Find a cross on the street sign. Contradictory and ambiguous sign: finding a cross

People lose and find a lot of things all the time. It is not surprising that many interpretations have even appeared that talk about what can be expected after this or that discovery. People love to invent and follow various signs. Found a cross and don't know what to do with it? Read the various variations of signs below.

Someone else's fate

Many people are afraid to lift other people's crosses. Why? The most famous sign says that such a find portends a new destiny for you. Have you found a cross? The sign advises not to lift it. If you touch the cross, you will exchange your destiny, laid down for you, for someone else’s. Is it worth doing? Many people are glad that they have the opportunity to live a life unknown to them before. But remember that each person has different ideas about happiness. If you want to experience a thrill, go to an amusement park. There is no point in joking with holy relics. After all, the fate of a person who has lost a found cross can be very tragic. You don't need to repeat it. Therefore, always remember the sign. Not everyone can find a pectoral cross. Most often, a person is tempted by the Almighty in this way. He offers a person the choice to leave his destiny or take someone else’s. But it’s just unknown what will await you after you agree to the deal. Remember that you can make a deal with the devil. In such a situation, it is better not to take risks.

Positive interpretation

Not all people think bad when they see something beautiful and shiny. Therefore, there is a more pleasant interpretation of the well-known sign. Found a cross on the road? Such a find can symbolize the happiness that heaven sends to you. Remember that nothing in life happens for nothing. If a person found a cross, it means that he needed the find. In a similar way, the universe can tell a person not to despair. Everything in life will be fine, you just need to believe in it and accept your life and yourself as you are.

The found crosses saved many people. Persons without fear tried on someone else's sacred jewelry and walked with it all their lives. Such a cross changed their lives for the better. For example, the lost soul of an atheist became enlightened, and the person changed before our eyes. Such transformations happened so quickly that some did not even believe that their life was reality and not fiction. Therefore, try to perceive the find positively, even if you picked it up by chance and by inertia. Do not throw it on the ground, but believe that accidents are not accidental. If you find the cross, then you are destined to bear it.

Sign for the unbaptized

A person who does not believe in God should think carefully about the existence of the Almighty at the moment when a person finds and picks up a cross. Such decoration can change a person’s life for the better if the person uses his find correctly. What to do if a cross is found? The sign says that if a sacred thing is found by an unbeliever, he needs to go to church and be baptized. There is absolutely no shame in performing such a ritual at any age. If a person consciously came to God, that is wonderful. After all, a person needs religion and faith so that he does not lose himself. Surprisingly, pectoral crosses are more often found by older people, not young people. It is these people who need to think about the meaning of their find. If a person has lived his whole life as an atheist, and now thoughts of death have begun to torment him, then it is not too late to join the church. A person should not be frightened by the lack of experience and knowledge in church traditions and rituals. The main thing is that faith should settle in a person’s soul, and its external manifestation is no longer so important.

Cross at the crossroads

Some people, wanting to throw off the burden of heaviness and problems from their shoulders, decide to take a desperate step. They damage their own cross, and then leave it at the crossroads. A similar ritual is often performed by witches and sorcerers who understand that they will soon die.

What does the sign say? Finding a cross on the street, especially at an intersection, is very dangerous. People throw jewelry made of precious metal there and hope that shiny crosses will attract greedy people. If you notice a cross at an intersection, you should not take it. But leaving a holy thing lying on the road is also inappropriate. So the best idea is to use a stick or some other object to move the cross out of the way. If the decoration has a chain, hang it on a tree. Let someone else decide the future fate of the sacred object. You will do everything that your conscience obliges you to do. But taking such jewelry to your home, much less putting it around your neck or giving it to someone, is the height of stupidity.

Find on the way home

There are many interpretations of the same sign. Finding a cross on the street while you are walking home is a bad omen. Unpleasant news awaits you at home. Perhaps one of your family members will upset you, or perhaps something irreparable will happen. Remember that you received a hint on the way home and act on it. Try to understand that any event, even a very bad one, seems so only at first. When a few months have passed and feelings have cooled, you will realize that there was something good in what happened. Therefore, you should not immediately become angry at your fate and think that you have lost something very important. Any loss is an opportunity to become stronger and more experienced.

If on the way home you find a cross, but there are no changes in your home, then you should take a closer look at your household. Some of them may have serious problems that they do not want to share with anyone. Help a loved one. Try to find out why the person feels bad and then help remove the stone from the soul. Sometimes a simple conversation helps ease a person's soul, and he feels renewed. Therefore, do not neglect signs, especially in cases where they can help you improve your life.

Nakhodka on the way to work

Did you go to work and found someone else's cross on the road? The sign suggests that the place you are going to is not very good. Perhaps the work itself suits you, but you will soon have problems with your colleagues. For example, someone will try to survive you or take your position. Slander and rumors that ill-wishers spread about you can seriously damage your reputation. Therefore, try to identify the person who treats you badly before he decides to take any serious action. It is advisable to publicly expose the person. If you succeed, then consider yourself safe. Even if a person tries to do something against you, nothing will come of it.

If a person who went to a job he didn’t like found a cross, this means that the person needs to change his place of work. Fate says now is the time for change. There is no point in pulling a burden that is unpleasant for you throughout your life. There are many opportunities for self-realization in the modern world. So don’t be afraid to look for yourself and change your life until it suits you.

Cross with chain

Did you find a cross with a chain? The sign says that such a find does not bode well for you. A chain on a sacred decoration foreshadows problems and obligations that will fall on your shoulders against your will. You will have to spend a lot of time trying to break out of the vicious circle and it is not a fact that you will be able to do it. A broken chain means that the person who lost it dropped the burden of his problems by accident. But if the chain is intact, but nevertheless the person has lost the decoration, then, most likely, the thoughts of the previous owner of the cross were unclean. Therefore, think about whether, obeying your inner impulse, it is worth taking possession of jewelry that will only bring you misfortune in the future. Material debts will form on their own, and you will get confused in life and will not see a way out. Do not touch such jewelry, leave it to someone who needs it more than you.

Find your own cross

You were baptized as a child, but since then you haven’t seen your cross? Have you recently found a lost piece of jewelry? What does the sign say about this? Finding a golden cross that you lost a long time ago means problems. Fate says that you will need to mobilize all your strength in order not to fall into depression and not get confused in yourself. Difficulties and problems will arise literally out of nowhere. You will have to work hard to somehow normalize your life and get back on track. And in order for you to be able to improve your life faster, it is recommended to go to church and re-consecrate your find. When such a ritual is carried out, it is best to put on the cross and never part with it again. Sacred jewelry will help you overcome many difficulties, and will also protect your person from the evil eye and damage.

Cross of ancestors

Did you manage to find an old cross? The sign suggests that some secret will soon be revealed to you. There is nothing wrong with finding a cross that belonged to your grandmother or great-grandmother. If you knew the person well and are absolutely sure that he did not transmit any negative energy with his jewelry, you can put the sacred jewelry on yourself. Don't be afraid that you will look at some things a little differently. This might even be a good thing. Some people who find the crosses of their ancestors discover supernatural abilities. It should be understood that such a gift is the will of the Almighty, and it would be foolish to refuse it. So consider yourself very lucky to find a silver cross. The sign says that he will bring you only joy and positive emotions.

Thrown Cross

Sometimes, not only friends, but also ill-wishers come to visit. Did you or your loved ones manage to find a cross at home? The sign suggests that someone you know wishes you harm. Think about those people who are close to you. You may have problems because of them. If you are absolutely sure of the unblemished reputation of someone you know, then ask this person to find among your mutual friends a person who is engaged in causing damage. You should stay away from such a person and under no circumstances give the person the opportunity to visit you again. Stop all contact with the person, otherwise you can seriously harm yourself, says the sign.

What to do with the find?

What should a person who happens to find a lost cross do? There are many signs associated with such sacred decoration, but not all people know what to do with a cross. The most correct option is to take the decoration to the church. Ask the minister to accept the cross as a gift and consecrate it. Or you can give the consecrated cross to some icon. If the priest refuses to take the gift, you should still leave it in the church. This can be done as a gift.

If you are sure that the universe sent you the cross in order to help you in life, then you can keep the find to yourself. But in any case, it should be consecrated in the church.

What to expect?

Have you picked up the cross and are now afraid that the fate of a person unknown to you will become yours? The main thing in such a case is not to beat yourself up. If you adequately perceive such news, then everything will work out. Don't think about negative changes every day. And after you go to church and consecrate the find, you will need to think exclusively in a positive way. Remember that a sign is just a popular belief. It may come true, or it may successfully pass you by. Whether to believe in omens or not, each person must decide for himself. And build your own life with your own hands.

All major world religions firmly adhere to a common postulate: a believer relies on God in everything and does not try to look into the future. He doesn’t run from black cats, he’s not afraid to look at the month over his left shoulder, and he calmly sweeps the pieces of the broken mirror into the trash. However... Either the memory of our pagan ancestors, who knew how to find signs everywhere, is too strong in us, or it is the uncertainty about the future that is to blame, but people continually try to attribute a secret meaning to every unusual event. The main symbol of Christianity - the pectoral cross - and they managed to squeeze it into signs! What does it mean to lose or find it on the street or in the house?

Does it mean anythinglosing your cross?

It would seem that everything is extremely simple. Religion is one thing, superstition is another, and there is no need for them to intersect. It’s not for nothing that the Church continually calls on parishioners not to believe in omens! That's it, the question is closed?..

Not so. There are too many suspicious people in this world who would like to ignore bad signs, but they cannot. An overturned salt shaker makes them nervous, a bird flying into the window causes panic, and the loss of a cross seems to be a sign of all sorts of misfortunes. To resolve all doubts, let’s try to figure out what the signs say about this and how Orthodox priests comment on them.

  • The most frightening belief that can lead the insecure and timid to despair is that if the cross falls, it means that higher powers have turned away from the person.

The catch is that this sign contradicts the main idea of ​​Christianity: God is always with us. He never turns away from a person, no matter what he does. Righteous people, sinners and convinced atheists alike are under His supervision at every moment of their lives. And the cross on the neck, although it is the most important symbol of faith, does not affect the connection with higher powers. So, either you are a Christian and you believe that God is always with you. Or an unbeliever, and then where would you get a cross?

  • God has removed one cross from you and is giving you another in return - in other words, great changes await you. For a person who led an excessively wild lifestyle, such a loss promises problems. But for those who fought their way forward and struggled with difficulties every day, a period of peace and contentment awaits them.

Any priest will probably tell you: God every now and then gives a person a chance to change his life, and trials are given not as punishment, but to teach us something. The problem is that not everyone is willing to roll up their sleeves and work hard for change, because it’s much easier to sigh and complain! However, we can assume that the loss of a cross will force someone to shake themselves up, think and move on to active action. And then the desired changes will arrive.

For some, the loss of a cross is a reason to think about their behavior

  • You are reminded of your sins. Some people, upon discovering a loss, mentally review their misdeeds and look for the worst of them. It is believed that this is how a person is called upon to clear an overloaded conscience: admit his mistakes, ask for forgiveness and, if possible, try to correct them.

A Christian, like any decent person, must constantly control his actions, without waiting for a “sign from above.” But if the loss of the cross has greatly worried you, maybe there really is something unpleasant that has been weighing on your soul for a long time? In this case, the fact of loss itself is not as important as your inner desire to throw off this burden: to put an end to an old quarrel, to correct an injustice, to ask for forgiveness from a rashly offended relative.

  • For old people, the sign prophesies need and deprivation. However, with a caveat: if the pensioner had not lived well before, his financial situation will suddenly improve, and life will become easier and more enjoyable.

The Church does not comment on this belief.

  • The cross was lost because it protected its owner from a powerful blow of negative energy.

It’s easy to trace where this belief came from - our ancestors also taught that a talisman that saved the owner from great trouble or witchcraft loses its protective functions and breaks or disappears. Yes, that's bad luck! The cross is not a talisman. It is not he who protects, but God. How can His power be exhausted?

So, it turns out that the Orthodox tradition categorically refuses to see the loss of the pectoral cross as a sign from above? This is practically true. However, in theory, some priests make an interesting assumption. If the loss occurred due to pure chance, it should be treated as such. But if this is due to your negligence - for example, you noticed that the chain was weakened, but you still couldn’t get around to changing it - this is a reproach: it is not God who turns away from you, but you rarely remember God. It’s not good to handle a symbol of faith carelessly, since you’ve already put it around your neck!

If a child drops a cross, it just means that you have a playful and active baby. Some far-sighted parents deliberately create a weak link in the chain so that the baby, accidentally getting caught on something, does not harm himself. And they are not at all upset if the cross is lost because of this - the health and safety of their dear blood is more valuable than superstition.

Gold, silver or simple on a chain

The material from which the symbol of faith is made does not matter

People say that only crosses made of simple materials, iron, copper, wood, have true power. They say that the richer the symbol of faith, the less sense it makes. But the loss of a golden cross is not considered a big disaster - even if it hits, it will only hit the owner’s pocket. However, any priest will certainly object that the material does not matter. A gold, silver or wooden cross is absolutely equivalent in the eyes of a true believer.

When I lost it and then found it

If you dropped a cross somewhere in the house or in the yard and after some time you found it yourself, you can forget about your worries with a light heart. Even signs say that problems have passed you by, and if any appear on the horizon, it will be insignificant. Some are convinced that with this sign higher powers make it clear: your repentance and good intentions are heard, and some of your sins are forgiven.

It’s another matter when a stranger found the loss and returned it to you. Here, the first thing you should do is thank him and give him some small gift. At least a pack of gelatin bears, just so you don’t let go empty-handed! If you don’t really believe in the integrity of your guest and suspect that he might try to “whisper” on the cross or harm you in some other way, there is a way to relieve anxiety. Wash the lost item returned to you with holy water, place it on a clean napkin in front of the icon of the Mother of God or your Guardian Angel and pray for protection for you and your loved ones. This will be more than enough.

The meaning of the superstition “finding a pectoral cross on the street”

Here the opinions of “superstitions” differ radically.

  • Someone else's cross brings with it someone else's misfortunes and misfortunes. Not to mention taking it with you, it’s not advisable to even touch it! This is especially true for a cross made of precious metal. What if someone deliberately put a bad message on him and put him on the street to wait for the greedy guy who couldn’t resist the temptation?
  • The cross in any case is a symbol of God's grace. No matter who and what whispers above him, the sorcerer is unable to change this fact. They are blessing you with an unusual find, not trying to harm you! Therefore, you should definitely pick up the cross and either take it to church or wear it yourself, having previously consecrated it. But you shouldn’t be afraid of other people’s energy; after consecration, it will disappear without a trace.

Don't be afraid of what you find

The Church believes that leaving a creed lying in the dust is in any case not good. Even if you consider yourself an atheist, it’s worth picking it up and hanging it on a tree branch so that someone else can take the find. But picking up and melting a gold cross into jewelry is no good at all. It's just not pretty. Surely you will be pleased if someone respects your beliefs? Show some respect too.

If the find goes to an unbaptized person who is thinking about converting to Christianity, the priests advise keeping the cross and wearing it as a body cross after performing the sacrament. But they make a remark: the final decision about baptism should be prompted by a conscious desire, and not a sign.

What does a folk sign mean if you find a stranger in a house?

Here you need to understand how he got to you. Did it belong to a distant relative and for many years, forgotten, gathered dust in the corner of a closet drawer? No problem. Do you suspect that it was planted in your home by an ill-wisher? It's worse, but not fatal. Take the cross to church, ask the priest to consecrate it, and all the negativity will disappear. And then do as you please. If you want, leave the find in the temple. If you want to take it, take it.

How to neutralize bad omens

First of all, try to look for the missing cross, before praying that God will return it to you. You can read the prayers you know, or you can ask in your own words, there won’t be much difference.

Couldn't find the cross? It's OK. Go to church and buy another one. It’s very good if before this you fast for several days, attend services in the morning and only then look into the church shop. Just don't fall into magic! Some turn the purchase of a cross into a real ritual, forgetting that they came for a symbol of faith, and not a magic amulet. Sincere prayer and the desire to once again wear the sign of love for God is enough.

Is the incident with the cross still on your mind? Then look at the Bible, where it directly says: “Do not learn the ways of the pagans and do not fear the signs of heaven, which the pagans fear.” Is it becoming for a person who considers himself a Christian to indulge in superstitions? If you already wear a cross, have the courage to trust God. Well, listen to common sense, it is unlikely to give bad advice.

About the sign of the crossand pectoral crosses

19.1. How to make the sign of the cross correctly?

– To make the sign of the cross, the first three fingers (thumb, index and middle) of the right hand are folded together, and the last two (ring and little fingers) are pressed against the palm.

Making the sign of the cross, the fingers folded in this way are placed first on the forehead - to sanctify the mind, then on the womb (stomach) - to sanctify the inner feelings, then on the right and left shoulders - to sanctify bodily forces. Lowering their hand, they bow. In this way they depict the Calvary Cross on themselves and worship it.

The lower end of the cross cannot be placed on the chest, since in this case the result is an inverted cross (its lower end becomes shorter than the upper). The sign of the cross must be performed meaningfully and with a prayerful invocation of the Lord.

19.2. What is the meaning of the sign of the cross?

– The sign of the cross, placed on oneself or depicted on oneself by the movement of the hand, is a silent, but at the same time loud, because it is open, confession of faith.

The first three fingers folded together express faith in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, and the two fingers bent to the palm mean that the Son of God, after descending to earth, became Man, being God, that is, this expresses two natures Jesus Christ - Divine and human.

The sign of the cross reminds:

- that the Son of God laid down His soul on the Cross in order to redeem the human race from sin and eternal death, therefore everyone should strive to lay down his soul for his brothers. In other words, the sign of the cross reminds us of God’s endless love for the human race and the duty of love of every person to God and to each other;

- secondly, about the insignificance of everything temporary, perishable and about the greatness of the blessings prepared for believers by the love of Him Crucified for them in the Kingdom of Heaven;

– thirdly, about the unity of all Christians redeemed by the Cross;

– fourthly, about the unceasing, gracious omnipresence of the Lord and His almighty power;

- and, fifthly, about the undoubted fulfillment of all the promises of the Redeemer contained in the Gospel.

19.3. What power does the sign of the cross have on oneself?

– The sign of the cross gives the soul strength and divine wisdom, as well as the power to drive away and defeat evil and do good. And this, of course, is the case if they perform the sign of the cross with faith, reverence and attention.

The power of the sign of the cross is unusually great. In the lives of saints, there are often stories about how demonic spells were dispelled after the sign of the cross. Therefore, those who are baptized carelessly, fussily and inattentively simply please the demons.

19.4. Why is it important to make the sign of the cross?

– When performing the sign of the Cross on himself, a Christian, firstly, brings to mind that he is called to follow the footsteps of Christ, enduring sorrows and hardships for his faith in the name of Christ; secondly, he is strengthened by the power of the Cross of Christ to fight evil in himself and in the world; and thirdly, he confesses that he is waiting for the appearance of the glory of Christ, the Second Coming of the Lord, which itself will be preceded by the appearance in heaven of the sign of the Son of Man, according to the Divine words of the Lord Himself (Matthew 24:30): by this sign, according to the unanimous understanding of the Fathers of the Church , there will be a majestic appearance in the sky of the Cross.

19.5. When should you make the sign of the cross?

– You should sign yourself with the sign of the cross at the beginning of prayer, during prayer and after its end, as well as when approaching everything holy: when entering a temple, when applying it to the cross, icons, and holy relics. One must be baptized in all important situations in life: in danger, in grief, in joy, before starting any task and after its completion, before and after eating, before leaving the house and when entering the house, and in many other situations.

All the Divine Sacraments are sanctified by the sign of the cross, and every thing necessary for life is sanctified by it.

– You can suggest the book “Interpretation of the Canon on the Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord,” the creation of Saint Cosmas, compiled by Nicodemus the Holy Mountain. Translation from Greek edited by Professor I.N. Korsunsky.

In Orthodox stores and church shops today it is not difficult to find many other suitable books and brochures on this topic.

19.7. Why should you wear a pectoral cross?

– The meaning of wearing a cross is revealed in the words of the Apostle Paul: “I have been crucified with Christ”(Gal.2:19). The consecrated pectoral cross is a symbol of faith and a sign of belonging to the Church of Christ. The cross protects from evil spirits. Anyone who does not want to wear a cross himself rejects God’s help.

19.8. Which cross to choose – gold or silver?

– It doesn’t matter what material the cross is made of – there are no rules about the material for crosses. Obviously, precious metals are also acceptable here, because for a Christian nothing can be more valuable than a cross - hence the desire to decorate it.

But the main thing is that the cross should be worn without taking it off, and it would be Orthodox and consecrated.

19.9. Is it possible to wear a cross on a chain?

– There is no fundamental difference between a chain and a braid. It is important that the cross holds firmly.

19.10. Is it possible to wear a cross and a zodiac sign on the same chain?

– A pectoral cross is a sign of belonging to the Church of Christ, and zodiac signs, amulets, amulets are evidence of adherence to various superstitions, so you cannot wear them at all. “What does light have in common with darkness? What agreement is there between Christ and Belial? Or what is the complicity of the faithful with the infidel? What is the relationship between the temple of God and idols? For you are the temple of the living God, as God said: I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they will be My people."(2 Cor. 6:14-16).

11.19. Is it possible to wear a cross that my sister wore if she bought a new one?

- Can. The cross is a shrine, a symbol of salvation, no matter who wore it.

19.12. How to distinguish an Orthodox cross from a Catholic one?

– The Orthodox Church confesses that Christ was crucified not with three, but with four nails. Therefore, on the Orthodox cross the Savior is depicted crucified with four nails, and on the Catholic cross - with three (both legs - with one nail). On the back of Orthodox crosses, according to tradition, the inscription “Save and Preserve” is made.

19.13. Is it possible to pick up a cross found on the street and what to do with it?

– A cross found on the street must be picked up, since it is a shrine, and it should not be trampled under foot. The found cross can be taken to the Church or consecrated and worn (if you don’t have your own), or given to someone who will wear it.

19.14. Is it possible to wear an unconsecrated cross?

- Can. St. John Chrysostom writes that demons go around the place where just two sticks (twigs) fell from a tree and lay cross-shaped. But it’s better to ask a priest to bless the cross.

19.15. Do I need to remove the cross when washing in a bathhouse?

– The pectoral cross should never be removed, since without a cross a person is not protected, and it is more likely that at this time you can get into trouble or even die.

“The soul by nature is Christian,” Tertullian once said, to which many centuries later V.V. Rozanov said: “Nothing of the kind. The soul is pagan by nature.” This is how the pagan in our man struggles with the Christian, and this struggle sometimes gives rise to numerous dilemmas. So, many people wonder whether it is possible to wear someone else’s cross. Doesn’t someone else’s fate or someone else’s sins pass along with someone else’s cross?

Is it possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross?

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev believes that being afraid of a found pectoral cross because the sins of a person who has lost his symbol of faith will be passed on to another is nonsense, which is easier to invent than to comment on.

To the question: “Is it possible to wear another person’s cross?”, it is enough to also ask yourself: “How can one’s own passions, which belong exclusively to a specific person and give only her the exclusive right to fight her sins, pass to an innocent person? , which, of course, has enough of its own mistakes.”

Orthodox crosses

In addition, everyone receives their own burdens in life, which must be borne with patience and gratitude, because the Lord sends trials to heal the soul. Everyone asks in their prayers: “Lord, have mercy,” which in Greek sounds like “Kyrie elaison.” Elaison translates to "oil" and olive oil is the world's first human medicine.

It is impossible for a pectoral cross, which was found and put on, to influence the character of a person, to add sins or to get rid of them, and also in some magical way to draw a line of life’s path.

Important. Orthodoxy is, first of all, sanity, and no actions that are not related to a person’s personal, conscious actions, good or evil, can change a person’s personality or influence the life events that happen to a person.

You should not be afraid of the found cross, since the cross is a shrine, and not a pagan amulet. Ever since Christ was crucified for our salvation, the pectoral cross has protected a person from evil spirits in the same way as the sign of the cross. Another person who wore it and lost it cannot change its purpose as a protective force against evil.

Therefore, all signs associated with it are superstition.

About superstitions:

Which cross is considered Orthodox?

For a Christian, the basic key aspects are important. The cross should be:

  • four-, six-, eight-pointed forms;
  • with the inscription “Save and Preserve” on both sides, and not with decorative stones (preferably, as a recommendation from the priests), simple, not inlaid with precious stones are recommended for children;
  • purchased in a church, then it is already consecrated; if purchased in a jewelry store or found, it must be consecrated by any Orthodox priest;
  • The material of manufacture does not matter. And also how the size is not important, except that it is better for kids to wear small crosses without sharp corners.
Advice! A person receives a cross during the Sacrament of Baptism, but it happens that the symbol of faith may be lost. You shouldn’t treat this dramatically and superstitiously wait for some kind of trouble, you need to go to the temple and buy a new one.

What to do with a found cross. Answers from priests

If a person himself finds an Orthodox cross on the street, the priests recommend that it be consecrated, since it is not known whether it was previously consecrated.

Read about the pectoral cross:

If there are still doubts about the found cross, the priests advise, first of all, to consecrate it, and then:

  • give it to a godson or a poor Christian who does not have the financial means to buy it;
  • carry it yourself;
  • donate to the temple.

Thus, Orthodoxy is unambiguous in the question of a found or lost cross, as well as in the question of “where to read the Gospel”, “with which hand to light a candle in the temple.”

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev proposes to reduce to absurdity the superstitions associated with the found crosses. If sins can be transmitted through things, then why not virtues be transmitted in the same way? Then, as soon as one acquired an item that belonged to a righteous person, a halo would involuntarily appear over the person’s head. Then it would be possible to deliberately lose crosses so that one’s own sins could be thrown off, like an unnecessary burden, on others.

Important! The fear of other people's crosses is a completely absurd thing, contrary to common sense and has nothing to do with the Orthodox faith.

Watch the video about the found cross

Many people find Orthodox crosses on the street. And not everyone knows what to do in this case, how to deal with the find correctly. The reason for this is widespread superstitions.

Someone else's cross or a gift from heaven?

Quite often you hear that you cannot take a found cross - you will take on someone else’s cross. That is, you will take away all the negativity that was on the previous owner of the cross - sins, illnesses, failures.

There are many examples when, after raising someone else’s pectoral cross, various events began to occur in a person’s life, both positive and negative. But is this specifically related to the find? There is no evidence.

Some, having found a cross, on the contrary, consider it a gift from above, take it for themselves and begin to wear it. Or they just keep it in the house and give it to someone close. Is it possible to do this?

What is usually done with found crosses?

Most often, people lose their crosses by accident - for example, the chain or lace has become frayed. If you find a cross in some institution or, say, in the entrance of a house, then you can put it or hang it in a visible place, give it to the person on duty - suddenly the owner will be found. You can also write an announcement about your find. If a cross is found on the street, then it should be picked up after crossing the cross and reading any short prayer.

The fact is that, according to popular belief, sometimes crosses are used in black magic rituals - for example, so that an illness can be transferred from a person to someone else. Thus, one should be suspicious of situations where the cross seems to have been specially placed in a prominent place - in the middle of a road or path, if it is new and expensive, for example, made of gold... All this can be precisely calculated to mean that the thing is certainly someone will pick up.

What does the church say?

Leaving a cross on the road for people to walk on is a great sin, the clergy say. After all, this is a shrine, and it should not be trampled under foot.

“In our troubled times, unfortunately, elements of occult consciousness - superstition - are widespread among people,” says priest Father Dionysius Tolstov. - Of course, people who do not have sufficient faith and spiritual knowledge are afraid of everything. He who does not know God is afraid of his own shadow.

You should clearly understand what a cross is. The cross is the center of all Christian confessions. The cross is the sign of the Son of God, the instrument of our salvation, the cross is the beauty of the Church. When we see a cross, we rejoice in the Risen Savior, which means that the pectoral cross of each of us is a constant reminder to us of Christ. The cross is the road to Heaven. Every Christian should have this understanding of the cross. Then there will be no fear of finding the cross.”

If you do not want to take such a cross home, you can hang it on a branch of a nearby tree or on a fence. But it is best to take the cross to the temple and consecrate it, the priest advises. After that, you can wear it or give it to someone. You can donate a cross to some icon. By the way, when you are in church, pay attention: on many icons hang gold and silver crosses donated by parishioners.