Why you need to drink clean water. Why should you drink more water? Strengthening muscle tone

For life. On average, about 5 liters of blood circulate in an adult body. Blood plasma is 92-95% water. Thanks to water, blood can perform its functions:

  • deliver nutrients to the cells of organs;
  • bring oxygen to the tissues from the lungs and return carbon dioxide to them;
  • throw out waste substances from the internal organs through the kidneys;
  • ensure homeostasis (constancy and balance of the internal environment): maintain temperature, water-salt balance, the work of hormones and enzymes;
  • protect the body: white blood cells and plasma proteins circulate in the blood, which are responsible for immunity.

If there is not enough water in the body, then the mass of blood decreases, its viscosity increases. It is not easy for the heart to pump such blood. Premature wear of the heart muscle occurs, which leads to pathology up to myocardial infarction.

That is why during active sports and high loads, the body needs more water.

Is it true that lack of water causes headaches?

Truth. Even from mild dehydration, the brain works worse.

Brain cells are more than 80 percent water, and a fifth of all blood is constantly bathing it. Plus, the brain "baths" in the cerebrospinal fluid, which fills all the spaces in the spinal canal and cranium.

With water, oxygen and glucose enter the brain, which are necessary for the generation of nerve impulses, that is, for nervous activity. Water removes metabolic products and toxins from the brain.

Therefore, if there is not enough fluid, dehydration (dehydration) of the brain occurs. And with her:

  • increased fatigue and absent-mindedness;
  • memory impairment;
  • slowing down the speed of mathematical calculations;
  • negative emotions.

Dehydration has been found in people with autism, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. But schoolchildren who drink water during the school day increase their academic performance.

What happens if I don't drink enough water?

Feeling worse. In addition to a headache, other unpleasant symptoms of dehydration from the digestive and excretory systems will appear.

The work of the stomach and intestines is impossible without water. And there are several explanations for this. Water ensures the normal digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients from the intestines. If there is not enough water in the body, there will be discomfort in the abdomen and constipation.

The kidneys filter 150–170 liters of blood per day in order to produce 1.5 liters of urine as a result. This means that for the normal elimination of toxins and waste substances, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, but preferably more.

With a lack of fluid, the filtration capacity of the kidneys worsens, they themselves can accumulate an excess of toxic substances. Against this background, various renal pathologies can occur. One of the main medical prescriptions for kidney pathology is the recommendation to drink plenty of water to cleanse them and restore function.

When do you need more water than usual?

When you want to have a baby. The basis of seminal fluid is water. Thanks to her, the sperm goes in search of an egg, swimming through the woman's reproductive tract until conception occurs.

The new organism also spends all nine months in the aquatic environment. The amount of amniotic fluid increases along with the increase in the size of the fetus, reaching 1,000 milliliters at birth. Waters support the fetus, protect it from infections, create conditions for growth and development.

During childbirth, water ensures the normal opening of the cervix and contributes to the safe movement of the child through the birth canal.

I always drink little. Will it affect me in any way?

You will most likely look worse as you get older.

Even Avicenna noticed that old age is dryness. In order for the skin to perform its protective function, it must maintain turgor (elasticity and firmness). Then she will be able to withstand the hot sun, withering wind or low air temperatures.

Healthy skin is 25% water and becomes wrinkled when dehydrated. This means that daily water intake is necessary to maintain its turgor. Better clean, slightly mineralized and without gas.

To maintain the health of the skin, it should receive at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

What other negative consequences does water scarcity cause?

Even the joints need water. If they are stiff, a person is deprived of freedom: he does not move well and can hardly cope with business. According to statistics, 30% of the population has joint diseases.

The joints are covered with cartilage. It is the slippery elastic cartilage that provides the mobility of the bone joints. Water makes up 80% of cartilage. In addition, in the articular bag surrounding each joint, there is an articular fluid for lubricating the cartilaginous surfaces. With a lack of water, they are destroyed, causing severe pain to a person.

What if I don't want to drink?

While doing business, we sometimes do not notice that we are thirsty, and even confuse thirst and hunger, we reach for snacks when we just need to take a sip of water.

The best way to prevent dehydration and all its unpleasant consequences is to put a bottle or cup of clean, slightly mineralized water on the table and take a sip every time your eyes fall on the water.

If you realize that you are thirsty, then eliminate your thirst in time. And if not, a sip of clean water has never hurt anyone.

* Based on research conducted by Zenithinternational (specialist consultants to the food and drink industries worldwide) in 2016.
** Eden is Eden artesian water.

For life. On average, about 5 liters of blood circulate in an adult body. Blood plasma is 92-95% water. Thanks to water, blood can perform its functions:

  • deliver nutrients to the cells of organs;
  • bring oxygen to the tissues from the lungs and return carbon dioxide to them;
  • throw out waste substances from the internal organs through the kidneys;
  • ensure homeostasis (constancy and balance of the internal environment): maintain temperature, water-salt balance, the work of hormones and enzymes;
  • protect the body: white blood cells and plasma proteins circulate in the blood, which are responsible for immunity.

If there is not enough water in the body, then the mass of blood decreases, its viscosity increases. It is not easy for the heart to pump such blood. Premature wear of the heart muscle occurs, which leads to pathology up to myocardial infarction.

That is why during active sports and high loads, the body needs more water.

Is it true that lack of water causes headaches?

Truth. Even from mild dehydration, the brain works worse.

Brain cells are more than 80 percent water, and a fifth of all blood is constantly bathing it. Plus, the brain "baths" in the cerebrospinal fluid, which fills all the spaces in the spinal canal and cranium.

With water, oxygen and glucose enter the brain, which are necessary for the generation of nerve impulses, that is, for nervous activity. Water removes metabolic products and toxins from the brain.

Therefore, if there is not enough fluid, dehydration (dehydration) of the brain occurs. And with her:

  • increased fatigue and absent-mindedness;
  • memory impairment;
  • slowing down the speed of mathematical calculations;
  • negative emotions.

Dehydration has been found in people with autism, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. But schoolchildren who drink water during the school day increase their academic performance.

What happens if I don't drink enough water?

Feeling worse. In addition to a headache, other unpleasant symptoms of dehydration from the digestive and excretory systems will appear.

The work of the stomach and intestines is impossible without water. And there are several explanations for this. Water ensures the normal digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients from the intestines. If there is not enough water in the body, there will be discomfort in the abdomen and constipation.

The kidneys filter 150–170 liters of blood per day in order to produce 1.5 liters of urine as a result. This means that for the normal elimination of toxins and waste substances, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, but preferably more.

With a lack of fluid, the filtration capacity of the kidneys worsens, they themselves can accumulate an excess of toxic substances. Against this background, various renal pathologies can occur. One of the main medical prescriptions for kidney pathology is the recommendation to drink plenty of water to cleanse them and restore function.

When do you need more water than usual?

When you want to have a baby. The basis of seminal fluid is water. Thanks to her, the sperm goes in search of an egg, swimming through the woman's reproductive tract until conception occurs.

The new organism also spends all nine months in the aquatic environment. The amount of amniotic fluid increases along with the increase in the size of the fetus, reaching 1,000 milliliters at birth. Waters support the fetus, protect it from infections, create conditions for growth and development.

During childbirth, water ensures the normal opening of the cervix and contributes to the safe movement of the child through the birth canal.

I always drink little. Will it affect me in any way?

You will most likely look worse as you get older.

Even Avicenna noticed that old age is dryness. In order for the skin to perform its protective function, it must maintain turgor (elasticity and firmness). Then she will be able to withstand the hot sun, withering wind or low air temperatures.

Healthy skin is 25% water and becomes wrinkled when dehydrated. This means that daily water intake is necessary to maintain its turgor. Better clean, slightly mineralized and without gas.

To maintain the health of the skin, it should receive at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

What other negative consequences does water scarcity cause?

Even the joints need water. If they are stiff, a person is deprived of freedom: he does not move well and can hardly cope with business. According to statistics, 30% of the population has joint diseases.

The joints are covered with cartilage. It is the slippery elastic cartilage that provides the mobility of the bone joints. Water makes up 80% of cartilage. In addition, in the articular bag surrounding each joint, there is an articular fluid for lubricating the cartilaginous surfaces. With a lack of water, they are destroyed, causing severe pain to a person.

What if I don't want to drink?

While doing business, we sometimes do not notice that we are thirsty, and even confuse thirst and hunger, we reach for snacks when we just need to take a sip of water.

The best way to prevent dehydration and all its unpleasant consequences is to put a bottle or cup of clean, slightly mineralized water on the table and take a sip every time your eyes fall on the water.

If you realize that you are thirsty, then eliminate your thirst in time. And if not, a sip of clean water has never hurt anyone.

* Based on research conducted by Zenithinternational (specialist consultants to the food and drink industries worldwide) in 2016.
** Eden is Eden artesian water.

Water is a component of every cell in our body, which also fills the intercellular space. This component supports a huge number of functions, enhances many metabolic reactions involved in thermoregulation. If you want to lose weight, drink plenty of water, because it is involved in the breakdown of hated fats.

If you want to wake up in the morning happy and rested, read the articles and follow my advice.

At first you will feel thirsty, then the body will begin to stop excreting and begin to accumulate water - swelling will appear, the volume of urine will decrease. You will feel weak, dizzy due to low blood pressure.

  • Dry skin;
  • Dull, falling out hair;
  • Brittle, exfoliating nails;
  • Slow metabolism (start to gain weight);
  • Violation of the kidneys;
  • swelling in the legs and under the eyes;
  • Acne.

Be sure to drink during training. When you exercise, you sweat and lose moisture. Don't fill it up, you'll get dehydrated.

How to calculate how much water you drink per day?

Standard 2 liters per day, it turns out, is not suitable for everyone. Your husband (let's say he weighs more than you) and you need different amounts of water. No need to look for formulas and count.

Just download any Appendix on the phone, enter your data (height, weight, gender, age). The program will take care of everything for you.

It should be noted that not all liquid need to be taken into account. We take water not only from the water itself, but also from other products, tea, coffee. Only herbal tea can be considered water. Coffee, black and green teas remove fluids more than you "pour in". It is very good if your application will count different drinks.

Try to drink 80% until 16:00 and the rest in the evening. And before going to bed, you should not lean heavily on drinks - there is a risk of swelling a little in the morning.

An important rule - if you drink a glass coffee, you simply have to drink TWO glasses of water within two hours to replenish your fluid supply. Have you noticed that after this invigorating drink, you want to go to the toilet a little more often than usual?

Is water boring?

  • Drink herbal tea, milk, juices. Just be careful with juices, they should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Even water mixed with lemon or lime should only be drunk after a meal.
  • Coffee can be consumed no more than 2-3 cups per day.
  • Pay attention to teas. Do not take packaged ones, dyes are often added to them. If you have dry skin, this drink will only hurt you.

Can you drink food?

For how many years information has been circulating on the Internet that you need to wait 20 minutes after eating and only then make yourself tea. This is not entirely true. For example, you are on a diet, you ate dry buckwheat and chicken, no sauce. How is this different from a burger (by dryness, I mean)? This dish is a must "dilute" otherwise it will be hard for your stomach to digest it.

Liquid leaves the stomach a few minutes after the first sip, solid food - a few hours. Water does not interfere with the digestion of other foods.

Drinking fluid before meals helps you eat less. The volume of the drink simply takes up space and there is very little left for food.

Are you constantly bothered by a headache?

There can be a huge number of reasons for a headache, only a doctor will help to find them out and cure them.

Insufficient fluid intake or excess fluid excretion (for example, when you sweat) leads to dehydration. The brain reacts violently to these changes, intracranial pressure decreases, and you can feel not only a headache, but also dizziness.

Try an experiment. Feel like it's about to start headache drink a couple of glasses of water. Wait a bit, does it get easier? If not, the reason lies in another pathology and you should definitely go to the doctor.

How to drink water outside the home

When I'm on the road or doing sports outside the gym, it helps me this water bottle, you can drink from it with one hand right on the go, without fear of spilling. Give all your loved ones such a valuable gift, because water is life. Let them get used to drinking it as often as possible.

  • You can pick up a bottle of your favorite color and wear it as an accessory.
  • Collect water at home and on the way from the gym.
  • Most banks and various institutions have free coolers - everything is for us.

How water helps you lose weight

Finally, let's take a look at how H2O can help improve your "weight loss" success.

  • As I mentioned above, a glass drunk before dinner deceives the stomach, and you eat less.
  • If you drink the right amount of liquid, your metabolism (as well as the rate of weight loss) will increase by 20%.
  • Edema decreases or completely disappears, and this is an extra couple of kilograms.
  • During any diet increase your daily allowance water by 25%, this is necessary to remove decay products from the body.
  • And all these rules work exclusively with pure water, no Cola, Fanta or Sprite.

I recommend the free video course to everyone "6 steps of healthy weight loss" from Doctor of Biological Sciences Galina Grossman.

The very existence of our planet is literally implicated in water. And the origin of life, and the movement of continents, and climate change - water took part in all these processes. She is credited with various properties (many of which, by the way, have been proven): that she has a memory, reacts to everything that happens around her, has powerful energy and outstanding physical and chemical properties. Only water under typical climatic conditions can change its state of aggregation: to be either liquid, or solid, or gaseous. In the myths of many peoples, she appears both dead and alive. Here it is appropriate to recall the healing properties of melt water, on which at one time a fair percentage of the population of our country sat down, counting on gaining youth, longevity and harmony. Many, by the way, have achieved significant success in this field. But this technique is rather alternative, not scientifically substantiated. But the fact that the use of the optimal amount of water can virtually eliminate chronic pain from migraines, rheumatism, peptic ulcers, as well as lower cholesterol, normalize blood pressure and contribute to a noticeable weight loss is a medical fact.

Why should you drink more water?

Everything is very simple. The loss of even 10% of water by the body negatively affects our health: both metabolic processes and the activity of the central nervous system are disturbed (not for nothing that when a person is worried, he is advised to drink a glass of water).

Doctors say that even in a calm position of the body at an average air temperature, a person loses from 2 to 2.5 liters of water daily. It leaves with urine, saliva, sweat, breath ... This means that any healthy person needs 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day just to keep himself in working condition

And what happens if there is not enough water for a person?
Firstly, the kidneys begin to “lazy” and their function is partially taken over by the liver, due to which the process of “utilization” and the removal of decay products from the body slows down. This is fraught with intoxication and ... constipation, which is often observed in those who are intensively working on weight loss (diet / sports / sauna), while not drinking enough water. Although it was previously believed that in the treatment of obesity, water intake should be limited (up to 1-1.2 liters per day). But to prove that it contributes to weight loss, no one has succeeded.

Secondly, the lack of water contributes to edema no less than its excess. If the body decides that it is in danger of dehydration, it will hold every drop in the intercellular space. As a result: swollen face, legs and arms.

Thirdly, an interesting observation: the less water in the body, the more often we want to eat, especially sweets.

Scientists have their own statistics on the "water" account: with a lack of 2% of water, malaise occurs, with 6-8% - fainting, with 10% - hallucinations and even coma, and if the body loses 15-25% of water - this is a guarantee of irreversible processes in body and even death. Our brain, which is 85% water, is especially sensitive to dehydration. The loss of even 1% of water can lead to the death of brain cells that are not restored.
Since we are talking about the head, take note: a headache is often just a signal that the body does not get enough water. So do not grab the pills right away, try to drink the same glass of clean water first.
And here is another curious fact: a newborn consists of 75% water, but if we live to be 95 years old, the volume of fluid in our body by this age will be only 25%.

The conclusion suggests itself: if you want to stay active and alert longer, drink more water. Aging is the natural path of every person, and, alas, not everyone succeeds in being young even in old age. Of course, genes also play a role here, but the role of water cannot be ruled out! Think about the phrase “dries with old age” - it is the “shrinkage” of cells that modern scientists call the main cause of aging. 5 more reasons to drink more water.

How much water to drink per day

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The formula that allows you to calculate the optimal amount of fluid you need for life (and for health!), Is simple: the norm is 40 grams of water per 1 kg of human weight.
You need to increase this volume (by 1-2 glasses):

- when visiting the steam room / sauna;
- with an increase in protein in the diet;
- when drinking alcohol, coffee;
- when smoking;
- when breastfeeding;
- with increased breathing (physical activity, high altitude conditions).

Everything seems to be simple, but there are some buts. Let's say for some reason you got used to drinking not two and a half, but three and a half liters of water (tea, kefir, juices, etc.) a day. If you are not hypertensive and you have healthy kidneys, there is nothing to worry about: how much fluid has entered the body, so much will come out of it. But be on the lookout: constant thirst can be one of the symptoms of a number of serious diseases, such as diabetes or hormonal disorders. Also pay attention to swelling: if you do not have the habit of eating herring at night, but in the morning you notice swelling, see a doctor - you need to visit an endocrinologist and a cardiotherapist.

Someone is used to drinking a lot, and someone is a whole liter, or even one and a half, behind the norm, falling short. There are not so few people who hardly pour a glass of water into themselves. From the drunk liquid, they may have an increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, and a feeling of discomfort. In this case (under the obligatory condition that everything is in order with the health of the cardiologist and endocrinologist), it can be recommended to train, gradually increasing the “dose”: half a glass a day or two or three days. Carefully monitor your condition - the body itself will tell you at what pace to move towards the goal. Theoretically, he gets used to the norm within one to two weeks.

You may have heard that water speeds up the metabolism, so those who drink a lot of fluids are much less likely to gain weight from what they eat. And the manifestations of cellulite in those who drink a lot of water are also less ... If after these words you firmly decided to drink as much as possible, do not rush to realize your idea. A large amount of water drunk not only activates the kidneys (which is good), but also removes very valuable macro- and microelements from the body, disrupts the water-salt balance (which is bad).

First of all, water flushes out potassium from the body. And if, in addition to everything else, your water-salt balance is disturbed, then there will also be an excess of sodium, which just contributes to fluid retention. If you are actively losing weight, drink more water (just do not abuse mineral water, it is still healing) and take light, potassium-sparing diuretics. It also helps to take vitamin C, iron and magnesium.

What water to drink?

So, we figured out the required amount of liquid. However, one question, the main one for many, remains: is it enough to drink juices, kvass, tea, wine, or should one drink just plain water? There are many scientific and pseudo-scientific opinions, conjectures and studies on this subject, but a definite answer has not been found.

For example, the famous Iranian doctor Batmanghelidj came to the conclusion that plain water can heal a person from many diseases. He even has a single answer to all the questions of patients: "You are not sick, you are just thirsty." In his opinion, the right water is a carrier of energy. Only she is able to restore the vitality of the body. But from the point of view of evidence-based medicine, the difference between water and drinks is the same: tea and coffee increase blood pressure and cause even more thirst, while juices and carbonated drinks contain sugar and increase appetite. In any case, no matter what we drink, the intestinal walls filter water with the help of special “pumps”, and it is water that enters the cells, even if beer or broth was drunk. Actually, if during the illness you had a high temperature, then you probably heard the doctor’s recommendation more than once: “... And drink more fluids!” It's liquids, not water.

But still it is better to drink just clean water. It contains neither calories, nor salts, nor sugars, nor other elements that can harm the body. And its benefits are undeniable. For example, drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach will help to improve the functioning of the intestines and compensate for the loss of water during hours of sleep. In hot weather, before going out, it is also advisable to drink water. Is it possible to drink water during the walk itself? It is undesirable to drink a lot: it will increase sweating, which means it will increase the process of dehydration. Water is also useful during long flights: to feel good, be sure to drink a glass of water for every hour of flight.

In addition, there are a number of indications for which doctors recommend drinking water:

    first of all, these are all acute diseases, diarrhea, feverish conditions that cause high temperature, since the body during these periods loses a significant amount of water (through the lungs, skin, urine, etc.);

    flushes of blood to the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, stomach and inflammation in these organs;

    flushes of blood to the abdominal organs and, in general, to the lower part of the body, for example, with hemorrhoids, poisoning of the liver, kidneys, etc.;

    circulatory delay and improper distribution of blood, as well as internal and external neoplasms, cysts, polyps, growths.

And finally: you need to drink water skillfully! It should be slightly warm, and you should not drink it in one gulp, but in small sips.

Olga Gessen
Thank you for your advice
therapist, MD Eugene Parnes.

Why you should drink water

A healthy person needs to drink much more water than most people do. Yogis drink about three liters of raw water per day, not counting liquid meals. The recommended dose for a healthy person is 8 glasses of water a day. We must remember that water is water, and tea, coffee and other drinks are food. Many people suffer from constipation, urolithiasis, headaches for years, get tired quickly and do not suspect that this may be due to the habit of drinking little water. Due to the lack of fluid in the body, as well as the use of drinks that contain caffeine (cola, coffee, tea) and actually stimulate fluid loss - all this contributes to dehydration. But few people know that

Dehydration of the body by only 3% of the total body weight is the first cause of daytime fatigue and slow metabolism;

Dehydration of only 1-2% of your total body weight can impair your mental capacity, concentration and physical performance;

Headache is also a sign of dehydration;

Constipation is a consequence of dehydration;

Dehydration can be a serious barrier to exercise. Since, due to general fatigue, you may simply not be able to cope with the load, and this is fraught with injuries. Drinking a couple of glasses of pure, mildly alkaline water before training will provide you with energy and maintain your health.

Why should you drink water? (jvotes)

  1. 1. Water is a source of nutrients.

Water circulates along with the bloodstream and helps deliver nutrients and oxygen to the cells and organs of the human body. It acts as a solvent for nutrients and salts and helps them to be absorbed.

  1. 2. Water is a means to lose weight.

Drinking water helps you lose weight because it contains no calories. It acts as an ideal "filler" for the stomach, creating a feeling that, in turn, reduces the feeling of hunger.

Also drinking water is a powerful appetite suppressant; when we think we are hungry, we are only thirsty. Drink a glass of water before your meal!

  1. 3. Water is needed for digestion.

The human digestive system requires a lot of water in order to properly digest food. Water helps to solve problems with increased stomach acidity, the acid concentration drops when drinking water. Water also helps digest food. Constipation is a consequence of dehydration.

The risk of developing cancer of the digestive tract in people who drink enough water is 45% less than in people who drink little water. It also reduces the risk of bladder cancer by 50% and breast cancer. In addition, it has long been known that cancer cells do not develop in an alkaline environment. Therefore, alkaline water prevents the appearance of cancer cells.

  1. 4. Water helps prevent kidney stones.

The kidneys of the body filter waste products and send them out of the body in the form of urine. An increase in the concentration of some salts in the urine increases the risk of kidney stones. In most cases, this risk can be reduced by drinking more water and thus "diluting" the concentration of salts in the urine. Therefore, for people prone to urolithiasis, it is recommended to consume 12 glasses of water per day (for healthy people, this rate is 8 glasses).

  1. 5. Water helps lower blood pressure.

When we lose a large amount of fluid for any reason (not drinking enough water, playing sports, illness, etc.), in order to prevent water loss (due to breathing and sweating), our body tries to compensate for this lack by constriction of blood vessels, which , in turn, leads to an increase in blood pressure. That's why it's so important to drink enough water to prevent high blood pressure. Of course, this applies to cases where blood pressure has increased precisely because of the lack of water in the body. (However, special courses of treatment for diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, during which the body is specially dehydrated to reduce pressure, are not taken into account in this case.)

  1. 6. Water helps prevent heart disease.

As mentioned above, dehydration leads to the fact that the cells and tissues of the body absorb water from the bloodstream, thus reducing the strength of the blood flow (this is why the narrowing of blood vessels occurs, followed by an increase in blood pressure, see point 5). High blood pressure is a sign that the heart is working faster than usual: the heart is trying to pump more blood to the organs to balance the amount of blood in the narrowed vessels. This can exacerbate pre-existing heart conditions. Drinking enough water can help prevent this.

  1. 7. Water affects the health of our skin.

By participating in the process of perspiration, water also removes impurities from the skin and cleanses it, the skin looks younger and healthier. Dehydrated skin loses its tone: looks saggy and wrinkled.

How much should you drink?

Enough to produce 1.5 liters of urine per day. If you have a high fever or an upset stomach, you need to drink much more.

Water is the main structural component of our body:

  • in an adult, it makes up 70% of body weight,
  • in a child - 80%.

A person loses about 2600 ml per day. water, of which:

With urine - 1500 ml,

With feces - 100 ml,

Through the skin - 600 ml.

And through the lungs - 400 ml.

Naturally, this amount of water must be replenished.

Please note that the amount of water for drinking should be increased gradually and, most importantly, drink it not in glasses, but in several sips regularly throughout the day. If you gradually increase your water intake to at least three glasses a day, you will feel much better!

The recommended dose for a healthy person is 8 glasses of water a day. If drinking this amount of water is unusual for you, you can add lemon juice to the water to improve the taste. It is also a very good habit to always have a bottle of water with you.

By the way, you should pay attention to the fact that there is a difference between drinking enough water and drinking too much water. The latter can lead to the most undesirable and unpleasant consequences - the washing out of salt from the body, which leads to dizziness or fainting.

Be careful. Rely on your feelings!