Surgery on the spine removal of a hernia. Indications for surgery to remove a hernia of the lumbar spine: types of surgery and recommendations for rehabilitation

She knows what kind of pain occurs with her - long, not passing for weeks, refractory to painkillers, and how hard each movement is given. And sometimes the disease even leads to paralysis of the limbs and to disorders in the work of important internal organs, and then we can’t talk about normal life, of course, at all. When all the methods of conservative treatment are exhausted, and “things are still there” or, even worse, roll down the mountain, and causes arise that require immediate intervention, then the question of removing the pathology is raised. An operation to remove a hernia of the spine sometimes becomes the last alternative for such a patient and the hope that it will bring a cure.

The decision to have an operation to remove a vertebral hernia should be made by a person carefully, carefully and not hastily. The time period after which, in the absence of effect from traditional methods treatment, proposed, is considered a month and a half. However, it is better to increase this period to three months, unless, of course, there is enough strength and endurance, and there is no deterioration in health. In most cases, we are in too much of a hurry and quickly panicked, and we really dislike pain and often exaggerate it. And we also spare ourselves and are too lazy to engage in physiotherapy exercises, which is a decisive factor in recovery.

The doctor must honestly warn the patient:

  • removal operation intervertebral hernia does not give a 100% cure guarantee,
  • often leads to relapses and consequences
  • the patient should take an active part in the treatment during the rehabilitation period in order to avoid these possible relapses and consequences

Types of surgery to remove a hernia of the spine

Here are the basic removal steps intervertebral hernia:

  • discectomy
  • laminectomy
  • endoscopy
  • microdiscectomy
  • disc nucleoplasty
  • laser discoplasty

Each method has its strengths and weak sides. The choice of the type of operation depends on the anamnesis (medical history), the diagnosis, the choice of the patient and his financial capabilities.

discectomy- is now considered an outdated method of removing a hernia of the spine. The essence of this open operation through an incision in the skin about 8 cm long, under general anesthesia they remove the entire disk with pathology or part of it, as well as resection of the bone processes of the vertebrae that touch the arteries or the spinal cord.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • Due to possible introductions into the spinal canal, the risk of inflammatory processes in meninges. This requires a wide antibiotic therapy and stay of the patient in the hospital up to 10 days
  • Support and motor skills recover more slowly due to the large damage surface


  1. The lowest recurrence rate radical removal disk (approximately 3% during the first year)
    This is due to the fact that in the remaining parts of the disc, a hernia can always re-develop, while a completely removed disc, during healing, is replaced by fibrous connective tissue.
  2. Relatively low price

Perhaps these two advantages will be decisive for those who are rightly in no hurry to write off this conservative method.

Laminectomy is an operation under local or general anesthesia to remove that part of the vertebral arch (lamina) to which the hernia presses the nerve root.


  1. Rapid healing, the patient can leave the hospital on the third day
  2. As a result of the release of the nerve, the pain subsides almost immediately, and the blood supply to the spine improves.


  1. Bleeding and risk of infections after surgery (incision length up to 10 cm)
  2. Risk of nerve damage and blockage of blood vessels

Endoscopy is a popular and widely advertised minimally invasive operation to remove a disc herniation. The use of a special spinal endoscope and microscopic instruments makes it possible to make the incision minimal (up to 5 mm). An endoscope with a lamp and a camera that transmits a magnified image to a screen is inserted into the lateral foramen (this is the hole through which the nerve root passes), then very thin instrument the hernia or its sequester is removed.


  1. The operation is almost bloodless and only lasts about an hour.
  2. Muscles and ligaments are not damaged, but are moved apart by special tubular expanders, which ensures good postoperative healing
  3. The patient is discharged almost the next day.
  4. The recovery period for the spine is theoretically 3 weeks

However, don't be overjoyed by such obvious advantages of endoscopic surgery. She has no less, and maybe large quantity shortcomings. Therefore, everything must be carefully weighed before making a decision.

The disadvantages are the following:

  1. This method is not suitable for all types of spinal hernias, their location plays a big role
  2. The operation is most often performed spinal anesthesia, which itself, due to its consequences and complications, requires careful preparation and preliminary intravenous infusions. Otherwise, persistent headache may occur as a complication.
  3. The risk of complications and relapses after surgery is approximately 10%, and this is not such a small figure. The cause of hernia recurrence is considered by many to be epidural syndrome that often occurs after surgery.
  4. And finally, endoscopic removal of a vertebral hernia is quite expensive.

microdiscectomy is a neurosurgical operation to remove an interdiscal vertebral hernia, performed at the microscopic level using the most modern instruments and a powerful microscope. Its essence is to penetrate through the incision 3-4 cm into the area of ​​​​the compressed nerve, remove the disc herniation and thus release the nerve.

On this moment such operations are recognized as quite successful and are often used.

The operation is carried out under general anesthesia. Muscle it is also not damaged. To gain access to the compressed nerve, part of the yellow ligament of the spine and, if necessary, the edges of the lamina are removed. The released nerve is carefully moved aside and the nucleus that deforms the disc or its fragments is removed. To regenerate the operated disk, you can perform it laser irradiation. IN Lately operations are performed with the preservation of the yellow ligament, if the interarticular space is wide enough and the mouths of the nerve root are projected onto it

    Advantages of the operation:
  1. Efficient and fast withdrawal pain syndrome
  2. Short stay in the hospital: discharge is possible already on the third day
  3. The ability to remove hernias in several places at once
  4. You can return to inactive activity in a month, to active physical activity in one and a half

However, both during endoscopy and microdiscectomy, despite the short period of recovery of the musculoskeletal ability of the spine, it is recommended to wear supporting rigid corsets for two months.

The disadvantages of microdisectomy include:

  1. Cicatricial adhesive epiduritis leading to recurrent radicular pain and recurrence in about 10-15% of cases
  2. High price: approximate cost microdisectomy with laser disc reconstruction in a Moscow clinic — about 70,000 rubles

is a modern minimally invasive operation to remove an interdiscal vertebral hernia, performed under local anesthesia, the meaning of which is to reduce pressure on the nerve root from the hernia.

Under x-ray control, a needle 2–3 mm in diameter is inserted into the damaged disc, through which radio frequency, laser or plasma radiation is supplied by the generator. The needle is inserted in several places, which creates channels in which, under the influence of heating up to 52 °C, the disk substance partially disintegrates. As a result, the pressure of the disc on the nerve is reduced and the pain subsides.

Advantages of this operation:

  1. Simplicity and safety, the operation lasts approximately 40 minutes
  2. Minimum consequences and complications after surgery
  3. Can go home in a few hours

In this way, unfortunately, it is possible to remove hernias, no larger than 7 mm in size.

Laser discoplasty- this operation can be performed both separately, in order to reconstruct a damaged disk, and in conjunction with surgical removal hernia. The process is carried out in the same way as in disc nucleoplasty: a low-power laser emitter heats the disc in several places up to 70°C, and this contributes to its recovery.

Conditions for a successful operation

The general condition for the successful implementation of all these operations are the following requirements:

  1. The operation should be preceded by a study on a computer or magnetic resonance tomograph, consultations with other doctors and an anesthesiologist, passing the necessary tests
  2. You should be aware that not every operation will suit your type of spinal herniation. Great importance have its position, size and other factors
  3. After some types of operations, there may be postoperative complications, so additional antibiotic therapy is required.
  4. After healing and removal of sutures, the treatment does not end: it begins a long period restoration of the spine, which will include the wearing of corsets and a special physiotherapy exercises to prevent the development of complications and relapse. Don't forget to visit your doctor for check-ups

Many are interested in the question of the cost of surgery to remove a hernia of the spine.. This question is so individual and depends on which city or country the clinic is located in, that it is best to contact the surgical center directly to find out the price. On various sites and forums you can find information from past years, but everything flows, everything changes. Health to you and your spine!

After 40 years, many people develop hernial protrusions in the intervertebral spaces.

Most of these people are not even aware of the presence of this disease, but some patients regularly complain of severe pain in the spine during movement and after a hard day.

As a rule, people are sure that the causes of back pain are strong physical exertion or accumulated fatigue.

Therapists in clinics usually make a diagnosis -.

However, it should be understood that such signs primarily indicate the presence of problems in the intervertebral disc.

Modern medicine allows us to confidently say that surgical intervention contributes to the rapid cure of patients with spinal pathology.

Indications for surgical treatment

There are several types of indications for surgery: relative And absolute.

TO absolute readings include those situations in which surgical intervention is unavoidable and surgery is required immediately.

Relative indications are circumstances in which conservative treatment has not brought any results.


  • severe disturbances in the functioning of the pelvic organs (ponytail syndrome), characterized by urinary retention or its increase, changes in erection and the appearance of constipation;
  • muscle atrophy and paresis lower extremities. With such complications, the extension and flexion of the feet is disturbed;
  • hernia with sequestration, characterized by prolapse of the nucleus pulposus. This form of hernia infringes nerve roots, for this reason, the patient feels severe and acute pain.


  • failure of conservative therapy. If there are no results within 2 months, an operation is prescribed.

Innovative operations

The surgical method of treating an intervertebral hernia has its negative and positive aspects.

The only advantage of the operation is that the removal of the intervertebral hernia by surgical intervention gives an instant result.

After the operation, the patient does not feel stiffness in movements, there is no pain syndrome and other signs of the disease, such as headaches, dizziness, etc.

TO negative sides it can be attributed to the fact that the operation is carried out on an inflamed area with severely weakened muscles, and this, unfortunately, does not exclude the formation of new hernias, further relapses of the disease, protrusions of the intervertebral discs.

Innovative operations include:


This operation is performed only with the use of local anesthesia.

In the course of surgical intervention, the endoscope is brought to the herniated intervertebral disc through a small incision (no more than 0.5 cm), all actions performed are displayed on a special monitor.

The surgeon, under such “control”, removes the hernia and the remnants of the nucleus pulposus of the disc, but even a small part of the spine is not removed.

Such surgery is considered the least traumatic which reduces the risks postoperative complications and significantly reduce the recovery period. In most cases, the operation is completed by treating the operated site with a restorative laser.

An extract from the hospital is made 1-3 days after the operation with the opportunity to engage in "non-heavy" activities, and after 2-6 weeks they are allowed to start physical labor.


If it's impossible to do endoscopic surgery on the spine, you will be offered microsurgical removal of the intervertebral hernia.

During such an operation, incisions cannot be avoided.

The operating microscope provides an internal view: it is located outside the body, so the resulting image is not as perfect as in endoscopic surgery.


  • Nerve damage is minimal;
  • The not very convenient location of the hernia does not become an obstacle;
  • The use of micro-instruments significantly reduces the risk of inflammation;
  • The volume of injury is very small;
  • After the operation, the patient can get up in 2-3 days.

open type operation

This type of operation suggests that additional optical devices is not required, as it is completely under the supervision of a specialist. In this case, very important"fall into the hands" of a professional and experienced surgeon.

Minimally invasive ways to deal with herniated discs

A disease such as an intervertebral hernia rarely requires a major operation. As a rule, the main indication for it is the development of neurological complications.

In the case when there is no such threat, it will be enough to remove only the pain syndrome. Modern minimally invasive methods of treatment are absolutely safe and do not require a long recovery.

They are relatively easy to carry and quickly help:

  • relieve pain;
  • reduce protrusion;
  • return the "brightness" of life.

Laser vaporization (coagulation, cauterization)

Such an operation on the spine is performed with a disc and only in the absence of sequestration.

A needle is inserted into the disc, through which a special laser light guide is inserted and a dosed energy flow is delivered.

With such actions, the fluid in the intervertebral disc turns into steam, which is accompanied by a significant decrease in pressure inside the disk itself.

In addition, the infringement of the nerve roots is eliminated and the number of nerve receptors is significantly reduced.


  • short duration of the operation (no more than 60 minutes);
  • no scarring;
  • the possibility of repeated exposure in several segments;
  • short recovery period and low risk complications.

With the help of cold plasma, hernial tissues are removed.

A special plasma is injected into the intervertebral region through the needle, which affects the hernia cells low temperatures, thereby completely destroying them.

The disadvantage of this treatment is that the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease is very high.

Among the advantages are:

  • pain symptoms disappear immediately;
  • procedure time from 15 to 30 minutes;
  • everything is done on an outpatient basis, so an operating room is not required;
  • no rehabilitation required.


This type of therapy consists of nucleotome with help special cannula into the cavity intervertebral disc.

After that, under pressure, saline, washing out all damaged disc tissues, so that scars do not form.

This manipulation is less traumatic, it prevents necrosis of the intervertebral disc and allows it to perform shock-absorbing functions.

Hydroplasty, as a rule, is performed with local pain in the lumbar region, when diagnosing a hernia up to 6 mm and in the presence of pain characterized by irradiation to the lower extremities.

Hydroplasty is contraindicated for large hernias, the presence of oncopathologies, severe damage to the fibrous ring, generalized or local infectious process.

The impact on the spine is carried out by puncture, using a special hollow needle.

A certain medicinal solution relieving pain.

This procedure uses local anesthesia.


  • fast analgesic effect;
  • drugs are delivered to the desired department pointwise, and do not endanger internal organs in any way.


  • the persistence of the effect in each case is individual, pain relief usually lasts from 1.5 to 5 years. If there is no subsequent growth of the hernia, if the patient's health is not threatened by any complications, several cycles of blockades can be applied. Such manipulations will long years without pain.
  • You cannot stand up immediately after the procedure. The patient should lie down for about 5-6 hours in order to avoid the spread of the administered drugs to nearby organs and tissues.

Possible Complications

Only one word “operation” is already stressful for a person, since it is not so safe.

Surgical intervention to remove a hernia of the spine can be dangerous with various complications.

They are divided into: complications arising during surgery and postoperative complications.

The first may appear during the operation. For example, unintentional nerve damage, which in the future threatens with paralysis and paresis. If the surgeon, during the operation, notices a problem that has arisen, he will immediately perform suturing, and if not, then the patient will suffer from severe headaches in the future.

In general, it all depends on the tools, operational method and professionalism of the surgeon.


Possible consequences of such an operation may be:

  • temporary disability;
  • relapse of the disease;
  • the need for conservative treatment and elimination of the root causes of the disease.

Surgical intervention to remove the intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region does not eliminate the causes that provoked the appearance of the pathology. It only eliminates the pain syndrome and restores the sensitivity of the patient's body.

After the operation, the patient without fail additional conservative treatment is prescribed, the purpose of which is to full recovery spine, as well as the regulation of the process, which is associated with the metabolism in the body.

Apart from medicines the patient is prescribed.

Patients undergoing surgery should be regularly monitored by a specialist. During rehabilitation period and after it, at the first symptoms of a deterioration in well-being, you should immediately consult a doctor.


The cost of surgical intervention to remove a hernia in the spine is determined by the category of complexity and its methodology. In order not to be in an uncomfortable position, it is best to check the details of the operation with your doctor.

For reference, you can see the approximate cost of such operations:

  • Microsurgical removal of a hernia in the cervical region - about $ 5,000;
  • In the absence of fractures cervical, anterior stabilization of the vertebrae - about $ 5,000;
  • Removal of a hernia in the lumbosacral region - about $ 5,000;
  • Blockade of peripheral nerves and plexuses - about $ 300 one session;

The cost of removing a hernia of the spine laser method consists of such values ​​as the cost of the operation, the cost of the ward with food, the cost of consumables that will be needed for the operation.


After the operation, the patient will need restoration measures and rehabilitation:

  • first of all, the patient needs to wear a special corset, which will help to consolidate the positive effect after treatment;
  • any sudden body movements should be avoided, physical activity, since all these actions are fraught with consequences in the form of a relapse of the disease. Please note that the occurrence of recurrence is in no way related to the time that will pass after the operation. Reappearance of a hernia may occur, as on early periods, and later;
  • get up very carefully. Lean your hands and stomach on the edge of the bed, and keep your back straight so that the seam does not open;
  • before you finally get on your feet, you need to listen to inner feelings: no pain and dizziness. For the first time, wait a couple of minutes before going somewhere;
  • during the first 2 days after the operation, it is generally not recommended to get out of bed;
  • you can’t sit for three weeks after the operation, because if a person does not start to keep his posture, this will lead to a strong stretching of the skin, as a result of which the seams will open;
  • the bed should be hard;
  • a shower is allowed to be taken on the third day, and a bath is allowed a month after the stitches are removed.

Experts recommend carefully weighing the pros and cons before agreeing to surgery back pain. The spine is a complex and delicate structure of our body, therefore, surgery in "this zone" carries certain risks for the patient. However, in some cases, only surgery can reduce or eliminate pain, increase motor activity. That is why doctors recommend surgery. Patients, in turn, always have the right to make a choice. We bring to your attention 2 real stories from medical practice.

History No. 1

Patient A. chose surgical treatment after 9 years of suffering from severe pain caused by a herniated disc in the lower back. Physiotherapy and lidocaine bandages gave some relief, but in the end, the patient asked the doctor for a referral to a surgeon.

I have always resisted the operation, - says A., - But the pain was unbearable. It felt like a knife had been stabbed in my back.

The surgeon informed the patient about the low chances of success (no more than 15-20%), because. in addition to her underlying illness, A. suffered from reflex symptomatic dystrophy and fibromyalgia. However, the patient agreed to the operation. And this decision turned out to be correct.

The gel in the intervertebral disc hardened and created sharp spurs that, if left in place, would likely cut through the spinal cord. The patient risked being paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of her life. The operation saved her from this risk. As a result of surgical intervention, A.'s pain decreased slightly, but paralysis was avoided. This is the best proof right choice patient.

Story #2
Patient K. (39 years old) suffered from back pain, but tried his best to avoid surgery and did everything possible for this. For two years he received cortisone injections, performed physical exercise and did some stretching. But in the end, one injection caused even more damage to the back.

“The pressure from the injection caused the intervertebral disc to rupture. I couldn’t stand, couldn’t even get up to use the toilet. I had to crawl about the baths to take a shower. became very ill, went to the hospital, ”says K.

The only way out for the patient in this condition was surgery. Surgical intervention was performed in the most gentle way - through a small incision. Surgeons were able to remove only part of the burst intervertebral disc.

When he woke up after the operation, K. found that the pain had noticeably decreased. After four months of rehabilitation, he again led active image life and felt no pain - for the first time in two years. Today, K. is attentive to her health, continues intensive sports: “Every time I experience a small attack of back pain, I go to Gym- stretch for half an hour to avoid repeating your torment.

It is up to you to choose the surgical treatment yourself, as patient A. did, or wait until the disease “hardens against the wall”. But in any case, you should not delay treatment, back pain is not a joke.

Related Articles

  • The effectiveness of surgical treatment of a herniated disc
  • General principles of rehabilitation after removal of a herniated disc

Video of spinal surgery

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Diseases of the spine pose a danger, which lies in further complications, including the development of irreversible pathologies. So, osteochondrosis of the spine leads to such dangerous consequences, as the formation of a hernia - protrusion of the pulpous nucleus. Treatment often ends with surgery, since not always conservative methods and physiotherapy procedures give positive result.

What is a vertebral hernia

A hernia is called a displacement of a vertebra, which gradually provokes a protrusion of the nucleus pulposus as a result of a rupture of the fibrous ring. The pathology itself develops due to degenerative changes intervertebral disc, which is facilitated by age-related changes, injuries, lack of tissue nutrition and other factors.

In most cases, it is the lumbar region that suffers, since it is on it that all the load in the process of movement and normal life activity falls. The thoracic region suffers much less frequently. Recently, there has been an increase in the occurrence of a hernia, localized in the cervical region, and in young people. This is due to the low mobility of the head and a long stay in a static position. As a rule, office workers, drivers and just fans of computer games suffer.

Important! In order not to bring the situation to the formation of a hernia, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the stage of the onset of pain syndrome for complete examination. After all, an operation to remove a hernia of the spine, the consequences of which can be the most unpredictable, does not give a guaranteed result of a complete cure.


The symptoms of the presented pathology must be monitored carefully and consult a doctor at the initial stage of development. Symptoms of spinal hernia include:

  1. Pain syndrome is formed in the affected area with every movement.
  2. Pain leads to stiffness of movements and the occurrence of muscle spasm. In the absence of timely treatment, pathology can lead to partial or complete immobilization.
  3. The patient, in addition to pain and discomfort, complains of fatigue and drowsiness, which is provoked by circulatory disorders in the affected area and throughout the spinal column.
  4. As a result of impaired blood circulation, the patient experiences dizziness, headaches and jumps pressure.
  5. Depending on the location of the hernia, pain may radiate to the limbs, buttocks, shoulder blades and other parts of the body located near the affected area.
  6. Also, depending on the localization of the pathology in the upper and lower extremities, numbness, loss of sensation, tingling may occur.
  7. In advanced cases, doctors diagnose a violation of the functions of internal organs - loss of vision, heart failure, impaired urination or defecation.

Important! If you do not seek medical help in time, there is a high risk of developing paralysis of the limbs. Here, a spinal operation is necessarily performed to remove a hernia, the consequences of which, unfortunately, can lead to complete immobility of the limbs.

Types of hernias

Spinal hernias are divided into three types depending on the location of the displacement and protrusion of the nucleus pulposus. So, allocate:

  1. A hernia of the cervical region - is formed as a result of injury or dystrophic changes V cartilage tissues. The operation of a hernia of the cervical spine, the consequences of which can lead to the development of paralysis of one side or the infringement of nerve endings, is performed only in case of severe pain and loss of former mobility. Previously, the patient may be prescribed the use of a collar to stretch the spine.
  2. hernia thoracic- is formed extremely rarely, is a consequence of osteochondrosis. It can lead to paralysis of the arms, but in most cases, simple spinal traction with corsets or special stretching helps.
  3. Hernia lumbar- develops as a result of prolonged wearing of weights, back injuries, long and frequent stay in a static position, due to age-related changes. A hernia of the lumbar spine, the operation and consequences of which can significantly improve the situation, is the most dangerous. In the absence of timely treatment, the patient's condition can turn into disability - paralysis of the lower extremities or muscle atrophy will develop.

Important! If you experience pain, you should immediately consult a doctor and start timely treatment so as not to bring the situation to partial or complete immobility.

Appointment of operations for removal of a hernia of the spine

Of course, initially they try to treat a hernia of the spine with conservative methods, but in case of ineffective treatment, they resort to surgical intervention. In what cases is the operation used:

  1. If no medications have led to a positive result, namely the elimination of pain.
  2. If the patient experiences difficulties with the functioning of the internal organs of the small pelvis, there is a pathology of urinary and fecal incontinence.
  3. With paralysis of the limbs, where almost immediately doctors resort to surgical intervention, without wasting time on ineffective conservative treatment.
  4. In case of violation of the innervation of the muscles of the legs, which often begins with a loss of sensitivity, former mobility and the development of atrophy of the limbs.

Operations to remove the intervertebral hernia are performed in case of ineffective treatment, but only after 3 months of taking medications. As a rule, doctors are guided here by the results of the examination, and not by the personal preferences and wishes of patients.

Consequences of the operation

Despite the fact that the treatment under consideration brings a positive result in most cases, complications after spinal hernia surgery occur with fairly high percentages of probability.

The most common problems include:

  1. Cicatricial and adhesive process - occurs in 100% of cases. Any operation leads to injury to healthy tissues. As a result, the operated vertebral disc is untenable in the further life of a person. Adjacent bones and cartilage try to protect the affected area by building up tissue. If the body begins to reject new cells, the inflammatory process continues to cause inconvenience.
  2. Violation of urination and defecation - occurs as a result of a strangulated nerve root, which is formed as a result of complications from the cicatricial process. The danger of such a violation is the practical impossibility of restoring the functions of the pelvic organs.
  3. Epiduritis - a pathology characterized by inflammation of the fiber spinal cord. Often presented as a purulent lesion, which leads to the appearance inflammatory process. By increasing the tissues, the nerve roots are infringed - this is fraught with paralysis of the limbs.
  4. The development of arthrotic processes is presented as a fusion of two vertebrae and the absence of their mobility with a complication of the development of arthrosis. The patient quickly begins to complain of back pain.
  5. Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bones that leads to short time to the septic process. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital.

A hernia of the spine, the consequences after the operation of which can be much more serious than the disease itself, which is why it is operated on only in extreme cases. Therefore, if doctors prescribe complex treatment, all prescription must be carried out for the benefit of the patient himself.

Treatment after surgery

The operation always involves treatment in a hospital. No exception in this and a hernia of the spine. Treatment after surgery medicinal nature in the hospital is carried out only in cases of complications that have been described above. This implies the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs that are administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

Types of drugs and dosage are determined only by the results of postoperative examinations. It also uses decongestant and restorative drugs in the form of chondroprotectors.

At the initial stage, the patient needs to wear a special corset on his back. This helps to prevent pain, as well as keep the weakened spine in good condition.


TO rehabilitation programs postoperative period include the following procedures:

  1. The use of physiotherapy - electrophoresis, mud therapy, ultrasound treatment, interstitial electrical stimulation and other types useful procedures. The principle of treatment by the presented method implies the improvement of blood circulation and the restoration of cartilage tissues due to additional use vitamins and minerals.
  2. Exercise therapy - is prescribed by the attending physician at a certain stage, when the patient's mobility is restored and does not cause pain. Gymnastic exercises aimed at restoring muscle tone and strengthening the corset, as well as improving the elasticity of the ligaments. All exercises are performed slowly and on early stages under the supervision of an instructor.
  3. Kinesiotherapy is a special gymnastics with the use of orthopedic devices. The purpose of the presented exercises is to stretch the spine so that a vacuum is formed between the operated vertebrae. As a result of the formed vacuum, the load on the nerve roots decreases.
  4. Hydroprocedures - various baths are used, but only under the guidance of the attending physician or instructor. For baths, special solutions are used to remove pain and inflammation, as well as to improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism.
  5. Traction therapy - dry and underwater traction. The main procedure during the rehabilitation period, aimed at relaxing muscles, increasing the range of motion and mobility of the spine.

Long-term rehabilitation after surgery to remove a hernia of the spine is often carried out in a sanatorium - this is not only useful, but simply convenient. At first, the patient should not do sudden movements and also move a lot. Moreover, a certain diet is also prescribed here, which helps to cope with a short-term period of disruption of the internal organs of the small pelvis. Through proper diet in people who have been operated on, intestinal gas formation and heaviness in the stomach are prevented - this also acts as an advantage of the entire recovery period.

Operations to remove a hernia of the spine are extreme measures in all treatment of spinal pathology. Take care of your health right away, resort to the restoration of the spine conservative treatment. Only in this way can you protect yourself from complications, both untimely intervention and postoperative ones.

A hernia of the lumbar region is very common, due to regular excessive loads on this department. resort to conservative methods therapy or surgery? The answer to the question will be given only by the doctor, taking into account the patient's condition, the severity of the symptoms, and other characteristics of the patient. It is important to understand what an operation to remove an intervertebral hernia is, what are the pros and cons of the procedure.

Carefully study the material presented, accept correct solution. From him will hang further life, its quality. Be vigilant, choose only qualified specialists. It is also impossible to delay the decision, a hernia in the spinal region has the ability to progress, do not allow the formation of sharply negative consequences.

Causes and symptoms of lumbar hernia

On the page, read about the symptoms of dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis and how to get rid of them.

Warn Appearances lumbar hernia or recurrence of the disease will help compliance with the instructions of specialists:

  • train your back muscles, a weak muscular corset leads to many diseases;
  • give up bad habits, normalize the diet;
  • reset excess weight(if available);
  • wear a heel no higher than 4 cm;
  • sleep on a firm mattress, choose a low pillow;
  • if you stay in one position for a long time, do a warm-up regularly;
  • visit your doctor regularly for preventive check-ups.

In case of occurrence unpleasant symptoms visit a doctor. If your doctor recommends surgery, weigh the pros and cons. After the operation, follow the rules of rehabilitation, be healthy!

Learn more about endoscopic removal of a herniated disc from the following video: