Facelift from short access. S-lift: plastic micro-surgery with the effect of natural rejuvenation

S-lifting is a surgical technique for correcting age-related changes in the middle and lower thirds of the face and neck and general visual rejuvenation. The name of the method comes from Short Scar (short scar), so another term that is often used to define this method is short scar lifting.

What it is

The technique is one of the three basic surgical techniques (lift using minimal access), so S-lifting is often referred to by the same term - MACS-lift.


Short-scar facelift combines the advantages of a length-limited incision (i.e., minimal tissue dissection) with the advantages of the method (PMAS) - lifting a deep layer flap consisting of facial muscle fibers and connective tissue. Correction according to the S-lifting system allows you to achieve the best cosmetic results by lifting not only the skin, but also the tissue structures under the fiber. Moreover, the rejuvenating effect is achieved without the effect of the "mask".

The aesthetic result of short-scar facelift is maintained for a long time (up to 8-10 years) due to the vertical fixation of the tightened "flaps" of deep tissues, and is comparable to the effect of SMAS-lifting. The operation, after agreement with the surgeon and if there are indications, can be repeated.


In addition to the S-lift, which is one of the three versions of the MACS-lift, there are J and V-lifts. The letters S, V or J indicate the type of incisions being made. The name S-lifting is due to the shape of the characteristic incision, similar to the Latin letter S.


It is believed that S-lifting is best performed on relatively young skin in patients from 35 to 50 years old with moderate facial and neck skin defects, with a preserved facial contour line and in the absence of very noticeable signs of sagging tissues.

But experts insist that the S-technique has a noticeable effect on more mature skin, if a certain degree of elasticity is maintained.

  • deformation of the contour of the lower jaw;
  • weakening of the muscles around the mouth and drooping of the corners of the lips;
  • flabbiness of the skin in the cheek-zygomatic region;
  • omission of the outer corners of the eyes - pulling the eyelid to the temples makes the look open and young.

  1. In the case of deep loose folds, it is advisable to combine the S-lifting technique with and.
  2. To achieve complete rejuvenation in patients over 50 years old, it is recommended to combine the S-procedure with lifting the forehead area and.
  3. With deep contour deformations, severe skin folding, nasolabial wrinkles, it is advisable to perform an SMAS lift or combine S-lifting with the Frac 3 3D technique.


Among the contraindications, there are a number of diseases and some conditions of the epidermis, in which the procedure is prohibited:

  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of insulin dependence;
  • diseases of internal organs in the active stage;
  • autoimmune pathologies, oncological processes;
  • dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels in severe form;
  • , pustular skin diseases in the treatment area;
  • low blood clotting;
  • insufficiency of the kidneys, liver;
  • allergic reactions$
  • long-term nicotine use (up to 20 cigarettes a day)

Comparison with other similar techniques

First of all, surgical intervention in S-plasty involves tightening not only the skin and subcutaneous tissue, as, for example, with rhytidectomy, but also the deep muscle-tissue layers. This provides a pronounced effect of S-lift with minimal tissue excision.

The main difference between the technique of a short-scar facelift and the standard facelift procedure is an incision limited by a zone in front of the auricle with vertical fixation of sagging facial tissues in the temporal zone. This avoids excessive skin tension and distortion of natural facial expressions when correcting age-related defects.


  1. The method is aimed not only at superficial skin tightening, but also at lifting the subcutaneous structures of the face (SMAS). The aesthetic result of rejuvenation is achieved while maintaining a lively facial expression.
  2. Low invasiveness of the operation, exclusion of damage to the facial nerve and subsequent paresis due to non-standard tissue excision;
  3. The minimum area of ​​the exfoliated skin area, which reduces the likelihood of postoperative complications.
  4. Limited incision length, which allows you to hide the fact of surgical intervention;
  5. Carrying out a micro-incision within the pre-ear zone, without moving to the temple area. This eliminates focal hair loss along the growth line in the back of the head and its displacement upwards and backwards (which often happens after a classic surgical lifting).
  6. Reduced surgery time, use of light short-term anesthesia using intravenous injection.
  7. Fast recovery after the procedure due to low blood loss and low trauma.

How is the S-lift performed?

Preparatory stage

Preparation for the Short Scar facelift includes:

  • consultation of a surgeon, related specialists for possible contraindications;
  • necessary laboratory blood tests.

If the patient plans to get rid of excess fat mass, the process of losing weight should be completed before the start of the operation, so that during the surgical procedure, excess sagging skin folds, often formed after rapid weight loss, can be removed.

10-14 days before the procedure, you need to give up alcohol and nicotine, which increases the likelihood of complications and delays the healing process of the dermis at the treatment site.

Operation progress

The surgical procedure lasts from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the volume and complexity of the operation.


  1. Combined anesthesia is performed - local anesthesia and intravenous injection
  2. Microcuts are made according to the chosen scheme. Usually, with S-lifting in women, retrotragus incisions are made to maximize the masking of the subsequent scar. In male patients, the tissue is dissected in the area of ​​the natural fold of the anterior region.
  3. The tightened skin and SMAS flap - a fragment of the deep muscle-fat layer (PMAS) are fixed with suspension sutures to the periosteum of the zygomatic zone at a higher point. The tissues of the lower third of the face are lifted, the angle of the lower jaw is highlighted, the contour is leveled and sagging "flews" are eliminated. To straighten the nasolabial folds, tighten the skin on the neck, additional stitches are applied.
  4. The excess skin flap is excised and the wounds are sutured with intradermal cosmetic sutures using a hypoallergenic non-absorbable thread.
  5. The thread is removed from the suture after tissue healing - usually 8-12 days after surgery.

The first improvements become noticeable after 10 to 20 days, after bruises, swelling and seals have resolved. A full-fledged cosmetological effect will be increasingly evident over 2 to 5 months.

Recovery period

After the S-lift, patients go home for 1 or 2 days. Bruises disappear by 5-7 days. To make them less noticeable, dry cold (a cold heating pad wrapped in sterile gauze) should be applied to the places around the incisions for 2-3 days. Soreness is relieved by taking Analgin, Pentalgin, Ibuprofen. Swelling on the face subsides within 10-12 days.

Until the sutures are removed, the patient must wear a pressure bandage necessary to support the tissues in the bucco-zygomatic and submental region. If short-scar lifting was performed, combining it with liposuction of the chin, the bandage is continued to be worn before a night's sleep for another 3-4 weeks.

To speed up the healing process and prevent possible complications, for a month you should follow some rules:

  • do not expose the skin in the face and neck area to heat,
  • give up hot baths, saunas, baths;
  • avoid sun exposure of the skin in the treatment area;
  • to exclude solariums, bathing in open reservoirs and the pool;
  • prevent physical overwork, exclude weight lifting, sports loads;
  • during sleep and rest, use a high pillow and, if possible, lie on your back;
  • until the seams are completely healed, exclude makeup and caring cosmetics;
  • treat the face and neck only with the means recommended by the beautician.

As for the physiotherapy shown after lifting, they are prescribed only by a doctor, based on an analysis of the condition of the skin and surgical sutures. Microcurrents, ozone therapy, special massage, carboxytherapy, procedures with the use of regenerating and regenerating masks, magnetotherapy have a wonderful effect.

These types of facelift appeared as a result of extensive experiments by plastic surgeons, who were concerned about the high traumatism of the techniques used at that time. The specialists wanted to develop not only a less traumatic, but at the same time highly effective facial rejuvenation technology. In particular, they sought to learn how to hide postoperative traces. As a result, MACS-Lifting and S-Lift were created, the distinguishing feature of which was the possibility of plastic surgery using a short scar. Invented and pioneered the use of MACS-Lifting by Patrick Tonnarde over 10 years ago. S-Lift came later; it is an advanced version of MACS-Lifting.

Indications for surgery

  • Facial rejuvenation using these techniques is recommended for patients aged 35-50 who have the following signs of aging:
  • Reducing the clarity of the face oval
  • Ptosis of the soft tissues of the cheeks
  • Reducing the density of the skin of the face and neck
  • Pronounced nasolabial folds
  • Ptosis of the corners of the mouth

Contraindications for surgery

  • Blood clotting disorder
  • Exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the body
  • Predisposition of skin tissues to the formation of keloid scars
  • Oncological diseases
  • Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation
  • Diseases of the internal organs
  • Too pronounced excess skin, especially in the neck area
  • The patient's desire to rejuvenate the temple area (low efficiency)

Preparing for the operation

Before undergoing MACS-Lifting and S-Lift, it is necessary to consult a plastic surgeon to find out how the operation goes, what are the features of rehabilitation and much more. Is it possible for you to meet with a specialist? Not sure which surgeon to consult? We offer you an online consultation service. Ask surgeons about your concerns and get quick and competent answers. To obtain permission for the operation, you must undergo a routine medical examination, as well as tests - learn more about them here.

Operation progress

The technique of MACS-Lifting and S-Lift is very similar. The only difference is how the incision is located. When performing MACS-Lifting, it originates at the lower edge of the earlobe, then goes in front of the ear and extends slightly into the temple area along the hairline. The next step of the surgeon is a gentle detachment of the skin flap. The tissues are lifted with specific sutures that are placed over the SMAS layer. These sutures are attached to the deep temporal fascia. Then there is a lifting and movement of the skin flap, after which the excess skin is removed, cosmetic sutures are applied. When performing S-Lift, the incision is S-shaped; it starts behind the ear and ends in front of the auricles.

Operation duration: 1.5-2 hours

Anesthesia: general

Rehabilitation after surgery

After a short-scar facelift, recovery is quick and relatively easy. Bruising and swelling go away after an average of 2 weeks. About 10 days it is necessary to wear a compression bandage. The sutures are removed after 1-1.5 weeks. The final postoperative result can be assessed after 1-5 months.

Photos before and after the operation

To understand whether or not to trust one or another plastic surgeon, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with his portfolio. With the help of this action, you will find out how competent the specialist is in performing MACS-Lifting and S-Lift, whether he has developed a sense of taste and harmony, whether his patients retain their natural features after facelift. In addition, we invite you to take a look at the “Before and After Photos” section on the VseOplastice.ru portal, where fresh pictures of operated patients from various angles regularly appear.

Prices for the operation

The average cost of MACS-Lifting and S-Lift today is 200,000 rubles in the capital region. You can find out how much you have to pay for facial rejuvenation using these short-scar techniques at a consultation with a plastic surgeon. In the course of communication with the doctor, you will find out what exactly the price of MACS-Lifting and S-Lift consists of. If you do not want to pay the full amount for this operation or are even looking for ways to go through it for free, we suggest that you use the useful service "Plastic for free". It provides all the information about plastic surgeons who perform facial rejuvenation and other types of aesthetic correction of appearance at great discounts or completely free of charge.

Who will have the operation?

Today, MACS-Lifting and S-Lift are a popular operation, which is why most plastic surgeons perform it in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If you have any difficulties in choosing the right specialist, you can choose one or more of them both among the winners of the famous Diamond Beauty International Health and Beauty Award, and from the list of the best aesthetic surgeons in Russia.

The dream of a woman is to keep her face young and fit, which will help s-lifting. Cosmetology offers to extend the attractiveness of the face using facelift. The first mention of it was in 1906, when a possible surgical intervention was discussed in the correction of age-related changes in the face.

Since 1976, the concept of "subcutaneous musculoaponeurotic system" has been introduced, which has received the name SMAS. A few years later, a technique for resection of SMAS and its fixation was developed. Soon there will be innovative methods of this method. They have become widespread in plastic surgery.

The method makes it possible to eliminate wrinkles and flabbiness of the skin under the influence of soft tissues. As a result, the appearance changes and the aging process is postponed. Customer reviews confirm that the procedure is effective and safe. The cosmetologist excludes complications during the procedure. A similar effect, as after it, cannot be achieved, even by applying an expensive cream.

Features of this method

A short-scar facelift will help to lift the internal structures of the face. The main characteristic feature of the operation is a slight trauma, small scars. Their location should take place behind the tragus of the ear. Due to this, the small seam cannot be seen by others. This method does not only tighten the upper layers of the skin. During the s-lifting procedure, the deep structures of the face are affected. The complex of measures achieves the effect of rejuvenation as a whole. This eliminates the effect of a stretched mask.

With a minimally invasive intervention, an incision is made in the parotid zone, and it is extended to the temporal zone. With this method, it becomes possible to achieve a tightening and rejuvenation of the lower third of the face. Get rid of age spots. After the procedure, the result can be maintained for a long period due to the fixation of soft tissues.

What are the advantages of the s-lift technique

Experts highlight many positive aspects of this method. The fundamental limitation of the incision is considered important. This practice provides an opportunity to hide the fact of the operation. During the course, strict vertical fixation of the lowered facial tissues is provided.

The use of this technique makes it possible to eliminate the effect in which the skin is stretched. The primary characteristic is the preservation of the result obtained for a long time. Also, non-standard tissue excision can reduce the risk of facial nerve deformity. Intervention with the use of gentle local anesthesia lasts a short period.

S-lift practically does not cause complications. Treatment prices are affordable. Rehabilitation is accelerated due to small blood loss. The strictest restriction on the incision significantly reduces the risk of patchy hair loss. Standard lifting, as a rule, does not allow to achieve identical results.

Indications for carrying out

Professionals advise using the procedure solely based on the indications. According to their prescriptions, a short-scar facelift is necessary when wrinkles form in the area of ​​the cheekbones on the temples or forehead. An operation will be required when there are lowered corners of the mouth, if a second selection has appeared.

For complete rejuvenation, a combination of a forehead lift with circular blepharoplasty is required. It is optimal to carry out cosmetic procedures at the age of 38-50 years. The impact of this technique makes it possible to correct age-related changes in the skin.


Such cosmetic procedures cannot be used by people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, regardless of the stage, as well as with oncological diseases and connective tissues. If there is poor blood clotting. With diseases of the cardiovascular system.

When there is a tendency to the appearance of keloid scars. The procedure is not carried out for people with a long history of smoking. Such procedures are prohibited for patients with severe skin diseases. Cosmetologists do not allow s-lifting during lactation or pregnancy. Cosmetologists do not recommend rejuvenation using the method for people whose facial changes, under the influence of age-related processes, are concentrated in the temporal, frontal zone.

Preparation for the s-lift procedure

The approach is individual, as patients have different skin elasticity and body weight. Therefore, the real picture of changes will be different. Before preparing for the operation, you should discuss with the doctor all the issues of concern, including the places of the proposed incisions, the course of the rehabilitation process.

It is necessary to tune in psychologically. Reception of vitamins and microelements is desirable. Requires good rest. Nutrition should be complete with the mandatory inclusion of animal proteins, vegetables, fruits. It is recommended two weeks before the proposed procedure to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, which can cause bleeding. Quit smoking.

The medical staff will take a photograph of the face for the purpose of subsequent drawing with a marker on the finished pictures of the clarifying drawings. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia for several hours.

rehabilitation period

It is necessary to tune in that rehabilitation will take a long time, requiring treatment from professionals. In order to consolidate the results, good care is required. It is recommended not to be nervous and not to panic after the operation, as the true result will be visible only after a certain time.

Immediately holding the mirror, you can see swelling and bruising, which is considered natural. Pass in 5-7 days. They may not show up. Temporarily, the skin will lose sensitivity. There will be some minor pain.

Painkillers may be prescribed. It is necessary to show patience, since the duration of the rehabilitation process depends on the state of the body. The true result can be seen only after six months.

You need to follow the doctor's orders. The patient is under hospital observation for 2 days. Compression bandage fixes the area of ​​the cheekbones and chin. It should be permanent until the stitches are removed.

In order for the swelling to pass faster, the head should be in a motionless, elevated state. The sutures will be removed as the healing progresses, usually on days 7-14. During this period, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics and wash your hair.

Doctors recommend using a compression bandage for a certain amount of time at night if liposuction of the cheeks and chin was performed before. Food should be liquid and frayed, as coarser causes pain when chewing. Active facial expressions are not desirable. It is worth refraining from visiting the bath, excessive physical exertion, exposure to the sun.

To speed up the rehabilitation process includes physiotherapy and manual procedures (healing masks, magnetotherapy, etc.). The risk of complications is minimal. It may occur if the instructions of specialists are not followed.

What results can be obtained

The s-facelift procedure allows those who have undergone it to look 7-8 years younger. The primary nuances that affect the main result are the presence of concomitant diseases and lifestyle.

Re-s-lifting can only be carried out at intervals of five or ten years. When therapeutic or cosmetic procedures have taken place, the period is significantly removed. The result obtained for a long time will help to fix mesotherapy and photorejuvenation. With their help, you can prevent the possible occurrence of ptosis of soft tissues. In general, cosmetologists note that the result obtained during the procedure can last for ten years. A person who monitors his health can significantly extend it.

About the author: Larisa Vladimirovna Lukina

Dermatovenereology (Internship in the specialty of dermatovenereology (2003-2004), Certificate of the Department of Dermatovenerology of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov dated 06.29.2004); Confirmation of the certificate at the FGU "SSC Rosmedtekhnologii" (144 hours, 2009) Confirmation of the certificate at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RostGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (144 hours, 2014); Professional competencies: management of dermatovenereological patients in accordance with the procedures for providing medical care, standards of medical care and approved clinical protocols. More about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

Many women, especially after 40 years, want to look beautiful and young. But over time, the skin of the face begins to age, and hateful wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes, on the eyelids, on the forehead, cheeks and chin. For this reason, many representatives of the weaker sex resort to facelift plastic surgery.

Yes, this procedure helps to rejuvenate the skin, remove wrinkles, and the result lasts long enough. However, sometimes an error may occur during the operation or serious complications may occur after the operation, which in the future may cause irreparable consequences for the appearance of the face.

In these cases, it is necessary to apply repeated plastic surgery. What is an unsuccessful facelift, why does it sometimes occur? Let's look into this in more detail.

Why might this happen?

This is not a cosmetic procedure, but a surgical procedure.

Despite the fact that this operation is performed to improve the appearance, complications and errors can occur during or after it, which can further spoil the appearance of the face.

Often, a failed facelift can occur due to a number of factors:

  • The presence of contraindications. It is worth remembering that facelift is not recommended if there are contraindications to this procedure in history. Contraindications for this procedure include: oncological pathologies, the presence of acute, inflammatory, infectious diseases, severe diabetes mellitus, the presence of blood clotting disorders, age over 50 years, during which there is a loss of elasticity of the deep layers of the skin.
  • Individual characteristics of the organism.
  • Drug intolerance.
  • Low qualification of a plastic surgeon. Often due to inexperience, and sometimes due to negligence, the doctor can make a mistake during the operation, which can later lead to an unsuccessful facelift.
  • The occurrence of complications in the postoperative period. There are cases when, after surgery, the patient has serious complications in the form of asymmetry, scarring, swelling, swelling and other unpleasant problems that require a second operation.

Another unpleasant problem, due to which it is sometimes necessary to resort to a second operation, is insufficient or excessive skin tightening, which can subsequently lead to unpleasant consequences, both visually and psychologically.

How often do problems occur?

During the operation

Unsuccessful facelift, one might say, is not such a common occurrence.

Failures can only occur because of the irresponsibility of the patient himself, because of the negligence and inexperience of the plastic surgeon, and sometimes simply because of bad luck.

If you first prepare for this procedure, namely, follow a number of recommendations, then an unsuccessful outcome can be avoided:

  • When choosing a clinic in which the operation will be performed, be sure to read the entire description of the medical institution, look at the official website of the clinic for reviews and recommendations. Give preference to only well-established medical institutions.
  • Physician experience and qualifications. Since this is a plastic surgery, it should be carried out by an experienced doctor, who has more than a dozen successful operations on his account.
  • Be sure to first undergo an examination for contraindications, namely the delivery of all tests and consultation with your doctor.
  • Proper preparation for surgery.
  • Compliance with all recommendations of the doctor in the postoperative period.

Consequences of the operation

When tightening with threads

With a facelift with threads, failures do not occur often, but if everything is done correctly.

A successful outcome depends on both the patient and the plastic surgeon. Failures during this procedure may occur due to non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor, both before the operation and during the rehabilitation period. Be sure to follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

If this is not done, then in the future you will have to resort to surgical intervention for a facelift with threads again.

Scars after thread lifting

By what factors can you recognize that the operation was unsuccessful?

Often, after a facelift, complications arise that eventually go away on their own. However, if any complication persists for a long time, then this will be a cause for concern and repeated surgical intervention.

So, what factors of an unsuccessful facelift should you pay attention to:

  • The occurrence of an infection. It usually occurs due to the negligence of the doctor. With severe infection, sometimes you have to remove the threads and wait a few months when the inflamed area returns to normal. If everything is done correctly and with sterile instruments, then the risk of infection is minimal.
  • The appearance of bleeding. If the bleeding lasts for a long period and does not stop, then this will be the reason for re-removing the stitches and cauterizing the wound.
  • Long wound healing. These problems often occur due to drug intolerance, allergic reactions, and if a person smokes for a long time. Often, large and ugly scars form during this defect.
  • Divergence of seams. Sometimes small divergences of the seams can be closed with a plaster and over time this defect will pass, but with a large divergence, it is necessary to re-suture.
  • Facial asymmetry. Sometimes asymmetry can be observed from the side of the eyelids, cheeks, lips, in addition to asymmetry, facial curvature may appear. If these defects do not disappear after 4-6 months, then a second operation is performed.
  • With insufficient removal of the skin, it can cause defects in the form of drooping eyelids, eyebrows. In these cases, it is often necessary to do repeated surgical interventions.
  • With excessive removal of the skin, stretching of the skin in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin often occurs. In addition, as a result of this error, the palpebral fissures may become too wide, and separation of the edge of the eyelid from the ocular surface may also be observed. These defects should be solved only with the help of surgical intervention.
  • Insufficient or excessive removal of subcutaneous fat. In this case, facial asymmetry may be observed. For example, hollowness or sagging of the cheeks may occur, with excessive removal of fat under the eyes, depressions may appear, and with insufficient removal, on the contrary, sagging folds under the eyes. These defects are solved with the help of repeated surgical intervention.
  • Scar formation. Sometimes light scars may appear, which are removed with the help of massage procedures in conjunction with moisturizing cream. With increased scarring, an operation is performed.
  • The appearance of ptosis or drooping of the upper eyelid. This problem occurs due to damage to the levator muscle and tendon. This defect can be observed from several weeks to several months. If the prolapse persists for a long period and does not go away on its own, then this problem should be solved surgically.
  • Facial nerve injury can lead to unpleasant consequences. During this defect, the eye simply will not close, the teeth will be exposed and the corners of the mouth will rise up. This problem can be solved by prescribing a course of medications and the use of physiotherapy. However, it is quite difficult to restore the damaged nerve, sometimes it is necessary to resort to skin transplantation operations on the damaged area.

Which of the stars and celebrities is also unlucky?

Often, many celebrities resort to plastic facelift surgery. Yes, this is not surprising, the stars always need to look young and beautiful, but sometimes there are exceptions.

Often there is unsuccessful facial plastic surgery among many stars of both foreign and domestic bohemia.

Donatella Versace

After this lady became the head of the Versace fashion house, she immediately became addicted to various kinds of plastic surgery.

In order to lose a couple of years, she decided to resort to, which subsequently completely changed the shape of her face, and not for the better.

Other plastic surgeries followed, which instead of beauty added unnatural features to her appearance.

Melanie Griffith

She was considered the most famous actress in the late 80s and early 90s. She has always been distinguished by her beauty and unique style. New hairstyles, outfits - everything about her was always perfect. However, after the application of unsuccessful plastic surgery, her life changed dramatically.

After the facelift, her face has changed, and not for the better. Instead of being young, she got a few extra years to her looks.

Meg Ryan

It would seem that this actress will never knock on the plastic surgeon's office. Her impeccable appearance has always conquered millions of hearts, but over time, the years took their toll and she was also seized by the fear of losing her youth.

But as a result, her face became asymmetrical, the slit of her eyes narrowed, and her skin acquired an unnatural luster.

Joan Rivers

Back in the distant 60s, she had great success as a well-known presenter.

Of course, fair skin, big eyes, a small nose, lips with a bow are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. But over time, age began to take its toll.

She didn't want to be a "grandmother". Therefore, already at an advanced age, she decided to use a plastic facelift. However, this procedure changed her face beyond recognition.

Michael Jackson

When looking at his appearance, a sharp nose covered with skin, an unnatural cleft chin, the presence of an implant in the chin, and artificial lips immediately catches the eye.

One can talk endlessly about his appearance, but one can definitely say that it is the result of unsuccessful facial plastic surgery.

Jocelyn Wildenstein

This lady is an example of unsuccessful plastic surgery. At first, she had operations on her face in order to keep her husband. But after he was gone, she could no longer stop.

Mickey Rourke

Mickey got a facelift, . In addition, he resorted to a face transplant.

But as a result of unsuccessful plastic surgery, his appearance has changed beyond recognition. But in his youth he was always handsome!

Vera Alentova

The actress has completely changed the look of her face with age. As a result of the use of a circular lift, eyelid lift, Botox injections under the skin, changes in the shape of the nose and lips, her appearance has completely changed, but instead of beauty, she received a lot of defects.

It would be better if she aged with dignity!

Masha Rasputina

Everyone probably remembers how this singer changed her face beyond recognition - cheeks, lips, chin, eye shape, everything was subjected to plastic interventions.

Only all this did not bring the expected effect, the beauty of this lady became unnatural.

Oksana Pushkina

Everyone remembers this beautiful presenter on the NTV channel. But her old age also did not leave her indifferent and forced her to resort to plastic interventions to tighten the skin.

However, this procedure was unsuccessful and led to complications in the form of inflammation, the appearance of a cyanotic hue in the folds, and tubercles and red spots appeared on the skin.

To eliminate all these consequences, she had to apply health-improving methods of therapy for more than one month.

What to do with an unsuccessful facelift?

Of course, it is impossible to avoid all complications and side effects after facelift, but at least you can prevent failures during the operation.

First you need to fully familiarize yourself with this procedure, learn its technique, and remember the recommendations for preparing for it and further facial care during the rehabilitation period.

But still, what to do if you already had to deal with an unsuccessful facial plastic surgery?

Where to apply?

If suddenly, after a facelift, very unpleasant defects appear on the face, then you first need to wait a few months.

Sometimes all the unpleasant problems go away on their own. But if the unpleasant effect persists, then additional plastic surgery will be required. It can be done in the same clinic where the previous operation was performed.

If you doubt the competence of doctors, then you should find a medical institution with good reviews and recommendations.

How and when can it be corrected?

If the complications are not strong, then you can use the following recommendations:

  • After the operation, you must stay in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor for at least 7 days.
  • During the first week you need to do face dressings.
  • Within 1.5-2 months, you can not do massage procedures, dye your hair, smoke, drink alcohol, go to the bathhouse and sauna.
  • In the subsequent period, strong physical stress should be avoided.
  • Be sure to follow all the surgeon's recommendations for facial care after surgery.

If complications and defects do not go away within 3-6 months, then you have to apply a second facial plastic surgery.

Failed facelifts are rare in plastic surgery, but they do happen.

If after the appearance of complications and defects they persist for a long time, then in these cases it is necessary to apply repeated operations. However, all failures can be avoided if you carefully study all the recommendations for preparing for this procedure, as well as choose a good clinic and an experienced plastic surgeon.