Cats have diarrhea all the time. Diarrhea found in a cat: what to do to restore normal bowel function

As you know, cats, like people, suffer from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, with certain provocative factors, diarrhea may occur in a cat. Pets are comparable to small children. They demand our attention and really need help with any change in their general condition.

In medical practice, this pathological condition is called diarrhea. It is unacceptable to ignore this symptom, the risks of developing complications are too high. In this article, we will look at the possible causes of diarrhea and find out if it is possible to stop diarrhea in a cat by treating it at home.

Causes of gastrointestinal upset in cats

If your pet empties the intestines up to 10 times a day, then the cat has diarrhea, what to do in such a situation? The first step is to understand the cause of the development of diarrhea. This will allow you to choose the right and effective treatment to restore normal bowel function.

There are many reasons for the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in animals. The most common stool disorder provocateurs:

If chronic diseases have provoked diarrhea in a kitten, only an experienced doctor knows what to do. It is unacceptable to prescribe treatment on your own in this case. It is not always possible to understand the exact cause of diarrhea without tests, so it is better to take the animal to a veterinary clinic, where he will be provided with qualified medical assistance.

If problems with the stool began due to other provocative influences, which is important to find out for sure, you can develop an effective treatment plan using improvised means. We will talk about this a little later, but for now we will analyze the list of symptoms that often accompany loose stools.

Symptoms of diarrhea in cats and cats

Frequent diarrhea in a pet can be combined with additional signs:

  • blood clots are seen in the urine or feces;
  • there are attempts during defecation;
  • increased gas formation;
  • loss of appetite, the animal refuses to drink;
  • general malaise, lethargy;
  • feverish conditions;
  • chills;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • weight loss;
  • body dehydration.

Diarrhea has a liquid-like or mushy consistency, and in some cases becomes watery. It is important to pay attention to all these features, which will allow you to establish the exact cause of the disease.

Duration of symptoms

Diarrhea occurs suddenly and can last from one day to several weeks, it all depends on the cause and the measures taken to eliminate the adverse symptom. In medical practice, diarrhea is divided into several forms, depending on the duration of the pathological symptom:

  • acute form - a violation of the stool is observed for several days;
  • chronic - is established if diarrhea does not stop for several weeks.

The diarrhea may also be intermittent. With this form, loose stools are observed periodically for one month or more.

The cat has diarrhea what to do at home:

  • acute form of diarrhea provoked by poor nutrition, sterilization or other provocative factors not related to the disease can be eliminated by symptomatic treatment;
  • if stool disorder is observed for 7 days or more, the animal must be examined in a specialized medical institution.

With prolonged diarrhea, severe dehydration occurs, which can lead to death. You can't ignore this symptom! Only an experienced veterinarian will be able to determine the exact cause of the intestinal dysfunction and select the correct treatment regimen, taking into account the individual characteristics of the ongoing process.

The color of feces can tell a lot

The exact cause of the development of diarrhea is determined not only by other specific symptoms, but also by the color of the feces and their smell. If during the examination blood clots are detected in the feces, suspicions are established for the development of an inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. An accurate diagnosis can only be made based on the results of a diagnostic study.

Feces with an admixture of mucus are often observed with helminthic invasion. A similar symptom is also characteristic of oncological diseases, inflammatory processes in the large intestine and with polyps. Foamy discharge indicates an infectious process in the animal's body.

Cat has black or red diarrhea

The normal color of feces in cats is close to light and dark shades of brown. Fecal matter may change color after taking certain iron-based medications or vitamin supplements containing this element.

Another reason for the modification of the color of feces is a certain set of products. If the stool has acquired a red or black tint, but the cat feels good, there is no cause for concern.

Another thing is if the color of the feces has changed, and along with this, additional symptoms have appeared. Here you can’t do without the help of a specialist who knows exactly what to do if the cat has black or red diarrhea.

The red color of feces is a clear sign of internal bleeding in the organs of the digestive system.

Cat has yellow diarrhea

For the fecal masses of a healthy organism, a yellow color is quite characteristic, due to the penetration into the stomach of yellow bilirubin, which is part of bile. Yellowed feces are not a dangerous sign, but should not be left unattended.

The owner needs to reconsider the diet of the animal and organize a diet for a faithful four-legged friend for several days, which will clearly benefit his body.

If your pet's diarrhea takes on a bright orange hue, you can't do without medical help. This sign indicates the development of jaundice.

Cat has white diarrhea

The white color of feces is formed due to the complete absence of bilirubin in bile, which is necessary for proper digestion. The main reason for changing the color of feces to a white tint is problems with the liver and biliary tract.

So, if you notice white diarrhea in a cat all the time, a qualified doctor will tell you what to do to eliminate it. As a rule, such a symptom indicates a chronic disease requiring urgent intervention.

Cat has green diarrhea

A clear sign of fermentation processes in the intestines of the animal is green diarrhea. This condition can occur after eating spoiled food. The danger lies in the fact that during decay, the products release toxic elements that poison the body of a pet.

If such diarrhea is of a long-term nature, the pet should be taken to a veterinary hospital as soon as possible. In order to save your friend, you will need to inject antibacterial drugs by injection. If a cat is diagnosed with a serious condition, droppers will be prescribed to quickly cleanse the body and restore it.

We normalize and restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract of a cat

My beloved cat has diarrhea, what to do at home? First of all, it is necessary to direct all efforts to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To do this, you will need to limit food, that is, arrange a temporary hunger strike, lasting up to 24 hours. The only thing that can and even should be given to a pet is clean drinking water in unlimited quantities. This will prevent dehydration of the body.

In the process of treatment, it is important to observe the rules of hygiene: thoroughly wash the dishes and the animal's tray, where pathogenic microorganisms can form.

After a hunger strike during the day, the cat can be given light food in a small amount (about 30% of the usual diet). It is better to keep such a diet for three days, and only then gradually return to the usual menu.

What not to give with diarrhea:

  • dairy and dairy products;
  • dry food;
  • raw meat in an unprocessed form.

During this period, it is better to feed the cat with freshly prepared porridge from cereals on the water or rice soup, without salt and other spices.

First aid for your pet

To exclude diarrhea in a domestic cat, it is necessary not only to follow a dietary diet, but also to take certain medications. The safest medicine for animals with diarrhea caused by poor nutrition is activated charcoal.

You can give out tablets with the calculation of 500 mg per 1 kg of weight, up to 3 times during the day. It well cleanses the intestines of toxic elements and promotes their rapid removal from the body.

Chamomile herb is also prescribed for diarrhea. From it you can prepare a healing decoction. The product has a good disinfectant effect. Another effective composition - "Smekta", is given to the animal in liquid form (the powder is diluted with warm boiled water, the dosage is selected in accordance with the weight of the pet).

All of the above remedies only help with loose stools that have arisen as a result of malnutrition or after taking low-quality products. If the cause of diarrhea is more serious, there is incontinence and other painful signs, this method of treatment is unlikely to be suitable. Here you will need a whole first-aid kit of medications prescribed by a veterinarian. In the most severe cases, the cat may need surgery.

So, if you decide to cure the cat on your own, give him chamomile, charcoal and other safe compounds, but the diarrhea continues, and the animal's condition is consistently bad, do not tempt his fate, immediately go to the veterinary clinic! Only an experienced doctor, based on a personal examination and tests, will be able to determine the exact cause of the bowel dysfunction and draw up an effective treatment plan.

List of medicines for diarrhea for cats

Names of medicines used to treat diarrhea in pets:

  • "Levomitsetin";
  • "Enterofuril";
  • "Ftalazol";
  • "Enterol";
  • "Furazolidone";
  • "Loperamide";
  • "Bifiform";
  • "Verakol";
  • "Rehydron".

The dose of any drug is calculated strictly on an individual basis!

Home remedies for diarrhea in cats

It is very difficult to cure diarrhea in a cat without medication. If there are no effective remedies for diarrhea in the home medicine cabinet, solder the animal with activated charcoal and herbs. You can brew a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or oak bark.

Be sure to eliminate harmful foods from the cat's diet. For animals that are on artificial nutrition, you can purchase a special therapeutic food designed for cats with problems with the digestive tract.

If the diarrhea does not stop within 2-3 days, and the cat itself continues to experience painful symptoms, do not self-medicate, immediately send for help to specialists!

Signs that you need to see a doctor

In what cases should a visit to the veterinarian be immediate:

  • diarrhea does not stop within a few days;
  • too liquid consistency of feces;
  • frequent bowel movements, stool incontinence;
  • there is blood or mucus in the feces;
  • atypical stool color;
  • if the cat is too lethargic, completely refuses to eat and drink;
  • the kitten often vomits, convulsions and other specific symptoms are observed, indicating a deterioration in the general condition.

The sooner you see a doctor, the sooner your furry friend will recover and return to normal life. And most importantly, timely access to doctors reduces the likelihood of dangerous complications and irreversible consequences.

Cat diet for diarrhea

A sick kitten may show an appetite even with severe diarrhea. The owner needs to make the right diet from healthy and safe products:

  • lean boiled meat;
  • egg yolk;
  • porridge on the water;
  • sea ​​fish without a bone in a boiled form;
  • rice water;
  • light chicken broth;
  • meat puree.

Be sure to drink plenty!

Indigestion in a kitten: taking action

If your furry friend develops diarrhea, which indicates an upset stomach, adequate measures must be taken to eliminate the risk of complications.

How to help a kitten with diarrhea:

  1. Try to find out the exact cause of the pathological condition.
  2. Avoid feeding for one day.
  3. Provide your cat with clean drinking water.
  4. Make the right diet.
  5. Medical therapy is required. In the early days, you can give the animal safe means: absorbents, saline solutions and herbal decoctions.
  6. If this method of treatment is ineffective, a visit to the veterinarian will be required. After a diagnostic examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe effective drugs, individually in each case.

Depending on the results of the tests, the cat may be prescribed an antibiotic (for example, biseptol), hepaprotectors, probiotics, enzymes, and other agents.

After the treatment course, the animal's stool normalizes, the cat's condition improves, but for some time you will have to follow a dietary diet, which will quickly restore the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

More articles on this topic.

Often, pets experience all sorts of digestive disorders for a variety of reasons. If a cat has diarrhea, what should the owner do in this situation in order to competently help the animal restore its digestive function? The first step is to establish the cause of the violation of the normal functioning of the intestine, to provide first aid to the pet.

Read in this article

Causes of the disorder

There are many reasons for the development of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: from eating stale foods to a dangerous viral infection that threatens the life of the animal. Diarrhea (diarrhea) is most often observed in the following cases:

Short-term diarrhea in a cat can be caused by a stressful situation, an allergic reaction, malfunctions in the endocrine system, and tumor pathologies. Timely identification of the cause of indigestion will allow the owner to provide the animal with the necessary assistance as soon as possible.

What the color of feces tells about

Important in diagnosing the causes that led to diarrhea is the analysis of pet feces. The owner is able to independently determine the severity of the pathological process and its danger to the health of the animal. To do this, you should look at the nature of the bowel movements:

  • Diarrhea without color change, odor, without any inclusions in the feces indicates a malnutrition of the animal. Often the cause of such diarrhea is overeating of the pet.
  • Light yellow feces indicates a violation in nutrition, poor digestion of food, the use of low-quality products.
  • Intense yellow faeces may indicate a pathology of the liver, a violation of the metabolism of bilirubin in the body. Clay color of stools is possible in violation of the gallbladder.
  • Diarrhea with mucus should alert the owner of the animal, since such a symptom indicates the reproduction of pathogenic organisms in the intestine. Feces mixed with mucus are often observed in inflammatory processes in the large intestine, the presence of polyps, tumors. Diarrhea with mucus, frothy discharge can be a symptom of an infectious inflammation of the intestine.
  • Greenish stools indicate irritation of the intestines by indoor plants, which are often eaten by cats. If at the same time weight loss is observed, then such diarrhea can be the cause of inflammation of the pancreas.
  • black diarrhea, tar-like consistency with the presence of vomiting, apathetic state of the animal indicates helminthic diseases, and may also accompany a stomach ulcer.
  • The owner should be alerted by the situation when the cat diarrhea with blood. Such a symptom indicates the development of helminthiases, including a disease dangerous for humans -. Often, bloody diarrhea is observed when a cat is affected by the simplest organisms (giardia, coccidia). Foreign bodies and tumor processes can lead to bloody diarrhea.
  • Stools with mucus, blood, bad smell are a sign of both inflammatory bowel diseases of various etiologies, and symptoms of oncological pathologies in the animal's body.

Diagnosis by type of fecal matter in case of diarrhea in an animal will help the owner to determine the danger of a developing pathology and provide the pet with the necessary assistance in a timely manner.

First aid for an animal

If such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea is detected, the owner should take a number of measures recommended by veterinarians in such cases:

  • Without following a starvation diet, it is almost impossible to cure diarrhea in a cat.. If diarrhea is observed in an adult animal, then therapeutic fasting can last a day. In the event that diarrhea has struck a kitten under the age of 6 months, the period of abstinence from food should be no more than 12 hours. A starvation diet will free the intestines from food masses, reduces intoxication of the body.
  • Many owners ask veterinarians what to give a cat for diarrhea so as not to harm the animal. From diarrhea caused by errors in feeding, it helps well Activated carbon. The drug helps to cleanse the intestines of toxins, binds them and removes them from the body. Activated charcoal is given 2-3 times a day at the rate of 500 mg per 1 kg of animal weight. In addition, the pet can be offered chamomile decoction which has a disinfectant effect. Can be given to a cat powder "Smecta", after dissolving the contents in boiled water. However, it should be understood that neither activated charcoal nor Smekta are medicines, and they cannot help with serious causes of diarrhea.

  • Indigestion in the animal leads to dehydration, so the owner should direct efforts to prevent this phenomenon. The pet should have fresh boiled water freely available. In the absence of thirst, the cat can be forced to drink water using a syringe without a needle or a small syringe.
  • Compliance with hygiene standards. For the duration of diarrhea, the owner should thoroughly wash and disinfect water dishes, trays and other items.

Useful video

About what causes diarrhea in cats, how to treat diarrhea at home and what the veterinarian will offer, see this video:

It is possible to help an animal at home only if there are no impurities of blood and mucus in the feces, and the frequency of bowel movements is no more than 3-4 times a day. Therefore, a veterinarian should decide how to treat diarrhea in a cat after a clinical and laboratory examination.

We restore the work of the digestive tract

After a starvation diet due to diarrhea in an animal, it is necessary to restore the digestive system and prevent another failure. The exit from therapeutic starvation should be gradual. The pet needs to be fed in small portions, in the first 2 - 3 days underfeed by about 30% of the usual diet. In the absence of signs of diarrhea, after 3-4 days, you can return to the usual amount of food for the animal.

The owner should have an idea of ​​what to feed the cat with diarrhea. In the early days, the animal is not recommended to give dairy products, meat without heat treatment, as well as dry food that can irritate the intestinal mucosa. Preference should be given to cereals on the water or feed the animal with special medicated feeds developed for indigestion.

If diarrhea is observed after antibiotics, then after consultation with a veterinarian, a course treatment of dysbacteriosis should be carried out. For this purpose, special probiotics are used to restore the normal intestinal microflora.

When to see a doctor

Helping an animal with the development of diarrhea at home is possible only if the cause of diarrhea is not a serious pathology. If you find liquid and frequent bowel movements in a cat, you should seek veterinary help and do not self-medicate.

It is not necessary to delay the visit to the doctor if blood, mucus and other signs of the animal's malaise are found in the feces. Fever, vomiting, lethargy, refusal to feed, lethargy, convulsions - a reason for immediate contact with the clinic. The veterinarian will determine not only the cause of indigestion, but will also give advice in each case on how to treat diarrhea in a cat.

The variety of causes of diarrhea in a pet makes it difficult to self-diagnose the underlying disease. The analysis of the fecal matter of the animal helps to determine the severity and danger. The main condition in the treatment of diarrhea is the observance of a starvation diet, the prevention of dehydration and detoxification of the body. Only a veterinarian can prescribe an effective treatment for diarrhea based on clinical and laboratory diagnostic methods.

For 8 hours, food passes through the digestive tract and is excreted from it in the form of formed feces. The physiology of digestion and stool formation is simple - about 80% of the water must be absorbed in the intestines in order for the stool to have the correct consistency. If for some reason failures occur in this process, then diarrhea occurs, or simply diarrhea.

Loose stools in a cat can occur spontaneously or develop gradually: first, the owner notices a change in color and density, then softening and thinning. A single liquid stool in cats does not always indicate problems. But diarrhea (irrepressible repeated bowel movements for a day or more) can be dangerous due to rapid dehydration and the development of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

A cat is a typical predator that should not be fed with the remains of a human meal interspersed with dry food or cat pate. Poor nutrition in cats causes indigestion to become a chronic problem that slowly reduces the pet's health and quality of life. And in this case, the owner can cure the cat from diarrhea on their own.

If indigestion occurs once, is not accompanied by any other alarming symptoms, then most likely it is a small glitch. Treatment is reduced to eliminating the cause of the failure. You will need to see a doctor if other symptoms appear:

  • nausea, vomiting, impaired coordination;
  • blood, mucus, green, white or orange clots in the stool;
  • seizures, screaming, trouble breathing;
  • the temperature is above 39.5 C or above the breed norm.

Different causes of the same disease

Diarrhea is called repeated (from hourly to 5-6 times a day) bowel movements with liquid feces. Often this process is out of control. The bowel movements are spontaneous and gradually bring the body to dehydration, mechanical injuries of the mucous membrane and mental exhaustion.

Distinguishing indigestion of an infectious nature from digestive problems caused by improper food or stress is quite easy:

The residence time of food in the digestive tract depends on the type of food. The organism of a predator will not even try to digest a bunch of meadow grasses. The basis of a predatory cat diet is animal protein. The rest (cereals, fats, vegetables, salts, etc.) are necessary supplements that cannot become food.

Carbohydrates are digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract, proteins in the stomach, fats and water are absorbed in the small intestine. The large intestine serves to form feces. The whole process of digestion normally takes up to a day.

Digestion failure can occur at any stage. But diarrhea in cats occurs mainly when parts below the stomach are damaged: the pancreas, liver, and small intestine. Now let's turn directly to how to cure a cat from diarrhea.

Cat diarrhea treatment

How to stop diarrhea in a cat, how to treat it, and how to restore the body's strength? Observation will help you with this. The color, structure, consistency of feces will indicate its origin and method of treatment.

These signs can be combined or replace each other during the course of the disease. When a loose stool has just appeared in a cat, it is immediately prescribed not for a long time (up to a day) starvation diet without limiting the amount of water. Then - light diet in small portions.

After determining the causes of diarrhea, doctors prescribe specialized veterinary diets. These are usually a line of dry and wet ready-to-eat foods, fully balanced for the needs of the cat. Do not give up on this diet.

In the first aid kit, you should always keep a sorbent (activated carbon, Smecta), enzymes (Veracol, Liarsin, Creon), a probiotic for cats (for example, Pro-kolin), saline solution (may be needed for an enema), glucose solution. The latter can be useful for severe dehydration. Also make sure that there are syringes for injections in the house, and if you have to give the cat a pill, a pill dispenser.

Any prescribed medications should be discontinued if there is no improvement or a marked deterioration in the cat's condition within 24 hours. If symptomatic self-treatment does not help, contact your veterinarian.

When diarrhea repeats 3-4 times a day, not accompanied by fever, vomiting, refusal of water and food - usually this is just a way to unload the cat's body. But you should pay attention to the diet and diet of the pet. Perhaps more serious problems in the future can be prevented.

Diarrhea, scientifically known as diarrhea, is a symptom of many diseases, often fatal, and should be taken seriously. Abnormally frequent and loose stools with or without discoloration can result from simple overeating, viral or bacterial infection, accompanied by increased intestinal motility.

Normal stools in cats are brown. With diarrhea, the frequency of bowel movements, the color, consistency and smell of the discharge changes. Based on these indicators, it is possible to determine the localization of the disease.


Small, straining bowel movements several times an hour suggest inflammation of the colon (colitis);


  1. Yellow or greenish diarrhea indicates a rapid passage, the cause may be damage to the small intestine.
  2. Black, similar to tar in consistency, feces indicates bleeding in the upper digestive system.
  3. bloody stool(or streaks) indicates bleeding in the large intestine.
  4. Light dough-like indicates liver disease.
  5. Gray discharge with a rancid odor indicate a violation of digestion or absorption of food.


  1. Large volume soft stools indicates overeating or too much fiber in the food.
  2. Watery stool speaks of irritation of the walls of the small intestine with toxins or infection (for example, acute enteritis).
  3. Foamy bowel movements suggest bacterial infection.
  4. F hot chair suggests malabsorption and damage to the pancreas (malabsorption).


The more watery the stool, the more unpleasant the odor:

  1. The smell of sour milk or rancid food occurs when the animal is overfed.
  2. The smell of rot is usually accompanied by infections, such as panleukopenia.

duration of diarrhea

A single unformed stool caused by overfeeding does not require treatment, but a starvation diet during the day and a decrease in food portions subsequently.

Diarrhea with a duration of more than a day requires emergency veterinary care, as it causes a large loss of moisture and dehydration of the body.

Treatment at home

The usual one-time diarrhea caused by overeating is stopped by a daily hunger strike, after which the amount of food should be reduced by about 2 times in the next 3 days.

Watery stools, indicating a bacterial infection, require immediate consultation with a veterinarian, testing, after which appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Diarrhea with simultaneous vomiting usually indicates poisoning and requires professional treatment.

Diarrhea with blood or mucus can be caused by irritation of the large intestine from eating plants, inappropriate food, other irritants, as well as serious chronic diseases. With a small amount of blood, you can change the diet with a preliminary daily fasting.

With a large amount of blood (black diarrhea), specialist help is needed to determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Yellow diarrhea indicates high levels of bilirubin, orange indicates liver problems and jaundice. Yellow single diarrhea can be caused by overeating or milk consumption, in which case a starvation diet is indicated.

Orange diarrhea for several days requires a liver check and treatment at a veterinary clinic.

White diarrhea indicates the absence of bilirubin in the feces - a blockage of the bile ducts and problems with the formation of bile in the liver, which indicates a serious chronic disease that requires professional help.

Diarrhea with greens indicates putrefactive processes and fermentation in the intestines after eating carrion or stale food. In this case, it is advisable to induce vomiting and give the cat a hepatoprotector for treatment, and then take him to the veterinarian before the animal begins to become intoxicated.

After a daily fast, before returning to the usual diet, it is recommended to feed the cat with wet diet food for a couple of days, and increase the number of feedings up to 3-4 times.

Emergency Medicines

Feeding for diarrhea

It is not necessary to feed the animal on the first day when diarrhea occurs, you only need to stimulate fluid intake and give some enterosorbent. If the diarrhea has stopped, gradually transfer the cat to the usual food.

If diarrhea is caused by an allergic reaction, after a daily fast, you need to switch to a special hypoallergenic food, with natural feeding - give dietary meat - lamb, rabbit or turkey.

It is very good to feed the animal with diarrhea with rice water, add boiled rice to food, give egg white. From food in the early days, wet rations for dietary nutrition are preferable.

Diarrhea in a kitten

Diarrhea in a kitten can be caused by the same causes as in an adult animal, plus the transition to adult food or artificial feeding.

If you picked up a kitten on the street with fetid diarrhea and a swollen belly, most likely it has revenge helminthic invasion plus panleukopenia. In this case, an urgent consultation with a veterinarian is required, who will assess the condition of the puppies and prescribe urgent treatment.

Antibiotics and anthelmintic drugs will be required, but whether they can be prescribed at the same time, the specialist decides. The use of such folk remedies as drinking vodka will not bring anything to the kitten except for a burn of the mucous membrane.

When buying a purebred kitten, its age should not be less than 3-4 months, he must have a veterinary passport with marks of vaccinations against viral diseases and rabies.

However, even vaccination does not give a 100% guarantee against subsequent infection with an enterovirus, therefore, at the first signs of the disease - grayish watery diarrhea with a disgusting odor, refusal to drink water, weakness and dehydration, it is necessary to give an absorbent, drink a glucose solution and inject calcium chloride to maintain water body balance and see a doctor immediately.

Causes of diarrhea

The most common causes of diarrhea are:

  • bowel disease;
  • infection;
  • stress;
  • allergy;
  • binge eating;
  • eating irritants;
  • poisoning;

Bowel disease

Diarrhea in a cat can be caused by three different diseases accompanied by inflammation of the intestine - eosinophilic ecterocolitis, lymphocytoplasmic enterocolitis and granulomatous enterocolitis.

All these diseases are chronic, leading to weight loss, anemia and decreased appetite. They can be diagnosed with a biopsy, treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian, recovery is problematic.


Acute enteritis or infectious diarrhea is most often caused by parvovirus, the cause of panleukopenia in cats. Kittens and young animals under the age of one year are especially seriously ill, the mortality among them reaches 90%.

It must be borne in mind that the best vaccines protect against 3-4 different viruses that cause diarrhea, but in nature there are more than 40 of them circulating, and therefore even the best vaccine will not give a 100% guarantee against the disease.


Stress that occurs in an animal as a result of being in an unfamiliar environment or uncomfortable conditions (exhibition, change of owner or place of residence, travel, appointment with a veterinarian) can also cause diarrhea.


Intolerance to certain products of animal or vegetable origin, such as beef, pork, chicken (especially skin), horse meat, eggs, spices, soy, corn, wheat can cause allergic reactions not only of the skin, but also in the form of diarrhea.

The cause of diarrhea in an adult cat can be ordinary milk, because after 4 months of age, they stop producing the enzyme lactase, which curdles milk and helps the body to absorb it normally.

An abrupt change in food or food that is not suitable for a particular animal can also cause diarrhea.

Binge eating

Overeating after a long fast or as a result of a cat's poor eating habits causes an accelerated passage of underdigested food (chyme) into the lower colon and increased peristalsis, resulting in unformed loose stools.

Eating irritants

For cats that have free range, carrion, rodents, birds, garbage and spoiled food can become dangerous.

For domestic cats - fatty foods, table food, spices, salt, sauce, vegetable oil or animal fat. For any cats - wood chips, rags, fur, grass, paper or plastic, some types of indoor plants.


Toxic to cats are:

  • oil distillation products;
  • derivatives of coal tar;
  • cleaning fluids containing acids and alkalis;
  • refrigerants;
  • insecticides and pesticides;
  • chlorine compounds (found in bleaches and cleaning products);
  • building materials (paints, putties, primers, varnishes, lime, cement);
  • some ornamental and wild plants;

Plants dangerous for cats:

  • Amaryllis (amaryllis, hippeastrum, etc.); Rhododendron;
  • Dieffenbachia;
  • Sansiviera (pike tail);
  • Asparagus;
  • Tulips;
  • Geranium;
  • violets;
  • Wisteria;
  • Ficuses (different types);
  • Delphinium;
  • Philodendron;
  • Jasmine (some species);
  • Chrysanthemums;
  • Iris;
  • Hellebore;
  • Calendula (marigolds);
  • Cyclamen;
  • callas;
  • Cyperus;
  • Clematis;
  • Amaranth;
  • Crocus;
  • Periwinkle;
  • Lily of the valley;
  • Henbane;
  • Hyacinth;
  • hemlock;
  • Lily;
  • Wolf's bast;
  • Lupine;
  • buttercups;
  • Euphorbia (all types, including poinsettia);
  • Digitalis;
  • Monstera;
  • mistletoe;
  • daffodils;
  • ferns;
  • Oleander;
  • Ivy;
  • Primroses (primrose);
  • Boxwood evergreen;
  • Nightshade (pepper, physalis, green potato tubers);
  • Yew berry;
  • petunias;
  • Cicuta;
  • Rhubarb;
  • Lily of the valley (wild);


Treatment of different types of diarrhea requires a different approach, often - the help of a specialist, but first of all - the composure of the owner.

Compliance with the rule of the first hungry day will help determine if an adult animal has a single simple diarrhea or a serious illness. With diarrhea lasting more than a day, only a special examination and a veterinarian can help.