Which moles can be removed and which cannot? Removal of moles: pros and cons, who needs it and what are the consequences Consequences of removing moles.

The usual brown spots and bumps on the skin can turn into sinister melanoma if you overdo it with tanning, both solar and artificial in the tanning bed. This is due to the fact that ultraviolet rays act aggressively on body tissues and, by damaging cells, create a favorable environment for the development of oncology. You should also monitor those that are in areas of high friction: under the female breast and in the groin.

Five notes of self-examination

An irregular mole, which can degenerate into cancer, is detected by five signs, which, by their initial letters, are conditionally called ABCDE or the Russian word AKORD. The first one is asymmetry. Looking at the nevus - and if it is difficult to "reach" it with your eyes, then you should look in the mirror or take a picture of the problem area - you need to mentally draw a line through its central point. If both sides are symmetrical, then everything is in order. The protrusions most likely mean uneven growth.

The second note is the contour - the mole should have smooth rounded edges. The indented perimeter is an alarming sign that should encourage a person to visit a dermatologist prematurely. Uneven coloring is also considered a bad sign. Normally, the nevus is brown, not necessarily of the same tone, but the transitions between shades should not be clear. The appearance of contrasting inclusions that differ from the rest of the color: black, gray, white, red is a pronounced deviation.

The fourth note is the size, both of a single mole and of their combination. It is bad if one of them has a diameter of more than 0.6 cm, and just as far from ideal if there are a scattering of small spots on the body, since the likelihood of rebirth of one of them increases.

Any dynamics is considered the final sign: a change in size, color, texture, the appearance of blood. If earlier the nevus was “frozen” for a long time, and now changes have become noticeable on it, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Medical diagnostics

Dermoscopy is a check of the human skin surface for the likelihood of degeneration of its individual sections. It is carried out by a dermatologist using a medical instrument resembling a magnifying glass, but with a much larger magnification and a scale for fixing sizes and changes. The examination takes place directly in the specialist's office, and if there is evidence, the doctor prescribes additional tests and may issue an order to remove the mole.

Small marks in the form of moles and birthmarks sometimes add charm, and sometimes cause a lot of inconvenience to their owners. Unfortunately, not every mole can be removed. And the main difficulty is not a postoperative scar at all, but safety for the state of human health. The potential danger of a mole is that it can become malignant - evolve into a malignant tumor. And in order to eliminate the cosmetic effect, the patient is supposed to undergo several tests to exclude malignant degeneration of the neoplasm.

Before applying for the removal of a mole, we recommend that you observe it. There are moles "calm" and "suspicious". To make a final verdict regarding a particular education is only possible for a specialist who will direct you to a series of tests and make a correct conclusion. But you can determine in advance how “calm” an unattractive mole is on your face or body. Our leading specialist Kirill Viktorovich Listratenkov has rich practical experience in laser surgery, so we will be happy to help you remove your mole painlessly, atraumatically, and of course, safely.

The essence of the appearance of moles

You have probably noticed the appearance of new moles where they were not there before. In fact, moles form throughout a person's life. Their secret is quite simple: these small and large dots on the body are an excessive local accumulation under the skin of melanocytes - cells responsible for the production of melanin pigment. Each mole has fundamental differences from the other in size and shape.

Each mole has its own life cycle. As a rule, the first nodules appear in infancy, and by the age of 7-10 they acquire their final form, although they can change over time. First, a nevus appears - a flat, tiny speck of a dark shade; then you can notice how it grows, becomes voluminous and bulging. The intensity of the color and shape of the surface directly depends on the concentration and location of melanocytes - the smaller they are and the deeper the layer of their localization, the lighter the mole. If multiple cells are located in the upper layers of the skin, the mole has a distinct contour, a "chubby" shape and a dark color.

Safe moles

"Calm" mole has a number of distinctive features:

Its diameter does not exceed 0.5 cm;

The general structure corresponds to the microrelief of the nearby skin;

Hair growth is noted on the neoplasm;

Has well-defined boundaries;

It grows slowly and measuredly, almost imperceptibly to the owner;

It has the shape of a spot or a plaque slightly raised above the surface of the skin.

A safe nevus can change shape and color over time, and this should not be feared. However, convex moles are recommended to be removed in any case, especially if they are located in potentially traumatic places. The disruption of a convex mole and its self-elimination with the help of threads and other improvised means can lead to oncology.

Need to remove a mole:

1. Located on the neck or décolleté (due to constant irritation with jewelry, scarves and closed clothing);

2. Localized in the armpit or on the pubis (due to the risk of injury from a razor);

3. Rapidly growing and changing shape;

4. Causing pain, itching and burning when rubbed with a cloth;

5. Bringing purely aesthetic discomfort.

Pathological moles

There are other neoplasms that rightly cause alarm in their owner. They can lead to the development of skin cancer. These moles also require removal, but they should be dealt with by an oncologist or surgeon, with the selection of subsequent therapy. It is extremely dangerous to remove pathological moles in aesthetic clinics and centers, which is why competent and conscientious plastic surgeons prescribe a series of tests at the slightest suspicion of malignancy of the growth.

The main signs of a "suspicious" mole:

Abrupt appearance in adulthood;

Intensive growth up to 1 cm in diameter;

Rapid modification of form and structure;

. "Glossy" or rough surface, the disappearance of the skin pattern from the hill;

Thinning texture;

The appearance of pronounced asymmetry;

Peeling of the surface with the subsequent formation of a crust;

The presence of itching and burning in the area of ​​​​the neoplasm;

Partial or complete loss of hair from the surface;

The appearance of depigmented areas, a complete or partial change in color;

Ulceration on the surface;

Formation of child nodules;

The presence of hyperemia and swelling around the nevus;

The formation of new nodules directly on the surface;

Bleeding (sudden or with minor trauma);

Separation of moisture and exudate.


Each person should closely monitor their moles throughout life. They should not be exposed to direct sunlight, they should not be injured and torn off on their own. In principle, any mole is subject to destruction, the only question is which specialist will carry out the procedure. If the aesthetic surgeon has suspicions about the malignancy of the nevus, he is obliged to refer you to a consultation with a dermatologist or oncologist. If you have noticed signs of "suspicious" moles in yourself, and the surgeon suggests that you remove them on the spot, this is the first sign of the doctor's dishonesty. Interaction with it can be harmful to your health.

Summing up:

Monitor your neoplasms and if there are deviations from the norm, contact a specialist as a matter of urgency;

Having convex moles in large numbers, exercise extreme caution when handling washcloths and other irritating hygiene products;

If you have a mole that is constantly exposed to trauma, it is advisable to remove it in order to protect yourself from trouble;

In no case do not try to destroy the mole at home, resorting to the use of cutting objects, threads and chemicals!;

Seek immediate medical attention if you notice warning signs;

Avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet light on large convex nevi;

When choosing a destruction method, give preference to laser techniques, if possible. Laser removal is a guarantor of protection from infections, bleeding and relapses;

Pre-hand over all the necessary tests and studies to exclude the malignancy of the neoplasm.

Removal of a mole with the help of modern technologies is a fast, effective and safest procedure, the implementation of which should not be feared. Responsibly approach the choice of a surgeon and prepare in advance the results of all necessary tests that differentiate the good quality of the neoplasm. Our plastic surgeon will gladly help you get rid of annoying moles that are aesthetically unattractive or potentially dangerous. We are waiting for you at our reception!

All of us have moles on our bodies. Big and ugly, or, conversely, small and inconspicuous, they are always with us. The term "mole" in medicine does not exist, it is a congenital or acquired pigmented formation on the skin, which are benign and malignant. More often they are called neurons. Most often, moles are referred to as seborrheic keratosis. In aesthetic medicine mole removal a fairly popular and quite affordable service, on a par with services such as, or electrical stimulation on the device.

Do I need to remove a mole

If the mole interferes, it is removed. Quite a logical statement. And they are removed at home using flour and vinegar or scissors, or any other "folk methods". Which, of course, you can't do! Home removal of neoplasms can lead to negative consequences, therefore, if a problem occurs, it is imperative to contact a specialist. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation or mechanical damage, neurons can turn into melanoma, one of the most dangerous types of malignant tumors, with a high mortality rate.

There are several signs of a "bad" mole:

  1. if she changed color to darker or, conversely, became lighter;
  2. if she got bigger;
  3. if changes begin to appear, for example, cracks or peeling, as well as crusts, etc.;
  4. touching the nevus became painful or itching and burning are drained;
  5. if new formations appear around the main mole;
  6. blood or fluid appears on the surface of the nevus;
  7. heterogeneity of the nevus, the appearance of bumps, spots;
  8. if the hairs on the nevus began to fall out (this is one of the signs of malignancy).
An indication for the removal of a nevus may be:
  1. mechanical or chemical damage;
  2. unaesthetic appearance or huge size;
  3. malignancy (transition of a nevus into a malignant state).
Moles that are in places where they are easily damaged by shaving, scratching or rubbing (face, head, neck) have a high risk of developing into melanoma. Especially if you try to remove hairs from them or try to get rid of them yourself. It should be remembered that if there are a large number of moles on the skin, you should not stay in the sun from 11:00 to 17:00, since at this time solar radiation is especially active. You should also not visit the solarium if the body has a large number of pigmented formations.

Classification of nevi (moles)

The size of the nevi can be:
  1. huge (completely or almost completely covering some part of the body);
  2. large (more than 10 cm);
  3. medium (less than 10 cm);
  4. small (no more than 15mm).
In addition, nevi are divided into epidermal, intradermal and borderline. Epidermal nevi- This is a cluster of melanocyte cells on the upper layer of the skin (epidermis). Intradermal nevi are deeper than the epidermis. Borderline nevi- located on the border of the epidermis and dermis.
According to the totality of parameters (color, location on the skin, shape, etc.), nevi are divided into:
  1. hemangiomas- bluish, pinkish or red nevi, consisting of involuting endothelial cells;
  2. anemic nevus- a light area of ​​the skin where the blood vessels are underdeveloped;
  3. non-vascular- grouped or single plaques with a rough surface, of various shapes and colors (from grayish to black);
  4. nevi of Setton- formations of a benign nature, located in the circle of depigmented epidermis;
  5. nevi of Ota- a single spot or several merging spots that have a dark blue color, such a nevus often forms in the area of ​​​​the cheek, eyelid and upper jaw;
  6. Nevus Ito- looks about the same as the nevus of Ota, but is usually located in the supraclavicular and scapular region;
  7. blue- nevi slightly rising above the epidermis, having a blue or bluish color and a smooth surface;
  8. dysplastic- pigmented moles, 4-12 mm in size, usually indistinct and brownish or brown in color;
  9. Nevus Becker- a hyperpigmented area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with many hairs (more common in the male half of the population).
Dermato-oncologists classify moles into melanoma-dangerous (which can later turn into a cancerous tumor) and melanoma-dangerous (which do not threaten health).

In addition to moles, there are also warts and papillomas. Some confuse them (and given the variety of types of moles, this is not surprising) and believe that they are one and the same, but this is fundamentally wrong.

A mole is a pigmented area of ​​the skin. Papilloma is a manifestation of the human papillomavirus. There are more than a hundred varieties of HPV, some of which are transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through contact with an HPV carrier. According to statistics, more than 60% of people are carriers of HPV. A wart is a type of papilloma, mostly harmless, but rather unaesthetic in appearance. Usually, not only a specialist, but also an ordinary person can distinguish a wart from a nevus. Despite the availability of wart removal products in pharmacies, it is still better to visit a doctor, because an incompletely removed wart can behave completely unpredictably. With self-removal, the likelihood of inflammation or development of skin cancer is too great to risk.

Before getting rid of the nevus, you should also consult a doctor and do a histological examination of the neoplasm. You should not contact beauty parlors, this is associated with a great risk, since cosmetologists have neither knowledge of skin oncology nor experience in diagnostics. It is best to contact a mole removal center that exists in any major city.

What to do if accidental damage to the nevus occurs

If an accidental injury to the nevus occurs, first of all, it is necessary to moisten the cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide and stop the bleeding, and then consult a doctor. When the mole is completely torn off, it should be saved and shown to specialists so that they can conduct a study to detect cancer cells in the nevus.

Signs that the injured nevus was malignant:

  1. a mole or the place where it was, itches, hurts or burns;
  2. the skin around the mole is inflamed;
  3. hairs from the damaged nevus began to fall out;
  4. nodules appear in place of the nevus;
  5. the spot begins to increase in diameter;
  6. the skin where the mole was located changed shade;
  7. bleeding in the nevus area does not stop or resumes.

How is the procedure for removing tumors

First, the impact site is treated with an antiseptic (rubbing alcohol, etc.). Next, a local anesthetic (lidocaine) is used. Then, depending on the method of removing the mole, it is either cut out with a scalpel or laser, cauterized with electric waves or liquid nitrogen. Then the place of removal of the mole is treated with ointment or potassium permanganate. If a surgical method was used, then sutures are applied. After a certain time from 7 to 20 days, everything heals and new skin is formed.

What mole removal procedures exist in modern medicine

After conducting a study of education, you need to choose which way to eliminate the nevus. At the moment, medicine provides the following methods for removing moles:
  1. surgical removal of a mole;
  2. removing moles with nitrogen cryodestruction);
  3. mole removal electrocoagulation;
  4. laser mole removal laser therapy;
  5. radio wave excision- getting rid of neoplasms with the help of high-frequency waves.
Let us consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of the above methods.

Surgical removal

It is one of the most reliable methods for removing neoplasms on the skin. The surgeon cuts off the mole with a scalpel at the level of the skin or slightly deeper and cauterizes the wound. Then an antibiotic and bandage is applied. Or the surgeon removes the mole and its surrounding surface. The size of the area to be removed depends on the surgeon's opinion of the possibility of cancer. After cutting out a large area, sutures are applied. After some time, the doctor will remove the stitches on the surface of the skin.

  1. subject to precise technology - no likelihood of relapse;
  2. cutting occurs with partial removal of the surrounding skin, which also prevents the risk of re-growth;
  3. it is possible to analyze the material remaining after removal for histology;
  4. acceptable price of the procedure;
  5. there are practically no contraindications.
  1. scar after mole removal;
  2. long period of healing and recovery.


This method is mainly used for small formations. Removal of moles of papillomas is also carried out using this method. This procedure is suitable for the removal of moles in prominent places.

With the help of an applicator, liquid nitrogen is applied to the neoplasm, while it thickens and turns white. Then a bubble appears at the site of cauterization, which subsequently decreases and turns into a crust. In 14 days, the crust falls off in place of the mole, pink skin remains.

  1. 100% painless;
  2. scars and scars do not remain on the skin;
  3. inexpensive;
  4. quick removal;
  5. minimal risk of infection.
  1. it is difficult to predict the distribution area of ​​liquid nitrogen and there is a possibility of damage to healthy tissues by cold;
  2. for the same reason (unpredictability of the spread of liquid nitrogen), the nevus may not be completely removed, which means that repeated removal will be required;
  3. the inability to conduct a histological examination of the removed material, which increases the risk of not learning about melanoma or skin cancer in time.
The disadvantages of cryodestruction are quite significant, so before removing this method, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Removal with an electrocoagulator

Electrocoagulation successfully fights against interfering moles, HPV, warts complicated by acne and many more ailments. When removing moles with an electrocoagulator, the doctor selects the power of the device, which, using a loop-tip, acts on the mole with an electric current. This method takes about 20 minutes, sometimes less, depending on the diameter of the nevus.

  1. lack of blood and the risk of infection;
  2. painlessness (inject local anesthetic);
  3. the ability to give the material remaining from the removal for histological analysis;
  4. the ability to control the depth of removal of the epidermis and dermis.
  1. a crust forms at the site of removal, which disappears after a week or less, but may leave a white speck (therefore, the procedure is not always suitable for particularly noticeable places).

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is excellent for removing small neoplasms. Now, laser therapy is recognized as the most popular and effective method for removing moles on the face. The essence of the procedure, as with the surgical method, is the complete elimination of the mole. In order to remove a mole without damaging the skin around, a beam with a certain wavelength is selected. The action of the beam is directed exclusively at the melanin contained in moles and birthmarks.

  1. painlessness of the procedure;
  2. no chance of relapse;
  3. high accuracy of beam directionality, which helps to avoid damage to adjacent skin areas;
  4. the operation lasts several minutes;
  5. due to the stimulation of cells with a laser, healing occurs in the shortest possible time;
  6. the ability to eliminate several nevi in ​​one session;
  7. no bleeding;
  8. no special care is required after the operation;
  9. a short rehabilitation period, during which you can play sports and swim, you just need to avoid direct sunlight on the operated area.
  1. the inability to send the removed material for histological examination. Therefore, the decision to remove a mole with a laser is made only when it is confirmed that the mole is non-cancerous.

radio wave excision

It is carried out using a special apparatus that reproduces high-frequency radio waves. It can be used to remove formations of any size and in any quantity. This method includes the same advantages as laser therapy, but in addition it allows you to take material for histological examination. It can rightfully be recognized as the safest and most effective way to remove moles in modern medicine.

Contraindications for removal of moles

Removal of moles is prohibited if the patient has an exacerbation of a chronic disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system, or the operated part of the skin looks unhealthy. In addition, there are contraindications for certain methods of removing a nevus. For example, surgical removal will not be performed if the patient has:
  1. herpes;
Removal with liquid nitrogen is also prohibited for the above problems, as well as for the detection of malignancy of a mole or individual intolerance to cold in a patient.

Contraindications for laser removal:

  1. photodermatosis (allergic reaction to solar ultraviolet);
  2. suspicion of malignancy;
  3. activation of herpes;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. menstruation on the day of removal;
  6. change in body temperature (even slight);
  7. infectious or inflammatory disease.
radio wave removal moles are excluded if:
  1. have herpes;
  2. malignancy of the skin occurs;
  3. the patient is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  4. the presence of a pacemaker in the patient;
  5. diabetes;
  6. pulmonary heart failure at the stage of decompensation.

Consequences of removing moles

Often there are no adverse effects of mole removal. Any oncological mole removal center will take care of their patient (and their reputation) and the nevus will be removed without any problems. In part, the consequences depend on the human body itself and its age. If the procedure for removing a nevus included subsequent care for it, then you should definitely follow the doctor's recommendations on this matter. Improper care of the mole during the recovery period can affect the future. The treatment and healing time of a mole depend mainly on the method of removal. If a crust has formed at the site of the mole, in no case should it be torn off, as this will slow down the healing process and create the possibility of infection in the body.

Most often, after removing the neoplasm, you can not take a bath, go to the bath or sauna, swim in the pool. Do not apply decorative cosmetics to the place where the nevus was. You can use sunscreen, but only with the permission of a doctor and if necessary.

The trace of a removed mole should be protected from the sun until the skin there acquires the same color as the adjacent area.

If scars remain after the procedure, you can consult a doctor about scar healing products. You can also try to lubricate this place with cocoa butter, which promotes accelerated regeneration and healing. If the mole was not removed for aesthetic reasons, it is advisable to regularly inspect the remaining moles for changes and monitor the appearance of new nevi.

mole removal cost

The price of mole removal depends, first of all, on the chosen method of removal. The second important factor is the size of the operated nevus.

Naturally, the prices for the same procedure will vary, depending on the chosen clinic. Below are the approximate prices for the removal of moles.

  1. Laser removal of a nevus up to 1 cm in diameter - from 1300 rubles
  2. Laser removal of a nevus larger than 1 cm - from 2300 rubles
  3. Laser removal of small multiple rashes (up to 5 pieces) - from 2800 rubles
  4. Laser removal of small multiple rashes (from 5 to 10 pieces) - from 3400 rubles
  5. Laser removal of small multiple rashes (more than 10 pieces) - from 4500 rubles
  6. The price for removing a mole with liquid nitrogen ranges from 300 to 2000 rubles
  7. Removal of a neoplasm by electrocoagulation costs from 2000 rubles
  8. Surgical removal of a nevus up to 0.5 cm costs from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles
  9. Surgical removal of a nevus larger than 0.5 cm costs, respectively, from 3,000 to 5,000-6,000 rubles
In addition to the cost of the procedure itself, it is worth considering the cost of a doctor's consultation and the cost of preliminary studies and analyzes, which, in general, will amount to at least 1,500 rubles.

If you find yourself with a large number of incomprehensible neoplasms or modifications, you should immediately consult a doctor. Any skin formation can cause skin cancer, so do not brush aside any discomfort associated with nevi. The sooner the problem is revealed, the easier it will be to solve it, so do not neglect your health and do not spare time for it.

The above pros and cons of each removal method will help you decide which one is right for a particular person. But do not forget that they all have contraindications, and only a qualified specialist can approve a particular method after the examination. It is worth recalling once again that it is worth taking any actions and measures in relation to moles only in special oncological centers for mole removal, and not in beauty parlors. Take care of yourself, value your health, and your body will repay you in kind.

Moles on the human body, depending on the type, size and location, can add spice to the image. But in some cases, "nodules" on the skin bring discomfort and even pose a threat to health. This occurs in cases where they are located in places of friction, on the scalp or in constant contact with clothing. Damaged moles can bleed, become inflamed, cause sharp pain and contribute to the penetration of infection into the body. Some moles over time can transform into malignant neoplasms, which leads to the occurrence of oncological diseases. In such cases, professional removal of moles comes to the rescue.

Where you can remove moles quickly and without risk to health: trust the professionals

Removal of moles in Moscow has long ceased to be a problem. Many medical centers and beauty salons offer their services to eliminate skin imperfections on the face and body. But before asking for help, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of removal (of course, together with an oncologist), learn about the proposed methods, and ask about the qualifications of specialists. Any intervention in the body can be fraught with consequences, so you should trust your health and beauty only to proven professionals. It is possible to decide where to remove moles only after a detailed analysis of all proposals.

At the State Scientific Center for Laser Medicine in Moscow, moles are removed with a laser. This method will allow you to painlessly and without a trace get rid of the neoplasm even in hard-to-reach and delicate areas of the skin. Behind our employees years of practice in the removal of moles with a laser. The price of our services compares favorably with the metropolitan rates, and the quality of work leaves no complaints even with the most demanding patients.

An integrated approach to work allows us to solve the problems of patients promptly and at a high professional level. We conduct a thorough diagnosis of skin formations using the latest equipment, determine the types of moles, identify risk factors for health, and provide effective and quick treatment of moles.

Removal of moles with a laser: the advantages of a modern method

Before the advent of laser therapy, moles were removed using radiosurgery, electrocoagulation, and other “hard” methods, which entailed the formation of scars and scars, which is highly undesirable if the procedure is performed on open areas of the body, not to mention the face. Turning to the modern technologies of our center, you can be sure that laser mole removal on the face will not leave any marks. In addition, laser therapy has a number of other advantages:

  • the procedure is quick and painless. Laser removal of moles (pigmented, vascular, nevi of various types) takes no more than 2-3 minutes. The patient does not experience acute pain. Complete healing of the skin is observed after 5-7 days;
  • the laser beam penetrates under the skin and acts exclusively on the mole, without affecting healthy cells;
  • simultaneously with the removal, the laser coagulates the vessels, which avoids metastasis, bleeding and inflammation;
  • removal is performed under local anesthesia, and the patient does not need to use painkillers.

Whether to remove moles that do not pose a threat to health, everyone decides for himself. But in any case, such a responsible step should be carefully weighed and considered. If you decide to get rid of an annoying skin defect, then entrusting it to the doctors of the State Scientific Center for Laser Medicine will be the most correct and effective solution.