How to seal tomato ketchup for the winter. Ketchup at home for the winter

Homemade tomato ketchup tastes just like store-bought. It is just as thick and aromatic, perfect for meat, vegetable and fish dishes. And most importantly, the homemade sauce is absolutely natural, as it is prepared from fresh tomatoes, without starch or dyes.

Making ketchup at home (including for the winter, and not just immediately for the table) is not difficult, although it is troublesome - but if you have a recipe with a photo, then there are no problems at all. First you will need to grind the tomatoes through a meat grinder, then boil and grind them through a sieve, boil them again with spices and pour them into jars. But you will definitely like the result! The tomato sauce will boil down greatly and thicken, acquiring a pleasant consistency and a magical aroma. In addition, if desired, ketchup can be made more spicy, add your favorite spices and evaporate to the consistency you like.


  • tomatoes 3 kg
  • onions 3 pcs.
  • apples 3 pcs.
  • ground red pepper 0.5 tsp.
  • ground black pepper 0.5 tsp.
  • ground cinnamon 0.5 tsp.
  • cloves 3 pcs.
  • sugar 170 g
  • non-iodized salt 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • 9% vinegar 6 tbsp. l.

Recipe for making homemade ketchup for the winter

  1. We prepare the main products: tomatoes, onions and apples. You can take tomatoes of any variety, the main thing is that they are ripe and sweet, then the ketchup will be rich and pleasant to taste. Regular white, non-bitter onions will do. It is better to use sour varieties of apples such as “semerenko”; they perfectly highlight the taste of tomatoes, give ketchup a thicker puree consistency, a pleasant fruity aroma and a slight sourness.

  2. Peel the onion and remove the core from the apples (you don’t have to peel the skin). Grind them into pieces that will fit freely into the bell of the meat grinder. Cut large tomatoes into 2-4 parts, small ones can be left whole. We pass tomatoes, apples and onions through a meat grinder. I ended up with a full 5-liter pan of vegetable puree (along with chopped skins and tomato seeds, which we will later remove by rubbing through a sieve).

  3. Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and cook at low simmer for 1 hour - without a lid, skimming off the foam. During this time, the tomato skins will boil down and fully impart their flavor to the sauce.

  4. Grind the hot puree through a sieve with a metal mesh - pour the tomato mixture into it portionwise and rub thoroughly with a tablespoon, thus separating the seeds and skins from the liquid tomato base. There will be very little waste - about 1 glass.

  5. Throw away the cake. Return the pan with tomato sauce back to the heat. We continue to cook for another 1 hour, without a lid, over low heat, stirring the ketchup from time to time so that it does not burn.

  6. During cooking, the ketchup will become thicker. Add aromatic spices to it: red and black pepper, ground cinnamon, cloves. Continue cooking for another 15 minutes, stirring.

  7. Add sugar, salt and vinegar - be sure to add them in small portions, focusing on your taste. Depending on the ripeness and sweetness of the tomatoes, you may need to add a little more or less sugar and salt, or increase or decrease the amount of acid.

  8. Boil the ketchup for 10 minutes until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

  9. Pour the sauce into hot sterilized jars and immediately roll up the lids (sterilized).
  10. Turn the jars upside down and cover them with a blanket. As soon as the ketchup has cooled, we store the preserved food in the basement or other cool place. The shelf life of homemade ketchup is 1 year.

My family loves adding ketchup to different dishes. Both for meat and vegetables. And store-bought ketchup is not at all healthy, so we found an alternative - a simple recipe for making quick homemade ketchup, of which you can make almost half a kilogram in 40 minutes. I am sure you will like this recipe, and you, like my family, will refuse harmful store-bought and expensive ketchup.


  • pureed tomatoes - 450 grams;
  • water - 150-200 grams;
  • onion - 50 grams;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sugar - 80 grams or to taste;
  • lemon juice - 20 grams or to taste;
  • salt - 3 grams or to taste;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • cloves - 2-3 pieces;
  • black pepper - 8-10 pieces;
  • allspice - 4-5 pieces.

Quick homemade ketchup. Step-by-step preparation

  1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and put the grated tomatoes into it. You can grind tomatoes using a food processor or juicer. You can use a blender to break the tomatoes into porridge and strain through a sieve. If there are no tomatoes, you can use tomato juice or tomato paste.
  2. If you use tomato paste or pureed tomatoes, you need to dilute them with water to the consistency of tomato juice.
  3. Now you need to prepare the onions and garlic. Peel the onion. If you do not cut off the dry tail, the onion will not sting your eyes. You need to cut it into small pieces. To do this, we cut it in half, then we cut the half in half again, then we divide them into long parts, and these parts into small squares.
  4. It will be easier to peel garlic if you put it on a board, take a wide knife, and press the clove with the side of the knife. It will be crushed, cut off the top and easily remove the husk. You also need to cut the garlic into cubes. To do this, cut it into four parts and make cubes from them.
  5. Pour the onion and garlic into the pan with the tomato.
  6. Now add cloves, literally a couple of sprigs, allspice and black peppercorns to the tomato mixture. In addition to these spices, you can add others that you like best or, conversely, add nothing.
  7. Mix the future ketchup thoroughly.
  8. Now turn on the stove and place a saucepan on it so that the mass heats up and boils. You need to cook, stirring occasionally, until the ketchup becomes thick. This usually takes 20-25 minutes.
  9. Pour lemon juice into the thickened mass or, if you don’t have it, you can use 6% or 9% vinegar. You can change the quantity. If you like it sour, add more.
  10. Add a pinch of cinnamon, salt and sugar to the pan. Here, too, you can rely on your taste preferences and change the quantity.
  11. Don't forget to mix well.
  12. Continue cooking for two to three minutes, stirring the mixture occasionally.
  13. Now take an empty container and a sieve. You need to wipe the ketchup to remove pepper, cloves, etc. To do this, put the ketchup in a sieve and rub it with a spoon so that the clean mass ends up in the pan, and everything that is not needed is in the sieve. If you don't want to bother with this, you can do it differently. When you cook ketchup with spices, you can put them in a small gauze bundle, and then just pull them out and throw them away, so you don’t have to grind them.
  14. The finished ketchup should be transferred to a sterilized jar. Sterilization of jars varies, but this, of course, can be done at home. The first method of sterilization is to hold the jar over steam. Boil water, place a wire rack on the pan and a clean jar, washed with soda, on top. Hold it like this for a few minutes and remove it. Just make sure the jar is dry before adding ketchup. You can also sterilize in the microwave. To do this, pour about 2 centimeters of water into the jar and put it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes at a power of 800-900 watts. And the lid for the jar needs to be boiled.
  15. Place the ketchup in a jar and screw it up. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. You can also use this ketchup for the winter. To do this, after grinding it through a sieve, boil it again for about 3-5 minutes and pour the boiling ketchup into sterilized jars.

Now you know how to make quick homemade ketchup. The recipe is very simple, and today you can serve delicious homemade tomato sauce of your own making. Now you can not be afraid to give your children ketchup, because you know for sure that there is nothing harmful in it. Come visit us at “Very Tasty”, we always have a lot of great recipes! Bon appetit!

Preparing ketchup for the winter is very important, because it will allow you to do without store-bought sauce, practically until the new harvest.

How to make a substitute for store-bought ketchup. Today I will show that preparing ketchup for the winter is a very simple task and can be done by anyone, even a young housewife. But homemade ketchup for the winter is no match for store-bought ketchup both in taste and in terms of health benefits.

Ketchup came to replace tomato sauce 20-25 years ago. If earlier it was a novelty that seemed to “bring us closer” to the Western way of life, then after eating it, many realized that the store-bought one was not as good as was commonly believed. A little later, housewives realized that preparing ketchup for the winter is a simple matter, but the product turns out much tastier and healthier - it contains a minimum of preservatives and no dyes at all.

Having prepared homemade ketchup for the winter with your own hands, you will know for sure that it contains only what you intended - no starches. Homemade ketchups have only one drawback - they are so tasty that they run out quickly, so I advise you to prepare more - your family will appreciate the effort in winter.

Homemade ketchup for the winter - what you need

Ketchup Classic


Tomatoes – 3 kg.
Sugar – 150 g.
Vinegar 6 percent – ​​80 g.
Salt, preferably non-iodized – 25 g.
Cloves – 20 buds.
Peppercorns – 20 pcs.
Garlic – 1-2 cloves.
Cinnamon – 1/3 teaspoon.
Hot red pepper - on the tip of a knife, maybe a little more if you like it spicy.

Preparing ketchup:

Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems and chop finely.

Place on the fire; when it boils, reduce the heat, cover with a lid and simmer until the volume is reduced by a third.
Then add sugar, cook for another 5-10 minutes, stirring, add salt, let simmer for 2-3 minutes, add spices and keep on fire for another 10 minutes.
Remove, cool slightly so as not to burn yourself, rub everything through a sieve or fine colander.
Put the resulting puree back on the fire, bring to a boil, add vinegar and turn off.
Place everything in sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Spicy ketchup


Tomatoes – 6 kg
Garlic – 8-10 cloves.
Onion – 2-3 medium heads.
Sugar – 2 full glasses.
Salt – ½ cup.
Mustard – ½ tsp.
Cinnamon – ¼ tsp.
6 pieces each of cloves, black peppercorns, sweet peas.
Vinegar 9% – 350 ml.


Blanch the tomatoes - cut them crosswise and dip them in boiling water for a minute, and then in cold water, after which the peels can be easily removed.
Chop the tomatoes and grind in a blender. Add onions and garlic there.
Grind the spices. You can do this in a coffee grinder, but it’s better in a mortar - it’s better to preserve the aroma.
Add spices to the tomato puree, add sugar and salt, and put on fire.
When it boils, reduce the heat and simmer until the mass is reduced by half. Add vinegar, let it boil, then roll it hot into sterilized jars.

Homemade ketchup for the winter - spicy


Tomatoes – 3 kg.
Onion – 0.5 kg.
Sugar – 2 cups.
Mustard – 2 tbsp. spoons.
Vinegar 9% – 2 cups.
Bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.
Black peppercorns – 5-6.
Juniper – 4-5 berries.
Salt – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation - according to any of the above recipes. All ketchups are cooked approximately the same, the only difference is in the ingredients.

Simple ketchup for the winter


Tomatoes – 5 kg.
Onion – 3 pcs.
Sugar – 1 glass.
Salt – 3 tbsp. spoons.
Vinegar 9% – glass.
Black peas – 1 tsp.
Cloves – 1 tsp.
Cinnamon – 1 tsp.
Celery seeds – ½ tsp.

Homemade ketchup for the winter with pepper

Recipe No. 1


Tomatoes – 3 kg.
Garlic – 10-15 cloves.
Sugar – 1 glass.
Salt – 1 tbsp. heaped spoon.
Bell pepper – 10 pcs.
Hot pepper – 1-3 pods (to taste).


It is also prepared by grinding tomatoes and peppers in a blender or passing through a meat grinder.

Recipe No. 2


Tomatoes – 0.5 kg.
Onion – 0.5 kg.
Sweet pepper – 1 kg.
Hot pepper – 2 pods.
Garlic – 7-10 cloves.
Sunflower oil – ½ cup.
Sugar – ½ cup.
Salt – 1 tsp.
7 peas of black or allspice peas.

Preparation: vegetable oil is added to the cooking immediately, along with sugar and salt. Add vinegar at the end.

Recipe No. 3


Tomatoes – 2 kg.
Bell pepper – 0.5 kg.
Onion – 0.5 kg.
Sugar – 1 glass.
Olive oil – 1 cup.
1 tablespoon each of dry mustard and ground black pepper.
Salt - to taste.

Choose which recipe you like best.

Information! You can also see how it is prepared.

Good luck with your preparations!

Ketchup is a great addition to almost any dish. It gives treats a bright taste and aroma.

And preparing this sauce will not be difficult; it can be prepared even by a housewife for whom preparing food for the winter is a difficult task.

It would seem, what could be simpler? You just need to properly prepare the tomatoes, peel them, grind them, season them with spices and boil them. That's it, delicious ketchup at home for the winter and more is ready!

And so that its preparation does not cause difficulties, we offer several recipes with photos.

Traditional recipe for the winter

What you need for cooking:

  • Tomatoes - 3 kilograms;
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • ½ large spoon of salt;
  • Cloves – 2-3 pieces;
  • 10 coriander peas;
  • Allspice – 10 peas;
  • Table vinegar – 100 ml.

How to make ketchup at home:

  1. First, sort out the tomatoes, wash them in cold water to remove any dirt;
  2. Next, remove the stalks from the fruits, cut the tomatoes into small pieces;
  3. Place the tomatoes in a medium-sized container, you can add a little water so that the tomatoes do not burn during the cooking process;
  4. Place the pan on the stove and leave to cook;
  5. After the vegetables begin to boil, reduce the heat to medium and leave to cook under the lid closed for about 20 minutes;
  6. Remove the container from the stove, transfer the boiled tomatoes to a sieve and begin to grind. This will help get rid of skins and seeds;
  7. Transfer the grated tomato mixture into the same pan, put it on low heat and leave to cook for 1 hour;
  8. The mixture should have a thick consistency, so it can be boiled for a little over an hour;
  9. Next, put all the spices on a small piece of gauze. We tie the edges of the gauze, as a result, the spices should be placed in a small bag of gauze material;
  10. Place the bag of spices in the tomato mixture, also add salt, granulated sugar, and table vinegar;
  11. Boil the mixture for another 10 minutes, while the heat should be at a low level;
  12. Wash the ketchup jars thoroughly, clean all sides with baking soda from various contaminants and be sure to sterilize them;
  13. Place the finished ketchup into jars and screw on the lids;
  14. The sauce should be stored in a cool place - in a cellar or refrigerator.

Making spicy ketchup

Ingredients for preparation:

  • Tomatoes – 8 kilograms;
  • 5 kilograms of bell pepper;
  • 4 kilograms of onions;
  • 2 garlic heads;
  • Half a pod of hot pepper;
  • Granulated sugar – 500 grams;
  • 4 large spoons of salt;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • Black peppercorns - 8 pieces;
  • 5 buds of cloves;
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • 1.5 large spoons of table vinegar 9%;
  • Gauze material.

How to prepare ketchup with a piquant taste at home for the winter:

  1. If you are preparing a large amount of ketchup at one time, then it is better to use a large saucepan for cooking. If there are no large containers, then you can use two medium pans;
  2. Prepare tomatoes and bell peppers. We thoroughly wash everything in cool water to remove dirt and dust;
  3. Next, cut the pepper, remove all the seeds, cut off the stalks. Cut the vegetable into small pieces;
  4. Tomatoes need to be cut into medium slices;
  5. Peel the onion and cut into small slices;
  6. Prepared and chopped vegetables must be passed through a meat grinder. The result should be a thick mixture from which ketchup will be prepared in the future;
  7. Prepare the spices. Allspice, black pepper, cloves, and bay leaves should be placed in a small piece of gauze material and tied. As a result, all the vegetables will end up in a small bag, which we will place in the container with the vegetable mixture. With this method, the spices will not float in the ketchup, and during cooking, an aroma will be released from the bag, which will give a bright taste to the sauce;
  8. Pour the vegetable mixture into a large saucepan, place a bag of spices there and set to boil on the stove;
  9. Wash half of the hot pepper pod and place it in a container with tomato;
  10. We peel the heads of garlic and pass the peeled cloves through a crusher. Place the garlic in the tomato, salt and granulated sugar, cover with a lid, reduce the heat and leave to boil;
  11. As soon as the mixture has boiled down by 1/3, remove the splits and grind everything through a sieve. This will get rid of excess skins and seeds. Don't forget to remove the bag of spices;
  12. Pour the homogeneous tomato mass into a container and place it on the stove. Close the lid and leave to cook over low heat. The mixture should boil down by another 1/3;
  13. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add table vinegar, stir and boil until tender;
  14. Ketchup jars should be thoroughly rinsed, cleaned, and be sure to sterilize, this will ensure long-term storage of the product;
  15. Place the finished ketchup in jars, screw on the lids and store in a cool place.

How to make spicy ketchup at home for the winter

Let's prepare the following:

  • 3 kilograms of meaty tomatoes;
  • Hot chili pepper – 3 pods;
  • 1 large heaped spoon of salt;
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 large spoon of 9% table vinegar;
  • Allspice in peas – 10 pieces;
  • 10 pieces of black pepper.

Let's start preparing spicy ketchup:

  1. We wash the tomatoes from dirt and cut them into small pieces;
  2. Transfer the tomato pieces into a saucepan and let them stand until they release their juice;
  3. Next, put the container on the stove and boil over low heat for 40 minutes;
  4. Meanwhile, wash the chili peppers and cut into small pieces. Add to tomatoes;
  5. About 15 minutes before the end, add black and allspice peas;
  6. Then remove the tomato mixture from the stove, transfer it to a sieve and grind;
  7. Pour the ground mass into a saucepan, put it on the stove and boil again;
  8. As soon as it boils, add salt, table vinegar and granulated sugar. Mix everything and boil for 15 minutes;
  9. We pre-rinse and sterilize the jars. Pour the mixture into glass containers and close with lids;
  10. We store the spicy ketchup in the cellar or refrigerator.

Prepare a delicious sauce with apples

What you need for cooking:

  • Tomatoes – 4 kilograms;
  • Apples – 500 grams;
  • 500 grams of onions;
  • Sugar – 250 grams;
  • 1.5 large spoons of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 2 pieces of cloves;
  • A pinch of ground red pepper;
  • 1 glass of table vinegar.

How to prepare ketchup with apples at home for the winter:

  1. Wash tomatoes and apples and cut into small pieces. We clean the rosettes with seeds from the apples;
  2. Peel the onion and cut into medium slices;
  3. We pass vegetables with apples through a meat grinder;
  4. We put everything in a container and put it on the stove. Boil for 2 hours;
  5. Next, add cloves, cinnamon, salt, granulated sugar and leave to cook for another 1.5 hours;
  6. About 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add table vinegar and ground pepper to the mixture;
  7. We prepare glass containers, wash and sterilize them;
  8. Place the prepared ketchup in jars and close the lids;
  9. Ketchup should be stored in a cool place - in a cellar or refrigerator.

For ketchup, you should use fleshy tomatoes of good ripeness.

To thicken the sauce during the cooking process, you can add a little starch.

You can store the blanks in jars or plastic bottles.

Be sure to prepare ketchup at home for the winter using these recipes. The sauce turns out delicious and will perfectly complement any dish - meat, fish, vegetables, appetizers.

Everyone in your family will love it, so start making this spicy addition to your meals now!

Hello dear friends! What do you think is the most popular tomato sauce? In my opinion, this is ketchup. It is always present in my refrigerator. Do you know how to prepare it at home for the winter?

It turns out it's very simple and fast. I’ll tell you about this today. As always, there are a lot of variations of this wonderful sauce. And, of course, we will consider the best recipes for its preparation.

In my family it is served with almost all meat dishes, sometimes mixed with spices, herbs, garlic or mayonnaise. Or you can combine all this together and you’ll get just awesome “ketchunese”.

In fact, homemade ketchup is much healthier than store-bought ketchup. After all, they put natural products in it, but in the store there are all sorts of chemicals, ugh. So let's learn how to make this sauce at home.

Only very good, ripe and strong tomatoes are suitable for this sauce.

Classic recipe for Soviet ketchup. The taste is really similar to the one my mother bought in the store during my bright childhood.


  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • Onions – 250 gr
  • Allspice peas – 10 pcs.
  • Cloves - 7 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 8 pcs
  • Black peppercorns – 15 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 170 gr
  • Vinegar 9% – 150 g


1. Cut ripe tomatoes into slices. Peel the onion and cut into small pieces so that it boils well.

2. Place the vegetables in the pan and add all the spices. Place the pan on gas, bring to a boil and cook until tender, about 2 hours. Stir during cooking to prevent anything from burning.

3. After they have boiled, grind everything through a fine sieve until you obtain a puree-like mass.

In fact, you can simplify your task here and use an immersion blender.

4. Then add salt, sugar and vinegar. Let it simmer until completely thickened, about 35-40 minutes. The sauce should thicken by half. Don't forget to stir it.

5. Then, while hot, pour the sauce into jars. From the presented amount of ingredients, two jars are obtained and there is still a little left for testing. Cover the jars with a warm blanket and leave to cool. Store it in a cool place.

A simple recipe for homemade tomato and apple ketchup

I love this recipe precisely because of the addition of apples. They give it a special taste. If you like sweet sauce, then take sweet varieties of fruit. If you take the sour ones, you will get something like Heinz.


  • Tomatoes – 3 kg
  • Apples – 500 gr
  • Onions – 250 gr
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Apple vinegar – 50 g
  • Ground pepper - to taste


1. Wash all vegetables and fruits and cut into small pieces. Peel the onion first.

If you first remove the skin from the tomatoes, the sauce will be even more tender.

2. Place on the fire and cook until the onion is soft.

3. Then grind everything with an immersion blender until pureed. Then cook on fire until the desired thickness. Approximately 50 minutes. And don't forget to stir constantly so that nothing burns. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, pepper and vinegar. Mix everything properly.

4. Place the finished sauce into sterile jars and screw on the lids. Turn it over, wrap it in a towel or blanket and leave it for a day to self-sterilize. Then put the blanks in your storage.

Finger-licking tomato and bell pepper ketchup

This recipe produces a very thick and rich sauce, thanks to the bell pepper. Moderately spicy and a little piquant.


  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 50-70 g
  • Salt - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. (usual 9% is possible)
  • Black peppercorns – 20 pcs.
  • Allspice – 5 pcs.
  • Ground coriander - 1/4 tsp.
  • Parsley - a few sprigs


1. Wash the tomatoes, remove the core and cut into slices. Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into small cubes. Place everything in a saucepan and simmer for about 10 minutes until the tomatoes begin to release their juice.

2. Then remove from heat and use a blender to achieve a liquid mass similar to tomato juice. Then put on low heat for 1.5 hours until it thickens.

3. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, all spices and herbs. Cook for another 10 minutes and remove from heat. Grind the finished sauce through a sieve until only seeds and spices remain.

4. Transfer the ketchup into jars and screw on the lids. Store in a cool place.

Video on how to make delicious ketchup at home

If you are still unsure whether you should make this sauce at home, I have put together a video recipe for you. After watching it, you will understand how simple the cooking process is. Everything is described in great detail here.


  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Salt - 1/2 tbsp. lie
  • Black peppercorns – 20 pcs.
  • Cloves - 2 pcs.
  • Coriander peas – 10 pcs
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. lie

Now, I think, you definitely won’t have any doubts and it’s time to decide to try making such a wonderful and tasty sauce at home.

Step-by-step recipe for tomato, apple and bell pepper ketchup

Try another version of this sauce. It will go wonderfully with both meat and side dishes. And don’t forget about the base on which this sauce is spread.


  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • Red bell pepper – 4 pcs
  • Apples - 4 pcs
  • Onions - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Cloves - 3-5 pcs (to taste)
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pcs.
  • Allspice peas - 5-7
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Vinegar essence - 0.5 teaspoon


1. Peel and seed the apples. Remove stems and seeds from peppers. Remove the core from the tomatoes.

2. For convenience, you can cut the vegetables into small slices and pass through a meat grinder with a fine nozzle. Or puree the vegetables using a blender.

3. Place on the fire and cook over low heat for 1.5 hours, stirring constantly. About 1/3 of the total mass should evaporate so that the sauce begins to thicken.

3. Then add salt, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, all the peppers and mix. Continue cooking for another 30 minutes. Add chopped garlic 5 minutes before the end.

4. After removing the pan from the heat, pour in the vinegar essence and stir. Next, pour into jars and roll up. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in something warm and leave until cool. Then put it away in your bins.

Spicy tomato sauce for the winter in a slow cooker

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the recipe for spicy ketchup prepared in a slow cooker. The sauce is spicy, moderately spicy, with a sweet and sour taste.


  • Tomatoes (meaty) – 2 kg
  • Sweet bell pepper – 500 gr
  • Onions - 400 gr
  • Fresh hot pepper – 2 pcs.
  • Dry mustard - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 2-2.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 200 gr
  • Vegetable oil – 150 g


1. Prepare all vegetables - wash and remove peels, stems or seeds. Cut into slices and place in a blender to grind.

2. Place everything in a multicooker bowl, add mustard, salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Mix everything. Turn on the “baking” mode for 45 minutes.

3. Then grind everything through a sieve and pour it back into the bowl. Do not throw away what remains in the sieve. It is better to beat the leftovers with an immersion blender until pureed and add to the bowl. Mix everything until smooth. Taste and add salt or sugar if necessary. Cook in the same mode for another 1.5 hours.

If desired, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar 9%.

4. Time may change. Check the thickness of the sauce. If you drop the sauce onto the plate and it doesn’t spread, it’s ready. Then pour everything into sterile jars, roll it up and turn it upside down. Wrap it in something warm and leave it to cool. Then just put it in your storage.

By the way, I also want to advise you to look at the article on conservation. There are very interesting recipes there.

Good luck with your preparations!