Nise gel for toothache. How to use Nise for toothache

Nise tablets have been used for quite some time in dental practice for elimination or relief. But how effective and safe the product turns out to be directly depends on whether you take it correctly.

What is the drug

All forms of the drug, including Nise tablets, belong to the NSAID drug group and are produced on the basis of nimesulide. Distinctive feature this group of drugs is their ability to alleviate not only pain syndrome, but also an inflammatory process, which in most cases becomes a source of pain or its consequence.

Therefore, Nise can be used not only for pain, or other similar conditions, but also when there is an active inflammatory process.

A kind of “side”, but in some cases beneficial effects The drug is its properties to reduce body temperature and cause changes in the blood coagulation system. The second property should be discussed in more detail.

When taking Nise (like any other drug based on nimesulide), the ability of platelets to stick together, that is, to form clots, is reduced. Depending on the features clinical case, this effect can be equally harmful to health or beneficial. So, if Nise is taken as a pain reliever in people prone to blood clots, the action of nimesulide will help reduce the risk of blood clots. But for people with a compromised hematopoietic system and diseases that potentially threaten the development of bleeding, the drug is contraindicated.

Advantages of the drug Nise

As a pain reliever, Nise tablets for toothache compare favorably with a number of other drugs with a similar effect:

  1. Rapid onset of analgesic effect - 15-25 minutes after taking this drug, pronounced relief or complete elimination of pain is observed.
  2. Duration of action - single dose The drug allows you to get rid of pain for a period of 6 to 12-14 hours (depending on the severity of pain).
  3. High safety profile - Nise can be recommended even if there are indications for it, and also combines well with most drugs commonly used today from other medicinal groups(antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, antihistamine, etc.).
  4. Affordable cost - on average, a pack of tablets (20 pieces) can be purchased at a pharmacy for $2.5-3.

Indications for use

In the list of indications for the use of the drug Nise, priority is given to pain of various nature and origin (for example, with different ones). The manufacturer notes in the instructions for use that this drug is recommended primarily for pain in the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoarthritis, myalgia, rheumatism, tendonitis, bursitis, post-traumatic pain, etc.).

But anyone who has at least once experienced pain in the joints, spine or injured muscles has an excellent idea of ​​its nature - painful and unbearable. This gives an idea of ​​the power of Nise: if it is effective for joint pathologies, it can cope with toothache with the same success.

Although the list of indications also mentions hyperthermia ( elevated temperature body), Nise should not be relied upon as an antipyretic. However, this effect is not the main one, and to normalize the temperature during acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, etc., preference should be given to drugs with a milder effect.


Nice tablets for toothache, which can both help and harm. This drug should not be taken if the following diseases and states:

  • insufficiency of the blood coagulation system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with a high risk of gastric or intestinal bleeding;
  • organ failure (heart, liver, kidneys, lungs);
  • allergic reaction to NSAIDs, in particular to aspirin;
  • liver diseases.

Pregnancy and childhood(starting from 2 years) are not contraindications for taking Nise, but require consultation with a doctor. Also, in case of violations blood pressure and compensated kidney diseases, you must use the drug only as prescribed by a doctor or after you have received his permission to take Nise.

How to take Nise

For adults, Nise is recommended to take one tablet, taken twice a day with an equal period of time between doses of the drug. In some cases, for example, if the pain quickly returns, you can increase the number of doses of the drug to 4 per day, still maintaining equal intervals between the use of each tablet.

Most NSAIDs have such side effects as heartburn, burning in the esophagus and stomach, which is associated with a rather aggressive effect of the active substances on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, taking the drug should be tied to meals: a tablet taken during a meal or immediately after it will not harm the digestive organs.

  • Nimegesik.
  • These drugs are developed on the basis of the same active ingredient, nimesulide, which determines their effect, similar to that of Nise.

    It should be remembered that long-term use of any medications requires consultation with a doctor. If necessary, he will select another pain reliever for you for tooth pain, which has a pronounced analgesic effect, but does not have negative influence on your overall health.

    • How well does Nise help everyone with toothache?
    • Are Nise tablets effective for acute toothache and how to use them correctly;
    • What is important to know in order not to harm yourself by taking the drug, and what effective analogues it can be replaced.

    Nise is a widely known painkiller drug today, which in most cases has a fairly pronounced effect and therefore enjoys well-deserved popularity among consumers. In addition, Nise tablets are often sold in pharmacies without a prescription (contrary to regulations - as often happens in Russia) and are very inexpensive, which allows them to easily win the competition with other painkillers.

    Nise is produced by the Indian company Dr. Reddy’s, the cost of a package of 20 tablets is about 150 rubles. The product is also available in the form of a suspension and 1% gel for external use (the gel is not used for toothaches, so don’t even try to buy it at the pharmacy, much less swallow it).

    On a note

    It is noteworthy that many people, having once tried to use Nise for a toothache, subsequently always keep this drug in their home medicine cabinet, along with iodine and bandages. That is, in fact, as a proven first aid remedy.

    However, despite a large number of rave reviews and general positive image Nise from buyers, these tablets have certain disadvantages, because of which doctors often recommend their patients to use in case of toothache. alternative drugs. We'll talk more about these features below...

    “I can say for sure that Nise helps very well with toothache. If I have a hole somewhere that hurts, or, as always, my gums swell between my teeth, then I just take one Nise tablet, drink it, and that’s it. Then I don’t remember the pain at all for the whole day. Usually there’s no need for more - either by that time I have time to see a doctor, or the inflammation on the gums disappears on its own...”

    Olga, Serpukhov

    Composition of the drug, its effectiveness and strength

    The active component of Nise tablets is a substance called nimesulide (by the way, the same one that works in Nimesil powder, which is sometimes prescribed to children). This drug is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that, for the duration of its action, inhibits the synthesis of substances responsible for inflammation and pain - the so-called prostaglandins. Consequently, even if a person already has an acute toothache, Nise usually leads to its gradual attenuation and even almost complete absence for 3-4 hours.

    Practice shows that Nise is a good remedy for mild to moderate toothache. Strong and very sharp painful sensations The drug also dulls effectively, but sometimes a person still experiences aching pain.

    “Somehow this time it was so painful to pull a tooth, I really didn’t expect it. The last eight a year ago crunched and popped out without any problems. And here, goddamn it, they only injected my gums for half an hour, but the sensitivity was not lost. I didn’t seem to be worried, I didn’t get adrenaline, but the doctor injected me with four syringes until I started to pull. But what is this! Three hours later, when the anesthesia wore off, the nightmare began. And the hole itself from the tooth aches, and all the injection sites hurt. There's really nowhere to go. I called the doctor, asked, and said I need to drink Nise. I took it from a neighbor and took 1 tablet. Believe it or not, the terrible pain completely disappeared in just an hour, I can feel everything in my mouth, but there is no pain. Only the next day in the morning I ached a little more, but I could even eat normally. So my verdict is this: Nise helps great for toothache, use it for your health.”

    Lisa, Smolensk

    It should be borne in mind that the effect of the drug Nise is not absolute. Even judging by the reviews, for some people these tablets do not reduce pain at all, while for others they only have an antipyretic effect.

    It is also interesting to note this point: the instructions for use of the drug Nise indicate that it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory activity. Some smart comrades (future patients dental clinics) make a seemingly logical conclusion - if you take Nise for pulpitis (which is often accompanied by acute throbbing pain that gets worse at night), then there is hope that the inflammation of the pulp inside the tooth will go away and it will, so to speak, heal, then you can go to the dentist Don't go for another month or two.

    Well, if someone has such thoughts, then they will have to disappoint - it will have a significant impact on the course pathological process Nise is not able to help with pulpitis, periodontitis, etc. problems. The pills will really help relieve pain, but you shouldn’t count on a healing effect.

    By the way...

    In the instructions for use of the drug Nise it is written: “It does not affect the progression of the disease.”

    Rules for using Nise tablets

    The use of Nise is slightly different for tablets and suspension.

    Tablets are prescribed to adults and adolescents weighing more than 40 kg. They can take one tablet twice a day. If a toothache (or another) quickly returns, the interval between taking tablets can be shortened, but you should not drink more than 4 tablets in total per day.

    Tablets come in regular and dispersible forms. According to the instructions, each dispersible tablet should be dissolved in a teaspoon of water before use, and then the entire solution should be drunk. This is done after eating. In the case of regular tablets, they are simply washed down sufficient quantity water, also after meals.

    “I had pulpitis a month ago, acute, in two days extensive inflammation appeared and my cheek was swollen. The pain was very strong, but it took a while to get to the dentist. I had to buy painkillers. Analgin hardly helped, it only slightly muffled the pain. But Nise coped with a bang, there was no pain the entire second day, she took another pill at night and slept normally. But there are side effects: after two tablets, Naiza started having stomach pain and diarrhea, and I was even afraid that I wouldn’t be able to go to the doctor. I got there, they removed the nerve, after that nothing hurt anymore. In general, Nise helps well as a pain reliever.”

    Christina, Kandalaksha

    Nise suspension for toothache is prescribed to children from two to 12 years old. The dose here is 3-5 mg per kilogram of the child’s body weight, divided into two doses. It is advisable to take the suspension before meals, but if the child experiences discomfort, the appointment can be rescheduled and the suspension can be drunk at the end of the meal (of course, the very fact of taking the drug must be agreed upon with the doctor).

    And regardless of whether tablets are taken or a suspension, the duration of taking the drug should not exceed 10 days. During this time, you can always find a way to visit the dentist.

    Side effects and contraindications

    The main disadvantage of the drug Nise compared to many analogues is the abundance of various side effects. So, for example, Nise can cause:

    1. Heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain, hepatitis, diarrhea;
    2. Skin rash and in rare cases anaphylactic shock;
    3. Anemia, thrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis;
    4. Dizziness and headaches;
    5. Presence of blood in the urine.

    Moreover, the longer Nise is taken, the higher the risk of developing these side effects. Dentists are well aware of these features of the drug, and therefore Nise is rarely prescribed for toothache. But ordinary buyers usually learn about such side effects after purchase, and often do not even pay attention to the warnings, using the drug “at random” and often in violation of the instructions.

    Strict contraindications to taking the drug are:

    1. Any hematopoietic disorders;
    2. The so-called “Aspirin triad” – aspirin intolerance, bronchial asthma and nasal polyps;
    3. Hepatitis;
    4. Pregnancy;
    5. Presence of blood in urine or stool;
    6. Diseases of the stomach and intestines;
    7. Dermatoses;
    8. Children under 2 years of age.

    During lactation, Nise is also contraindicated, but if the doctor still insists, then if necessary, its use will have to be interrupted breast-feeding. With high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and heart failure, the use of Nise for toothache (and any other) should be discussed with your doctor.

    “...I didn’t cure simple caries in time, I was ten weeks pregnant and was afraid to go to the dentist. I endured it. Today I left my baby (3 months old) with her mother for two hours and ran to do something about this tooth. The nerve was removed and a temporary filling was installed. But still . I bought Nise tablets, but my mother stopped me at the last moment, because it is not allowed while breastfeeding. I called the doctor, he also forbade it. Now I walk, I endure. If I had cured it in time, I wouldn’t even remember about this tooth now.”

    Yulia, Irkutsk

    What analogues can replace Nise?

    Perhaps the main advantages of Nise tablets are that there are enough of them high efficiency, low price and the ability to freely buy at a pharmacy (though not always and not in every pharmacy, as sometimes they ask for a prescription). Due to these advantages, the drug is often purchased instead of safer and more delicate analogues.

    For example, Paracetamol and drugs based on it, including Efferalgan, which are used to taking to relieve fever, turn out, oddly enough, to be quite similar to Nise tablets in terms of strength, but at the same time they are much safer for health. Dentists often prescribe Paracetamol for toothache in children.

    The analgesic effect of taking Nurofen is also comparable to that of the drug Nise, although the latter relieves inflammation better.

    On a note

    The well-known Analgin is also cheaper than Nise, and at the same time has a slightly less pronounced analgesic effect. However, it should be borne in mind that the use of analgin and drugs based on it is today prohibited in many countries of the world (but not in Russia). The reason for this is the ability of analgin to cause a very life-threatening complication - agranulocytosis.

    And in conclusion, we note once again that no matter how well an anesthetic drug helps when a toothache occurs, it will not be possible to solve the problem with tablets alone. The peculiarity of teeth is that if they are sick, they will not heal themselves, so the sooner you make an appointment with the dentist, the less problems you will make a living in the future.

    (If you have personal experience using the drug Nise to relieve toothache - do not forget to leave your review at the bottom of this page!)

    Useful video about the causes of toothache and ways to eliminate it

    A rather extreme way to eliminate toothache using... garlic (not recommended for use)

    The problem of acute toothache or pain in the gums is faced not only by people who neglect oral hygiene and visits to the dentist. Even with proper care Behind the teeth and gums, a person may experience pain associated with (flux) due to hypothermia, or pulpitis.

    For such cases, there are a number of drugs that fight pain and inflammation. One of the most effective medicines is drug Nise for toothache based on nimesulide, which is recommended by most dentists as an anesthetic.

    Nise is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

    Pros and cons of the drug


    1. Available without a prescription.
    2. Acts against pain and inflammation at the same time.
    3. Well tolerated, side effects rarely occur.
    4. Effective compared to other analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    5. The therapeutic effect occurs quickly (20-30 minutes) and for a long time (on average 8-12 hours).
    6. Relieves swelling, for example, during gum inflammation.
    7. Reduces the temperature that can occur with dental diseases.
    8. Available in two forms: tablets and soluble granules. A suspension prepared from granules acts faster than tablets.
    9. It is preferable in the presence of ulcerative gastritis processes, in comparison with other anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.
    10. The suspension can be given to young children from 2 years of age.


    1. Has a negative effect on the liver and is therefore not recommended long-term use, as well as use in people with liver problems and in the elderly.
    2. Can only be used in short courses.
    3. Some people do not feel any pain relief.
    4. Tablets should not be taken by children under 12 years of age, and the suspension should not be taken by children under 2 years of age.

    Will Nise help with toothache?

    Nise definitely helps with toothache and gum inflammation. Most people using this drug note a pronounced long-term analgesic effect.

    Nise, drunk before bed, will provide good night without annoying and debilitating pain. The effectiveness of Nise lies in its anti-inflammatory effect, and toothache appears during the inflammatory process in the pulp (pulpitis), or in the gums (, etc.).

    In other words, it does not just relieve pain, but affects its cause, so it provides strong and long-lasting pain relief.

    Rules of application

    1. The drug is recommended to be used after meals to reduce the toxic effects on the stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys.
    2. Tablets are used from 12 years of age, suspension - from 2 years.
    3. The drug is taken 1 tablet, twice a day.
    4. If the tablets are soluble, then place them in 5 ml of water (a teaspoon) and drink.
    5. The daily dosage for adults should not be exceeded - 400 mg of nimesulide.
    6. For children, it is recommended to calculate the dosage based on body weight: 3-5 mg per kg of body weight, divided into 2-3 doses.
    7. The maximum duration of use is 10 days.
    8. If possible, the minimum effective dose of the drug should be taken.

    The minimum duration of the analgesic effect is 4 hours, on average it is believed that Nise relieves pain for 6-8 hours. But practice shows that Nise in most cases relieves pain for up to 12 hours.


    1. Tablets should not be taken under the age of 12 years, and the suspension – up to 2 years.
    2. Sensitivity or intolerance to nimesulide, as well as other anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid).
    3. Ulcerative gastritis phenomenon in the stomach or intestines, gastric or intestinal bleeding.
    4. Liver disorders.
    5. Kidney failure.
    6. Do not take throughout pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Not recommended for women preparing for pregnancy.
    7. Blood clotting disorders.

    Nise should be used with caution by those who have diabetes, heart failure, or hypertension. The medicine does not affect alertness and its use is permitted when driving.

    Alternative for toothache

    Analogue drugs are the same active substance(nimesulide): Nimesil, Aponil, Nimulid, Nimesulide.

    Preparations with other active ingredients:

    • and Ketanov based on ketorolac, quite effective means;
    • Nurofen in the form of tablets or syrup;
    • Meloxicam;
    • Took;
    • Ibuprofen idiclofenac;
    • Paracetamol, used when other drugs are contraindicated, suitable for pregnant women;
    • Analgin;
    • Antispasmodics No-shpa, Spasmolgon;
    • Ibufen, Ibuklin;

    Gels with anesthetic effect:

    1. Metrogyl denta, relieves pain for gum problems.
    2. Cholisal has a cooling effect and helps relieve pain in the gums.
    3. Kamistad, contains lidocaine, is popular for use in children with.
    4. The spray is a pure anesthetic.

    Non-drug means and methods:

    1. Rinsing with soda, salt or a combination of both effectively removes toothache. It is used after tooth extraction to relieve inflammation and pain, and fights swelling and inflammation well.
    2. Cold compresses on the sore spot.
    3. Rinse herbal infusions, for example, from chamomile, sage or oak bark.

    Cost and reviews

    The minimum price for a package of 20 tablets is 190 rubles. average price– 250-270 rubles.


    Anastasia, Moscow. Nise did an excellent job with a sudden and very severe toothache. Previously, I always took Ketanov, but now it is only available by prescription, and it didn’t really help me.

    The pharmacist at the pharmacy recommended Nise, it worked quickly and helped me sleep and forget about the bad tooth, the next day I calmly went to the dentist and cured it.

    Ilya, 41 years old. I have known Nise for a long time, because... I play sports and often have pain in my back and joints, and he copes with this pain easily. But recently I got sick and my gums were swollen and it was blowing. The dentist prescribed a course of treatment, which included these tablets; while I was drinking, pain in the gums practically did not appear. Now Nise is a must-have in your home medicine cabinet.

    Natalya, 49 years old. After a difficult tooth extraction, the doctor advised me to take Nise for pain, but it was really severe for me and lasted 5 days. The drug relieved the pain, but not completely and not for long, for about 6 hours. Two tablets a day were not enough for me, and I couldn’t take more. This product probably doesn't suit me very well.

    It is important to remember that taking medications for toothache does not replace visiting a dentist. Any analgesic anti-inflammatory drug is quite toxic, including Nise, so it should be used when really severe pain and the inability to see a doctor.

    Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as alcohol, should not be used simultaneously with Nise.

    Most of humanity often faces such a problem as toothache, which can manifest itself due to thermal or mechanical effects on certain dental tissues. More often, pain appears due to damage to hard areas of the teeth against the background of an inflammatory process in the soft nearby part surrounding the tooth, the periosteum and the jaw itself, often with neuralgic pathology trigeminal nerve.

    Quite often, tooth pain occurs when a person has a malocclusion or during an exacerbation of certain diseases. internal organs. Basically, severe toothache occurs when the tooth is damaged by caries, inflammation of the periodontium and pulp, or periodontitis.

    Causes of toothache

    Will Nise help with toothaches?

    Judging by the reviews of the masses of people, it should be assumed that Nise is a good remedy for toothache. Nise tablets, when taken for toothache, are quite actively absorbed and quickly penetrate into the blood, therefore, the pain syndrome is relieved quite quickly. short term. The drug can even cope with acute attacks of toothache, which occurs as a result of deep caries or pulpitis, while the anesthesia lasts about 4 hours. But Nise for toothache is most active in cases of mild or moderate painful manifestations.

    The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which can be exerted directly while taking Nise during an attack of toothache. It is for these reasons that we can say that with an inflammatory process in the pulp, one should not wait for complete recovery and elimination of this disease. Nise can only temporarily block pain and the development of inflammation, but cannot affect the progression of the disease.

    Advantages of the drug

    During the period of toothache, it is important to ease it or completely eliminate it as soon as possible. Nise takes effect approximately 20-30 minutes after taking - a lot depends on individual characteristics person, as well as the reasons that gave rise to the emergence discomfort

    There are several significant advantages of the drug:

    How to use Nise tablets correctly

    The method of administration is somewhat different for the suspension and tablets.


    Nise tablets are most often indicated for use by adults or adolescents who weigh at least 40 kg. It is allowed to take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. In case of imminent resumption pain symptoms, the interval between doses can be reduced, but you should not drink more than 4 tablets per day, even with active acute pain.

    Tablets are released in regular form and dispersible. The instructions for use say that dispersible tablets require preliminary dissolution in 1 tsp. ordinary water, and then use the resulting solution. Recommended use after meals. But ordinary tablets are simply taken with the required amount of water and also after meals.


    The finished suspension is prescribed to children after 2 years of age and until they reach 12. The dosage is calculated based on the child’s body weight (about 5 mg per 1 kg of weight), the resulting solution is divided into 2 doses. In general, the suspension is taken before meals, but if the child experiences discomfort, the dose can be rescheduled until the end of the meal.

    The duration of taking the drug should not be more than 10 days. And during this period you can already find time to visit a specialist.

    Possible contraindications

    The medicinal product requires careful use when:

    • Ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Bronchial asthma and the presence of polyps in the nasal cavity;
    • Individual intolerance to the components included in the drug (especially aspirin);
    • Heart failure and diabetes mellitus.

    It's important to remember that this remedy cannot be prescribed to children under 2 years of age, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Complications may appear as intestinal disorder, painful sensations in the stomach, diarrhea or allergic reaction. Rarely, protein may appear in the urine in fairly large quantities.

    Important! The longer the course of taking Nise, the more likely it is that one or more side symptoms. Therefore, it should not be abused frequent intake means to prevent additional diseases. At acute manifestations If you have a toothache, you should immediately visit a dentist to eliminate the cause of the pain.

    About the drug "Nise"

    Active ingredient drug - nimesulide. Just like its analogue in the active substance - "Nimesil", "Nise" is often used to relieve severe toothache. The medicine is produced by the Indian company Dr. Reddy's comes in two forms: suspension and tablets. The suspension is intended for children and is most often prescribed as an antipyretic, and tablets are approved from the age of 12.

    How does Nise work?

    "Nise" belongs to the category of NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Its peculiarity is that it selectively blocks COX-II. What it is? COX stands for cyclooxygenase. This is an enzyme that is involved in the formation of prostaglandins. In turn, prostaglandins are substances that, when pain occurs in the body, increase its manifestation. COX has 2 forms:

    • COX-I is an enzyme that protects the gastric mucosa;
    • COX-II is an enzyme that causes inflammation.

    The action of “Nise” is aimed at blocking COX-II, due to which inflammation is relieved. And due to the fact that the amount of COX-I remains unchanged, when taking the medication, side effects from the stomach are minimized.

    Does Nise help with toothache?

    Reviews confirm that Nise is effective against toothache. The tablets are quickly absorbed and enter the bloodstream, so relief comes quite quickly. "Nise" is able to relieve even acute pain caused by deep caries and pulpitis, while the duration of action of the drug reaches 4 hours. But more effective than tablets still cope with the easy and average degree pain.

    On trips and travels Toothbrush must be stored correctly. Learn how to choose a toothbrush case.

    Information about the types of prostheses can become relevant for everyone. You can read all about permanent dental prosthetics here.

    The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, but it appears only at the time of use of the drug. Therefore, when taking Nise, say, for inflammation of the pulp, you should not expect that it will lead to recovery and eliminate the disease. The drug only blocks pain and inflammation, but does not affect the progression of the disease.

    How to take Nise if your teeth hurt?

    When taking Nise for toothache, first of all, you need to carefully study the instructions. Each tablet contains 100 mg active substance. According to the package insert, adults and children over 12 years of age can take 2 tablets per day. If the pain is very severe, you can increase the dose, but taking more than 4 tablets per day is prohibited.

    It is recommended to take the tablets after meals, washing them down clean water. If you take the tablets on an empty stomach, this can cause irritation of the mucous membrane and then, in addition to toothache, you will also get stomach pain. Taking Nise for toothache should not last more than 10 days. During this time, you need to visit the dentist.

    Possible adverse reactions

    The drug may cause side effects. Unlike other painkillers, Nise has a lot of them. And, despite the fact that Nise helps with toothache, dentists rarely recommend this particular drug.

    Side effects include:

    • heartburn;
    • diarrhea and abdominal pain;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • headache;
    • anemia;
    • skin rash;
    • fluid retention in the body.

    The longer the drug is taken, the Great chance emergence adverse reactions. If you decide to use Nise for toothache, do not exceed the maximum permissible daily dose drug.

    Important: if when consuming medicine If you notice any side effects, you should stop taking Nise. In case of overdose, rinse the stomach and drink Activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet of coal per 10 kg of weight, that is, with a body weight of 60 kg you need to drink 6 tablets.

    Contraindications to taking "Nise"

    It is forbidden to take pills if you have any of the following contraindications:

    • stomach and intestinal ulcers;
    • gastrointestinal bleeding;
    • “aspirin triad”: nasal polyps, aspirin intolerance and asthma attacks;
    • liver problems;
    • renal failure;
    • period of bearing a child;
    • hypersensitivity to the active substance.

    If there is a need to take “Nise” during lactation, you need to interrupt breastfeeding while taking the medication. People suffering from high blood pressure, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and heart problems should take the pills with caution.

    “Old-father methods”: harsh but reliable

    Ancestors always knew what to put on aching tooth! There are the simplest “grandfather’s”, even post-war, “recipes”: alcohol or propolis tincture(or a piece of the " bee venom") onto a piece of cotton wool, press firmly to the "hollow", repeating the process as it evaporates " medicinal substance" We must prepare for the fact that at first the pain will intensify a little, until tears come from the eyes, but then it will certainly subside: from such a “cool” treatment the nerve itself dies. In fact, this process is analogous to tooth extraction, only delayed in time: with the nerve burned out by alcohol or propolis, the tooth will soon simply fall out on its own. So if you're ready to shine with dentures, this treatment may be right for you.

    Many do not believe in the experience of their own ancestors, preferring the achievements of the ancients eastern traditions, and believe that toothache can be relieved acupuncture. Do not expect any dramatic results: massage the cavity between the large and index finger "He-gu" indeed, it slightly reduces unbearable pain, but science still does not know due to what: because it really calms the inflammatory process, or simply because it distracts the sufferer, who now needs to look for the “He-gu point” and engage in self-healing.

    It’s up to you to decide what will help you better from pain: the methods of your harsh ancestors or special medications developed by medical companies.

    Medicines for infections in the mouth, gum or tooth

    Over the past fifty years, hundreds of drugs have been added to such classic painkillers as Analgin or Ketanov. Let's take a closer look at the advantages of the best of them.


    For toothache Novocain remains the leader among painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, because it not only eliminates pain without destroying the tooth, but also has valuable pathogenic qualities: when treating a symptom (pain, in this case), can also heal from the disease itself (inflammation).

    In addition, scientists have found that this remedy improves blood and useful for nervous system. Novocaine for pain in the gum or tooth can be used at home using two methods. The fastest way to relieve discomfort is to press a tampon generously moistened with medicine to the source of pain. But you can relieve the symptoms of inflammation by rinsing, pouring the ampoule into a cup of water (but this takes a longer time).

    Novocain always helps by blocking nerve fibers inflamed area, the effect resembles the “freezing” of sports injuries. Be careful: Novocaine is contraindicated for hypotension and is incompatible with some medications. For example, with all based on sulfonamide (Etazol or Sulfazin).

    People often ask: is it possible to drink Novocain directly in ampoules? Usually the answer is that it is possible. Let's add: if you are sure that you have healthy heart, otherwise arrhythmia may occur. But, actually, this makes no sense: this local anesthetic, not general. It must be applied exclusively pointwise. If your stomach hurts, then drinking Novocaine in ampoules for this misfortune is also dangerous without medical examination: this is fraught with perforation of the ulcer and bleeding.


    The Indian drug for toothache, Nise, has become widely known. Created, like children's Nimesil, on the basis of a strong anti-inflammatory substance nimesulide. Nise relieves the most acute toothache in no longer than three hours. The fashion for this remedy is now such that many consider the medicine to be a panacea. Dispersible (soluble) tablets are especially pleasant for patients.

    But this is not entirely true: the same Novocain, with luck, can not only alleviate suffering, but also, if the inflammation has not gone far, “cure” the tooth, but Nise does not cure toothache, it only “drowns” it. However, it creates such an analgesic effect that many forget about the disease itself, which, although it does not “show” pain signals, in fact continues to progress.

    If you are “hooked” on this drug, do not forget that with long-term use it causes:

    • dizziness and nausea,
    • heartburn and rash.


    Lidocaine is a drug specially developed for dentistry; it can be purchased in the form of a spray, ampoules with a two percent or ten percent solution, or gel. The drug relieves pain quickly, but not for long. So, the effect of using gels and aerosols ends after 15-20 minutes, but if you bought ampoules and put a tampon on the sore hollow, the anesthetic effect of lidocaine on the sore tooth will be longer - more than an hour.

    People who have chosen this drug, but do not know which is more effective - Lidocaine or Novocaine - will have to make the choice themselves, taking into account the following factors:

    • Lidocaine is more pleasant to use due to its various forms of release; it acts on the affected area faster than Novocaine;
    • Novocaine (especially if you hold the tampon with the solution on the disturbing place) gives a longer lasting effect. In addition, it also fights inflammation itself;
    • Lidocaine has a number of contraindications; under no circumstances should it be used in the same dosage as Novocaine; it can cause headaches and even photophobia with general physical weakness.

    To the question of which is more effective, Lidocaine or Novocaine, the most correct answer is this: with a one-time and short-term use, Lidocaine is better, it even competes with Nise, but if you have not yet decided on the timing of your visit to the dentist, Novocaine is more suitable for home pain relief.


    The instructions for this analgesic do not indicate that Novigan can be used for toothache. But, if the pain is unbearable, the pharmacy is far away, and this is the only remedy at hand, then take the tablet orally an hour before meals (or directly on the tooth, which is unpleasant, but let it dissolve).

    Novigan is especially good for toothache if the pain sensations “shoot” in the “brain” (radiate in the temples, back of the head), because this medicine is also an excellent strong antispasmodic. The drug, however, has a number of contraindications (it should absolutely not be taken by children or pregnant women) and irritates the stomach, so it is best to take it with milk. If you have not consulted a doctor, Novigan can cause ulcers and intestinal bleeding; you should not take it for more than four days.


    Nurofen is a remedy for toothache, it is one of the newest medications (based on ibuprofen). Available in a wide variety of forms (gels, tablets, suspensions and syrups with vitamin supplements) in very modern, beautiful packaging. Nurofen for toothache is popular among sufferers, acts directly on factors contributing to the inflammatory process(“agents”). Therefore, Nurofen not only quickly helps with toothache, but also slows down the disease process itself. Use it, but only if you use it carefully, as it also has serious drawbacks.

    Nurofen contraindications:

    • asthma;
    • illness (bleeding, pain) gastrointestinal tract;
    • visual or hearing impairment;
    • liver or kidney diseases.

    Kalgel for adults and children

    Developed toothpaste Kalgel simultaneously anesthetizes and has a strong antimicrobial effect. Sold in tubes and cardboard packs. The paste can be applied to the inflamed area of ​​the gum directly with a (clean) finger, but better with a medical spatula or cotton swab. The effect comes quickly. There is only one contraindication: renal failure. You can apply the paste to the painful area up to six times a day.

    Unfortunately, Kalgel paste-gel is quite expensive medicine. If you search inexpensive analogue Kalgel, it is better to buy Kamistad gel. There are almost no side effects when using it. The best cheap analogues Kalgel for children are pastes based on the same lidocaine, vitamins and chamomile extract:

    Dentinox - ointment is especially useful when children are cutting teeth. For very young children, it is better for mothers to choose those that do not contain lidocaine:

    • Doctor Baby - contains calendula, echinacea, marshmallow root extract, very helpful when the first teeth are cutting;
    • Mundizal - helps not only with diseases of the oral cavity, but also with infections in the nose.

    At acute pain for adults, it is better to go to a medical center and they will give you an anesthetic injection : injection or the same lidocaine for local anesthesia or drugs such as analogues of Ketarol and Solpadeine. But before such acute attacks It’s better not to stress your body; it’s preferable and easier to use any of the drugs listed above.

    Nise - tablet composition

    The active ingredient of the described medication is nimesulide in an amount of 100 mg per pill. This substance is a non-steroidal chemical compound from the sulfonanilide group. It inhibits the production of enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of mediators of pain, swelling and inflammation. There are also auxiliary components added to Nise - the composition includes:

    • calcium hydrogen phosphate;
    • corn starch;
    • microcrystalline cellulose type 114;
    • sodium carboxymethyl starch;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • colloidal silicon dioxide;
    • purified talc.

    Nise tablets - what helps?

    Considered pharmacological agent assigned only for symptomatic therapy, it does not affect the causes of the disease and its course. Nise tablets – indications for use:

    • dental and headache;
    • algodismenorrhea;
    • sciatica;
    • pain in the postoperative period;
    • arthralgia;
    • bursitis;
    • post-traumatic pain;
    • inflammation of soft tissues, tendons and ligaments;
    • myalgia of rheumatic and other origins;
    • febrile syndrome;
    • neuralgia.

    Medical studies have shown that nimesulide not only eliminates pain, swelling and inflammation, but also prevents damage cartilage tissue, stops collagen destruction. Thanks to this action, there are a number of musculoskeletal pathologies for which Nise is also effective, the indications for use of which are as follows:

    • articular syndrome during gouty exacerbations;
    • rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • ankylosing spondylitis;
    • radicular syndrome;
    • osteoarthritis;
    • tenosynovitis;
    • Bekhterev's disease;
    • spinal pain due to scoliosis and other diseases;
    • osteoarthritis;
    • tendinitis;
    • radiculitis;
    • pain due to osteoporosis.

    How to take Nise tablets?

    The presented drug acts quickly and effectively, but it is important to follow the recommendations for its use. It is advisable to first consult a doctor before drinking Nise - using the medicine in the wrong dosage can cause negative side effects. side effects. Additionally, it is necessary to clarify the duration of the therapeutic course.

    The described medication is prescribed mainly to adults. Adolescents over 12 years of age with a body weight of 40 kg or more can take Nise tablets in the standard dosage of 100 mg. If the weight is less, the amount of nimesulide is calculated at 3-5 mg per 1 kg. The drug in question is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age. If the child has reached the specified age, it is allowed to use dispersible Nise - tablets for children that dissolve in water. They are available in a dosage of 50 mg of the active ingredient in each pill.

    How to take Nise for toothache?

    An anti-inflammatory agent based on nimesulide is used to relieve discomfort before and after dental procedures. In these situations, according to classic scheme Nise is prescribed - tablets for toothache are taken 2 times a day, 1 piece (100 mg). The maximum daily dosage is 200 mg. Experts advise taking pills before meals, but if you experience discomfort in the stomach or intestines, it is better to use Nise tablets after a meal. The duration of the course is calculated individually, but should not exceed 15 days.

    How to take Nise for osteochondrosis?

    Backache, inflammatory processes and swelling is also effectively relieved by nimesulide. In case of relapse of osteochondrosis, it is prescribed standard way How to take Nise - 100 mg 2 times a day. Similarly, tablets are used for symptomatic treatment of other musculoskeletal pathologies with pain syndrome. The duration of treatment is determined depending on the severity clinical signs, usually it is 7-12 days.

    The presented pharmacological remedy helps with the problem in question, but not always. Nise painkillers are recommended only if an attack occurs against the background of:

    • increased body temperature;
    • inflammatory processes, for example, meningitis;
    • tension;
    • overwork;
    • stress;
    • lack of sleep;
    • changes in weather conditions;
    • toothache;
    • blows and bruises;
    • surgical interventions;
    • medical procedures;
    • noise;
    • blood pressure surges;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • pinched nerve roots and other factors.

    Nise tablets are ineffective if the cause of the pain is migraine. In this case, no anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications will help. For migraine attacks, it is better to take medications that provide direct action directly to extended blood vessels in the brain, and block the sensitivity of trigeminal nerve receptors. These medications include triptans.

    How long does the Nise tablet last?

    The duration of the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect depends on the nature of the discomfort, its intensity and cause. Nise 100 mg tablets block discomfort for 0.5 days. The degree of pain relief gradually decreases, because nimesulide begins to be eliminated from the body after 2-5 hours. The maximum analgesic effect is observed 20-25 minutes after taking the tablet.

    How many times a day can I take Nise?

    The recommended frequency of use of the medication in question is limited to two times. In extremely rare situations, the doctor may allow you to take Nise tablets more often - the use of an anti-inflammatory drug is allowed to the maximum daily dosage 400 mg. Exceptional cases, when nimesulide is prescribed 4 times a day, are encountered in surgical practice. After some operations, the severity of the pain syndrome is too intense, and in order to avoid state of shock the analgesic will be used in an increased dose.

    How long can you take Nise tablets?

    The duration of symptomatic therapy should correspond to the specific situation. Only a specialist decides how many days Nise can be taken. The maximum recommended duration of treatment is 15 days. More often, nimesulide is used until swelling and signs of inflammation disappear - 7-10 days or less. For headaches, menstrual pain, and toothache, the medication is used for 2-3 days or once.

    Can Nise be taken with alcohol?

    There are no direct instructions regarding the simultaneous use of nimesulide and the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Nise tablets help with headaches and fever in the background hangover syndrome, quickly and effectively relieving the condition. Doctors just do not recommend using the described drug in parallel with strong drinks and on the eve of parties. Nise and alcohol are poorly compatible, because ethanol can retain fluid in the body. Together with her digestive system nimesulide accumulates, which can provoke dangerous consequences.

    Nise tablets - side effects

    The presented pharmacological agent is rarely accompanied by negative concomitant phenomena. Most tablets are well tolerated, less than 5% of patients cannot take Nise - side effects include:

    • dizziness;
    • nervousness;
    • feeling of unreasonable fear;
    • nightmares;
    • drowsiness;
    • swelling of the face;
    • encephalopathy in the form of Reis' syndrome;
    • headache;
    • Lyell's syndrome;
    • immune hypersensitivity reactions;
    • skin rash (urticaria, eczema, dermatitis);
    • anaphylactic shock;
    • increased sweating;
    • exudative erythema multiforme;
    • angioedema;
    • Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
    • toxic epidermal necrolysis;
    • dysuria;
    • hyperkalemia;
    • urinary retention;
    • hematuria;
    • renal failure;
    • interstitial nephritis;
    • severe swelling of the extremities;
    • oliguria;
    • nausea;
    • constipation;
    • gastritis;
    • flatulence;
    • diarrhea;
    • vomit;
    • stomatitis;
    • pain in the epigastric region;
    • tarry soft stools;
    • exacerbation peptic ulcer, perforation of the stomach or duodenum;
    • internal bleeding;
    • hepatitis, including fulminant form;
    • cholestasis;
    • drug-induced jaundice;
    • increased transaminase levels;
    • eosinophilia;
    • anemia;
    • pancytopenia;
    • increased duration of bleeding;
    • thrombocytopenia;
    • purpura;
    • exacerbation of attacks bronchial asthma;
    • dyspnea;
    • bronchospasms;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • tides;
    • tachycardia;
    • blurred vision or deterioration in its clarity;
    • hemorrhage;
    • general weakness, decreased performance;
    • a sharp decrease in body temperature.

    People with certain medical conditions have a higher risk of developing these problems. In such situations, it is necessary to use Nise with extreme caution; side effects are more often observed in the following pathologies:

    • dysfunction of the kidneys and bladder;
    • eye diseases;
    • high blood pressure;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • severe liver damage.

    Nimesulide is able to enter into chemical reactions with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, therefore simultaneous use Nise and similar analgesics may cause unwanted side effects. It is not recommended to take the medication while planning pregnancy. The drug has been found to have a negative effect on female fertility.

    Nise tablets - contraindications

    • a combination of recurrent nasal polyposis, paranasal sinuses or bronchial asthma and intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal painkillers;
    • hypersensitivity to nimesulide or auxiliary ingredients of the drug;
    • cerebrovascular, active gastric, intestinal or other bleeding;
    • Crohn's disease in relapse stage;
    • nonspecific ulcerative colitis during an exacerbation;
    • decompensated heart failure;
    • erosive or ulcerative lesions mucous membrane of the duodenum, stomach;
    • hemophilia and other pathologies that alter blood clotting;
    • any active disease liver, including failure;
    • alcoholism;
    • hyperkalemia;
    • severe renal failure with creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/min;
    • period after coronary artery bypass surgery;
    • hepatotoxic reactions when prescribing drugs containing nimesulide;
    • concurrent use of potentially hepatotoxic chemicals.

    Nise analgesic tablets are not prescribed for physiological conditions not related to diseases:

    • pregnancy;
    • breast-feeding;
    • age up to 3 years.

    Analogue of Nise in tablets

    If the presented medication is not suitable, you can select an identical remedy. Nise pain tablets can be easily replaced with the following drugs:

    • Nimesin;
    • Remesulide;
    • Nimid;
    • Ameolin;
    • Toro-Sanovel;
    • Nimesulide;
    • Alit;
    • Pansulide;
    • Negan;
    • Aponil;
    • Nanogan;
    • Oxygen;
    • Nimegesik;
    • Affida;
    • Nimuspaz;
    • Mesulide;
    • Nimulid;
    • Sigan.

    Generics (same effect, different active substance):

    • Osteal;
    • Arthromax;
    • Piaskledin;
    • Sinmeton;
    • Ibuprofen;
    • Mig-400;
    • Citramon;
    • Ketanov;
    • Indomethacin;
    • Diclofenac;
    • Sulindak;
    • Naproxen;
    • Celecoxib.

    Composition and release form

    The product is produced in the form of dispersible tablets, the active ingredient of which is nimesulide.

    There are also Excipients, which include microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, calcium phosphate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, talc, aspartame, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, pineapple flavor.

    pharmachologic effect

    The drug is an NSAID, a selective inhibitor of the COX-2 enzyme, which takes part in the synthesis of mediators of inflammation, swelling and pain - prostaglandins. The drug exhibits analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.

    The drug also affects COX-1 to some extent, without interfering with the formation of prostaglandin E2, which helps reduce the amount side effects the drug suppresses platelet aggregation, histamine release, reduces the degree of bronchospasm provoked by the effects of acetaldehyde and histamine.

    At local application Nise reduces pain until the pain at the site of application completely disappears.


    Nise remedy in the form of dispersible tablets should be consumed at the end of a meal or after. Before use, the tablet is dissolved in a teaspoon of water.

    Tablets can only be given to children who are already three years old. The recommended dose is 3-5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight up to three times a day. Maximum dose– five milligrams per kilogram of body per day in two or three doses. With a body weight of more than forty kilograms, one hundred milligrams are prescribed twice a day.

    The duration of use of the drug should not exceed one and a half weeks.


    In case of accidental overdose, an increase in blood pressure, convulsions, impaired renal function, liver failure, gastrointestinal irritation, respiratory depression.

    In this case, gastric lavage, activated charcoal, symptomatic treatment. A specific antidote has not been developed, and hemodialysis and forced diuresis are ineffective.

    Side effects

    When using the product, diarrhea, heartburn, pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract are possible. toxic hepatitis, increased activity of liver transaminases, dizziness, headache, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, anemia, skin rash, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock, prolongation of bleeding time, fluid retention, hematuria.


    Among the numerous diseases in which pain is felt, the remedy is also prescribed for toothache.


    The drug is not prescribed for the aspirin triad, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, severe renal failure, liver dysfunction, pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance to knimesulide and other components of the drug.

    The drug Nise is prescribed with caution for heart failure, arterial hypertension, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2), visual impairment.