How to take smecta powder for adults and children. "Smecta": instructions for use

Smecta is a natural enterosorbent that promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body; it also “works” against viruses, pathogenic microorganisms and harmful substances.

It has an adsorbing effect and has a stabilizing effect on the mucous barrier. Smecta is capable of absorbing water up to 8 times its own weight, making stool less watery. In addition to water, the drug binds viruses and bacteria, as well as their waste products and other toxins, preventing them from attaching to the membranes of intestinal cells.

Unlike antidiarrheals that inhibit intestinal motility, smecta does not have a similar effect; on the contrary, the drug reduces the residence time of the toxic agent in the gastrointestinal tract.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antidiarrheal drug.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buy without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Smecta powder cost in pharmacies? The average price is 160 rubles.

Composition and release form

The drug in question is sold in sachets of powder from which a suspension is prepared. One sachet (weights 3 grams) contains:

  • active ingredients: dioctahedral smectite (magnesium and aluminum silicate);
  • excipients: flavorings (vanilla and/or orange), dextrose monohydrate, sodium saccharinate.

Smecta is a grayish-white or yellowish powder that has a pleasant aroma of orange or vanilla, depending on what specific flavoring the manufacturer used.

pharmachologic effect

Smecta is an antidiarrheal drug. This is a naturally occurring aluminosilicate that has an adsorbing effect.

Dioctahedral smectite, the main active ingredient of the drug, stabilizes the mucous barrier of the gastrointestinal tract, creates polyvalent bonds with mucus glycoproteins, increasing the amount of mucus and stimulating its cytoprotective properties. Also, the drug, due to its discoid-crystalline structure, has selective sorption properties.

Diosmectite (dioctahedral smectite) does not stain stool and is radiolucent. It contains a small amount of aluminum, but it is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, in particular in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are characterized by symptoms of colonopathy and colitis.

Smecta is excreted from the body unchanged, since it is not absorbed.

Indications for use

What does it help with? Smecta is indicated for use in the following cases:

  1. For diarrhea of ​​infectious origin (Smecta is indicated for use as part of complex therapy).
  2. Diarrhea of ​​acute and chronic type (drug-induced, allergic origin; with an inadequate or incorrect diet, with a violation of the diet).
  3. To relieve symptoms of heartburn, abdominal discomfort and bloating, as well as various symptoms of dispersion that accompany diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Smecta acts not only as an enterosorbent, but also has a therapeutic effect: if there is a deficiency of sodium, magnesium and potassium in the body (this is a normal phenomenon with diarrhea), the drug in question stabilizes this balance. Smecta helps increase mucus, which means that the intestinal mucosa becomes denser and is able to resist harmful, toxic and irritating substances - the symptoms of intoxication quickly become less intense.


Taking Smecta powder suspension is contraindicated in several situations, which include:

  1. Fructose intolerance.
  2. Intestinal obstruction of any location.
  3. Individual intolerance to any of the components (active or excipients) of the drug.
  4. Impaired digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine (lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption).

Before starting to use the drug, it is important to ensure that there are no contraindications.

Prescription during pregnancy and lactation

If a woman is in the period of bearing a child or lactation, then the use of Smecta is quite acceptable - the studies did not reveal any negative effect of the active substance of the drug in question on the intrauterine development of the fetus or on a newborn who is breastfed.

How to breed Smecta?

For adults or children who are able to drink 100 ml of suspension, it is necessary to dissolve the powder from one sachet in half a glass of warm boiled water. You should always dissolve the required amount of the drug immediately before each dose and drink the suspension within 5 to 10 minutes, and do not immediately prepare the daily dosage of Smecta, store it in the refrigerator and take it in portions.

For infants, the contents of the required number of sachets per day are dissolved or thoroughly mixed in 50 ml of any liquid or semi-liquid product, for example, milk, porridge, puree, compote, milk formula, etc. Then the total amount of the product with Smecta is distributed into several doses (optimally three, but more are possible) over the course of one day. The next day, if necessary, prepare a new portion of the liquid or semi-liquid product with Smecta.

To obtain a homogeneous suspension, you must first pour the required amount of water or liquid product into the preparation container (glass, deep bowl, baby bottle, etc.). Then slowly pour the powder from the bag into it, stirring the liquid constantly. The suspension is considered ready for use when it acquires a homogeneous consistency without inclusions or lumps.

How long does it take for the drug to work?

The medicine begins to act from the first dose (for diarrhea, the effect develops after 6-12 hours, for poisoning - after 2-3 hours, for esophagitis - within half an hour).

Dosage and method of administration

As stated in the instructions for use for acute diarrhea Smecta should be taken in the following dosages, depending on age:

  1. Children under one year old - take 2 sachets per day for 3 days. Then take 1 sachet per day for another 2–4 days.
  2. Children 1 – 12 years old – take 4 sachets per day for 3 days. Then take 2 sachets per day for another 2–4 days.
  3. Adolescents over 12 years of age and adults – take 6 sachets per day for 3 days. Then take 3 sachets per day for another 2–4 days.

For any other conditions Smecta should be drunk in the following dosages depending on age:

  1. Children under one year old - take 1 sachet per day;
  2. Children 1 – 2 years old – take 1 – 2 sachets per day;
  3. Children 2 – 12 years old – take 2 – 3 sachets per day;
  4. Adolescents over 12 years of age and adults – take 3 sachets per day.

For the symptomatic treatment of esophagitis, Smecta should be taken immediately after meals. In all other cases, the drug should be taken either one hour before or 2 hours after meals. Newborn infants take Smecta with food or drink, or between feedings, if possible.

In case of acute diarrhea, in addition to taking Smecta, it is imperative to replenish fluid losses in the body, that is, carry out rehydration therapy. This is especially important for infants under one year of age. Rehydration therapy consists of drinking a special solution (Trisol, Disol, Gidrovit, Reosolan, Citraglucosolan, etc.), tea, compote, mineral water, fruit drink or any other liquid in the amount of 0.5 liters for each episode of loose stool.

You should drink the liquid in small sips so as not to provoke vomiting.

Side effect

During clinical trials, it was found that the drug can cause constipation. This phenomenon occurs quite rarely and goes away after an individual change in the dosage regimen.

  • Some patients may experience vomiting and flatulence.

During the post-registration period, cases of hypersensitivity reactions were recorded, which included the appearance of skin rashes, urticaria, itching, and angioedema. The frequency of these side effects is unknown.


When taking Smecta in high doses, side effects such as bezoar or severe constipation are possible.

special instructions

Before you start using the drug, read the special instructions:

  1. In children with acute diarrhea, the drug should be used in conjunction with rehydration measures.
  2. Use with caution in patients with a history of severe chronic constipation.
  3. For adults, therapy with Smecta in combination with rehydration measures is prescribed if necessary.
  4. A set of rehydration measures is prescribed depending on the course of the disease, age and characteristics of the patient.
  5. The interval between taking Smecta and other medications should be 1-2 hours.

Interaction with other drugs

When used simultaneously, Smecta may reduce the rate and degree of absorption of other drugs. It is not recommended to take the drug simultaneously with other medications.

  • white powder (preparation of suspension), oral administration - 3 g; package - 3.76g, cardboard pack - 10,
  • white powder (preparation of suspension) oral administration - 3 g; package - 3.76 g cardboard pack - 30,
  • white powder (preparation of suspension) oral administration - 3 g; package - 3 g cardboard pack 10,
  • white powder (preparation of suspension) oral administration - 3 g; package - 3 g cardboard pack - 30,
  • white powder (preparation of suspension), oral administration - 3 g; package - 3.76g cardboard pack - 10,
  • white powder (preparation of suspension), oral administration - 3 g; package - 3.76 g cardboard pack - 30,
  • white powder (preparation of suspension), oral administration - 3 g; package - 3.76 g cardboard pack - 10,
  • white powder (preparation of suspension) for oral administration - 3 g; package - 3.76g cardboard pack - 30.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

The drug is not absorbed and is excreted unchanged.

Methods of use of the medicine and dose

For diarrhea

It is used diluted - one smecta sachet to 0.5 water. You should take two smecta sachets diluted in water at the first dose, according to the rules of use. Then take one sachet diluted with water every eight hours. It is recommended to maintain a time interval of one and a half hours between taking other drugs, regardless of their content and effect, since smecta has an adsorbent property. The potency of smecta is many times greater than that of a drug such as activated carbon. To treat a mild form of diarrhea, just one sachet is enough; in other cases, you can use smecta in accordance with the instructions.

For esophagitis

It is used orally after meals in diluted form - one sachet of smecta powder in 0.5 cups of water.

For other indications

Take smecta in diluted form (one smecta powder per 0.5 cup of water), take between meals.

Adults are supposed to take 3 sachets per day.

Smecta for children

Smecta is a completely safe drug for use by children. It does not cause an allergic reaction, is not toxic, has no side effects, and therefore is completely safe for use by infants. Due to the high effectiveness of this drug, it is recommended to take it instead of other, less effective medications. Smecta has a pleasant taste and is easily soluble in water, so it can be used to treat a child by mixing it into food, while the taste of the medicine is almost invisible.

Smecta for infants (up to one year)

Take a packet of smecta throughout the day in several doses. For administration, one sachet of smecta is diluted in 0.5 glasses of water, the doses are divided into three parts and each of them is taken with an interval of four to eight hours).

Smecta is one of the modern and affordable antidiarrheal drugs with an adsorbing effect. At the moment, doctors consider this medicine to be a fast-acting remedy for stopping diarrhea of ​​any origin, both in adults and children. In addition, this drug reduces the pain of loose stools and other pain associated with malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dosage form

Smecta is produced in laminated paper bags in the form of a powder intended for preparing a solution, and in the form of a finished suspension.

Description and composition

Smecta powder is grayish-yellow or gray-white in color with a slight vanilla or orange odor. The medicine is intended for the preparation of a drinking solution. The finished suspension is thick, pasty, white-gray or gray-blue in color with the taste of caramel and cocoa. The drug is produced in doses, in special sachets, packaged in 3 grams.

Smectite powder consists of such active substances as: dioctahedral smectite - 3 g, glucose, sodium saccharin, vanilla or orange flavoring.

In the form of a suspension, Smecta consists of dioctahedral smectite - 3 g, caramel-cocoa flavoring, xanthan gum, citric acid, potassium sorbate, sucralose.

Pharmacological group

In pharmacology, the drug Smecta belongs to a group of drugs that are prescribed for use in stomach and intestinal disorders, to eliminate heartburn, diarrhea, relieve pain symptoms, and for colic in newborns.

Indications for use

Smecta is considered the safest drug used for diarrhea and other disorders. Pediatricians can prescribe it to children starting in infancy.

The drug, used in the form of a suspension or solution, is used in the following cases:

  • For nausea associated with food poisoning...
  • For allergic, drug-induced or chronic diarrhea.
  • For diarrhea caused by taking a course of antibiotics, which provoke the proliferation of opportunistic bacteria in the intestines.
  • For severe intestinal infectious diseases caused by various pathogens, for example, E. coli, cholera, dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.
  • For diarrhea associated with poisoning from poor-quality food.
  • To alleviate painful symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, bloating, heartburn, discomfort in the intestinal area).
  • For colic in infants.

The unique medicinal properties of Smecta have been scientifically proven and confirmed by numerous studies. The drug is capable of removing up to 85% of pathogenic diarrhea pathogens from the human intestine. In addition to its enterosorbing properties, Smecta has a positive effect, replenishing the necessary composition of sodium, potassium, and magnesium in the body. An increase in the amount and density of mucus when taking Smecta has a beneficial effect on the walls of the stomach, protects against the negative effects of toxins and irritants.


The drug contains organic sugars, so Smecta is not recommended for use in cases of fructose intolerance, sucrose-isomaltose deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption, or hypersensitivity to orange, vanilla, or caramel flavorings.

The drug is contraindicated in case of intestinal obstruction and severe constipation.

Directions for use and doses

Doctors prescribe Smecta not only to adults, but also to children from infancy. For babies, the contents of one 50 ml packet are diluted. warm water. If the child cannot drink this amount of suspension at a time, then it can be given in several doses, while monitoring the baby’s condition. The medicine must be diluted immediately before use; the diluted mixture cannot be stored for a long time, a maximum of 16 hours in the refrigerator in a closed container.

Smecta in the form of a ready-made suspension is well accepted by infants and children 1-2 years old, since the small dosage of the drug is easy to swallow and has a pleasant taste.

For severe diarrhea, take Smecta 3 times a day for three days. Smecta is an enterosorbent drug, so the best effect can be achieved by taking it between meals.

The dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment do not depend on the weight or age of the person. The doctor prescribes the amount of medicine based on the severity of the poisoning or allergic reaction. Usually 1-2 sachets are prescribed for a single dose 2-3 times a day, the duration of treatment is from 3 to 7 days.

For severe diarrhea, children of the first year of life are prescribed Smecta in the form of a suspension, 1 packet 2 times a day. Children from one year to 7 years old can take up to 4 packets per day for 3 days, adults up to 6 packets.

For other diseases, for example, an allergic reaction, children under one year of age are prescribed Smecta 1 sachet per day, children under 2 years old can take 2 sachets per day, children over 2 years old up to 3 sachets per day.

Since Smecta has powerful adsorption properties, it is not recommended to take it with other medications, since their medicinal effect is minimized.

Most often, Smecta is prescribed with honey with meals. For bottle-fed babies, Smecta is given as a ready-made suspension or the powder is diluted in 50 ml. warm boiled water or baby formula. For children over 6 months of age receiving complementary foods, Smecta can be diluted with weak broth, fruit or vegetable puree, and other semi-liquid foods.

It should be remembered that with severe diarrhea, rapid dehydration of the entire body occurs, so children, like adults, need to drink large amounts of warm boiled water.

Side effects

Despite the fact that Smecta is used not only for diarrhea, but also for allergic reactions, the drug can often also provoke allergies in children. The active ingredient of the drug includes shock absorbers vanilla, orange, cocoa, caramel, which can cause allergies. Fructose, which is part of Smecta, often causes redness of the skin, peeling and itching. With long-term use of Smecta, constipation may occur. For intestinal obstruction and severe constipation, doctors do not prescribe Smecta.

Interaction with other drugs

Smecta is an enterosorbent drug, so taking it reduces the rate and absorption of other drugs. Doctors do not recommend giving children other medications along with smecta.

special instructions

Parents should give Smecta with caution to children suffering from frequent constipation. If its use is necessary, then a strict interval of 1-2 hours between meals and the drug should be observed.

For any intestinal disorders, severe diarrhea, including bloody diarrhea, or fever, you must first call an ambulance to find out an accurate diagnosis and get an appointment. You cannot self-medicate.


It is not recommended to take Smecta on your own, since any disease requires consultation with a doctor. When prescribing Smecta to children, it is important for a pediatrician to take into account the child’s age, possible allergic reactions, and contraindications for use.

Children should be given Smecta strictly according to the instructions, having first received a prescription from a pediatrician.

Storage conditions

Analogues of the drug

Like any drug, Smecta has its own analogues for the active substance:

  • . The medicine contains more magnesium and less iron, thereby causing less constipation. Available in powder form. Take with caution to people suffering.
  • Diosmectite. Available in powder form. Contraindicated in case of intestinal obstruction.

Medicinal analogues of Smecta are most often similar in the composition of active substances, but they have different properties. Many antidiarrheal drugs should not be taken by children under 1 year of age.

Drug price

The cost of Smecta averages 187 rubles (from 125 to 432 rubles).

Diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, poisoning or just discomfort in the stomach? In our article, let's look at a drug like Smecta: what it helps with, how to take it correctly and what it consists of.

Today this pharmaceutical product should be in every first aid kit in any apartment, and everyone should know how to take Smecta in powder or tablets. Speaking about the product in powder form, it must be diluted with water to obtain the consistency of a suspension, and then consumed internally.

When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, the drug precipitates the toxins present there, correctly removing them from the intestines. The big advantage is that most of the beneficial substances remain in the body and are not washed away, as happens with the use of many other medications. In parallel with its effect on pathogenic flora, Smecta, the method of application of which we will consider below in more detail, normalizes the condition of the intestinal mucosa, helping to improve its functioning and restore the correct digestive process.

Reception for dysbacteriosis

Dysbacteriosis is a functional disorder in the intestines, due to a violation of the composition of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms living in it. With this disease, the digestion process is disrupted, since the bacteria responsible for the quality of the intestines become smaller under the influence of “bad” flora.

How to drink Smecta powder with such a diagnosis? If you have bloating or intestinal colic, you should resort to the help of the drug, consuming 2-3 packets of powder dissolved in water throughout the day. The question of how to dilute Smecta for an adult or a child has an extremely simple answer: just gradually pour the contents of the bag into a cool liquid, while simultaneously stirring the resulting solution until a state of homogeneity is formed.

The drug can also be used for a week, using one serving daily. Smecta, the composition of which contains components that affect the removal of various substances from the body, after completing a course of taking it, implies a subsequent course of using probiotics, the purpose of which is to restore positive microflora in the body and normalize the balance in the intestines.

Chronic forms of gastrointestinal diseases

Is it possible and how to take Smecta if you have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract? It is possible and necessary. The action of the drug in this case will be aimed at removing toxins accumulated in the intestinal mucosa, and will also eliminate high acidity, relieve pain from heartburn, stomach discomfort and other unpleasant moments.

The description of the instructions on how to drink Smecta, in this case, will not differ radically from that described above. You can consume up to 3 sachets per day, or you can organize yourself a week-long course of treatment by taking one sachet daily. This technique is also possible for preventive purposes.

Smecta, the indications for use of which also indicate this, is used between meals. The only exceptions are periods of acute inflammatory processes - then the medicine should be drunk immediately after meals.

Restriction on the use of this drug may be considered in case of suspected intestinal obstruction, since its action may cause further blockage there.

Intestinal infection

Any infection that enters the human intestine is accompanied by diarrhea, and sometimes fever and vomiting. If you have never resorted to the help of this medicine, know that Smecta powder, instructions for use of which always accompany this product, can be used even before the doctor arrives, in order to alleviate symptoms. The first dose can be taken as a shock dose by dissolving two sachets, and then switch to the usual mode of use. If you are taking other medications at the same time, make sure that they do not “meet” with Smecta, drinking them with a time difference of a couple of hours. This will reduce the likelihood of them being eliminated from the body along with toxin products, thus increasing effectiveness.

Use during pregnancy

Along with the psycho-emotional changes in a woman during pregnancy, and also partly as a consequence of them, the body of the expectant mother is subject to constant problems with the digestive processes. The symptoms are so well known that it is rare that a man has never heard of them. This is toxicosis, accompanied by nausea, heartburn, as well as constipation or diarrhea, indicating a disorder in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Against this background, dysbacteriosis and subsequent vitamin deficiency often occur.

When the body is unable to cope on its own, we prefer to resort to the help of medications, one of which is Smecta. It helps alleviate these symptoms and normalizes digestive processes in the body. Based on existing evidence about the harmlessness of this drug, its use can also be prescribed during periods of breastfeeding. If there are pronounced signs of disruption in the gastrointestinal tract, 3 sachets per day are usually prescribed for 5 days. However, the attending physician's prescription may differ in each specific case.

Children's Smecta: instructions for use

For children, the drug can be prescribed immediately after birth if there are obvious problems with bloating and intestinal colic. In the future, babies may experience digestive difficulties due to improper nutrition. If the body cannot cope on its own, the doctor may prescribe Smecta, the composition and effects of which will help solve the problem. It is important to remember that only doctors can prescribe any medications to children under one year of age.

Before the baby has time to grow up, digestive problems move to another stage, which is very typical for children of school and preschool age. During this period, poisoning quite often occurs, as well as failures in proper nutrition, which often develops into chronic forms of disease. In such cases, this drug may be prescribed as an element of a comprehensive treatment.

The dosage of the drug, depending on the age of the child, may be as follows:

  • 1 sachet per day in several doses, evenly divided throughout the entire period of time - for children up to one year;
  • 2 sachets daily – for children up to two years old;
  • up to 3 sachets per day – for children over two years old.

The powder can be used in any form convenient for parents and the baby: in food, in a solution with water or milk, etc.
When taking any medications, remember: the best service you can provide to your body is a healthy lifestyle, including adequate physical activity and proper nutrition.

There is probably no person who has never encountered an upset stomach and intestines and all the associated problems - diarrhea, bloating, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting. The reasons may be different - overeating, poisoning, diet violations, infection. All of these are indications for which the use of drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract is necessary. But it is not so easy to find a medicine that would help with these manifestations, especially if the cause of the disease is unclear.


Fortunately, there is a special class of drugs that have a universal effect and can help in most cases when symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders appear. These are sorbents, that is, substances that can absorb everything unnecessary that is in the stomach and causes discomfort - toxins, viruses and bacteria. Smecta is one of the most effective sorbents.

The composition of the drug is very simple. Its active component is dioctahedral smectite. It is a mixture of specially treated magnesium and aluminum silicates. The special crystalline structure of these compounds gives them the ability to envelop all pathogenic viruses, bacteria and their toxins and remove them from the gastrointestinal tract naturally - along with feces. It is worth noting that the use of Smecta is effective against rotavirus infection, which is difficult to treat with other methods.

Smecta does not affect the content of vitamins, minerals and beneficial intestinal microflora.

In addition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa. This impact is twofold. Firstly, Smecta fills small defects in the mucous membrane and forms a protective layer on its surface. Secondly, the medicine prevents the negative impact of the acidic environment of gastric juice, microbes and their toxins on the mucous membrane. All this has a preventive effect, preventing exacerbation of diseases and the occurrence of bleeding. One of the advantages of the product is that it acts exclusively in the gastrointestinal tract. None of its components are absorbed into the blood - even with diseases such as colitis and colonopathy. This means that the drug does not accumulate in the body.

Many parents are interested in the question: is Smecta suitable for children? Yes, and Smecta is so reliable in terms of safety that it can even be given to infants, which not every remedy for stomach disorders can boast of. Another advantage of smectite is that it does not interfere with x-ray examination of the digestive organs. Smecta is characterized by a simple method of application, which makes it a popular remedy.

The only dosage form of Smecta is a powder for preparing a suspension weighing 3 g. In addition to the active substance, the drug contains:

  • flavoring
  • dextrose monohydrate
  • sodium saccharinate

Smecta is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The manufacturer of the drug is the French pharmaceutical company Bofur Ipsen Industry. Smecta also has analogues that have similar indications. They usually have the same active substance – dioctahedral smectite. Such drugs include Neosmectin and Diosmectin. Indirect analogues include other sorbents, for example, activated carbon. However, it should be understood that not all sorbents are as effective and selective in their action as Smecta.

Indications for use, contraindications and side effects

Indications for use of Smecta are varied. Smecta is useful for diarrhea, food and alcohol poisoning, and for relieving hangover syndrome.

Nausea, dyspepsia, vomiting, flatulence are also indications for the use of the drug.

Smecta is also used for:

  • Bacterial infections, including those of unknown origin
  • Pain syndrome in the stomach and intestines
  • Intestinal colic
  • Digestive disorders due to stomach ulcers, gastritis, isophagitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, colitis

It is undesirable to use Smecta together with antibacterial drugs. The fact is that the product is a sorbent, absorbing foreign substances. This reduces the effectiveness of foreign drugs. To avoid this, you should leave an interval of two hours or more between taking Smecta and taking other drugs.

Smecta has few contraindications. First of all, the drug should be taken with caution if you are prone to constipation. In the presence of intestinal obstruction or severe chronic constipation, taking it is directly contraindicated. Also, you should not take the medicine if you are intolerant to its components.

Side effects include the possibility of constipation. The fact is that the drug slightly reduces intestinal motility. However, in people who are not prone to constipation, this phenomenon can only occur if the drug is taken in too large quantities. Therefore, it is important not to exceed the dose indicated in the instructions for use. During pregnancy, taking the drug is quite possible, but you should not treat it for longer than three days.

In addition, if you have been treated with Smecta for a long time, but the unpleasant symptoms do not go away, then this is a reason to consult a gastroenterologist. Smecta is also not suitable in case of suspected toxic (non-food poisoning).

Smecta, instructions for use

As a rule, it is better to take Smecta before meals or in between meals (of course, if a diet is not indicated for the disease). But there are also exceptions. So, for heartburn, it is better to take the medicine after eating.

Smecta is sold in bags containing powder for preparing a suspension. An annotation is also attached to the medicine. Smecta has detailed instructions for use, but it is not always at hand. If it is necessary to use the drug, difficulties arise, since many do not know how to take Smecta powder, or how to dilute Smecta?

How to dilute smecta in bags - instructions

The method of using Smecta is very simple. To take the drug, you should pour one sachet into a glass, dilute it with warm water to half, stir the mixture thoroughly and drink. It is enough to use Smecta once to understand how it should be taken.

When using Smecta for children, the following instructions for preparing the drug should be used. Smecta must be dissolved in 50 ml of warm water. If a child refuses to take Smecta, then it can be mixed with puree, porridge, formula, compote or fruit juice.

Instructions for use for adults

Also, not everyone knows how to drink Smecta and in what dosage. Instructions for use of Smecta answer this question. The usual dosage for adults and adolescents is 3 sachets throughout the day. It is necessary to maintain an interval of approximately 1-2 hours between taking the drug and eating.

For acute diarrhea, adults should take 6 sachets per day for 3 days. Then 3 sachets for another 2 - 4 days.

A few words should be said about taking Smecta simultaneously with alcohol. Smecta slows down the absorption of alcohol from the blood, so when drinking alcohol, intoxication occurs more slowly. This happens if the drug is taken before alcohol. You can also use Smecta to treat hangover syndrome. Only in this case the drug should be taken after drinking.

Instructions for use for children

For stomach upsets and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract not associated with acute diarrhea, you can adhere to the following scheme:

  • up to one year – 1 sachet per day
  • 1-2 years – 1-2 sachets per day
  • 2-12 years – 2-3 sachets per day

How should children take Smecta with acute diarrhea? In this case, the description of Smecta gives the following instructions for use for children:

  • Children under one year of age drink 2 sachets per day for 3 days, then one sachet per day for 2-4 days.
  • A child over a year old needs 4 sachets per day for 3 days, then take 2 sachets per day for 2 to 4 days.
  • Teenagers over 12 take 6 sachets per day for 3 days. Then 3 sachets for another 2 - 4 days.

If the baby has been drinking Smecta for a long time, then care should be taken to prevent dehydration of the body. This is especially true for children under one year of age.