Why you can’t tolerate a headache, and how it can turn out. Why can’t you tolerate a headache and what to do about this unpleasant symptom? And what to do with it

A headache that starts at the wrong time can not only significantly worsen your mood, but also affect the quality of work performed. What to do if the attack occurs suddenly and you can’t see a doctor? How to relieve a headache yourself?

Why you can't tolerate headaches

Many people are afraid to take painkillers because they believe that the medications are harmful to their health. This behavior is typical for both men and women. But, in fact, what is much more dangerous for the body is not taking medications, but the need to endure pain.

When a headache occurs:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased level of adrenaline production;
  • increased heart rate.

If you do not take the medicine right away, a vicious cycle may form: the consequences of pain will cause the emergence of new factors that provoke pain. Eg:

  1. Vasospasm caused a headache.
  2. The headache led to an increase in the amount of adrenaline produced.
  3. Adrenaline provoked vasospasm.

A headache that is not paid attention to, in addition to the obvious discomfort, is also fraught with serious health consequences. It is dangerous for the following reasons:

  • may cause the development of heart disease and vascular problems;
  • can provoke physiological changes in the cells of the body;
  • destroys brain cells and nerve endings;
  • may become chronic;
  • increases feelings of anxiety, provokes mood swings and depression.

According to statistics, 5 out of 10 people suffering from headaches are hospitalized. Although such ailments often occur due to overexertion or a cold, you should be aware that any pain could be a sign of a serious illness, so it is better to be examined in a hospital.

When you can't do without a doctor

If pain occurs:

  • localized in a certain part of the head;
  • is pulsating and intense in nature;
  • worsens with bright light, strong odors, loud sounds,

then it's a migraine. It is often a symptom of dangerous diseases, such as a brain tumor or meningitis. You should also pay attention to a constant headache that is of an increasing nature and does not go away after taking medications. Often the malaise is accompanied by nausea, loss of consciousness or dizziness. A visit to the doctor for such pain is mandatory.

What to do for a headache

What to drink for a headache

The easiest way to feel better is to take a pill. Non-narcotic analgesics for headaches quickly cope with acute attacks. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is also widespread.

Analgin for headaches

"Analgin" is one of the most popular painkillers. This is facilitated by the low price, sale without a prescription, as well as the effectiveness of the action. You can take “Analgin” 1 tablet twice or thrice a day. It is important to remember that, like other analgesics, this medicine is not taken on an empty stomach.

The drug is contraindicated in:

  • bronchospasm;
  • hematopoietic disorders;
  • pregnancy.

By the way, Analgin is not used in European countries. Medical studies have proven that taking this medication can provoke anaphylactic shock, agranulocytosis, and allergic reactions. In order not to risk your own health, you can replace “Analgin” with “Ibuprofen”, “Diafen”, “Kofalgin”, “Analfen”, which are equally effective for headaches.

Citramon for headaches

"Citramon" is an inexpensive, fast-acting medicine that relieves headaches. You can take it yourself, but not more than 8 tablets per day. Among the contraindications:

  • hemophilia;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • peptic ulcers.

Women during pregnancy should use Citramon only with the permission of a doctor.

Spasmalgon for headaches

"Spazmalgon" refers to combined analgesics. The medicine is considered one of the most effective for relieving headaches. Adults can take the drug 1 tablet three times a day. Spazmalgon is given with caution to children over 6 years old - 0.5 tablets. Pregnant women can get rid of headaches using this drug only with the permission of a doctor.

Among the contraindications:

  • renal and liver failure;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • tachyarrhythmia;
  • angle-closure glaucoma.

"Spazmalgon" cannot be combined with alcohol. Also, due to its effect on the nervous system, the drug should be used carefully by people working with dangerous mechanisms.

Nise for headaches

In the form of tablets, Nise is taken after meals. The medicine is effective for headaches, but it is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • diseases associated with digestion;
  • liver or kidney failure.

The maximum dose is 100 mg twice a day.

Nurofen for headaches

Nurofen works in 10-15 minutes. For headaches, it is better to take Nurofen PLUS, which not only relieves pain, but also relieves associated symptoms such as nausea and intolerance to loud sounds. The drug is contraindicated in:

  • eye diseases;
  • diathesis;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • decreased hearing;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • in late pregnancy and during the lactation period;
  • bronchial asthma.

For headaches, Nurofen can be used for no longer than 3 days. If the pain does not go away, you should go to the hospital.

Ketanov for headaches

"Ketanov" is a strong pain reliever that is usually used for fractures. Among the contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • renal failure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • age less than 16 years;
  • bronchial asthma.

Side effects of the drug include nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, pain in the abdomen, etc. Sometimes the headache is so bad that it’s easiest to take a pill, but Ketanov is not recommended for this purpose.

Ketorol for headaches

"Ketorol" is a drug characterized by a strong analgesic effect. It is usually used to relieve pain during the postoperative period and in patients with cancer. The medicine is contraindicated in:

  • under 16 years of age;
  • pregnancy;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • angioedema;
  • hypovolemia;
  • acute diseases of the digestive system;
  • renal or liver failure.

Ketorol also has side effects: drowsiness, psychosis, headaches, convulsions, dizziness. Regular use of the drug may cause stomach ulcers. As a means of combating headaches, Ketorol is not recommended by most doctors.

Head massage for headaches

Massage improves blood circulation and relieves spasms. You can halve the number of headache attacks and reduce their intensity if you massage at least 3 times a week.

The massage is performed in a lying position and includes the following “exercises”:

  1. Place your palms one on top and place them in the center of your forehead. Move left and right.
  2. Place your palms on the sides of your head (your thumb should be near your ear). Move up and down.
  3. Run your right palm from your chin to your chest along the left side of your neck, and your left palm to the right.
  4. Massage the back of your head from top to bottom with the edges of your palms.
  5. Rub your fingers over your scalp.

Afterwards you can lie down for a few minutes in silence.

Acupressure for headaches

The essence of this ancient technique is to carefully influence certain points in order to improve the condition of the body. First, you need to learn how to find massage points for headaches using proportional segments - tsun. They are determined individually as follows:

  1. Bend your middle finger and look at it from the side.
  2. Measure the gap between the outer ends of the folds that appear at the fold (you will get 1 cun).

Women perform this “operation” on their right hand, and men on their left.

In the future, it is recommended to use a string on which 10-12 tsun are measured: this will make it much easier to find headache points. Caution won't hurt: there are zones that you absolutely can't poke into mindlessly.

Regular massaging of the so-called points of the 1st group relieves headaches caused by diseases of the internal organs or overexertion. You can “calculate” points like this:

Name Where is
1 xuan-li at the intersection of 2 mentally drawn lines (horizontal - along the upper edges of the ears, vertical - 1.5 cm from the scalp to the back of the head)
2 taya-yang in the temporal fossa near the beginning of the hairline
3 feng chi in the center of the occipital cavity
4 heh-gu between the metacarpal bones belonging to the thumb and index finger
5 yi-feng in the fossa between the mastoid process and the angle of the mandible
6 yu-yao at the highest brow point
7 qing-ming 2-3 mm from the inner corner of the eye in the direction of the nose
8 kunlun in the hollow between the outside of the ankle at the level of the center and the heel tendon
9 zhi-yin on the little toe 3 mm from the nail
10 tzu-san-li on the lower leg 3 cun below the popliteal fossa and 1 cun from the front edge of the bone (outward)
11 le-qué on the forearm 1.5 cun above the middle crease of the wrist
12 ji-men on the stomach in front of the free edge of the 12th rib
13 Shen Shu on your back 1.5 cun away from the spine

Each of the points is symmetrical. While massaging point 2, do not touch the pulsating artery. When you press point 5, tinnitus appears. Points 12 and 13 cannot be massaged on your own: you need to “attract” an assistant.

It is better to be examined first for the presence of contraindications. Acupressure is not recommended for:

  • cancer diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • brain tumors.

For the first time, such a procedure should be done by a professional. It should be understood that massage performed by an inexperienced master is dangerous to health.

Folk remedies

Herbal infusions

Tinctures of medicinal herbs cope well with headaches. The most popular and effective recipes:

  • 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort pour boiling water. Drink 1/3 glass before meals;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pour chamomile flowers with water and boil for 5 minutes. Let the resulting decoction steep for at least 20 minutes. and strain it. This home remedy should be taken 1/3 cup after meals;
  • prepare a mixture of dry rattle herbs, clover and white lilac flowers in proportions 4:4:2. Take 2 tbsp. l. pour boiling water over the resulting mixture. Strain after 30 minutes. Drink the decoction 5 times a day, 0.5 cups.

Potato "cap"

This method takes some time, but according to those who have tried it on themselves, it turns out to be very effective for headaches. You will need:

  • 50 ml milk;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • thin cotton fabric.


  1. Grate the potatoes.
  2. Add milk to the resulting slurry.
  3. Mix everything well.
  4. Wait about 25 minutes.
  5. Squeeze out the pulp and “spread” it on the fabric in a thin layer.
  6. 2 hours before bedtime, put a potato “hat” on your head, “secured” with a real fur or woolen hat.

The procedure is performed every other day. To forget about headaches for a long time, 10 sessions are enough.


A time- and resource-intensive way to get rid of a headache is to apply a compress:

  • soak a woolen cloth in a mixture of vinegar and olive oil (1:1);
  • soak a cotton cloth in cold water;
  • wrap a few pieces of ice in a cloth;
  • moisten a cotton cloth with vinegar.


To make the headache go away, you need to apply ancient copper coins to your forehead, temples or the back of your head. The pain will disappear within 15 minutes. But this method does not always work: copper is not suitable for everyone.

You can also relieve a headache by pressing your forehead against cold glass. It is possible that such a simple method of treatment will be more effective than painkillers.

A headache is always an inconvenience. But getting rid of it is very simple: suitable pills, a light massage or delicious herbal tea - and the ailment goes away. And how wonderful life becomes when all painful sensations go away!

Headache is a problem that every person faces from time to time. In fact, according to statistics, about 80 percent of the adult population of our planet suffers from this disease, and every third patient at times even loses their ability to work because of it.

What is the problem with such a widespread disaster?

Perhaps the point is in the same scientific and technological progress that today has us all sitting in front of computers. As a result, we strain our vision and our brain from morning to evening. And when we come home, we sit down in front of the TV to continue to tire our already tormented body. Physical inactivity, oxygen starvation of the brain, coupled with such bad habits as smoking and drinking alcohol, slowly but inevitably do their terrible work.

I just don’t want to live!

Doctors warn that headaches cannot be tolerated!

Some people get a headache in the late afternoon, after a hard day of work. Some people wake up in the morning with excruciating pain. But usually people see only one way out of this situation - to take a miracle pill, which should return us to normal well-being and the desire to live on. Because during a headache attack, such a desire is sharply dulled.

A significant number of such painful conditions are the body’s response to overexertion. It is believed that such pain may be psychogenic in nature. Their intensity does not depend on physical activity or changes in body position. But constant pain goes hand in hand with depression, irritation, increased tearfulness, anxiety, and nightmares. The patient cannot even clearly explain where and how it hurts - it just splits, presses, squeezes and interferes with existence!

Psychogenic pain or pain of tension appears in a person at a fairly young age, it can torment for days - no painkillers bring complete relief. But the abuse of analgesics and sleeping pills mixed with coffee and energy drinks “to give tone” quickly destroys the body.

In general, few people think that an ordinary painkiller tablet is the same medicine, and only a doctor can prescribe it. We take the same drugs for pain in the stomach, legs, toothache and headache. And day after day we poison our body - analgesics destroy the liver, disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lower the immune system and the body’s resistance to various infections. We begin to get ARVI more often, and we endure them more and more severely. It all started with a banal headache!

Sounds scary, doesn't it?

However, suffering day after day, a person very rarely agrees that a headache in itself is a reason to see a doctor. In fact, just think - an ordinary migraine, it doesn’t happen to anyone!

Why does it hurt?

Many sufferers who persistently self-medicate are periodically surprised: why a week ago this pill immediately helped with a headache, and today I’m taking the third one in a row - but it still doesn’t make me feel any better?

In fact, headaches can be caused by various reasons. In some cases, analgesics will help, in others, antispasmodics. A headache is not a disease, but just a symptom of one of the diseases: an acute infectious disease, osteochondrosis, increased intracranial pressure, vascular disease and even a brain tumor. It is useless to treat a particular problem until the main diagnosis is made and the cause of the pain is clear.

A neurologist can do this efficiently, based on the patient’s complaints, the history of his illness and special studies. In most cases, he will prescribe a comprehensive treatment that acts immediately on all causes of illness. Sometimes a simple massage of the cervical-collar area and the purchase of an orthopedic pillow help get rid of the problem forever. In other cases, the headache turns out to be just the tip of the iceberg, which is called in medicine chronic cerebral ischemia.

Cerebrovascular diseases

A man complains that a headache has been tormenting him all day. But I took a walk in the evening in the fresh air - and it relieved me a little. Everything is banal and simple - his brain absolutely did not have enough oxygen. Day after day, under the influence of an unhealthy lifestyle, chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, stress and bad habits, aggravated by various concomitant injuries and diseases - the same hypertension, for example, cerebrovascular accident develops.

In addition to the headache, pulsating in the temples, hitting the back of the head with a hammer, squeezing the skull with a steel hoop, a person begins to complain of fatigue, weakness, visual and hearing impairment, impaired memory and ability to concentrate. This set is accompanied by dizziness - up to loss of consciousness, and constant tinnitus. With such symptoms, you should contact a neurologist immediately, without waiting for the disease to enter a critical phase. But she can. Diseases of the cerebral vessels are fraught with all sorts of consequences, from stroke to senile dementia - only it can strike at 50 or 40 years of age.

And what to do with it?

In addition to special treatment that a doctor can prescribe depending on the severity of the underlying disease, there is a prevention system.

To strengthen the blood vessels of the brain, you need to normalize your lifestyle. This means sleeping normally, eating normally, exercising and increasing your time in the fresh air. It is necessary to stop smoking, reduce alcohol intake and consumption of fatty foods to a minimum. And whenever possible, avoid unnecessary stressful situations.

Such simple advice, yet how many of us follow them?

Well, those who spend the whole day at the computer should remember that every half hour you need to give your eyes a rest. An excellent prevention of overexertion is the alternation of mental and physical work. In the end, you can always find a little time for simple gymnastics. Or just a short pause during which you can lean back in your chair, close your eyes and stop thinking about anything for a minute.

Despite the fact that the brain itself is not equipped with pain receptors, almost every person is familiar with headaches. Why then can’t you tolerate a headache? The cause of headaches is irritation of pain receptors in other structures (cranial nerves, meninges and blood vessels of the brain).

Reasons why headaches should not be tolerated

A headache is a signal from the body about ongoing problems. What can it signal? Main pathologies:

  • neurological pathologies;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • poisoning;
  • influence of medicinal substances;
  • inflammation of the vascular wall.

When diagnosing patients, they identify signs of the underlying disease that caused the headache. But in most cases, neurologists are faced with the absence of organic causes of the symptom. That is, headache is the only symptom (primary form).

Is it possible to tolerate a headache if there is no underlying disease? Even if there is no underlying disease, and the pain only bothers you periodically, you need to visit a doctor. Painkillers and antispasmodics that a person takes independently can temporarily relieve the symptom. Any pathological condition requires adequate treatment.

Tension headache

C visit a doctor in 90% of cases. Usually the causes of the symptom are muscle tension, emotional stress (anxiety, stress, depression). Is it necessary to endure a headache that is moderate in intensity? Despite the fact that patients cannot accurately characterize their condition and more often complain of heaviness in the head and squeezing (the feeling of a hoop tightening the head), treatment is still necessary.

Episodic attacks, which last from a few minutes to several days, become chronic over time. This means that the patient will develop chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, depression, and anorexia (an eating disorder) in the future.

Important! Constant uncontrolled use of analgesics only worsens the situation.

If during an attack the patient experiences vomiting, photophobia or sound fear, the headache cannot be tolerated. You need to seek help as quickly as possible. Treatment consists of lifestyle modifications:

  • to give up smoking;
  • limiting coffee and alcoholic beverages;
  • playing sports.


Manifests itself as paroxysmal severe headaches. Should I tolerate such a headache or not if doctors do not detect any pathologies of the nervous system? During an attack, a sharp spasm of blood vessels occurs, and then a sharp expansion of them. Typically, the pathology clearly manifests itself in the period from 18 to 50 years. Afterwards the intensity of the pain subsides.

If you experience migraine attacks, you should consult a doctor. There is a comprehensive treatment approach that reduces the intensity of pain during an attack or completely prevents relapses. Sometimes correction of lifestyle, hormonal levels, rest, and a normal daily routine can cope with the problem without drug therapy. In some cases, excluding chocolate, coffee, smoked meats, sausages, citrus fruits, bananas, and red wine from the diet eliminates the problem.

Cluster pain

The pathology is characterized by paroxysmal unilateral severe pain. Periods of exacerbation can last up to several weeks. The attack begins more often at night. The patient cannot calmly endure such pain. He rushes around the room, sits on his knees, and can hit himself in the head with his fists. During an attack, the eyelid on the affected side swells, nasal congestion and lacrimation appear. Remission may last for several years.

An attack of such pain can be relieved with oxygen (inhalations) or by dissolving Ergotamine tablets. In a hospital setting, the patient is given an occipital nerve block and narcotic analgesics are administered intravenously. It is useless to take conventional painkillers in tablets during an attack. If conservative treatment does not bring results, surgery is considered:

  • removal of an element of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system – the pterygopalatine ganglion;
  • thermocoagulation of the element of the trigeminal nerve - Gasserian ganglion.

Headache as a secondary manifestation of the underlying pathology

The main cause of secondary headaches is vascular lesions. Sudden severe attacks in the back of the head may indicate subarachnoid hemorrhage. A common cause of hemorrhage is a ruptured aneurysm. The pathology is accompanied by vomiting and loss of consciousness.

Signs may include widespread, intense headaches, which are accompanied by neurological changes (impaired sensitivity, speech, etc.). If help is not given in a timely manner, the patient’s symptoms may increase until they become depressed.

Headache is a common accompaniment of arterial hypertension. Typically, the symptom appears in the morning in the back of the head with a sharp increase in blood pressure to 200/120 mm Hg. Such pain is relieved after taking medications that reduce blood pressure.

In older people, severe pain in the temples and forehead can indicate pathologies such as:

  • general weakness;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • inflammation of the arteries (temporal arteritis).

Intracranial pressure is accompanied by widespread pain. Sometimes the patient experiences vomiting, disturbances in vision and behavior. Such manifestations cannot be ignored. Intracranial hypertension can occur with life-threatening pathologies - tumors, large hematomas (collections of blood) or cerebral edema.

If a symptom appears after a head injury and does not go away for a long time, you should urgently consult a doctor, since even injuries of moderate or mild severity can end unfavorably if you do not seek help in a timely manner. First of all, the doctor excludes the patient from a post-traumatic hematoma of the head.

Often, aching headaches appear when wearing glasses and working with a computer for a long time. Other reasons include:

  • infectious inflammation (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • purulent processes in the brain (abscess);
  • caffeine addiction;
  • hangover syndrome;
  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • taking vasodilators, corticosteroids, anticonvulsants and antibacterial drugs;
  • degenerative processes in the cervical spine;
  • neuralgia;
  • hypothermia.


Now, after all the main causes of the unpleasant symptom have been considered, you can answer the question: “Is it worth enduring a headache?” Despite the fact that serious organic disorders are detected during diagnosis in 5% of cases when visiting a neurologist, headaches cannot be tolerated and treated independently.

You should be especially careful in the following cases:

  1. New intense pain.
  2. Increasing and long-lasting.
  3. Increasing pain when sneezing, coughing.
  4. Headache with high fever.
  5. Pain that is accompanied by speech impairment and other neurological manifestations.

If such signs are present, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-relief of symptoms without appropriate treatment of the cause can lead to irreversible changes in the brain.

Most often, patients at doctor's appointments complain that they have a headache. Headache (medically called “cephalgia”) can be either a simple sign of fatigue or a symptom of various serious diseases. Despite such a wide distribution of this complaint, the intensity and localization of pain in the head differs in each patient. It can involve a single area of ​​the brain (for example, the temporal or frontal lobe), an entire hemisphere, or the entire head.

The frequency and severity with which the headache hurts can also vary - from infrequent or cyclically recurring to constant, from weak and insignificant to acute and throbbing.

The most common medical causes of headaches are the following diseases: migraine, head trauma, vascular pathology, tumors and their metastases to the brain or skull bones, damage to the facial nerves, diseases of the eyes or paranasal sinuses. This is not a complete list of conditions - there are more than a thousand such diseases. Below are the main manifestations of headaches that people often encounter in everyday life.

Main causes of headaches

At the temples

Temporal pain has a wide variety of origins. They occur when there is poor circulation in the vessels of the head, with fever during infectious diseases, high intracranial pressure, with tumors or meningitis, with inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the teeth of the upper jaw, and even when walking down the street without a hat in cold weather or with excessive exposure to sharp spices in food.

Unilateral throbbing pain in the temple, spreading throughout the entire hemisphere, indicates a migraine. Women are more likely to suffer from this pathology. During a migraine attack, in addition to a sharp headache in the temporal region or the top of the head, patients indicate that they feel very nauseous, and any sound or light stimuli cause increased pain and worsening of the condition.

Treatment includes taking analgesics. You can self-massage your temples, and also apply a cold compress around the entire circumference of your head.

In the back of my head

Pain in the occipital region is primarily a manifestation of high blood pressure. The situation is especially dangerous when, against the background of intense pain, spots appear before the eyes and the face turns red, since this may be a manifestation of a sharp increase in pressure - a hypertensive crisis.

To get rid of pain in the occipital localization, you need to constantly monitor your blood pressure levels, as well as take antihypertensive drugs recommended by a cardiologist.

If occipital pain also involves the neck, then the cause is most likely osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Due to the narrowing of the lumen of the vertebral arches, the arteries that supply the neck and occipital part of the head are compressed, which is why cephalgia occurs. Treatment of this type of pain consists of prescribing a course of anti-inflammatory drugs and therapeutic exercises to reduce the manifestations of osteochondrosis.

In the forehead area

If your head hurts in this area every day after a day of work, then it is a headache associated with overexertion. It occurs as a result of constant stress on the body or due to a forced static position of the head during the day. This type of pain goes away when a person manages to take a few days off from work, take a course of sedatives, or when the lifestyle becomes more active.

Severe pain in the forehead is often associated with inflammation of the maxillary or frontal sinuses. In this case, the pain intensifies when the head is tilted forward, the body temperature rises, and purulent discharge from the nasal passages periodically appears. An ENT doctor can help in this situation by prescribing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes surgical drainage of the sinuses is required.

Pain in the frontal region is also the initial symptom of acute viral diseases, migraines, and increased intracranial pressure.


If the amount of alcohol consumed in the evening exceeds the liver’s ability to completely neutralize toxic products, then a hangover occurs the next morning. As a result of intoxication, dehydration of the body, increased blood pressure, and vasospasm are observed, which impairs the delivery of oxygen to all organs and parts of the body, including the brain. Due to oxygen deprivation, a hangover often causes headaches.

The following measures will help get rid of cephalalgia after alcohol:

  • contrast shower for toning the walls of blood vessels;
  • replenishment of fluid deficiency (preferably with mineral water);
  • taking medications to relieve hangover symptoms.

During pregnancy

In pregnant women, headaches can be triggered by natural hormonal changes or sudden cessation of bad habits (for example, smoking or drinking coffee). Such headaches are not very intense and are not dangerous for pregnant women. The only inconvenience is that you have to endure the pain, since the use of most painkillers during pregnancy is contraindicated.

But a constant headache is sometimes a manifestation of high blood pressure, changes in the functioning of the kidneys or the cardiovascular system. Such conditions can pose a threat to both the woman and the fetus. Therefore, any intense, constant headache in a pregnant woman should be treated with caution.

The child has

Children get headaches for the same reasons as adults, but the following cases are more common:

  • Head injuries (although the child himself may forget about the recent injury and not associate it with a headache).
  • Poisoning with toxic products (mushrooms, inedible berries, household chemicals).
  • Congenital anomalies in the structure of cerebral vessels (to confirm this, it is necessary to undergo an MRI examination of the head).
  • Intoxication in acute infectious diseases.
  • Malignant blood diseases (anemia and leukemia) can begin with constant cephalgia.

Before your period

Headache during the premenstrual period is explained by changes in hormonal levels - a sharp decrease in progesterone levels leads to swelling and engorgement of the mammary glands, headaches and mood swings. With the onset of menstruation, all symptoms disappear.

To reduce these manifestations, in the second phase of the menstrual cycle you can take herbal preparations with hormonal activity (hogweed, red brush), as well as mild decongestants.

After meal

Pain in the head some time after eating is a manifestation of hypertension, so in this case it is imperative to control blood pressure. If you get a headache after eating sweet foods or other foods high in carbohydrates, you need to rule out diabetes.

After the bath

After visiting the bathhouse, sometimes a headache occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the steam room, excess carbon monoxide due to improper ventilation from the stove and as a result of overheating. In this case, your head will stop hurting after going out into the fresh air. To avoid the appearance of these unpleasant symptoms when visiting the bathhouse in the future, you need to monitor the ventilation of the steam room and the temperature in it.

Since morning

The occurrence of headaches in the morning can be explained by lack of sleep, excessive coffee consumption, and uncomfortable position of the head and neck during sleep. If all these reasons are excluded, then pain upon awakening is a manifestation of a dangerous pathology - tumor and inflammatory processes in the brain, disruption of the adrenal glands, which requires a detailed examination and specific treatment.

Why do you get a headache when you sleep for a long time?

Headache can be caused not only by short sleep duration, but also by sleeping too long. When a person does not eat for a long period (in this case due to prolonged sleep), the blood sugar level drops to a critical level, and a headache occurs. The fix for this is quite simple - you need to have a snack immediately after sleep.

Why can't you tolerate a headache?

A headache is always a signal from the body that something is wrong inside. You can try to endure it and treat it yourself for one or two days. But if the pain gradually intensifies, appears in new areas of the head, if vomiting, a feeling of numbness in the limbs or face occurs, you can no longer self-medicate.

It is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible, since these symptoms are prognostically unfavorable, and early treatment in such cases can save health and life.

Many people wonder why headaches should not be tolerated. After all, this disease very often manifests itself in people. Some do not attach any importance to it, while others begin to actively look for the cause of pain in the head. It all depends on how carefully a person treats his body. You shouldn’t always panic if it’s present, but you shouldn’t ignore it either. At a minimum, you can either try to relieve the pain in some way. Or start examining the body to find out the causes of headaches. So why is this disease actually dangerous? When should you sound the alarm? What is the prevention of the phenomenon in question?

Headache is...

Why can't you tolerate a headache? The thing is that this phenomenon occurs very often in the world. There is probably not a single person on Earth who has never encountered it. Both children and adults experience headaches of varying strength.

But what is it? As you might guess, we are talking about discomfort experienced in the head area. Painful sensations have a negative impact on the human brain and behavior.

Headache can be different - mild, severe, aching, pinpoint, and so on. In any case, you should not ignore this disease. Why can't you tolerate a headache? There are several reasons.


The first scenario is that a person experiences discomfort with a headache. It doesn't matter exactly how old he is. Both children and adults react equally negatively to any stimulus.

Often a headache, which is accompanied by discomfort (if it is moderate or severe), leads to disruption of the functioning of the body and the person as a whole. Simply put, it interferes with living and thinking. Therefore, you should not ignore this phenomenon, especially if you have intellectual work. It is possible to restore functionality only by getting rid of pain in the head area.

Serious illnesses

What other options for the development of events take place? Why can’t you tolerate a headache in one case or another? It is clear that any illness is a disruption of human life. But, for example, the pain from a bruise should be endured. You can ease it a little, but you shouldn’t panic. With the head, everything is completely different.

Why can't you tolerate a headache? The thing is that very often this phenomenon indicates the presence of serious diseases in the body. Much depends on the circumstances under which the disease arose. For example, after a fall. In this case, pain in the head area indicates a concussion. This is a reason to see a doctor.

Similarly, pain in the head area can indicate other serious illnesses. So you definitely shouldn’t tolerate it and ignore it. There are several more reasons to think about the body’s reaction being studied.


Why can’t you tolerate a headache and how does it occur? Understanding all this is not as easy as it seems. In general, any deviation and ailment of the body should be taken into account. Often, even a small change in condition can indicate certain pathologies.

It's no secret that people who often suffer from illness become nervous. Accordingly, their bodies are more at risk of developing certain ailments. It’s not for nothing that they say that many diseases arise from stress and nerves.

Even a minor headache can cause negative emotions. They influence a person and his behavior. The patient will behave aggressively. And you will most likely be able to calm down only when the cause of concern subsides.

For pregnant

Why can't you tolerate headaches during pregnancy? Everyone understands that this period is extremely important for a woman. And any negative effect on the body does not have the best effect on the fetus. In addition, during a normal pregnancy, a woman should not have any problems - this is a sign that she is healthy. This means that everything will be fine with the baby too.

Only if the slightest illness appears should you immediately consult a doctor. Especially when it comes to headaches. It has already been said that this phenomenon does not simply arise. Most often, pain in the head area is a direct indicator of a more serious illness. In pregnant women, circulatory disorders most often occur. And that’s why painful sensations arise in the head. All this negatively affects the fetus. There is no need to ignore the disease; you will have to normalize blood circulation so as not to harm the unborn baby.

You can be patient

The topic “Why you can’t tolerate headaches and how to prevent them” continues. From all of the above, we can conclude: if you want to remain in a fully operational state, you will have to pay attention to the problem at hand. Doctors say that headaches are a manifestation of serious illnesses. And in order not to miss them, it is necessary to consult a doctor if the phenomenon is being studied.

True, you should not always panic. Each person's body is individual. And there are many factors that cause headaches. Sometimes you can be patient. This is exactly what some people claim. Much depends on how exactly the malaise manifests itself. For example, a minor headache that does not seriously disturb the general condition of the body is not dangerous. Most likely, this is due to overwork or lack of sleep. But acute, throbbing or aching pain should not be ignored.

Thus, we can conclude: it is not always necessary to panic. If the pain in the head area is not severe and without any prerequisites, you can be patient for a while. Otherwise, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Maybe after a comprehensive examination it will be possible to identify a serious disease!

Reasons not to panic

Why can't you tolerate headaches and their symptoms? This is already clear - it is possible that the patient has some serious disease, for example the brain. And pain in the head area indicates this. It should also be noted that not in all cases you need to panic and consult a doctor. Under what circumstances can you endure a headache or try to get rid of it using traditional methods? If:

  • the pain is not severe;
  • there were no bruises;
  • there was a stressful situation recently;
  • the person did not get enough sleep;
  • pain was preceded by severe stress (physical or mental);
  • headache occurs only under certain circumstances (for example, with a sudden change in weather conditions);
  • the disease is not accompanied by other negative reactions from the body;
  • the phenomenon is not systematic.

In all of the above cases, there is no need to panic too much and run to the doctor. Maybe the person is simply sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure. Or a simple lack of sleep caused malaise. In any case, you should try to relieve the pain yourself. How to do it? What ways can help?

Ease the pain

Now it’s clear why you can’t tolerate a headache. Treatment for this disease may vary. The first step is to understand why this phenomenon occurs. And the data obtained will be used as a starting point when selecting therapy. There are several tips that will definitely help reduce pain. Can:

  1. Take a few painkillers. For example, "No-shpa" or aspirin. The proposed move will not cure a headache, but the discomfort will decrease. If the discomfort is not severe, taking painkillers will help restore the body's performance to 100%.
  2. Sleep. Very good advice given by many. Often overwork and lack of sleep (including chronic) are the causative agents of headaches. Therefore, good sleep will help either alleviate suffering or help get rid of discomfort altogether.
  3. Rest is another option that can help relieve pain in the head area. You don't have to sleep or doze - just do something that won't tax your brain. It has already been said that it is overvoltage that can cause the problem. This means that if you relax, you can avoid going to the doctor and improve your body’s condition.
  4. Changing your environment is another way to help relieve headaches. We are talking about cases when an unfavorable atmosphere causes a similar reaction in the body. Then it is enough to leave the place of irritation - and the illness will pass.
  5. A cool towel placed on the forehead helps relieve headaches. Be careful, you might get sick!


Now you understand why you can’t tolerate a headache and how to treat it. If the patient’s condition does not improve after all of the above steps, it is advisable to consult a doctor. It is recommended to do the same when the pain is aching, severe and appears regularly.

Usually, completing a course of treatment prescribed by a doctor helps cope with the disease. Or rather, getting rid of the disease that was the causative agent of the headache. This is the only way to fully recover and stop asking the question: “Why can’t you tolerate a headache and how can you get rid of it?”