How to get a referral for free spa treatment. The nuances of providing social vouchers to labor veterans Who has the right to sanatorium treatment

Benefits for sanatorium and resort treatment are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation as a measure of additional medical and social assistance to the population. Subsidies for preferential stay in a sanatorium are provided to certain groups of citizens recognized as needing sanatorium-resort treatment for medical reasons.

The fundamental legal framework establishing the procedure for providing this type of subsidy is:

  • Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 29, 2004 No. 328 “On approval of the procedure for providing a set of social services to certain categories of citizens.”

Who prescribes spa treatment and how?

Issuing preferential vouchers to a sanatorium is an application process. That is, the person himself must express his desire and request a voucher. Sometimes the attending physician independently recommends sanatorium treatment, but this is not a necessary or sufficient condition.

In order to receive a subsidized voucher to a sanatorium, the applicant must simultaneously meet two requirements:

  • Belonged to the group of persons entitled to such a subsidy by law;
  • Had medical indications.

Many people mistake such subsidies for a free vacation package. In fact, benefits for spa treatment are directly related to the applicant’s health status. To receive a subsidy you must obtain certificate 070/U-04. The doctor issues it if he comes to the conclusion that staying in the sanatorium is really necessary. In addition, no earlier than 2 months before departure to the resort, the applicant must receive a resort card. It is issued by the same doctor who issued certificate 070/U-04.

It is important to remember that form 070/U-04 has a validity period of 6 months. After this period, the certificate will need to be issued again.

You must bring the following documents with you to the sanatorium:

  • Voucher;
  • Medical policy;
  • Sanatorium card;
  • Passport.

Categories of citizens entitled to receive free vouchers to sanatoriums

Russian legislation distinguishes two types of persons entitled to health resort subsidies. The following have the right to visit a medical sanatorium free of charge once a year:

  • Disabled people and WWII participants;
  • Combat veterans;
  • Disabled people of 1-3 degrees and disabled children;
  • Residents of besieged Leningrad (you must have an award badge);
  • Home front workers during the Second World War;
  • Victims of radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.
  • Family members of deceased disabled people and WWII veterans.

Along with the right to receive a free referral to a sanatorium, these persons have the right to:

  • Free travel to the sanatorium by ground transport. A coupon for purchasing a discount ticket is issued at the FSS office along with the voucher. In regions where travel by land is not possible, the FSS also pays for air tickets.
  • For disabled people of group 1 and disabled children, the law provides the right to take one accompanying person with them free of charge.

In addition to the above social groups, the legislation of the Russian Federation also provides for:

  • Benefits for military pensioners for sanatorium and resort treatment;
  • Benefits for pensioners for sanatorium treatment;
  • Benefits for sanatorium treatment for labor veterans;
  • Benefits for reserve officers for sanatorium and resort treatment;

It is important to remember that the sanatorium does not provide the necessary medications other than those that will be prescribed in the institution itself. All necessary medications must be obtained according to existing prescriptions in advance at your place of residence.

Certain categories of citizens

Military pensioners and reserve officers

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 No. 333 “On the procedure for sanatorium and resort provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” established the procedure and grounds for providing resort and health treatment to military personnel.

Benefits for military pensioners for sanatorium and resort treatment are also provided to members of their families. The preferential voucher is issued by the decision of the Department of Sanatorium and Resort Treatment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. To receive a subsidy, a military pensioner must submit an application directly to the Main Military Medical Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense or to the administration of the sanatorium. The application must be accompanied by a certificate in form 070/U-04 confirming the presence of medical indications.

Benefits for reserve officers for sanatorium and resort treatment are provided according to a similar scheme, provided that the service period of the transferred officer in preferential terms is at least 20 years.

Pensioners and labor veterans

Under the same conditions as veterans of the Second World War and military conflicts, the following are provided:

  • Benefits for pensioners for sanatorium and resort treatment;
  • Benefits for sanatorium treatment for labor veterans.

Vouchers are issued by the FSS department on the basis of an application and certificate 070/U-04. The detailed process of obtaining free vouchers to the sanatorium is covered at the beginning of the article.

Many of us would like to receive a preferential voucher from the state for sanatorium treatment.

However, this opportunity is not provided for everyone.

So, who can get it? What is needed for this? What legal provisions govern this issue?

Legislative aspect

Question about the possibility of obtaining a discounted voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment regulated:

  • Federal Law No. 178, which clearly defines the time frame for staying in a sanatorium, as well as possible reasons for refusal for various categories of citizens;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health, which regulates the procedure for obtaining this benefit;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which provides guarantees of free treatment for certain categories of the population.

In addition, each region of the Russian Federation has its own regional laws, which cover in more detail the issues of registering free sanatorium-resort treatment for its residents.

Who is entitled to

The right to receive free visits to one of the sanatoriums are available to:

In addition to the indicated categories, people also have the right to count on a voucher Patients for whom it is extremely important to receive further treatment after an inpatient stay in a medical institution (funds are allocated from the regional budget). Only officially employed citizens have this right after receiving inpatient medical care. The full list of diseases for which employed citizens can count on recovery is regulated by regional legislation. For example, in the capital this issue is regulated by Moscow Decree No. 591 of July 2010.

Also, employees of certain departments and departments (for example, law enforcement agencies) have the right to free visits to the sanatorium, in accordance with the regulatory documents adopted by the departments.

Terms of service

It is worth noting that when you book a voucher through the Social Insurance Fund, including when asking, it is provided completely free of charge.

Duration sanatorium-resort voucher varies from 18 to 24 days. The sanatorium must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the voucher includes free travel in both directions. Details can be found at the territorial FSS office at your place of registration.

It is important to remember: you need to think about the medications that the applicant takes in advance, since no one will provide them.

As for departments and departments, they independently decide on the procedure for financing and the amount of payment for sanatorium-resort treatment for their current employees and retirees. To clarify all the necessary information, you must contact your department directly.

What institutions can you go to for health improvement?

As mentioned above, not all sanatoriums offer a free voucher.

In particular, can send:

  • if it comes at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund, it will be provided only to one of those sanatoriums that previously entered into an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund. They are located throughout the Russian Federation, and specifically in resort areas, which is important;
  • as for vouchers for patients for whom it is extremely important to undergo a course of rehabilitation after hospital treatment. Such citizens are issued a voucher to local sanatoriums that provide their services for a specific type of disease. Moreover, the list of such institutions is regulated by regional regulations and is regularly reviewed. This category of citizens can receive a referral exclusively to their region;
  • As for departmental employees, including retirees, the full list of institutions to which they can be sent directly depends solely on the capabilities of the organizations themselves. In simple words, they send people for treatment/rest only to those institutions that belong exclusively to them.

Maximum stay period

Duration of spa treatment provided to citizens of the Russian Federation in , is no more than 18 calendar days.

  • about 21 calendar days – for disabled children;
  • Citizens who have diseases of the spinal cord or brain have the right to count up to 42 calendar days.

As for free vouchers for completing a rehabilitation course, they do not exceed 24 calendar days.

Registration procedure

The registration process can be conditionally divide into several categories:

  1. Directly through the FSS.
  2. Patients who need to undergo rehabilitation.

Through the Social Insurance Fund

To receive a free trip, you must directly contact your attending physician at your place of residence.

To avoid possible errors when drawing up an application, it is recommended to use a special one.

If there are medical indications and in parallel there is no medical prohibition on sanatorium treatment, the doctor must fill out certificate in form No. 070/у-4, which includes the following information:

  • name of the sanatorium;
  • Preferred visiting season.

The issued certificate has a validity period of six months from the date of issue.

With the received certificate and the corresponding application drawn up, you should visit the territorial department of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

In addition to these documents, you should be sure to prepare:

  • documents that confirm that the applicant belongs to one of the categories of citizens with benefits. They can be: a certificate of a disabled person, a certificate of recognition of incapacity, and so on;
  • a developed personal rehabilitation plan for an incapacitated applicant, which gives full right to receive state social assistance (provided in the form of a set of social services);
  • original and a copy of all completed pages of the passport.

Based on the submitted package of documents, employees of the Social Insurance Fund will notify the applicant over the next few weeks about the possibility of providing a voucher for sanatorium treatment according to the type of disease with an exact indication of the time of arrival.

After registration, the voucher is given to the applicant with all the necessary information about the patient. It bears the note “It is impossible to resell the trip because it was paid for by the federal budget.”

After the applicant receives permission to visit the sanatorium, it is necessary no earlier than several months before the start of its validity, apply for a health resort card at the clinic, where a certificate was provided in form No. 070/u-4.

Upon completion of treatment at the sanatorium, it is necessary to return the remaining part of the coupon (it is issued upon departure by the sanatorium) to the clinic no later than one calendar month upon arrival. The sanatorium independently sends the other part of the voucher (tear-off part) to the territorial Social Insurance Fund, so there is no reason to worry. In simple words, you can be sure that the FSS will not have any questions.

Rehabilitation course

Those categories of citizens for whom it is extremely important to receive an additional course of rehabilitation upon completion of inpatient treatment must contact the medical commission of the medical institution where they were treated.

This is possible in accordance with the procedure for sending hired workers to undergo a rehabilitation course in specialized sanatoriums, the list of which was approved by the Ministry of Health No. 44 of January 2006.

In simple words, initially need to:

  1. Check with your doctor about the need for a rehabilitation course.
  2. Then contact the trade union representative at your official place of work.
  3. To get approval.
  4. The following procedure is identical to the first option.

As you can see, getting a referral for health improvement for free is not so difficult. It is enough to adhere to a clear algorithm of actions.

Possible reasons for refusal

Main reasons for refusal When applying for free treatment, it is generally accepted that:

  • an attempt to register by citizens who are not provided with such an opportunity;
  • not a complete package of necessary documentation was provided;
  • the completed application contains errors (incorrectly compiled).

A more detailed list with an interpretation of possible reasons for refusal is indicated in Federal Law No. 178 “On the provision of state social assistance.”

Financial compensation

Initially, it is necessary to understand that children with disabilities and (they may be provided with free referrals in the presence of regional bills) have no legal basis to receive financial compensation.

They have two options:

  • take advantage of a free trip;
  • otherwise, it simply “burns out.”

If monetary compensation is issued serviceman, he has the right to receive about 25% of the cost of treatment. Moreover, if compensation is issued by one of his family members, the relatives receive 50% of the cost.

Many people ask the question: why is it necessary to apply for compensation if the best option is sanatorium-resort treatment? The answer is banal: the problem is that in many regions of our country, beneficiaries are forced to wait for quite a long period of time for their turn to receive a voucher. Sometimes it may not be suitable for the current year. In order to somehow compensate for the lost opportunity, they are forced to issue compensation.

For information on granting the right to free health treatment in sanatoriums to residents of the Samara region, see the following video:

Sanatorium-resort treatment of disabled people is a social service provided by the state at the expense of the regional budget.

Who is eligible for sanatorium services?

Characteristics of social services

The meaning of social benefits

A beneficiary with a chronic disease has the right to collect all the necessary documents and apply for individual treatment. An important point when completing a referral will be compliance with all validity periods of the papers.

The rehabilitation program may include physiotherapy, massage, psychotherapy, manual manipulation, physical therapy, mud therapy and reflexology.

Thus, a budget voucher gives the right to use free health services. Drug therapy, climatic conditions and special procedures significantly improve the health of persons with disabilities.

Additional service of the FSS of the Russian Federation

Since 2018, the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation has launched a new social project that allows you to receive an electronic coupon for a simplified issuance of a train ticket for travel to the place of sanatorium treatment. The coupon itself is issued at the request of the beneficiary directly at the territorial divisions of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

Then, with such a coupon, you can either go directly to the railway ticket office and receive a ready-made railway ticket there upon presentation of your passport. Or issue an electronic ticket online through the Russian Railways website (, having previously registered there. in the latter case, everything can be done without leaving home.

All categories of beneficiaries who are entitled to free travel to the place of treatment using vouchers from the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and regional executive authorities in the field of healthcare will be able to use this service. Provided that the beneficiary has not refused the package of social services in kind. Otherwise, he will only be entitled to monetary compensation from such NSO.

Last changes

The categories of citizens listed above can apply for both free sanatorium-resort treatment and replacement of it with EDV. You can refuse either one of the services provided or all of them at the same time.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2004 No. 256 “On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients for sanatorium-resort treatment,” medical selection and referral for sanatorium-resort treatment of citizens is carried out by the attending physician and the head of the department or a medical commission (for citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services) of a treatment and preventive institution at their place of residence.

If there are indications and no contraindications for referral to sanatorium-resort treatment, the patient is issued a certificate to receive a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment" (form No. 070/u). Medical indications and contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment are determined by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 05.05.2016 No. 281n “On approval of lists of medical indications and contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment.” If the patient has diseases included in the list of medical indications for sanatorium-resort treatment of the child population, on the basis of a certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment (form No. 070/u), an application is made in the sanatorium-resort treatment monitoring subsystem of the Russian Ministry of Health.

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2009 No. 14-5/10/2-4265 “On sending children for sanatorium-resort treatment to sanatorium-resort institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia” to sanatorium-resort Institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation send children from 4 to 14 years of age inclusive, including accompanied by a legal representative, from 15 to 18 years of age unaccompanied, unless the need for accompaniment is due to medical indications. Children aged 2 years and older are sent to sanatorium-resort institutions with a psychoneurological profile, accompanied by a legal representative.

When contacting the Moscow City Health Department regarding referral of a child for sanatorium-resort treatment in a sanatorium under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the following documents must be provided:

  • application from the legal representative of a minor to send the child to a sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • statement from the legal representative of the minor regarding consent to the processing of personal data;
  • a copy of the passport of the legal representative of the minor with information on registration at the place of residence;
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • a copy of the compulsory health insurance policy;
  • a document confirming the child’s registration in the city of Moscow;
  • a copy of the certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment (form No. 070/u);
  • copy of SNILS (if available).

The structure of Moscow city healthcare includes sanatoriums for children: general, bronchopulmonary, orthopedic, cardio-rheumatological, nephrological and gastroenterological profiles. All sanatoriums provide for the stay of children throughout the year.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 22, 2004 No. 256 “On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients for sanatorium-resort treatment,” medical selection and referral of patients in need of sanatorium-resort treatment are carried out by the attending physician and the head of the department. The presence of medical indications for sanatorium-resort treatment and the absence of contraindications for its implementation is within the competence of the attending physician and is determined in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 05.05.2016 No. 281n “On approval of lists of medical indications and contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment.” The decision is made based on an analysis of the patient’s objective condition, the results of previous treatment (outpatient, inpatient), data from laboratory, functional, radiological and other studies. If there are indications and there are no contraindications for treatment, the following will be issued to the sanatorium: a voucher to the sanatorium; sanatorium-resort card for children (registration form N 076/u) and a certificate from a pediatrician or epidemiologist confirming the absence of contact with patients with infectious diseases (for those attending educational institutions, a certificate of no contact with patients with infectious diseases from an educational institution (kindergartens, schools).

In addition, the following documents of the child must be submitted to the sanatorium: birth certificate and compulsory health insurance policy (it is advisable to provide a photocopy of these documents).

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, as well as the profile (specialization) of the sanatorium, in some cases the decision on the possibility of a child’s stay is decided by a commission at the sanatorium.