Submandibular lymphadenitis: how to recognize and effectively cure. How to treat submandibular lymphadenitis - an overview of effective treatments Acute serous submandibular lymphadenitis

The lymphatic system is an important part of our body. The lymph nodes present in its composition act as a biological filter, with the help of which a reliable protective barrier is created.

The nodes of the lymphatic system absorb and neutralize harmful microorganisms, thereby preventing the penetration of microbes into the tissues of our body and their subsequent reproduction.

In addition, the lymph nodes also produce lymphocytes that produce the antibodies necessary to fight infections. Therefore, any inflammation of the lymphatic system is classified as a dangerous pathology that requires urgent identification of the cause of pathological changes and the search for their elimination.

Submandibular lymphadenitis: what is this disease?

Lymph nodes become inflamed during various diseases. As a result of the appearance of an infectious agent in the body, the components of the lymphatic system become dense and increase in size. As a rule, there is an increase in nodes located in close proximity to the focus of inflammation.

Photo of submandibular lymphadenitis

Submandibular lymphadenitis is an ailment in which inflammation of the lymph nodes located under the lower jaw occurs.

Despite its name and separate symptoms, this disease is secondary and most often the result of infections that occur in the area where the lymph nodes are located. Also, lymphadenitis often appears due to weak immunity.

By itself, the disease is not dangerous and is not fatal. However, if it is neglected, serious complications may develop.

Causes in adults and children

As we said above, submandibular lymphadenitis is always the result of an infection entering the body from the outside.

Among the ailments that can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes located under the lower jaw, may include:

  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis, as a result of which angina develops;
  • pneumonia;
  • purulent tonsillitis;
  • various infectious processes that develop in the oral cavity.

It is possible for infectious bacteria to enter the lymph node from the outside during an injury. Many other microorganisms that have entered the body can also provoke the development of an inflammatory process in the lymphatic system.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes of the lower jaw

Inflammation of the lymph nodes always proceeds with pronounced symptoms, allowing the patient to understand that pathological processes are developing in his lymphatic system. Symptoms may vary. It all depends on the form of the course of the disease.

Signs of an acute form

The acute form of the disease begins quickly and in most cases unexpectedly for the patient.

As a rule, the following signs indicate that the disease proceeds in an acute form:

  • an increase in the size of the lymph nodes and their compaction;
  • pain of varying degrees that occurs when you press on the lymph nodes;
  • , and speech;
  • redness of the inflamed area;
  • headache;
  • chills or profuse sweating;
  • blue skin (appears when pus forms in the nodes);
  • swelling under the jaw;
  • some other manifestations.

Patients with such symptoms feel severe discomfort, so they need immediate medical attention.

If time does not get rid of the inflammatory process and its root cause, the transition of the disease into a chronic form is possible.

Manifestations of the chronic form

The chronic form is a neglected acute form of submandibular lymphadenitis. Usually the body tries to adapt to the presence of infectious agents in its tissues and neutralize them, so pus may appear inside the lymph nodes.

Also, the patient may develop serious complications. In addition to enlarged lymph nodes, swelling and sharp pain in the inflamed area, it is also possible that the process of chewing, swallowing and speaking, and aching joints may be difficult.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the patient may experience a constant feeling of weakness, headaches, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, and any other manifestations of greater or lesser severity.

The chronic form, just like the acute one, requires competent medical treatment prescribed by a professional. Any self-treatment of the disease can complicate the situation and aggravate the patient's condition.

Which doctor should I contact?

Lymph nodes located under the lower jaw are most often inflamed due to the presence of infections of the oral cavity, hearing and respiratory organs.

Therefore, first of all, such a patient needs to visit a therapist (in a child's case - a pediatrician), and an ENT doctor.

If experts do not identify the causes of such pathologies, you will have to seek help from an endocrinologist and oncologist. But it's still worth starting with a therapist.

Diagnostic methods

The doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, taking into account the patient's complaints. However, to make a final medical verdict, the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient are still needed.

Usually, the following types of studies are used to confirm the presence of a corresponding pathology in the body:

  • Ultrasound of the lymph nodes;
  • blood analysis;
  • chest x-ray;
  • tests for tuberculosis;
  • bakposev;
  • biopsy of lymph nodes;
  • cyto- and histological examination of tissues.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the specialist will require additional studies to exclude tumors, metastases, neck and face, and some other serious diseases that can be dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of the patient.

Methods for the treatment of lymphadenitis of the submandibular region

Treatment of submandibular lymphadenitis can be different. Everything will depend on how severe and neglected the disease will be. But in any case, the therapeutic process will be aimed at eliminating the root cause of the development of the disease.

Antibiotics and other medicines

Specialists often resort to use in the treatment of submandibular lymphadenitis. As a rule, broad-spectrum drugs are used: Cefixime, Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav and many others.

Antibiotic Amoxicillin

Antibiotics in the treatment of the disease should be prescribed only by the attending physician! The use of this group of medicines is justified and effective only if the disease is bacterial in nature.

If the cause is a virus entering the body, the antibiotic drug will not give the expected result. In such cases, antiviral and immunostimulating agents are used. During drug treatment, the patient is prescribed strict adherence to bed rest.

It is strictly forbidden to warm up the inflamed lymph nodes! Warming up will only increase the inflammatory process, creating ideal conditions for the reproduction of harmful bacteria.

Surgical treatments

Surgery is an extreme measure that specialists resort to in cases where medical treatment has not given any result, and the lymph nodes continue to increase in size.

Therapy with folk remedies at home

It is impossible to cure submandibular lymphadenitis using only folk remedies. "Grandmother's" recipes can complement drug therapy or the rehabilitation period, enhancing the effect of drugs.

To improve the patient's condition, the following home treatment methods can be used:

  1. ginger tea. Ginger root is rubbed on a grater, poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for several hours. Honey can also be added for taste;
  2. echinacea tincture. The agent can be taken orally (50 g of the drug is dissolved in a glass of water) or used as a compress for the inflamed area (for this, a solution is prepared in a 1: 2 ratio of echinacea to water);
  3. beetroot juice. Perfectly cleanses the lymph and blood. It can be taken in its pure form or mixed with the juice of carrots, celery, cabbage;
  4. rose hip. Helps to get rid of the symptoms of intoxication. The fruits can be poured with boiling water and, having insisted in a thermos, used as tea.

You can also find other traditional medicine recipes that you think will be more effective or affordable.

Before using this or that remedy, be sure to consult your doctor.

Is it possible to smoke with inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes?

In principle, it does not bring any health benefits.

It worsens the process of blood circulation, makes the walls of blood vessels more fragile and pollutes the blood and lymph of our body.

Accordingly, patients who suffer from submandibular lymphadenitis must stop smoking for the period of therapeutic action in order to save their body from additional stress.

Prevention of inflammatory disease

There are no separate preventive measures aimed at preventing lymphadenitis.

Prevention will consist in avoiding situations that can cause the development of the inflammation process. For this you need:

  • try not to get sick with ARVI and acute respiratory infections;
  • visit the dentist regularly;
  • avoid hypothermia.

If the cause of the development of inflammation lies in autoimmune abnormalities, it will be impossible to provide the body with prevention.

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Submandibular lymphadenitis does not pose a threat to life, but in the absence of timely treatment, it can cause a lot of problems to the patient. Therefore, having noticed the first signs of the disease, be sure to seek help from a specialist.

Infectious lesions of the submandibular lymph nodes are a widespread disease of moderate severity.

People of all ages are susceptible to it, it is easily treatable, but neglected, it can become a source of a wide range of health problems.

Lymph nodes are designed to filter lymph, serve as a kind of barrier between it and the circulatory system.

When harmful microorganisms appear in the intercellular space, they do not enter the cardiovascular system, but remain in the lymph nodes.

If the immune system cannot cope with their suppression, the affected node itself becomes inflamed.

This is followed by filling the node with exudate, tissue infiltration, cell growth and reproduction, which causes it to swell dramatically.

Thus, lymphadenitis of the submandibular node occurs with streptococcal or staphylococcal lesions of nearby organs:

  • Teeth (caries, stomatitis);
  • Gum (, periodontitis), in infants - during teething;
  • Nasopharynx (nasal sinuses, larynx, tonsils);
  • middle and inner ear;
  • jaw bones;
  • Infected skin injury.

In some cases, the cause of submandibular lymphadenitis is a global infection that has spread throughout the body:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Syphilis;
  • AIDS;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

Types and degrees of development

There are several forms and degrees of severity of submandibular lymphadenitis.

By localization:

  • Left-sided, if nodes on the left side of the neck are affected;
  • Right-sided, if right;
  • Double-sided, if on both sides.

Along the way, it is divided into:

  1. Acute, characterized by a rapid, up to two weeks, course. Symptoms occur in one, or simultaneously in several nodes. The cervical lymph nodes are enlarged, painful to the touch, the skin around them turns red;
  2. Subacute lymphadenitis is diagnosed very rarely, it lasts 2-4 weeks. It differs only in a less pronounced skin color;
  3. Chronic. Lasts much longer, more than a month. Lymph nodes harden, painless. The inflammatory process proceeds in waves, periods of exacerbation are replaced by periods of remission. May indicate a systemic infection or cancer.

According to the nature of the change in the lymph nodes, it is divided into:

  • Purulent lymphadenitis, being started, threatens with a breakthrough of pus into the surrounding tissues;
  • Serous, without corrosive discharge;
  • Necrotic, rarely diagnosed, the lymph node partially or completely dies off;
  • Hyperplastic. With this, the tissue of the lymph node grows.

According to the microorganisms that caused it:

  • Nonspecific, with staphyllo and streptococcal lesions;
  • Specific, caused by Koch's wand (tuberculosis), pale treponema (syphilis) and others.

In the international classifier of diseases, submandibular lymphadenitis is assigned the number L-04.0. In lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes without specifying the cause), the ICD 10 edition code is R59.9.

Symptoms and methods of diagnosis

At first, lymphadenitis does not manifest itself in any way, but very quickly such characteristic symptoms appear as:

  • Swelling of the affected nodes, sometimes up to seven centimeters in diameter, while the jaw looks extremely unnatural;
  • Pain on pressure, difficulty swallowing;
  • Redness of the skin at the site of the node.

The following symptoms of submandibular lymphadenitis appear with the development of an acute form:

  • The body temperature rises, up to forty degrees;
  • General weakness of the body;
  • The mucous membrane of the mouth becomes inflamed;
  • Attacks of pain radiating to the ear.

In a chronic course - the appearance of these symptoms does not occur.

The diagnosis begins with an analysis of the anamnesis and examination of the external signs of the disease. In acute superficial lesions, this is usually sufficient.

In the event that the symptoms are nonspecific, the cause of the disease is unclear, a number of diagnostic procedures are also prescribed:

  1. General blood analysis. An elevated white blood cell count is expected;
  2. Ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes;
  3. X-ray examination of the chest;
  4. Mantoux and Pirquet tests for tuberculosis;
  5. Puncture and biopsy of the affected lymph node and examination of the material taken.

Differential diagnosis is needed to rule out options such as:

  • Metastases from malignant neoplasms;
  • Tumors of the salivary glands;
  • Osteomyelitis, leukemia, sarcoidosis;
  • Granulating periodontitis;
  • cysts;
  • AIDS.

Only by eliminating all possible unnecessary options, you can proceed to treatment.

How is lymphadenitis treated?

Jaw lymphadenitis is a potentially dangerous disease.

If it occurs in both children and adults, self-medication is unacceptable, the help of specialists is required.

Eliminating the source of the disease is of paramount importance for successful healing from the disease.

In the case of lymphadenitis, this may mean the treatment of respiratory diseases, a course against a generalized primary disease.

In case of a problematic oral cavity, its sanitation is carried out, consisting of filling or removal of diseased teeth, removal of nerves affected by pulpitis, gums affected by peritonitis and oral mucosa.

Inflammation of the node itself is treated, in most cases with antibiotics. As an addition to them, UHF therapy or quartz irradiation is prescribed.

In the case of a purulent lesion of the lymph node, if conservative methods are not enough, the last option is surgery, a simple operation is performed to drain or remove it. After it, a course of antibiotics is also prescribed.

With antibiotics

The most common treatment option for lymphadenitis is antibiotic treatment.

Which of them are commonly used:

  • Ampicillin, amoxicillin and in combination with clavulanic acid, amoxiclav;
  • Cephalosporin antibiotics - ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, cefixime, cephalexin;
  • Lincosamides: clindamycin, lincomycin.

Only a specialist can choose the right drug based on information about the causative agent of the disease.

It is important to drink antibiotics until the complete victory over microorganisms, so that undertreated bacteria do not develop resistance to them.

When prescribing antibiotics, conventional anti-inflammatory drugs are also used:

  • Heparin ointments;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Boric vaseline.

These drugs are applied to the area of ​​the affected lymph node.

Traditional medicine recipes

It is almost impossible to recover from lymphadenitis at home, but folk remedies will be useful as an addition to conventional treatment.

When using certain prescriptions, it is necessary to discuss their composition and dosage with your doctor.

How to treat lymphadenitis:

  • Ginger tea. Grated ginger is poured with hot water (not boiling water!) And left for several hours. You can just drink and gargle with it, you can add honey and lemon. It will be useful to add dried rose hips to ginger;
  • Decoction of blueberries. Fresh berries must be crushed and pour gruel with water. Drinking such a fortified drink should be before meals;
  • Alcohol tincture of echinacea. It is used both for compresses at night and inside, in the proportion of thirty to forty drops per half a glass of water, three times a day;
  • Baked onions are also applied at night; before applying, it is necessary to cool the onions to a temperature that excludes burns;
  • Collections with St. John's wort, yarrow, celandine, chamomile, calendula, sage can be bought at pharmacies, and during the flowering season - collected with your own hands. Their decoctions are taken orally and used for lotions;
  • Garlic is consumed raw, but infusion is also useful. Pureed garlic is poured with cold water, infused and filtered.

The use of folk methods should not exclude access to the clinic, the purulent form of lymphadenitis can only be cured promptly.

Preventive measures

There are no specific measures for the prevention of lymphadenitis, but there are a number of general recommendations that, if followed, can significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence:

  • Timely treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, nasopharynx and SARS. Any load during treatment is unacceptable;
  • Hardening of the body;
  • Prevention of wounds and scratches on the skin, timely opening of boils.

Since a common cause of lymphadenitis is dental disease, it is necessary to carefully monitor their health:

  • Regular dental care, proper brushing. With a complex bite or wearing braces, cleaning should be done with a brush using high-quality toothpaste;
  • Professional cleaning of tartar at the dentist;
  • Using dental floss after eating.

Lymphadenitis can be triggered by hypothermia, so in the cold season you should make sure that the neck is warm.

Possible complications and prognosis

Left untreated, lymphadenitis becomes chronic at best.

If you start a purulent form, the node can melt, which threatens with such complications as:

  • Periadenitis;
  • Adenophlegmon;
  • Non-healing fistulas in the trachea or esophagus;
  • Sepsis and resulting death.

After chronic - the lymph node is scarred, it can partially or completely overgrow with connective tissue, which will disrupt the lymph flow.

Timely cured lymphadenitis ends with a complete recovery of the patient.

Submandibular lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph nodes under the lower jaw. It occurs in both children and adults. And, of course, everyone is concerned about the questions: Why does lymphadenitis occur? How to find out that lymphadenitis has begun? How to cure it? Is it possible to use folk methods for treatment? And how to prevent the disease?

Why does lymphadenitis occur?

Like any inflammation, lymphadenitis occurs due to the activity of bacteria: streptococci and staphylococci. The causes of submandibular lymphadenitis are diseases of the oral cavity and infection that enter directly into the lymph nodes as a result of the occurrence of diseases such as:

  • caries, pulpitis, periodontitis;
  • gum disease;
  • chronic diseases (for example, tonsillitis);
  • syphilis bacteria;
  • tuberculosis bacillus;
  • external infections that enter the body as a result of injury.

How to recognize lymphadenitis?

Inflammation at first develops asymptomatically. But soon, characteristic signs of lymphadenitis appear:

  • swollen lymph nodes under the lower jaw, soreness when touched;
  • redness of the skin at the site of inflammation;
  • puffiness;
  • attacks of throbbing pain;
  • insomnia;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • weakness;
  • an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood.

Of course, these symptoms do not appear overnight. And many ignore the appearance of mild pain. But if you do not go to the doctor at this time, the picture of the disease will become apparent in just 3 days. The lymph nodes will become inflamed, swollen, the edema will gradually capture the entire submandibular surface. Patients become lethargic, complain of fatigue, weakness, high fever. They cannot eat because the inflammation prevents them from opening their mouths normally, from sleeping due to pain and fever.

If you continue to ignore the symptoms and postpone the visit to the doctor, then the inflammation will become purulent, which will be expressed in blue swelling and increased pain. To prevent this, you should contact the dentist-surgeon of the DaVinci aesthetic dentistry studio.

The sooner the patient turns to the dentist, the easier it is to eliminate the infection. But many people try to self-diagnose and choose treatment, which leads to the spread of inflammation and the aggravation of the above symptoms. Treating the disease in advanced stages is more difficult and longer.

How to cure lymphadenitis?

The first thing the doctor does is determine the cause of the disease and eliminate it. If the source of infection is the oral cavity, then complete sanitation is performed and antibiotics are additionally prescribed. They will help in the early stages of the disease. The main thing is to strictly follow the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. But in difficult cases, when pus has accumulated in the lymph nodes, the dentist makes an incision, releases the pus and installs a drain.

In addition to rinsing, the dentist can prescribe compresses with ointments (heparin, troxevasin, etc.). You may need physical therapy.

Recently, many are suspicious of antibiotics, considering them harmful to the body. But it is even more harmful to start the disease, and without antibiotics, lymphadenitis cannot be cured. The term of taking antibiotics is from 10 to 14 days. During this time, rinses and compresses will reduce the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes, and a course of ceftriaxone or ampicillin stops the development of inflammation.

Is it possible to use folk methods for treatment?

The craze for folk medicine is bearing fruit. People tend to replace pills with natural remedies. Alas, advanced lymphadenitis cannot be cured by this. Alternative methods can be an additional way to treat the disease in the initial stages of lymphadenitis and only in agreement with the doctor.

If you are undergoing treatment at the dentist, then take into service the following tools that will help to cope with inflammation:

  • ginger tea;
  • compress with tincture of echinacea;
  • blueberry drink before meals;
  • beetroot juice;
  • vitamin c.

These funds will help strengthen the body, activate the forces to fight the disease. At least they won't do any harm.

Important: do not use traditional medicine without medical supervision. No folk remedy can cope with purulent inflammation. As a result, you still go to the doctor, only you will be treated longer.

In the worst case, self-medication will lead to the appearance of chronic lymphadenitis - the accumulation of the disease in the lymph nodes. In this case, the lymph nodes will become dense, painless. But the inflammation has not gone anywhere - it “dozes” and waits for an hour to hit the body with an acute attack under favorable conditions.

How to prevent lymphadenitis?

Few people want to experience the symptoms of lymphadenitis. And so that inflammation does not attack you, apply simple rules:

  • treat all diseases of the oral cavity in time, for this, for a preventive examination;
  • avoid injuries, scratches in the jaw area;
  • treat all wounds with antiseptics.

DaVinci aesthetic dentistry studio will help cure lymphadenitis at any stage. But even more gladly, we will help you to warn him.

The condition in which there is inflammation of the lymph nodes, called lymphadenitis.

There are several types, but the most common is submandibular, when inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs under the lower jaw.

Initially, the disease itself may not manifest itself. The onset of symptoms is on the rise and depends on the nature of the ongoing inflammation. The main symptoms are:

  • Enlargement of nodes under the lower jaw.
  • Pain.
  • Changes in the cover and condition of the skin in the inflamed area.
  • Edema development.
  • Suppuration of the lymph nodes.
  • General malaise and weakness.

Lymphadenitis refers to those pathologies that are easily detected at the initial stage. It is important for a person not to miss the manifestation of the first symptoms and consult a doctor in a timely manner.


In the body, the lymph nodes act as a filter that prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering it. Therefore, lymphadenitis is more often a secondary disease.

But if the root cause was an infection that penetrated when the skin was injured, the disease will be independent.

Development can be triggered by:

  • skin infections;
  • infections of the oral cavity and salivary glands;
  • ENT pathology;
  • facial trauma.

Often the root cause of the disease is an immune disorder. There have been cases of its manifestation against the background of serum sickness, lupus erythematosus, arthritis.


According to the nature of development, lymphadenitis is divided into 2 types:

  • purulent;
  • non-purulent.

The basis of this division is the presence of pus in the lymph nodes. The non-purulent appearance is distinguished by a slight change in the general condition.

The nodes are slightly enlarged, but when they are felt, spoken and chewed, pain appears, the appearance of the skin does not change.

They are elastic, oval in shape, mobile, there is no cohesion with tissues. With the timely elimination of the root cause, the inflammation of the lymph nodes subsides.

A non-purulent state often turns into a purulent one, when pus accumulates in the nodes with the development of inflammation. Significant swelling, thickening and redness of the skin is determined. When probing, the node is dense, painful, inactive. Characterized by the presence of systemic signs of inflammation.

According to the manifestation, lymphadenitis is divided into:

  • simple;
  • hyperplastic;
  • destructive.


Accompanied by the usual symptoms of the development of the inflammatory process. It is expressed in redness of the skin surface over the inflamed node, the development of slight swelling and pain. The disease at this stage is easily treatable.


A more complex form, in which the infectious agent completely affects all the tissues of the node. The primary symptoms of inflammation are combined with an increase in the volume of lymphatic tissues several times.


A rare stage of the disease, in which, as a result of suppuration, the destruction of the lymph node itself and all adjacent tissues occurs.

It is a dangerous form in which it is urgent to resort to medical or surgical treatment.


According to the severity, lymphadenitis is divided into:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

Among themselves, they differ in the rate of development of the disease and methods of treatment.


It is distinguished by a high rate of manifestation of signs and the speed of development from primary symptoms to a vivid clinical picture.

There is inflammation of one node or several at the same time. They swell, greatly increase, the skin over them turns red.

It often develops against the background of suppuration, when pus collects in a node and fluctuates (overflows) in it. Such mobility of pus often leads to its breakthrough and damage to neighboring tissues.

Treatment is by removing the pus and prescribing antibiotics.


It develops with a general infection of the body.

It has a long incubation period, during which the signs of the disease are expressed very weakly.

Hardening of the nodes is observed, and all the symptoms are similar to the acute form.

Treatment is complex and lengthy. Often, doctors remove the node.


The development of the disease is provoked by microorganisms that penetrate into the nodes from the foci of inflammation with the flow of lymph and blood. Dangerous causative agents of the disease are Koch's wand and treponema (the causative agent of syphilis).

The causative agent of tuberculosis

Upon detection of a tubercle bacillus, the patient is immediately placed in a hospital. Such a medical examination is an effective way to prevent the spread of the disease.

Treatment is complex and consists of the following steps:

  • determination of the pathogen by laboratory examination;
  • clinical examination;
  • tuberculosis treatment;
  • treatment of a secondary disease;
  • rehabilitation.

When lymphadenitis is in advanced severe form, its treatment is carried out in conjunction with tuberculosis.

The causative agent of syphilis

Lymphadenitis during infection with syphilis is a secondary disease, but often it is he who is the first signal of infection with treponema.

If the patient comes with inflammation of the lymph nodes, he is first examined for the presence of the causative agent of syphilis. 2 types of therapy are used: in a hospital or outpatient setting. The choice of species depends on the degree of development of syphilis.


Lymphadenitis as an independent pathology is not dangerous. But ignoring its treatment is fraught with the development of complications:

  • necrosis of nodes and surrounding tissues;
  • the formation of phlegmon and abscesses;
  • fistula formation;
  • development of sepsis.

Complications can develop in case of untimely seeking help, non-compliance with all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor, with self-medication.


The disease can be detected by visual examination of the patient and using instrumental and clinical diagnostics. During an external examination, the doctor determines:

  • the degree of increase in nodes;
  • the degree of their soreness and compaction;
  • skin condition;
  • temperature;
  • patient status.

Additionally, a blood test is ordered. With lymphadenitis, an increased level of leukocytes is always found in it.

To determine the causative agent of the disease, a puncture of the nodal fluid is prescribed for bacteriological examination. Ultrasound is used for diagnosis. This method is necessary to detect the presence of pus inside the nodes.


The choice of type of treatment depends on the cause that led to lymphadenitis, and the presence of suppuration in the lymph nodes. It is necessary to begin therapeutic measures immediately when the primary signs of the disease appear.

Conservative therapy

Recovery measures are:

Surgical method in dentistry

When pus is found in the node, a mini-operation is performed. The doctor makes a thin small incision on the node, and the pus is pumped out by drainage.

If pus is found in several nodes, then an incision is already made under the jaw. Pus is removed through the drainage tube inserted into it.

In both cases, after opening and cleaning the cavity of the node from pus, antiseptic treatment is carried out, followed by closing the wound with surgical clamps. At the end of the operation, antibiotics are always prescribed in the form of injections.

Traditional medicine recipes

The fact that folk remedies help to cope with the disease is not questioned. But their use should be only as maintenance therapy and only at an early stage of the disease.

You can use the following tools:

All these remedies will help reduce inflammation, increase the immune defense of the body.


To prevent the manifestation of lymphadenitis, it is important:

  • regularly come for examination to the dentist and otolaryngologist;
  • timely treat caries, fungal infections and diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • regular and proper oral hygiene;
  • any damage to the skin is important to treat immediately;
  • strengthen immunity.


The effectiveness of treatment will be much higher when combined with a diet. It is recommended to limit or, if possible, exclude fried, fatty, smoked and salty foods.

The diet should contain protein products (fish, lean meat), as well as dairy (especially cottage cheese, kefir) and vegetable. Compliance with such a diet will help to quickly cope with the disease and avoid its recurrence.

In children

Pathology in children is no less common than in adults.

It is important to note that the disease does not develop in babies in the first years of life due to the fact that the lymph nodes are finally formed only by the age of three.

The disease rarely becomes chronic, in isolated cases a purulent type of pathology is diagnosed.

The treatment uses the same methods and drugs as for adult patients. It is always aimed at treating the main disease, and lymphadenitis is treated in case of severe pain.

We learn the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of lymphadenitis in children in the following video:

In pregnant women

Due to reduced immunity and changes in hormonal levels, lymphadenitis often occurs in pregnant women.

Gynecologists recommend that all women planning an early pregnancy take immunity-strengthening drugs and undergo a full examination by a dentist and an otolaryngologist.

If the pathology manifests itself during pregnancy, need to see a doctor immediately.

Only such drugs are prescribed that will not harm the health of the unborn child and will not affect the course of pregnancy. Their selection is carried out individually in each case.

Submandibular lymphadenitis occurs in both children and adults. The causes of occurrence are most often diseases of the oral cavity, including dental ones. In rare cases, it is provoked by sexually transmitted infections.

Submandibular lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph nodes located under the jaw. In this case, there are often manifestations of general intoxication (fever, headache, etc.).

Lymph nodes perform barrier functions, that is, they trap harmful microbes, as well as toxic substances that are in the lymph circulating throughout the body. If a large number of viruses and bacteria that are in the primary inflammatory focus enter the immune links, then an inflammatory process develops - lymphadenitis.

The international classification of the list of diseases is used all over the world. Submandibular lymphadenitis has an ICD-10 code: L04.

Acute and chronic forms of the disease

Submandibular lymphadenitis has an acute or chronic course. In the first case, one or more formations are affected. The acute process proceeds with suppuration of the immune links or without it. In most cases, pus accumulates in the lymph nodes, which sometimes moves inside the cavity, which leads to a breakthrough of the gland and extensive inflammation.

Acute serous submandibular lymphadenitis proceeds in a smoothed form and often precedes a purulent disease. In this case, the body temperature rises slightly or remains within the normal range. There is an overgrowth of lymphoid tissue, a slight soreness of the formations, which retain their former mobility and density. With timely treatment, the state of the immune links is normalized.

Acute serous lymphadenitis sometimes affects not only the lymph node, but also the tissues that are adjacent to it, which leads to their soreness and swelling. Pain often migrates to the neck and jaw, reminding of itself when opening and closing the mouth.

Chronic submandibular (mandibular) lymphadenitis is caused by improper treatment of acute pathology. In this case, the skin in the affected area becomes edematous and acquires a red color. Lymph nodes become hard to the touch. Treatment usually consists of removing the affected lesion. However, it is highly undesirable to bring the disease to a chronic form, since the absence of an immune link is fraught with a violation of the outflow of lymph.

Causes of submandibular lymphadenitis

Pathology develops when staphylococci and streptococci penetrate into the formations through the lymphatic vessels due to the presence of a pathological focus in the body, which, as a rule, is located in a neighboring organ.

In most cases, disorders in the submandibular region are:

  • diseases of the oral cavity and teeth (stomatitis, gingivitis, caries);
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • periostitis, osteomyelitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • chronic bacterial tonsillitis.

If the disease develops as a result of the causes indicated above, then the violation is secondary and the treatment is reduced to the elimination of the provoking factor. With inflammation of the lymph nodes due to skin damage, we are talking about the primary type of pathology.

Symptoms of submandibular lymphadenitis

At the initial stage, the disease proceeds in an erased form, but gradually progresses, which is accompanied by the appearance of the following symptoms:

Attacks of pain at first are unexpressed, so they often go unnoticed. 3 days after the onset of the disease, the lymph nodes reach such a size that they can be freely felt. The skin of the affected area swells, the edema spreads to the entire submandibular region.

The inflammatory process gives the patient considerable discomfort. There is irritability, depressive mood, increased fatigue. This is due to the fact that due to pain and swelling of the tissues, there are problems with eating. In addition, the body temperature rises.

In the absence of treatment, the pain syndrome intensifies, a purulent process develops. It is necessary to contact a surgeon or a dental surgeon as soon as possible, since it is not always possible to establish an accurate diagnosis on your own. Submandibular lymphadenitis often occurs as an inflammation of the salivary glands.

Symptoms and treatment of the disease depend on the cause that provoked it. So, with angina, there is a sore throat, so all the efforts of the patient should be directed not only to the destruction of bacteria, but also to the removal of inflammation of the pharyngeal ring. For this, rinses are used.


The primary way to detect the disease is palpation of the formations, which is carried out during the examination of the patient. Based on the clinical picture, the doctor draws up a list of necessary tests and, at his discretion, directs the patient to a specialist.

Other diagnostic methods are:

In the chronic form of inflammation, a puncture biopsy of the lymph node or its excision is usually performed with further histological analysis. This allows you to differentiate chronic pathology from a systemic disease (leukemia, etc.), oncology of formations, etc.

To identify specific lymphadenitis of the nodes under the jaw, clinical and laboratory studies are carried out (Mantoux and Pirquet reaction, chest x-ray). Tuberculosis is indicated by specific lesions in the lungs, as well as calcifications in the form of dense shadows in the images of the soft tissues of the neck.

Treatment(conservative and surgical)

The struggle is aimed at eliminating the cause that provoked it. For the treatment of submandibular lymphadenitis, the following agents are used:

  1. Burov's liquid, which has astringent, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. On its basis, cold lotions are made. Also used for rinsing. The agent is preliminarily diluted with water.
  2. Salt solution. Used for rinsing the mouth with chronic tonsillitis of bacterial origin. Other solutions may also be used (on the recommendation of a doctor).
  3. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed by a specialist. As a rule, broad-spectrum drugs are used, i.e., aimed at several possible pathogens.

Anti-inflammatory ointments are prescribed as adjuvants. The doctor may recommend the use of traditional medicine. All therapeutic activities are carried out in the complex. The use of drugs aimed at strengthening the immune system is welcome.

Burow's liquid

  • refuse fatty, salty and smoked dishes;
  • do not eat semi-finished products;
  • consume more dairy products;
  • give preference to lean meat;
  • do not take alcoholic beverages.

Antibiotics for submandibular lymphadenitis in adults

The course of antibiotic treatment is determined by the doctor. When injected, therapy is at least a week. Medicines in the form of tablets can be prescribed for a longer time. Preliminarily, a puncture of the lymph node is performed, the results of which reveal the sensitivity of microbes to drugs.

Submandibular lymphadenitis in children and adults, the treatment of which is complex, as a rule, requires the use of penicillin medications. A specific drug is prescribed by a doctor, focusing on the characteristics of the course of the disease and the patient's state of health.

In most cases, unopened lymphadenitis of the jaw can be managed with rinses (if it is caused by a sore throat) and antibiotics. With a purulent lesion, a surgical intervention is performed, during which an incision is made, and the exudate is removed from the lymph node through a drainage tube.

With the defeat of several immune links at once, an operation is indicated aimed at eliminating the entire pathological process. The doctor makes an incision in the lower jaw area, and then places a drainage tube there, through which purulent fluid gradually comes out. At the end of the procedure, the wound is closed with clamps.

Treatment at home

Folk remedies are used in combination with official medicine preparations. Recommended:

To increase the body's defenses, you can drink ascorbic acid. It is better to start with a dosage of 0.5 g 3 times a day. In the absence of improvement, the amount of vitamin C taken can be increased to 0.75-2 g three times a day.

Remember! Self-medication is prohibited! How to treat lymphadenitis of the submandibular nodes at home, the doctor will tell only after examination and testing. He will also approve the recipes used.

Possible Complications

Lymphadenitis of the lymph nodes under the jaw needs mandatory treatment. If you follow the doctor's recommendations, then dangerous complications can usually be avoided. Otherwise, the formation of phlegmon, abscesses, fistulas and infection of the whole organism may occur.

Therapy in adults is usually with antibiotics. These drugs cope with the pathogenic microorganisms that provoked the disease, due to which recovery is quickly achieved and the healing process of the formations is observed. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is required.


As a rule, in order to prevent lymphadenitis of the submandibular region on the right or left, it is necessary to treat diseases of the oral cavity in time. Preventive measures are:

  • regular visits to the dentist;
  • maintaining oral hygiene;