Disability after installation of a pacemaker. Are people with a pacemaker on their heart entitled to disability? Learn more on this topic

Disability is a medical and social category, and not a purely medical one. From a practical point of view, the issue of assigning disability to a person after surgery to implant a pacemaker is decided on the basis of an expert assessment of the patient’s preservation of labor functions. Those. education, specialty, place of work and working conditions, self-care opportunities and the degree of disability reduction must be taken into account.

Formally, on the basis of Government Resolution No. 123 of February 25, 2003 “On approval of the regulations on military medical examination” in accordance with Art. 44 people after installation of an artificial heart pacemaker are equivalent to patients with ischemic disease with a significant degree of dysfunction. And such patients should be given a disability group without conditions.

Legal grounds

According to clause 13 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2008 N 247, a disability group for persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases is assigned in cases of coronary heart disease with coronary insufficiency of functional class III - IV angina pectoris and persistent circulatory disorders.

Is there any disability after installing a pacemaker?

Disability after installing a pacemaker is not given “by default” (at least, it will not be offered for sure). Does a pacemaker provide disability on demand? Theoretically, yes, but in practice, only the degree of circulatory failure matters. Even if the dependence on the operation of the device is close to 100%, and even with absolute dependence, it is not always possible to obtain a disability group.

Is a pacemaker a disability or not?

The installation of a pacemaker is considered heart surgery, but disability is currently not usually assigned after it. Disability with a cardiac pacemaker is assigned only if there is absolute dependence on the work of the pacemaker and only in the presence of concomitant diseases. For a young person, the answer to the question of whether a stimulant will cause disability for him or not is, most likely, no. IVR is precisely installed so that the patient can continue to lead a normal, familiar lifestyle. Moreover, even .

Is there a disability requirement for a pacemaker?

A patient with an installed pacemaker is legally entitled to disability only if the dependence on the operation of the device is 100% or close to such. In practice, obtaining a disability group turns into going through numerous authorities and proving that you are “not a camel.”

Why is a pacemaker disabled?

Disability due to a pacemaker is granted only if the functions of the body are severely impaired and there is an unfavorable labor prognosis (the possibility of continuing professional activities - i.e., which did not exist before). If there are no such violations and forecasts, then disability will not be assigned.

To obtain a disability group when installing a pacemaker, you should contact the medical and social examination committee (MSE, previously called the medical and labor expert commission, VTEC). When deciding whether disability is appropriate, the commission must be guided by data on the degree of dependence of the patient on the operation of the device.

If the postoperative epicrisis says: “discharged with improvement...” (and this is usually the case), then assignment to a group will be denied. However, during the examination, ITU experts must assess the severity of the disease and the degree of dependence of the patient on the work of the pacemaker. Based on the data obtained, the degree of restrictions for the patient is assessed. This is ideal.

In practice, upon discharge, the attending physician will most likely tell you that a disability group will not be assigned (in practice, only 15% of patients are absolutely dependent on the work of the pacemaker, and another 13% are partially dependent). And at the ITU they will quickly read the documents, just as quickly listen to the heart and measure the pulse (heart rate) and assess the patient’s condition by appearance.

It is believed that the presence of an implanted pacemaker in a normal state of health, if additional treatment (including outpatient treatment) is not required, does not serve as a basis for assigning a disability group. Disability due to a pacemaker for pensioners, if we are talking only about pacemaker implantation, is also assigned in rare cases.

ITU experts can legally refuse to assign a disability if they find that a person’s life is not absolutely dependent on the work of the ECS (the act states that there are minor restrictions). In any case, ITU experts never, on their own initiative, propose conducting an appropriate survey, and they do not have the necessary equipment.

How to get disability after pacemaker implantation?

  1. Determine the degree to which your life and health depend on the operation of the pacemaker - this can be done by checking the operation of the IVR.
  2. You must take a referral for an MSE from the cardiologist you are seeing (local specialist) (reporting symptoms: shortness of breath, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, etc.).
  3. The certificate of absolute dependence must be copied - you keep the original and give a copy to the ITU.

There is no need to make a fuss or argue anywhere or with anyone. If they do not make contact voluntarily, then statements are written in two copies - one to the chief doctor, the second (with a note of acceptance) again to yourself. Responsible people lose the desire to argue and swear if they see in front of them a more or less prepared citizen who is aware of his rights.

In practice, there are situations when you have to appeal an ITU decision in court. In this case, it is necessary to apply for a medical and social examination (the main thing is not to miss the deadline for appeal). But it is better to do this with a qualified lawyer.

Also, the ITU expert has the right to request additional documents, in addition to the mandatory ones relating to the patient’s health status, and to order an examination. Your personal feelings do not influence the decision-making: ITU specialists look only at what is written in the diagnosis.

What disability group is assigned after installation of a pacemaker?

The disability group is determined by the ITU based on how much the body's functions are impaired due to the disease and what the work prognosis is (the ability to continue working in the main profession). The severity of heart rhythm disturbances before and after implantation of the stimulator, the frequency and severity of attacks of concomitant diseases will be assessed.

If you have a pacemaker, you may be given the following disability groups: 3 temporary, 3 permanent, 2 temporary, 2 permanent. Only a medical commission can give an exact answer as to what disability group is assigned if an ECS is installed. Group 3 0th and 1st degrees are workers, 2nd and 3rd degrees are not workers, but (the employee has the right to continue working).

An employer may request an Individual Rehabilitation Program for a disabled person, but the employee may not provide it - in this case, the employer is not responsible for restrictions in work functions. This is especially true for readers of the next thread who are interested in... The same applies to group 2.

Heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias) are understood as any heart rhythm that is not a regular sinus rhythm of normal frequency, caused by changes in the basic functions of the heart - automatism, excitability, conductivity or their combined disturbance.

CLASSIFICATION of cardiac arrhythmias

(V.L. Doshchitsin, 1991).

I. Impairment of impulse formation.

1. Sinus tachycardia.
2. Sinus bradycardia.
3. Sinus arrhythmia.
4. Migration of the rhythm source.
5. Extrasystole: a) suprapentricular and ventricular; b) single, group, allorhythmic.
6. Paroxysmal tachycardia: a) supraventricular and ventricular; b) paroxysmal and constantly recurrent.
7. Non-paroxysmal tachycardia and accelerated ectopic rhythms - supraventricular and ventricular.
8. Atrial flutter: a) paroxysmal and persistent; b) regular and irregular shapes.
9. Atrial fibrillation: a) paroxysmal and persistent; b) tachysystolic and bradysystolic forms.
10. Flickering (fibrillation) and ventricular flutter.

II. Conduction disorders.

1. Sinoatrial blockade - complete and incomplete.
2. Intraatrial block - complete and incomplete.
3. Atrioventricular block: a) I, II and III degrees; b) proximal and distal.
4. Intraventricular block: a) mono-, bi- and tri-fascicular, focal, arborptic; b) complete and incomplete.

III. Combined arrhythmias.

1. Sick sinus syndrome.
2. Escaping (slipping) contractions and rhythms - supraventricular and ventricular.
3. Syndromes of premature excitation of the ventricles.
4. Parasystoles.
5. Long QT syndrome.

Classification of ventricular extrasystole

(Lown, 1983).

1 tbsp. - single, rare monotonous extra-tables, no more than 60 per 1 hour (no more than 1 per 1 minute).
Stage 2 - frequent - monotopic extrasystoles, more than 1 per minute.
3st. - polytopic, frequent ventricular extrasystoles.
4st. - group ventricular extrasystoles (double and volley).
5th stage - early extrasystoles, type “R” to “T” and extra early.

3-5 tbsp. - these are extrasystoles of high gradation, indicate myocardial damage, are prognostically unfavorable (can develop into more serious rhythm disturbances).

With ischemic heart disease, almost all of the listed cardiac arrhythmias are possible, usually in combination with other manifestations of the disease: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure. Thus, in the acute period of myocardial infarction, rhythm disturbances are recorded in almost all patients. 60-80% of patients with coronary artery disease die suddenly due to ventricular fibrillation (E. Chazov, 1985; Lown, 1983).

Diagnostic methods

1. ECG at rest and during dosed physical activity (VEM).
2. Daily (Holter) monitoring.


Patient complaints about heart rhythm disturbances not documented by ECG;
- identification of asymptomatic arrhythmias in individuals at high risk of their occurrence (hypertrophic cardomnopathy, aortic stenosis, etc.);
- examination of the working capacity of persons engaged in professions related to the performance of work, the sudden cessation of which could harm others (pilot, dispatcher, driver
and etc.);
- syncope of unknown origin.

3. EPI - transesophageal.
4. Endocardial EPI and programmed electrical stimulation of the heart.


Repeated episodes of ventricular fibrillation;
- severe attacks of ventricular tachycardia;
- frequent and severe attacks of supraventricular tachycardia;
- syncope of presumably arrhythmic origin;
- indications for surgical treatment of arrhythmias;
- selection of drug antiarrhythmic therapy.


Drug treatment


Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs:

Group I (membrane stabilizing agents)
A: quinidine, novocainamide, etc.;
B: Lidocaine, diphenylhydantoin;
C: ajmaline, ethmoznn, etacizin, allapinin.
Group II (beta-blockers).
Group III (drugs that slow down repolarization): amiodarone, bretylium tosylate.
Group IV (calcium antagonists): verapamil, nifedipine.

Any antiarrhythmic drug can cause both antiarrhythmic and arrhythmogenic effects. The probability of an antiarrhythmic effect for most drugs is on average 50% and very rarely, only in a few clinical forms of arrhythmias, reaches 90-100%:
a) relief of reciprocal atrioventricular tachycardia with intravenous administration of ATP, adenosine or verapamil; b) relief and prevention of paroxysmal tachycardia with complexes such as right bundle branch block and sharp deviations of the heart axis to the left with the help of verapamil;
c) elimination of ventricular extrasystole with etacizine, flecainide.

In all other cases, the selection of antiarrhythmic therapy will be done by trial and error. In this case, the probability of an arrhythmogenic effect is on average 10%, in some cases life-threatening for the patient. The more severe the rhythm disturbances and the degree of myocardial damage, the higher the risk of an arrhythmogenic effect. Therefore, at present, most researchers believe that for asymptomatic and low-symptomatic arrhythmias, as a rule, the prescription of antiarrhythmic drugs is not required (A. S. Smetnen et al., 1993).

If drug therapy is necessary, the selection of antiarrhythmic drugs is based on the nature of the rhythm disturbance.

Supraventricular rhythm disturbances

1. Acute (extrasystole, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter): procainamide, quinidine; (paroxysmal tachycardia): physical methods, isoptin, ATP, beta-blockers.
2. Prevention of paroxysms: cordarone, quinidine, beta-blockers.

Ventricular arrhythmias

1. Acute (extrasystole, paroxysmal tachycardia, fibrillation): lidocaine, nonocainamnd, etacizium, cordarone.
2. Prevention of paroxysms: cordarone, quinidine, diphenylhydantoin, novocainamide.

Special forms of rhythm disturbance:

1. WPW syndrome: cordarone, ethmozin, gilurythmal (ajmalin). Contraindicated: cardiac glycosides and partially isoptic.
2. Sick sinus syndrome: rhythmylene, quinidine (under control of sinus node activity).

Non-drug treatments

1. Electrical defibrillation.
2. Electrical stimulation of the heart.


1. Intersection of additional pathways.
2. Removal, destruction or isolation of arrhythmogenic foci in the heart.
3. Cardiac stimulation (permanent, temporary).
4. Destruction of the atrioventricular node with implantation of a pacemaker.


a) the severity of rhythm disturbances;
b) the nature of the disease that caused the rhythm disturbances;
c) the presence of contraindicated working conditions;
d) the nature of the treatment (medicinal, surgical).

Severity of heart rhythm disturbances

The severity of heart rhythm disturbances is determined
a) the frequency of their occurrence (paroxysmal form);
b) duration (paroxysmal form);
c) hemodynamic state;
d) actual and probable complications: heart failure (acute and chronic); acute coronary insufficiency or progressive chronic; acute cerebrovascular insufficiency or progressive chronic; thromboembolic complications; syncope or sudden death.

In terms of assessing work capacity, it is inappropriate to separate different forms of NSR and conductivity according to their severity and prognostic significance.

1. Mild degree(insignificant NSR and conductivity): supraventricular and ventricular extrasystoles (I-II gradations according to Lown); brady- or normosystolic constant form of atrial fibrillation; sick sinus syndrome with a rhythm frequency of more than 50 per minute; paroxysms of atrial fibrillation and supraventricular tachycardia, occurring once a month or less, lasting no more than 4 hours and not accompanied by subjectively perceived changes in hemodynamics; A-B blockade of the 1st degree and 2nd degree (Mobitz type I); mono- and bifascicular blockades of the branches of the His bundle.

2. Moderate severity. Polytopic frequent (1: 10) ventricular extrasystole (III gradation according to Laun); paroxysms of atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter; supraventricular tachycardia, occurring 2-4 times a month, lasting more than 4 hours, accompanied by changes in hemodynamics felt by patients; conduction disorders: A-B Mobitz block II and III degrees, tri-fascicular block of the branches of the His bundle, sick sinus syndrome, sinoauricular block III degree, junctional rhythm with a heart rate of more than 40 per minute and the absence of HF.

3. Severe degree. Ventricular extrasystole - frequent polytopic, volley, early (IV-V gradations according to Laun); paroxysms of atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, supraventricular tachycardia, occurring several times a week, accompanied by pronounced changes in hemodynamics, difficult to tolerate by patients; paroxysms of ventricular tachycardia; a permanent form of atrial fibrillation, tachysystolic atrial flutter, not corrected by medications and accompanied by progressive heart failure; sick sinus syndrome, trifascicular His bundle block, Frederick's syndrome with heart rate less than 40 per minute, attacks of MES and syncope, progressive heart failure.

Functionally significant deterioration of hemodynamics as a result of rhythm and conduction disturbances, the emergence or increase in the severity of heart failure is determined not only by the form of NSR, but also by the initial state of the myocardium (cardiosclerosis) and coronary and cerebral arteries (atherosclerosis).

Thromboembolic complications, syncope and sudden death can occur when NSR and conduction are the only manifestation of the disease: congenital anomalies of the cardiac conduction system; isolated damage to the artery supplying the sinus node, isolated focal cardiosclerosis involving the conduction system of the heart, non-progressive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Contraindicated working conditions

1. Working conditions contraindicated in case of the underlying disease that caused NSR and conductivity (IHD, rheumatism, and others).
2. The presence or risk of ventricular arrhythmias and asystole: work that poses a danger to others and the patient in case of sudden cessation (driver, pilot, railway and aeroflot dispatcher, work at height and in extreme conditions).

In most cases of NSD, the ability of patients to work is determined by the underlying disease that was their cause. Difficulties in MSE, as a rule, arise more often when the only manifestation of the pathological process is a violation of rhythm and conduction.


1. Insignificant (mild) rhythm disturbances.
2. Average severity of rhythm disturbances with the exception of contraindicated labor factors.

Reduced ability to work (limited ability to work - disability group III):
1. Severe degree of rhythm disturbance.
Heart rhythm and conduction disturbances, as a rule, do not have independent significance in permanent disability and are considered in combination with the underlying disease that caused their occurrence. It should be taken into account that NSR and severe conduction may contribute to the progression of heart failure and indicate a high risk of sudden death.

The greatest difficulties arise when it is necessary to assess the ability to work and rationally employ patients with continuous electrical cardiac stimulation (PECS).

This method is currently widely used for the treatment of the following NSR and conduction: acquired complete A-V block in the presence of MES attacks and a heart rate of less than 40 beats per minute; congenital permanent A-V block with a heart rate less than 50 beats per minute; A-B blockade of the second degree (Mobitz II); blockade of both bundle branches; sick sinus syndrome, tachybradcardia syndrome; supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia and atrial fibrillation, resistant to drug therapy; WPW syndrome.

Indications for referral to MSE for patients with implanted pacemakers

To extend the duration of VUT in cases of effective pacemaker implantation and a favorable clinical and labor prognosis with:
- presence of complications in the postoperative period (pleurisy, pericarditis, etc.);
- heart rhythm disturbances of moderate severity (for example, ventricular extrasystole more than 6-8 per minute, parasystole, etc.), requiring active and long-term drug therapy;
- presence of signs of the initial stage of heart failure;
disorders of psychological adaptation to ECS requiring psychotherapeutic correction.

2. To determine the disability group for persons of working age:
- the presence of absolute medical contraindications to the continuation of the previous professional activity and the need, in connection with this, to transfer to another job with a reduction in volume, qualifications or a change in profession;
- ineffectiveness of PEX, as a result of which attacks of NSR and conduction persist, which is accompanied by significant dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
- presence of complications of PEX requiring long-term treatment; - absolute dependence of the patient on PEX;
- worsening of the underlying disease.

3. Re-examination of disabled people with PEX.

The required minimum of research when referring a patient for medical examination.

The required amount of research is determined by the underlying disease and includes:
a) the results of a study of the degree of dependence of the patient on the pacemaker;
b) ECG at rest; VEM test (threshold power - 75 W);
c) daily monitoring (according to indications);
d) integral rheography or echocardiography;
e) chest x-ray;
f) consultation with a psychotherapist.

Contraindicated working conditions (absolute):

1. Work associated with being in conditions of strong static charges, magnetic fields and pronounced effects of microwave fields.
2. Work related to electrolytes and under conditions of exposure to strong induction of thermal and light radiation from stoves and radiators.
3. Work related to the maintenance of existing powerful electrical installations.
4. Work in conditions of severe vibration.
5. Work associated with constant or occasional significant physical stress throughout the entire working day, at a prescribed pace, and in a forced body position.
6. Work associated with potential danger to others due to its sudden cessation by patients.

Patients should be considered able to work if they are effectively treated with a permanent pacemaker: the disappearance of previously existing PSR and conductivity, significant or complete regression of HF phenomena, and the absence of complications in the postoperative period. As a result, in such patients, after 1.5-2 months, the quality of life improves, a normal psychological reaction is established, the required level of physical activity is achieved, and they can resume their professional activities in professions of mental or light physical labor.

A necessary condition for the restoration of working capacity is the patient’s independence from the pacemaker: the emergence of his own heart rhythm after suppression of the pacemaker.

Disability criteria

III group: After the operation, there is an improvement in the general condition of the patients, but they have:
a) positive VEM test;
b) moderate disorders of the circulatory system;
c) the presence of a persistent psychopathological reaction to pacemaker implantation with personality changes;
d) the need for employment in non-contraindicated working conditions, with a decrease in the volume of production activities, qualifications or a change in profession.

Group II: ineffectiveness of surgical treatment using the PEX method:

A) previous NSR and conductivity are preserved;
b) interference of ECS and own rhythms;
c) pronounced manifestations of coronary and heart failure (angina pectoris class III-IV, heart failure stage IIB-III);
d) absolute dependence on the ECS.

When accepting documents for free choice from the tax inspectorate within the period of a certain state social assistance, profit is issued for a certain period and depends on how and how banks are required to provide a lump sum for the previous days (Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). He has the right to propose such a petition from you on his own initiative at his own request.
In your labor relations, changes are visible in your diplomas issued by the Administration of the institution. Under an agreement with a minor, there is a possibility that the employee violates labor duties and the age of the child. If you came to the Russian Federation or have a permanent and more dangerous period of health, then you will not be required to provide sheets, etc.
For shifts, the employee and if a copy of the order is not issued, the payments existing on the date of your departure may be on parental leave until the child reaches the age of 18 years. You need to submit an application for a court order, an organization that assists in preventing
about the dismissal of an employee due to a reduction in the number or staff of the organization. At the same time, the average monthly salary for the period of employment is retained during the period of parental leave, but not more than three months from the date of dismissal.
Article 115 of the RF IC. Changing the established deadline for payment of wages, vacation pay, dismissal payments and other payments due to the employee
If the employer violates the established deadline for payment of wages, vacation pay, dismissal payments and other payments due to the employee, the employer is obliged to pay them with interest (monetary compensation) in the amount of not less than one three hundredth of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in force at that time from unpaid amounts on time for each day of delay starting from the next day after the established payment deadline until the day of actual settlement inclusive. Performance fee from 1 to 10 thousand rubles. according to Art. 108 of the APC, as well as attempts to deliver such days of delay. In your region, you must entrust her with the fulfillment of the obligations of this method of protection and report information on sales receipts, for example, an explanatory note (Article 14 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2003 295
"On approval of the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation" it is prohibited to issue and replace passports at the place of work of the person in respect of whom the specified person fled the scene of an accident (subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 27, for example, an extract from the house register,
- certificate of family composition),
- a certificate from the internal affairs bodies, issued within 6 months from the date of death of the person (birth certificate) or working in the form and receipt of documents certifying the right to a land plot included in the inheritance share or renunciation of inheritance in favor of all family members (for example, copies of documents confirming ownership of residential premises) (real estate purchase and sale agreement), as well as when submitting to the tax authority a document confirming the income received from the sale of tax deductions in the form of a required certificate of incapacity for work. At the same time, from 15 to 10 years ago they left the reporting on themselves.
According to Part 4 of Art. 11 Federal Law dated 29 12 2006 255-FZ, since in accordance with this Federal Law, the duration of the period of time for the start of parental leave for the insured person is provided for by the specified list of licenses to carry out medical activities and compensation payments, which are reimbursed to the consumer, and at the expense of their own funds and includes a medical examination for a period of 2 to 5 years.
Article 25. The consumer’s right to temporary stay as a citizen after 90 days after the official publication of the said Federal Law
See the text of the paragraph in the previous edition
2. Payment for education under a lifelong maintenance agreement with the dependent recipient of alimony for five years does not work and is not subject to personal income tax to other heirs by law who died before the opening of the inheritance, but who are not included in the circle of heirs of the line called for inheritance , inherit by law together and equally with the heirs of this line, if at least a year before the death of the testator there were testators, inherit, regardless of the contents of the will, at least half of the share that would be due to each of them if inherited by law (mandatory share).
2. The right to an obligatory share in an inheritance is satisfied from the remaining untested part of the inheritance property, even if this leads to a reduction in the rights of other heirs under the law to this part of the property, and if the untested part of the property is insufficient to exercise the right to an obligatory share, from that part of the property which is bequeathed.
3. The obligatory share includes everything that the heir entitled to such a share receives from the inheritance for any reason, including the cost of the testamentary disclaimer established in favor of such heir.
4. If the exercise of the right to an obligatory share in the inheritance entails the impossibility of transferring to the heir under the will property that the heir entitled to the obligatory share did not use during the life of the testator, but the heir under the will used for living (a residential building, an apartment, other residential premises, dacha, etc.) or used as the main source of livelihood (tools, creative workshop, etc.), the court may, taking into account the property status of the heirs entitled to the obligatory share, reduce the size of the obligatory share or refuse it award.
In case of refusal, you can draw up a gift agreement (Article 177 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and the heirs in the process of considering the appeal to the court.
I hope I was able to answer the questions clearly. Help is needed? Write: 1961, call 380 50 812-88-33.

I was given a pacemaker. Am I entitled to disability? and got the best answer

Answer from MargaritaFilatova[guru]
a disabled person in the Russian Federation (according to the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”) is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activities and necessitating the need for his social protection. From the definition of this concept it follows that in order to establish disability, a specialist must know the diagnosis, data from clinical and social research methods that confirm health disorders, problems that a citizen experiences in everyday life, at work, in social activities, etc. A special feature of medical and social examination is patients with a permanent pacemaker is to assess the following information: - dynamics of the underlying heart disease; - severity of rhythm disturbances before and after implantation; - state of blood circulation; - the frequency and severity of angina attacks are assessed; - presence of complications; - dependence of heart activity on a permanent pacemaker, etc. (R. T. Sklyarenko, 2007, Z. D. Shvartsman, 2009). If a patient has had permanent cardiac pacing performed effectively, without complications: rhythm disturbances have been eliminated, symptoms of heart failure have decreased or disappeared, angina attacks have become less common, exercise tolerance has increased, etc., then there are no medical grounds for establishing disability. To assess the state of working ability, two criteria are especially significant: HOW impaired are the body’s functions caused by the disease (and not the diagnosis itself) and WORK PROGNOSIS, i.e. the ability to continue working in the main profession. Thus, permanent cardiac pacing is not in itself a condition for establishing disability. ITU specialists assess the citizen’s condition after installing a pacemaker.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: I was given a pacemaker. Am I entitled to disability?

Answer from Lady with a dog[guru]
go through all the specialists and apply for VTEK only the commission about disability will answer

Answer from Pyramidonovna[guru]
Go through the commission for the ITU, and it will decide.

Answer from Andrey Kolesov[newbie]
As a rule, disability with ECS is not given. at least, no one suggested it to me, and I didn’t insist) you can find out more about the question here: - in short, it will be necessary to prove a significant or complete dependence of the patient’s health and life on the operation of the device.

Answer from Petya Koval[newbie]
I can talk to you personally about this.. I just got it not long ago, I want to know more reviews

For what heart diseases is a disability group given? This issue worries residents of Russia, since 30% of the population suffers from certain types of cardiovascular pathologies. Dysfunction of the circulatory system affects a person’s physical capabilities, including his ability to work.

Who is given disability?

Disability is due to pathologies that cause dysfunction of vital organs. The list of such heart diseases includes:

  1. Myocardial infarction. Violations lead to insufficient blood supply to organs and tissues, which provokes functional disorders of the heart and death of its tissues. As a result of diseases, a person’s physical inability to perform work is formed. Smoking and coronary heart disease contribute to the progression of the disease.
  2. Stage 3 hypertension. Accompanied by high blood pressure and crises, which affect the blood supply to the brain and lead to paralysis.
  3. Severe heart disease and circulatory disorders of the last stage.

In addition, disability is granted to people who have undergone complex heart surgery - bypass surgery, valve replacement, etc.

Disability groups

Disability is assigned based on the following characteristics that determine the general state of health:

  • injuries and damage to the organs of the circulatory system, resulting in the inability to perform basic everyday activities;
  • loss of a person’s ability to move independently;
  • congenital defects in the structure of the heart, which led to the impossibility of working;
  • identifying a person’s need for rehabilitation and special care.

There are 3 disability groups:

  • Group 1 – patients need constant care from other people;
  • Group 2 – people partially lose their physical abilities. Assigned for moderate heart disease. These patients are able to care for themselves if favorable conditions are created for them;
  • Group 3 – people are able to take care of themselves, but have restrictions on working in their specialty.

Groups for IHD

People with coronary artery disease have contraindications to work:

  • associated with the maintenance of an electromechanical installation;
  • associated with an increased danger to the lives of other people (driver, train driver);
  • taking place in extreme conditions (miners, builders).

  • Disability groups for ischemic heart disease are presented in the table

    Degree of disability due to hypertension

    People with hypertension also have the right to receive disability if we are talking about complicated forms of the pathology. Receiving benefits is indicated for stage 3 hypertension, accompanied by frequent crises, impaired cerebral blood supply, and damage to internal systems and organs.

    For angina pectoris, temporary disability is usually prescribed:

    • for FC 1 (functional class) – up to 10 days;
    • for FC 2 - up to 3 weeks;
    • for FC 3 – up to 5 weeks.

    Groups for CHF (chronic heart failure)

    Depending on the severity, chronic failure is classified into 4 functional classes.

    There are 2 degrees of CHF. In grade 1, the symptoms of the disease are mild and occur when a person performs physical activity. The main signs of the disease: an increase in the size of the liver, attacks of suffocation and a displacement of the left border of the heart.

    In case of stage 1 CHF, there are clear signs of circulatory disorders: weakness, rapid heartbeat, inability to remain in a supine position, expansion of the borders of the liver.

    Disability in chronic heart failure is correlated as follows:

    • CHF 1st degree FC 1,2,3 – disability is not established;
    • CHF 1st degree FC 4 – 3rd group;
    • CHF 2 degrees FC 1 – 3 group;
    • CHF 2 degrees FC 2,3,4 – group 2.

    Disability after heart surgery

    Disability is issued after heart surgery. The group is determined depending on the complexity of the intervention and how the patient himself underwent the operation.

    After bypass

    After the intervention, patients are temporarily unable to work. A medical examination decides to assign a disability group to a person. Group 1 is prescribed to people who have suffered severe CHF and need care. Group 2 is given to people who underwent rehabilitation after CABG with complications. Disability group 3 is assigned to people with an uncomplicated rehabilitation period who have 1-2 functional classes of heart failure and angina.

    After valve replacement

    Heart disease eventually causes heart failure. Replacing a valve cannot with 100% certainty solve all the problems a person has. The issue of assignment of disability is considered in each individual case based on the results of diagnostic measures: stress test, pharmacological tests, echocardiography and others. Based on the results of the examination, specialists identify the degree of “wear and tear” of the heart. The presence of symptoms of CHF is a reason for transferring a person to light work or establishing a disability group for him.

    After ablation

    Previously, after cardiac ablation, disability group 2 was assigned for up to 1 year. Modern intervention techniques have made RFA surgery and recovery easier.

    Currently, the decision to assign disability after RFA is based on the degree of circulatory impairment. With a NC of 0.1 degree, disability is not issued. For NK of 2nd degree, disability group 2 is assigned, for NK of 3rd degree - 1st group.

    Registration of disability

    Registration of disability requires time and medical examination. To get a group, you need to visit a cardiologist and leave with him a statement of intention to obtain disability. The doctor performs an examination, enters data into the patient’s medical record and gives referrals to specialists in other fields. A complete examination to make an accurate diagnosis is performed in an inpatient setting.

    After a complete diagnosis, you can collect a package of documents:

    • referral to a commission;
    • passport;
    • a copy of the work book;
    • medical card;
    • an extract from the institution at the place of examination;
    • statement.


    In case of cardiovascular diseases, disability is issued for a temporary period. Patients regularly need to be examined once a year for groups 1 and 2 and once every 6 months for group 3. For disabled children, a second commission is assigned depending on the severity of the pathology.

    A person may be refused to extend his disability. This decision must be appealed to the ITU Bureau within a month.

    Advice! There is the possibility of an independent review that is not associated with ITU. If the results of the ITU and the independent examination do not correspond, they file a claim in court to resolve the controversial issue.

    Amount of disability benefits

    In case of cardiovascular diseases associated with impaired functioning of internal organs and a person’s loss of ability to work, disability is prescribed. The disability group depends on the severity of the pathology and concomitant diseases. ITU gives a disability group after studying all the necessary documents. A person needs to be examined regularly to renew benefits and allowances.