rail.
The rules for the carriage of goods by rail are regulatory legal acts that contain norms that are binding on carriers, infrastructure owners, consignors, consignees, owners of non-public railway tracks, other legal entities and individuals, and regulate the conditions for the carriage of goods, taking into account their characteristics, traffic safety , safety of cargo, railway rolling stock and containers, as well as environmental safety.
The Rules for the Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo Luggage by Rail are regulatory legal acts that contain norms binding on carriers, infrastructure owners, passengers, senders, recipients, other legal entities and individuals, and regulate the conditions for the carriage of passengers, hand luggage, baggage, cargo luggage .
The rules for the provision of services for the transportation of passengers, as well as cargo, luggage and cargo luggage for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. These rules define items that are not allowed to be carried as carry-on baggage, baggage, or cargo baggage. The procedure for the transportation of postal items and the procedure for including mail cars in trains are established by the federal executive authority in the field of railway transport; in agreement with the federal executive authority in the field of communications.
The main conditions for the organization and implementation of special and military rail transportation are determined by this Charter. Features of the organization, implementation of military rail transportation and the procedure for their payment are regulated by the Charter of military rail transportation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and other regulatory legal acts. ;Passengers, as well as individuals who intend to use or use the services of transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo luggage for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities, as consumers enjoy all the rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on protection consumer rights. The rules for the provision of services for the use of the railway transport infrastructure are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Features of the organization and implementation of special rail transportation are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 4. Transportation of passengers, cargo, baggage, cargo-luggage shall be carried out on public railways and between railway stations open for the performance of relevant operations. The list of such stations and the operations they perform is compiled on the basis of requests from infrastructure owners, approved by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport, and published in the relevant tariff manual.

Article 5. Transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage by rail is carried out respectively in wagons and containers of carriers, other legal entities and individuals.

Article 6 Features of the carriage of goods on railway tracks that are under construction before being put into permanent operation, and the provision of services related to these features, including responsibility for the time spent by cars on such tracks, are provided for in contracts concluded between carriers and organizations engaged in construction or operation of railway tracks under construction on behalf of the owners of such tracks. The procedure for concluding such contracts is established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.

Article 7. The centralized management of special and military rail transportation in rail transport is carried out taking into account the provision of traffic safety, as well as the protection of state secrets in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The federal executive body in the field of defense and the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs interact with infrastructure owners and carriers to resolve issues related to special and military rail transportation through military transport authorities - military communications authorities and special rail transportation authorities. Infrastructure owners and carriers, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, provide the military transport authorities with the necessary services to ensure their core activities. Military rail transportation is carried out on a priority basis.
In order to ensure especially urgent military rail transportation, carriers, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, form and maintain a reserve of railway rolling stock at the expense of the federal budget. For the transportation of persons undergoing military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, employees of the federal state security service, wagons or seats in passenger trains are allocated. Carriers acquire, at the expense of earmarked funds from the federal budget, special wagons for transporting convicts and transporting persons in custody. The provision of such wagons is carried out on the terms of a lease agreement.
Infrastructure owners allocate, under the terms of a lease agreement, in public places on the territories of railway stations, the necessary places for the storage of special wagons. Infrastructure owners and transporters provide the necessary conditions for transporting convicts and transporting detainees.

Article 8 special conditions for the transportation of such goods, luggage, cargo luggage and the responsibility of the parties for their transportation and safety may be established. The procedure for concluding such contracts is established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail and the rules for the carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo luggage by rail.


Article 9. Loading, unloading, sorting, storage of goods, cargo luggage and containers are carried out in public places.
In non-public areas, operations are performed for loading and unloading cargo and containers.
Places of general and non-public use must have properly equipped structures and devices to ensure the safety of goods, cargo luggage, wagons, containers, uninterrupted loading of goods into wagons and unloading of goods from wagons, and also comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on environmental protection.
Public places, if necessary, are additionally equipped with special loading and unloading devices, including overpasses, specialized platforms, livestock loading platforms, watering points, treatment facilities, disinfection and washing devices.
Places of non-public use, if necessary, are equipped with structures and devices that ensure the restoration of the flowability of frozen cargo, cleaning of wagons, containers, and in cases provided for by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail, also washing of wagons, containers after unloading goods, cargo luggage from them.
Compliance of places of common and non-public use with the requirements of this article is ensured at the expense of their owners, specially allocated areas - at the expense of consignors (senders) or consignees (recipients) who are provided with such areas.

Article 10. Consignors, consignees in the systematic implementation of transportation of goods may conclude long-term contracts with carriers on the organization of transportation. The agreement on the organization of transportation is concluded in writing.
Contracts on the organization of transportation determine the expected volume of transportation of goods, the terms and conditions for the provision of vehicles and the presentation of goods for transportation, the procedure for settlements, the liability of the parties for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations, as well as other conditions for organizing transportation.
In accordance with these agreements, the carriers undertake to accept goods in the agreed volume within the established time limits, and the consignors undertake to present them for transportation.
Transportation of goods provided for by these contracts is carried out on the basis of accepted applications for their transportation.
Works and services performed by infrastructure owners or carriers at the request of consignors (senders), consignees (recipients), passengers and prices for which are not specified in the tariff manual, as well as work performed by consignors (senders), consignees (recipients) at the request of owners of infrastructures or carriers and the prices for which are indicated in the tariff manual are paid by agreement of the parties.

Article 11. To carry out the carriage of goods by rail, the consignor shall submit to the carrier an application for the carriage of goods duly executed and in the required number of copies (hereinafter referred to as the application). The application is submitted by the consignor indicating the number of wagons and tons, railway stations of destination and other information provided for by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail. In the application, the consignor must indicate the period of validity of the application, but not more than forty-five days.
Applications shall be submitted at least ten days before the start of cargo transportation in direct rail traffic and at least fifteen days before the start of cargo transportation in direct international traffic and non-direct international traffic and in direct and indirect mixed traffic, and also if ports are indicated as destinations . When transporting goods in direct mixed water-rail traffic, applications are submitted by organizations that transship cargo from water transport to rail transport.
When sending goods from a non-public railway track that does not belong to the consignor, the application is submitted to the carrier by the consignor after its agreement with the owner of the specified non-public railway track.
The carrier is obliged to consider the submitted application within two days and, if it is possible to carry out transportation, send this application for approval to the owner of the infrastructure with a mark on the approval of the application.
The carrier has the right to refuse to approve the application in the following cases:
- introduction, in accordance with Article 29 of this Charter, of the termination or restriction of loading, transportation of goods along the route of the cargo;
- refusal of the infrastructure owner to approve the application;

In these cases, the carrier returns the application with the reasons for the refusal to the consignor, the organization that transships the goods.
The owner of the infrastructure considers the applications submitted by the carrier, if necessary, coordinates them with other owners of infrastructures, organizations of other modes of transport, railways of foreign states and within a period of not more than five days for the carriage of goods in direct railway traffic and no more than ten days for carriage in direct international traffic and indirect international traffic, direct and indirect mixed traffic, as well as if the points
destination ports are indicated, and returns the application to the carrier with a note on the result of the agreement.
The infrastructure owner has the right to refuse the carrier to approve the application in the following cases:
- the absence of an agreement between them on the provision of services for the use of infrastructure;
- refusal of organizations of adjacent modes of transport to approve the application;
- refusal of railways of foreign states to approve the application;
- refusal of other infrastructure owners to approve the application;
- introduction, in accordance with Article 29 of this Charter, of the termination or restriction of loading, transportation of goods along the route of cargo;
- justified lack of technical and technological capabilities for transportation;
- in another case provided for by this Charter, other regulatory legal acts.
In these cases, the owner of the infrastructure returns the application to the carrier, indicating the reasons for the refusal.
The list of criteria for the technical and technological possibilities of transportation, the absence of which is the basis for the carrier and the owner of the infrastructure to refuse to approve the application, is approved by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.
The application agreed upon by the carrier and the owner of the infrastructure with a mark of its acceptance is returned by the carrier to the consignor, the organization carrying out the transshipment of goods no later than three days before the declared date for the start of transportation. In case of refusal to approve it, the application is returned by the carrier to the consignor, the organization carrying out the transshipment of goods, with justification of the reasons for the refusal. Refusal to accept and approve an application may be appealed in court. The procedure and method of notification by the carrier of the shipper, the organization carrying out the transshipment of goods of the acceptance of the application or the refusal to transport are established by agreement of the parties.
Carriage of goods intended for liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations is carried out by carriers on the basis of applications as such goods are presented for transportation.
Accounting for the fulfillment of the application, including providing the consignor with wagons, containers, accounting for the loading of goods into wagons, containers, is carried out in an accounting card, which is signed by the carrier and the consignor at the end of each day of such loading.
The carrier has the right to replace the railway rolling stock of one type specified in the application by the rolling stock of another type, if the carriage of goods by the rolling stock of another type is provided for by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail and the cost of carriage of goods does not increase.
The carrier must notify the consignor of the replacement of the railway rolling stock of one type provided for by the application with the rolling stock of another type no later than twelve hours before the moment the wagons are submitted for loading.
At the request of shippers or transshipment organizations in the case of urgent transportation of goods, carriers, in agreement with the owners of infrastructures, can set reduced deadlines for submitting applications.
For the carrier, at the initiative of the consignor or the organization carrying out the transshipment of goods, to make changes to the accepted applications regarding the redistribution of the carriage of goods by railway stations of destination, including the carriage of goods in direct international traffic and indirect international traffic, direct and indirect mixed traffic, as well as for changing railway stations of departure, the carrier collects from the consignor or the organization carrying out the transshipment of goods, unless otherwise established by agreement of the parties, a fee in the amount of:
- 0.03 of the minimum wage for each ton of cargo - for cargo, the transportation of which is established in wagons and tons;
- 0.1 of the minimum wage for each container with a gross weight of up to 5 tons inclusive, 0.3 of the minimum wage for each container with a gross weight of 5 to 10 tons inclusive, the minimum wage for each container with a gross weight of more than 10 tons - for cargo, transportation of which is established in containers.
These changes must be agreed by the carrier with the owner of the infrastructure.
In order to organize the timely execution of accepted applications, the smooth transfer of goods to other modes of transport and railways of foreign states, the owner of the infrastructure carries out continuous planning of cargo transportation.

Article 12. The form of an application for the carriage of goods, the rules and procedure for its execution and submission, the form of a record card for recording the fulfillment of an application, the procedure for its maintenance and registration are established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.

Article 13 ) in accordance with the train formation plan.
The main conditions and procedure for organizing the transportation of goods by sending routes are established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.
The plan for the formation of freight trains following within the infrastructure is approved by the owner of this infrastructure.

Article 14 Carriage of goods is carried out at freight or high speed (speed categories).
Criteria for determining the categories of speed of transportation of goods are established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.
The shipper selects one of these categories of speed of cargo transportation and indicates it in the railway bill of lading.
If the carriage of goods is allowed only at high speed, the consignor must indicate this speed. The list of directions on which transportation is carried out only at high speed is published by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport in the collection of rules for transportation by rail.

Article 15. Payment for the carriage of goods shall be charged for the shortest distance over which the carriage of goods is carried out, including in the case of an increase in the distance over which they are transported, for reasons depending on the owner of the infrastructure and the carrier. The procedure for determining such a distance is established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.
In the cases specified in the tariff manual, the payment for the carriage of goods is charged based on the actual distance travelled.

Article 16 Consignors may present goods for transportation with a declaration of their value. Transportation of goods with the declaration of their value is carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.
The list of goods transported with a mandatory declaration of value is determined by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.
For the carriage of goods with a declared value, charges are levied, the rates of which are established by the tariff manual.

Article 17 The protection of such goods is provided by the consignor, consignee or persons authorized by them under the contract.
The list of military cargo, which during transportation is subject to escort by subdivisions of military units, is established by the federal executive body, in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for military service, in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.
Transportation of goods with escort is carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.
Freight luggage in carload shipments (cargo luggage is considered to be presented for transportation in a separate wagon according to one transportation document) is transported accompanied by the sender or recipient or a person authorized by them under the contract.

Article 18 , cargo luggage, wagons, containers, fire safety and environmental safety.
The requirements for tare and packaging of goods, cargo luggage, the quality of transported products must be provided for by the relevant standards, technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of railway transport and other interested federal executive bodies. The carrier and the owner of the infrastructure have the right to check the compliance of the tare and packaging of goods, cargo luggage, the quality of the transported products with the specified standards, specifications and other acts.
When transporting dangerous goods, the consignor is obliged to put on the container, wagons, containers signs, hazard codes, provided for by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail. The procedure for applying the indicated signs and codes is established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport and is published in the collection of rules for transportation by rail.
When presenting food and perishable goods for transportation, the consignor (sender) is obliged to submit, together with the railway waybill, a document on the quality of goods (certificate), signed by the consignor (sender) or a quality expert and dated on the day such goods were loaded into the wagon, container, unless otherwise stipulated by other regulatory legal acts.

Article 19 , interruptions in the movement of trains, including reimbursement, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the costs of eliminating such situations.

Article 20. The carrier shall notify consignors of the time of submission of wagons, containers for loading no later than two hours before such submission.
The technical suitability of wagons and containers delivered for loading is determined by the carrier. The carrier is obliged to submit for loading serviceable, inside and outside cleaned of the remnants of previously transported goods, if necessary, washed and disinfected, suitable for the carriage of specific goods, wagons, containers with removed fastening devices, with the exception of non-removable fastening devices.
Preparation for loading, including loading, of wagons and containers owned by the carrier is carried out by the carrier or consignors at the expense of the carrier in accordance with the agreements concluded between them, and the preparation of wagons, containers that do not belong to the carrier, including specialized wagons, containers, is carried out by shippers or, if possible, by the carrier at the expense of shippers in accordance with the agreements concluded between them.
Before loading tanks, shippers check the technical serviceability of boilers, fittings and universal drain devices of tanks.
Commercial suitability of wagons, containers (the condition of the cargo compartments of wagons, containers suitable for the carriage of a particular cargo, the absence of foreign odors inside wagons, containers, other adverse factors, with the exception of the effects of atmospheric precipitation in open wagons, as well as features of the internal structures of wagon bodies, containers affecting the state of goods during loading, unloading and transportation) for the carriage of the specified cargo is determined in relation to:
- wagons - by consignors, if loading is provided by them, or by a carrier, if loading is provided by him;
- containers - shippers.
Consignors have the right to refuse wagons, containers unsuitable for the carriage of a particular cargo, and the carrier is obliged to replace the specified wagons, containers with serviceable wagons, containers suitable for the carriage of such cargo. At the same time, wagons recognized as unsuitable are excluded from the number of wagons submitted and no fee is charged for their use.
The carrier, when supplying loaded wagons to the railway siding, in the order of dual operations, determines the technical suitability of such wagons for loading a specific cargo.

Article 21. Loading of cargoes, cargo luggage into wagons, as well as unloading from them in places of general and non-public use is provided by consignors (senders), consignees (recipients). The loading of empty or loaded containers into wagons, as well as the unloading of such containers from them in public places, is provided by carriers at the expense of the consignees with its payment by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Carriers, owners of infrastructures, other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, in the presence of appropriate loading and unloading machines and devices, can undertake loading and unloading operations under an agreement with shippers, consignees.
The list of dangerous goods, the loading and unloading of which is not allowed in places of common and non-public use, is established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.
Loading of cargoes into containers and unloading of cargoes from containers in places of general and non-public use are provided by consignors, consignees.

Article 22 performance of these works on the initiative or instruction of the customs authorities or other bodies of state control (supervision), the costs are reimbursed at the expense of consignors, consignees.

Article 23. Loading of goods, cargo luggage into wagons, containers is carried out on the basis of the technical standards for their loading established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport, but should not exceed the carrying capacity of wagons, containers according to the stencils indicated on them.
The placement and securing of cargo, cargo luggage in wagons and containers is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical conditions for the placement and securing of goods in wagons and containers, approved by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.
The list of goods, the transportation of which is allowed in open railway rolling stock, as well as the lists of goods that can be transported in bulk, in bulk, are established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport and are subject to publication in the collection of rules for transportation by rail.

Article 24. The equipment, materials, packaging means and other devices necessary for loading, securing and transporting goods, cargo luggage, including animal cages, shields, wagon stoves, are provided by the consignors (senders). Installation of such
devices during loading and their removal during unloading are carried out by consignors (senders), consignees (recipients), the carrier or other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, depending on who provides loading and unloading.
The specified equipment, materials, packaging means and other devices may be provided by carriers on the terms of the contract.
The procedure for storage and provision of equipment, materials and other devices necessary for loading, fastening and transportation of military cargo is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The equipment, materials and other devices necessary for loading, securing and transporting military cargo may be provided by the carrier in accordance with the contract.
Information about the installation of such devices is indicated in the railway bills of lading.

Article 25. When presenting cargo for transportation, the consignor must submit to the carrier for each shipment of cargo a railway waybill drawn up in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods by rail and other documents provided for by the relevant regulatory legal acts. The indicated railway bill of lading and the receipt issued on its basis by the carrier to the consignor confirming the conclusion of the contract for the carriage of goods.
In accordance with the contract for the carriage of goods, the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods entrusted to him to the destination railway station in compliance with the conditions of its transportation and to release the goods to the consignee, the shipper undertakes to pay for the carriage of the goods.
The federal executive authority in the field of railway transport approves uniform forms of shipping documents for the carriage of goods. These forms are published in the collection of rules for transportation by rail.
When accepting cargo for transportation, the carrier is obliged to affix a calendar stamp in the railway consignment note. The receipt of acceptance of the goods is issued to the consignor against signature in the appropriate column of the back of the road sheet.
The carrier, consignor (sender) or consignee (recipient) shall, in accordance with the established procedure, ensure the safety of transportation and other documents provided for by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail and other regulatory legal acts.

Article 26. When presenting goods for transportation, the consignor must indicate in the railway bill of lading their weight, and when presenting packaged and piece goods, also the number of packages.
When presenting cargo for transportation, the sender must indicate in the application its weight and number of pieces.
Determination of the mass of goods, cargo luggage, loading of which to the full capacity of wagons, containers may result in exceeding their permissible carrying capacity, is carried out only by weighing. At the same time, the determination of the mass of goods transported in bulk and in bulk is carried out by weighing on a wagon scale.
Weighing of cargoes, cargo luggage is provided by:
- by carriers when they ensure loading and unloading in public places;
- by consignors (senders), consignees (recipients) when they ensure loading and unloading in public and non-public areas and on non-public railway tracks. Carried out by the carrier weighing of goods, cargo luggage is paid by the consignor (sender), consignee (recipient) in accordance with the contract.

Article 27. The carrier has the right to verify the authenticity of the mass of goods, cargo luggage and other information indicated by the consignors (senders) in the railway bills of lading (applications for the carriage of cargo luggage).
For distorting the names of goods, cargo luggage, special marks, information about cargo, cargo luggage, their properties, which results in a reduction in the cost of transportation or the occurrence of circumstances that affect traffic safety and operation of railway transport, as well as for the dispatch of goods prohibited for transportation by rail , cargo luggage, consignors (senders) bear the responsibility provided for in Articles 98 and 111 of this Charter.

Article 28. Loaded wagons, containers must be sealed with locking and sealing devices by carriers and at their expense, if loading is provided by carriers, or by shippers (shippers) and at their expense, if loading is provided by shippers (shippers). In cases specified by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail, empty wagons, containers must be sealed in the manner established for loaded wagons, containers.
Covered wagons, containers when transporting goods in them for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities must be sealed by the carrier or an authorized person of the consignor (sender) at the expense of the consignor (sender).
In case of opening wagons, containers for customs inspection or other types of state control by customs authorities or other state control (supervision) bodies, wagons, containers must be sealed with new locking and sealing devices.
The carrier's expenses for the provision of locking and sealing devices to customs authorities or other state control (supervision) bodies shall be reimbursed at the expense of consignors (senders), consignees (recipients).
General requirements for locking and sealing devices used in railway transport for sealing cars, containers, as well as a list of goods that are allowed to be transported in cars, containers without locking and sealing devices, but with the mandatory installation of twists, are established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport .
The types of locking and sealing devices and twists used for sealing, the procedure for accounting, storage and disposal of locking and sealing devices are established by the carrier.
Providing consignors with locking and sealing devices and twists is carried out under the contract.

Article 29 the head of the federal executive body in the field of railway transport on such termination or restriction. The specified head establishes the validity period for the termination or restriction of loading and transportation of goods, cargo luggage and notifies the carriers and owners of infrastructures about this.
Special and military rail transportation is not subject to temporary prohibitions imposed by the federal executive body in the field of rail transport, carriers or infrastructure owners on loading and transporting goods, cargo luggage to certain destinations, with the exception of cases when it is impossible to carry out these transportations.
Temporary suspension of loading and transportation of goods, cargo luggage in certain railway directions due to circumstances prevailing with the carrier or when using the infrastructure that impede the implementation of transportation is allowed only in exceptional cases by decision in writing of the head of the federal executive body in the field of railway transport with immediate notification of this Government of the Russian Federation, relevant carriers and infrastructure owners.
Limitation of loading and transportation of goods, cargo luggage to individual railway stations in connection with the failure to unload the consignees or the non-acceptance of wagons by the railways of foreign states is carried out by the owner of the infrastructure with the immediate notification of the carriers and the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.
When limiting or terminating the loading and transportation of goods, cargo luggage at the initiative of the owner of the infrastructure, he immediately informs the carriers carrying out the transportation of goods, cargo luggage using this infrastructure. When limiting or terminating the loading and transportation of goods, cargo luggage at the initiative of the carrier, he immediately informs the relevant infrastructure owners about this. The procedure and method for notifying carriers shall be established by the contract.
Carriers in writing, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties, notify the consignors (senders) and interested consignees (recipients) of the termination and restriction of loading and transportation of goods, cargo luggage. The procedure and method of notification shall be established by agreement of the parties.
Consignors (senders), within twelve hours after receiving notifications from carriers, are obliged to suspend or limit to the established amounts the loading and dispatch of goods, cargo luggage in certain railway directions.
Upon resumption of the terminated or limited in the manner prescribed by this article, loading and transportation of goods, cargo luggage, the carrier, with the consent of the consignor, takes measures to replenish the loading of goods, cargo luggage in the amounts provided for by the accepted applications, applications for the transportation of cargo luggage.

Article 30 In case of untimely payment by the consignor (sender) of the specified fee and other payments due to the carrier for the previous transportation of goods, cargo luggage, the acceptance of goods, cargo luggage for transportation and the supply of wagons, containers are not carried out, unless otherwise provided by this Charter or agreement of the parties.
Payment for military rail transportation, as well as payment for the use of infrastructure by military transport authorities and for the services provided by it, is carried out at the expense of federal budget funds allocated for the intended purpose, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The fulfillment of the obligation to pay for the carriage of goods is the fact of making payment to the carrier, unless otherwise provided by the contract.
The carrier, at the request in writing of the consignor (sender), agreed with the consignee (recipient), may decide to pay a fee for the carriage of goods, cargo luggage and other payments due to the carrier by the consignee (recipient) at the railway station of destination.
Final payments for the carriage of goods, cargo luggage and additional works (services) related to the transportation of goods, cargo luggage are made by the consignee (recipient) upon arrival of the goods, cargo luggage at the destination railway station until they are issued. If circumstances are identified that entail the need to recalculate the cost of transportation and the amounts of other payments and fines due to the carrier, recalculation can be made after the release of goods, cargo luggage.
In case of untimely settlements for the carriage of goods, cargo luggage due to the fault of the consignor (sender) or consignee (recipient), the carrier has the right to demand payment of interest on the amount of the overdue payment in the amount and in the manner established by civil law. Until the consignee (recipient) makes all payments due to the carrier at the railway station of destination, wagons, containers not issued to the consignee (recipient) are at his responsible demurrage and he is charged for the use of wagons, containers.

Article 31. Upon a written application by the consignor or consignee, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties, the carrier, in the manner prescribed by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail, may redirect the transported goods with a change in the consignee and (or) railway station of destination. In this case, the redirection of goods under customs control is carried out with the consent of the relevant customs authority.
If the transportation of goods, including those under customs control, threatens the health or life of citizens, traffic safety and operation of railway transport, environmental safety, the change in the destination of such goods is carried out by the carrier without agreement with the relevant customs authority, consignor, consignee, followed by prompt notice to them.
Forwarding of goods, including those following in direct international traffic and indirect international traffic, direct and indirect mixed traffic, is carried out by the carrier in agreement with the owners of the infrastructures in whose areas of activity the redirection is carried out or the railway border transfer stations, the port provided for by the route of the cargo are located.
During the downtime of wagons, containers in anticipation of redirection due to circumstances beyond the control of the carrier or the owner of the infrastructure, the consignor, consignee pays a fee for the use of wagons, containers under the contract, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the event of a delay in the redirection of goods due to the fault of the carrier, payment for the use of wagons and containers is not paid.
The carrier's expenses arising in connection with the forwarding of goods shall be reimbursed by the consignor or consignee, on whose initiative the forwarding of goods is carried out, in accordance with the contract.
Redirection of military echelons (transports) is carried out by carriers on the basis of applications from military transport authorities.

Article 32 carrier involvement.

Article 33. Carriers are obliged to deliver goods to their destination and within the established time limits.
The terms for the delivery of goods and the rules for calculating such terms are approved by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of economics. Consignors, consignees and carriers may provide in contracts for a different delivery time of goods.
Calculation of the term of delivery of goods starts from 24 hours of the day of receipt of goods for transportation.
The date of acceptance of goods for transportation and the estimated date of expiration of the delivery of goods, determined on the basis of the rules for the carriage of goods by rail or on the basis of an agreement between the parties, is indicated by the carrier in the railway bill of lading and receipts issued to shippers on the receipt of goods.
Goods are considered delivered on time if, before the expiration of the delivery period specified in the railway bill of lading and the receipt of acceptance of goods, the carrier has ensured the unloading of goods at the railway station of destination or wagons, containers with goods are submitted for unloading to the consignees or owners of non-public railway tracks for the consignees.
Goods are also considered to be delivered on time if they arrive at the destination railway station before the expiration of the delivery time specified in the railway bill of lading and the receipt of acceptance of goods and if the subsequent delay in the supply of wagons, containers with such goods for unloading occurred due to the fact that the unloading front is occupied due to reasons depending on the consignee, the payment for the carriage of goods and other payments due to the carrier have not been paid, or due to other reasons depending on the consignee, about which an act of a general form is drawn up.
For non-compliance with the terms of delivery of goods, except for the cases specified in the first part of Article 29 of this Charter, the carrier shall pay penalties in accordance with Article 97 of this Charter.

Article 34. The carrier is obliged to notify the consignee of the goods arrived at his address no later than at 12 noon on the day following the day of arrival of the goods. The procedure and method of notification shall be established by agreement of the parties.
In the event that the carrier does not notify the arrival of goods, the consignee is exempted from payment for the use of wagons, containers and from payment for storage of goods until notification of their arrival.
The carrier is obliged to notify the appropriate customs authority of the arrival at the railway station of destination of goods under customs control.
The carrier notifies the consignee, the owner of the non-public railway track of the time of delivery of wagons, containers with cargo to the place of their unloading by the consignee no later than two hours before the announced delivery of wagons, containers, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties.
The carrier may provide the consignee under the contract with preliminary information about the approach of cargo to his address.
If there is no consignee specified in the railway bill of lading at the destination railway station, the carrier asks the consignor about the future fate of the goods. If the consignor does not make a decision on the fate of the goods within ten days, on the fate of food and perishable goods within four days, the carrier may return the goods to the consignor at the expense of the latter, and if the return is impossible, he may sell the goods in the manner prescribed by this Charter.

Article 35. Goods are released at the railway station of destination to the consignee after he pays the carrier for the carriage of goods and other payments due to the carrier, if such were not paid by the consignor. The procedure for processing the issuance of goods is established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.
If the consignee evades payment for the carriage of goods and other payments due to the carrier, the carrier, unless another form of notification is provided by agreement of the parties, has the right to retain the goods with a written notice of this to the consignor, who, within four days after receiving such notice, is obliged to dispose of the goods . If the goods arrived before the expiration of the delivery period, the specified period can be calculated only after the end of the delivery period of the goods.
If within the specified period the consignee does not take appropriate measures to make the payments due to the carrier and the consignor does not dispose of the goods, the carrier, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties, has the right to independently sell the retained food and perishable goods in the manner prescribed by this Charter. With regard to the sale of other goods, the procedure provided for by civil law is applied.
In the cases provided for by this article, the following shall not be sold:
- goods withdrawn from circulation or restricted in circulation in accordance with federal laws, as well as goods for which customs clearance has not been completed;
- special and military cargo intended to meet state and defense needs.
In the event of the sale of goods seized by authorized state bodies, as well as goods from which the consignee, the consignor refused in favor of the state, the payment for the carriage of goods and other payments due to the carrier are transferred to the carrier at the expense of funds received from the sale of goods, as a matter of priority.
The procedure for the circulation of goods into federal ownership is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 36 Upon the arrival of the goods at the railway station of destination, the carrier is obliged to issue the goods and the railway waybill to the consignee, who is obliged to pay the payments due to the carrier and accept the goods.
The consignee may refuse to accept the goods in cases where the quality of the goods due to damage, spoilage or for other reasons has changed to such an extent that the possibility of partial or complete use of such goods for their intended purpose is excluded.

Article 37. Cargoes under customs control arriving at the destination railway station in wagons and containers must be unloaded by the consignee in a timely manner upon agreement with the customs authority.
In case of violation by the consignee of the established terms for unloading goods, the carrier, in order to release vehicles, ensures, in agreement with the customs authority, the unloading of goods to a temporary storage warehouse and to customs control zones with the provision of conditions necessary for the safety of such goods.

Article 38. Upon timely notification of arrival, arrived cargoes, containers to be unloaded and issued in public places, are stored at the destination railway station free of charge for twenty-four hours after the end of the delivery period. The specified period is calculated from 24:00 on the day of the unloading of goods, containers provided by the carrier or from 24:00 on the day of the delivery by the carrier of wagons, containers with cargo to the intended place of unloading for unloading of goods by the consignee. The carrier's expenses arising after the end of the delivery period in connection with the storage of goods at the destination railway station in excess of the specified period shall be paid by the consignee by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The terms and procedure for the storage of goods at the railway station of destination are established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.

Article 39 for the use of wagons, containers.
The fee for the use of wagons, containers is not charged for the time when wagons, containers that do not belong to carriers are in places of non-public use.
During the delay of wagons, containers along the route, including at intermediate railway stations, due to their non-acceptance by the destination railway station for reasons dependent on the consignees, owners of non-public railway tracks serving consignees with their locomotives, these persons pay the carrier a fee for the use of wagons, containers, provided that the delay for the indicated reasons led to a violation of the terms of delivery of goods.
The procedure for registering the delay of wagons, containers along the route, including at intermediate railway stations, as well as in anticipation of their delivery or acceptance at the destination railway station, is established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.
The amount of payment for the use of wagons, containers is determined by the contract, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The paid time for the use of wagons, the loading of goods into which and the unloading of goods from which in public places and in places of non-public use located at railway stations is provided by consignors, consignees, is calculated from the moment the wagons are actually delivered to the place of loading, unloading until the moment the carrier receives from the consignees , shippers of notifications about the readiness of wagons for cleaning.
The paid time for the use of containers, the issuance of which is carried out in public places, is calculated from the moment the containers with cargo are issued to the consignees for unloading or the empty containers are handed over to the consignors for their loading until the containers are returned to the railway stations.
Paid time for the use of wagons, containers for loading cargo, unloading cargo on non-public railway tracks is determined in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV of this Charter.
The calculation of the payment for the use of wagons of refrigerated sections and wagons as part of couplers is made based on the time of completion of loading cargo into the last wagon of such sections, couplers, and unloading goods from it.
Consignors, consignees, owners of a non-public railway track serving consignees, consignors with their locomotives are exempted from payment for the use of wagons, containers due to:
- circumstances of force majeure, hostilities, blockades, epidemics that caused a traffic interruption on the railway siding, and other circumstances under which it is prohibited to perform loading and unloading operations;
- supply by the carrier of wagons, containers in an amount exceeding the number of wagons, containers established by the relevant agreement.

Article 40. In the event that the consignor notifies the carrier of the refusal to use empty wagons (including specialized ones), containers, the fee for the use of wagons and containers submitted for loading is calculated starting from the date of loading of goods provided for in the application until the moment the carrier receives such notification.
If the consignor refuses to load cargo into empty wagons, containers that arrived in accordance with his application at the railway station for reasons dependent on the consignor, and it is impossible to use such wagons, containers at this railway station by other consignors during the day provided for such loading, the carrier in addition to the fee for the use of these wagons, collects from such a consignor a fee for the actual mileage of wagons caused by the delivery of wagons, containers to the railway station of departure, but not more than 100 kilometers in respect of universal wagons and no more than 300 kilometers in respect of specialized wagons.

Article 41 When discharging cargo at the destination railway station without concluding a separate contract, the carrier is obliged to check the condition, weight and number of pieces of cargo in the following cases:
- arrival of cargo in a faulty wagon, container, as well as in a wagon, container with damaged locking and sealing devices or locking and sealing devices of associated railway stations;
arrival of cargo with a commercial act drawn up at a passing railway station;
- arrival of cargo with signs of shortage or damage or deterioration during the transportation of cargo in open railway rolling stock;
- arrival of perishable cargo in violation of the term of its delivery or in violation of the temperature regime when transporting cargo in a refrigerated wagon;
- arrival of cargo, the loading of which was provided by the carrier;
delivery of cargo, the unloading of which was provided by the carrier in public places.
In the cases specified in this article or in the event of discovery of circumstances that may affect the condition and weight of tare and piece goods, the carrier, upon delivery, checks the condition and weight of such goods in damaged containers and (or) packaging.
The mass of cargo is considered correct if the difference between the mass of cargo determined at the railway station of departure and the mass of cargo determined at the railway station of destination does not exceed the value of the maximum discrepancy in the results of determining the net mass of such cargo and the rate of natural loss of its mass established by federal executive bodies. authorities authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.
At the request of the consignee, the carrier may, in accordance with a separate agreement, take part in checking the condition of the goods, their weight, the number of places in cases of timely delivery of goods without signs of shortage, damage, damage or theft.
If the consignees and the railway station of destination do not have wagon scales, goods transported in bulk and in bulk and arrived without signs of shortage are issued by agreement of the parties without checking their weight.
The presence on a wagon, container of a locking and sealing device of a customs or other state control (supervision) body is not a basis for the carrier to check its condition, weight and number of pieces when issuing the cargo, except for the cases provided for by this article.
The carrier immediately notifies representatives of the internal affairs bodies of the case of unsafe transportation of cargo with signs of theft.

Article 42 damage) of the cargo and issue a commercial act to the consignee.
If it is necessary to conduct an examination, the carrier, on its own initiative or at the request of the consignee, invites experts and (or) specialists in the relevant field. The results of an examination carried out without the participation of the carrier or consignee are invalid. If the carrier evades calling an expert and (or) a specialist in the relevant field or the carrier, the consignee evades participation in the examination, the relevant party has the right to conduct an examination without the participation of the evading party, having previously notified it of the examination in writing, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties. The costs associated with the examination are paid by the party that ordered the examination, with the subsequent attribution of the costs to the party guilty of shortage, damage or damage to the cargo.

Article 43 owners of non-public railway tracks, through whose fault these difficulties arose, have the right, including at the request of the owner of the infrastructure, to increase the amount of the following fees and charges:
- fee for storage of unloaded cargo, containers - up to five times the amount of the specified fee;
- payment for the use of wagons, containers delayed on non-public railway tracks for more than twenty-four hours after the end of the technological time established by the agreement with the carrier, as well as at railway stations - up to twice the amount of the specified fee.
Consignees and (or) serving consignees, consignors with their locomotives, owners of non-public railway tracks are notified in writing about the increase in the amount of the specified fee, payment.
Increased fees, charges are introduced from 24:00 on the day when the owner of the non-public railway track received such notification by the owner of the non-public railway track with its locomotive.
The payment of the fee in an increased amount is made by the consignees, and the payment in the increased amount of the fee for the use of wagons, containers is made by the consignees when servicing non-public railway tracks by carriers' locomotives or by owners of non-public railway lines servicing consignees with their own locomotives. At the same time, the consignees compensate the owners of non-public railway tracks for the funds they have spent in the amount of the fee paid to the carriers for the use of wagons, containers.

Article 44 condition of non-removable inventory devices for fastening (including turnstiles) either by the consignee (recipient) or by the carrier - depending on who provided the unloading of goods, cargo luggage.
After unloading cargo, cargo luggage, empty wagons, containers, in cases established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail, must be closed with the obligatory installation of the type of twist permitted for use by the party that ensured the unloading of wagons, containers.
After unloading animals, poultry, raw products of animal origin, washing, veterinary and sanitary processing of covered and insulated wagons are provided by carriers at the expense of consignees (recipients), washing, veterinary and sanitary processing of specialized wagons, containers - by consignees, unless otherwise established by agreement of the parties.
After unloading by the consignees of the disgusting smelling and polluting goods, the wagons are washed by the consignees. The list of such cargoes is established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.
Washing, veterinary and sanitary treatment of covered and insulated wagons after unloading food and perishable goods, the list of which is established by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail, is provided by carriers at the expense of consignees (recipients), specialized wagons, containers - consignees, unless otherwise established by agreement of the parties.
After unloading dangerous goods in cases stipulated by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail, the consignees are obliged to wash and disinfect wagons and containers at their own expense.
The main requirements for the cleaning of wagons, containers and the criteria for such cleaning are determined by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.
If the consignees (recipients) do not have the opportunity to wash the cars, their washing can be provided by carriers or other legal entities or individual entrepreneurs in accordance with the contract. Decontamination of goods and vehicles is carried out by the consignees or the relevant bodies of state control (supervision).
In case of violation of the requirements specified in this article, the carriers have the right not to accept from the consignees (recipients) after unloading or draining wagons, containers until the specified requirements are met. Consignees (recipients) in such cases are charged for the use of wagons, containers for the entire time of their delay.

Article 45. Cargo is considered lost if it is not released to the consignee after thirty days from the date of expiration of the delivery period or after four months from the date of acceptance of the cargo for transportation in direct mixed traffic.
If the cargo arrived after the expiration of the time specified in this article, the consignee may receive it, subject to the return to the carrier of the amount received in accordance with Article 96 of this Charter. If the consignee refused to accept this cargo or did not submit a decision on the fate of the cargo within four days from the date of notification of the consignee about the arrival of the cargo at the railway station, the carrier has the right to sell the cargo in the manner prescribed by Articles 35, 48 and 49 of this Charter.

Article 46 the consignee and the consignor about the future fate of the goods and notifies the customs authority about these circumstances in respect of the goods under customs control.
After receiving from the consignors or consignees a decision on a new railway station of destination, the carrier, if possible, delivers the goods to the railway stations indicated by the consignors or consignees, with payment for these transportations in the prescribed manner. At the same time, the amount of carriage charges is determined based on the shortest distance for the transportation of goods.
If the consignee or the consignor fails to submit a decision on the fate of the goods within four days after receiving the request, the carrier may return such goods to the consignor at the expense of the latter, and if it is impossible to return the goods for the reasons specified in this article, he may sell them in the manner prescribed by Articles 35, 48 and 49 of this Charter.

Article 47 the impossibility of transferring such goods to sea, river transport or railways of foreign states, the consignor shall pay the carrier a fine in the amount of forty-five and fifteen times the minimum wage, respectively, for the wagon and container.
If the consignor fails to take measures in relation to goods delayed for the indicated reasons within ten days, and in relation to food and perishable goods within four days from the date of receipt from the carrier of a notice in writing about the delay of wagons, containers, unless another method of notification is provided by the agreement parties, the carrier has the right to return the goods to the consignor at the expense of the latter, with the exception of food and perishable goods, in respect of which the transportability period does not allow such a return, or, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties, to sell the goods in the manner prescribed by Articles 35,48 and 49 of this Charter.
The consignor, guilty of demurrage of wagons, containers at a railway station, pays the carrier a fee for the use of wagons, containers, and in case of demurrage exceeding the time limits specified in this article, he is liable under Articles 100 and 101 of this Charter.
For the delay of wagons, containers with goods in direct international traffic and indirect international traffic, at customs and border control points due to illegal actions or inaction of customs, border and other state control (supervision) bodies, these bodies are liable in accordance with civil law.

Article 48 In cases where, in accordance with this Charter, carriers have been granted the right to independently sell goods, their sale is carried out on the basis of the decisions of the carriers.
The sale of such goods by carriers is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the terms of contracts of sale, based on the price of goods, confirmed by payment documents or in the absence of such documents established by the relevant contract, or based on the price that, under comparable circumstances, is usually charged for similar goods or on the basis of expert judgment. The procedure for the sale of such goods is determined by the rules for the carriage of goods by rail.

Article 49 cases.
If it is impossible to transfer the specified amount to the consignee, the consignor for reasons beyond the carrier's control, the specified amount after the expiration of the limitation period is subject to transfer to the federal budget.
The amount received by the carrier for the goods sold, if there are no documents for the specified goods, is transferred to the carrier's deposit account to reimburse the amounts paid by the carrier for the goods that did not arrive at their destination. If the consignor or consignee does not claim the specified amount, after the expiration of the limitation period, it is subject to transfer to the federal budget.
The carrier takes the necessary measures to ensure the safety of transportation documents, search for a consignor, consignee to transfer the amount received for the cargo sold in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Article 50 In order to carry out transportation of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage, carriers conclude agreements with the owner of the infrastructure on the provision of services for the use of infrastructure. The contract for the provision of services for the use of infrastructure is public and is concluded in writing. The approximate form of the specified contract is established by the rules for the provision of services for the use of infrastructure. The agreement on the provision of services for the use of infrastructure determines the expected volume and timing of the carriage of goods, the list and cost of the services provided, the procedure for paying for services and methods of payment for these services, as well as the liability of the parties for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations. In accordance with the agreement on the provision of services for the use of infrastructure, the owner of the infrastructure undertakes to provide the carrier with such services for the carriage of passengers, cargo, luggage, cargo luggage, and the carrier undertakes to pay for these services. On the basis of an agreement on the provision of services for the use of infrastructure, the following works (services) may be provided: - granting the carrier the right to use the railway tracks owned by the owner of the infrastructure, other necessary for the transportation of passengers, cargo, baggage, cargo luggage of infrastructure facilities; ensuring access of railway rolling stock owned by the carrier or attracted by him for transportation to the railway tracks that are part of the infrastructure; - train traffic management, including the coordination of technical and technological capabilities of transportation with the owners of other infrastructures, railways of foreign states and organizations of other modes of transport; - providing the possibility of finding empty wagons owned by the carrier or attracted by him for transportation, not related to the transportation process; - the conclusion by the infrastructure owners on behalf of the carrier of contracts for the operation, contracts for the supply, cleaning of wagons on non-public railway tracks; - loading, unloading, storage of goods and other works (services). Infrastructure owners and carriers have the right to conclude other contracts providing for the performance of other works (services).

Article 51

Article 52 For the transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo-luggage, access to the infrastructure is provided to carriers on the basis of the schedule of passenger trains. The terms for putting into effect the timetable for the movement of passenger trains are established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport. Infrastructure owners develop a schedule of passenger trains on the basis of carriers' requests submitted no later than seven months before the entry into force of the schedule to include passenger trains in such a schedule. The development of the specified schedule is completed no later than four months before they are put into effect. When developing a timetable, passenger trains have priority over freight trains. At the request of carriers, infrastructure owners can develop individual schedules for the movement of passenger trains in accordance with the rules for the provision of services for the use of infrastructure.

Article 53. For the unrelated to the transportation process, the presence on the railway tracks of general use of empty cars owned by carriers or attracted by them for transportation, the owner of the infrastructure from the carriers shall be charged under the contract, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 54. Carriers, on the basis of a public contract with infrastructure owners, may provide for the transfer of their obligations under contracts for the operation of non-public railway tracks, contracts for the supply and removal of wagons, including the conclusion of these contracts, to infrastructure owners. In this case, infrastructure owners enter into relationships with consignors, consignees, owners of non-public railway tracks under contracts for the operation of non-public railway tracks, contracts for the supply and removal of wagons on behalf of the carrier.