What flower are you based on your date of birth? Flower horoscope by date of birth Flower horoscope of the Druids by zodiac signs.

The Druid horoscope will help determine a person’s character, compatibility between lovers, and also tell about future fate. The teachings of the Druids are based on the power of nature, which can change a person’s life.

The Druids believed that each person has his own signs: a certain flower, tree, animal and stone, which are his talismans. The period of each sign occurs twice a year, depending on the position of the sun. In addition, plants have a connection with the seasons and solstices.

Celtic tribes linked human destiny with protective trees. Therefore, they spent a lot of time with such trees and planted them near their homes. It was believed that such a connection would help strengthen the spirit.

From an early age, children were taught the arboreal calendar, according to which you can determine your patron by date of birth. You could even ask your talisman for protection or advice. Druids drew energy for magical spells from trees. They recorded their knowledge and tried to convey it to their descendants.

Video “Druid horoscope: which tree is associated with you”

From this video you will learn about the Druid horoscope.


Capricorns and Cancers born in the second decade are under the protection of fir. These people are very conservative. They do not follow fashion, do not like to change habits, and always prefer quality to quantity. The Druids believed that fir endows its wards with demandingness and pickiness, so it would be quite difficult to win their hearts.

Elm patronizes the third decade of Capricorn and Cancer. Such people are beautiful not only externally, but also internally. They don’t like to bother themselves, so all their thoughts and actions are extremely simple. They don't like excessive attention and inconstancy. Therefore, they choose a partner once and for all. From childhood, they choose their calling and persistently achieve their goals.

Cypress patronizes such zodiac signs as Aquarius and Leo in the first decade. For these people, money is not the meaning of life. Their only goal is to find harmony and personal happiness. But you shouldn’t consider them phlegmatic, because they know how to confront their enemies.

Aquarius and Leo in the second decade are under the influence of poplar. They have extraordinary intelligence, charm and ingenuity. But all these advantages fade under the influence of endless fears and thoughts. Such people are in dire need of love, because without it they see no meaning in life.

Cedar takes care of the third decade of Aquarius and Leo. Men born during this period have self-confidence and dynamism. Women prefer comfort in everything. These people are adventurers. But they are often disappointed if someone doesn't support their crazy ideas.

Pine protects Pisces and Virgos born in the first decade. They enjoy being visible and also learning new things. They are scrupulous, love beauty and comfort, and strive to communicate with interesting people. The Druid horoscope claims that such people have a lot of advantages. But they can be called misers, since they show financial generosity only towards themselves.

Representatives of the second decade of Pisces and Virgo are under the protection of willow. They are original and charming, impetuous and mysterious. They always have a favorite hobby that takes up most of their free time. They easily acquire fans, but they are easily offended and hurt.

Linden falls in the third decade of Virgo and Pisces. The tree rewarded its charges with confidence and courage. They are always the life of the party and can benefit from it. These people are born psychologists, although it can be difficult for them to understand themselves.

Wards of the oak tree are Aries, born on the first day of this horoscope. They have strong energy. Proud and fair Aries will not forgive anyone even the slightest mistakes. They deserve respect because they always achieve their goals and never go overboard.

The hazel tree falls in the first decade of Aries and Libra. These are inconspicuous people who are not able to interest. Despite their excessive stiffness and silence, they are quite erudite. They have their own opinion and will not listen to someone else’s.

Rowan falls in the second decade of Aries and Libra. These people are calm and sweet, they have friends in every corner of the globe. It is extremely difficult to spoil their mood, but they often get upset over trifles.

The third decade of Aries and Libra is under the influence of maple. These are cheerful, curious and active people who do not like to sit still. They are funny, but have a little quirk.

Walnut rules over Taurus and Scorpio in the first decade. It rewards manners and sense of style, fidelity, loyalty and beauty. Under this sign excellent strategists are born who always strive to achieve perfection.

Taurus and Scorpio in the second decade are ruled by jasmine. They are gentle and kind, but incredibly vulnerable. They will become the highlight of any company thanks to their talkativeness and good mood. But at heart they are pessimists who are convinced of the imperfection of this world.

Chestnut patronizes the third decade of Sagittarius and Scorpio. They are modest and honest, and have an inner core. They are often unlucky in love due to banal indecision.

The first decade of Gemini and Sagittarius is under the influence of ash. Such people are selfish and demanding not only of themselves, but also of strangers. It is better not to argue with them, since it is almost impossible to prove that you are right.

Hornbeam takes care of the second decade of Sagittarius and Gemini, who do not know how to stand up for themselves. They are mediocre, but dream of fame and publicity.

Gemini and Sagittarius born in the third decade are influenced by figs, which endow them with an easy-going character and originality. They feel like strangers among their own, but do not strive to blend in with the crowd.

People born on the first day of Cancer are under the tutelage of the birch tree. This tree rewarded Cancers with calmness and self-confidence. Such people take on new things without fear and are not afraid of failure.

The apple tree falls in the first decade of Capricorn and Cancer. These people are characterized by determination and a love of comfort. They are easy to deceive, so other people take advantage of the selflessness of the apple tree’s wards.

Olive falls on the first day of Libra. People born on the autumn equinox love warmth and comfort. They are susceptible to colds, so they always try to strengthen their immunity. They have no equal in solving logical problems and puzzles.

At the winter solstice, beech trees are born. Capricorns are independent and do not like to ask for help. But you can always rely on them, because they will not refuse their loved ones. Nature often endows these individuals with magical abilities.


The flower horoscope consists of thirty symbols, each of which corresponds to a person's birthday. Flowers also determine a person's character. Let's consider which flowers suit people by date of birth, and what descriptions correspond to them:

  • digitalis (21-31.03) - frugality, perseverance, desire for victory;
  • magnolia (1-10.04) - hard work, leadership, calmness;
  • hydrangea (11-20.04) - generosity, kindness, perseverance;
  • dalia (21-30.04) - intelligence, criticism, desire to help;
  • lily of the valley (1-10.05) - modesty, vulnerability, demandingness;
  • purslane (11-21.05) - variability, adventurism, care;
  • chamomile (22-31.05) - ability to conduct business, confidence;
  • bell (1-11.06) - conservatism, reliability, responsibility;
  • daisy (12-21.06) - stability, regularity, comfort;
  • tulip (22.06-1.07) - openness, energy, restlessness;
  • water lily (2-12.07) - the ability to get used to circumstances, care;
  • violet (13-23.07) - friendliness, duality, inconstancy;
  • rosehip (24.07-2.08) - stubbornness, courage, sincerity;
  • sunflower (3-13.08) - selfishness, ambition, self-criticism;
  • rose (14-23.08) - leadership, sensitivity, vulnerability;
  • delphinium (24.08-2.09) - modesty, timidity, ability to stand up for oneself;
  • clove tree (3-11.09) - hard work, responsibility;
  • aster (12-22.09) - thriftiness, frugality, courage, perseverance;
  • heather (23.09-2.10) - self-criticism, complex;
  • camellia (3-13.10) - adventurism, perseverance, perseverance;
  • lilac (14-23.10) - energy, inconstancy, confidence;
  • freesia (10.24-11.2) - hard work, mediocrity, practicality;
  • phalaenopsis (3-12.11) - mystery, perseverance;
  • peony (13-22.11) - confidence, determination, tenderness;
  • gladiolus (11.23-12.2) - vulnerability, dreaminess;
  • dandelion (December 3-12) - independence, perseverance, laziness;
  • lotus (13-22.12) - conservatism, organization, accuracy;
  • Leontopodium (23-31.12) - clear thinking, determination, reliability;
  • gentian (1-10.01) - devotion, sensitivity, modesty;
  • thistle (11-20.01) - good nature, openness;
  • sandy tsmin (21-31.01) - secrecy, perseverance, kindness;
  • mistletoe (1-10.02) - recklessness, impatience, obsession;
  • belladonna (11-19.02) - quick wits, sociability, charisma;
  • mimosa (20-29.02) - capriciousness, inconstancy, sensitivity, touchiness;
  • poppy (1-10.03) - diplomacy, calmness, accuracy;
  • lily (11-20.03) - sophistication, elegance, attractiveness.


The horoscope of stones includes 13 positions, each of which reveals a person’s character. Rock crystal protects people born between December 24 and January 20. They are distinguished by their desire for freedom and personal happiness. Olivine (21.01-17.02) gives intuition, original thinking and the desire for success. Wards of coral (18.02-17.03) are rich spiritually, and those born under the influence of ruby ​​(18.03-14.04) are strong in body.

Moonstone (04/15-05/12) endowed people with sensitivity and compassion. They take the betrayal of loved ones to heart and will always help those who need it. Topaz (13.05-9.06) patronizes disciplined, restrained individuals. In addition, they are incredibly responsible and punctual. Almaz (10.06-7.07) gives wards responsibility and love for family. Creative people born under the influence of red carnelian. They are diligent and demanding, and do not like lies. But if it suits them, they can lie themselves.

Amethyst (5.08-1.09) is a stone of wise and spiritual people. It is interesting to have a conversation with them and spend leisure time. Emerald (2-29.09) - a talisman of beautiful and sensitive natures interested in art. Opal (30.09-27.10) protects hardy and sensible people with strategic thinking. Jasper (10.28-11.24) is a stone of people who constantly improve themselves. Azure (11.25-12.23) protects cunning and calculating people who are able to find a solution in any situation.


The Druids believed that every person has a totem animal with the same character. There are 13 of them in the calendar:

  1. Deer (12/24-01/20). These people love travel and education. Due to excessive pride, they cannot always find a common language with their interlocutor.
  2. Crane (21.01-17.02). Harmony, talent and comfort are the motto of the cranes. They can become successful both in creativity and in the exact sciences.
  3. Seal (18.02-17.03). These people strive for perfection, but due to their inherent laziness, they put everything off until later. They strive to change the world, but their utopian dreams are not destined to come true.
  4. Bear (18.03-14.04). The totem animal of strong and self-confident people. They value friendship and pay attention to family.
  5. Snake (15.04-12.05). Creators whose intelligence and prudence can be envied.
  6. Bee (13.05-9.06). Creative and energetic people who want to learn something new. Thanks to their authority among colleagues, they can occupy leadership positions.
  7. Otter (10.06-7.07). Extraordinary individuals with a broad outlook. They are always in a good mood and love to learn new things.
  8. Cat (8.07-4.08). Honest, loving and creative. They will never ask someone else's advice, because they are used to relying on their intuition.
  9. Elk (5.08-1.09). Insightful and responsive people. They can achieve success in business due to their perseverance.
  10. Swan (2-29.09). Reasonable and calm natures. Always help those in need.
  11. Goose (30.09-27.10). One can only envy the calmness and intelligence of geese. They often connect life with art.
  12. Owl (28.10-24.11). Sports and emotional personalities. They are wise and attractive, so they have a wide circle of friends.
  13. Raven (25.11-23.12). Calculating and cunning people. Among them there are magicians and psychics.

The Druids created several calendars, in each of which they identified patrons for people among animals, plants and minerals. Before us is only a simplified horoscope, according to which you can choose your talismans and energy sources. The teachings of the Druids were mainly transmitted orally, so methods of prediction using talismans have not reached us.

The Celts knew how to predict the weather, the fate of a person and his purpose from plants or animals. To do this, the date and time of birth were carefully analyzed, and also compared with natural patrons. As a result, you can get a detailed map of a person's life and even predict the date of death.

Druids were the name given to the priests of the Celtic tribes. These were sages who possessed secret magical knowledge. Trees, plants and animals were of great importance in their beliefs. The Druids believed that a person, like, for example, a tree, has its own advantages and disadvantages, and character.

Based on this, the Druids created a calendar of trees and flowers by date of birth, by which you can not only find out the future and fate, but also determine your patron.

The principle of the Druid horoscope

The Druid horoscope dates back more than 2000 years. Its main principle is based on the belief in the unity of man and nature. Celtic priests believed that a person born in a certain period of time was protected by his tree, plant, stone or animal. The calendar is based on the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun.

The fate and character of a person, according to their beliefs, depend on the location of the celestial body from the Earth at the moment of birth. The great thing about this is that each sign has two validity periods.


According to the Druid calendar, each tree corresponds to the characteristics of the people whose patrons they are. The Celtic horoscope of trees is designed to determine a person’s destiny and strengthen his spirit and body. By communicating with his patron tree, a person will be able to develop positive character traits, gain good health and peace of mind.

  • Apple tree (December 23 – January 1; July 25 – July 4). This tree imparts optimism, high intelligence, responsiveness and openness. People born during periods of the patronage of the Apple Tree lead an active lifestyle. They are sociable and inquisitive. Disadvantages include excessive naivety and gullibility.
  • Fir (January 2 – January 11; July 5 – July 14). Most often, introverts are born during these periods. They love solitude, peace and quiet. Representatives of this horoscope sign are tactful, polite and show virtually no emotions, especially in public. Despite this, people born under the sign of Fir are very purposeful and patient.
  • Elm (January 12 – January 24; July 15 – July 25). Under the sign of Elm, practical, calm people are born who value comfort, stability and constancy. They manage things easily in work and business. As a rule, they quickly achieve financial success.
  • Cypress (January 25 – February 3; July 26 – August 4). These people are distinguished by their slender figure and attractive appearance. Representatives of this sign value family in life. They are sociable and have many creative talents. Well-developed intuition helps people of this horoscope sign to avoid mistakes and choose true friends in life. Their disadvantage lies in their excessive ease of character and pliability.
  • Poplar (February 4 to 8; August 5 to 13). These are mask people. To society they want to appear successful, brave and cheerful. But in fact, deep down they are modest and indecisive. They often need the support of loved ones to achieve their goals. If it is not there, then they may become depressed. People of the Poplar sign pay special attention to their appearance - they love to experiment with hairstyles, makeup and wardrobe.
  • Kedr (from February 9 to 18; from August 14 to 23). Kind, open and cheerful individuals are born under the sign of Cedar. Their sincerity and gentle character often attract people to them who want to take advantage of their responsiveness and kindness. They value freedom and take their work and goals seriously.
  • Sosna (from February 19 to 29; from August 24 to September 2). Those born under the auspices of this tree are very stubborn and persistent. They clearly know what they want from life and make long-term plans. They like to defend their point of view, argue and protest. It is difficult to lead them astray or persuade them to change their decision.
  • Willow (from 1 to 10 March; from 3 to 12 September). These are people whose decisions often depend on their mood. If they are bored, they go on adventures and invent adventures for themselves. At the same time, Willow endowed them with creative abilities and a rich imagination.
  • Lipa (from 11 to 20 March; from 13 to 22 September). Hardworking, practical people. They do not like to conflict and try to avoid intense emotions. At the same time, they often do not have clear goals in life and principles by which they can make decisions.
  • Hazel (from March 22 to 31; from September 24 to October 3). Reliable friends, responsible workers and caring spouses. They have little interest in money. Family, love and friendship come first. Secretive character. They say about such people - “on your own mind.”
  • Rowan (from 1 to 10 April; from 4 to 13 October). Active, sociable and emotional personalities. A strong sense of justice helps them defend their interests. Such people achieve success both in their careers and in their personal lives because they clearly understand what they want to get in the end.
  • Maple (April 11 to 20; October 14 to 23). Those born under the sign of Maple are drawn to knowledge from an early age. They are well-read, erudite and smart. However, to achieve success they often lack patience and perseverance. In communication they are pleasant and interesting, but they often forget about their promises.
  • Walnut (from April 21 to 30; from October 24 to November 2). They are leaders by nature. They crave recognition, respect, demand support from loved ones, but, as a rule, they themselves are rarely interested in the problems of others. Very contradictory, moods often change, as do decisions.
  • Jasmine (from May 1 to 14; from November 3 to 11). People of this sign are hardworking, sociable and not afraid of difficulties. However, their nature often depends on the circumstances. When everything is good in life, they are kind and welcoming. If a bad streak comes, representatives of this sign become insidious and evil.
  • Chestnut (from May 15 to 24; from November 12 to 21). Freedom-loving, sociable and self-centered. They love to be the center of attention. Easy-going, they always find a way out of a difficult situation. Often they do not accept generally accepted rules and principles.
  • Ash (from May 25 to June 3; from November 22 to December 1). These are career people. They think logically and practically, weighing the pros and cons. Self-confident, valuing their time and energy. Reliable and responsible in any matter.
  • Hornbeam (from 4 to 13 June; from 2 to 11 December). Strong-willed and strong-willed individuals. They do not like change, preferring to be content with old foundations, principles and traditions. They value stability, tranquility and...
  • Figs (from June 14 to 23; from December 12 to 20). Freedom-loving and independent individuals belong to this horoscope sign. They have extraordinary thinking, unstable moods and creativity. The support and care of loved ones is important to them. Often give in to temptation.
  • Oak (March 21). These are physically strong and spiritually strong people. They are distinguished by their desire for justice and the desire to live according to their conscience. Simple, open, truth-loving, with a strong sense of responsibility and duty.
  • Birch (June 24). People with pure souls are born under this sign. They are patient, easily make concessions, and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of a loved one. In addition, they have a rich inner world and creative abilities.
  • Oliva (September 23). This tree patronizes cheerful people. It gives them courage, responsiveness and a light character. Women of this sign are often happy in marriage.
  • Buk (from December 21 to 22). People of this sign are accustomed to taking everything from life. They are maximalists, self-confident, and often take risks. Their goals, at the same time, are simple and practical - a roof over their heads, a profitable business, family and children. Book never stops there, constantly dreaming of something more.


The Celtic Druid flower horoscope consists of 30 signs, each of which is the patron of a certain period of the year. Information about your flower calendar sign helps you find out your negative and positive aspects of your character. In addition, your patron plant can be used as a protective amulet.

  • Foxglove (21 to 31 March)– prudent and thrifty natures. They are distinguished by perseverance, activity and desire for independence.
  • Magnolia (from April 1 to April 10)– have pronounced leadership qualities. They are hardworking, value comfort and coziness.
  • Hydrangea (from April 11 to April 20)- These are generous, kind and generous people. But often they lack perseverance and patience to achieve it.
  • Dahlia (21 to 30 April)– have an analytical mind. They do not like criticism and are afraid of being rejected in society. At the same time, they quickly adapt to circumstances and people.
  • Lily of the valley (from May 1 to May 10)- These are modest, sensitive and vulnerable individuals. They do not tolerate betrayal and lies. Demanding both of themselves and of those around them.
  • Purslane (from May 11 to May 21)- changeable natures. They often seek personal gain without caring about the problems of loved ones. Adventurers in life often get into trouble.
  • Chamomile (from May 22 to May 31)– successful businessmen and careerists, always find a way out of a difficult situation. They are confident in themselves and know what they want from life.
  • Bell (from June 1 to June 11) These are conservative people. They honor traditions and moral principles, value family, love and friendship. Reliable and responsible.
  • Daisy (from 12 to 21 June)– individuals who value stability, tranquility and a measured life. They would rather spend time at home in a cozy chair than a noisy party.
  • Tulip (from June 22 to July 1)– these are people who are open to everything new. They are energetic, active and sociable. Whatever they undertake, success is always guaranteed.
  • Waterlily (from July 2 to July 12)– these are people who quickly get used to circumstances. No matter what changes around them, they will always find a place in the Sun.
  • Violet (from July 13 to July 23)– friendly, but unsociable personalities. They trust only close friends. Representatives of this sign are in no hurry to reveal their true essence to other people.
  • Rosehip (from July 24 to August 2)– stubborn, complex people. They rarely compromise and give in in disputes. At the same time, they are very brave and sincere.
  • Sunflower (from August 3 to August 13)– are often born selfish and ambitious individuals. Despite this, they are quite self-critical and know how to work on their shortcomings.
  • Rose (13 to 23 August)– leaders by nature. In difficult situations they rely only on themselves. Deep down they are sensitive and vulnerable.
  • Delphinium (from August 24 to September 2)- love solitude. These are modest and timid people who do not know how to stand up for themselves.
  • Carnation (from September 3 to 11)– hardworking and responsible people. They love to command and lead. They do not tolerate betrayal and lies, and they always tell the truth straight to the face.
  • Astra (from 12 to 22 September)- economical, thrifty and thrifty people. They often occupy leadership positions or strenuously strive for this. They are distinguished by courage and perseverance.
  • Veresk (from September 23 to October 2)– people who spend their entire lives striving for ideals in everything. They appreciate beauty, art, love. They are often very self-critical and have a lot of complexes.
  • Camellia (from October 3 to October 13)– adventurous and courageous people with a light character, perseverance and perseverance.
  • Lilac (from 14 to 23 October)– representatives of this sign remain youthful and energetic for a long time. They are self-confident and are often fickle in love.
  • Freesia (from October 24 to November 2)– hardworking, responsible people who you can rely on in difficult times. In business they are prudent and practical.
  • Orchid (November 3 to 12)- mysterious and secretive people who know how to achieve their goals.
  • Peony (from November 13 to 22)– confident and purposeful individuals. Very loving, gentle and attentive nature.
  • Gladiolus (from November 23 to December 2)- often have their head in the clouds, dream of the best, but make little effort to achieve their plans.
  • Dandelion (from December 3 to 12)– characterized by a desire for everything new and unknown. They are independent and persistent, but often suffer because of their laziness.
  • Lotus (from 13 to 22 December)– people with a conservative mindset who value stability. They are very organized and neat in their work and affairs.
  • Edelweiss (from December 23 to 31)– think clearly, set clear and realistic goals, are decisive and reliable.
  • Gentian (from January 1 to January 10)– loyal and sensitive people. In society they are often modest and closed, trusting only close people.
  • Thistle (from January 11 to January 20)– value family comfort, friendship and love. Good-natured, generous and open people.
  • Immortelle (from 21 to 31 January)– strong-willed and physically strong people with a tendency to loneliness and solitude.
  • Mistletoe (from 1 to 10 February)– reckless, cheerful natures, living one day at a time. They don’t make long-term plans, but they like to dream.
  • Belladonna (from 11 to 19 February)– have a good sense of humor, a sharp mind and quick wit. They are sociable and able to find a common language with any person.
  • Mimosa (from 20 to 29 February)– capricious and fickle natures. They can be very sensitive and touchy. They do not tolerate criticism.
  • Poppy (from March 1 to March 10) These are people who are diplomats. They try to resolve any difficult situations and conflicts peacefully.
  • Lily (from March 11 to March 20)– sophisticated and elegant people who attract representatives of the opposite sex.


The horoscope of stones consists of 13 signs, which determine the pronounced character traits of a person born under the auspices of a particular mineral.

  • Rhinestone (from December 24 to January 20)– people of this sign are distinguished by their desire for freedom and independence.
  • Olivine (from January 21 to February 17)– nature has endowed these individuals with developed intuition and extraordinary thinking.
  • Coral (from February 18 to March 17)- These are spiritually rich individuals with a deep inner world.
  • Rubin (from March 18 to April 14)– people who are strong in spirit and body. They are driven by great goals and extraordinary ideas.
  • Moonstone (April 15 to May 12)– people born under this horoscope sign are very sensitive, vulnerable, and often have extrasensory abilities.
  • Topaz (from May 13 to June 9)– disciplined and organized individuals. Very punctual and responsible.
  • Almaz (from June 10 to July 7)- These are individuals with a developed sense of duty and responsibility. They value family and love.
  • Red carnelian (from July 8 to August 4)– creative people who do not tolerate lies and betrayal. Very sensitive and capricious.
  • Amethyst (from August 5 to September 1)– wise, creative people with a rich inner world. Good advisors and interesting conversationalists.
  • Emerald (from September 2 to September 29)- beautiful people both in soul and body. They have good taste and are drawn to art.
  • Opal (from September 30 to October 27)– people born during this period of time have strategic thinking, endurance and prudence. Dangerous enemies and true friends.
  • Jasper (from October 28 to November 24)– these are people striving for constant development. They are energetic and purposeful.
  • Lapis lazuli (from November 25 to December 23)- cunning and calculating individuals. They will always find a way out of any difficult situation.


According to pagan beliefs, each of us has our own totem - an animal similar to us in character. Like other Druid calendars, the animal horoscope is divided into periods. There are 13 of them in this calendar.

  • Deer (from December 24 to January 20)– those born under this sign love to travel and learn something new. They are proud and noble.
  • Crane (from January 21 to February 17)– harmoniously developed people with many talents and abilities. They can find their calling both in creativity and scientific activity.
  • Seal (from February 18 to March 17)– these people constantly strive for excellence. They want to change the world for the better, they are driven by high goals and utopian dreams.
  • Bear (from March 18 to April 14)– physically strong, strong-willed and self-confident people. They value family and friendship, prefer stability rather than something new, unknown to them.
  • Snake (from April 15 to May 12) These are people who are inventors. They have healing abilities, wisdom and prudence.
  • Bee (from May 13 to June 9)– creative individuals, very energetic and inquisitive. They often occupy leadership positions and have authority in society.
  • Otter (from June 10 to July 7)– They are distinguished by their broad outlook and extraordinary thinking. Always positive, they love change and travel.
  • Cat (from July 8 to August 4)– honest, loyal and talented. They do not care about public opinion and other people's unsolicited advice. They go their own way.
  • Salmon (from August 5 to September 1)- insightful and attentive natures. They quickly climb the career ladder due to their persistent nature.
  • Swan (from September 2 to September 29)– calm, sensitive and kind people. Loyal, dedicated and honest.
  • Goose (from September 30 to October 27)– have a sharp mind and a good sense of humor. They often find themselves in creativity and art.
  • Owl (from October 28 to November 24)– emotional and passionate natures. Wise and smart beyond their years. They attract people to themselves, especially representatives of the opposite sex.
  • Raven (November 25 to December 23)- prudent, practical and sometimes insidious people who look for profit in everything. There is a predisposition to extrasensory perception.

Few people know, but in addition to the zodiac symbols and signs of the Eastern horoscope, each person has his own patron in the plant world. The flower horoscope, which is the heritage of the Druids, provides, although not a complete, but quite reliable description of the personality. This prophecy was thought to be forgotten, but has recently become popular again. This horoscope will help you choose a reliable amulet, and can also be a reason for original congratulations. And in this article we will talk about what the most important monument of Druid culture is, and what it predicts for each of us.

Each plant is unique, and therefore the Druids, who once inhabited the north-west of Europe, began to transfer this sacred meaning to people. The result is a horoscope - a body of knowledge that allows one to determine certain character traits of a person, as well as his compatibility, by date of birth.

The horoscope, based on which the Druids took varieties of flowers, is presented in the form of a solar year. In turn, it is a circle of 360 degrees. This circle is divided into 36 segments, each of which is equal to 10 degrees and symbolizes a specific flower.

You can find out which flower horoscope is suitable for a particular person by comparing his date of birth with the classification of plants proposed by the Druids. In particular, you need to know the month, as well as the day of his birth, in order to be able to use a flower horoscope and determine his character and compatibility.

This horoscope can be used for several purposes at once. So, for example, using the ancient Druid prophecy, you can find out:

  • person's character;
  • compatibility;
  • congratulation text for a particular flower.

Description of the horoscope for each flower

  • Patron of those born from January 1 to January 10 is Gentian

People whose flower patron is Gentian need to learn independence. They lack perseverance, patience and the ability to defend their own opinions in achieving their goals. They are shy by nature and have a couple of true, loyal friends. Their compatibility will be good with those in the horoscope who are not demanding.

  • For those who were born from January 11 to January 20, the patron saint is Thistle

These people are always energetic. At the same time, they are absent-minded, insufficiently organized, and talkative. This often interferes with their compatibility with the more introverted people around them. Thistle always remains faithful in love and business relationships. Such a person is kind, polite, and an excellent family man.

  • For those whose name day is from January 21 to January 31, Immortelle is suitable

Such people, according to the horoscope, are especially popular, as they always try to look attractive and well-groomed. They are very mysterious and at the same time modest, which increases the attraction to them. Such people know how to be content with little and appreciate what they have.

  • Mistletoe is the patroness of those born between February 1 and February 10

Those whose date of birth falls during the reign of Mistletoe are distinguished by curiosity, which sometimes goes beyond what is permitted. In the business sphere, they are conservative and well organized, which helps increase compatibility with partners and helps expand the scope of communication. Due to the beautiful name of the flower, there are very original congratulations in verse for such people.

  • Patron Saint Bella for those born from February 11 to February 19

They are characterized by inner beauty and fortitude. In addition, these individuals are almost always attractive, attractive, and intelligent. This horoscope sign is distinguished by a unique quality - forming the right impression about a person at the first meeting with him.

  • Those who came under the auspices of Mimosa were born between February 20 and February 28

Such personalities are quite gentle, kind, and sensual. They are easily vulnerable, often susceptible to nervous breakdowns, disorders, and depression. Many Mimosas are characterized by femininity. Therefore, the flower horoscope indicates a careful attitude towards such people.

  • Mac is suitable for those born between March 1 and March 10

Like the Macs, the people who came under their protection are amazing. They are beautiful, optimistic, and know how to enjoy the moment. However, the horoscope of flowers promises many challenges throughout their life.

  • Lilies – from 11 to 20 March

Charming flowers and mysterious people. They are beautiful and secretive, they know how to keep secrets. But in love they are not constant - monotony does not suit them. For such flower people, there are very beautiful birthday greetings in verse according to the subtleties of the horoscope.

  • March 21-31 is Foxglove

Both the plants themselves and the people who come under their protection are considered very delicate, almost fragile. As the Druid horoscope says, such individuals need to be protected from harm. At the same time, they will easily achieve their goal.

  • Magnolias correspond to the period April 1-10

A color horoscope based on date of birth promises generosity for these individuals. Without any problems, they will lend a shoulder at the right moment, lend a helping hand and at the same time will not demand anything in return. They are sincere, fair, but flighty.

  • Hydrangeas are born between April 11 and April 20

Like magnolias, they are generous and kind. Apart from this, such people are patient and diligent in business. In terms of family, they are loving and sincere individuals, good family men.

  • Dahlias are people born from April 21 to April 30

For such persons the horoscope is very positive. He characterizes Dahlia as hardworking, honest, and demanding. Such people often easily conquer more and more heights.

  • The patron saint of people born from May 1 to May 10 will be Lily of the Valley

These flower people are very sensitive. The horoscope indicates their main traits - efficiency and generosity. The most beautiful name day congratulations in poetry and prose are prepared for them.

  • Purslane is the patron saint of those who celebrate name days on May 11-21

These are diligent, sociable, distrustful individuals. Their horoscope is very modest, and their compatibility with other people is average.

  • Daisies - people whose name day falls on May 22-31

Very attractive and modest people. Often, due to their gullibility, many use such people to achieve their own goals.

  • June 1-11 – Bells

People who do not like change. They have their own comfort zone, which they rarely leave. Very independent people who are used to achieving everything on their own. In love, as the horoscope says, they are monogamous.

  • Those born on June 12-21 will be favored by the Daisy

The flower horoscope for this person’s date of birth suggests that daisies are attractive, shy, but at the same time very eccentric and spontaneous.

  • Tulips patronize those born from June 22 to July 1

These people prefer independence, value freedom and do not communicate with those who try to limit or control them. In love they are multifaceted and passionate.

  • July 2-12 – Water lilies

These individuals quickly know how to adapt to new conditions. They will easily adapt to any circumstances, but will not feel comfortable everywhere. They love sincerely and for a long period.

  • From July 13 to July 23 – these are Violets

Violets are quite spoiled. If you believe the horoscope, these individuals do not so much want as they demand attention. Therefore, their compatibility, as the flower horoscope says, is not positive with everyone.

  • The period July 24 – August 2 is dedicated to Rosehip

These individuals are closed, proud, and aggressive. They are straightforward and demanding. Rose hips demand the same qualities from those around them.

  • August 3-12 – Sunflower

All sunflowers are successful in their careers. By a certain age, they occupy high positions and at the same time remain quite modest. They always have a lot of friends and acquaintances.

  • Roses – August 13-23

The flower horoscope for roses indicates that these people are very purposeful. They, no matter what, achieve their goals. Marriages among “roses” turn out to be strong and happy. In addition, there are very beautiful congratulations for their name days.

  • Delphiniums are the patrons of those born between August 24 and September 2

These flower people are independent in everything, they try to get by without the help of strangers. They are very diligent and hardworking. For their beloved, they will be a faithful life partner.

  • Carnations – September 3-11

Carnation personalities are by nature leaders, critics, and very straightforward, which almost always adversely affects their compatibility. Others often perceive such people as aggressive dictators.

  • Asters – September 12-22

These people are harmonious, have intuition, and thanks to the fact that they listen to it, they have almost everything they want. These members of the flower horoscope are almost always socially active and sociable.

  • Those born between September 23 and October 3 under the auspices of Heather

Representatives of this symbol are beautiful in everything. They are smart, kind, always ready to help, good family men.

  • Camellia is the patroness of those whose name day falls on October 4-13

Camellias love beauty, so they try to surround themselves with beautiful people and objects. They are willing to take risks if there are worthwhile things at stake.

  • October 14-23 – patron saint of Lilac

The horoscope can characterize such persons as energetic, diligent and amorous. They believe in luck and therefore cling to every opportunity provided by fate. There are very beautiful and relevant birthday greetings for lilacs.

  • Freesia rules from October 24 to November 2

The horoscope for these flowers promises them many difficulties in life, but people will be able to cope with all of them if they do not lose heart. Freesias are workaholics who are characterized by diplomacy and punctuality.

  • Orchids – November 3-12

Orchids are beautiful, mystical and mysterious. These representatives of the flower horoscope keep many secrets within themselves. Secretive and patient, they are considered excellent partners for business and family.

  • Peonies – November 13-22

Peony people, as a horoscope sign, are quite viable, very active, and diligent. Many of them become famous cultural figures and athletes.

  • November 23 – December 2 – Gladioli

Ordinary individuals who do not have pronounced traits or talents. They love to travel. Often it is gladioli that are revealed as romantics.

  • December 3-12 – Dandelions

People who love the sun, warmth and light. They are more active and kind when they are treated with warmth. They do not admit lies, so they never forgive betrayal.

  • December 13-22 – Lotus

Lotus flowers have long been considered symbols of purity. Representatives of this symbol and horoscope sign are always neat and attractive. They are smart and monogamous.

  • For those whose name day is December 23-31, Edelweiss will be the patron saint

These are disorganized people who do not like control, specific frameworks and schedules, although those around them are taught consistency. Such individuals are mainly careerists. Many of them are very devoted and faithful, especially in marriage.

The saying goes: “Children are the flowers of life,” but the ancient Druids believed that adults are also in many ways similar to these beautiful and delicate gifts of nature.

We all know what influence distant stars have on us, what temperament and character traits we received under the influence of the planets. Our ancestors did not strive to unravel all the secrets of the Universe. On the contrary, they tried to simplify life, so they did not have a zodiac, but a flower horoscope.

According to the Druid flower horoscope, there were 36 character types inherent in people born in certain decades. Who are you - a gentle tulip, a joyful daisy or a graceful rose? Let's try to determine. If you were born:

This is a wildflower with a beautiful yellow bud and a very deep root. Therefore, people of this sign are mysterious and reluctant to let new people into their lives. They are devoted friends and spouses, executive employees. They cope with difficulties easily.

Wildflower – Gentian yellow

Contrary to the name, they are kind and sympathetic in nature. Wonderful friends, excellent hosts, guests are always welcome. They work hard and persistently, often achieve career heights, but are not confident in themselves. This shortcoming must be combated.

Individuals under the influence of this plant simply cannot imagine their lives without people. They happily help others, and are absolutely selfless, generous, and noble. But they should be wary of envious people, since their subtle nature is highly susceptible to the influence of negativity.

They are inquisitive, good-looking, charming, and easy to recognize in a crowd. They are always the center of everyone's attention and attractive to the opposite sex. They are called fatal. They definitely need to play some kind of sport.

Their soul is in constant search of freedom. The character is rebellious and sometimes unbridled. Ladies of this sign are always interesting to the stronger sex, men are hardworking and, as a rule, wealthy. And also gallant and courteous.

Wildflower – Belladonna

Talented, sensual, gentle natures need support and worthy appreciation of their work by others. It is important for them to take care of their health, not waste their energy, and not be afraid to express their ideas out loud.

Charming, sweet and charming. Usually these people are not just loved, but idolized by those around them. And no wonder: they are excellent conversationalists. extraordinary personalities, although periodically susceptible to depression.

Women under the power of this flower are true coquettes and seductresses. They are well-groomed and mysterious, with an alluring look. They are difficult to catch in a net. Men are freedom-loving and dreamy.

So fragile and touching at first glance, they have a steely character and enormous willpower, they are confident, active and decisive, they can always find a way out of any situation. But they often suffer from nervous disorders due to stress.

They are quite ambitious and daring, they always want to be the first and the best in everything, and they really achieve a position in society. Women know how to present themselves in the best light, men are confident gentlemen.

Flower – Magnolia

Generous, magnanimous people, lovers of crowded parties. They like to perform beautiful, noble deeds, and also inspire others. However, their inability to properly manage their time may prevent them from achieving success.

People of this sign tend to place too high hopes on luck in both business and personal life and overestimate their capabilities. They need to get rid of excessive maximalism.

Generous, open and sincere, sometimes even too much (which is often taken advantage of by others). Women of this sign, like no other, need a strong male shoulder. It is important for representatives of the stronger sex not to take on too many things.

People with complex characters are suspicious and distrustful. They can expect a trick even from those closest to them. It is important for them to learn to trust others.

Garden flower – Purslane

Natures under the power of this plant are simple and pleasant to communicate with, they usually have many friends and admirers. They love cheerful and noisy companies.

Very attached to home, family, hearth. Any change is stressful for them. If they have to go on a business trip, they will not board a plane under any circumstances, preferring to go by train.

Very observant people, they are always aware of all events, although sometimes they are quiet and shy. They know how to achieve their goals. They love peace and quiet.

Men of this flower are real Don Juans, connoisseurs of female beauty. Women are not in a big hurry with declarations of love, because they are very picky. They are energetic and freedom-loving.

These people can feel quite cozy and comfortable in any conditions. If any difficulties arise on their way, they cope with them with ease.

Aquatic plant – Water lily

They do not go unnoticed, although they themselves prefer to remain in the shadows until a certain moment, and then effectively “take the stage.” They are faithful in marriage and have many friends and acquaintances.

The rosehip is kind, sympathetic, and its thorns are nothing more than a way of self-defense. And this is well understood by people who managed to get to know him better. Trusted friend. Always treats his other half with respect.

A person born under this sign is persistent, stubbornly pursues his goal, and having achieved it, he will never give up on it. He is successful, but at the same time he is guided in life by the principles of honor.

These beautiful people are the eternal object of intrigue and envy of others, so they have to make great efforts to repel negativity.

They often make high demands on others, although they themselves do not always meet them. However, their lifestyle can be called quite ascetic. They should learn to resist ill-wishers.

Perennial herbaceous plant – Delphinium

The favorite pastime of a person under the influence of this flower is to defend the truth. He has a strong character and is stubborn. Workaholic, not afraid of difficulties.

People's mood will improve significantly if there is a cheerful aster among them. These people are friendly and good leaders. At work, representatives of this sign are highly valued.

In the character of these individualists one can see a combination of sophistication, elegance and originality. They have golden hands. Very devoted friends and faithful partners.

These are sweet, sophisticated, artistic people who are often childish. At the same time, they are far from weak - they show courage when life circumstances require it.

Goal-oriented people who enjoy helping others. Ambition is not typical for them; they love life and are always young at heart.

They are fearless and persistent (although this quality often turns into stubbornness). These are workaholics, working tirelessly from morning until late evening. They have many fans, but they are in no hurry to choose a partner.

Perennial herb – Freesia

Mysterious, mysterious people. Their habit of always doubting everything often becomes the cause of quarrels and disagreements with others, including their superiors. However, they can achieve a lot, but to do this they need to control their emotions.

People born during this period have excellent health. If peonies do not get hung up on work, they will have enough strength and endurance for any achievement.

They are dreamy and ready to do crazy things. Romantic, capable of beautifully caring. Nature has not awarded these people with special talents, but they are hardworking and diligent.

The attention of others is of great importance to them. For this they are ready to do extravagant acts. Sometimes they can even act contrary to generally accepted norms.

These are extraordinary individuals both in terms of actions and in terms of way of thinking. Those around them appreciate them and forgive their shortcomings.

These are extremely reliable people who are ready to help their friends in any situation. As a rule, they are calm, but are still capable of losing their composure from time to time. They are scary when angry, do not provoke them.

Suggested reading:
Border signs of the zodiac
Shadow horoscope

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The article presents the most accurate and truthful Druid color horoscope with explanations and clarification on all frequently asked questions for each zodiac sign.

How to find out your flower by horoscope

Each zodiac sign has its own sign and its own constellation. This also didn’t bypass the flowers. Each zodiac has its own unique flower that matches the horoscope. Finding out which flower belongs specifically to your horoscope sign is not difficult. There is a certain list that shows all the zodiac signs and their flowers.

— Aries – Geranium, Azalea, Begonia, Pomegranate.
— Taurus – Violet, Cyclamen, Gloxinia.
- Gemini - Tradescantia, asparagus, fern, feathery palms, ivy.

- Cancer - Peperomia, Fuchsia, Aloe, Agave, Mason's Begonia.
— Leo – Chinese rose, Impatiens, Calla, Camellia, Geranium.
- Virgo - Aucuba, birch, Monstera, Asparagus, Aster, Philodendron, Dracaena.

— Libra – White azalea, Schlumbergera, capsicum, small-flowered chrysanthemum, croton, hydrangea.
— Scorpio – desert cactus, dragon dragon, oleander.
— Sagittarius – lemon, bonsai, mother-in-law’s tongue, sacred ficus.

— Capricorn – elephant yucca, rubber ficus, fragrant dracaena, money tree.
— Aquarius – tricolor arrowroot, indoor maple, spurge.
— Pisces – Magnolia, Orchid, Lily, fragrant geranium, umbrella.

Edelweiss (December 23 – December 31) – loves freedom, is ambitious and inconsistent, does not recognize the negative side of his life, and therefore does not restrain impulses. Edelweiss is admired, he has a lot of envious people and enemies.

There are no prohibitions for him, so he often goes beyond what is permitted. Edelweiss seems to be a symbol of independence and that is why people with complexes and insecure people are drawn to it.

Flower horoscope woman and man Tulip, Hydrangea, Gentian, Orchid

— Male tulips are predisposed to winning women’s hearts, in another way they can be called Don Juans. Women, in turn, are less susceptible to the opposite sex, prone to narcissism, and a greater thirst for life is noticeable.

— Women and men of Hortense do not differ in character. Both are cheerful, but prone to loneliness. He doesn’t delve into the details of other people’s lives, so he speaks positively about everyone. He is content with modest company and this is the only way to fully express himself.

- Gentian women are friendly and stable in character, selfless and ready to help. Men are family-oriented and do not welcome large companies. Prone to imaginaryness and pettiness.

— Orchid women often change their mood, depending on the situation. There are tendencies towards extrasensory perception. Men are superstitious and withdrawn. They are firm in their life plans and do not give up on their plans.

Flower horoscope description for the flower Poppy, Foxglove, Chamomile, Peony

— The poppy man is inconsistent and mysterious. Often misleading. They have depressive times due to feelings of loneliness, but soon this passes and Mac comes back into society positive and cheerful.

- Foxglove is not friendly, although it can have many people in its immediate environment. Easily copes with problems with the help of his quick thinking, which can find a way out in the most difficult situations. He has all the character traits to make people follow him. Achieves any goals and achievements.

— Daisies seem simple at first glance, but in fact they have a deceptive appearance. They collect information at first glance, take advantage of their simplicity, and then find where to apply the collected information. Chamomile's main weapon is charm, which she uses in extreme cases.

— Peonies are lazy, distinguished by their good health and strength. Can cope well with physical activity, and in sports they usually achieve great success. No different in intelligence, but quite savvy. Peonies are good conversationalists, and most importantly, they know how to listen.

Flower horoscope Magnolia, Rose, Violet, Lotus

- Magnolias are spenders, they always love to be in a prominent place and in the center of attention. Magnolia people, like flowers, decorate any room. They are particularly emotional and hot-tempered in their youth.

“Rose loves to be admired and cherished.” Often people born under the auspices of Rose put themselves above others. They treat everyone with contempt, because they believe that anyone can take their place.

— Violets love to show off both their intelligence and their attractiveness, because of this they can wait a long time for the favorable moment to show all of themselves. They are very picky about people and can easily spot scammers.

- Lotuses are honest, frank and kind. Copes with any betrayal and deception. He behaves well even in solitary confinement. If he does something, he tries to complete everything and do it to perfection.

Edelweiss in the flower horoscope

Information about this flower has already been provided in this article.