Lingonberry juice without cooking recipe. How to make lingonberry juice recipe with photos step by step

There are many delicious traditional drinks in Russia, one of them is lingonberry juice. Its beneficial properties have been known for centuries. A freshly prepared drink is good for the body, because it contains many vitamins.

Fresh lingonberries make a drink rich in nutrients.

Cooking time – 25 minutes.


  • sugar – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • water - three liters;
  • half a kilo of berries.


  1. Pass the berries through a fine sieve and squeeze the juice out of the puree.
  2. Pour the pomace with water, after boiling, add sugar and juice and cook for five minutes.

This drink, prepared without cooking, turns out healthy, because the berries are not subjected to heat treatment and the vitamins are not destroyed.


  • water – one and a half liters;
  • two stacks berries;
  • stack honey


  1. Grind the berries, pass the remainder with warm water through a sieve.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the remaining pulp again.
  3. Add honey to the juice and stir thoroughly.

The drink has a special taste thanks to the freshness of the berries and honey. You need to drink fruit juice within a few hours until it has maximum benefits.

This drink will charge you with energy and vitamins during the autumn period. If you stock up on berries and freeze them, fruit juice can be prepared during the cold season, when the body needs vitamins.


  • water – 1.5 liters;
  • 1 stack lingonberries;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoon;
  • cranberries – 120 gr.


  1. Grind the fruits through a sieve and squeeze the juice out of the mass.
  2. Fill the pomace with water, add sugar, when it boils, remove from heat.
  3. Cool and strain the drink, pour in the juice.

If you combine beets with lingonberries, you will get a fruit drink with an interesting taste.

Cooking time – 15 minutes.


  • water – 3.5 l;
  • beets – 320 gr;
  • six tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 430 gr. berries


  • four apples;
  • 2 stacks berries;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • stack Sahara.


  1. Cut the apples into quarters and remove the seeds.
  2. Pour water over apples and berries, add sugar.
  3. Bring to a boil, cover and leave to cool.

Mint is refreshing and adds flavor to the drink.

Cooking time – 15 minutes.


  • 5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • four sprigs of mint;
  • 3 l. water;
  • half a kilo of berries.


  1. Squeeze the juice from the berry puree.
  2. Add mint with sugar and water to the pomace. Once it boils, remove from the stove.
  3. Strain the cooled drink and pour in the juice.

This fruit drink helps strengthen the immune system and during colds.

Cooking time – 20 minutes.


  • 1 stack. lingonberries and cranberries;
  • sugar;
  • a piece of ginger;
  • two liters of water.


  1. Squeeze the juice out of the berries in a juicer, add water to the juice and add ginger, keep on the stove for seven minutes after boiling.
  2. Add sugar and juice to the cooled drink.

Lingonberry juice with cinnamon and orange

The peculiarity of this recipe is in the ingredients and the fact that it is consumed hot. Cooking time – 30 minutes.


  • 2 oranges;
  • 1 kg frozen berries;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • three liters of water;
  • cinnamon sticks.


  1. Squeeze the berries when they are defrosted, add water to the pomace, when it boils, cook for 15 minutes, strain.
  2. Cut the orange in half, thinly cut one part into circles, then into quarters, peel the zest from the other half.
  3. Put sugar with cinnamon and zest into the broth; when it boils, remove from heat and cool, pour in juice and honey, heat again.
  4. Pour into glasses and garnish with orange and cinnamon.

It is advisable for everyone to know how to cook lingonberry juice to preserve its beneficial properties. Then this drink will not only bring a pleasant taste sensation, but will also have a beneficial effect on the body. There are three most correct cooking options, in which all valuable components will remain unchanged.

Preparation of lingonberries

Sort fresh berries from leaves and tendrils, remove spoiled berries (these are dry ones, differing in color - white or black). Place in a colander under the tap and rinse with cold running water. should also be sorted and washed. It should thaw a little.

First way

We offer lingonberry preparation which involves boiling. Grind the prepared berries with a meat grinder or juicer. In the first case, squeeze the juice yourself.

Place the squeezed juice in the refrigerator. Fill the cake with water at the rate of 1 cup of cake per 1.5-2 liters of water. Add 200-250 g of sugar and put on the stove. Boil, after 5-7 minutes remove from the stove and leave to cool.

Strain the cooled broth using a fine sieve or 4-6 layers of gauze. Add cooled juice, stir, then drink.

Second way

Take the berries, mash and separate the juice from the cake. Pre-boil the water and let it cool to 90-95 degrees. Mix the cake with sugar, sweeten it with honey if desired, then add prepared water. Stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved and strain.

Add to the resulting fruit drink. You need to drink it hot and freshly prepared, since reheating the fruit drink worsens its taste and, most importantly, negatively affects the vitamin and mineral composition.

For a different taste, you can add a fresh mint leaf or a slice of lemon to this drink.

Third way

The most useful is lingonberry juice, the recipe for which completely eliminates heating. It is obtained by soaking lingonberries. This method is also economical, since this fruit drink can be prepared many times from the same lingonberries.

Place 2-3 cups of sorted and washed lingonberries in a three-liter jar. Add one glass of sugar, optionally 2-3 tbsp. honey Fill to the top with boiled cold water and cover with a lid. Place in the cellar or any other cool, dark place. After 2 weeks, remove and drain the resulting infusion. It is ready to eat and needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

Add sugar, honey again to the jar with lingonberries and add water. After 1.5-2 weeks you will receive another portion of lingonberry juice. Thus, you can change the water from 5 to 10 times, depending on how much lingonberries you take.

The quality of the resulting fruit drink is judged based on color. Each time it will turn out lighter and more transparent. While the water is colored, the fruit drink contains nutrients.

After the lingonberries have completely given off their color and taste, they are thrown away or mixed with sugar to prepare the filling for baked goods.

Good to know

As a rule, red fruits and berries can give an allergic reaction, however, despite the fact that red is not an allergen. It can be eaten even by small children, including infants, as well as nursing and pregnant women, but without additional additives such as honey or mint.

The lingonberry juice recipe you choose will definitely be to your taste and will be good for your health. When making a choice, rely on the purposes for which the fruit drink will be prepared.

Generous harvests of wild berries are best stored frozen. Cold helps preserve vitamins and other beneficial substances in the berries, and thanks to their integrity and original taste and aroma, even in the middle of winter, the berries can be used to make juices, fruit drinks, fresh desserts, add them to porridges, dairy snacks and decorate baked goods. Lingonberry juice will help you improve your health and protect your body from colds in winter, and read our article on how to prepare it at home.

What are the benefits of lingonberry juice?

Much is known about the beneficial properties of lingonberries: it helps strengthen the immune system, overcome colds and ARVI, improve digestion and cure the body in case of poisoning. Lingonberries treat joints and liver, and in addition, they are good at maintaining skin elasticity.

For those who do not like sugary desserts, such as jams and marmalades, and do not drink alcohol, there remains the option of storing lingonberries frozen. In winter, you can make a fresh, juicy fruit drink from a whole berry, which is in no way inferior in taste and healing properties to a drink made from only picked berries.

Lingonberry juice keeps the body in good shape and helps fight ailments:

  1. Gives strength, invigorates, increases performance.
  2. Strengthens the body's resistance to viruses and the negative effects of the environment.
  3. Removes toxins, helps cleanse the blood and liver.
  4. Increases hemoglobin levels.
  5. Accelerates the healing process, relieves inflammation, relieves muscle fatigue during illness and long-term training.
  6. Increases the elasticity of skin and hair, which is especially useful in the cold season, when there are fewer vitamins in food and bad weather has an intense effect on the body.
  7. It has a mild diuretic effect, so it will help eliminate swelling and restore the body after colds.
  8. Improves appetite, discourages cravings for junk food.
  9. Promotes better absorption of nutrients and much more.

Berry fruit drinks perfectly tone the body during sports, maintain vitamin balance during the cold season and promote recovery from many ailments.

Fruit drinks are drinks made from berries, which are prepared on the basis of natural concentrated puree or mousse. They differ from juices in the content of water and flavoring additives, and from compotes - in the proportion of the fruit part, which exceeds that in the compote, and in the absence of the need to brew the drink if it is not rolled into jars. Mors is a living berry nectar that preserves the active properties of plants and heals the body. That is why they are popular at any time of the year, and they are prepared both from fresh fruits and from frozen or ground berries with sugar.

Interesting fact: Fruit juice is useful not only in winter. In the spring, such a drink will save you from vitamin deficiency, and in the summer it will perfectly quench your thirst and replenish your supply of electrolytes. And since lingonberries are an autumn berry, they can be stored frozen until summer and combined in unexpected compositions with black and red currants, strawberries and blackberries.

Fruit drinks are prepared cold and warm. In the first case, berry puree, ground with sugar, honey or without sweetener, is added with water to obtain a drinking concentration. In the second option, whole berries are poured with boiling water so that they release their beneficial substances and are pounded into puree, and after that sugar and water are added to taste.

To regulate the taste, citric acid or lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves, mint leaves, ginger, nutmeg, elderflowers and other aromatic herbs are added to fruit drinks to make the taste truly foresty and rich.

To make a tasty and fragrant drink with ideal proportions of acid, sugar and fruit base, you need to follow the correct preparation technology and know a few secrets. Sometimes the taste of the drink depends more on the quality of processing of the berries than on the content of sweeteners and spices in it. Here are some healthy recipes.

Soft lingonberry juice with mint

One of the basic recipes that does not require much effort. For 0.5 kg of berries, take 3 liters of water and 3-4 mint leaves, and you will have to add sugar to taste, from 100-120 grams for a light fruit drink. The berries are defrosted naturally, ground with sugar, then poured with hot water and brought to a boil. Immediately after this, add mashed mint leaves and remove the juice from the heat. The drink is allowed to brew while it cools and filtered. You can store fruit juice in the refrigerator for about 5 days.

You will need half a kilogram of frozen berries, 3 liters of purified water, half a lemon, a couple of sprigs of tarragon and half a teaspoon of dried thyme.

The berries are thawed and pureed with sugar. After this, add herbs to the mixture and fill them with boiled water, cooled to 80 degrees. The drink is wrapped or poured into a thermos and left for 3-4 hours. Before serving, add lemon juice.

The drink quenches thirst and recalls the notes of tarragon and other herbal infusions from childhood.

Spicy fruit juice for the holiday table

For those who love sangria, mulled wine and other spicy berry drinks, there is a wonderful recipe for fruit drink, which is very easy to prepare and drink cold. Based on the drink, you can make a light alcoholic cocktail.

You will need 0.5 kg of frozen lingonberries, sugar to taste, 3 liters of filtered water, a cinnamon stick and 3 cardamom grains (0.5 tsp powder). Without defrosting, pour the berries into a saucepan, add warm water, add spices, add sugar before boiling and mix thoroughly, and immediately after boiling, grind the berries, pour the syrup onto a sieve so that the pulp gets into the drink, but the skins and remaining spices do not. . The drink is wrapped and allowed to brew.

Dessert juice

You will need 150 grams of frozen lingonberries and cranberries, a pinch of vanilla, a glass of sugar and 1 liter of water.

The berries are thawed, ground in a bowl and filtered through cheesecloth. The remaining cake is brewed with boiling water and infused in a thermos or under a blanket for 3-4 hours. Afterwards, the liquid is filtered, mixed with sugar, vanilla and live puree and heated over low heat, without bringing to a boil. You can add a little orange zest and grated ginger root (0.5 teaspoon each) to the warm liquid. After this, the fruit drink is allowed to cool and served cool or used for cocktails such as Cosmopolitan.

Video: how to prepare fruit drink from frozen lingonberries

Beautiful, bright lingonberries ripen at the end of August, and they can be collected until November. In addition to a large amount of vitamins and minerals, lingonberries contain a natural preservative - benzoic acid, thanks to which the berries can be stored for a long time without any processing. Since lingonberries are not eaten fresh, it is better to prepare them for the winter, for example, freeze them, make jam or lingonberry juice according to one of the various recipes.

This refreshing, healthy drink retains a maximum of vitamins. It is good to give to children and adults, especially in winter, during colds. Fruit juice can be boiled or cooked without long boiling. The latter option is more saturated with valuable components, but may be stored worse.

A fruit drink made from one lingonberry (with sugar or honey, since it is sour) is delicious on its own. For variety, you can combine lingonberries with cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, cinnamon, ginger, lemon, and mint.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Lingonberries do not require special preparation - just rinse them well under running water, remove leaves and small debris. You can dry the berries on a towel. If the housewife takes lingonberries from the freezer, they must first be defrosted.

Lingonberry juice recipes

From fresh berries for the winter

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg of fresh lingonberries;
  • 3 liters of filtered water;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar or honey to taste;
  • half a lemon.


  1. You will need a piece of gauze or a fine sieve. Place clean berries there and place a glass or enamel container underneath. Crush into puree with a wooden mortar, carefully squeeze the lingonberry mass so that it releases all the juice.
  2. Meanwhile, bring water to a boil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Place berry pulp and sliced ​​lemon in water and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add sugar or honey, stir.
  3. When the broth has cooled to room temperature, strain it. The berry mass can be thrown away. Add the squeezed juice to the pan.
  4. The drink can be consumed immediately or rolled into sterilized jars.

The good thing about frozen lingonberry juice is that it can be prepared at any time of the year or you can use berries from the store.

You will need:

  • 2 cups frozen berries;
  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 cinnamon stick (optional)


  1. The berries need to be defrosted; it is better to do this naturally, without using a microwave oven or other quick methods.
  2. Using a sieve or gauze, squeeze the juice out of the lingonberries.
  3. Boil water in a thick-walled saucepan, add cinnamon and berry pulp, boil for 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat.
  4. Add honey to the pan and stir. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, strain it and add lingonberry juice to the liquid.
  5. Morse is ready. You can serve it to the table or roll it in sterilized bottles.

From lingonberries and cranberries

You will need:

  • 200 g each of fresh cranberries and lingonberries;
  • 2.5 liters of filtered water;
  • honey, sugar to taste;
  • half a large or one small lemon;
  • a couple of sprigs of fresh mint.


  1. Rinse, remove debris and dry the fruits.
  2. Place the berries in a sieve or cheesecloth and crush until all the juice is released.
  3. Add berry pulp, sliced ​​lemon and mint to boiling water. Boil for about 5 minutes, add honey or sugar, stir, remove from heat.
  4. When the liquid has cooled to room temperature, strain it and roll it in pre-sterilized containers.

Can With cook fruit juice according to this recipe with the addition of not only cranberries, but also blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. Lingonberries go well with other forest and garden berries.

Recipe without cooking

To make a particularly healthy and vitamin-rich fruit drink, the berries do not need to be exposed to high temperatures. You can prepare a truly healing drink without boiling using this recipe.

You will need:

  • 300 g fresh or frozen lingonberries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • sugar or honey to taste.


  1. Place clean, sorted lingonberries in a sieve or colander.
  2. Boil water and pour boiling water over the berries, several times.
  3. Puree the scalded berries with a blender, place in a deep container and fill with 2 liters of clean drinking water. Let stand for 30 minutes.
  4. After half an hour, strain the berry mass, the cake can be thrown away, and the lingonberry juice itself can be seasoned with honey or sugar.

This drink should be consumed within 2 days or rolled up, having previously been pasteurized.

Fruit juice storage

The less the berries are cooked, the more vitamins are retained. If possible, it is better to freeze lingonberries and prepare fruit juice for one or two days as needed. However, a home-canned drink also contains a lot of useful substances; it is tasty, refreshing and always on hand.

In order for lingonberry juice to be stored well, several conditions must be met:

  1. When preparing preparations, maintain the maximum possible cleanliness - wash the berries, hands, and all utensils used well.
  2. Sugar is a natural preservative. It is better to prepare a sweet drink and dilute it with water, rather than it starting to spoil even before opening.
  3. Since it is not advisable to cook berry fruit drinks for a long time, a maximum of 5 minutes, it is better to pasteurize the finished rolled up jars.

To do this, you need to put them in a basin or pan with a wide bottom and pour water, not reaching 3-4 cm from the top of the jars. Turn on the heat and bring the jars almost to a boil. It’s good if you have a kitchen thermometer - the temperature of the water in the pan should not exceed 90 degrees. Pasteurize the jars for 8-10 minutes, then carefully remove them, turn them upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool.

  1. Leave the workpieces in a cool, dark place with low humidity.

If all conditions are met, berry fruit drinks can be stored for 2 years from the date of preparation.

Lingonberries have unique qualities. In addition to the fact that it is very useful for human health, you can make juice, fruit drink, sauce, and bake pies from it. The berry contains a large amount of vitamins, so it is recommended to give it to children.

Preparing the drink

Preparing fruit juice from frozen berries does not require much effort from the housewife. For two and a half liters of water you need 2 cups of lingonberries and six tablespoons of sugar.

Before you start preparing the drink, you need to prepare the berries. It is pre-defrosted. To make the fruit drink rich, you will need to grind the berries or crush them, squeezing the juice through cheesecloth.

The remaining cake is poured with water, without bringing to a boil, and heated over low heat. Sugar can be added at any stage of preparing the drink. The finished juice is decanted and added to the concentrate previously obtained from the berries.

With preservation of vitamins

Heat treatment, even if you do not bring the fruit drink to a boil, has a negative effect on some vitamins and beneficial elements. But you can prepare a product from the berry, which will retain the necessary beneficial qualities, and in addition, the drink will delight you with an amazing taste.

To neutralize the sour taste, it is not necessary to add sugar; you can use honey just as well.

To prepare, you will need two glasses of frozen berries, a few tablespoons of honey and 3.5 liters of water. The sweetness depends on how much honey the hostess adds to the fruit drink.

As in the previous recipe, you will need to pre-process the lingonberries, only now they are defrosted and crushed in a blender. The resulting mixture is passed through a sieve or squeezed through cheesecloth. The resulting juice is set aside, and the pulp is poured with hot water. Cover the pan with a lid and let it brew, then drain the drink, cool it, add sugar or honey. Sweeteners should be added when the liquid is still warm, otherwise they will not dissolve well, and you can over-sweet the fruit drink.

In a slow cooker

Any lingonberry drink turns out tasty and healthy if you prepare it at home yourself. You can take a multicooker as your main assistant.

Amount of ingredients:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • two glasses of berries;
  • sugar or honey to taste.

Before using, lingonberries will need to not only be defrosted, but also rinsed under running water. Next, it is transferred to a deep bowl to squeeze out the juice. You can do this with your hands, use a tablespoon or even a masher. The juice is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

The remaining puree is transferred to the multicooker container and filled with the required amount of water with added sugar. To prepare fruit juice, a steaming program is suitable, in which the timer is set for a maximum of ten minutes. Then the extinguishing mode is set for another half hour. After turning off, the drink still needs to brew; it is filtered through a couple of layers of gauze and put in the refrigerator. Ready juice, expressed earlier, is added at the last stage.


Not every child can be forced to drink a healthy drink, but there is a recipe for tasty and healthy jelly that any child will like.

To prepare it you will need to take:

  • half a kilogram of frozen berries;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • four liters of water;
  • two tablespoons of potato starch.

The berries are washed and defrosted. In a deep bowl they are ground with the addition of sugar using a blender. The resulting puree is poured with water and placed on low heat. You should not bring fruit drink to a boil, otherwise it will lose the necessary vitamins.

The resulting compote is filtered and put back on the stove with the addition of starch. The powder is not poured in, but is first diluted in water in a glass and only then poured into the fruit drink. It is necessary to stir constantly to prevent lumps from forming. When this drink cools, it will resemble jelly.

In any hot weather, lingonberry juice, regardless of the recipe used, will be an excellent solution to quench your thirst. This compote is rich in vitamin C and other elements. The acids contained in the berry help prevent the appearance of kidney stones, slow down aging and even kill cancer cells.

Nutritionists also recommend regular consumption of the drink, especially when a person is watching their weight. The acids in lingonberries not only emulsify fat, but also help fight cellulite. Adults are recommended to drink at least one glass of fruit drink per day, children – two or more.

To obtain a richer, thicker drink, you can add more berries. The resulting juice can be diluted with water; it does not lose its benefits. Making fruit juice at home is as easy as shelling pears if you follow the recommendations. For pregnant women, this drink is especially useful if prepared without cooking. During pregnancy, a woman who consumes fruit juice regularly receives enormous benefits from the berry.

Lingonberry fruit drink has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components and acute stomach reaction to the high acid content in the product. Otherwise, fruit juice can and should be drunk by adults and children, especially in the summer heat. It will help quickly quench thirst and give the body the necessary vitamins.

The drink is no less beneficial during cold weather, when additional support is needed. There is more vitamin C in fruit juice than even in lemon, and it tastes better. Regular consumption of the drink will help fight colds, increase the body's resistance, and improve immunity.

To learn how to make a fruit drink from frozen lingonberries, watch the following video.