Olfactory pathways in the brain. Olfactory nerve: symptoms and signs

This structure contains three types of cells: mitral, tufted, and interneurons (granule cells, periglomerular cells) (Fig. 37.6). The long branching dendrites of the mitral and fascicular cells form the postsynaptic components of these glomeruli (glomeruli). Olfactory afferent fibers (running from the olfactory mucosa to the olfactory bulb) branch near the olfactory glomeruli and terminate in synapses on the dendrites of the same cells. At the same time, olfactory axons converge significantly on the dendrites of mitral cells: each of them contains up to 1000 synapses of afferent fibers. Granule cells (granular cells) and periglomerular cells are inhibitory interneurons. They form reciprocal dendrodendritic synapses with mitral cells. When the latter are activated, the interneurons in contact with it depolarize. As a consequence, an inhibitory neurotransmitter is released at their synapses on mitral cells. The olfactory bulb receives inputs not only through the ipsilateral olfactory nerves, but also through the contralateral olfactory tract running in the anterior commissure (commissure).

The axons of the mitral and fascicular cells leave the olfactory bulb and enter the olfactory tract (Fig. 37.6; Fig. 37.7). Starting from this site, olfactory connections become much more complicated. The olfactory tract passes through the anterior olfactory nucleus. The neurons of this nucleus receive synaptic connections from neurons in the olfactory bulb and project through the anterior commissure to the contralateral olfactory bulb. Approaching the anterior perforated substance at the base of the brain, the olfactory tract is divided into the lateral and medial olfactory strips. Lateral axons terminate in synapses in the primary olfactory region, including the prepiriform (prepiriform) region of the cortex (and in animals, the piriform (piriform) lobe). The medial olfactory strip gives projections to the amygdala and cortex of the basal forebrain (Fig. 37.7).

It should be noted that the olfactory pathway is the only sensory system without a mandatory synaptic switch in the thalamus. Probably, its absence reflects the phylogenetic antiquity and the relative primitiveness of the olfactory system. However, olfactory information still enters the posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus and from there is directed to the prefrontal cortex and orbitofrontal cortex.

In a standard neurological examination, an olfaction test is usually not performed. However, the perception of odors can be tested by asking the subject to smell and identify the odorous substance. At the same time, one nostril is examined, the other must be closed. In this case, strong incentives such as

Olfactory nerve (olfactory nerves) (lat. nerviolfactorii) - the first of, responsible for olfactory sensitivity.


Olfactory nerves are nerves of special sensitivity - olfactory. They originate from olfactory neurosensory cells that form first olfactory pathway and lying in the olfactory region of the nasal mucosa. In the form of 15-20 thin nerve trunks (olfactory threads), consisting of unmyelinated nerve fibers, they, without forming a common trunk of the olfactory nerve, penetrate through the horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone (lat. lamina cribrosa os ethmoidale) into the cranial cavity, where they enter the olfactory bulb (lat. bulbus olfactorius) (here lies body of the second neuron), passing into the olfactory tract (lat. tractus olfactorius), which is the axons of cells lying in (lat. bulbus olfactorius). The olfactory tract passes into the olfactory triangle (lat.). The latter consists mainly of nerve cells and is divided into two olfactory strips that enter into the anterior perforated substance (lat. ), lat. area subcallosa and a transparent partition (lat. septum pellucidum), where are bodies of third neurons. Then the cell fibers of these formations in various ways reach the cortical end, which lies in the region of the hook (lat. uncus) and parahippocampal lat. gyrus parahypocampalis temporal lobe of the cerebral hemispheres.

Olfactory nerves - nerves of special sensitivity.

The olfactory system begins with the olfactory part of the nasal mucosa (the region of the upper nasal passage and the upper part of the nasal septum). It contains the bodies of the first neurons. These cells are bipolar.

As noted above, the olfactory analyzer is a three-neuron circuit:

  1. The bodies of the first neurons are represented by bipolar cells located in the nasal mucosa. Their dendrites terminate on the surface of the nasal mucosa and form the olfactory receptor apparatus. The axons of these cells in the form of olfactory threads end on the bodies of the second neurons, morphologically located in the olfactory bulbs.
  2. The axons of the second neurons form the olfactory tracts, which terminate on the bodies of the third neurons in the anterior perforated substance (lat. substantia perforata anterior), lat. area subcallosa and a transparent partition (lat. septum pellucidum)
  3. The bodies of third neurons are also called primary olfactory centers. It is important to note that the primary olfactory centers are connected to the cortical territories of both their own and the opposite side; the transition of part of the fibers to the other side occurs through the anterior commissure (lat. comissura anterior). In addition, it provides a link to the limbic system. The axons of the third neurons are sent to the anterior sections of the parahippocampal gyrus, where the Brodmann cytoarchitectonic field 28 is located. In this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cortex, projection fields and an associative zone are presented.

An appetizing odor causes salivation at the same time, while an unpleasant odor leads to nausea and vomiting. These reactions are associated with . Smells can be pleasant or unpleasant. The main fibers that provide communication between the olfactory system and the autonomous areas of the brain are the fibers of the medial bundles of the forebrain and the brain strips of the thalamus.

The medial forebrain bundle consists of fibers that ascend from the basal olfactory region, the perimyndala, and the septal nuclei. On its way through some of the fibers, it ends at the nuclei of the hypotuberous region. Most of the fibers are sent to and make contact with the vegetative zones, with salivary and dorsal lat nuclei. n.intermedius (Wrisberg's nerve), glossopharyngeal (lat. n. glossopharyngeus) and wandering (lat. n.vagus) nerves.

The brain strips of the thalamus give synapses to the nuclei of the leash. From these nuclei to the interpeduncular nucleus (Ganser's node) and to the nuclei of the tire goes leash-leg path, and from them the fibers are sent to the autonomic centers of the reticular formation of the brain stem.

The fibers that connect the olfactory system with the optic thalamus, hypothalamus, and limbic system are likely to provide emotional accompaniment of olfactory stimuli. The area of ​​the septum, in addition to other brain areas, is connected through associative fibers with the cingulate gyrus (lat. gyrus cinguli).

Clinic of defeat

Anosmia and hyposmia

Anosmia (lack of smell) or hyposmia (decrease in smell) on both sides is more often observed in diseases of the nasal mucosa. Hyposmia or anosmia on one side is usually a sign of a serious illness.

Possible causes of anosmia:

  1. Underdevelopment of the olfactory pathways.
  2. Diseases of the olfactory nasal mucosa (rhinitis, nasal tumors, etc.).
  3. Rupture of the olfactory filaments in a fracture of the lamina cribrosa of the ethmoid bone due to a craniocerebral injury.
  4. Destruction of the olfactory bulbs and tracts in the focus of contusion by the type of counterblow, observed when falling on the back of the head
  5. Inflammation of the sinuses of the ethmoid bone (lat. os ethmoidale, inflammation of the adjacent pia mater and surrounding areas.
  6. Median tumors or other volumetric formations of the anterior cranial fossa.

It should be noted that the interruption of the integrity of the pathways from the primary olfactory centers does not lead to anosmia, since they are bilateral.


Hyperosmia - an increased sense of smell is noted in some forms of hysteria and sometimes in cocaine.


A perverted sense of smell is observed in some cases of schizophrenia, damage to the hook of the parahippocampal gyrus, and in hysteria. Parosmia can be attributed to obtaining gasoline and other technical liquids that are pleasant from the smell in patients with iron deficiency.

Olfactory hallucinations

Olfactory hallucinations are observed in some psychoses. They can be an aura of an epileptic seizure, which are caused by the presence of a pathological focus in the temporal lobe.


The olfactory nerve can serve as an entry gate for brain and meningeal infections. The patient may not be aware of the loss of smell. Instead, in connection with the disappearance of the sense of smell, he may complain of a violation of taste sensations, since the perception of smells is very important for the formation of the taste of food (there is a connection between the olfactory system and lat. nucleus tractus solitary).

Research methodology

The state of smell is characterized by the ability to perceive odors of varying intensity by each half of the nose separately and to identify (recognize) various odors. With calm breathing and closed eyes, the wing of the nose is pressed with a finger on one side and the odorous substance is gradually approached to the other nostril. It is better to use familiar non-irritating odors (volatile oils): laundry soap, rose water (or cologne), bitter almond water (or valerian drops), camphor. The use of irritating substances, such as ammonia or vinegar, should be avoided, as this simultaneously causes irritation of the endings of the trigeminal nerve (lat. n.trigeminus). It is noted whether odors are correctly identified. In this case, it is necessary to keep in mind whether the nasal passages are free or there are catarrhal phenomena from them. Although the subject may be unable to name the test substance, the mere awareness of the presence of the odor rules out anosmia.

The sense of smell is one of the first sensations that a baby has. It begins with the knowledge of the world around and oneself. The taste that a person feels while eating is also a merit of smell, and not of the tongue, as it seemed before. Even the classics claimed that our sense of smell is able to help in a difficult situation. As J. R. R. Tolkien wrote: “When you are lost, always go where it smells best.”


The olfactory nerve belongs to the group of cranial, as well as nerves of special sensitivity. It originates on the upper mucosa and processes of neurosensory cells form the first neuron of the olfactory tract there.

Fifteen to twenty unmyelinated fibers enter the cranial cavity through the horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone. There they combine to form the olfactory bulb, which is the second neuron of the pathway. Long nerve processes emerge from the bulb, which go to the olfactory triangle. Then they are divided into two parts and immersed in the anterior perforated plate and transparent septum. There are the third neurons of the path.

After the third neuron, the tract goes to the cerebral cortex, namely to the area of ​​the hook, to The olfactory nerve ends in this area. Its anatomy is quite simple, which allows doctors to identify violations in different areas and eliminate them.


The very name of the structure indicates what it is intended for. The functions of the olfactory nerve are to capture the smell and decipher it. They cause appetite and salivation if the aroma is pleasant, or, on the contrary, provoke nausea and vomiting when the amber leaves much to be desired.

In order to achieve this effect, the olfactory nerve passes through and travels to the brainstem. There, the fibers connect with the nuclei of the intermediate, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. In this area are also the nuclei of the olfactory nerve.

It is a known fact that certain smells evoke certain emotions in us. So, in order to provide such a reaction, the fibers of the olfactory nerve communicate with the subcortical visual analyzer, the hypothalamus and the limbic system.


"Anosmia" translates as "lack of smell". If such a condition is observed on both sides, then this testifies in favor of damage to the nasal mucosa (rhinitis, sinusitis, polyps) and, as a rule, does not threaten any serious consequences. But with a one-sided loss of smell, it is necessary to think about the fact that the olfactory nerve can be affected.

The causes of the disease can be an underdeveloped olfactory tract or fractures of the bones of the skull, for example, the cribriform plate. The course of the olfactory nerve is generally closely related to the bone structures of the skull. Fragments of bone after a fracture of the nose, upper jaw, and orbit can also damage the fibers. Damage to the olfactory bulbs is also possible due to bruising of the substance of the brain, when falling on the back of the head.

Inflammatory diseases such as ethmoiditis, in advanced cases, melt and damage the olfactory nerve.

Hyposmia and hyperosmia

Hyposmia is a decrease in the sense of smell. It can occur due to the same reasons as anosmia:

  • thickening of the nasal mucosa;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • neoplasms;
  • injuries.

Sometimes this is the only sign of an aneurysm of cerebral vessels or tumors of the anterior cranial fossa.

Hyperosmia (increased or heightened sense of smell) is noted in emotionally labile people, as well as in some forms of hysteria. Hypersensitivity to odors is seen in people who inhale drugs such as cocaine. Sometimes hyperosmia is due to the fact that the innervation of the olfactory nerve extends to a large area of ​​the nasal mucosa. Such people, most often, become workers in the perfume industry.

Parosmia: olfactory hallucinations

Parosmia is a perverted sense of smell that normally occurs during pregnancy. Pathological parosmia is sometimes observed in schizophrenia, damage to the subcortical centers of smell (parahippocampal gyrus and hook), and hysteria. Patients with iron deficiency anemia have similar symptoms: pleasure from the smell of gasoline, paint, wet asphalt, chalk.

Damage to the olfactory nerve in the temporal lobe causes a specific aura before epileptic seizures and causes hallucinations in psychoses.

Research methodology

In order to determine the state of smell in a patient, a neuropathologist conducts special tests for the recognition of various odors. Indicator aromas should not be too harsh, so as not to disturb the purity of the experiment. The patient is asked to calm down, close his eyes and press his nostril with his finger. After that, a smelling substance is gradually brought to the second nostril. It is recommended to use odors familiar to humans, but at the same time avoid ammonia, vinegar, since when they are inhaled, in addition to the olfactory, the trigeminal nerve is also irritated.

The doctor records the test results and interprets them relative to the norm. Even if the patient cannot name the substance, the mere fact of smelling excludes nerve damage.

Brain tumors and the sense of smell

With brain tumors of various localizations, hematomas, impaired outflow of cerebrospinal fluid and other processes that compress the substance of the brain or press it against the bone formations of the skull. In this case, one- or two-sided violation of the sense of smell may develop. The doctor should remember that they intersect, therefore, even if the lesion is localized on the one hand, hyposmia will be bilateral.

The defeat of the olfactory nerve is an integral part of the craniobasal syndrome. It is characterized not only by compression of the medulla, but also by its ischemia. Patients develop pathology of the first six pairs Symptoms can be uneven, there are various combinations.


Pathologies of the olfactory nerve in its first section occur most often in the autumn-winter period, when there is a massive incidence of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Prolonged course of the disease can cause a complete loss of smell. Recovery of nerve function takes from ten months to a year. All this time it is necessary to carry out course treatment to stimulate regenerative processes.

In the acute period, the ENT prescribes physiotherapy treatment:

  • nose and maxillary sinuses;
  • ultraviolet irradiation of the nasal mucosa, with a capacity of 2-3 biodoses;
  • magnetic therapy of the wings of the nose and sinuses of the upper jaw;
  • infrared radiation with a frequency of 50-80 Hz.

You can combine the first two methods and the last two. This speeds up the recovery of lost functions. After clinical recovery, the following physiotherapy treatment is also carried out for rehabilitation:

  • electrophoresis with the use of drugs "No-shpa", "Prozerin", as well as nicotinic acid or lidase;
  • ultraphonophoresis of the nose and maxillary sinuses for ten minutes daily;
  • irradiation with a red laser spectrum;
  • endonasal electrical stimulation.

Each course of therapy is carried out up to ten days with interruptions of fifteen to twenty days until the function of the olfactory nerve is fully restored.

(tractus olfactorius, PNA, BNA, JNA)

part of the olfactory brain in the form of a thin cord located on the lower surface of the frontal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere between the olfactory bulb and the olfactory triangle.

  • - the way, the direction of the cargo or postal forwarding ...

    Reference commercial dictionary

  • Medical Encyclopedia

  • - a movable filamentous structure extending from the olfactory club ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - a set of terminal branches of olfactory filaments and dendrites of mitral cells in the olfactory bulb ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - see Olfactory mace...

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  • - a paired protrusion of the telencephalon of the embryo, which is the rudiment of the olfactory tract ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - part of the olfactory brain, which is an extension of the olfactory tract in its posterior section on the border with the anterior perforated substance ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - a bundle of nerve fibers connecting the olfactory tract and the olfactory triangle with the nuclei of the hypothalamus, mastoid bodies, the interpeduncular nucleus and the reticular formation of the midbrain ...

    Medical Encyclopedia

  • - I 1) in Russia, an improved dirt road connecting important settlements. It had stations and milestones. There were regular transportations of passengers, cargo and mail along the T. ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - improved dirt road connecting important settlements; had stations and milestones. Regular transportation of passengers, cargo and mail was carried along the route. Since the 19th century a paved tract is called a highway...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - ; pl. tra/kty, R....

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - lat. big road, torn, driven way, postal road, established. Traktovye, tractovye coachmen...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - -and husband. 1. Large well-trodden road. Postal v. 2. Devices, structures that form the path of something. . T. connection. T. sound transmission...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - tract, husband. . 1. Big road. Postal route. 2. Direction, route. The gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system. Direct route - direct communication, direct ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - tract I m. obsolete. Big paved road...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - oh, oh. Servant for smell...

    Small Academic Dictionary

"Olfactory tract" in books

Gastrointestinal tract


Gastrointestinal tract

From the book Dog Treatment: A Veterinarian's Handbook author Arkadyeva-Berlin Nika Germanovna

Gastrointestinal tract The structure of the esophagus and single-chamber stomach of a dog is standard for predators. The duodenum hangs on a short mesentery. From the pyloric part of the stomach, it departs to the right hypochondrium, goes along the liver along the right wall of the abdominal cavity


From the book Map of the Motherland author Weil Petr

bandit tract

From the book Jungle Country. In search of a dead city author Stuart Christopher S.

Gangster tract At some point, the Geo Prizm engine began to overheat, and with it our driver Juan began to boil. "Where are we?" - he yelled unaddressed and, turning the steering wheel, drove the car into dense roadside thickets. We hoped to overcome this

Shymkent tract

From the book Archipelago of Adventures author Medvedev Ivan Anatolievich

The Chimkent tract of the Revolutionary Military Council decided at any cost to return the values ​​stolen by the rebels. In order to intercept them, the Perovsky detachment of Seliverstov, numbering 500 people, urgently went by rail to Chimkent. On the trail of Osipov, a squadron rushed under

Petersburg tract

From the book Following the heroes of the books author Brodsky Boris Ionovich

The Petersburg tract The Petersburg tract, along which Tatyana's cart dragged, was one of the first paved with cobblestones. This happened just ten years before Tatyana's trip to Moscow. A snow-covered forest stretched along the highway for dozens of miles. Only occasionally come across

digestive tract

From the book Home Medical Encyclopedia. Symptoms and treatment of the most common diseases author Team of authors

Digestive tract The inner surface of the digestive tract is covered with a layer of tissue with special properties called the mucosa. This mucosa contains two main types of cells. Some cells produce a mucous secretion, which

Communication path

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (TR) of the author TSB

Chui tract

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Usinsky tract

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Chui tract

author Zlobina Tatiana

Chuisky tract As a rule, travelers get to Gorny Altai along the Chuisky tract, which originates from the bridge across the Biya in the city of Biysk. The Chuisky tract is an integral part of the federal road: Novosibirsk - Biysk - Ta-shanta. In Novosibirsk, from where

Chemal tract

From the book Altai. Journey along the Katun author Zlobina Tatiana

Chemal tract This is the most beautiful road running along the right bank of the Katun. The Katun is either hidden behind a coniferous forest, or again all its twists and turns are visible. Settlements are located quite often. Villages stretch along the route: Cheposh, Uznezya, Elekmonar, Chemal. Each

Biliary tract

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Biliary tract The most important secret involved in digestion is bile. It is a product of the activity of liver cells - hepatocytes, has a complex composition and helps to neutralize acidic gastric contents entering the

intestinal tract

From the book Homeopathic Handbook author Nikitin Sergey Alexandrovich

These are nerves of special sensitivity - they consist of viscerosensitive fibers (perceive chemical irritation - odors). Unlike other cranial sensory nerves, the olfactory nerves do not have a sensory nucleus and node. Therefore, they are called false cranial nerves. The first neuron is located on the periphery in regio olfactoria mucous membrane of the nasal cavity (superior turbinate and upper part of the nasal septum). The dendrites of the olfactory cells are sent to the free surface of the mucous membrane, where they end with olfactory vesicles, and the axons form olfactory filaments, fili olfactorii, 15-20 on each side, which through the perforated plate of the ethmoid bone penetrate into the cranial cavity. In the cranial cavity, they approach the olfactory bulbs located on the lower surface of the frontal lobe of the cerebral hemispheres, where they end. In the olfactory bulbs there are second neurons, the axons of which form the olfactory tract, tractus olfactorius. This tract runs along the lower surface of the frontal lobe in the sulcus of the same name and ends in the olfactory triangle, the anterior perforated substance and the transparent septum, where the third neurons of the olfactory pathway are located. The axons of the third neurons are divided into three bundles:

1. The lateral bundle goes to the bark of the hook, uncus, giving part of the fibers to the amygdala, corpus amygdaloideum.

2. The intermediate olfactory bundle passes to the opposite side, forming the anterior cerebral commissure, and through the arch and fringe of the sea horse also goes to the hook, uncus.

3. The medial bundle stretches around the corpus callosum, and then along the dentate gyrus to the cortex of the hook. Thus, the olfactory pathway ends at the cortical end of the olfactory analyzer - the hook of the gyrus near the seahorse, uncus gyri parahypocampalis.

Unilateral loss of smell (anosmia) or its decrease is observed with the development of pathological processes in the frontal lobe and on the basis of the brain of the anterior cranial fossa. Bilateral olfactory disorder is more often the result of diseases of the nasal cavity and nasal passages.

II pair - optic nerve, nervus opticus. Visual and pupillary-reflex pathways

Like the olfactory nerves, it belongs to the false cranial nerves, it does not have a node and a nucleus.

It is a nerve of special sensitivity (light) and consists of fibers, which are a collection of axons of multipolar retinal ganglion cells. The optic nerve begins with the optic disc in the region of the visual part of the retina, its blind spot. Perforating the vascular and fibrous membranes, it exits the eyeball medially and downwards from the posterior pole of the eyeball. In accordance with the topography, four parts are distinguished in the optic nerve:

- intraocular, perforating choroid and sclera of the eyeball;

- orbital, extending from the eyeball to the visual canal;

- intracanal, corresponding to the length of the visual canal;

- intracranial, located in the subarachnoid space of the base of the brain, extending from the optic canal to the optic chiasm.

In the orbit, optic canal and in the cranial cavity, the optic nerve is surrounded by a sheath, the leaves of which in their structure correspond to the membranes of the brain, and the intervaginal spaces correspond to the intershell spaces.

The first three neurons are in the retina. The set of light-sensitive retinal cells (rods and cones) is the first neurons of the visual pathway; giant and small bipolar cells - by the second neuron; multipolar, ganglion cells - the third neuron. The axons of these cells form the optic nerve. From the orbit to the cranial cavity, the nerve passes through the optic canal, cana1is orticus. In the region of the furrow of the decussation, 2/3 of all nerve fibers coming from the medial visual fields are decussated. These fibers come from the inner parts of the retina, which, due to the intersection of light beams in the lens, perceives visual information from the lateral sides. Non-crossing fibers, approximately 1/3, go to the optic tract of their side. They come from the lateral parts of the retina, which perceives light from the nasal half of the visual field (the lens effect). Incomplete decussation of the visual pathways allows the transmission of impulses from each eye to both hemispheres, providing binocular stereoscopic vision and the possibility of synchronous movement of the eyeballs. After this partial decussation, optic tracts are formed that go around the legs of the brain from the lateral side and exit to the dorsal part of the brain stem. Each optic tract contains fibers from the same halves of the retina of both eyes. So, in the composition of the right optic tract, uncrossed fibers from the outer half of the right eye and crossed fibers from the inner part of the left eye pass. Consequently, the right optic tract conducts nerve impulses from the lateral part of the visual field of the left eye and the medial (nasal) part of the visual field of the right eye.

Each visual tract is divided into 3 bundles that go to the subcortical centers of vision (the fourth neuron of the visual pathway):

- superior tubercles of the roof of the midbrain, colliculi superiores tecti mesencephalici;

- cushion of the thalamus of the diencephalon, pulvinar thalami;

- lateral geniculate bodies of the diencephalon, corpora geniculata laterale.

The main subcortical center of vision is the lateral geniculate bodies, where most of the fibers of the visual pathway end. This is where its fourth neurons are located. The axons of these neurons pass in a compact bundle through the posterior third of the posterior pedicle of the internal capsule, then fan out to form a visual radiance, radiatio optica, and end on the neurons of the cortical center of vision of the medial surface of the occipital lobe on the sides of the spur groove.

A small number of fibers of the optic tracts are sent to the neurons of the posterior nuclei of the thalamus. The axons of the neurons of these nuclei transmit visual information to the integration center of the diencephalon - the medial nucleus of the thalamus, which has connections with the motor nuclei of the extrapyramidal and limbic systems of the hypothalamus. These structures regulate muscle tone, carry out emotional and behavioral reactions, change the functioning of internal organs in response to visual stimuli.

Some of the fibers go to the upper tubercles, providing an unconditional reflex reaction of the eyeball and the implementation of the pupillary reflex in response to light stimuli. The axons of the cells of the nucleus of the superior tubercle are sent to the motor nuclei of III, IV, VI pairs of cranial nerves, to the accessory nucleus of the oculomotor nerve (Yakubovich's nucleus), to the nuclei of the reticular formation, to the Cajal nucleus and to the integration center of the midbrain, which is also located in the superior tubercles.

The connections of the neurons of the superior tubercle with the motor nuclei III, IV, VI pairs of cranial nerves provide a motor reaction of the muscles of the eyeball to light stimuli (binocular vision), with the neurons of the Cajal nuclei it allows coordinated movement of the eyeballs and head (maintaining body balance). From the cells of the integration center of the midbrain, the tegmental-spinal and tegmental-nuclear pathways begin, which carry out unconditional reflex motor reactions of the muscles of the trunk, limbs, head and eyeballs to sudden strong light stimuli. From the cells of the reticular formation, reticulopetal and reticulospinal pathways begin, which regulate muscle tone in conjunction with exogenous stimuli. Cells of the accessory nucleus of the oculomotor nerve send axons to the ciliary ganglion, which provides parasympathetic innervation to the muscle that constricts the pupil and the ciliary muscle that provides accommodation to the eye. The chain of neurons that provide these reactions is called the pupillary reflex pathway.