You need a good acne mask. Soda mask for acne

Greetings to all blog guests! Today on the agenda is an analysis of homemade face masks, and not just masks, but those that will be effective in treating acne.


I can tell you from my own experience, masks effective in the case when severe inflammation has been relieved, and you need to cleanse the pores, as well as lighten age spots. That is, when the face is covered with acne, using masks is not effective, because their task is lies in something else.

The exception is masks that contain antibiotics, but we’ll talk about them separately. Therefore, I will divide the article into two parts, first cleansing and toning masks, and then several masks affecting bacteria.

Purifying face masks for acne

One of the main causes of acne, overactivity of the sebaceous glands, because of this, the pores begin to clog very quickly, and when bacteria get there, an inflammation called a pimple occurs.

Therefore, the main task of these masks is to cleanse the pores, because by getting rid of excess sebum, we will deprive bacteria of a nutrient medium, thereby acne will stop appearing.

No. 1 White clay mask

You will need:

  • 5 teaspoons of clay.
  • Brewed black tea.
  • Vitamin A in capsules.

Prick 3-5 vitamin A capsules with a toothpick and mix in any convenient container with. After this, add the brewed tea, you need to pour enough to make a paste. If you overdo it, you won't be able to apply it.

After preparation, apply to facial skin and keep for 15-25 minutes. Can be applied as to problem areas, and all over the face. One thing to remember is not to use too often, 2-3 times a week is more than enough.

Dryness may occur with frequent use, so use your favorite moisturizer after rinsing.

No. 2 Soda, an excellent MASK ANTI-ACNE AT HOME

Gaining more and more popularity credited with many miraculous properties, and all this thanks to the alkaline property.

In the treatment of acne and blemishes, this property is very important. I would especially like to note the treatment of age spots, because what are these spots? This is a fungus, and alkali kills this fungus, so baking soda is very effective.

Need to:

  • soda 5 teaspoons.
  • a couple of pinches of salt.
  • water.

Mix everything and apply it to your face, keep it on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then the mask begins to crumble. In a week it will be enough to use 3-4 times; if the skin dries out, then reduce the frequency of application and use moisturizing cream.

No. 3 Aspirin

It cleanses the stratum corneum well and lightens age spots. I also like to add suprastin, so I’ll tell you about this mask.

You will need:

  • 4-5 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid.
  • 1-2 tablets of suprastin.

Preparation: It is necessary to crush suprastin, because it does not dissolve well in water, then in this powder add aspirin and a little water to make a paste. This mask fits easily on the face, so there will definitely be no problems with this. Keep on the skin until the mask begins to crumble, then rinse with warm water.

For myself I see several main advantages in this mask:

  1. Lightens stains very well, it is especially good to vary this mask with baking soda. First, 2 days of soda, then a day of rest and then 2 days of aspirin.
  2. Scars heal faster.
  3. The skin becomes fresher.
  4. Evens out complexion.

№4 Lemon

Valuable for its strength acidic environment, and, as you know, bacteria do not live in acid, this property will be useful to us! In principle, you can wipe with lemon juice alone, mixing it with water, 1 to 1, the effect will be good, but this effect can be enhanced.


  1. White clay 2 tablespoons.
  2. Lemon juice.
  3. Black tea.

Add to clay brewed tea and lemon juice (1 to 1), mix everything and apply to the desired areas of the face. As you know from the experience of using the first mask, with frequent use clay can dry out the skin, but thanks to lemon and tea, the skin will be moisturized, this is a very good plus!

What else to add:

  • egg yolk.
  • olive oil.
  • oatmeal.
  • Brewer's yeast.
  • milk.
  • curdled milk.
  • rice flour.
  • cognac.
  • carrot.

All these components refresh, rejuvenate, tighten and tone the skin. To make a mask, mix any component with lemon and use it for your health, the main thing is not to overdo it :).

No. 5 Carrot face mask

Well nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, because there are many vitamins here, vitamins: carotene, PP, A, B9, C, K, as well as potassium, all this promotes rapid skin regeneration and fight against pigment spots. Let me give two masks as an example.

  1. Required:
  • Carrot puree, 2 tablespoons. (Grate raw carrots)
  • Mashed potatoes, 1 tablespoon.
  • One egg white.

Mix everything and apply to your face, leave for 20 minutes. This mask, in addition to its nutritional properties, also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

2. You will need:

  • Carrot puree 2 tablespoons.
  • Egg white 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice 1 teaspoon.

Mix and apply for 20 minutes. Such components fight well against pigment spots.

Update, they have been selling a fake one for several years now, read my anti-review of it.

Antibacterial homemade face masks

Due to their antiseptic properties, the previous masks also fight bacteria, but their effect is not as pronounced. like specialized products.

Why is it important to kill bacteria? Because bacteria that have developed are acne, therefore, in order to get rid of existing acne on the face, you need to use antibacterial agents.

No. 1. Trichopolum

  1. Boric acid 5 mg.
  2. Trichopolum or metronidazole (analogue of Trichopolum) 1-2 tablets.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide 1 tea. spoon.
  4. Baby powder 1 tea. spoon.

Grind and mix it with the rest of the ingredients, it should result in an easy to apply mixture. Apply all this to your face, and wait until the mask begins to crumble, usually 10-15 minutes, and wash it off. You need to use it every other day, the effect will be visible after just a few uses.

No. 2. Levomycetin

Levomycetin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, in simple terms, it kills everything and everyone in its path, it definitely won’t leave a chance for acne :)

To diversify the list of masks, and also to avoid getting used to any component, you can do this: from the previous antibacterial remove Trichopolum from the mask and add chloramphenicol instead. Thus, you will get a very powerful mask that can cure acne in the shortest possible time.

Levomycetin is also actively used in other acne remedies, for example talkative. In my opinion, (link is active) is more practical from the point of view of use, since you do not need to constantly prepare it, it is enough to do it once, and then simply apply it as needed.

A few words about the duration of treatment. The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease; the larger the acne and the deeper it is, the longer it will take to treat. In practice, with regular use of one of these masks, inflammation disappears within a week.

The best mask for acne and acne blemishes

I always like to experiment with components, and so I decided to combine several components. The main task is to dry out acne and lighten age spots.

Need to:

  • White clay 4 teaspoons.
  • Soda 3-4 teaspoons.
  • Strong black tea.
  • 2 pinches of table salt.

Mix everything in a bowl components and apply to your face. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes, you make 2-3 of these masks in a week, that’s enough!

By combining the components, their effectiveness increases many times over. Dries out acne, removes age spots, cleanses pores, stretches

- an unpleasant problem that cannot be ignored. Today you can buy any cosmetic product that promises an amazing effect, but not all of them are equally beneficial for the skin. It is worth noting that some areas of the skin are too sensitive, so acne begins to appear on them. Before making a face mask, you must first understand your problem. A pimply face has enlarged pores. If you do not take proper care of it, the sebaceous glands will become increasingly contaminated, and subsequently comedones and acne will appear. So, try to cleanse your face as often as possible to get rid of acne and also make your pores smaller. Which masks are the most effective? What is the best recipe to use?

Homemade acne masks

Steam baths to increase the effectiveness of the mask

In order for a cosmetic procedure to bring a positive result, it is necessary to thoroughly steam it before applying the mask. To do this, you just need to prepare a decoction of sage, wormwood, celandine, calendula, nettle, and yarrow. will help warm up the skin, saturate it with oxygen, improve blood circulation, and additionally moisturize it. In addition, steam baths help open pores and increase the effect of the mask.

The main stages of preparing the composition for the steam bath:

  • Prepare the herb (about 2 tablespoons).
  • Pour boiling water (liter) over everything.
  • Warm it up.
  • Wait 30 minutes for the infusion to become concentrated.

While the healing remedy is infusing, do not waste time: clean your face of makeup, pin up your hair and treat the skin around your eyes with olive oil. After straining, the broth should be poured into a basin and boiling water (liter) should be added to it. Cover yourself with a diaper so that the acne is nourished by the hot steam. Carry out the procedure.

Are you not allowed to have steam baths? Don’t worry, you can use a special oil emulsion. For oily skin, soap and soda emulsion and tonic are ideal. Please note that for different skin types, washing with table salt or sea salt is excellent. The solution is prepared simply (take a liter of water, add salt - 2 teaspoons).

Who are contraindicated for steam baths?

The procedure cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • Vascular network on the face.
  • Sore face.
  • Pore ​​expansion.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • High blood pressure.
  • A hormonal imbalance that causes hair to grow on the face.

Indications for homemade masks

  • Acne due to hormonal changes in the body.
  • Acne, which is not associated with diseases of the internal organs.
  • Treatment was started, during which the inflamed area was eliminated.
  • Acne affects about 25% of the face.

Who shouldn't make acne masks?

It is prohibited to perform the procedure in the following cases:

  • Severe inflammatory process.
  • Large affected area.
  • Problems with internal organs.
  • Allergy to mask components.

Attention! If you decide to carry out the procedure at home, be extremely careful to avoid further infection and inflammation.

Before you apply the mask, be sure to do a test - apply the product to the outside of your elbow. No redness, rash or itching? You can safely use the composition.

How do masks affect acne?

In addition to the fact that the procedure helps fight acne, it cleanses, heals and nourishes, improves blood flow, rejuvenates, helps mattify the skin, eliminates oily sheen, makes it possible to forget about blackheads, and significantly narrows pores. can be done every day. For everything to help, do not forget about a healthy diet, lifestyle, and giving up bad habits. When performing the procedure, you need to completely relax and take a comfortable position.

Popular recipes for face masks for acne

Vegetable mask

Helps quickly clean pores, remove dead cells, and effectively fights inflammation. The skin after the procedure is matte and fresh. It’s quite simple to prepare: you need to prepare vegetable puree from boiled carrots and turnips. All vegetables are mixed and applied to the face. After 20 minutes, you need to rinse the mixture with warm milk and warm water.

Lemon + protein

Helps quickly cleanse oily, problematic skin of blackheads, makes it possible to narrow pores, dry out inflamed pimples, and actively fights acne. The mask has a whitening effect and helps lighten age spots. It’s quite simple to prepare: take lemon juice (a teaspoon) + egg white. Beat everything with a mixer, gradually adding juice. The composition is applied in several stages. When it dries, apply another layer. There should be about 4 layers in total. After the last one dries, you can wash your face. Are you allergic to eggs? Avoid these recipes.

Cucumber mask

Helps cleanse and mattify oily skin. If you do it regularly, pimples and blackheads will go away completely. The additional effect of the mask is nutrition, hydration, and saturation with beneficial vitamins. Prepare: fresh cucumber (1 piece) + soda (0.5 teaspoons). First you need to chop the cucumber, then add soda. The mixture is laid out on the face. Important! Do not store the product in the refrigerator. Have you prepared your mask? Apply it to your face immediately, otherwise it will lose its benefits.

Mask with calendula, chamomile

The product is suitable for regulating the process of sebum production, relieving inflammation, and drying out pimples. An additional bonus is velvety and smooth skin. The preparation is quite simple: half a glass of infusion is mixed with calendula infusion (a tablespoon). First you must prepare a chamomile infusion: brew the herb (a tablespoon) in 100 ml of boiling water. Wait for the infusion to acquire color, then use it warm, adding it to the calendula infusion. The mask is quite simple: take a gauze napkin (the mouth, nose, eyes are cut on it) and apply it to the face. The procedure is performed after a shower, bath or steam bath.

Kefir mask

Helps relieve inflammation, dries, cleanses, actively fights acne, and enriches with vitamins. You need to prepare blue, black clay - 2 tablespoons, low-fat kefir. Method of preparation: clay is diluted with kefir to obtain a sour cream-like consistency. Then the mixture is carefully distributed over the entire face. You can replace kefir with sea buckthorn and cranberry juice.

Sea buckthorn mask

One of the best anesthetic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agents. With its help, you can quickly get rid of various defects, while healing ulcers, eczema, ulcers, moisturizing and saturating your face with useful substances. The composition includes: sea buckthorn oil (teaspoon) + black, blue clay (take a tablespoon of each). All components are mixed, applied to acne, and after 20 minutes, washed off with warm water.

White clay for teenage acne

You need to take white clay (2 teaspoons) + warm milk (2 teaspoons), prepare talc (no more than a teaspoon). Rest with the applied product for about 10 minutes.

Coconut mask

Destroys viruses and bacteria, thus acne and pimples quickly disappear, and the skin is perfectly restored. The mask rejuvenates, helps whiten the skin and complexion. Take coconut oil (a tablespoon) + aloe extract (2 tablespoons) + sea salt (pinch) + oatmeal (crush a teaspoon) + lemon juice (3 drops). The butter is melted in water, then all the other ingredients are added. After applying the composition to your face, you need to rest with it for about 15 minutes.

Acne mask with garlic

Effectively fights fungus, yeast, various types of bacteria, viruses, and infection. Helps get rid of acne, blackheads. Prepare olive oil (tablespoon) + garlic (3 cloves). First the garlic is crushed, then the oil is added. Prepare a gauze napkin and place the mixture on it. Do not leave the product on for too long, otherwise your face will dry out.

Cleansing toner for blackheads and pimples

Helps quickly dry out the rash and relieve inflammation. To prepare tonic you will need: boiled water (400 ml) + take a tablespoon of chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort, calendula flowers, juniper berries, crushed, dried grapefruit peel. Also add 10 ml of calendula tincture (in alcohol) + chlorophyllipt tincture + salicylic alcohol + camphor alcohol + lemon juice, aloe and 10 drops of tea tree oil to the tonic. The grass and fruit powder are poured with boiled water, everything is boiled in a water bath. At the end, all alcohol tinctures + tea tree oil + aloe juice are added. The lotion is completely ready and can be safely used on the skin. Just be sure to shake before using. If your skin is severely affected by acne, try to apply lotion to the pimples as often as possible. It can only be stored for 2 months. Do you have extensive inflammation? Big pimples? Take a cotton pad and apply to problem areas of the skin.

Mask with soda

It helps a lot if there are a lot of small rashes on your face. Recommended for teenagers. Please note that the procedure cannot be performed if there are open, mature pimples or advanced acne. Do not get carried away with this product, try to use no more than twice a week. What you need? 50 grams of soapy water + a tablespoon of baking soda. The mixture should be homogeneous. Afterwards, a cotton pad is soaked in it and the face is carefully wiped.

Aloe mask

Helps quickly dry out pimples and stop the inflammatory process. The main thing is to try to do it every day until the problem is solved. You need to cut the aloe leaves, wash them carefully, dry them, and put them in the refrigerator. Then the juice and pulp are squeezed out from the leaf - all this is applied to the face.

Mask with lemon juice and calendula

It perfectly cleanses acne, makes it possible to dry out acne within a short time, even out the complexion, relieve inflammation, and lighten age spots. To prepare the product, take: calendula tincture (teaspoon) + blue clay (tablespoon) + lemon juice (teaspoon) + water (necessarily boiled - 1.5 tablespoons). The clay is diluted with water, then calendula tincture and lemon juice are added. Make sure you get a creamy consistency. Relax with this mask for about 10 minutes.

Egg and honey mask

Excellent for getting rid of acne, helping to tighten pores, nourishing, eliminating blackheads, redness, and inflammation. In addition, it helps achieve smoothness and improve tone. You will not have any problems with preparation: take 4 tablespoons of olive oil, honey + egg yolk. The bee product is ground with the yolk, then the oil is poured in. The prepared composition, except the face, can be applied to any part of the body. It washes off after 20 minutes.

Oatmeal mask

The product helps dry out acne, cleanse, and improve complexion. You will need boiling water (5 tablespoons) + oatmeal (3 tablespoons). The flakes need to be filled with water and wait. It is best to lie down with a mask for 10 minutes. After use, be sure to apply nourishing cream.

Protein-oat mask

It perfectly cleanses, nourishes, softens the skin, helps quickly dry out acne, and get rid of redness. For the recipe, prepare 2 tablespoons of cereal + egg white. First the whites are whipped, then the flakes are added.

Gelatin film mask

Quickly cleanses, tightens pores, can be used for lifting. Take gelatin (a tablespoon) and the same amount of milk. After mixing the ingredients, you need to put them in the microwave. The result will be a mass in the form of glue. Take a brush and gently apply to the T-zone. Wait for a film to form, then remove it. After the procedure, use cream and aloe juice.

Foam mask

An excellent cleanser that quickly destroys bacteria, helps smooth out wrinkles, tones the skin, and lightens it a little (for this reason it should not be applied to the eyebrows). You need to take colorless henna (2 tablespoons) + lemon juice. Mix lemon juice + henna in a bowl until foam forms. Walk around with the product for 10 minutes.

Mask based on Synthomycin

Effective fight against rashes, acne, bacteria. The product helps smooth out wrinkles and prevents new ones. Prepare a little + 5 drops of vitamin A, E. In a glass container, the ointment is mixed with vitamins. Apply a thick mixture to your face.

Streptomycin mask

It will not only relieve inflammation, but also moisturize and nourish the face. To prepare the product you will need: a package of Streptomycin + a little Vishnevsky ointment + aloe vera gel. There is no need to additionally moisturize or nourish your face after, a mask is enough.

Protein-cucumber mask

Effectively mattifies, cleanses oily skin types, helps dry out inflamed acne. Take egg white + cucumber juice (2 tablespoons). First the egg whites are whipped, then the juice is added. It is important to apply the mask evenly. It is washed off with mineral water.

Mask with the addition of Streptocide

Actively fights various types of rashes, dries, relieves inflammation. You will need 15 pieces of Streptocide + iodine (4 drops) + aloe juice. The tablets need to be crushed to a powdery consistency, then add the juice, the result should be a thick mask. Finally add iodine. Rest for 15 minutes.

Complex mask

It not only helps to dry out inflamed acne, but also nourishes, cleanses, and quickly softens. For preparation you need iodine (4 drops) + honey (tablespoon) + peroxide (3 drops) + aloe juice (2 teaspoons). All components must be combined to form a homogeneous mass.

Potato mask

Helps moisturize and fill the skin with vitamins, quickly dries the rash, relieves inflammation, and eliminates redness. You need to prepare a tablespoon of fresh potato juice and also pumpkin juice (a tablespoon). The main components are connected to each other, then a gauze pad is taken and applied to the face. The procedure is best done daily.

Yeast mask

The cosmetic product will give clean and youthful skin. Prepare potato starch - a tablespoon + dry yeast (a tablespoon) + lemon juice + natural yogurt (3 tablespoons) + mint oil (2 drops) + as much thyme oil. The yeast is diluted with water, then you need to add a drop of lemon juice and add the remaining ingredients.

These are not all homemade mask recipes that anyone can easily prepare at home. If you regularly treat your skin with them, you will soon forget what acne is. Just remember that in addition to external procedures, you also need to eat right, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the desired effect. First of all, forget about various sweets, include vitamins in the menu.

Black acne mask

This is a rather unusual remedy for treating acne. The color is explained by the composition. The black mask includes 3 main components that have a cleansing effect:

  • Black cosmetic clay.
  • Activated charcoal.
  • Therapeutic mud.

Each component is actively used by modern cosmetologists. They are all united not only by color, but also by cleansing properties. Masks differ in consistency. A mud mask is considered pleasant; it is plastic, soft, easy to model with your hands, and can be quickly removed.

The clay mask is dense and heavy. After removing it, it immediately becomes noticeably lighter. A film mask with the addition of is quite effective, but it strongly tightens the skin and dries quickly. Although in some situations it is difficult to remove.

How effective is the product?

If you follow all the basic rules when applying, the mask will give you the long-awaited effect. Such masks are not suitable for those with dry skin; they are difficult to remove and can damage thin, sensitive skin. There are cases when a woman did not pay attention to her individual tolerance, then she has to be treated for allergies. Be sure to check your reaction!

Impact of the black mask:

  • Activates metabolism, affects metabolism in cells.
  • Enriches cells with useful minerals, removes waste and toxins.
  • Cares for oily, problematic skin.
  • It has modeling abilities - it helps to tighten the face, eliminates jowls and a double chin.
  • Reduces rashes, acne, and the number of pimples.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Relieves irritation.
  • Helps improve complexion.
  • Controls the activity of the subcutaneous gland, eliminates oily sheen.
  • Quickly removes blackheads.
  • Refreshes the face, gives it charge, vigor, tones.

Many people don’t know what is better to give preference – scrubs or masks. The first remedies only help to clean the pores, even deeply. Please note that black masks will help to establish cellular metabolism and cleanse pores of toxins and impurities.

Main types of cosmetics

There are several different Black Mask Purifying Peel products available on the market. All of them differ only in the country of manufacture. In the modern industry, these are considered super cleansers. But, if you look at it, masks made from cosmetic mud, black clay, and activated carbon are no less effective. They are produced by different companies, but it is best to prepare such products at home.

For the product to help, it must be prepared correctly. The main indications include: problematic, oily skin, blackheads, pimples, acne, irritation, inflamed lesions.

Cannot be used if pores are narrowed, or if the skin is very dry and flaky. Also try to check how your face reacts to a particular mixture. To do this, apply a thin layer on your wrist, then rinse gently. No redness, burning, itching? You can safely apply the mask to your face.

Just be sure to steam your skin before applying the black mask. This will open the pores as much as possible, speed up metabolism, and increase efficiency.

How to apply a black mask correctly?

  • Important! Do not use scrubs - these are cleansers that can damage the skin.
  • It is better to immediately apply the product to the chin and nose. Will you like it? You can use it entirely.
  • Keep the mask on for no more than 10 minutes, otherwise it will harden too much and it will be difficult to remove it.
  • A film mask almost always fits tightly to the skin, thus helping to get rid of harmful substances, so it is difficult to separate. To prevent pain, you need to slightly moisten the mask and then carefully pull the film up. If the composition contains oils, the product is quickly washed off. After a spa treatment you need to stay at home.

Homemade black mask recipes

You can easily buy all the main components at a pharmacy kiosk - Activated carbon, black clay, healing mud. Today there are a lot of different recipes, each universal and useful. Just when choosing a recipe, consider how certain components affect acne.

  • Classic. Take black clay and mix it with water, it should turn out to be a paste.
  • Vinegar. Black clay (tablespoon) + tea tree oil (drop) + apple cider vinegar (teaspoon).
  • Mint. Grind mint leaves + add black clay (a tablespoon), pour lemon juice over everything.
  • Honey with aloe. Prepare applesauce (a teaspoon) + black clay (a tablespoon) + the same amount of aloe juice, add 3 tablespoons of honey at the end.
  • Mud + sea buckthorn oil. Take a teaspoon of mud + crushed chamomile + warm sea buckthorn oil. Keep the mixture on your face for about 20 minutes.
  • Milk + dirt. Take a little warm milk for 2 tablespoons of mud.
  • Herbal. Mud powder is dissolved in chamomile infusion, mint is added.

Acne masks for teenagers

It is important to understand that regular masks that an adult can use are not suitable for teenagers. Why? In adulthood, the main task of masks is to get rid of wrinkles, sagging, and enrich the skin with useful elements. Teenage skin requires completely different care, so masks should:

  • Get rid of germs.
  • Relieve inflammation.
  • Have a bactericidal effect.
  • Remove acne and ulcers.
  • Narrowing the pores will help get rid of oily shine and reduce sebum production.
  • Soothe irritated skin, carefully care for it, do not lead to an inflammatory process.

It is very important that masks are suitable for teenagers. Only by constantly caring for your face can you prevent serious problems.

How to use masks correctly?

  • Allergic reaction. We note that teenage skin can react differently to any mask, so you need to check the reaction on your wrist. Evaluate the result only after a day. If there are no rashes, the color is normal, you can safely continue to use the product.
  • Rules of care. Try to do the procedure at least 2 times a week, and on other days it is better to use a cream that has an antibacterial effect. Anti-inflammatory decoctions are perfect for washing. It is recommended to select a cream after consulting a dermatologist.
  • Cleansing. Before using any mask, you need to take a steam bath.
  • Washing off the mask. We note that it is better to rinse off the product with slightly acidified water.

Parents of a teenager should understand that if they properly care for their child’s skin, use not only creams, but also gels, masks, refuse to use adult cosmetics, and eat right, they can cope with this unpleasant problem. You just need to be patient!

Safe recipes

Due to hormonal changes, teenagers' skin becomes oily too quickly, which is why severely inflamed acne appears. Attention! After using any mask, there is no need to specifically use time, it will lead to clogged pores and acne.

Use these effective recipes:

  • Protein. You need to beat fresh protein into a foam, add a little sugar, grind everything and lubricate your face. With the help of the product, the pores are perfectly narrowed, the red rash quickly disappears.
  • Potato. Take a washed, peeled potato tuber, wash it and rub it, then spread it with the juice all over your face. With the help of a mask you can quickly dry out acne and get rid of oily sheen.
  • Cucumber. Prepare a medium-sized cucumber, grate it, add a few drops of olive oil. With this simple mask you can enrich your face with enough moisture and get rid of redness.
  • Yeast. Prepare dry yeast (10 grams), add warm water. After the mass is dissolved, add lemon juice. With this product you can regulate sebum production and prevent the appearance of new acne.
  • Fruity. Take juicy orange pulp (2 spoons) + fresh mashed cherries (4 spoons). Fruit acid quickly gets rid of acne marks and improves cellular regeneration.
  • Yolk. Prepare 2 yolks, grind them, apply to acne. Thanks to vitamin A, skin cells are restored faster, and acne heals without blemishes.
  • Cottage cheese. You need to prepare low-fat yogurt + cottage cheese. Lemon juice is added to the milk mass. This mask can be used to get rid of acne and dry skin.
  • With kiwi. Mash the fruit, then add natural milk (2 tablespoons). Using this recipe, pigmentation will decrease and your face will become smooth.

Valuable advice! Additionally, it is recommended to prepare anti-inflammatory decoctions and wash your face every day to relieve irritation. Clear skin in adolescence is not a dream, but a reality, the main thing is to set a goal for yourself and go to the end.

Acne masks with Aspirin

One of the effective remedies that has proven itself well is Aspirin. What is its healing power? It contains salicylic acid, which is the best cure for acne.

How does Aspirin work on acne?

  • Has anti-inflammatory effect. After just a few hours, you can notice that the redness around the pimple has subsided and the swelling has noticeably decreased.
  • Cleanses pores of dirt and has a drying effect.
  • Can be used lightly - does not injure the skin.
  • Getting rid of blackheads, restoring beauty and skin tone.
  • Helps get rid of post-acne.

Masks containing acetylsalicylic acid are considered a mild, effective method that completely eliminates redness in a short time.

Recipes with Aspirin

Cosmetologists have managed to create several different recipes that need to be used, paying attention to your skin type and the amount of acne. Just remember that Aspirin often causes serious allergies and can lead to a red, swollen face, so you shouldn't use it if you have allergies. Are there any manifestations of allergies? You can use these recipes:

  • Classical considered the easiest. Take Aspirin tablets and dissolve them in water. A cotton pad is moistened in the prepared solution and applied to problem skin. The best recipe for getting rid of inflammation, it will quickly dry out acne.
  • Clay(white or blue clay will do). To prepare the product, you need to take Aspirin (5 tablets) + clay + water. You should end up with a mass that will not spread over your face. Feeling unpleasant discomfort, burning? Rinse off the product immediately.
  • With jojoba oil. Prepare crushed Aspirin tablets (6 pieces) + warm honey (a tablespoon) + essential oil (half a teaspoon). Try to apply to problem areas.
  • With olive oil. Ideal for those with combination skin. First you need to dilute 2 Aspirin tablets, fill everything with oil (no more than 2 tablespoons), you can add a little lemon juice. The oil softens the mask, the juice tones, and Aspirin dries, has an antiseptic effect, and fights inflammation.
  • With mineral water. Are you worried about small pimples or blackheads? It is necessary to prepare mineral water + black clay + crushed Aspirin. Be sure to calculate the dose: a tablespoon of clay goes to a tablet of Acetylsalicylic acid. The product cannot be applied in a thick layer; everything is done extremely carefully so as not to damage the skin.
  • With ground coffee. For comedones and acne, a remedy containing ground coffee, white clay, and Aspirin (4 tablets) is ideal. To enhance the effect, after washing off the mask, wipe your face with ice.

Do you know for sure that you are not allergic to Aspirin? Despite this, it is best to start by applying only the mask to problem areas so that the skin gets used to it a little. Due to adaptation, redness and dryness can be prevented.

How soon can the effect be noticed? It all depends on how problematic your face is. As a rule, after 4 hours you can notice significant improvements.

Attention! The mask should not be used more than once a week. Otherwise, everything will end with serious burns. It is forbidden to use the product during the lactation period. If there is a lot of damage to the skin in the form of dermatitis, ulcers, you should also refuse this type of treatment.

Acne film mask

According to cosmetologists, this product copes well with the problem and significantly improves the appearance of the face:

  • The lower layer of skin is deeply cleansed.
  • Cleanses pores, makes it possible to forget about blackheads and pimples.
  • Returns a healthy glow.
  • Saturates with oxygen.
  • Normalizes blood circulation.


Keep in mind that the film mask affects the deep layers of the epidermis, so it is not suitable for everyone, it can cause harm. Cannot be used for:

  • Dry, thin skin - everything will end with redness, itching, peeling.
  • Inflamed acne - otherwise everything will end in an inflammatory process, severe irritation, wounds, scars.
  • Dilated capillaries - the film agent will lead to inflammation.

How to prepare a film mask at home?

First you need to know what properties the main ingredients have:

  • Gelatin exfoliates, tones, refreshes. Makes it possible to narrow pores, reduce the number of acne, and get rid of greasy shine.
  • Activated carbon gets deep into the pores, begins to break down all the dirt, has a tightening effect, and evens out the relief of the face.
  • Milk helps get rid of yellowness, pigmentation, redness, preserves youth. You should not wash your face with warm milk before.

The film mask is applied only to pre-steamed skin with enlarged pores. This will increase efficiency.

Recipe: you need to take gelatin (a tablespoon) + water (5 tablespoons). In a water bath, gelatin should completely dissolve. Then add sour milk (a tablespoon) and crushed activated carbon (a teaspoon). The film lasts about 15 minutes, after which it is carefully removed so as not to damage the skin.

Let's sum it up! Acne is a serious and unpleasant problem, but you can’t ignore it and sit still, thinking that it will solve itself. It is necessary to try different possible methods. A wide variety of masks are described above, but that’s not all. Believe me, there is much more. Among all of them, there is sure to be one that suits your face. Try, experiment, and don’t forget about comprehensive treatment. This is the only way to forget about problematic, pimply skin, acne, and blackheads.

The appearance of acne on the face is always a signal that some processes are occurring in the body that are a deviation from the norm. This may be due to puberty, hormonal imbalance, digestive problems, nervous stress and other reasons.

In addition to competent treatment prescribed by a professional, you need to solve this problem cosmetically in order to somehow improve the condition of the skin. Many homemade face masks for acne have not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect, so in this case it is worth turning to them for help.

To understand the principle of operation of face masks for acne, you need to understand the mechanism of action of the components that make up them. Firstly, they must consist of products that have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.

  • seaweed contain fucoidan - a complex carbohydrate that has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Anti-acne masks that contain: turmeric: according to research results, its anti-inflammatory properties are no weaker than those of such potent substances as motrin and hydrocortisone;
  • ginger- a plant related to turmeric;
  • The most effective face mask for acne is one that contains: green tea: it will have anti-inflammatory properties, since it contains flavonoids that extinguish any foci of inflammation;
  • whole (unrefined) olive oil perfectly heals acne;
  • avocado oil its anti-inflammatory properties are not inferior to olive oil.

Secondly, ingredients that gently but deeply cleanse the skin without damaging it are required:

  • olive oil;
  • corn flour has a healing effect, providing a gentle effect on inflamed skin;
  • A homemade anti-acne mask with tomatoes, which are rich in fruit acids that have exfoliating properties;
  • cranberry juice It will not only cleanse problematic skin, but also prevent further acne;
  • citrus(especially lemons) first cleanse and then tighten enlarged pores, protecting them from further contamination.

When choosing a homemade cosmetic product, pay attention to what ingredients the anti-acne face mask contains: after all, its overall effectiveness will depend on the composition.

Face masks for acne: indications and contraindications

Before you start preparing these miracle cosmetics, which can quickly and safely improve the condition of even the most problematic and inflamed skin, you need to study the indications and contraindications for their use. Any inflammation is a very serious matter, and masks sometimes contain quite aggressive substances that, if left uncontrolled, can harm the skin. Homemade acne masks are recommended in the following cases:

  • if the exact cause of acne is known, which is not associated with severe diseases of the internal organs;
  • if treatment has already been prescribed - therapy to eliminate the root cause of inflammation;
  • if the rash covers no more than 25% of the facial skin;
  • if acne is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body or puberty.

In these cases, any homemade acne mask you prepare yourself will help cope with the problem. However, keep in mind a number of contraindications when you should not resort to these cosmetics:

  • severe foci of inflammation on the face;
  • damage to the skin by acne more. than 25%;
  • diseases of internal organs that could cause acne;
  • individual intolerance to the products included in the masks.

Any anti-acne masks should be used with extreme caution. To avoid infection and further spread of inflammation, you need extreme sterility and use only those products of which you are confident in the quality and effectiveness. Before applying any mask you choose, be sure to test it on the thin and sensitive skin of your wrist. If there is no itching, burning, excessive redness or other unwanted reactions within an hour, carefully try the mask on one of the pimples. For example, on the forehead, which in case of failure can always be covered with bangs. If after this there are no side effects, you can apply the mask to your entire face.

The best face mask recipes for acne

For the effectiveness of acne masks to be evident, you need to use them regularly, but not to the point of fanaticism: twice a week will be quite enough. Only the freshest products are needed for such masks - this is very important to take into account when preparing the product. All of the recipes for acne masks given below are available according to their ingredients and are quite simple to prepare.

  • 1. Cosmetic clay masks for acne

To get rid of acne, it is better to use white, blue or pink cosmetic clay.


Mix white clay and warm milk (two teaspoons each) and talc (one teaspoon). This clay mask for acne will be an ideal treatment for teenage skin.


If you take the option with pink clay, try this recipe. Mix pink clay (three teaspoons) with calendula decoction (the same amount), dilute with tea tree essential oil (five drops will be enough).


Blue clay will work on the skin with other components. Mix blue clay (one tablespoon) with lemon juice (one teaspoon), calendula tincture (one teaspoon). To achieve thickness, it can be diluted with water.

  • 2. Aspirin mask with a healing effect

Mix honey (a tablespoon) with jojoba oil (a teaspoon) and water (a teaspoon), heat the mixture in a water bath, and before applying, add crushed aspirin tablets (4 pieces). This healing mask will also help get rid of acne marks, and not just the inflammation itself.

  • 3. Soda mask against acne

Another effective mask for acne spots is made from baking soda. To prepare it, you need to whip up the washing gel into a foam and add baking soda to it. Both ingredients should be in equal quantities.

  • 4. Oatmeal mask for acne

Beat fresh protein until foamy, and then mix with oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder in such proportions to form a thick mass that can be easily applied to the skin. A very effective oatmeal mask for acne will not only stop inflammatory processes, but will also be an excellent nourisher for the skin at any age.

  • 5. Honey-egg mask

Mix thick honey without heating (one tablespoon) with a fresh egg, previously beaten. Used regularly, a honey mask for acne can stop the most complex inflammatory processes, having antiseptic and cleansing properties.

  • 6. Cucumber mask

Grate the cucumber, pour (3 tablespoons) a small amount of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, squeeze and apply to the skin. A homemade cucumber acne mask will improve your complexion and skin texture.

  • 7. Mask with streptocide

Grind streptocide tablets (15 pieces) into powder, dilute with aloe juice until a thick consistency is obtained, add iodine (4 drops).

  • 8. Garlic mask

Grate the garlic cloves on a fine grater, add a few drops of olive oil. Before applying, lubricate your face with vegetable oil (or Vaseline), apply a thin layer of garlic puree, and cover with a napkin soaked in warm water.

  • 9. Complex mask

Mix honey (1 tablespoon), iodine (4 drops), hydrogen peroxide (3 drops) and aloe juice (two teaspoons).

  • 10. Vegetable juice mask

Extract juice from raw potatoes and pumpkin. Mix in equal quantities and wet your face for 10 minutes daily.

  • 11. Yeast mask

Grind dry yeast (a tablespoon) with potato starch (a tablespoon), yogurt (3 tablespoons), add lemon juice (a teaspoon), thyme and mint essential oils (2 drops each).

These anti-acne face masks can be used to combat this problem. You shouldn’t put up with this scourge, but you need to remember that masks, even if they have a therapeutic effect, cannot be a complete and comprehensive treatment. To get rid of acne forever, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence and begin a course of treatment with a specialist. And let masks accompany the main therapy as a means of caring for problem skin.

Perhaps every girl is familiar with such a problem as acne. In simple terms, this disease is called acne. For some, they appear in adolescence, while others continue to suffer in adulthood. There are many ways to deal with them. One of the most effective methods at home is the use of face masks against acne.

Most often, these masks have a drying effect and reduce skin oiliness, and also help cleanse it. After all, the most common cause of acne is oily facial skin with clogged pores.

Who can make anti-acne masks at home?

Before you start using homemade masks against acne and blackheads, you need to familiarize yourself with all the contraindications. Most often, these are quite aggressive procedures, so it is worth considering the condition of the skin and its type. Such masks shown for use if you have:

  • rash during adolescence
  • acne due to hormonal imbalances
  • acne with a known nature of origin

You should not do such procedures if:

  • acne bleeds
  • you are allergic to any component of the mask
  • there are wounds or inflammations on the face

How to make masks against acne and blackheads at home?

Before starting these procedures, you should remember a few rules under which such masks will be most effective.

  1. Do not squeeze out pimples with your hands. This can lead to scarring or even blood poisoning.
  2. During the course, try not to use decorative cosmetics.
  3. Prepare masks in clean dishes. Do not use aluminum or plastic containers.
  4. Check your skin for tolerance to the components of the mask.
  5. Follow the exact recommendations and dosages of prescriptions.
  6. Apply the mask only with clean hands.

If you follow these simple rules, the effect of using such masks will be maximum.

Recipes for homemade masks for acne and blackheads

Effective acne masks can be easily prepared at home using the most affordable products.

Soda mask for acne

To prepare a soda mask, you need to mix half a tablespoon spoons of soda with the same amount water. The resulting mixture is applied to cleansed facial skin with massage movements. Do not put too much pressure on the skin. You should leave this mask on for no more than ten minutes. After using the mask, you need to moisturize the skin with cream.

This mask is more suitable for those who suffer from small acne. Avoid the area around the eyes and mouth. You can use it once a week.

Oatmeal mask for acne

Cereals- This is one of the most common products in cosmetology. To prepare an anti-acne mask, grind oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder. One tablespoon of the resulting flour is mixed with one protein. The resulting mass is applied to the face for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with cool water and the skin is moisturized with cream.

This mask dries out oily skin and reduces acne. It must be used at least 3 times a week.

Clay mask for acne

Clay is often used to treat acne. If we talk about the most effective face mask for acne, this is a black clay mask. Best for sensitive skin blue, white or pink clay.

To prepare a face mask from black clay you need to mix 1 tablespoon of powder with 1 teaspoon of calendula infusion and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Add 1.5 tablespoons of water to the mixture. All this needs to be mixed well and applied to the face. The mask should be kept on for no more than 15 minutes. You can wash it off with warm or cool water. After this, be sure to use a moisturizer.

To prepare a mask from white clay water and honey are added to it in equal proportions. You should get the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mixture can be applied to the face for half an hour. After this, you need to rinse it off with cool water and moisturize the skin with cream.

Can be used for oily skin yellow or green clay. Mix two parts clay with 1 part salt and add water until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Wash it off with warm or cool water.

A clay face mask for acne is one of the most effective procedures. It dries out the skin and reduces inflammation, and therefore minimizes the amount of acne. These masks should be used no more than a couple of times a week.

Homemade masks for acne marks

You can also use masks to remove the effects of acne. One of them is a yeast mask for acne marks. To prepare it you will need dry yeast(1 tablespoon) and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Yeast is diluted with boiled water until thick, then lemon juice is added. The mask is applied to the face and kept until it dries. You need to wash off the mask with cool water. You can do it a couple of times a week.

Acne masks for oily skin

For oily skin, a mask made from lemon juice And egg white. They must be shifted in equal quantities. First, one layer of mask is applied to the skin. After drying, a second layer is applied on top. It is necessary to make up to 5 layers of the mask. After the last layer has dried, the mask should be washed off with cool water. You can do this procedure a couple of times a week. After it, the skin must be moisturized.

Homemade masks for teenage acne

An excellent option for getting rid of acne on teenage skin would be a mask made from clay and kiwi. To prepare it, you need to mash one kiwi to a puree. You need to add 1 teaspoon of unrefined olive oil and 1 whipped protein. After this, white clay must be mixed into the liquid until the mask acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes. It should be washed off with cool water. This acne mask for teenagers is made no more than twice a week.

Homemade masks for acne and blackheads- This is a very effective way to combat acne and blackheads. However, do not forget that acne is a disease. Therefore, to most effectively get rid of them, you need to act comprehensively.

The main principle of acne treatment is to thoroughly treat the skin at home. Before starting treatment, the patient must obtain a full consultation with a specialist.

Often the causes of rashes are internal diseases. Only an integrated approach to the problem will help to get rid of pathology.

If the cause of pimples and blackheads is a disruption in hormonal levels, diseases of internal organs or allergic reactions, it is necessary to first eliminate the cause. A good treatment effect can be achieved by using homemade masks.

How do they work

The principle of operation of homemade acne masks is the active influence of the components on the skin. All products from which the products are made must be natural and have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

You can use homemade masks at any age, both adults and teenagers. The choice of product should be based on individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

In addition to the fact that masks help get rid of acne, they cleanse and tighten the skin of the face, improve blood circulation, and eliminate oily sheen.

What to pay attention to

When choosing a mask option, you need to take into account the characteristics of your skin. For example, people with dry skin are well suited for products based on vegetable oils or animal fats.

But for those with oily skin, such masks are contraindicated. If there is excessive sebum production, the skin should be slightly dried.

When performing procedures, certain nuances must be observed:

  1. Apply products only to cleansed skin. It is recommended to steam your face before the procedure; the pores should be open. Only in this case will the effectiveness be noticeable.
  2. If the suppuration is very strong and spreads over a large area, you should not self-medicate. In such cases, it is best to consult a doctor first and use only prescribed medications.
  3. Not all components can be well tolerated by the body. Before applying the mask to the damaged area, it is best to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inside of the elbow. The reaction must be observed within two hours. If redness does not appear, the mask can be used on the inflamed area.
Before and after the procedure, you should not squeeze pimples. This may lead to the spread of infection.

Homemade face masks for acne

Pharmacies offer a large selection of products and masks to get rid of acne. But everyone can prepare homemade face masks for acne at home on their own. This is safer, since only natural ingredients will be used for preparation.

With blue

Blue clay helps to effectively deal with acne and blackheads.

To prepare a clay mask you will need:

  • blue clay – 30 g;
  • soda – 6 g;
  • sea ​​salt – 5 gr.;
  • mineral water – 18 ml.

All dry ingredients must be mixed and then diluted with mineral water. The consistency of the mask should be similar to thick sour cream. The product should be applied warm to the face. As soon as your face begins to tighten, you can remove the product with warm water.


Kefir-based masks are very effective and affordable. For masks based on kefir and clay, white clay is used.

One tablespoon is diluted with a small amount of kefir until a thick mass is formed. At the end you can add a few drops of orange juice. The mask is applied in a thick layer and washed off only after complete drying.

Made from clay and sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil masks have an anti-inflammatory effect.

  • white clay - 2 tablespoons;
  • burdock decoction – 2 tablespoons;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 1 tablespoon.

All components are mixed and applied to problem areas. The most effective remedy will be if the oil is slightly warmed up.

With white clay

White clay is considered a universal remedy in the fight against various types of rashes on the face. To prepare the product, you will need to mix three teaspoons of clay with the same amount of milk. Add a teaspoon of baby powder to the mixture.

The mask is applied to the face and left for 15 minutes. As soon as the clay dries and turns white, it can be washed off the face. This product helps relieve inflammation, reduce sebum production, and prevent the appearance of acne and pimples.

With pink clay

A mask based on clay and aloe will help effectively deal with acne. The juice of the plant must be mixed with 4 tablespoons of pink clay.

The mask is applied to the face, which must be pre-treated with lotion. The mask should be washed off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Video: Face mask


A coconut oil mask is prepared as follows:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil;
  • 2 teaspoons honey;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice.

All components are mixed and applied to the face. The mask is washed off 25 minutes after application.


The easiest way to use garlic for rashes is to use its juice. Garlic is crushed or grated. Then you will need to lubricate problem areas with the resulting juice.

When treating the skin with garlic, it is important that it does not come into contact with the eye area or open cuts on the skin.

Using garlic and blue clay, you can prepare a soft and effective mask. To do this, 4 grams of powder are diluted with brewed green tea.

Add 6 drops of garlic oil and 3 drops of tangerine oil to the resulting pulp. The product should be applied pointwise only to the site of inflammation. After the procedure, the face must be treated with a herbal solution.

Cleansing toner

You can make a chamomile-based lotion at home. It will relieve inflammation and soothe irritated skin. Such tonics are used after applying masks.

To prepare a tonic, add a teaspoon of chamomile flowers to a glass of water. The decoction is infused for 30 minutes. It can be used to wipe the skin in its pure form, or it can be frozen in the form of cubes.

Aloe soda

Recipes for masks with baking soda and aloe are suitable for those who not only want to relieve inflammation, but also to separate the skin of the face.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix aloe and lemon juice and add soda to it. Apply the product to the inflamed area and leave for 15-20 minutes. You can use this product twice a week for a month.

Clay mask with calendula and lemon juice

A mask based on clay, calendula oil and lemon juice has an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. To obtain such a remedy, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of white clay with 4 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of calendula tincture.

The mixture is diluted with warm water. The mask is applied to the face and left for 15 minutes. After completing the procedure, you need to lubricate your face with cream.


Honey masks can be used for any skin type. This is a universal remedy. For 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, add 1 yolk and a few drops of lemon juice. The components are mixed well and applied to the skin for 15 minutes.


Oatmeal masks are used not only as a means to get rid of acne, but also as a scrub to exfoliate dead skin.

To prepare the product you need to take:

  • 5 words spoons of water;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, thoroughly ground beforehand;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yogurt without additives or dyes.

The water needs to be heated and the flakes steamed in it. The mixture should sit for 15 minutes, then yogurt is mixed into it. The mask is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, using massaging movements.


Oatmeal not only eliminates acne, but also tones and rejuvenates the skin. It helps relieve inflammation and can be used as a prophylactic.

An oatmeal mask in combination with protein helps remove oily shine, soften the skin, and tighten pores.

To prepare the mixture, pour 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with warm water and let it brew. Then add one white and a few drops of lemon juice.


You can restore youthful skin by using gelatin-based masks. To prepare the mask, you need to mix 1 tablet of activated carbon with 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin. The mixture is diluted with 2 tablespoons of water or low-fat milk.

The mixture must be kept in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Then you need to let the mixture cool and apply it to your face.

Foam mask

One of the most popular is the activated carbon foam mask. To prepare it, you need to crush an activated carbon tablet until a powder forms. To it you need to add half a teaspoon of gelatin and the same amount of milk.

All components are mixed and placed in a water bath. Gelatin should completely dissolve. The mixture is applied to the skin in a thin layer using a brush. As soon as it dries, another layer is applied on top.

The mixture must be left for at least 15 minutes until the mask is completely dry. At the same time, you cannot talk or smile.


The composition of syntomycin ointment includes castor oil and chloramphenicol. They relieve inflammation on the skin, moisturize and nourish. To prepare the mask, mix the ointment with a few drops of vitamin A and E.

The mask is applied to steamed skin. It will not only help get rid of acne, but also smooth out wrinkles.


To prepare such a mask, you need to grind the pulp of one aloe leaf, mix it with one pack of Streptomycin and add Vishnevsky ointment. The resulting mixture is applied to the inflamed area for 10 minutes. After this time, it is washed off with soap.


Young cucumbers are grated on a fine grater, and one protein is added to the resulting mass. The mask should be applied immediately after preparation. Otherwise, the protein will settle to the bottom.

This product helps eliminate oily shine and makes the skin matte. But it is not suitable for dry type.

Aspirin with streptocide

Acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of many cosmetics, helps to effectively fight pimples and acne. An aspirin tablet should be crushed, mixed with a few drops of lemon and streptocid ointment.


This mask effectively fights inflammation, cleanses pores and removes dead particles.

To prepare it, you will need to prepare a puree from boiled turnips and carrots. Vegetables are mixed and applied to the face. You can wash off the mixture using milk or warm water.


To prepare a yeast mask, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of yeast in water until you get a thick mixture.

The same amount of starch, two drops each of mint and thyme essential oils, a teaspoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of cream or yogurt without dyes are added to it. Leave the mask on the skin for 15 minutes.

Photo: Before and after


There are a number of contraindications for which the use of homemade acne masks is contraindicated.

Such contraindications include:

  1. Exacerbation of diseases of internal organs.
  2. Increased body temperature.
  3. Open wounds on the face.
  4. Purulent inflammation of the skin.
  5. If the rash covers more than 30% of the surface.

If these factors are present, you should refrain from using masks.

Homemade acne masks are a quick and effective way to relieve inflammation, reduce breakouts, cleanse the skin and give it a well-groomed appearance. But they must be used with caution, having first undergone examination by specialists.