There are 3 types of men. Types of men

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of men in our lives - sun-winged creatures who can soar at unattainable heights, filling our lives with energy of action, capable of lifting a woman to the skies and making her a queen, or mercilessly throwing her off the pedestal at some point, giving confidence and peace, a feeling of warmth and security, how easy and safe it can be in your presence, you complete us and give our life a look of perfection and completeness.

Your speed is mesmerizing, your solar energy fills our body and warms our soul, your ability to immediately move from words to action is amazing, in your presence the world takes on brighter colors, only you can make it so happy and so painful at the same time. You give different feelings and emotions, from the most beautiful to the most destructive.

Without you, life would be gray and very ordinary, you are able to make a real holiday, give that feeling of flight and inspiration that grows wings and opens the heart and soul, next to you I want to create, be beautiful, create comfort, give birth to children and projects (after all projects are, to some extent, also our children).

In the modern world, men are often scolded for inactivity, lack of initiative, and excessive effeminacy. I believe that what kind of men come into a woman’s life depends primarily on herself and on her readiness for a certain interaction. Men who come into women's lives are of three types.

The first type: these are male teachers, those who came to teach us something, to teach us a lesson, so that we, often through the collapse of illusions and unbearable pain, learn something and, as a result, ourselves develop some qualities that are important to us and got better. Through disappointments and hurts, we grow thanks to such men and relationships.

In these relationships, there may be burning passion, the amplitude of emotions is off the charts, the woman is at the peak of emotions, from all-encompassing happiness to unbridled anger or jealousy. In a relationship withAs teachers, we often cry. These are the relationships in which we fly like a bird into the sky and fall, breaking into pieces on the ground. This is a fire that burns all living things in its path.

Sometimes “study” relationships, on the contrary, are characterized by a feeling of emptiness, boredom and complete misunderstanding (often such couples would be happy to separate, but living together, children, acquired property or some other circumstances that “keep” people together). Unfortunately, many people live their lives in such relationships, tormenting each other, closing their feelings or starting relationships on the side, never knowing true depth and intimacy, which cannot exist at this level. Or, unable to withstand the intensity of passions, the couple runs away.

Pain, unbridled passion or complete indifference are the hallmarks of such relationships. In rare cases, after going through difficulties and growing up, a couple moves to the next level. If we broke up with a man without ever learning the lesson, it will be repeated with the next male teacher, but in a harsher form. Until we understand what we needed to learn. The lesson may be in starting to love and appreciate yourself, or in the ability to designate and defend your boundaries, in respect for masculinity, in accepting another person - there can be a lot of options, you need to understand each specific case.

If a woman has learned certain lessons from a relationship, has grown, acquired wisdom and knowledge, a male companion comes into her life. (or the teacher becomes a travel companion, the relationship moves to another level). Very rarely, a woman has certain knowledge from birth, when it is already built into her system, absorbed with the milk of a wise mother, then she immediately meets a fellow traveler, bypassing teachers.

This is a much more mature relationship, characterized by warmth and mutual understanding. Pain may be present at some episodic moments, but it is not dominant, as in the first case. There is no indifference here. There is a lot of quiet joy, satisfaction, the dominant feelings are confidence and peace. Relationships resemble a peacefully burning candle, giving a small, but very stable and warming light; emotional swings, unlike the first type, are absent.

There may be several fellow travelers on our way. This is a relationship in which we do something together with passion, joy and inspiration. This is an interesting, constructive and developing relationship. Walking a certain path together. Children in such unions are usually self-sufficient and happy. Also peacefully, having walked a certain path together, fellow travelers can disperse and go different ways. You can live in such relationships for many years, appreciating and warming each other. Or go further, into the third type of relationship.

The third type of relationship, which is extremely rare in modern society, is a man who is a soul partner, a like-minded person. In these relationships, worlds are created, the energy of such a couple affects the entire environment. This is the case when 1+1=11, two people strengthen each other many times over, this is a connection at the level of souls, closeness of body, soul and spirit (not to be confused with codependency - here two absolutely self-sufficient people interact). Each of them no longer needs a partner for integrity; they each feel good on their own, but together they are better off.

Such a couple is created when two very conscious and integral people meet; they are creators and masters of their lives in their essence. There is no mistrust, no sense of possessiveness, everyone in a couple is a separate person, the connection is already so deep that all social games, such as jealousy, no longer have any meaning. The main thing in such a couple is joint creation for the benefit of a large number of people.To enter such a couple, or become such a couple, you need to go a long way, together or separately.

Rarely does a couple go through all three stages together, becoming partners and like-minded people. Most couples now break up on the first or, at best, stop on the second. I know cases when a couple separated at the first stage and then, having gone through each of their own paths, met already at the third level. Each couple has their own path. Of course, all the divisions and gradations here are very arbitrary and each person and couple is unique in their own way, but understanding the type of men and relationships in our lives can help us see our current location and direction of movement and growth. Be happy.

Svetlana Bashmakova, psychologist

Relationship psychologist Svetlana Bashmakova tells what types of men any woman should be wary of.

1 Manipulators

These types of men require too much attention to themselves; they put themselves and their interests first. They tame women with pity and guilt. And the worst thing is that manipulators then use women's weaknesses for their own benefit. Also, narcissists and “Don Juans” can be considered in this category of men.

How to recognize it? At first the relationship seems ideal. The man paints a beautiful picture of a cloudless future, which is too easy to believe. But there is no basis for such a future.

At a minimum - to low self-esteem and all the ensuing consequences, at maximum - to the development of neurosis and a strong blow to the psyche, since the woman is under severe stress all the time, constantly worries and tries to please, but the manipulator will let her know that she is not doing enough.

2 Sofa lazy people

As a rule, these are men without ambitions. They live and are content with what they already have. They do not strive for anything, do not want anything to be different, they are quite satisfied with what is. They have no interests, they do not want to improve themselves and develop.

How to recognize it? If you meet a man over 30 who still lives with his mother, huddles in a small room or works without any plans for the future, then, with a high degree of probability, this is a couch potato.

What can such a relationship lead to? Before you know it, you will be “sucked” into routine and everyday life, since you shouldn’t count on changes in such relationships. The woman will play the role of a mother rather than a lover.

3 Rationalists

A rationalist is looking for a female partner who can share an area of ​​responsibility with him (most often financial). As a rule, this is a “comrade” at work or business. It is unlikely that such a relationship will make a woman happy.

How to recognize it? Try the so-called “cup of coffee” technique. Go to a cafe with your new lover and see how he will react if you ask him to pay for you? If you notice dissatisfaction, embarrassment, irritation, your new lover is most likely a rationalist.

What does such a relationship lead to? Be prepared for the fact that a rationalist man will not want to take on some household responsibilities. In family life, such types, as a rule, pay little attention to raising a child and are not distinguished by reverent feelings for their spouse. Rationalists are more interested in the financial side. You will pay rent and buy groceries, sharing expenses between two, but all household chores will fall solely on your fragile shoulders.

Classification of men by species and orders: A complete periodic system of male virtues and demerits Copland David


Let's face it: there are men to avoid. You don’t need unnecessary problems, and time is precious. Why waste it on completely worthless people? So, here are three types of men to avoid: pseudo-spiritual, unpredictable, pervert.

You need to know what these types of men are so you can recognize them right away and not let them create chaos in your life.

A difficult character or odd behavior can be attributed to any man if desired, and these qualities are not always sufficient grounds to advise you to avoid such men. But there are typical signs that indicate that you are dealing with a psychopath.


Some men will try to get closer to you by immediately introducing you to every detail of their life. They may admit to bizarre sexual fantasies, eccentricities, problems, or other similar things that seem inappropriate at such an early stage of the relationship. When a man is too open and prematurely begins to share intimate details about himself with you, this indicates his inferiority. Establishing a close relationship with you is a difficult task for him, so he tends to be too much too honest. A man who tries to be an open book will also be inclined to share with you any thought, idea, feeling, memory - in short, anything that comes into his little head. He can be a source of big problems, and such a person is very difficult to communicate with. Be wary if a man starts sharing details of his life with you almost as soon as you meet. You can expect any kind of trouble from him.


Many men have been in sadomasochistic relationships with women. If a man is a masochist, it means that he likes it when a woman hurts him and mocks him. If he is a sadist, then he likes to do the same with women. When a man has experienced such relationships and received pleasure from them, there is no room left in his soul for ordinary human love, in which there is no place for threats and insults. When a man acts as a victim (masochist), he will somehow find a way to turn you into a criminal and force you to hurt him. When he acts as an abuser (sadist), he will somehow find something to punish you for. In any case, a person who likes to insult should be avoided. Meeting him will only lead to unnecessary pain and trouble.


Obsessed and maniacs are often people of an artistic bent, creative natures who become fixated on a woman or some other object and focus all their attention on them or devote their entire lives to them. Typical expressions of obsessives and maniacs: “I am truly an obsessed person” or “I will never let go of anything or anyone without leaving my traces on it.” It may seem strange that a person immediately reveals the dark side of his nature to you. This is a warning to stay away if you don't want him to become obsessed with you. While some of these men will try to turn you into their obsession, others with a tendency toward manic and obsessive behavior may prove to be excellent partners. They will seem strange and unusual, but they are not dangerous.


This tip is the most important of all. Women often ignore their intuition when it comes to getting a man. They strive to build relationships, often with completely creepy others, knowing at the same time that they will bring them nothing but problems. Resist the temptation to get euphoric, even if you're excited about dating your new friend who seems so romantic. If the red alarm goes off inside you, if something tells you that something is wrong with this person, show courage and strength and stay away from him. If you are smart enough to consistently apply the technology outlined in our book for finding a man and building a relationship with him, you will achieve your goal. You should not humiliate yourself or expose yourself to danger by associating with an abnormal person. We repeat again: if a man arouses even the slightest suspicion in you, avoid him. Listen to yourself and trust your instincts.

There are three types of men to avoid that have the above properties in abundance. Let's look at them in more detail.


The pseudo-spiritual type seduces women by appearing to them as a pleasant, always ready to help, artistic type, who treats their problems with understanding and sympathy. He wears crystal amulets and grows his hair long. He may pretend that he is an ordinary musician who plays the drum, or likes to retire into the forest to quietly strum his guitar. He pretends, even to himself, that he is not a sexual animal like other men. He is all filled with light and perfection, and there is nothing of a rude male in him. When he commits meanness towards a woman, and he cannot do without it, he does it as if unconsciously. Moreover, he never takes responsibility to the people whom he offends or offends in one way or another.

He's like an emotional crying baby, only worse. He is especially dangerous because he will take your side and criticize all men as a class, as if he is different or better than them. He can also pretend to be such a highly spiritual person that he will look down on you because you are not able to rise “above” your negative emotions with him. He behaves as if prayer and meditation are the means to get rid of all problems and resolve all disputes. He may even avoid conflict under the guise that it is not “spiritual.” He may also use quotes from holy books to manipulate you. Behind a smile and a thoughtful appearance, he hides his true nature, often quite unsightly, full of anger and prejudiced judgments.

Such people are always filled with a sense of smug superiority over others and tend to judge very arrogantly those who are not as developed as them. When you argue with a pseudo-spiritual type, you don’t need to indulge in general reasoning, speak to the point, very specifically. If he is able to descend to the sinful earth and stay on it long enough to talk about worldly things, then agree with him that you will solve the problem that led to the conflict.


Unpredictable is a difficult problem. Its identifying characteristics are unreliability and inconsistency. Today you go with him on a motorcycle to nature and make love there. And the next day he disappears, and for three weeks there is no word from him. One moment he showers you with gifts, and the next moment he is angry with you for some minor offense a week ago. Although the Unpredictable is capable of loving you and being a generally wonderful guy, his behavior and reactions cannot be predicted in advance. It is impossible to make any plans with him, because it costs him nothing to destroy them in an instant. If you are so naive that you hope to rehabilitate such a man, then we assure you that failure is inevitable. He can break your heart. Although he may be a passionate lover and time with him will fly by, constant misunderstandings due to his inconsistency will never allow you to create the kind of relationship with him that you desire.


All men are interested in sex. This is fine. With a pervert, things are much worse. He comes across as a suspicious and even cowardly person who has something to hide. Usually he is distinguished by deceit, and often lies about little things. In the bedroom, a pervert may hint at his desire to experiment with various bizarre sexual fantasies - but will not be specific. A pervert may often seem overly anxious when you discuss sex with him, even when you talk about your own sexual fantasies. Perhaps he himself is full of sexual fantasies, which he never tells anyone about. What makes the situation worse is that he probably judges himself very harshly, his life is full of guilt for having such desires, and he is also afraid that you will judge him and that sooner or later he will be "brought clean" water."

A pervert may also have an increased interest in your body and in talking about sex with you. He's tempted to touch and kiss you. A pervert may seem too pushy when it comes to sex. When you find yourself on a date with this type, keep in mind that all he wants from you is sex and nothing else. When you feel afraid at the thought of intimacy with this man, this may be a sign that this is a pervert. When a man constantly lies to you, it is quite possible that he is a pervert, and it is better to directly ask him why he behaves this way. If his answer doesn't satisfy you, get rid of him.

We told you about men you should avoid because you can only expect trouble from them. It's good if you learn to recognize these types as early as possible and stay away from them. By avoiding psychopaths, you can avoid many unpleasant situations and emotional experiences.

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It is difficult to overestimate the importance of men in our lives - sun-winged creatures who can soar at an unattainable height, filling our lives with energy, actions that can lift a woman to the skies and make her a queen, or mercilessly throw her off the pedestal at some point... giving confidence and peace , a feeling of warmth and security, how easy and safe it can be in your presence, you complete us and give our life a look of perfection and completeness. Your speed is mesmerizing, your solar energy fills our body and warms our soul, your ability to immediately move from words to action is amazing, in your presence the world takes on brighter colors, only you can make it so happy and so painful at the same time.

You give different feelings and emotions, from the most beautiful to the most destructive. Without you, life would be gray and very ordinary, you are able to make a real holiday, give that feeling of flight and inspiration that grows wings and opens the heart and soul, next to you I want to create, be beautiful, create comfort, give birth to children and projects (after all projects are, to some extent, also our children).

In the modern world, men are often scolded for inactivity, lack of initiative, and excessive effeminacy. I believe that what kind of men come into a woman’s life depends primarily on herself and on her readiness for a certain interaction. Men who come into women's lives are of three types.

The first type: these are male Teachers, those who came to teach us something, to teach us a lesson, so that we, often through the collapse of illusions and unbearable pain, learn something and, as a result, ourselves develop some qualities that are important to us and have become better. Through disappointments and resentments, we grow thanks to such men and relationships. In these relationships, there may be burning passion, the amplitude of emotions is off the charts, the woman is at the peak of emotions, from all-encompassing happiness to unbridled anger or jealousy. In relationships with Teachers, we often cry. These are the relationships in which we fly like a bird into the sky and fall, breaking into pieces on the ground. This is a fire that burns all living things in its path. Sometimes “study” relationships, on the contrary, are characterized by a feeling of emptiness, boredom and complete misunderstanding (often such couples would be happy to separate, but living together, children, acquired property or some other circumstances that “keep” people together). Unfortunately, many people live their lives in such relationships, tormenting each other, closing their feelings or starting relationships on the side, never knowing the true depth and intimacy that cannot exist at this level. Or, unable to withstand the intensity of passions, the couple runs away. Pain, unbridled passion or complete indifference are the hallmarks of such relationships. In rare cases, after going through difficulties and growing up, a couple moves to the next level. If we parted ways with a man without having learned the lesson, it will be repeated with the next male Teacher, but in a harsher form. Until we understand what we needed to learn. The lesson may be in starting to love and appreciate yourself, or in the ability to designate and defend your boundaries, in respect for masculinity, in accepting another person - there can be a lot of options, you need to understand each specific case.

If a woman has learned certain lessons from a relationship, has grown, acquired wisdom and knowledge, a man, a Fellow Traveler, comes into her life. (or the Teacher becomes a Travel Companion, the relationship moves to another level). Very rarely, a woman has certain knowledge from birth, it is already built into her system, absorbed with the milk of a wise mother, then she immediately meets a Fellow Traveler, bypassing Teachers. This is a much more mature relationship, characterized by warmth and mutual understanding. Pain may be present at some episodic moments, but it is not dominant as in the first case. There is no indifference here. There is a lot of quiet joy, satisfaction, dominant feelings of confidence and peace. Relationships resemble a peacefully burning candle, giving a small, but very stable and warming light; emotional swings, unlike the first type, are absent. There may be several fellow travelers on our way. This is a relationship in which we do something together with passion, joy and inspiration. This is an interesting, constructive and developing relationship. Walking a certain path together. Children in such unions are usually self-sufficient and happy. Also peacefully, having walked a certain path together, fellow travelers can disperse and go different ways. You can live in such relationships for many years, appreciating and warming each other. Or go further, into the third type of relationship.

The third type of relationship, which is extremely rare in modern society, is a man who is a soul partner, a like-minded person. In these relationships, worlds are created, the energy of such a couple affects the entire environment. This is the case when 1+1=11, two people strengthen each other many times over, this is a connection at the level of souls, closeness of body, soul and spirit (not to be confused with codependency - here two absolutely self-sufficient people interact). Each of them no longer needs a partner for integrity; they each feel good on their own, but together they are better off. Such a couple is created when two very conscious and integral people meet; they are creators and masters of their lives in their essence. There is no mistrust, no sense of possessiveness, everyone in a couple is a separate person, the connection is already so deep that all social games, such as jealousy, no longer have any meaning. The main thing in such a couple is joint creation for the benefit of a large number of people.

To enter such a couple, or become such a couple, you need to go a long way, together or separately. Rarely does a couple go through all three stages together, becoming partners and like-minded people. Most couples now separate already at the first stage, or at best stop at the second. I know cases when a couple separated at the first stage and then, having gone through each of their own paths, met already at the third level. Each couple has their own path.

Of course, all the divisions and gradations here are very arbitrary, and each person and couple is unique in their own way, but understanding the type of men and relationships in our lives can help us see our current location and direction of movement and growth. Be happy.

After many years of searching, I can say that of all the classifications of men, this is the most natural (it is reproduced in the primate community) and correct. The rest is garbage.

I remember that when I was still a teenager, there were boys in our yard. I was afraid of someone because I felt animal strength from him. He considered someone absolutely equal to himself and immediately began to be friends with him. And there were also those who in any situation turned out to be weaklings and therefore it was a waste to be friends with them. And it was precisely next to such people that I began to behave as if I were the one from whom animal strength emanates. Like I'm strong. I liked it, but I didn’t understand where this strength went if there wasn’t a weakling nearby?

It was the same at school. Regardless of the academic performance, family wealth or appearance of my classmates, I felt the same distribution of roles as before: stronger than me, the same, weaker than me.

Then university. Here everything was repeated. But a new and important point has appeared - sex. In the future it will become clear why the role of sex is so important. Those who had this animal strength – girls always liked them, even if they pretended that they didn’t like them. The weaklings remained sexually hungry almost all year round. And they slept with people like me, but very rarely.

I read a lot of books I practiced spiritual methods and even believed that it was helping me and making me stronger. Fuck it. I’ll say it right away. I built up my internal and social capital, but the distribution of roles within the male community, which I realized as a child, has not gone away. I haven't changed in my heart.

And then I found out about men, which immediately answered all the questions. This put everything in its place in an instant. I realized the strength of those I was afraid of. I understood why such men have sex in any quantity. I understood who goes to pickup and personal growth trainings, I understood how I should think and act in order to get any woman (okay, almost any). And most importantly, I understood what a woman wants only after I understood men.

Just take the following for granted. After many years of searching, I can say that of all the classifications of men, this is the most natural (it is reproduced in the primate community) and correct. The rest is garbage.

Three types of men:


If you haven't seen the movie yet Thief 1997, then you must do it. You simply must!

Vladimir Mashkov brilliantly and in all its beauty conveyed the features of a high-ranking man.

The kind I was afraid of as a child, but in my heart I always wanted to be friends with them.

Need another example? – fresher?

Okay: Kuzma Scriabin, Oleg Lyashko (we leave out his sympathy for boys and shocking antics), Gennady Balashov, Radislav Gandapas, Evgeny Chichvarkin, Dmitry Nagiyev, etc.

I have now listed several famous names. But you must understand that a high-ranking man is everywhere. He can live in your entrance, house or on your street. Such a man could be your colleague at work. He doesn't have to be famous to be high-ranking.

It is these men who have an animal love for... life. And women. And women themselves feel it and are drawn to them. And to make it even clearer what exactly makes his rank high, let’s analyze the thinking and behavior of such a man on the shelves.

Criterion High ranking man


Personal needs:

Attitude to the future:

Attitude to society:





Level of openness:

Behavior in conflict:


Always tall, puts others down

Absent, believes in his infallibility

Can be described as “My needs come first”

Optimistic, belief in yourself and tomorrow

Takes quickly, without messing up

Acts regardless of the opinions of others

Rarely used


It’s unpleasant, so it doesn’t apply to itself

Decisive, persistent, proactive

Materially, socially, professionally – high

High: characterized by shamelessness

Stress-resistant, tries to take the initiative


In demand, successful with women

High ranking man does not change!

He may lose all his property, his family or business may fall apart, but he will always build a new house or create a new family. However, it should be clear: he may never have a home in his entire life, he may not have a family, but his character will remain the same.

Andrei Myagkov managed to show the image of a low-ranking man.

Someone next to whom I always feel stronger than I actually am.

You must understand that low-ranking men are everywhere. He can live in your entrance, house or on your street. Such a man could be your colleague at work. He can be your husband, brother, father. And if you are a man, then maybe this is you?

He may well be a famous and wealthy person if he has some kind of creative talent. But such a man does not know how to be an organizer. Therefore, someone else manages the money in his life.

It is these men who have an animal fear of... life. And women. And women themselves feel it and are drawn to them. In order to be friends. It is with low-ranking men that women can have friendship. This is the answer to the age-old question “is friendship possible between M and F?” - Yes. Because such a man is not capable of offending a woman. And to make it even clearer what exactly makes his rank low, let’s analyze the thinking and behavior of such a man on the shelves.

Criterion Low ranking man


Personal needs:

Attitude to the future:

Attitude to society:





Level of openness:

Behavior in conflict:


Always low, an inferiority complex is formed

Always doubts, seeks support, advice

Ready to put up with inconvenience, discomfort, poverty

Prone to pessimism, afraid of the future

Thinks very long before making decisions

Afraid of offending someone, depends on people's opinions

Constantly analyzes himself, delves into himself

Occurs for many reasons, bashful

Criticizes himself in many ways, playing the role of a victim

Shy, obedient, timid, indecisive

Absent, content with little

Secretive, reserved, introvert

Avoids, submits, fears, closes off

Tends to believe in gods, psychics, and sorcerers

Unsuccessful in women

Low ranking man does not change!

Such men lack the most important thing - desire! The desire for life, the desire for development, the desire for love, the desire for struggle, the desire for achievement, the desire to be a master. I don’t work with people like that, and if someone asks me to help a low-ranking man, I immediately say that this is a dead number. These people don't change.

They cannot be motivated. They don't make decisions or make choices. Any attempts to teach such a man to make choices and be responsible for his life are perceived by him as violence against his personality.

There are enough men like this. According to my observations - 3 out of 10. They have their own consumer - as a rule, these are women who have problems in their relationship with their mother. What is the connection here? It would take a long time to explain. But the connection is direct. Such women choose low-ranking men and then destroy them. They drive them under the heels, twist ropes out of them, and because of their powerlessness they begin to drink themselves to death. And if children appear in this family, then they become a continuation of their parents: a strong daughter, a weak son.


(this is about my status)

Let the film The Geographer Drank His Globe Away will help you understand this image.

Konstantin Khabensky skillfully showed the type of a middle-ranking man.

Although something tells me that this role was natural for him.

I always quickly found a common language with such people. I felt and easily understood such men. There are a lot of us. According to my observations, 5 out of 10 are middle-ranking men. The danger and at the same time the advantage of this status is that this man could potentially become a high-ranking man if a strong man is overthrown.

But on the other hand, such a man always experiences the fear of sliding down and becoming weak.

A middle-ranking man always can be identified by the chameleon effect: with the weak he behaves as if he were strong. And next to the strong, he behaves like a subordinate. And it works on an instinctive level.

The average ranker is in a constant struggle with himself. And therefore, for him, the decisive role is played by what kind of woman he meets: one can break him, the other will help him become a king. And next to him is the queen. So he struggles, in search of himself, his woman, his purpose, the meaning of life.

Criterion Mid-ranking man


Personal needs:

Attitude to the future:

Attitude to society:





Level of openness:

Behavior in conflict:


Fickle, depends on achievements

They are present, but he knows how to overcome them

Tries to please both himself and his neighbor

Variable: from minus to plus

If not alone, he makes decisions quickly. If you do it yourself - for a long time

If he knows what he is acting for, he goes ahead

If there is no woman in life, he drowns in self-digging


Likes to criticize himself and others


If there is support, then high

Selectively open


Inclined to faith until he has decided what he wants from life

Variable success

Mid-ranking men are changing!

But such a man will always need either the support of the woman with whom he will be in an alliance. Or in a more experienced comrade, a strong man.

These are the men who constantly go to trainings personal growth or some other growth: Sparta, Goal, leadership programs, pickups, etc. Such men try hard to copy the behavior and even thinking of strong men. And this can be misleading for women.

Their life is a search for themselves. And, unfortunately, if someone more experienced does not help them, then this search can continue throughout their lives, until death.

A woman with such a man can be happy and unhappy at the same time. Her future with him is unpredictable. Because he himself is unpredictable.


We had to go through these criteria to know about the ranking of men. Every woman, when meeting a new man, must first of all give herself an answer to the question of what kind of man is next to her. The future that awaits them if they are together depends on her ability to determine his rank.

How a woman instinctively tests a man for a high rank? – with the help of accusations, manipulations, provocations. If a man starts making excuses, he is low-ranking. If he begins to rationally put everything on the shelf and negotiate with her, he is mid-ranking. If he jokes or doesn’t attach any importance, he’s high-ranking. Simply put, if she can artificially provoke him, make him angry, then he is not strong enough for her. This is an indicator of his weakness in front of her. Which means sleeping with him... well, it’s possible, if he takes you to restaurants, he’ll give you nice gifts. Looks after him properly.

Women like it(I'm talking about the majority, about normal women) when she cannot manipulate a man. She likes it when she can't subdue him. And she likes it even more when he subjugates her. But not violently. This should happen naturally and then she realizes that she is ready to bear him children.

Does a woman have a rank?– by marrying a man, she becomes a bearer of the rank of her man. If a woman loses self-respect in an alliance with a man, it means that he is low-ranking or average, with complexes. Life with a high-ranking person does not promise to be happy and better. But a woman will never lose respect for herself next to such a man.

How to build relationships?– first you determine a man’s rank, and only then, to solve problems, you learn 5 love languages, socionic types, advice from books... what else is there?))) It won’t work the other way around. A man's rank is a foundation laid in childhood.