Nettle masks for fast hair growth. Nettle for the face

Hi all!

Dear ones, how often do you use medicinal herbs taking care of your appearance?

In the summer, I do it quite often and I really like the result.

In this post, I want to talk about how nettle is used for the face.

Nettle face mask - excellent tool for skin care. The results of using nettle-based home remedies are impressive.

Nettle masks fight skin aging, eliminate signs of fatigue, treat acne, remove foci of the inflammatory process, moisturize, make less noticeable vascular network regenerate cells.

That is why it is worth talking about nettle-based products in a little more detail.

From this article you will learn:

Nettle for the face - recipes for cosmetic masks

Brief description and chemical composition of the plant

Nettle - green herbaceous plant, which is familiar to everyone, we were all once stung by it. The plant usually grows in the forest, along roads and rivers.

It is not uncommon to see grass near living quarters, so it is considered a weed, and people try to destroy it.

However, not many people know that nettle can also be used as part of effective cosmetic masks, as it has a useful chemical composition.

The composition is unique, it is even compared with multivitamin complexes because the plant contains great amount useful substances:

  1. Askorbinka. In the "stinging" plant there are a lot of ascorbic acid many times more than in citrus fruits. This element stimulates the exchange of collagen, helps to strengthen the tissue, and heals microtraumas well.
  2. Retinol: provides cell regeneration, eliminates inflammation and nourishes with moisture.
  3. Vikasol: is a natural bleach, eliminates swelling, eliminates foci of inflammation, treats acne on the skin of the face.
  4. Carotene: in the plant of this substance is many times more than in carrots, sorrel and sea buckthorn. Thanks to carotene, the skin is saturated with the necessary moisture.
  5. Flavonoids: fight age-related changes.

In chem. the composition of the medicinal plant, as it turned out, also includes the following elements and minerals:

  1. B group vitamins.
  2. Vitamin E.
  3. Tannins.
  4. Phytoncides.
  5. Glycosides.
  6. Chlorophyll.
  7. organic acids.
  8. Tannins.

The composition is also rich in other trace elements, so the plant is widely used in the preparation of homemade masks.

Nettle for the face - secrets of application

Nettle - healing herb, masks, compress and baths based on it are used for the most different pathologies skin and as means for face care for every day.

Nettle is used for the following purposes:

  1. Lightens pigmentation & freckles.
  2. Hydrates dry skin.
  3. Revitalizes and revitalizes dull, saggy, aging skin.
  4. Promotes rejuvenation.

Foliage medicinal plant washed, finely chopped to a state of non-liquid mass, smeared on the face for a quarter of an hour.

This will help you deal with the issues above. This mask will help for acne , with inflammation, rosacea, dehydration.

Nettle should not be kept for more than 10 minutes, as formic acid, which is in the herb, can cause burns.

For thin and sensitive skin nettle masks are contraindicated.

The most effective recipes for cosmetic nettle masks for the face

The plant contains many vitamins and elements useful for the skin of the face, because medicinal formulations based on it, with systematic use, relieve numerous problems.

Received positive feedback following recipes:

  • Nettle for facial rejuvenation

It is necessary to boil 1 potato, peel and mash. Then take a small bunch of grass and scald it with boiling water.

After that, the grass must be dried, chopped and poured with hot milk. Leave the mass for 30 minutes.

Then pour this composition into mashed potatoes and beat everything with a blender. Spread the mixture on the face and neck and wash after 30 minutes. warm water to which add lemon juice.

This mask perfectly rejuvenates the skin, the effect is really very impressive!!!

  • Nettle mask with rose petals for rejuvenation

Another remedy to combat age-related changes, perhaps, is prepared from leaves of burning grass, which must be mixed with chamomile and in equal amounts.

Then pour warm water over the grass, so as to get a thick porridge.

Place the container in a water bath and keep on low heat for 15 minutes.

As soon as the mass has cooled to an acceptable temperature, it can be safely applied to the skin of the face.

After 30 minutes, using a cotton swab, the composition must be removed. The effect will be the same as from the previous remedy.

For people who experience skin problems, this remedy is ideal: you should chop the nettle and take a spoonful of each ingredient and combine it in a porcelain container.

Add only squeezed citrus juice to the mixture, a spoon somewhere and you can apply it on your face.

Keep it for 30 minutes, then wash off. This tool not only has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect, but also kills bacteria.

  • Nettle mask with egg

Another remedy that is suitable for skin prone to excessive drying. Also, this mask will benefit all other skin types.

Nettle should be cut and pour a spoonful of green mass with a spoonful of milk. Let stand, add beaten egg yolk, a little, about a teaspoon.

If the skin is oily, then you need to add chicken protein.

Apply the mask for 30 minutes on cleansed face

Nettle decoction for the face and nettle ice

  • Nettle decoction

Dry nettles and rose petals should be mixed in equal proportions and make a regular decoction (boil the mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes, cool for 30 minutes)

As soon as the broth has cooled, it must be filtered and can be used.Hot nettle mask andchamomile steams and cleanses well.

  • Nettle ice for face

From a decoction of nettlegood to do . The broth should be sent to the freezer in ice molds and then use the cubes every day.

Before freezing, it is good to add a little to the broth pharmacy vitamin E. He will give nutrients will make your skin beautiful.

Also, ice cubes will be an excellent prevention. from wrinkles.

How nettle is applied to the face - video

Contraindications for use

Nettle is forbidden to be used externally in the presence of allergies and individual intolerance.

In any case, it will be correct to consult a cosmetologist before using this or that remedy.

Well, that's all, have you tried using nettle for your face?

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Stinging nettle, stinging nettle - both plants of the "nettle" genus, are known in traditional medicine and cosmetologists, are successfully used in everyday life. This weed has no equal in hair care. Decoctions, infusions, masks are prepared from it; Shampoos, lotions and other cosmetics are also produced on the basis of the plant.

Nettle helps with many problems:

  • relieves dandruff;
  • helps relieve irritation and itching;
  • accelerates growth;
  • strengthens follicles: saves surviving hair and stimulates the growth of new ones;
  • improves blood flow to the skin, increases hair nourishment with oxygen, vitamins and minerals obtained from food.

This plant is a real “vitamin bomb”.

It contains vitamins B, C And K, organic acids, phytoncides, A Also calcium, iron, copper and other minerals.

  1. Ingredients listed in recipes are based on Thick hair shoulder length.
  2. Masks are applied to the roots of clean hair with light massaging movements.
  3. It is desirable to keep most masks for half an hour under a plastic cap and a terry towel. Take a special towel for these procedures, as masks often leak.
  4. For liquid masks, infusions and decoctions, it is convenient to use a spray bottle.
  5. The mask with the use of oils should be washed off with shampoo; Herbal masks can be washed off with warm water.
  6. Use masks 1-2 times a week. Change the mask every month, as the hair stops responding to nutrients.
  7. The effect will be more pronounced if you drink a decoction or infusion of nettle at the same time, as well as prepare soups and salads from it.

Proper hair care

The beauty and health of hair is the result of competent care for them. In the absence of a correct daily care behind the hair, no therapeutic hair mask used occasionally will not have the desired effect. Get in the habit:

  1. Use shampoos, conditioners and conditioners according to your hair type.
  2. Hide your hair under a hat or hood in winter, and wear a hat in summer so that the curls do not experience the harm of high and low temperatures.
  3. Minimize traumatic factors. It is clear that under the conditions modern world And accelerated rhythm life is difficult to completely abandon the hair dryer and stylers, but the use of gentle styling devices is quite real. Pay attention to hairdressing products, the heating elements of which have a tourmaline coating:
    • Safe hair curler
    • Curl straightener
  4. Trim the ends regularly, even if you're growing your hair out. After all, the tips suffer most when rubbing against clothes, combing and styling. In order to improve the ends of your hair, it is not necessary to visit a hairdresser, you can cut millimeters of hairs yourself at home using a special device:
    • Split ends remover

And remember! It's easier to prevent hair damage than to fight to repair it later.

Recipes for decoctions and infusions

For the manufacture of masks, fresh or dried nettles are used. From dried plants, it is often necessary to pre-prepare an infusion or decoction; they are also used for rinsing.

Nettle infusion

Pour 3 tbsp. fresh or dried leaves 500 ml of boiling water. Wrap the vessel to keep warm. After half an hour, strain the infusion.

Nettle decoction

Crushed leaves and rhizomes (1 tbsp each) pour 250 ml of water and cook for half an hour over low heat.

Recipes for freshly harvested herbs

Masks from a fresh plant are very effective, they use the entire stem without inflorescences. Pick nettles from mid-spring to autumn, during the growing season. Young leaves and stems of the May collection have the best effect on the hair.

Oily hair toning

  • fresh nettle - 4-5 stalks
  • sea ​​salt - 1 tsp

Grind the plant in a blender or meat grinder. Add salt. Stir. Apply the mixture to the hair roots. Rinse without shampoo.

Advice. nettle for oily hair especially useful: with its use, they become noticeably less fat. If you have dry hair, limit yourself to applying a decoction to the roots, or add burdock or olive oil to the mask.

Restoring oily hair

  • rosemary seeds - 1 tbsp
  • burdock oil - 1 tbsp.
  • chopped nettle - 1 tbsp.

Pour all ingredients into a glass hot water.Cool the mixture to room temperature and rub the mixture into the roots once a day. This mask requires the use of shampoo when rinsing.

nettle juice for hair growth

Scroll through the plants in a blender or meat grinder. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or with a juicer. Apply it to the hair roots, massage a little. Keep the mask on for one to several hours. Wash off with warm water.

Nettle and burdock oil

  • grated mixture of fresh nettle - 2-3 tbsp. lies.
  • honey - 1 tbsp. lies.
  • burdock oil - ½ tbsp. lies.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply according to the recommendations for use described in the article. This mask perfectly nourishes hair of any type.

Important! The plant has a slight coloring effect. Blondes should add to the mask lemon juice to neutralize the green pigment, or use chamomile instead of nettle.

Strengthening composition with mint and kefir

Grind mint and nettle in equal proportions. Mix about a quarter cup of grass with the same amount of kefir or natural yogurt. Apply first to the roots, then spread over the entire length of the curls. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Dried nettle remedy recipes

Herbs home collection and purchased at the pharmacy are equally effective.

Strengthening agent for hair growth

  • nettle leaves - 0.5 cup
  • colorless henna - 2 tbsp. lies.
  • boiling water
  • yolk of 1 egg

Pound the leaves into powder, mix with henna. Pour a small amount of boiling water, stir the composition to a slurry. When the herb has cooled, mix it with the yolk. Apply to the roots and wash off after half an hour.

Important! Check any mask for intolerance to components. Apply the agent or questionable component to the inner crook of the elbow for 1 hour. If there is a strong burning sensation or redness, the mask should not be used.

Ingredients for dandruff

  • the pulp of black bread - from one slice.
  • nettle infusion - 3 tbsp. lies.
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. lies.

Mix the ingredients, apply to the roots and hair. Keep the mask on for one hour. Apply the mask every other day.

Nutrition for dry hair

  • crushed sea buckthorn berries - 100 g
  • honey - 1 tbsp.
  • nettle infusion - 3 tbsp.

Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture on the roots. Wash off with shampoo after 30 minutes.

Nettle oil to strengthen the roots

Rub pharmacy oil into the hair roots. Holding time 30 minutes. Be sure to use shampoo when rinsing. The tool is very useful for hair growth.

Vitamin composition

  • nettle decoction - 150 ml
  • vitamins B1 and B6 - 1 ampoule
  • yolk - 1 pc.

All components are mixed and applied to the roots. Rinse off the composition from the head using not hot water.

Spray masks for hair treatment

Application medical masks for hair at home is in an efficient way hair health, but not everyone likes the hassle associated with their manufacture. For correct application masks require knowledge of the intricacies of applying mixtures, as well as some experience in the use of its individual components. Therefore, in order to save time, or in order not to harm the hair due to inexperience, women and men choose more comfortable to use, ready-made medicinal mixtures as a spray:

  • Remedy for hair loss and hair restoration
  • Alopecia and Hair Restoration
  • Spray mask for hair restoration

These funds, like masks home cooking, are based on safe natural ingredients, but the effectiveness of some of them is enhanced by innovative molecular components.

We prepare raw materials

Nettle is harvested almost everywhere, except for places located near busy highways. The leaves are harvested from May to June.

Harvesting a plant is not difficult if you prepare a little beforehand. Go to nettle fishing in full uniform: jeans, long-sleeved shirt made of dense fabric, closed shoes. Put on leather gloves, or at least work gloves.

Run your hand down the stem of the plant, picking off the leaves. From the collection, remove the inflorescences, browned and blackened leaves, the remains of the stems. Put the raw material on a cloth or paper. The collection should be dried in a dark place, such as an attic, and stored in a dry, ventilated place for two years.

Nettle is a medicinal plant that is widely used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of diseases. It contains many useful components, necessary for the body. The leaves of the plant are mainly used. Experts say that nettle is good for facial skin. On its basis, decoctions, infusions, masks are prepared, which have antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effects, and rejuvenate the skin.

Nettle for the face: benefits, properties

It's efficient cosmetic product, which helps women eliminate many cosmetic imperfections, namely:

The high content of vitamin A helps to get rid of acne and acne for a short period of time.
Vitamin C, which is part of the plant, restores the walls blood vessels, heals wounds, increases elasticity.
The presence of vitamin K resists inflammatory processes helps to get rid of puffiness and freckles.
Carotene improves the condition of dry skin, maintains water balance.
Tannins stop inflammation, make the skin smooth.
Flavonoids slow down the aging process.
Organic acids promote skin rejuvenation.
Potassium maintains moisture, normalizes water balance.

All of the listed properties of the herb indicate that it is an excellent anti-aging agent for any type of skin, and can be used by women of all ages.

Application rules

  • Before starting the procedures, it is necessary to remove cosmetics, cleanse the skin of pollution.
  • It is very important to check if you are allergic to the plant. To do this, you need to apply a large number of plant-based product on the elbow or wrist, and wait 15-20 minutes. If redness does not occur, then everything is fine, it can be used.
  • Masks should be applied no more than twice a week.

In what cases is nettle used

  1. It is effective in the presence of acne, blackheads, puffiness.
  2. With sagging skin, wrinkles.
  3. If there are freckles, age spots.
  4. With traces of fatigue.
  5. Decreased skin tone.

Nettle for the face: the best recipes

Nettle decoction for the face

The decoction relieves inflammation, relieves acne, blackheads, blackheads, normalizes the function sebaceous glands. It can be used for washing, rubbing the face, added to homemade masks. Preparation: one tbsp. l. dry plant pour one glass of boiling water, put on fire, simmer for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Use as directed.

Nettle oil for face

Oil promotes skin rejuvenation, relieves rashes. Pour dry leaves of the plant into a liter jar, pour olive oil to the top, put in a dark place, leave for 10 days, then strain. Throw away the grass, and add to the resulting extract fresh leaves, repeat the process.

Compress for tired skin

It is an excellent cleanser, tonic and rejuvenator. Take one st. l. chopped dry nettle leaves, pour them with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. Moisten a gauze cloth in a decoction, and apply to the skin for 7-10 minutes.

nettle ice

The use of ice cubes has a soothing effect on the dermis, smoothes fine wrinkles, resists age-related changes. Prepare nettle decoction (the recipe is written above), pour it into special molds for ice, put it in the freezer for freezing. After 7-8 hours, the ice is ready for use. It is recommended to wipe the face in the morning and evening, in the direction of the massage lines.

Nettle face masks

Let's look at some useful recipes:

Nettle facial cleansing mask

The mask helps to get rid of acne, inflammation, acne, removes toxins from the pores. Connect one at a time. l. chopped nettle leaves and plantain, pour them with a small amount of fresh cucumber juice, grind everything well, apply the mixture on the skin, shake everything off after 15 minutes and wash with running water.

Nettle and Chamomile Facial Mask

The mask perfectly rejuvenates, moisturizes, relieves irritation, suitable for all skin types. Finely chop nettle leaves, chamomile flowers, roses. Combine one tsp. each type of herbs, pour them with a small amount of hot water, mix everything well, apply to the skin. Wait until the mass dries. Shake it off, wash with running water.

Face mask with nettle and honey

The tool helps in the treatment of acne, acne, eliminates high fat content. Connect one at a time. l. chopped nettle leaves, liquid honey, add one tsp. lemon juice, mix the ingredients, spread on the face, after 15 minutes wash with cool water.

Nettle and Sage Facial Mask

The mask is effective for problem skin with deep wrinkles, age spots. Finely chop and mix the leaves of nettle, birch, chamomile flowers, calendula,. Take two tbsp. l. sweep the herbs, pour them 0.5 tbsp. l. olive oil, mix well, distribute the contents on the skin. After 20 minutes, wash with warm water.

Face mask with nettle and milk

The mask helps with swelling, fatigue, dry skin. Connect one at a time. l. chopped nettle leaves and warm milk, add a beaten egg yolk, mix the ingredients, spread the mixture on the skin, after 20 minutes wash with warm water.

Face mask with nettle and herbs

The mask relieves acne, increased fat content, improves the condition of the skin. Grind the leaves of nettle and plantain. Take two tbsp. l. prepared composition of herbs, pour a small amount of boiling water, let it brew for one hour. Then separate the gruel, add one tsp to it. nettle oil. Distribute the contents on the skin, after 20 minutes wash with running water.

Nettle and egg yolk face mask

Recommended for use on dry skin age spots. Connect one st. l. finely chopped nettle leaves, egg yolk, add one tsp. yogurt. Mix the ingredients well, distribute on problem areas, wash with warm, then cool running water after 20 minutes.

Now you know how nettle is useful for the face, and you will use masks with it to maintain beauty and youth.

Since ancient times, nettle has been considered worthy and useful. medicinal plant. Her unique composition includes a large amount of formic, folic, acetic acid, valuable essential oils, natural chlorophyll.

Nettle also contains vitamins C, B2, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium and iron. Her miraculous properties widely used in medicine for the treatment of a number of diseases, but it is also indispensable tool improving hair health.

What is useful nettle for hair?

Nettle perfectly strengthens the hair roots, protects them from falling out, eliminates the increased oiliness of the scalp, itching and dandruff, restores the hair structure and stimulates their growth.

How is nettle used for hair?

Nettle for hair is used as a decoction for rinsing and masks, prepared in combination with other components. You can also make oil from it, which is great for certain problems with hair. Nettle can be used both fresh and dry. It should be collected and harvested only in ecologically clean areas outside the city, far from highways and garbage dumps. Citizens who do not have the opportunity to engage in harvesting can purchase dry nettles in pharmacies.

Nettle masks for hair

Here are some recipes for hair masks based on nettle.

Fresh nettle for hair. To strengthen and grow hair, fresh nettle juice is widely used, which is very convenient to prepare in a juicer. Rub 2-3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice into the hair roots, wrap your head in cellophane and leave for 1 hour.

Nettle and burdock for hair. An effective mask for hair growth. Mix a decoction of nettle leaves and a decoction of burdock roots in equal amounts. They moisten the hair after shampooing, lightly massaging the skin.

Nettle tincture for hair. To prepare the tincture, pour 3 tablespoons of dry nettle leaves with two cups of boiling water. Insist for 7 hours. Then you can rub the tincture into the scalp to strengthen and grow hair.

Nettle decoction for hair growth. A universal recipe for improving hair growth, strengthening them and eliminating dandruff is a decoction prepared from 1 tablespoon of dry, well-chopped nettle leaves, and 1 tablespoon of nettle rhizomes and 200 ml. water. Boil the decoction for 30 minutes, then rub into the hair roots. Do not rinse your head and do not dry with a towel.

Nettle mask with salt for oily hair: grind fresh nettle leaves in a mixer until about half a glass of material is obtained, add 1 teaspoon of table or sea ​​salt and mix thoroughly. After dissolving the salt, rub the resulting slurry into the hair roots with gentle movements. To improve the effect, you can put on a bathing cap on top and wash off the mask with warm water after 15 minutes.

Nettle and chamomile for hair lightening: 1 st. a spoonful of nettle rhizomes and chamomile inflorescences brew in 1 liter of water. Rinse your head with a decoction and wrap with a towel for 15-20 minutes. After that, treat the dried hair with a solution of chamomile essence with water (1: 1) and after an hour rinse again with chamomile infusion.

Revitalizing and strengthening hair mask with nettle and yeast. In 1 cup of chopped nettle leaves with a decoction, add 50 g of yeast and 3 tablespoons of honey and olive oil. Mix everything well and apply to your hair. After 15-20 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask with nettle and yogurt. Take 5 tablespoons of chopped nettle leaves, 1 tablespoon of chopped mint leaves and 100 g of yogurt (can be replaced with kefir). Grind nettle and mint leaves thoroughly in a blender, add yogurt and mix thoroughly. Place the resulting composition overnight or for a longer period in the refrigerator. The mask is applied to washed wet hair and washed off with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

Mask with nettle and henna. Mix 4 tablespoons dry nettle leaves with 3 teaspoons colorless henna and upload content hot water. While the mixture has not cooled, knead all the lumps and bring the mixture to a mushy state, then add 1 egg yolk. Apply to hair for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Vitamin mask for oily hair. For 100 g of nettle broth, you need to take 1 egg yolk and 1 ml liquid vitamin B1 and B6. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the hair, which is wrapped on top with plastic wrap and a towel. After an hour, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

About the benefits medicinal plants and the means created on their basis, many have heard. With their help, people can heal various diseases and free the body from harmful toxic elements. Not less than important role herbs and plants play in the field of cosmetology, where they are used to prepare various masks, conditioners, compresses, shampoos, etc. Today we will talk about the benefits of nettle, as well as give recipes for making hair masks based on it.

The benefits of nettle for curls

Nettle has been known for its medicinal properties since ancient times. How it is useful for hair, we will consider below:

  1. Nettle strengthens and restores hair follicles and the hair itself, which helps to improve appearance hair.
  2. The plant nourishes the strands with vitamins and minerals, thereby preventing their loss and destruction of the structure.
  3. Nettles help eliminate dandruff and reduce itching of the dermis of the head.
  4. Nettle accelerates the growth of curls, long-term use of nettle products makes curls silky, manageable and shiny.
  5. The plant helps with increased secretion fat dermis of the head, and also promotes the speedy healing of small wounds, cuts and scratches.

At proper preparation masks based on this plant, you can get a lasting and impressive result, which will be visible after the first use of nettle cosmetic products.

Most Recipes nettle masks involves the use of a decoction of this plant. In order to preserve the medicinal properties of nettle in the manufacture of a decoction, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  • 100 g of nettle leaves (both fresh and dry can be used) brew 1 liter of boiling water (if you want to make your hair thicker, then pour the plant with hot non-boiling water and leave for half an hour to cool).
  • Boil the future broth over low heat for about 30 minutes.
  • We are waiting for the broth to cool (it is better to cover the contents of the pan with a lid).
  • We pass the product through a sieve or gauze, remove the nettle raw materials, and pour the broth into a suitable container with a lid.
  • Nettle decoction should be stored in a cool place not longer than a week. Remove the container with the prepared product on the bottom shelf or refrigerator door, heat the broth to 37-40 degrees before use.

If you decide to collect and dry the nettle yourself, then remember these rules:

  1. For cosmetic procedures especially useful is the young nettle, collected in May and June. The place where the plant grows should not be near the track.
  2. Harvest nettles only when the weather is dry. Sick and damaged leaves and stems of the plant can not be cut.
  3. In tall nettles, only the tops need to be collected, small plants can be cut at the root.
  4. Rinse nettles to remove dust, pollen and other contaminants. cold water from the tap. At this stage, you can prepare nettle decoction.
  5. To prepare a dry collection, you need to spread the plant on a table or floor (it is better to cover the surface with newspaper). To dry the plant, choose a dry, ventilated room, the leaves should not be exposed to sunlight.
  6. Do not forget to turn the nettle twice a day - so it can dry out on all sides and does not have time to stale.
  7. The drying process of nettles will take approximately 12 days. After this time, separate the leaves from the stems and pack them in paper bags or cardboard boxes.

With the correct execution of the described actions, dry nettle collection will be stored for about 2 years.

If you are preparing a nettle mask for the first time and do not want to spoil its composition with your actions, then we advise you to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. To create a mask, use dishes made of ceramics, crystal, clay or glass.
  2. All ingredients must be fresh. It is best to use homemade eggs and dairy products, fresh honey and homemade apple cider vinegar.
  3. Mix the components until the state of uniformity. The presence of lumps and unrubbed products will reduce the absorbency of the mask, which will make it less effective.
  4. Apply the composition to curls and skin, be sure to wrap your head with polyethylene and wrap it in a scarf or towel.
  5. In the absence of oil and fatty components, you can wash off the mask plain water. When making a mixture, carefully read the recipe, because. some products do not require rinsing.

Following these rules, as well as the instructions given in the mask recipe, will ensure that you achieve positive result and make the procedure as useful and safe as possible.

Thanks to a wide range medicinal properties nettle masks are used to treat a variety of ailments, both curls and skin heads. Recipes for diverse homemade masks with nettle for hair, we have given below:

  • Vinegar-nettle mask to make curls smooth and shiny. To 120 ml of nettle broth add 40 ml apple cider vinegar. The mixture is applied in accordance with the instructions given above. Wash off after half an hour and wash the strands with the remnants of the broth.
  • Nettle-salt mask for oily curls. We grind 30 fresh nettle leaves in a blender, pour 20 g of ground sea salt into the gruel. We rub the mask into the roots, distribute the remains over the curls. Then follow the instructions, wash off after half an hour.
  • Nettle-gelatin mixture with tonic for straightening and thickening hair. We prepare 30 g of gelatin according to the instructions, mix the finished raw materials with 120 ml of nettle broth and 40 ml of any natural tonic (without it, you will not be able to wash off the applied mask from the curls). We use the composition in a standard way wash off after 30 minutes.
  • Honey-nettle mask for nourishing and strengthening hair roots. In 90 ml of nettle decoction (you can use 50 ml of the juice of this plant), add 40 g of honey, use the mixed composition standard method. Wash off after 25 minutes.
  • Nettle mask with kvass and vinegar to strengthen and restore strands. We mix 60 ml of a decoction of nettle, bread kvass and apple cider vinegar. The mixture is applied in the standard way, there is no need to remove it.
  • Nettle-rosemary mask with burdock oil for damaged curls. We mix 20 g / ml of rosemary seeds, gruel from nettle leaves and burdock oil and fill the mixture with 210 ml of filtered water. We lubricate the roots with the composition (you can do it every day), there is no need to wash it off.
  • Nettle juice mask. We extract the juice from fresh washed nettle leaves and rub it into the pre-root zone of the head. We use the mask according to the standard, wash off after 40 minutes.
  • Mask of nettle infusion to strengthen curls with the function of protection against falling out. 120 g of dry collection of nettles pour 210 ml of vodka. Pour the future infusion into a bottle and put it in an inaccessible dark place. After 7 days, we use the tool, taking into account the recommendations given above. The mask can not be washed off.
  • Clay-nettle mixture for oily curls. We dilute 60 g of blue clay with water (or nettle decoction) and mix with 30 g of nettle gruel. We apply the composition by the standard method, remove after the clay dries.
  • Essential nettle mask to strengthen hair roots. Mix 60 g of nettle gruel with 10 ml of any ester (cedar, lemon, ylang-ylang, geranium, orange, rosemary, patchouli, incense, etc.). The composition is applied by the standard method, removed after 35 minutes.
  • Nettle-sea buckthorn mixture for greasy strands. In 0.4 l of boiling water, brew 150 g of dried nettle collection. Pour 0.2 liters of juice extracted from ripe sea buckthorn berries into a warm broth. We use the mixture in accordance with the instructions given above. You don't need to wash off the mask.
  • Olive-nettle mask with oak bark with a protective and regenerating effect. Pour 30 ml of olive oil and 70 ml of nettle broth into 60 ml of oak root decoction. We use the mask in the standard way, wash off after 1 hour.
  • Vitamin nettle mask with egg yolk to feed curls of any type. Pour fresh homemade yolk and 1 ampoule of vitamins B6 and B1 into 150 ml of nettle broth. We use the mass, taking into account the instructions given above. Delete after 50 minutes.
  • Bread-nettle mask with vinegar against dandruff. Soak 40 g of Borodinsky bread crumb in 70 ml of nettle broth. After 5 minutes, pour 20 ml of apple cider vinegar into the mixture, stir all the ingredients and apply in the standard way. Wash off after 1 hour.
  • Mask with decoctions of coltsfoot and nettle for dry, unruly and coarse hair. Pour 60 g of dried nettle and coltsfoot into 1 liter of filtered boiled water. We cook the decoction for 10 minutes, then turn off the burner and insist the future mask for another half hour. The cooled infusion is diluted with 1.5 liters of warm filtered water and applied in the standard way. After 20 minutes, rinse the strands with the remnants of the infusion, there is no need to rinse it off.
  • Nettle-yeast mask with honey and olive oil to moisturize and soften curls. Pour 50 g of brewer's yeast, 70 g of flower honey and 60 ml of olive oil into 0.2 l of nettle broth. We apply the mass, taking into account the instructions given above. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Mask with calamus, nettle and black tea against baldness and gray hair. We brew 0.2 l of black tea and mix it with 20 g of calamus root powder and 20 g of crushed dry nettle leaves. After 3-6 hours, the mixture is applied in the standard way. There is no need to wash off the mask.
  • Nettle mask with henna and yolk to strengthen and restore curls. 60 g of henna and 110 g of dried nettle leaves are brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling purified water. After half an hour, add homemade yolk to the cooled mixture, stir all the ingredients and apply according to the standard. Remove the mixture after 30 minutes.
  • Mask with decoctions of chamomile and nettle for lightening hair. We brew 20 g of fresh chamomile flowers and nettle stalks with hot (not boiling!) Water. After 1 hour, the infusion is passed through gauze or a sieve and applied according to the instructions given above. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Nettle-kefir mask with mint to strengthen the strands and restore their structure. In 0.2 l of kefir (it is better to take a low-fat product), pour 40 g of fresh chopped mint leaves and 60 g of ground nettle leaves. We use the mask by the standard method, remove it after 40 minutes.
  • Mask with calendula, motherwort, celandine and nettle for combined hair type (oily roots and dry ends). We mix 10 g of dried leaves of celandine and nettle, brew the mixture with hot (not boiling!) Water and pour 20 g of fresh calendula leaves and 30 ml of motherwort infusion. We use the mixture in the standard way, there is no need to wash off the mask.
  • Nettle-burdock mask with honey for damaged and dry curls. Mix 40 g gruel from young nettle leaves with 20 g of flower honey and 20 ml of burdock oil. The composition is applied in the usual way, removed after 40 minutes.
  • Mask with horsetail and nettle for the treatment of seborrhea and baldness. Grind 30 g of horsetail roots and nettle leaves (in dry form), place the collection in a thermos and pour 180 ml of boiling water. After 6 hours, the infusion is filtered through gauze or a sieve and used in the usual way. This mask does not require rinsing.
  • Nettle-protein mask with chamomile for oily strands. In 2 homemade proteins, mix 20 g of fresh chopped chamomile flowers and nettle leaves each. Mix the ingredients and apply according to the instructions above. Remove the mixture after 10 minutes.
  • Mask with burdock and nettle to give curls softness, volume and silkiness. Freshly brewed decoctions of burdock root and nettle (170 ml each) are mixed and applied in the standard way. There is no need to remove the mask.

Regular use of nettle masks for hair care will make them strong, silky, healthy and shiny. Never add to home remedy those raw materials and products to which you are allergic. Compliance with this taboo will protect your hair and dermis from the occurrence of unforeseen reactions that are fraught with a deterioration in the appearance of the hair and health in general.

Nettle is the undisputed leader among plants that have a positive effect on the beauty of hair. Her numerous beneficial features have long gained popularity among many girls who take care of themselves based on home remedies. Arm yourself with the knowledge acquired today and use it for the benefit of your beauty and health.