Physalis: useful properties and contraindications, types of physalis and their taste. Physalis - benefits, harms and methods of use

Physalis is an annual or perennial plant of the nightshade family with a characteristic, easily recognizable type of berries that have round shape and placed in boxes of bright flowers orange color. There are different types physalis, but they are all very useful for the body. The poisonous physalis is often confused with the inedible parts of this plant - in particular, the sepal, which looks like a paper Chinese lantern and surrounds the physalis berry, is inedible and poisonous. Dangerous alkaloids have also been found in the roots of this plant.

Is it possible to get poisoned with physalis

Like other members of the nightshade family, physalis contains substances that, in large quantities, can cause negative reactions . What are these substances, physalis edible or not?

Tomatoes and potatoes, for example, which are also in the nightshade family, contain solanine, while eggplant contains solanine-M. Physalis also contains a substance called fizalin.

Physalin is a non-toxic alkaloid and carotenoid found in large quantities in Physalis. It gives the berry a bitter taste and an orange-red color.

Like the content of solanine in potatoes and tomatoes, the content of physalin in the physalis berry depends on the main factor - the degree of ripening of the fetus. The more ripe the fruit, the less bitterness and the berry is more suitable for eating. Therefore, to the question - is physalis poisonous or not, the answer mainly lies in the way it is used. Indeed, with skillful use, you can also use the leaves and roots of this plant, which in usual form may be dangerous, but contain valuable medicinal properties that can be extracted.

There are also different varieties of physalis, which are divided mainly into decorative and edible:

  • decorative "Chinese lanterns" have a small shape and a bright orange color. They are widely known in Russia as a decorative element used by confectioners to decorate cakes and other products. Such a berry has a bitter taste, although it is fully ripe. This variety is not edible due to its bitterness, but there is no scientific evidence of its toxicity;
  • edible varieties have larger fruits, and the color of ripe berries can vary from yellow to red. There are many varieties of such fruits that have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Pineapple, strawberry, vegetable physalis, as well as other varieties are popular.

However, it should be remembered that any kind of physalis is best consumed ripe, as green fruits can lead to minor indigestion. Distinguishing a ripe fruit is very simple: the sepal surrounding the berry, as soon as it is ripe, dries up and bursts. This is the main sign of the readiness of the berry for eating. Very tasty jams and preserves are obtained from physalis, it is dried, boiled, pickled, salted, added to seasonings and eaten raw.

Physalis vulgaris grows easily in central Russia, it can be stored in winter time- for this, you should not clean the berries from the boxes in which they ripen. Physalis (ordinary) decorative has small round fruits 1-2 cm in size and a box covering the berry with a beautiful triangle.

Like the berries of other varieties of physalis, common physalis has a film with a sticky composition on the surface of the berry, which tastes bitter. It is difficult to wash off with water and has a waxy texture. Berries of ornamental physalis due to small size have in their composition a more concentrated substance fizalin, which gives the fruit a bitter taste. Other toxic compounds are also present in decorative physalis.. Because of these properties, the fruit is not recommended to be eaten.

The so-called vegetable physalis, or Mexican, is the most common type of edible physalis, although not the only one. Food physalis is represented by various varieties and is an edible plant species.. Due to the larger size and selection with various plants received different varieties - the Sugar Miracle, Plum Jam and many others are widely known. These berries make very delicious food, and in the form of jam, such a berry is more like a fig, and in savory dishes it goes well with vegetables, which makes physalis an excellent ingredient for a salad or side dish.

Physalis poisoning is possible only with misuse This fruit is not to be eaten unripe.

To distinguish edible physalis from inedible, in addition to signs of ripening, you can also taste: an inedible fruit will have an unpleasant bitterness. It is also necessary to wash the fruits before cooking, preferably in hot water. The berry has a sticky, waxy coating that gives bitterness - it must be washed off with water.

What is useful physalis

Bright juicy fruits have a number of advantages - this is a sour taste that perfectly quenches thirst, and a lot of useful properties for any occasion. Edible physalis is good for the body, as it has the richest nutritional composition: it has a considerable content of organic acids - ascorbic, succinic, malic, tartaric, citric. Contains useful for bone tissue pectin, a large amount of carotene, protein. This Berry is a source of bioflavonoids, it contains the necessary for health minerals and complex important vitamins. Has an antioxidant effect.

The plant is used in traditional medicine and in homeopathy as a diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic, antiseptic and analgesic. Effective for rheumatism, diseases respiratory tract and urinary system.

To preserve the rich composition, the berries are taken raw. AT medicinal purposes juices are made from them, decoctions, tinctures are made. For treatment, the roots of the plant and leaves are also used, since they contain a large amount of useful substances.

The beneficial properties of the fetus are also indispensable for anemia, hypertension, for the treatment painful menstruation, rheumatism, dermatosis. modern medicine uses this tool as a multivitamin and dietary complex that can give the body the necessary trace elements and provide it with good nutrition.

Fruit decoction in complex therapy used to treat urolithiasis . Berry juice is used for wounds, they have a regenerating property and are suitable for the treatment of other skin lesions - lichen, gout.

Vitamin and mineral composition physalis is the following:

  • vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP;
  • trace elements magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and zinc.

Thus, the regular use of physalis will provide the body essential substances that cause it normal work, and, consequently, improve immunity and overall well-being.

Cultivation and care

Although initially physalis is a South American plant, its production is also possible in central Russia. We grow both decorative and edible species of this plant.

This plant is very picky about temperature and loves plenty of sun and low humidity.
. However, this plant cannot be called finicky - with proper care it can grow up to a meter in height, and supply the winter cellar with a variety of dishes - both sweet and savory, as caviar or pickles.

Growing and caring for edible physalis does not require special knowledge. It is enough to purchase and plant seeds, fertilize the soil and take care of the limestone content in its composition. Here are some secrets of landing in your area:

  • seeds should not be soiled with the ground - then the plant will not get sick;
  • do not plant different varieties in the same soil - they can interbreed with each other and bear deformed fruits;
  • on waterlogged and acidic soil it grows poorly and often gets sick;
  • loves a large amount of ash and humus;
  • seeds should be germinated after disinfection, placed in a damp cloth;
  • seedlings, before planting in open ground prefers cool temperatures - ideally around 17 degrees Celsius, frequent ventilation is necessary;
  • frequent watering is needed only during the growth period, when the plant has grown, watering should be reduced.

Physalis will be very useful at any time of the year and, in addition to gastronomic diversity, it will help to cope with beriberi, strengthen immunity, and berries also remove toxins from the body and heavy metals due to the unique elements included in the composition.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to use can also be extensive - this is berry intolerance, and an allergy to one or more chemical substances in its composition - for example, for a carotenoid. The content of organic acids in the composition can adversely affect stomach diseases associated with hyperacidity- in this case, there may be heartburn. Despite the fact that this berry is successfully used to treat gastritis, normalize the acid-base balance in the gastrointestinal tract and other types of diseases of the stomach and intestines, it should be used with caution in people with high acidity.

Physalis can be both beneficial when used in non large quantities, and become the culprit of poisoning with excessive consumption of berries. Positive influence on the organism is beyond doubt, however, only those varieties that, during the selection process, were bred specifically for their safe application into food. The low content of toxic and unhealthy compounds in their composition became possible due to the artificial breeding of the culture through the selection of plant forms and species. When using wild plant species as food, poisoning is possible, up to severe conditions . In addition, one should not forget that in the process of ripening, the amount of fisalin decreases sharply, which increases safety in ripe fruits and potential harm in unripe ones.


It is possible to distinguish edible types of physalis from inedible ones by taste - the pulp of the fruit should not have a strongly pronounced bitter taste, however, a slight bitterness may be present. The main taste of the fruit is a sweet and sour pleasant fresh aroma with hints of strawberries and other berries.. Bitterness from the pulp should not be confused with a waxy film around the berry, which also has a bitter taste and is characteristic of edible and inedible varieties. Berries must be washed in plenty of water to remove the film. Moreover, if you wash the berries in hot water, although this effective method, you can notice a change in taste to a more sour.

Only ripe fruits are used for food. that have ripened to orange or red (depending on the variety) and their box is completely dry. The poisonous elements of the plant - roots, leaves and blossoms - should not be used as food, since there are many dangerous compounds in the inedible part of the plant.

Physalis is a tomato-like plant, only much smaller, more acidic and with a pleasant strawberry flavor. It has a delicious sweet and sour taste and juicy flesh. AT Western countries it is called earth cherry, and in Russia - earthen cranberry. The fruit itself is yellowish-orange in color and is surrounded by a thin shell in the form of a box. Full ripening of fruits occurs 30-45 days after planting in the ground.

Physalis is considered an exotic plant, although it can be grown in any garden. There are about 75 of its species, most of them are inedible. You can only eat species called Peruvian cherry, sticky physalis and Chinese lantern. In this article, we will be discussing beneficial features namely edible species of physalis.

Health Benefits of Physalis

  • Vision

Physalis fruits are high in vitamin A, so adding as little as 100 grams of them to your diet will give you 14% of your daily dose of this vitamin. Regular consumption of the fruit of the plant will help prevent eye problems in old age, such as degeneration. yellow spot.

  • Strengthening immunity

Adding 100 g of physalis to the diet will not only provide the body with vitamin A, but also vitamin C - 18% daily required amount, and the latter vitamin is known to boost immunity. The polysaccharides contained in physalis also help the body resist disease.

  • Providing the body with energy

Physalis fruits contain vitamin B, which helps the body produce energy, so regular use of the plant fruits in cooking will help you always be energetic and avoid feeling tired.

Physalis contains thiamine, riboflavin and a nicotinic acid who play important role in the conversion of energy from dietary carbohydrates and fats.
  • Lowering cholesterol levels.

Physalis contains a lot of pectin soluble fiber, which can lower cholesterol levels. Those who have high cholesterol may begin to consume the fruits of the plant to improve their health.

  • Weight loss.

There are very few calories in physalis fruits - only 53 calories per 100 g. At the same time, the fat content in the fetus is no more than 0.70 g, and it does not contain cholesterol at all. You will not get better from it, even if you use it in large quantities.

  • Protein source.

Those who think that the body can only get protein from meat are deeply mistaken. Physalis fruits, both fresh and dried, contain enough proteins, as well as 18 different amino acids, 8 of which are essential. 100 g dried physalis includes 16% daily rate protein intake, so it will be especially useful for vegans who do not eat meat.

dried physalis

Dried physalis fruits differ from fresh ones in that they contain more nutrients, which is why they are more beneficial to health. Dried physalis is similar to raisins: it is just as soft and wrinkled. Since it energizes the body, it is often added to protein bars or muesli.

How to eat fresh physalis?

A few words about how to use physalis. The berries of the plant are in a husk, somewhat similar to paper. To get to them, the husk must be removed, as it is inedible. Now the fruits can be washed in running water and eaten. They can be eaten fresh or used in cooking. Physalis is very good to add to any salads and desserts.

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Physalis is an unpretentious plant, it can be grown in your own garden. Good luck!

Physalis is a small plant with orange cups that look like Chinese lanterns. Physalis has many other names: Jewish cherry, Inca, Aztec, golden berry, ground or Peruvian cherry, pichu berry, and pok pok. This is a member of the nightshade family, which is grown as a medicinal and ornamental plant.

The ripened fruit is sweet, with a pleasant grape smell. It is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that are good for health.

The composition and calorie content of physalis

The composition of physalis is nutritious and varied.

Composition 100 gr. physalis as a percentage of daily allowance:

  • vitamin PP- fourteen%. Normalizes the work of the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems;
  • vitamin C- 12%. Protects against colds and flu blood pressure and effectively affects Parkinson's disease;
  • vitamin B1– 7%. Participates in metabolism. Ensures the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems;
  • iron– 6%. It is part of hemoglobin and supplies the body with oxygen. Acts as a catalyst for metabolic processes;
  • phosphorus- 5%. It is part of phospholipids, ATP, DNA, nucleotides, strengthens bones.

Physalis calorie content - 53 kcal per 100 gr.

The fruit contains fatty acid, including many polyunsaturated ones. It also contains ananolides and carotenoids. It is natural, like kaempferol and quercetin, which kill harmful bacteria protect against cancer and relieve inflammation.

The beneficial properties of physalis have long been known in the East. In India it is used as a diuretic and anthelmintic and also used for intestinal disorders.

In Taiwan, physalis is used to treat cancer, leukemia, hepatitis, rheumatism and other diseases. The berry is used to relieve inflammation and fever, fight infections and strengthen the immune system. It is useful in the treatment of malaria, asthma, hepatitis, dermatitis and rheumatism.

Physalis relieves inflammation, so it is used in the treatment of joint diseases and osteoarthritis.

The berry reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol. Its use normalizes arterial pressure and prevent ischemic stroke.

Studies have proven the benefits of physalis in Parkinson's disease. The product has a positive effect on the nerves that are responsible for muscle movement.

Vitamin A in physalis is good for vision and protects the eyes from the development of diseases.

The berry is effective in treating abscesses, coughs, fevers and sore throats.

Physalis normalizes bowel function and improves peristalsis. These properties will improve the functioning of the digestive tract with constipation.

Physalis leaves have a choleretic and diuretic effect.

Physalis stops the spread cancer cells colon and breast. The root of the plant contains fisalin, a substance recommended for the treatment of intermittent fever.

Harm and contraindications of physalis

The harm of physalis, like its relatives - potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers and eggplants, for some people manifests itself in individual intolerance.

Physalis contraindications:

  • bleeding disorders - the fetus increases the risk of bleeding;
  • low blood sugar;
  • taking medications that lower blood pressure.

In some cases, physalis causes drowsiness. Be careful when driving or operating machinery.

Unripe fruits can be toxic - they contain solanine.

Caution should be exercised in people with peptic ulcers or diseases thyroid gland. Excessive use may cause breathing difficulties or diarrhea.

How to use physalis

Physalis fruits can be eaten fresh or added to salads. They are preserved whole in compotes, boiled in the form of jam and sauces are prepared. Physalis is used in pies, puddings and ice cream.

In Colombia, the fruit is stewed with honey and eaten for dessert. Dried fruits are also obtained from them, which can be covered with chocolate and served with tea.

Before use, clean the berry from dry leaves. Inside the fruits are often covered with a thin, slightly sticky coating that must be washed off before eating.

How to choose Physalis

New varieties of Physalis are often bred using chemicals. Some fruits are GMOs.

The fruit harvesting period is short - from mid-summer to early autumn. Maturity can be judged by color. The fruit turns from pale green to amber or gold, and the husk becomes dry and papery.

Physalis should be sold in the husk - dry leaves.

How to store physalis

Berries can be stored for more than 3 months at room temperature. At 2°C - within 5-6 months without signs of deterioration or wilting.

Drying allows you to get tasty and useful product similar to raisins. Compote or jam can be made from physalis.

Physalis belongs to the nightshade family, the birthplace of a herbaceous plant is considered South America. The beneficial properties of physalis are multifaceted and have been studied repeatedly. Before its use and use, you need to study important aspects. The product has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body. However, if used improperly, it can cause significant harm to a person.

Physalis composition

The rich nutritional composition allows the plant to be used in the treatment and prevention of most ailments. Physalis contains a lot of glucose and fructose, so the fruits are an excellent source of carbohydrates.

In addition, the chemical list assumes the presence of such components as lemon acid, saponin, vitamin B1, polyphenolic compounds and, of course, fizalin.

The fruits of the plant concentrate retinol, riboflavin, pyridoxine and other valuable substances. For this reason, physalis is often replaced by the usual multivitamin complexes. It contains a lot of vitamin B12, the fruits are recommended for vegetarians, who often suffer from a deficiency of this substance.

Contains organic acids. These include apple, lemon, wine, ferulic. Lycopene gives the fruits a bright saturated color. Also, this element is a natural antioxidant, which is added to medical preparations against oncological diseases.

Despite such an extensive list of substances and their beneficial properties, physalis can be used in diet food. Its calorie content is 56 kcal., This is a relatively small value.

The benefits of physalis

  1. With diabetes. Fruits help to prevent and treat an existing disease, regardless of the stage of the disease. Incoming substances control blood glucose levels, so that sugar does not “jump”. In addition, physalis in combination with medicines increases the effect of the latter. Thanks to this, the course of the disease is facilitated and its symptoms are reduced.
  2. With oncology. As mentioned above, many substances from the chemical list of physalis elements are added to medicines from cancer. Antibacterial, antioxidant properties combined with flavonoids remove free radicals and stop the effects radiotherapy(with an existing disease). The tumor begins to self-destruct due to the fact that the physalis blocks the flow of blood and oxygen to it.
  3. For bones. Physalis contains a lot of calcium, thanks to which fractures are prevented and bone tissue is thickened. With regular consumption, you will fill the voids in the bones, satisfy the body's daily need for vitamin K. This substance prevents the development of chronic ailments associated with the spine and the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Physalis strengthens nails, hair and teeth, eliminates bad smell from mouth.
  4. For heart and blood. Fruits are rich in sodium, magnesium and potassium. These substances are responsible for correct work heart muscle. Also, with the systematic consumption of physalis, blood circulation improves, blood vessels open and cleanse, red blood cells are produced at a double rate. Fruits regulate insulin levels in the blood, which is appreciated by diabetics. Physalis displays bad cholesterol and does not allow it to be deposited in the form of plaques. This is the prevention of blood clots and atherosclerosis, heart attacks, stroke.
  5. For eyes. Beta-carotene is responsible for vision, so physalis should be consumed by people with eye diseases. To reduce the likelihood of cataract formation and premature aging of fiber, consume at least a few fruits a day. As a result, you can avoid such unpleasant ailments as clouding of the lens and macular degeneration.

Physalis benefits for men

  1. Overseas bright fruits are recommended for reception by representatives of a strong half of the population. Physalis accumulates niacin, this substance is necessary for high-quality enzymatic processes.
  2. Physalis accelerates the digestibility of food and helps beneficial substances get into the blood faster. The fruits cleanse the liver, it is useful for men who have cravings for alcohol and tobacco.
  3. Men who exercise regularly should include berries in their diet. She improves the muscle mass, does not allow the fibers to disintegrate during sleep.
  4. Physalis is truly a male fruit. Regular use allows you to prevent diseases of the reproductive system and reduce the likelihood of impotence.
  5. Exotic fruits are recommended for couples who cannot conceive a child. Physalis enhances spermatogenesis and increases the ability to reproduce.

  1. Studies have shown that regular consumption of the product replenishes the deficiency of manganese and iron during the menstrual cycle in women.
  2. The consumption of physalis prevents the occurrence of muscle and headaches. A good mood returns, signs of a depressive state disappear.
  3. Taking the product makes life much easier for the fair sex, preventing PMS symptoms.

The benefits of physalis for weight loss

  1. Physalis is the perfect product for people who want to say goodbye to extra pounds. The unique composition helps to keep the body in good shape, while the fruits are low in calories.
  2. Dietary fiber stimulates activity gastrointestinal tract. As a result, fiber causes the body to break down old fatty layers. There is a natural and comfortable weight loss.

Physalis benefits for aging

  1. The benefits of fruits are pronounced in the fight against free radicals. The product actively opposes the development of oncology of various directions.
  2. The high percentage of copper in physalis improves the structure skin making the epidermis smooth and velvety.
  3. Fruit consumption helps stop premature aging tissue, eliminates age spots. In 100 gr. physalis contains 12% of the daily requirement of copper.

Benefits of physalis for digestion

  1. The fruits are a storehouse vegetable fiber. The systematic eating of berries significantly improves metabolism and eliminates most of the existing problems.
  2. Physalis has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, relieving a person from bloating, flatulence, spasms and constipation.
  3. Fruits prevent the development of colon cancer and peptic ulcer stomach. Physalis also normalizes the synthesis of sugars, controls the level of glucose in the blood.

  1. benefit unique composition berries are hard to overestimate. The high iron content in physalis is actively involved in hematopoiesis and hemoglobin increase.
  2. Eating fruits provides tissues with oxygen. As a result of this process, regeneration is increased by cellular level. Healing of habitual wounds occurs many times faster.

Physalis harm

Undoubtedly, physalis is valuable for human body, but do not forget that the fruits can harm.

  1. It is forbidden to drink medicinal decoctions and infusions based on berries long time. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Next, you need to take a break for the same period.
  2. If you have been diagnosed with serious chronic ailments, before consuming the product in any form, consult a treating specialist.
  3. It is forbidden to take physalis for problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland, acute form stomach ulcers and gastritis. Failure to follow the recommendations can significantly harm the body.
  4. The consumption of the product during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. Before taking, you should make sure that you have an edible variety in front of you. Ornamental berries and fruits growing in uncultivated areas carry a potential hazard.

Physalis is a kind of plant. Undoubtedly, at correct reception an exotic berry will help to significantly improve health and overcome some diseases. If you are in doubt whether to use the fruit at all, consult a specialist. It is important to choose or grow only an edible variety of physalis, otherwise you can get severe poisoning.

Video: what is useful physalis

There are many varieties of physalis, but the most popular edible ones are Mexican, called vegetable, and strawberry. The latter is widely used in cooking due to its unique aroma, reminiscent of strawberries, excellent taste and small fruits. Larger berries of a vegetable variety have a pleasant taste, but this plant requires certain growing conditions - moderate humidity and bright colors. sun rays. It is worth noting that there decorative look plants that can be seen on almost any suburban area. It is not picky about environmental conditions and is unsuitable for eating.

Composition and characteristics

Widespread use for medicinal and culinary purposes is due to the balanced composition of the berries. A low sugar content (no more than 6%) and low calorie content (30 kcal) make them popular among those who lose weight. The product is rich in vitamins of groups B and A, which makes it indispensable in a vegetarian menu. The composition contains toxic substances, called glycoalkaloids, but they can only be found in unripe fruits. Ripe berries of edible varieties are safe for human health.

In addition, physalis is rich in the following substances:

  • zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium,
  • essential oils,
  • protein
  • ascorbic acid,
  • dietary fiber,
  • lycopene and pectin,
  • flavonoids,
  • organic acids (tartaric, malic, citric),
  • phytoncides,
  • carotene.

The seeds of the plant contain many oily elements, the roots contain alkaloids, and the leaves contain lutein and steroids. The tannins in the berries are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action on the body, lycopene reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors, and pectin promotes the rapid removal of cholesterol, toxins and toxins. The complex of organic acids normalizes acid-base balance, and vitamin C is indispensable for infectious diseases.

Useful properties and application

Physalis is an amazing plant that is used in the most different areas: from cooking to cosmetology. Berries restore strength well, are used in medicine as a cure for exhaustion, which is especially important in rehabilitation period after severe illness. The pulp of the fruit is rich in water and fiber, so the plant contributes to the normalization of the digestive system. A decoction of physalis is suitable for preparing compresses that help relieve discomfort with arthritis, swelling and bruises. Also, a decoction is used to rinse the mouth to remove excruciating toothache.

The use of fruits perennial plant in cosmetology due to the content in them a large number antioxidants that slow down the natural aging process of the skin. In addition, physalis helps to get rid of allergic irritation, removing inflammation and rash with dermatitis.

For men

Regular consumption of fruits contributes to the improvement of men's health. Berry - excellent prophylactic against diseases of the reproductive system. Physalis reduces the likelihood of impotence, increases the ability to reproduce, enhances spermatogenesis.

It is useful to use bright fruits during difficult times. physical activity, as they contribute to a set of muscle mass and relieve stress during rest. Due to the property of physalis to cleanse the liver and improve its functioning, the plant is recommended for men who abuse tobacco products and alcoholic drinks.

For women

Benefit from regular use physalis for women is expressed as follows:

  • safe and comfortable weight loss due to high content dietary fiber that favorably affects the work of the digestive tract;
  • improving well-being during the menstrual cycle due to replenishment of iron and magnesium deficiency;
  • getting rid of age spots, improving the condition of the skin;
  • prevention of headaches and muscle pain;
  • slowing down the natural aging processes;
  • relieving stress and signs of depression;
  • fight free radicals.

The plant helps the fair sex to keep the body in good shape, to be in good mood and get rid of extra pounds.

Medicinal properties

Physalis belongs to the category medicinal plants helping the body to cope with many ailments. Shows antiseptic, hemostatic, diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Various parts of the overseas plant are used for the following purposes:

  • to lower blood pressure;
  • with diabetes and anemia;
  • to alleviate the condition with rheumatic pains;
  • to remove stones from Bladder and kidneys;
  • with epilepsy and disorders of the nervous system;
  • to relieve the symptoms of gout and jaundice;

With the help of plant juice, you can fight the manifestations of hypertension, dropsy, gonorrhea and lichen. A decoction of physalis roots normalizes menstrual cycle, and berries are a powerful prevention of oncological diseases.

In cooking

Edible varieties can be eaten both raw and processed. The only caveat is that the berries should be doused with boiling water or steamed to get rid of the sticky coating. Nutritionists advise eating raw fruits, as with heat treatment is lost most of useful elements. Low-calorie berries are added to vinaigrettes, salads and cold appetizers.

Sauces, desserts, hot dishes, pastries, as well as sweets and drinks are prepared from vegetable, Peruvian and strawberry varieties. In addition, the berries acquire an original taste if you bake them on the grill. The fruits can be dried and candied, making marmalade, marshmallow or candied fruits. On the basis of physalis, delicious jam and preserves are obtained. Berries have a low calorie content, therefore they are recommended for people who want to get rid of extra pounds or follow a strict diet.


Processing the fruits of the plant with boiling water before use is required. Otherwise, the product may cause indigestion. In addition, long-term certain parts physalis, for example, roots and berries is unacceptable. Medicinal formulations, made from a perennial plant, should be used in strict accordance with the dosage and after consultation with a specialist.

Of the main contraindications to the use of physalis, the following are distinguished:

  • allergic reaction,
  • increased acidity of the stomach,
  • period of pregnancy and lactation,
  • individual intolerance,
  • overactive thyroid.

With caution, the reception should be treated with gastric ulcer. It is worth noting that ornamental varieties of plants that grow on calcareous soils cannot be eaten.

Selection and storage

When buying berries, you should pay attention to their color. Ripe fruits should be elastic, have a rich yellow or orange hue with a dense skin and an intact shell. If physalis is planned to be used for making desserts and sweet pastries, it is best to buy a strawberry variety. Appetizers, salads and side dishes will taste better with vegetable physalis.

The optimal conditions for storing berries are cool and moderate humidity. At a temperature of about 14 degrees, the fruits will retain their appearance and taste qualities for 2 months. It is recommended to place the physalis in perforated boxes or in slatted boxes. During the entire storage period, you need to inspect the berries, selecting fully ripe ones and throwing out the spoiled ones.