Ancient recipes of herbalists and healers of the world. Very effective recipes of healers from many problems and diseases! Ancient medicine recipes


The amazing truth in these recipes, and most importantly, that they actually help. Verified by many.

These recipes contain tried and tested recipes of Russian sorcerers, herbalists, naturopaths and many other specialists with the addition of a chapter - WHY PEOPLE DIE EARLY AND DO NOT KNOW THE REASONS FOR THEIR DISEASES.

If thousands of doctors of Russian folk medicine, as well as thousands of Tibetan and Mongolian lamas heal their patients with the same remedy, then this remedy cannot be bad.
Of all the antirheumatic remedies, this is the strongest and most radical. The name of this remedy in the common language is ROOT-FIGHTER. METHOD OF PREPARING THE MEDICINE: Take a quarter pound of aconite roots (you need to take only the root, not the stems), pour them with one quart of vodka or diluted 60-degree apothecary alcohol and put in a warm place for 3 days. When the tincture turns the color of strong tea, it fit for use.
METHOD OF USE; persons with a very weak heart are advised to use no more than one teaspoon of tincture with each rub (in general, the dose is one tablespoon of tincture for each rub). This tool has tremendous power. When rubbed, it so enhances blood circulation that the patient immediately feels an unusual heartbeat. If both legs and arms hurt, only one leg should be rubbed, the next day the other; then one hand, etc.
Rub the tincture dry. The place subjected to rubbing should be kept warm, preventing the influx of cold air.
Rubbing is best done at night. Two hours before the patient gets out of bed, THE BANDAGE IS REMOVED In the morning, when the patient gets up, that is, two hours after the bandage is removed, you should soak a rag in cold water and squeeze it hard, Wipe the rubbed area with it. This must be done quickly. Slow wiping can lead to a cold.
If rheumatism is of a very painful nature, with tumors, then rubbing is done for four to five weeks daily before going to bed.
DRINKING tincture of aconite roots is not recommended. If someone, after rubbing the tincture, does not wash his hands with soap and a brush, but begins to wash himself at all, he risks being left without eyes.
Aconite is highly poisonous. Sometimes the calves would eat one or two leaves of aconite and drop dead.
It should also be remembered that if the patient makes a rubdown not two hours, but a few minutes before going out into the air, he will meet with great troubles regarding his health.
Based on life experience, the famous naturalist Kneipp recommended that patients with a cold, with a HIGH TEMPERATURE, fill a bath with cold-ice water and stand in it EXACTLY ONE MINUTE. No more, no less. Then, wearing woolen stockings, CONTINUOUSLY and QUICKLY walk around the room for 15 minutes. Then go to bed.
Once the patient complained to Kneipp that he almost died after such a standing. Kneipp asked the patient in bewilderment:
- You stood in the icy water for exactly one minute?
- Not only ONE, I STANDED FOR FIVE MINUTES, - the complainant answered.
Kneipp's face was horrified.
Another of his patients, having a high temperature caused by a cold, poured ankle-deep ice-cold water into the bathroom and stood in it for exactly one minute as it was supposed to. However... he didn't bother
Some details of the treatment may seem trifling, but they are the main essence of the treatment!
Many doctors of official medicine who studied folk methods of treatment, including the famous Prince Engalychev himself, saw with their own eyes how healers cured patients with the most severe form of rheumatism by using the following village remedy.
Dig up fresh earthworms and put them in glass jar and fill the jar with vodka. You should not pour too much vodka: when the vodka covers the top layer of worms, that's enough. Cover the jar with thick paper or animal bubble wrap and tie with a cord. Do not use ground corks and do not thermally close the tincture jar at all. KEEP THE JAR IN THE SUN FOR A FEW DAYS. RUB THIS TINCTURE INTO THE AFFECTED PLACES WITH REBMA-THISM, AT LEAST ONCE A DAY, IN THE EVENING BEFORE SLEEP.
Boil two liters of water in a saucepan. Dissolve a pound of alum in this boiling water (or take a thick earthenware pot and pour two quarts of milk into it, dropping 4 large onions into it. The pot should be closed. All this should be steamed in the oven over low heat, and then. .. close the pan or pot with a wooden lid with a hole and heat anus over the ferry. After the session, be sure to lubricate the anus (inside and outside) with petroleum jelly and be sure to take a laxative.
Warming up should be done no more than once a week. Two or three warm-ups are enough.
The above remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids with alum was given on the pages of the first volume of the Russian Folk Medical Book. The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church in Australia, priest Innokenty Seryshev, distributed many copies of the medical manual to Russians in Australia. A Russian railway worker in the province of Queensland, a certain Goluzin, had terrible, chronic hemorrhoids and treated a large sum of pounds sterling to doctors of official medicine and ... all in vain; having bought a healer and using the remedy described above, he got rid of his terrible hemorrhoids FOR ONE HEATING.
Goluzin immediately wrote a letter to Father Innokenty, in which he expressed his desire to pay any amount to the author of the medical book. I had to answer my kindest compatriot that no payment was needed.
First you need to do cold washings after each bowel movement. Then - apply a cold compress to the bumps. It is made from a soft cloth. At first, keep the compress for 1 minute, 3-4 times a day, counting washings after each bowel movement. So continue until the bumps disappear. It will take from 3 weeks to one and a half months, depending on a number of reasons. For example, one must abstain from alcoholic drinks, from women, and from work in a standing position. Horizontal position body and rest, that is, "long rest in bed or on the sofa, greatly contributes to the treatment.
With chronic hemorrhoids (there were cases of curing sixteen-year-old hemorrhoids), the so-called internal, in the old days in the Caucasus, ice candles were used.
For this, paper forms of a cylindrical sample were made, at first of a small diameter, so that they could be inserted into the anus with possible painlessness.
The molds are filled with water and allowed to freeze, thus making ice candles.
Before inserting the candle into the anus, you need to lower the end of the candle into warm water so that the tip of the top of the candle does not cause injury in the excretory canal or make candles with rounded heads. It goes without saying that the paper form is removed from the candle.
At first, three to five days - you need to hold the candle for half a minute, no more. Then, every three to five days, add another half a minute, depending on the patient's well-being.
If the candle is inserted unsuccessfully or the patient holds it for too long, irritation may result. The patient's predilection for women and alcoholic beverages or prolonged work in a standing position can lead to a high temperature in the anus. In this case, it is necessary to do cold washings and even apply a compress from a soft cloth for 3-5 minutes.
This is a smoky garlic sitz bath. Take a low iron can, put a brick strongly heated on the fire on its bottom and pour finely chopped garlic (or camel thorns) on this brick. When it starts to smoke and burn, sit on the can to get a smoky bath. Continue like this as needed. The Persians have successfully used this method of treating hemorrhoids for many centuries.
7. GOOD SIBERIAN AND ALL-RUSSIAN REMEDY FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL HEMORRHOIDS This is fresh rowan juice. If you drink this juice for a very long time, then even internal hemorrhoids will “open”, leading to treatment.
This juice works better than a laxative. You should drink it three times a day, two glasses with added sugar and drink a glass of water.
This method of treatment is practiced not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the Near and Middle East.
METHOD OF TREATMENT. A large frog is brought close to the patient's mouth and the patient is forced to breathe directly onto the frog. From this, the frog's heart begins to beat faster. - And the patient almost instantly gets better. Often such treatment begins when the patient not only cannot eat and drink, but also cannot speak. After 8-10 minutes, the disease completely disappears and, according to healers, the disease "passes" to the frog. But this is not entirely true, although the frog, indeed, having made two or three jumps after all this, dies. The patient recovers completely, mind you, in a very short time!
Persian folk healers in Tehran and other cities of Persia (Iran) almost exclusively treat angina in this way.
Many are very interested in what kind of frog is considered healing?
The frog must certainly be big - gray, green and ... toads.

A. In many homes there is always sage, which is brewed and rinsed with warm broth on the sore spot of the mouth, trying to keep the broth on the diseased part of the gum as long as possible. The fat that has cooled in the mouth needs to be changed. This must be done up to five times within half a hour.
B. Take a slice lard(skin, fresh or salted). If the fat is salty, then the salt must be cleaned. This slice is placed on a sore spot between the gum and cheek. Keep a slice in your mouth for 15-20 minutes until the pain subsides. During this time, the pain usually subsides, and the patient gets rid of his torment for a long time.
B. Put in the ear, on the side of the cheek where the tooth hurts, the root of the plantain and keep it there until the pain disappears. After half an hour - an hour the pain goes away.
D. Raspberry leaves (chopped), mint leaves and thirty grams of good wine vinegar. All this is infused for three days in a glass vessel. Then the tincture is filtered and the mouth is rinsed with it.
In Siberia, near the city of Blagoveshchensk, there are many villages inhabited by Molokan sectarians. They treat toothache in a rather "weird" way. First of all, the inside of the wrist is rubbed with garlic. Further, finely chopped garlic, tie it to the pulse, bandaging the hand very tightly so that the garlic fits more tightly to the wrist and especially to the pulse. When toothache felt on right side, then the garlic is tied to the pulse of the left hand, and vice versa.
There are many skeptics in the world who do not believe in miracles, but Molokans believe in their "miracles" and heal themselves and cure others...
Note: Before applying garlic, cover your wrist with a rag.
With subdental flux and in general with tumors and abscesses of the gums, doctors of Russian traditional medicine most often use the following remedy: pour about one quarter of an inch of preferably liquid linden honey into the bottom of a small saucepan.
Then they take a very old and heavily rusted nail. Having heated the nail red-hot, put it in honey. In this case, a thick black substance, like tar, forms around the nail. This substance should be used to lubricate the gums, mainly at night before going to bed. The abscess of the gums usually breaks through soon, the tumor quickly falls off, and the patient's health improves.
The nail must be old and heavily rusted. Rust in this case plays a very important role.
In old towns, nails that are almost a hundred years old, that is, very heavily rusted, are not difficult to find.
WHEN HEATING THE NAILS, DO NOT BLOW ON IT AND TOUCH THE NAILS when it is heated, in order to keep the rust on the nail.
Hundreds, and maybe thousands of Russian and Siberian healers have always advised their fellow villagers to drink from ROSEHIPS for health and longevity, as well as in order to protect against diseases. This drink is very rich in vitamin C.
Put two teaspoons (with the top) of dried rose hips into a glass of boiling water. Rose hips should be brewed as tea and drunk three times a day after meals.
Many say: "If you want to be healthy, drink rosehip tincture." Many healers recommend wild rose as a remedy for anemia, scurvy and to improve metabolism.
It is necessary to collect the wormwood of the May collection and fill it with vodka. Infuse for twenty-one days in a dry, semi-warm, dark place.
Drink - a drop of tincture in one thimble of water - in the morning once a day on an empty stomach
... In the old days, against anemia and thinness, they used one very good remedy.
From these two ailments, the sick were cured either with the milk of a pig taken at the time when she was nursing piglets, or with the milk of a cat when she was nursing kittens.
Milk must be milked into a cup. With a pig, the share is simple: it will not be in a claim. Pig's milk is thick and nutritious. Probably, in the near future, pigs will be bred not only for slaughter for meat, but also for the purpose of obtaining milk.
Getting cat's milk is much more difficult. The cat must be accustomed to milking in advance (in the last period of pregnancy). Not all cats agree to give their milk without resistance.
Grate the black radish and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. It is good to mix a quart of this juice with one pound of liquid honey and drink. Dose: two tablespoons before meals and at bedtime in the evening.
This often stubborn disease is very well treated with swine "health", that is, internal fat from the intestines, having the appearance of a grid. This tallow net is placed in a dish and placed in a warm, but not hot oven or on a very light fire so that the lard flows into the nets. The melted fat is drained and placed in a cold place.
Take one dessert spoon in a glass of hot milk and drink hot in sips... For external rubbing into the chest, mix this fat with turpentine and rub it dry into the chest.
Cut the radish into small cubes, put in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for two hours. Strain, discard the pieces of radish, and drain the liquid into a bottle. Dose: Two teaspoons three to four times daily before meals and at night before bed.
5 cloves from a medium-sized head of garlic, cut into small pieces or crushed, boil well in a glass of unpasteurized milk and give children several times a day to drink.
A. For prolonged chest cough, wipe the chest with a dry cloth, then rub internal lard or ghee dry. If available, add pine oil.
B. Take rye, oats and barley, add chicory and two grains of peeled bitter almonds (buy at the bazaar) and drink it like ordinary coffee. Can be drunk with hot baked milk.
B. Boiled turnip juice with sugar or honey (preferably with honey) is also very useful in treating chest pains from colds and coughs.
D. Cut into small pieces and boil 10 onions and one head of garlic in unpasteurized milk until the onions and garlic are soft. Add some mint juice and honey. Dose: One tablespoon per hour throughout the day.
D. Mogul-mogul - egg yolks, knocked down with sugar and rum (on an empty stomach).
E. Mix radish or carrot juice with milk and honey drink: half juice and half milk or honey drink. Dose: one tablespoon 6 times a day.
G. Mix two tablespoons of fresh unpasteurized butter, two fresh egg yolks, one teaspoon of wheat flour and two teaspoons of pure honey. One teaspoon many times a day.
3. In the spring, it is very useful to drink birch sap or MAPLE TREE sap with milk for coughing.
I. To facilitate the separation of sputum - lingonberry juice syrup with honey.
Before turning to healers for constipation, you should carefully read the chapter "WHY PEOPLE DIE EARLY, ALWAYS BE SICK AND DO NOT KNOW THE TRUE CAUSE OF THEIR" ILLNESSES "AND PREMATURE DEATH."
According to the healers, almost all diseases and premature death of people depend primarily on nutrition (i.e., diet), unacceptable mixtures in our food, and, ultimately, on blockage and deformation of the large intestine.
Humans tend to think of themselves as "an incinerator-torus" with food entering at one end and waste exiting at the other.
“Throw whatever you want into the chimney,” others think, “everything will burn.”
Yes, it will burn out, but if you throw the wrong products into this “pipe”, then from 25 to 50 years of your life will burn there!
Very few people know that the large intestine accumulates a lot of long-term feces mainly from the consumption of starchy substances and boiled, baked and fried foods. The starch molecule is insoluble neither in water, nor in alcohol, nor in ether. These insoluble particles of starch, getting into the system of our blood circulation, seem to clog the blood, adding to it a kind of "groats". The blood in the circulation tends to get rid of this "groats" and, in the end, provides a storage place for it here and there. Boiled, baked and fried food does not provide nutrition to the cells and walls of the colon at all, but starves it. On the contrary, vegetable food has a kind of magnetic properties, nourishes the walls of the large intestine and has the property of "revenge" everything that comes across on its way to the anus.
For 40 years of life, a person, say, eats 40,000 lunches, dinners, breakfasts. If he ate mainly starchy and boiled foods, then each meal, passing through the large intestine, left a layer or film of feces. On this basis, there are constipations.
Therefore, quite often it is necessary to resort to an enema: Pour TWO QUARTERS OF WARM WATER AND JUICE FROM HALF A LEMON into a mug.
... Mistakes of past years in our diet are very serious and they can be listed in this order:
1. Enhanced nutrition proteins, due to the falsely ingrained opinion that only proteins give strength to the body; hence the constant putrefaction of proteins in the intestines and poisoning of the blood.
2. Ignorance right methods cooking food, excessively long boiling, evaporation of useful mineral salts and the destruction of vitamins by this.
3. White bread, sweet rolls, cakes, excess sweets and sugar, as a result of which there is always an excess of cysts in the blood and constant fermentation of carbohydrates in the stomach. On the other hand, the constant lack alkaline foods in our body makes it impossible not to
the necessary neutralization of acids formed both from the nutrition of proteins and the fermentation of carbohydrates.
4. Persistent, for 2-3 generations, avoidance, especially during the winter, of eating raw vegetables, herbs and fruits, which contain only mineral salts and vitamins.
5. Permanent absence healthy varieties bread, greens and fruit seated life causes chronic lethargy of the stomach and colon, which in turn leads to stagnation of food waste (constipation) and self-poisoning of the whole organism for a number of years.
6. An abundance of meat products, meat soups, spicy meat sauces, alcohol and beer abuse - prematurely destroy the kidneys and liver even before the age of 40, shortening our lives by 15-20 years.
7. Unwillingness to closely monitor all the functions of your body, unwillingness to get rid of the habits of improper eating, drinking, excess in one or another food product always lead to disease.
8. Milk, especially cow's milk, was never intended by nature to be drunk by an adult, but only for a very small calf, while he still cannot eat solid food. You should never drink milk at lunch, dinner and breakfast. Many argue that eating only milk for 15-30 days improves their health. With a milk diet, it is not milk that helps, but a disguised hunger strike. The consumption of milk, especially pasteurized milk, causes constipation, which many do not know. Drinking milk makes our joints stiff and our arteries harden.
From the cradle to the grave for man, milk is the most treacherous product and causes its consumers influenza, bronchial diseases, asthma, hay fever, consumption and sinus.
Cow's milk has 300% more casein than women's milk. A cow weighs between 1,000 and 2,000 pounds, while a human is only 200 pounds.
Casein is used to make combs, combs and the strongest wood glue. So remember the statement of healers and many scientists of past times that the joints become stale from milk, and the arteries harden ...
A. Healers advise drinking water in which plums or oats have been boiled for a long time. Radish juice, cabbage pickle
warm, curdled milk and tea from dried cherries
and dried apples should be drunk four to five times a day.
B. In the form of a laxative, the patient should be given four glasses
cucumber pickle per day. To obtain such a brine, it is necessary
keep cucumbers in salt water for a month. When
the brine is ready, then it should be consumed, but not cucumbers. B. It is also useful to drink cabbage brine with yeast.
D. Take one tablespoon of ground flaxseed (or replace with oats or barley or mallow leaves). Boil in four glasses of water, strain
and add one tablespoon of salt or two tablespoons of linseed or hemp oil. The enema should be quite warm when taken.

D. Buckthorn bark is brewed and drunk as tea.

Lubricate the entire area of ​​​​the splinter with resin (tar) 15-20 minutes after applying a rag or smearing with tar, the end of the splinter will appear outward so much that it can be grabbed with tweezers and pull out the entire splinter.
A. Wash the wound and apply a compress of tincture of alcohol in nettle leaves. METHOD OF PREPARATION: fill the bottle to the top with fresh nettle leaves, then top up with alcohol, plug it with a cork and insist in the sun for two weeks.
B. The remedy described below is considered by healers to be one of the best. Take a tablespoon of goat or sheep fat and half a tablespoon of salt; add a tablespoon of well-chopped onions (the onions should be old), put everything in a strong bowl and grind almost into powder. Take an amount of this ointment the size of a walnut (this is for a fairly large area) and put it inside and outside the wound. Then apply a bandage and keep it for 24 hours.
After the first application of this remedy, the patient will feel very severe pain, because the medicine will “eat” into the wound and draw dirt out of the wound, the pain will decrease after the second and third use, and with the fourth or fifth it will stop altogether.
A millionaire Englishman turned to the Russian healer Timofey Petrov. For 20 years he suffered from pain in the area of ​​the gallbladder. Dozens of doctors unanimously claimed that the cause of the suffering of a millionaire are large stones in the gallbladder, which was confirmed and x-rays. Only the fear of surgery kept the millionaire's gallbladder intact and in its proper place.
So, the medicine man treated him as follows: after several enemas and cleaning of the stomach, the patient was subjected to fasting for the entire duration of treatment. He drank 10-12 glasses of water (hot) a day and each glass contained the juice of one lemon. In addition, the patient drank three pints a day of a mixture of carrot, beetroot, and cucumber juice (for each pint of 16 ounces, there were 10 ounces of carrot juice and the other two 3 ounces each). On the second day of fasting, the patient experienced several spasms of 10-15 minutes each. By the end of the week, a crisis set in, and the patient literally rolled on the carpet for half an hour from severe pain. Then a miracle happened: all pains completely stopped and he got up from the carpet in a very good mood. After a short time, the dissolved stones came out with urine in the form of fine sand.
Mix half a glass of cabbage brine with half a glass of juice from fresh tomatoes and drink three times a day after meals. This remedy should be drunk for a very long period.
It is better to drink a cup of tea from corn hair or stalks of sweet cherries and cherries on an empty stomach. You can add honey to taste.
Both corn hair and stalks can be kept dry.
Pass one glass of hemp seed through a meat grinder, mix with three glasses of raw milk, boil down to one glass. HOT STRAIN AND DRINK ONTO SCHAK, one glass a day for
5 days Repeat after ten days. There is nothing spicy. Seizures from liver pain are possible, but must be endured. A year later, repeat the course of treatment and, according to healers, a complete cure is beyond doubt.
One healer, who earned tens of thousands of rubles in pre-revolutionary Russia, gave such a rational and sure remedy for WARTS. This remedy is acetic acid.
It is necessary every evening, before going to bed, to drip - with the help of an eyedropper - one drop of acid on each wart, being careful. I did not recommend using more than one drop; the acid is very caustic. In a few days the warts will disappear.
27. Folk remedy for dandruff and hair growth
Take burdock roots, put in a cauldron filled with water at your discretion. Put on fire. Boil until boiling, so that the roots sweat, and the water boils away a little. Cool the broth, and, filtering through a cloth, drain, and discard the roots.
Burdock roots, when harvesting them, must be frozen. In this form, they are suitable for a new collection. When warm, they rot.
The head is soaked with this decoction every day, which leads to softening of the hair. Dandruff is destroyed, and hair grows quite quickly.
Rub onion juice with cognac and a decoction of burdock roots. Very good remedy. For one part of cognac, four parts of onion juice and six parts of a decoction of burdock roots should be taken. For the same purpose, peasants often rub their heads with a cut onion and rub good quality kerosene.

You need to take a teaspoon of good rice, pour it (six or seven cups) of water, put it on a slow fire and boil. Cool the resulting broth and
give warmly to a sick child. One third each
cups every two hours. Pass the decoction through cheesecloth
or a sieve.
PERSIAN REMEDY FOR DIARRHEA In very severe diarrhea in adults, take half a teaspoon of crushed chicken stomach skin in food. To do this, you need to carefully separate the hard skin of the chicken stomach, wash it and dry it in the sun, and then hide it. If necessary, finely grind, sift and take in food once or twice.
A. Onion consumed before bedtime creates a good, sound and healthy sleep.
B. A sitz bath of cold water for 3-4 minutes before going to bed, according to healers, creates a good prerequisite for a restful sleep.
B. Apply 15 leeches to the back of the neck and back of the head. Treatment with leeches is especially beneficial for people of a full physique. With this method of treatment, it is very useful to stand in lukewarm water (knee-deep) for no more than five minutes before going to bed.
D. If insomnia is caused by a rush of blood to the head, then it is very useful to apply mustard plasters or grated horseradish to the calves of the legs.
Often after a cold there is severe pain in one ear, and sometimes in both.
This is how a sorcerer treated a deaf girl for deafness. He funneled a large sheet of thick blue paper, inserted the narrow end of the funnel into the girl's ear, and lit the wide end of the funnel. When the funnel was almost completely burned out, the medicine man knocked out the rest of the funnel from the patient's ear with a light blow of his hand. Then the same procedure was done with the second ear. All pain and deafness disappeared immediately.
Take two to four teaspoons of brewer's yeast by mouth every morning before meals. Brewer's yeast is usually obtained from breweries.
A. Grind the crystals boric acid into powder. Sprinkle this powder generously on the feet every morning, especially between the toes and the soles of the feet. Every evening, wash off the powder from the feet with water 30-40 degrees Celsius.
this. Wear clean stockings every day. The bad smell of feet disappears after two weeks of treatment.
B. Take a piece of oak bark, grind it almost to a powder, and generously sprinkle the inside of the stockings with this powder daily until the perspiration is reduced.
B. Wash feet daily cold water by applying alum powder.
35 AN OLD RUSSIAN PURPOSE MEANS FOR REMOVING A FISH BONE FROM THE THROAT It is convenient to remove a fish bone from the throat using wax candle. One end of the candle is melted on fire and quickly (until frozen) is pressed against the protruding end of the bone. After half a minute, the wax hardens, the bone is fixed in it and is easily removed along with the candle.
During a neuralgic attack, boil an egg well, cut it in half and immediately apply both halves to the place where the pain is most felt. When the egg cools down, then the pain will disappear and relatively for a long time neuralgia will not disturb the patient. This tool has been tested.
It is a remedy for rejuvenating the blood, especially in obese people. Recipe: 1 pound garlic mince. Squeeze juice from 24 lemons. Pour crushed garlic and juice from 24 lemons into a jar with a wide mouth, put the jar for 24 days and tie a light, transparent cloth on top ... Shake when taking ...
DOSE. Take once a day at bedtime, one teaspoon of this mixture in half a glass of water, stir and drink. After 10-14 days, a person will feel in this remedy the elixir of youth and the absence of fatigue. He will be rewarded with good sleep.
According to legend and family records, this remedy is at least 500 years old!
One quarter of a liter of water should be poured into a saucepan, boil water over a fire gas stove. As soon as it boils, reduce the fire; while the boil is small (just a little near the edges of the saucepan), pour 4 grams of Adonis herb. Simmer no more
3 minutes. Then cover the pan with a lid and put in a warm place for 20 minutes to infuse. Strain and discard the herb. Drink three times a day for a tablespoon. The abnormal beating of the heart stops after a few days of taking this remedy.
A. This tool considered the best in the world and it is very affordable. You should take two full tablespoons of pumpkin seeds to eat them in the morning on an empty stomach. An hour later, a strong dose of laxative should be taken. Salt-ter will come out completely.
Note: you can skip the seed through a meat grinder, but make sure that there are at least two full tablespoons of crushed seed.
B A dozen cloves of garlic, taken with boiled milk, also banish the tapeworm. You can eat garlic in the morning without milk, and the more garlic you eat, the better. After two hours, you should take a laxative. It is very good to eat garlic with pickled herring in the morning on an empty stomach, and the positive result of the treatment will be the same.
Take a fresh lemon peel two centimeters in diameter, clean the peel of white matter, apply to the temple with the wet side and keep it for a while. Soon, a red spot will form under the lemon peel, which will begin to warm and itch a little. The headache will soon disappear. There is a saying: “The wedge is knocked out with a wedge” ... This is very ancient remedy and built on ... kicking a wedge with a wedge. One pain knocks out another.
Hemorrhoids are treated with leeches; for each hemorrhoids plant one leech. When the leech sucks, it falls off by itself, and the bump dries up. Before treatment, the bumps should be washed three times with soap, but not odorous (leeches do not like odors).
A. Healers in the Caucasus advise those suffering from insomnia in the morning, at lunchtime and before going to bed to apply a mixture of wheat or rye bread, finely chopped fresh or pickled cucumbers, sour milk and clay.
B. If insomnia is caused by a rush of blood to the head, then it is very useful to apply mustard plasters or grated horseradish to the calves of the legs. Simultaneously with the application of mustard plasters or horseradish, it is recommended to drink pickled cucumber brine with honey, which soothes well: one tablespoon of honey per glass of cucumber brine.
Young children are given warm milk to drink, to which
rum is mixed with fresh raw eggs. For two glasses
milk, one egg is taken and the mixture is shaken. Drink
three times a day.

Everywhere in Russia healers treat this pain with leeches: they apply many leeches to the nose and anus of the patient. After a very short time, the patient feels relief.
A decoction of wild strawberry leaves is used for enemas and washings (a tablespoon of leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain)
The more acidity in the stomach, the more carrot juice should be consumed. This tool is VERY old.
Take a little raw yolk from a fresh chicken egg in the palm of your hand and generously grease your face. When the yolk
hardens on the face, it should be washed off with soap and water.
The result is always great.
oak bark twice a day. During treatment, it is recommended to go to the steam bath 2 times a week

For the first week, eat two oranges three times a day.

And three hard-boiled eggs each (be sure to boil
12 minutes). In the second, third and subsequent weeks, eat the same food in the same amount, but in addition to this, you can eat in an unlimited amount of RAW vegetables and RAW FRUIT.
Oranges will give all the necessary vitamins, and eggs -
proteins, etc.
Healers very often in these cases use onions with granulated sugar. Take a finely chopped onion and mix it with a bit of granulated sugar, cover a rag with a thick layer of this mixture and apply it to the sore spot.
The cause of all heart problems is the wrong diet. According to the healers, the starch molecules are insoluble neither in alcohol nor in ether. When eating bread, potatoes, rice and other foods containing starch, the blood becomes clogged with starch molecules. All starches, dairy products and sugar should be completely eliminated from the diet.
Since ancient times, Russian healers have advised sick hearts to drink tea from violet flowers to relieve heart pain. Drink it long and hard, many times a day.
52. A few words about the treatment of sexual impotence
One should have rest and sleep from nine to ten hours a day. Steam baths are a must. sunbathing should accompany the patient everywhere, and the longer they are, the better.
Two small (from three to six days) and one long (from 25 to 30 days) fasting are also needed.
It is necessary to stop drinking alcohol, coffee and tea. Salads from raw vegetables should be eaten twice a day and be sure to add root crops to them: carrots, turnips and beets.
Some old experienced healers advise buying a set of anal dilators at the pharmacy. Of the four dilators should be inserted into the anus, first the smallest, and then more and more. All men suffering from impotence should use such dilators. You will be amazed at what a huge benefit they bring in this case.
The first remedy should be the so-called "soaking". To do this, pour in the evening
three-quarters bath water body temperature. It is necessary to leave the faucet from which hot water flows open so much that the water in the bath continues to remain at the same temperature. In such a neutral bath, you should stay all night. This must be done within 30 days.
Healers also advise this method of treatment: before going to bed, pour two basins with water: one hot, the other cold. In these basins, one must sit alternately in one, then in the other - for exactly one minute, by the clock. Transplantation from pelvis to pelvis should be 10 to 12 times a day.
Healers also recommend to chop finely a pound and a half of ice and wrap it in gauze folded in eight, and hold this "bunch" of ice - first at the base of the brain for a minute, "then apply to the ribs in the region of the heart and hold for a minute, and finally , put ice on the scrotum for one minute.If you do this operation several times a day for 9 to 15 minutes each time, it restores sexual ability better than any medicine.
Our skin is a living organism and toxins (poisonous substances) accumulate in this organism, from which we must constantly get rid of. It has been calculated with the accuracy of Archimedean "Pi" that a person must excrete through the pores of his skin THREE AND A HALF TIMES MORE DIFFERENT THAN THROUGH THE RECTUM AND KIDNEYS! This can only be achieved with a steam bath with a broom. It is necessary to go to Russian or Finnish baths at least once a week and bathe mercilessly, as well as sweat in the steam room for at least 20-30 minutes. Many Russians have adopted the bad example of being content with a damned pelvis-bath. One of the most significant reasons why Russia was the greatest power peace, bath with steam and broom. It is especially good when everything in the bath is made of wood. In addition, since the evening, healers make a very salty solution in a basin, soak a shaggy towel with this solution and squeeze it out a little. When your body turns red like a lobster after being rubbed with a shaggy salty towel, you can consider that your skin is a living organism.
At the same time, it is not advised to use soap, but corn flour, which is not harmful in a hot space
One pound of butter (butter), one pound of lard, one pound of honey, one pound of sugar, a quarter of a pound of cocoa, eight yolks, three glasses of cream.
Whisk yolks, cream, cocoa together ... Heat butter, lard together ... Boil everything in general until such a dough is obtained, like for pancakes ... No more than boils three times - cool and drink three times a day. tablespoon a day.
From dry eczema of the head and hair loss, once a week, wash your head with water and rub your head with handfuls of table salt for about 15 minutes. Then rinse your head with the same warm water. It is believed that six washes and rubbing salt on the head is enough for dry eczema and hair loss to stop. There was almost no case that this course of treatment had to be repeated. However, there will be no loss if, after some time, the patient repeats this treatment.
Buy beef marrow from the bones (a small amount, say half a pound), boil the marrow with a little water until the water boils away completely. Strain and discard what remains in the sieve. Pour the resulting watery slurry into a cup. Add a teaspoon of alcohol and mix well. Apply the mixture evenly on the scalp for 30-40 minutes and tie with a towel. Now it's time to wash your hair. But before washing the head, it must be well massaged and smeared with clove oil. Wash your head tar soap. Make a strong head massage so that the head burns (massage for 10 minutes). Then soak a towel in very hot water, wring it out and cover your head with it. Repeat this six times as it cools. Close (TIE) head with flannel for the whole night. In the morning, strongly massage the head, putting the elbows on the table, and then massage, scratch the head with a coarse brush.
This recipe often cures such decrepit old people who cannot walk 50 steps without stopping to rest.
RECIPE. Take one liter of honey, squeeze 10 lemons
Peel 10 heads of garlic (whole heads, not slices), and grind the garlic in a meat grinder. All this together with mix and leave for a week in a closed jar. 4 teaspoons drink every day, ONCE A DAY. Exactly
four spoons, but do not immediately swallow everything, and slowly consume one spoon after another. Don't skip days. This amount should be enough for two months.
58. Folk remedy for swelling in the legs
Drink a decoction of flaxseed. 4 tablespoons of seeds per liter of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Close the pot and put in a warm place. Let it brew for one hour. You can not filter. For taste, you can add lemon or other fruit juice. Drink half a glass of cana every two hours 6-8 times a day. The result is achieved in two to three weeks. Better to drink hot.

60. GREEN TEA Destroys dysentery and typhoid fever. Strong green tea used for severe outpourings into the gastrointestinal tract, into the brain, with senile fragility of capillaries, saves from the evil sun. Green tea is great prophylactic from the formation of stones in the bladder, in the kidneys, in the liver. Unlike coffee, it stimulates the skin, causes perspiration, and unclogs pores.


Ancient Recipe homeopathic remedy found by the UNESCO expedition in 1971 in the Tibetan monastery and translated from clay tablets into all languages. It is dated approximately - four-five thousand years BC.
PURPOSE: cleanses the body of fat and lime deposits. Dramatically improves general exchange substances in the body, as a result, the vessels become elastic, which prevents myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, sclerosis, paralysis, the formation of various tumors; the noise in the head disappears, vision is restored ...
At precise treatment rejuvenates the body. PREPARATION: thoroughly rinse and peel 350 grams of garlic, finely chop and rub in a vessel with a wooden or porcelain spoon, weigh 200 grams of this mass, taking it from below, where there is more juice, put in a glass vessel, take 200 grams of 96% alcohol . Close the vessel tightly and store in a dark, cool place for 10 days. Then strain the mass through a dense cloth, squeeze. After two or three days, treatment can begin. Drinking drops with cold milk strictly according to the scheme (milk 1/4 cup).
Drink 15-20 minutes before meals, until full use.
Repeated course of treatment not earlier than after 6 years.
Day 1 2 drops 2 drops 3 drops
2nd day 4 drops 5 drops 6 drops
3rd day 7 drops 8 drops 9 drops
4th day 10 drops 11 drops 12 drops
Day 5 13 drops 14 drops 15 drops
Day 6 15 drops 14 drops 13 drops
Day 7 12 drops 11 drops 10 drops
Day 8 9 drops 8 drops 7 drops
Day 9 6 drops 5 drops 4 drops
Day 10 3 drops 2 drops 1 drop
Day 11 25 drops 25 drops 25 drops

What you need to do to restore youth and freshness to your face:
1st recommendation: To moisturize the skin of the face, instead of morning washing, soak and lightly massage the face with pieces of ice. You can prepare it from a decoction of medicinal plants: calendula, lime blossom, chamomile (2 tablespoons in 2 cups of water), boil, leave for 15 minutes over low heat.
2nd recommendation: If the face is flaky, use the following cleansing procedure. Prepare lime decoction: pour 1 teaspoon of crushed lime blossom into 100 grams of cold water, bring to a boil, leave for 15 minutes over low heat. Strain, add 1 teaspoon of flower honey.
Moisten the cleansed skin of the face and neck with this composition abundantly for a week. It is better to do the procedure lying down, extremely relaxing the body.
3rd recommendation: Do nourishing mask: 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Mix the whole mass thoroughly and apply on the face. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm and then cold water.

Many recipes of Tibetan medicine related to the problem of nutrition, recipes are widely known all over the world. What do ancient scientists offer to our table?
FRESH MILK - 0.4 cups daily (heals shortness of breath). Semolina. Tibetans say: “You started with milk and semolina porridge, end the same.” Every day, at least a few spoons of porridge should be eaten by everyone over 40 years old; works well on bones, muscles and the gastrointestinal tract. dried apricots - nourishes physical strength, especially men.
UHA - useful for all the weak, especially from pike. There is a lot of sodium, phosphorus in fish

Nuts, raisins, cheese - their daily use tones up the nervous system, relieves overwork, headaches, strengthens the heart muscle and nervous system. Useful in liver diseases. For one
reception - 30 grams walnuts, 20 grams of raisins,
20 grams of cheese.
Cottage cheese - per day 100 grams for atherosclerosis, heart disease, liver.
LEMONS AND ORANGE - useful in the initial forms of hypertension, women's diseases and enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Grate 1/2 lemon with peel and mix with sugar. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
CRANBERRY - treats gastritis.
STRAWBERRY - stones in the liver. 1/2 cup of berries 6 times a day.
APPLES - useful for gout, vascular sclerosis.
PARSLEY - promotes blood clotting, recommended for blood diseases. Take all year round. Use as seasoning.
BLACK ROWAN. There is not a single berry with such great content iodine. Recommended for sclerosis and goiter. 1 kg of mountain ash per 1 kg of sugar - one teaspoon 3 times a day.


AT GASTRIC AND DUODENAL ULCER, the following treatment is used.
Drink on an empty stomach in the morning and before dinner, 100 g of celandine steam. Herbs should be taken up to half of the vessel finely chopped (together with the root) and fill the vessel with boiling water. Do not take at night. If the grass is dry, fill the vessel up to one third. Course - 2-3 weeks.
For ULCERATIVE COLITIS, while on a diet, for 3-4 months between meals, eat a little walnut kernels (70 g per day). Instead of water, it is desirable to consume a decoction of comfrey root, galangal and flaxseed. Improvement occurs in a month, and after four months - a lasting recovery.
FOR DISEASES OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT - you can use the following steams: soapwort, thyme, coltsfoot, tansy, immortelle, chamomile, cranberries, wormwood, blueberries, valerian root.
FOR PAIN IN THE STOMACH - St. John's wort, meadowsweet, nettle, or a decoction of walnut partitions.
AT INCREASED ACIDITY - steam of the following collection: peppermint, yarrow, St. John's wort - 2 parts, dill seed, hogweed - 1/4 part.
AT REDUCED ACIDITY - steam of such a collection: peppermint, chamomile, dill seed, cumin, valerian (1/2 part hops (1/4 part).
Drink on an empty stomach for 2-3 months.
FOR CHRONIC GASTRIC DISEASES - gastritis, ulcers, as well as inflammation of the colon, eat up to 8 grams of propolis every day for a month, while chewing for a long time, it is best to do this on an empty stomach. In case of allergy, do not stop treatment.
FOR PAIN IN THE STOMACH, PERFORM THE FOLLOWING EXERCISE, lying down, relax. Make calm, if possible deep breath(up to the border of pain in the stomach) with a delay, and after 10-15 seconds - a slow exhalation. During inhalation, figuratively create a growing cloud or something else in the region of the lungs. Perhaps it is difficult for those who do not have reverse thinking, but without the idea of ​​a clot of bioenergy, self-treatment will not work. During the delay after inhalation, the image is fixed. Then, during the entire exhalation, this “cloud” must be transcended into the stomach, in which the energy balance has arisen. If you lose sight of the “cloud” for a moment, then it will immediately be captured by the solar plexus or enter the general nervous system, without taking into account the increased need for bioenergy in one or another locality.
The dubious distribution of bioenergy produced by each breath must be repeated in cases of stomach pain every two hours for 10 minutes. In the second or third session, improvement is felt. Before falling asleep, it is necessary to keep this thought about the begun self-hypnosis and, as it were, order the subconscious mind to do everything that you have done on your own so far. The fact is that if the brain focuses on such a thought, then, going to sleep, it holds this one thought that you need, and the entire subconscious mind is forced to work on translating this thought. All operations of the formation of a clot of bioenergy and its transportation to the right place will take place under the control of the subconscious, which is at work. nervous system plays an immeasurably greater role than consciousness.
The concentration of attention on the meaning of the procedure done, the mobilization of fantasy to obtain a speculative image and the regularity of exercises - these are the main factors needed for successful self-treatment.


ANGINA. Onion is a bulbous plant with a pungent odor. For therapeutic purposes, a plant bulb is used, which contains essential oil, ascorbic acid, organic acids, carotene, vitamins B-1, B-2, B-5, phytonicides, calcium salts, phosphorus and other substances.
Fresh juice is used for sore throats, 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
Common blueberries - a thick decoction of the fruit is used for rinsing with sore throats, for lubricating burnt areas, skin rashes (100 grams of dry fruits pour 0.5 liters of water, boil until the amount of water decreases to 0.3 liters).
Salvia officinalis is a perennial semi-shrub. For medicinal purposes, sage leaves are used, which are collected with the tops of the stems during flowering.
In case of inflammation of the tonsils, oral mucosa and gums, the infusion of leaves is used as a rinse (4 teaspoons of crushed leaves are brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain).
ARTHRITIS. Common lingonberry - a decoction of lingonberry leaves is drunk for salt deposition, arthritis, spondylosis, gout, articular rheumatism, and edema.
Pour 2 teaspoons of leaves with a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes. Cool the broth, strain and drink in sips.
Collection - elder flowers, nettle leaf, parsley root, willow bark (equally). Brew a tablespoon of the crushed collection with a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, cool, strain. Drink 2 cups of decoction and a day for arthritis of various etiologies.
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. Buckwheat - with medical purpose prepare leaves, flowers and seeds of buckwheat. Brew a dessert spoon of flowers (0.5 l of boiling water), leave for 2 hours in a closed vessel, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.
Garlic - fresh garlic bulbs are consumed 2-3 cloves daily.
BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. Elder flowers in collections: elder flowers, sundew grass, plantain leaf, tricolor violet grass (all equally). 4 teaspoons for 2 hours, boil for a few minutes and strain after cooling. Drink a decoction in one day in three doses for bronchial asthma, bronchitis and bronchiectasis.
Boiled turnip is a vegetable plant. For therapeutic purposes, use the turnip root containing ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin B-1, proteins, fats, mineral salts. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped root crop with a glass of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day or a glass at night.
Turnip juice with honey (to taste) to use when coughing (1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day).
DROPSY. Infusion of cornflower flowers: 1-2 teaspoons of flowers, brew a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, eat. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals.
HAIR LOSS. A decoction of birch leaves is used to wash your hair in case of hair loss.
With increased sebum secretion, dandruff is recommended after washing the head and drying the hair, rub infusion of nettle leaves into the scalp (brew a tablespoon of leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours, strain). Apply once a week for a long time.
Calamus rhizome (complete) - 20 g burdock root, 20 g calamus rhizome, 10 g marigold flowers, 15 g hop cones. Brew the mixture with 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Wet your head at night.
GASTRITIS. Aloe juice is taken 1-2 teaspoons 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
Knotweed grass - 4 parts, centaury grass - 4 parts, peppermint leaf - 2 parts, calamus root - 2 parts, cumin seed - 1 part, plantain leaf - 8 parts 1 liter of boiling water brew in a thermos, insist all night, in the morning strain. Drink on an empty stomach I glass, and divide the rest into four doses.
Wild strawberry: pour a tablespoon of a mixture of leaves and roots with 2 cups of cold boiled water, insist 6-8 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup daily.
Currant black. Drink fresh juice for gastritis with low acidity, take 1/4 cup of juice 3 times a day.
Yarrow grass (complete) - 2 parts, St. John's wort grass - 2 parts, chamomile flowers - 2 parts, celandine gravel - 1 part. Boil a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.
Cabbage. Brine sauerkraut drink from 1/2 to 2 cups warm.
Stinging nettle. Pour a tablespoon of dry nettle leaves with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, cool, strain. Drink a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
Bulb onions. Apply Fresh Juice onion 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
Pharmaceutical camomile. Outwardly, the infusion is used for washing with hemorrhoids (brew 2-3 tablespoons with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour in a well-closed container, strain)
Barley. Naxu of barley malt is used for hemorrhoids: barley seeds are placed in a warm, humid environment and, when they germinate, dry them. 2 tablespoons of crushed dry barley sprouts pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 4 hours. Drink 1/2 cup 4-6 times a day, adding sugar.
Horsetail. An infusion of the herb is used for hemorrhoidal bleeding. Prepare the infusion as follows: brew 2 teaspoons of crushed gravel, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink sips throughout the day.
HEADACHES Viburnum vulgaris. Fresh juice is drunk for headaches.
White cabbage. It helps to apply fresh leaves to the head.
Potato. Fresh potato juice is drunk in 1/4 cup for systematic headaches.
Meadow clover. Apply an infusion of flowers: brew a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
Field strawberries In folk medicine, fresh berries are used for headaches.
Lilac ordinary. Fresh leaves are applied to the affected area for headaches.
Currant black. Apply 1/4 cup of fresh juice with severe pain 3 times a day.
DIABETES. Lingonberry - fresh cranberries. Bog blueberry A decoction of young shoots and leaves: boil a tablespoon of grass for 10 minutes over low heat, cool, strain. Use a tablespoon three times! in a day.
Candle red. Fresh juice is drunk in diabetes 1/4 cup 4 times a day.
Blueberry. Boil 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves, leave for 30 minutes on a hot stove, strain. Five 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
HYPERTENSION Cowberry ordinary. In folk medicine, juice from berries is used for mild forms. hypertension.
Valerian officinalis. With hypertension of the first degree, it is used in the form of infusion, decoction and powder.
Blue honeysuckle is a very effective remedy; use fresh berries.
Potato. With hypertension, they eat a baked potato "in uniform" along with the peel.
Red clover - whole inflorescences are used for therapeutic purposes. Brew a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
Candle red. For therapeutic purposes, beet roots are used, which contain proteins, fats, folic and organic acids, iron and other substances.
Beetroot juice with honey (| equally) is recommended for hypertension - a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
Currant black. Decoction dried fruits prepare as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of dried fruits with a glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, leave for 1 hour. strain. Drink 1/4 cup of decoction 4 times a day.
Raspberry fruits (complete) - 2 parts, oregano herb - 2 parts, heart-shaped linden flowers - 2 parts, coltsfoot leaf - 2 parts, large plantain leaf - 2 parts, white birch leaf - 1 part, horsetail shoots - 3 parts, grass and dill seeds - 3 parts, rose hips (crush | - 5 parts. Brew 2.5 cups of boiling water, simmer for 30 minutes, strain. Take 150 ml of infusion 3 times a day for 10- -15 minutes before meals The taste of the infusion is pleasant, the smell is fragrant.
Onions are consumed fresh.
HAEMORRHOIDS. St. John's wort is used as a decoction: pour a tablespoon of chopped grass with a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day.
Wild strawberry. A decoction of the leaves is used for enemas and washings (brew a tablespoon of leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain).
Viburnum vulgaris - use a decoction of the bark (for bleeding: pour 4 teaspoons of crushed bark with a glass of water, boil for 30 minutes, strain the decoction hot, add water to the original volume and take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
CHOLELITHIASIS. Wild strawberry. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture (berries and leaves), leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/2-1 glass of infusion 3 times a day.
Corn - a liquid extract of corn stigmas is sold in a pharmacy; take 30-40 drops 2/3 times a day before meals.
Among the people, corn stigmas are considered a means of “crushing” urinary and gallstones into the sand.
Dill garden. Fruit decoction is used: 2 tbsp. spoons of fruit pour 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, over low heat, cool, strain. Drink 1/2 cup of warm broth 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
Wheatgrass creeper. For therapeutic purposes, wheatgrass rhizomes are used, which are collected in early spring or autumn and dried in the shade. Pour 4 tablespoons (teaspoons) of crushed rhizomes with a glass of cold water, leave for 12 hours in a cool place, strain. Pour the raw materials again with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Mix both infusions and take 1/2 cup 4 times a day.
They drink St. John's wort for inflammation of the genital organs: pour a tablespoon of grass with a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day. Viburnum vulgaris is drunk as an excellent remedy that increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus.
Elecampane. A decoction of the root is used for painful and irregular menstruation, as well as for prevention. premature birth: pour a teaspoon of crushed root with a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes on low heat, leave for 4 hours. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
Wild strawberry Pour a tablespoon of leaves with 2 cups of cold boiled water. Infuse for 6-8 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup of infusion daily for excessive menstruation.
Calendula officinalis. A 2% solution of calendula tincture (a teaspoon of calendula in 1-1/4 cups of water) is used in the form of douches for the treatment of cervical erosion and trichomonas colpitis.
Stone berry. A decoction of the leaves is taken when menstruation stops, whites and other gynecological diseases, with hemorrhoids and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Stinging nettle. Juice from fresh leaves nettle Take orally 1 teaspoon 3 times a day in 1/4 cup of water 20 minutes before meals (with excessive menstruation and various bleeding).
Nettle liquid extract ( pharmacy drug) take 30-40 drops 30 minutes before meals in 1/4 cup of water to prevent uterine bleeding. A cotton swab moistened with juice of fresh nettle leaves, or a slurry of leaves on a swab is inserted into the vagina with cervical erosion
Sea buckthorn. With erosion of the cervix, endocervicitis, colpitis - sea buckthorn oil is used in the form of tampons. The treatment is long, epithelialization occurs in 8-12 days, sometimes earlier. The results are persistent. Sea buckthorn oil does not have toxic and irritating properties of the mucous membranes, therefore it can be used in the treatment of erosions in pregnant women.
Yarrow ordinary (complete). Yarrow herb - 20 g, sage leaf - 20 g, rosemary leaf - 20 g, oak bark - 40 g. Collection pour 3 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes, strain. Conduct 2 vaginal douches daily for whites. Fees also apply:
Yarrow herb - 5 parts, shepherd's purse grass - 5 parts, rhizome of erect cinquefoil - 5 parts, oak bark - 2 parts. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes on low heat, leave for 15 minutes, strain. In the morning and in the evening, take a glass of decoction with heavy menstruation.
Yarrow herb, goose cinquefoil herb, valerian root (equally). Brew 2 teaspoons of the collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 1 2 glasses 4 times a day with heavy menstruation.
Knotweed grass (complete) - 5 parts, nettle leaf 3 parts, oak bark - 1 part, chamomile flowers 1 part, 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour 1 liter of hot water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes on low heat, let cool , strain.
Use for douching and vaginal tampons for leucorrhoea.
Knotweed grass - 1 part, horsetail grass 1 part, centaury grass - 3 parts, goose cinquefoil grass - 5 parts. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink sips throughout the day with menstruation

Mood now - miraculous

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A bit of history

Man is a part of nature and his life is closely connected with the flora and fauna. Throughout life, a person becomes more and more convinced that in nature itself there is a solution to many issues related not only to the emergence certain diseases but also getting rid of them. Herbal and animal medicines, widely used by mankind, are convincing evidence that it is necessary to look for ways to get rid of ailments in nature. Observing the animal world, primitive people learned to select not only the most delicious and nutritious plants, but also noted among them those that helped get rid of this or that ailment.

Animals only draw from nature healing powers. It is known that cats and dogs in case of certain diseases eat grass - mainly leaves of cereals, which, according to humans, do not have medicinal properties.

Quite popular medicinal plant- maral root (or leuzea) owes its name to the observations of local residents. Buryat hunters noticed that deer, eating this root, restore their strength. And wounded deer eat red cloves, which are known to the local population as a hemostatic agent.

There is an Arabic legend about the discovery of the medicinal properties of coffee tree grains by a shepherd who noticed that his goats, eating the fruit-bearing branches of this tree, came to good mood and they were not up to sleep.

Ethnographic and archeological data indicate that people have used medicinal plants since time immemorial. The tribes of Australians, some tribes of Central and South Africa, the tribes of the Indians of the Amazon knew medicinal plants and were treated by them. Archaeologists have found special dishes for grinding and cooking medicinal potions.

Even more information is given to us by the first written sources. Ancient clay tablets found in Assyria contain information about medicinal plants, indicating against which diseases and in what form this plant should be used. The Assyrians borrowed their information about medicinal plants from the Sumerians and Babylonians; on the plates compiled by Assyrian scribes, the names of medicinal plants in Assyrian, Babylonian and Sumerian are indicated. It is known that in the capital of Assyria - Nineveh - there was a garden where exclusively medicinal plants were grown.

The Egyptians as early as four thousand years BC compiled a consistent description of the medicinal plants used in Egypt. Mention of these pharmacopeias is found in papyrus inscriptions, and their images are quite common on the walls of Egyptian temples and pyramids.

Many of the plants used by the Egyptians are still sold in our pharmacies, such as castor oil.

The Greeks in their myths associated their acquaintance with medicinal plants with the Caucasus, where, allegedly under the auspices of the goddess Artemis, there was a magical garden with poisonous and medicinal plants. And in fact, some plants were exported from the Caucasus (from Colchis) to Greece. No wonder the ancient Greek word "pharmakon" meant at that time not only "medicine", but also poison.

Among the outstanding representatives of the Arab medical school, first of all, it is necessary to name Abu-Ali Ibn-Sina, a Tajik by origin, known in Europe under the Latinized name Avicenna. His work "The Canon of Medicine" for centuries was a reference book not only for Arab, but also for European doctors. Ibn Sina described in his book about 900 medicines and how to use them.

Ibn Baitar, a Spanish Arab, described about 1400 medicinal plants, thus adding to the lists of Avicenna. The Arabic pharmacopoeia made extensive use of complex recipes that included many different herbs in varying proportions. Such recipes have become popular in medicine in Western Europe. This complicated recipe led to the emergence of a special profession of pharmacists. To prepare complicated recipe out of a dozen herbs, you need to have a special skill.

The European pharmacy was created according to the Arab model and at first mainly used imported Arabic raw materials.

Medieval European herbal books, as a rule, were compilations from the works of Dioscorides, Galen, Ibn Sina, Ibn Baitar and other Greek, Latin and Arabic authors.

Thus, almost all medicinal plants of Western and Southern Europe, North Africa and Western Asia, and India were included in European medical practice.

The system of Tibetan medicine is also connected with Indian medicine. In the pharmacopoeia of Indian medicine, local plants were introduced, in addition, Chinese traditions were assimilated.

Tibetan medicine has spread to a fairly large area of ​​northeast Asia.

The first Chinese herbal book (Ben Cao) is dated 2600 BC. The book lists about 900 species of medicinal plants with detailed description their applications. Such books have been reprinted for many centuries, and in one of the last, dated from the 16th century, 1892 medicinal plants are already listed.

The first doctor in Rus' was the Greek John Smer, invited to Kyiv by Vladimir Monomakh. Medicines - dried herbs - were brought from Constantinople and from the Genoese colonies in the Crimea. However, very soon, in numerous monasteries, Russian learned monks also began to collect and dry local medicinal herbs - mainly those that were described in Greek herbalists or were similar to them - and treat the sick with them. Information about the existence of local herbalists can be found in some written sources, but the herbalists themselves, unfortunately, have been lost. Mentions of ancient Russian medicine can be found in handwritten monuments of ancient Russian literature. Evidence of this is the "Tale of Peter and Fevronia." This story tells about how Prince Peter of Murom, fighting with a snake, became covered with scabs and could not recover for a long time. A simple Ryazan girl Fevronia helped him. In the form of payment for treatment, Fevronia demanded that Prince Peter marry her. Giving the medicine, she advised me to smear all the scabs with it, except for one. The prince recovered, but refused to marry. But the scab left unanointed gave new scabs and Prince Peter had to take Fevronia as his wife. They lived long and in love. Fevronia healed Prince Peter with wild honey infused with herbs.

Based on the practice of folk medicine, the Russian pharmacopoeia gradually gained strength. This is evidenced by references in later herbalists to local medicinal plants that are not found in ancient pharmacopoeias. These are, for example, original methods of treating horseradish and onions, treatment purulent ulcers"bath mold". Russian healers, seven centuries before the discovery of penicillin by Fleming, independently established the antibacterial activity of this fungus.

Translated handwritten herbal books, the so-called "veterograds", began to appear.

The use of medicinal herbs in Russia took on a particularly wide scope under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, when a special “Aptekarsky Prikaz” was created, which was in charge of supplying medicinal herbs not only to the royal court, but also to the army.

“Apothecary gardens” were created - gardens where medicinal plants were bred. There is an interest in collecting data from traditional medicine. They began to organize the production of medicines from plants in special "cooks".

Treatment with the gifts of nature today

My ancestors all their lives collected medicinal herbs, were treated with them and taught us.

My grandmother also taught me, and now I teach my grandchildren - do not get carried away with pills, there are so many medicinal plants around us. Study them, observe their effect on the human body, and you will be all right with your health.

Russian people have been treated with herbs since time immemorial, as they are now. If we have a headache or a sore throat, a coughing fit, a fever, an intestinal problem, we first of all resort to the gifts of nature. We drink tea with lemon at a temperature, tea with raspberries for colds, chew black tea leaves, brew pomegranate bark for diarrhea. All these easy remedies sometimes help temporarily, as they are often signs of a serious illness. But in the coming relief, we can safely go to the doctor. Where the body's defenses are able to cope with the onset of the disease on their own, plants that have diaphoretic, antipyretic, tonic, expectorant, diuretic, juice or antitoxic effects can be useful. For example, before going to bed you had to eat heavy food (raw smoked sausage, fried meat, etc.). And in the morning - a feeling of heaviness or pain in the stomach, lack of appetite. In such cases, it is enough to drink tea brewed with dill seeds or green tea with dill before breakfast. To remove the state of weakness and general malaise (fatigue, indigestion, sore throat, fever), sometimes herbal tea or strongly brewed black tea with fruit juice, syrup, jam from garden and wild fruits and berries helps. At feeling unwell when the cause is unclear, lemon with honey helps.

Ancient traditional medicine was based on the main principle - closer to nature! Ancient healers widely used the medicinal properties of fruits, berries, fruits, vegetables, and plants as medicines. In excess, everything is harmful. Any fruits, vegetables, greens in large quantities can have a negative effect on the human body. It must be remembered that not only the dose of the product matters, but also the time of administration. For example, eating a large number of pears, apples, apricots, grapes, cucumbers before meals causes indigestion in many people. Pear and melon are considered heavy foods and should not be mixed with other foods. It is better to eat them separately and not on an empty stomach. And it is useful to eat an apple on an empty stomach and at night. Even healthy person can torture heavy intestinal colic after taking a lot of fruits and vegetables. Overuse pomegranate, persimmon, blueberries can lead to constipation. If taken before bed a large number of strong brewed tea or coffee, as well as onions and garlic, it will be very difficult to fall asleep.

Everyone should know what fruits, vegetables, berries and in what quantity his body absorbs well, what products his body does not tolerate. Compliance with these simple rules will keep you healthy and give you longevity. You must thoroughly study your health, know your diseases and remember them when eating plant and animal food. There are diseases in which some drugs are indicated and are absolutely contraindicated in others. For example, patients with hyperacid gastritis are contraindicated in lemons, oregano, pepper, cumin, that is, what is useful for hypacid gastritis. Patients with hemorrhoids, as well as in acute and chronic hepatitis, black and red pepper, bitter onion, garlic and mustard are contraindicated. Hypotension patients should not take coriander, dill (especially its seeds), the highest grades of green tea. Rayhon (common basil), coriander (cilantro), angelica, chokeberry because they increase blood clotting.

The experience of using plants as healing agents has accumulated over the centuries and led to the birth of traditional medicine. In folk medicine, there are many useful and rational methods of treatment not only with plants. Beekeepers are treated with beekeeping products - honey, bee bread, royal jelly, wax, propolis, bee venom.

Folk healers treat many diseases with formic alcohol, leeches, mummy, which is collected in the foothills, bile and fat of various animals, children's urine (the urine of sick people cannot be used), spotted deer antlers.

Mankind has been treating itself with hunger for five thousand years. Observing his body, a person came to the conclusion that a large amount of energy is spent on digesting food, which is necessary to fight the disease - it’s better to spend it on recovery.

It is known that during the period of fasting due to the cult of various religions, many patients got rid of their ailments. During hunger, poisons, toxins and toxins leave the body with water. extra salt. Not only the liver, kidneys, but also the joints are cleansed. Temporary abstinence from food causes an increase in vitality, improvement in general well-being, sharpening of memory, attention and vision, normalization blood pressure, slowing the pulse, relieving pain, hypoxia and arrhythmias, improving sexual activity.

Fortifying, vitamin preparations

My family lives by the principle - look for help from nature, like your mother.

There are many ways to strengthen the body. For example, if I drink tea, then by all means with milk, and I will not forget to put a spoonful of honey. This tea adds strength.

I drink carrot juice, I also will not forget to put a spoonful of honey. Digestion improves and breathing becomes easier.

I’ll go to the garden, I won’t pass by dandelion and nettle, especially young ones - narva and I’ll make a salad. The leaves of young dandelions should be immersed for half an hour in salt water, so as not to be bitter, then rinse with boiled water, finely chop. Rinse nettle leaves, finely chop. I do it with gloves, and I cut it with scissors - the nettle bites. I add salt, table vinegar or a few drops of lemon and vegetable oil. An excellent remedy for avitaminosis. Nettle will cleanse the body of toxins, improve the activity of the endocrine glands.

Such a salad can be made from young leaves of spring primrose. Useful for lack of vitamins and loss of strength.

Ripe gooseberries increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases, provide a third of the daily requirement in ascorbic acid, if you eat 100 g of these wonderful berries per day.

In folk medicine, fresh and sour cabbage is very popular. I eat raw cabbage to increase my appetite and improve digestion, I make all kinds of salads out of it. Sauerkraut is a source of vitamin C.

From the fruits of viburnum, I taught the household to cook kissels, compotes. It is indispensable for a lack of vitamins in the body. It is also an excellent remedy for regulating blood pressure. To do this, it is better to scroll it with sugar through a meat grinder and eat 3 times a day for a teaspoon.

My grandchildren love cranberries. With beriberi, it is useful to eat a glass of lingonberries. You can fill it with cold water, insist and drink water from under it.

Every day, the whole family eats 100 g of blackcurrant mashed with sugar, or drink the juice of 1 - 2 lemons, or 2 glasses of tomato juice. By doing this, we provide our body with vitamin C and increase resistance to disease.

Want to have a healthy heart? In the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening at night, eat an apple. During the day, eat 5 pieces of dried apricots and 2 walnuts.

Take 100-150 ml of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice 3 times a day.

Every day you should drink half a glass of carrot juice; it is recommended to add a little honey to the juice.

Take freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of lemon balm 50 drops 5 times a day; take this juice with honey in milk.

Drink freshly squeezed juice of the herb initial drug for 1 tsp. 3 times a day (with honey); juice from the aerial part of the grass is squeezed out during the flowering period.

I do not forget stimulants - alcohol tincture of high rhizomes 30 drops 3 times a day before meals; alcohol tincture of the root of Rhodiola rosea 20 drops, or tincture of Eleutherococcus prickly - 20 drops each, or tincture of Manchurian Aralia roots 30 drops each, or tincture from the roots or leaves of common ginseng 20 drops each, or maral root tincture 20 drops each.

Perfectly tones the body in winter and after an illness, a simple remedy: before going to bed, a glass of warm milk with the addition of 9 - 12 drops of garlic juice.

I collect blueberries in the forest and dry them in the shade, and in winter I make an infusion. Dried blueberries need to be slightly crushed with a pusher pestle, then take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 1 cup of boiling water and insist under the lid, well wrapped in a towel for at least half an hour, strain through gauze or a strainer. I sing this infusion in several doses during the day before eating my household. An excellent vitamin supplement.

It is useful to take an infusion of common hop cones. 1 st. l. dry raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted in a sealed container for 1.5 - 2 hours, strain. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals.

If possible, we drink a decoction of oats with honey. Such a decoction is especially useful in the spring, when the body is weakened. First, rinse thoroughly unpeeled oats in running water, take 1 cup of washed oats, pour 5 cups of water and cook at a low boil until half of the broth has evaporated, strain through two to three layers of gauze, add 4 tsp. honey, bring to a boil once, let cool. Drink this remedy 1 cup 3 times a day between meals.

I read a lot of literature and collect recipes for healing from ailments, not only with medicinal herbs. I started an apiary in the garden, and I sow a plot free from vegetable crops with flowering herbs. In spring, when everything is in bloom (both herbs and gardens), my bees are at work.

I was convinced that royal jelly strengthens the body and restores strength after illness. Pure bee milk on the tip of a table knife, put under the tongue an hour before meals and hold until completely dissolved 3-5 times a day.

Or mix 1 part royal jelly with 20 parts vodka. Take 15 drops of tincture per tablespoon of warm boiled water, tea, milk 3-5 times a day an hour before meals with exhaustion and premature aging organism.

Your Bogdan Vlasov


You should know everything about medicinal plants well, and only then collect them. It is necessary to know when to collect herbs, when buds, when bark, etc.

Buds from trees and shrubs should be collected in early spring, when they swell and are about to open, but have not yet begun to grow. At this time, increased sap flow begins, the plant wakes up after winter and it begins active life. It usually happens in March - April. Birch and pine buds can be harvested early - in February.

In early spring, you can also collect the bark of trees. It is easy to tear it off trees by making several longitudinal cuts up to half a meter long on a branch or thin stem and connecting them with longitudinal cuts. Lifting the incised bark from the upper end, you can easily remove the entire piece in the form of tubes. The bark must first be cleaned of lichen growths. Usually the removed bark rolls up into a tube. Do not try to put the straws one into the other, as they are still damp and can mold, and this will ruin your collections.

Leaves and green shoots should be collected during the flowering period, before fruiting. During this period, the green parts of plants are gaining strength for growth, at this time they are the most juicy and therefore the most useful. Collect leaves, grass and flowers only in dry weather, preferably in the morning, after the dew has dried. If the plants are harvested after rain or covered with dew, they will turn black and deteriorate very quickly. In the baskets where the plants were collected, they should be laid loosely - laid tightly quickly heat up and turn black. According to popular belief, some plants should be collected at night, exactly at midnight, some - always on the full moon, others - in the absence of the moon. IN different time days a person has an active organ. Apparently, plants also produce one or another useful substance at a certain time of the day. Yes, lighting plays an important role. Some plants like weak moonlight. Leaves from plants are best cut off by hand. A fully developed leaf is collected, and always fresh. Leaves faded, withering, eaten by insects are not collected - they will not give a full-fledged medicine. But in some plants - wormwood, motherwort, St. John's wort - you can cut off the flowering tops with a sickle, up to 20 cm long, or manually break off the side flowering branches.

Flowers should be picked at the beginning of flowering, when the flower is in "full glory" and shows no signs of wilting. During this period, flowers contain a maximum useful substances, crumble less during storage, withstand drying better and retain their color. Flowers are best picked by hand, plucking them.

The fruits are harvested during the period of full ripening, not later. During this period, the fruits are the strongest in their usefulness. The fruits, like the leaves, are harvested in dry weather. Harvested by hand without stems. In mountain ash, cumin, where the fruits are located in umbrellas, they are cut off all together, and after drying, they are carefully separated from the stalks. Rose hips are harvested along with the remnants of the calyx, which remains on top of the fruit. This cup is removed after drying, rubbing the fruits with your hands. Wormy and rotten fruits are not collected. It is especially difficult to collect juicy fruits - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. They are placed in a basket lined with fabric inside, and each layer is laid with branches so that the fruits do not cake and do not press on each other.


Baldness is also called alopecia. This is the thinning or loss of all hair in some areas or on the entire scalp. In the elderly and old people, hair thinning is due to age-related changes in the skin and, naturally, like graying or general aging of the body, premature baldness can occur at any age and is often associated with impaired health. Eyebrow, eyelash, beard, mustache hair may fall out armpits, on the pubis. Most often among other acquired alopecia occurs nested alopecia. It occurs at any age after three years. Often begins in childhood or adolescence and usually in the spring. Rounded patches appear. Alopecia areata begins suddenly.

Significant therapeutic effect from the use of herbal medicines having sedative effect, noted in psychogenic alopecia.

At seborrheic alopecia hair begins to fall out around the age of 20. Seborrheic alopecia, in which metabolic processes in the skin and nutrition of the hair follicles, manifests itself in the form of diffuse thinning of the hair. Often associated with dandruff.

With seborrhea, preparations of onion and garlic, burdock oil are rubbed into the scalp. To wash hair, use collections containing chamomile, calendula, plantain and other medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

Baldness treatment is long and not always effective, especially with total hair loss.

With alopecia areata, take an infusion of rhizomes with roots of valerian officinalis: 6 - 20 g of root per glass of boiling water, 1 tbsp. l. 3 - 4 times a day, or tinctures of 20 - 30 drops 3 - 4 times a day, or dry extract in tablets of 0.02 - 0.04 g per dose.

Take an infusion of common motherwort herb (3 tbsp dry herb in a glass of boiling water) 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, or tincture 30-50 drops 3-4 times a day, or liquid extract 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day.

Take an infusion of lagohilus intoxicating (1:10 or 1:20) for 1 - 2 tbsp. l. 3 - 6 times a day or tincture of lagohilus 10%, 1 tsp. a quarter glass of water 3-5 times a day.

Take tincture of peony evading 30 - 40 drops (up to a teaspoon) 3 times a day for 30 days.

With alopecia areata, take an infusion or decoction of the rhizome with blue cyanosis roots (1 - 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials per glass of water).

Take an infusion of oregano: 2 tsp. herbs in a glass of boiling water. Drink half a cup 3-4 times a day in a warm form before meals.

Take a liquid extract of passionflower incarnate 30-40 drops 3 times a day for 20-30 days (also rub into hairy part heads).

In case of alopecia areata, it is recommended to use the collection: three-leaf watch leaves - 2 parts, peppermint leaves - 2 parts, common hop cones - 1 part, valerian officinalis root - 1 part. To prepare the infusion, 2 tbsp. l. dry collection in a glass of boiling water. Take 2 times a day for half a cup.

Of the stimulants, tincture of common ginseng is used, 20 drops 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Apply liquid extract of leuzea safflower-like 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day as a stimulant.

As a stimulant, a tincture of high lure is used, 30-40 drops before meals 2-3 times a day.

? Alcoholic extract of Eleutherococcus senticosus 20-40 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals as a stimulant.

Take high aralia tincture 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day or Saparal tablets 0.05 g 2-3 times a day, used as a stimulant.

Take liquid extract of radiola rosea 10-30 drops 2-3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals as a stimulant.

Take a tincture of Schisandra chinensis fruits, 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

In addition to the above, in complex therapy it is recommended to use plants that have anti-inflammatory and tonic properties, namely: a decoction of St. John's wort (2 tablespoons of dry grass per glass of water) one third of a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Take an infusion of flowers of calendula officinalis (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water). Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day or a glass a day.

It is well known that the grass of the tripartite succession, black elder flowers, black currant leaves, peppermint, three-leaf watch, aloe tree normalize the function of the adrenal cortex, which is very important in the treatment of baldness.

A decoction of seeds of oats with husks in milk. 2 cups of oats for 5-6 cups of boiling milk. Take 1 glass 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

Infusion of stinging nettle leaves (3 tablespoons of dry leaves in a glass of boiling water) take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day or liquid extract 25-30 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Take an infusion of chamomile flowers (2 tablespoons of dried flowers in a glass of boiling water) or a decoction (1 tablespoon in a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes) for 1-5 tbsp. l. 2 - 3 times a day.

Take an infusion of black elderberry flowers (2 tsp dried flowers per cup of boiling water) 2 tbsp. l. 5 - 6 times a day.

An infusion of the herb of a series of tripartite is useful (2 tablespoons of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water), take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Take 5% infusion of black currant leaves 300-500 ml per day or fresh juice 50-75 ml 3 times a day.

Take an infusion of the leaves of the three-leaf watch (2 tsp dry leaves per cup of boiling water) 1/4 cup 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Fresh or canned aloe vera juice take 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.

Also, with baldness, the use of medicinal plants is recommended. For example: herb St. , black elderberry flowers - 2 parts, peppermint leaves - 1 part. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for about half an hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Herbs of the tripartite sequence - 2 parts, ordinary hop cones - 2 parts, black currant leaves - 2 parts, herbs of highlander bird - 2 parts, herbs of five-lobed motherwort - 1 part, marigold flowers - 1 part, leaves of sage officinalis - 1 part, nettle leaves dioecious - 1 part. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for about half an hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Sea buckthorn leaves - 1 part, sage leaves - 1 part, spring primrose leaves - 1 part, oregano herbs - 1 part, burdock herbs - 1 part, medicinal lungwort herbs - 1 part. Pour 1 tbsp. l. of this dry mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for about half an hour, strain. Take 1 - 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Licorice root - 2 parts, calamus rhizomes - 2 parts, rhizomes with roots of valerian officinalis - 2 parts, warty birch buds - 1 part, lingonberry leaves - 1 part, tricolor violet herb - 1 part, bird's horn herb - 1 part . Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry collection with a glass of boiling water and leave for about half an hour. Take half a glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

In addition, traditional medicine for baldness recommends using a hot infusion of blue cornflower flowers in vinegar and water for external use: 1 tbsp. l. raw materials in a glass of water and a glass of table vinegar. The infusion is rubbed 1 time per day.

Use poppy seeds for sleeping pills. Grind the seeds in a mortar, dilute with water, strain. It turns out the so-called poppy milk, which is rubbed into the scalp with the onset of baldness.

Rub a decoction or infusion of burdock root in vegetable oil (corn, sunflower) in a ratio of 1:10. Promotes intensive hair growth.

St. John's wort herb - 15 g, Manchurian aralia root - 15 g, large burdock root - 15 g, column corn with stigmas - 10 g, tripartite herb - 15 g, sandy cumin flowers - 10 g, chamomile flowers - 10 g, flowers of tansy ordinary - 10 g. Place 1 tbsp. l. dry mixture in a thermos, leave for 3 - 4 hours, strain. Take 1/3 cup of infusion 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day to treat baldness.

Hypericum perforatum - 15 g, nettle leaves - 15 g, plantain leaves - 15 g, burdock root - 15 g, marigold flowers - 10 g, peppermint herb - 10 g, corn columns with stigmas - 10 g. Place 1 tbsp. l. dry mixture in a thermos, leave for 3 - 4 hours, strain. Take 1/3 cup of infusion 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day to treat baldness.

Rinse the scalp thoroughly after washing the hair with eyebright infusion: 1 tbsp. l. dry grass per 0.5 liters of water.

Rinse your head with an infusion of meadowsweet flowers and leaves: 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials insist in a glass of water for 3 hours.

Within 10 - 15 days, wipe the scalp with alcohol infusion of lilac flowers: 3 tbsp. l. flowers per 100 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka.

Take half a glass 4 times a day infusion of viburnum fruits: 20 g of fruits insist 3-4 hours in 200 ml of water.

With the onset of baldness, a decoction of common hop cones has long been used to strengthen the hair roots. You need to collect cones in September - August, until they are fully ripe. 1 st. l. hops pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 30 minutes. After cooling, rub into the scalp.

With itching of the head, as well as with oily skin and dandruff, it is recommended to rub a mixture of 10 g of birch tar, 20 g of castor oil and 100 g of alcohol. You need to rub the mixture a few hours before washing your hair.

Rub the following mixture into the scalp: one yolk of a chicken egg, 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil, 1 tbsp. l. onion juice and, if available, 1 tbsp. l. Roma. Rub into the scalp, cover with cellophane and wrap, make a compress for 2 hours. Then wash your hair with any shampoo. Don't worry, the onion smell will disappear.

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ALOPSY, OR BALDING Alopecia, or hair loss may have natural causes such as heredity or old age, but may be caused by certain diseases such as canine distemper, diabetes, or jaundice (an infectious

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Alopecia Alopecia is one of the skin diseases and can be seborrheic or alopecia.

From the book Encyclopedia of Traditional Medicine. Golden collection of folk recipes author Ludmila Mikhailova

Baldness Baldness is also called alopecia. This is the thinning or loss of all hair in some areas or on the entire scalp. In the elderly and old people, hair thinning is due to age-related skin changes and is as natural as graying or

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Baldness (baldness)

From the book Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 32 author Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

If you are threatened with baldness and loss of teeth In our modern world there are many things that change the appearance of a person. Never before, in all my years of healing, have I been approached by so many people of all ages with problems of skin, teeth, and hair loss. And this does not apply

From the book The Best Herbalist from the Witch Doctor. Folk health recipes author Bogdan Vlasov

Baldness Baldness is also called alopecia. This is the thinning or loss of all hair in some areas or on the entire scalp. In the elderly and old people, hair thinning is due to age-related skin changes and is also, naturally, like graying or

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Hair loss, baldness Infusions and decoctions of nettle and burdock have a stimulating effect and have a beneficial effect on hair follicles, and the active substances contained in the plant promote hair growth, reduce hair loss. Recipe 1. 3 tablespoons of dried leaves

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Dandruff and alopecia Use 20% jelly in honey, just dissolve it in distilled water beforehand. This solution is thoroughly rubbed into the skin three times a week for two weeks. In the same period, take royal jelly with honey for

The sexual possibilities of a person largely depend on the food he takes. A hungry person, like a tired person, has no time for love. In the same way, a person who has eaten so much that “it’s hard to breathe” will not think about love. In nutrition, you should always observe the golden mean - eat in moderation only what you like, having learned how to cook delicious dishes from products that are always at hand.

Any dish, if desired, can be turned into an erotic one, you just need to add plants such as celery root, leaves and flowers of verbena, primrose, clover, basil, fennel as a seasoning. Most men love spicy seasonings for the first and second courses. So why not add cinnamon, cardamom, black or red pepper, cloves to your food. These small supplements greatly enhance a man's sexual performance. But everything is good in moderation.

Over the centuries, an innumerable number of dishes have been invented and prepared in order to attract the man or woman they like. Sorcerers and healers, herbalists and doctors at all times dealt with this issue and achieved success to a greater or lesser extent.

Many herbs and plants contain in their composition substances that have the activity of female sex hormones. Such substances can be found in soybeans, apples, pomegranate seeds and other vegetables and fruits. If an elderly woman often eats these foods, then menopause comes later than usual.

Even in ancient Egypt, the priests drew attention to the ability of the mandrake root to enhance male potency. This root has been used and is used in many witchcraft potions and "succulents". This happens not only because he appearance similar to a man with legs apart, but also because it contains chemicals that increase potency.

Such substances have been found in many plants. Thus, the strongest poison, strychnine, is extracted from the emetic nut. Scientists have found that in very small doses, strychnine improves overall well-being and increases potency. On the other hand, atropine, contained in henbane, dope, suppresses potency, as well as hemlock, one of the strongest plant poisons.

At all times, medicine and cooking went side by side and used the same features of plants. Very interesting recipes of healing potions and dishes that were used by ancient healers to treat impotence have come down to us.

We will talk about some of these love remedies in more detail.

In different countries, to increase sexual activity, they used various means. So, in the countries of the East, for this purpose they ate animal testicles, fresh blood of snakes.

In Korea, porridge and rice are still boiled with the meat of poisonous snakes, supposedly strengthening sexual strength.

The Japanese prepare various dishes from giant mussels.

The Chinese believe that dog meat, seasoned with vegetable oil and turtle blood, is one of the strongest means to increase male sexual power.

Another chinese recipe erotic cooking: 50 walnuts roasted in vegetable oil; separately fry the chives in vegetable oil, bringing it almost to readiness. All components are mixed, brought to readiness, salted to taste and served. All components of this dish are potency stimulants.

Chinese folk medicine to enhance potency offers another remedy. Medium fat pork - 100 g, squid - 100 g, tomatoes - 100 g, garlic - 50 g.

Everything is thoroughly mixed, boiled in 500 ml of water over low heat for an hour. The mixture is taken once for 13 days. If the result is disappointing, conduct two more courses of treatment.

A dish of celery and nutmeg. Greens and celery roots are taken. The root is washed well, crushed and stewed in a frying pan with a little oil, flour and water. When the root is ready, add chicken yolk and sprinkle the top with nutmeg. Can be served hot.

In the Indian book "Kama Sutra", which tells about the technique of love, it is recommended to eat dishes of rice boiled in milk, sparrow eggs, stewed onions and honey before the "night of love".

In the Middle Ages, yolk was used to maintain sexual activity. chicken eggs, which was mixed with beer or a small amount of cognac.

Have you ever thought about the origins of Tristan and Isolde's love? And the reason is simple - they drank a love drink prepared by the Queen Mother for Isolde and her supposed husband of King Mark. The queen collected and prepared herbs for her daughter with her own hands. Here is the composition of this drug: 100 g of celery juice, 50 g of pear juice or apple juice(instead of pear juice or apple juice, you can take a spoonful of apple cider vinegar).

Juice is drunk in the evening. The main active ingredient in this recipe is celery juice. No wonder the Greeks called celery the king of vegetables.

Back in the days ancient rome Pliny the Elder wrote: "The bow pushes even sluggish men into the arms of Venus." And if the onion is mixed with eggs, then its miraculous power increases several times. As scientists have proven, onion restores hormonal balance in the body and contains substances that enhance potency.

And here is the recipe for an erotic dish that King Louis XV of France personally prepared before going on a date: 6 eggs, 100 g butter, vanillin - 1 sachet, macaroons - 6 pcs., granulated sugar - 200 g.

The yolks are carefully beaten with sugar. Proteins are whipped separately and mixed with yolks. Finely crushed vanilla cookies are also added here and everything is thoroughly mixed. Heat the pan, melt the butter in it and lightly fry the prepared mixture on it. Sprinkle with vanilla on a dish, divide into two parts and serve.

During the Renaissance, the so-called papal sauce was very popular, which was prepared as follows: a teaspoon of butter, finely chopped ham, celery, onions, parsley and carrots were added to a few pieces of veal. After a while, a tablespoon of white wine and broth were added, cloves, greens, lemon peel and a few cloves of garlic were added. The mixture was boiled over low heat. The sauce thus obtained was served at the table. According to the surviving According to reports, this product literally worked wonders and had a great activating power.

The organism will receive a double benefit if you choose the following method of cleansing: for three days in the morning, eat one egg yolk and three days in a row eat only onions and eggs.

Firstly, the body will be cleansed of toxins to some extent, and, secondly, you will get a sharp surge sexual energy.

From the recipes of ancient healers: wild asparagus roots - 1 kg, butter - 1 kg, cow's milk- 1 l, carrot seeds - 90 g, turnip seeds - 90 g.

Grind dry ingredients and boil in milk and butter until a thick mass remains. Take 1 time per day for 85 g.

One of the old Russian herbalists recommends the following drug to enhance potency. Juice from red currant berries - 100 ml, juice from strawberries - 100 ml, juice from gooseberries - 100 ml, sugar (to taste), cognac - 50 ml (no more).

Mix everything well, place in a jar, close tightly and keep for 14 days at room temperature. Before going on a love date, drink 1 glass (no more).

Dairy products can also enhance male potency.

Cottage cheese with carrots and garlic. Take 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 1 carrot, 2 cloves of fresh garlic. Carrots are grated or chopped, mixed with cottage cheese, chopped garlic is added, sprinkled with herbs and served.

Cheese with eggs. Take 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of grated cheese, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 fresh grated cucumber, 1 onion and salt

Eggs are boiled soft-boiled, cheese is rubbed on a grater. Everything is mixed with chopped cucumber, onion and cottage cheese. Salt is added to taste.

To enhance the potency, the peony root is also suitable, but you need to take the root, the flowers of which had an aroma during flowering. And the more the aroma was, the more the root will benefit. The root is well washed in cold water, dried, crushed. One teaspoon of the root is poured with a glass of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of fresh red rose petals is added and infused in a thermos for 5-6 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and drunk 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals.

The course of treatment is 15 days, then you can take the same break and repeat the treatment. Treatment (with interruptions) can be continued for several months.

Ancient Tibetan medicine teaches that usually a medicinal plant that has the color of a diseased organ or outwardly resembles this organ helps with a disease (immortelle is close in color to the color of the liver, and therefore it is often used in the treatment of liver diseases, etc.). Slavic folk medicine has adopted this principle of treatment and uses all vegetables or fruits that are shaped like male genital organs to treat male incompetence. Such vegetables and fruits include carrots, onions, celery, asparagus, radishes, turnips. And, by the way, this principle of treatment often justifies itself. Nature, as it were, tells a person what to do in difficult situations.

Avicenna in his book "The Canon of Medicine" gives a recipe for a medicinal mixture that increases the sexual power of a man: nettle seeds - 12 g, white poppy seeds - 12 g, onion seeds - 6 g, hemp seeds - 18 g, wild carrot seeds - 9 g , peeled sesame seeds - 15 g, sugar - 18 g.

All components are crushed and mixed. Take 6 g of the mixture 1-2 times a day. Drink dessert wine

For the elderly, traditional medicine recommends next recipe: 100 g minced and toasted rice, 100 g peeled and crushed raw pumpkin seeds, 50 g vetch seeds (roast like coffee and grind), 150 g fresh unsalted butter, 150 g May honey.

Mix everything. Take 1 teaspoon every 1-2 hours.

Traditional medicine of Russia and other Slavic peoples also constantly looked for and found ways to increase potency. For several centuries, healers have successfully used the following fees that enhance potency.

Calamus vulgaris (rhizome) - 50 g, common yarrow (grass) - 100 g, fenugreek seeds - 50 g.

1 tablespoon of the crushed mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour. Strain. Drink 200 ml 3 times a day.

Calendula officinalis (flowers) - 10 g, St. John's wort (grass) - 30 g, sandy immortelle (flowers) - 20 g, valerian officinalis (rhizomes with roots) - 25 g.

1 tablespoon collection brew 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take ⅓ cup 3 times a day.

In Russia in the 18th-19th centuries, a dish called “male stew” was often prepared to enhance potency. For cooking of this dish, they took 2 tablespoons of meat cut into small pieces, a small chopped bone, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 medium-sized turnip, 4-5 fresh dandelion leaves, 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh nettles, salt.

Washed crushed bone and meat were mixed with finely chopped carrots, turnips, and onions. Everything was poured with hot salted water, brought to a boil, cooked for 10 minutes. Then the pan was removed from the stove and infused for 30 minutes at room temperature. Washed and crushed dandelion leaves, nettles were put on a plate, poured with hot soup and seasoned with sour cream.

In the old Russian herbalists, another love potion is mentioned, which was very popular with healers: prunes - 200 g, raisins - 200 g, dry figs - 200 g, walnut kernels - 12 pcs.

All fruits are taken without stones. Finely crumble everything, mix and keep on the glacier or in the refrigerator. Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture daily, preferably in the afternoon. Drink sour milk, yogurt or kefir.

One of the most ancient Slavic recipes for increasing potency is the following: cow's milk - 1 l, butter - 1 kg, wild asparagus - 1 kg, carrot seeds - 90 g, turnip seeds - 90 g.

Grind the dry ingredients and mix well with milk and butter: Put on fire and boil until the milk evaporates and a thick mass remains. Take once a day for 85 g. In advanced cases, take 1 time for 170 g.

In Siberia, there has long been another means of improving potency. Finely chop 1 kg of juicy garlic and place in a three-liter jar. Pour boiled water to the top, close the lid tightly and place in a dark place for 30 days. Shake daily. Take 1 teaspoon per glass of milk 1 time per day. Drink until the medicine runs out. The medicine acts like a well-known ancient Tibetan recipe for rejuvenation. When taken, they are cleansed blood vessels, hearing and vision improve, potency increases - the body rejuvenates.

This is a continuation of our small collection of recommendations for self-healing from healers and traditional healers. Read the beginning.

eye diseases

In order to prevent glaucoma from developing, it is required to pour 1 tablespoon of cleanly washed and chopped duckweed grass with a small glass of vodka and insist in a dark place for 4 days. Strain and take 20 drops with 2-3 tablespoons of water 2-3 times a day.

For cataracts, pour fresh valerian root into 100 ml of vodka and insist in a cool place for 10 days. Before going to bed, inhale vapors of valerian through the nose.

This tincture increases visual acuity: 100 g of crushed lemongrass fruits are poured into 500 g of vodka. Infuse for 8-10 days in the dark at room temperature, shaking occasionally. Then squeeze, filter, store tightly sealed in a dark cool place.

Overwork. Stress

In case of depression and neurasthenic conditions, pour vodka into the rhizome of the lure in a ratio of 1: 10 and insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take but 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

For migraines, rub whiskey with the following composition. For 1 liter of vodka, take 10 g of dry lemon balm leaf, 1 g of crushed angelica leaf, zest of 1 lemon, a pinch of ground nutmeg and crushed coriander seeds, 1-2 clove buds. Infuse for at least 2 weeks, then filter through a dense cloth. Can be drunk in small doses with tea; for heart disease, take on a piece of sugar.

In case of a nervous shock - finely chop the valerian root with a stainless steel knife, pour it into a bottle by 0.2 volume and pour vodka to the top. Put the vessel in a dark place for 9 days. Then drain the liquid, squeeze the root, let it stand and strain through cheesecloth folded four times. Take but 15-30 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals.


Scroll 1 kg of viburnum through a meat grinder, add 1 kg of honey and 0.5 liters of vodka. Stir thoroughly and put for 1 month in a dark place. The composition not only reduces arterial pressure but also gently removes sand and stones from the kidneys. Take but 1 tablespoon 3 times a day with meals.

Cut 10 lemons, put in a jar and add 0.5 l of aloe juice, 0.5 l of vodka and 500 g of flower honey. Mix everything and put in a dark place for 40 days. Take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals.

joint pain

Mix 1.5 cups of vodka, 3 cups of honey, 4 cups of radish juice and 3 tablespoons of table salt. Rub the mixture into sore joints - preferably after a bath, before going to bed. At the same time, take 30-40 ml of this mixture. If necessary, conduct 2-3 courses of treatment during the year with mandatory breaks at least 1 month.


Thoroughly mix 1 glass of honey, 1 glass of radish juice, 1/2 glass of vodka and 100 g of table salt. Rub the ointment into sore spots, preferably after a bath or bath, while taking 1 glass of this mixture.

Grind an aloe leaf on a wooden board, put it in a glass or faience container, lightly tamp and pour vodka: 10 parts of vodka per 1 part of the leaf. Infuse for 10-15 days in a dark place, strain and store in the refrigerator. Tincture to wipe the sore spot three times a day.

Mix 1 teaspoon of finely chopped hellebore rhizomes with chopped aloe leaf and pour 60 g of vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks, strain and store in the refrigerator. Tincture to wipe the sore spot three times a day.