Foods rich in potassium and affordable. Activates brain performance

Every person, especially over the age of 50, has heard about the enormous benefits of potassium for the body. As is known, this is the main microelement for normal operation hearts. But not everyone knows which foods contain a lot of potassium and how to diversify their diet in order to provide their heart muscle with this important substance, which means extending your life.

But it is not always possible to restore the potassium depot in the body only from food. If the level of potassium in the body is low, it is necessary to take additional vitamins with this substance, after consulting with your doctor.

Role in the human body

Potassium is extremely important for the human body, performing the following functions in the human body:

  • Controls water and electrolyte balance in the body. Sodium and chlorine ions help it in this.
  • The main microelement found inside cells
  • Establishes a balance between extracellular and intracellular fluid, creating conditions for normal exchange substances
  • Regulates the acidity of cells and extracellular fluid, determining the flow of hydrogen ions. Together with calcium, sodium and magnesium, it reduces acidity, making the environment more alkaline
  • Products containing potassium, increasing its level in the blood, help obtain the energy necessary for the functioning of the body. With a lack of this microelement, the oxidation of glucose, which is the main nutrient and energy substance for cells, is disrupted.
  • Generation of impulses and their conduction in the cardiac muscle. Normal heart function is impossible without this important microelement
  • Level control blood pressure due to regulation vascular tone. Prevention arterial hypertension or hypotension
  • Improving impulse conductivity nerve tissue, which has a positive effect on the work of all organs with vegetative (autonomous) innervation
  • Diuretic effect - the optimal level of potassium in the blood helps remove excess fluid from the body
  • Responsible for the normal functioning of the psyche, preventing the development of depression and bad mood(being an excellent antidepressant)
  • Controls the delivery of oxygen to the brain, is responsible for good blood supply to the brain and its correct metabolism to ensure any physiological process.
  • Prevents strokes and heart attacks.

For the normal functioning of not only the heart, but also the entire body, it is necessary that twice as much potassium as sodium comes from food, since the normal ratio of microelements in tissues is 1:2. If the body contains a lot of sodium, for example due to excessive consumption table salt, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salt and pickles, replace salt with potassium-containing salt. The doctor may also prescribe additional vitamins with potassium, which will help neutralize negative impact on the body of excess sodium and normalize the ratio of elements in the body.

What products contain

Potassium is found predominantly in many available foods plant origin. Regular consumption of potassium-containing foods will help avoid the development of hypokalemia and eliminate deficiency symptoms.

main sources

The main sources of potassium are lean meats, bananas, dried apricots, raisins and other dried fruits, buckwheat porridge, carrots and potatoes (especially baked ones with peel). All these products will help maintain the level of potassium and magnesium in the blood, taking into account the daily requirement.

Sources of potassium in food:

Per 100 grams of product Potassium content mg percentage of daily value(DN)
Cocoa 1524 mg 32%
Dried apricots 1511 mg 31%
Beans 1189 mg 28%
Pistachios 1042 mg 22%
Beet 900 mg 25%
Pumpkin seeds 788 mg 17%
Raisin 649 mg 16%
Almond 705 mg 15%
Dates 656 mg 14%
Potato 534 mg 13%
Soybeans 514 mg 12%
Avocado 484 mg 11%
Spinach 466 mg 10%
Sweet potato 475 mg 11%
Walnut 441 mg 9%
Oatmeal 429 mg 9%
Brussels sprouts 389 mg 8%
Lentils 370 mg 8%
Bananas 358 mg 8%
Carrot 320 mg 7%
Broccoli 316 mg 7%
Beet 305 mg 6%
Tomatoes 237 mg 5%

A number of foods destroy potassium in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Drink coffee in moderation
  • Give up alcohol
  • Vegetables and fruits should be consumed fresh
  • Take diuretics at the same time as replenishing potassium through supplementation.

Seasonality problem

The main problem of replenishing potassium in the body through food consumption is the seasonality of vegetables and fruits. The main sources of micronutrients are not present on the table every day. Therefore, it is important to eat fruits and vegetables available in winter, such as apples, which not only contain vitamins, but are also an excellent source of potassium and magnesium.

Replenishment of the daily norm

According to the latest data clinical trials It has been established that to replenish the norm of potassium in the human body, it is enough to eat one or two fresh apples a day.

Dried fruits are a good source of micronutrients in winter. However, when consuming dried fruits in large quantities, one should not forget about their calorie content. It is recommended to eat no more than 100-150 g of any dried fruit per day. It is advisable to alternate one or another type of dried fruit every day.


Potassium from food is absorbed quite well. Absorption of the microelement occurs in the intestines, from where it enters the bloodstream. It is then distributed throughout the body, entering all cells of the body. Excess is excreted from the body in urine through the kidneys. In the presence of renal failure, hyperkalemia may develop, which, like deficiency, negatively affects the functioning of the entire body.

Interaction with sodium

Increased consumption of foods rich in potassium increases the excretion of sodium from the body. On the contrary, if there is a lack of magnesium in the diet, the absorption of potassium is impaired. Therefore, it is important to consume foods containing potassium, magnesium and sodium in a balanced manner.

Food products containing magnesium and potassium are best consumed fresh, since this microelement turns into liquid when cooked. If the decoction is not used, the intake of the microelement into the body will be minimal. A similar situation occurs when soaking foods. It's best to eat more fresh food, then there's no problem replenishing it important element will not be in the body.

For heart

It has been scientifically established that the heart needs not only potassium but also magnesium. Optimal intake of these microelements with food has a beneficial effect on the following processes in the human body:

  • Improves the conduction of nerve impulses through the myocardium, ensuring synchronous contraction of all parts of the heart muscle
  • Increases myocardial contractility
  • Improves blood supply to the heart by expanding coronary vessels(vessels supplying the heart)
  • Together with magnesium, they are part of many enzyme systems
  • Improves oxygen absorption by organs
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots.

Deficiency in the body

Lack of potassium in the body first manifests itself muscle weakness. This symptom is explained by the participation of this trace element in the process of glucose oxidation. Aerobic oxidation of glucose is accompanied by the release large quantity energy required for muscle contraction. If the element is not enough, the muscle poorly oxidizes glucose, contracts weakly, atrophy develops, up to the development of paresis and even paralysis.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body also manifest as cardiac disorders. This is explained not only by the fact that it consumes energy from glucose, but also by the fact that potassium is involved in the generation of a nerve impulse and its conduction through the myocardium. Lack of potassium in the body contributes to disorders heart rate, promotes the development of extrasystoles, atrial fibrillation, various blockades and other violations.

Other deficiency symptoms:

  • Cramps that occur due to impaired muscle contraction
  • Increased sleepiness
  • Indifference and apathy
  • Poor appetite
  • Persistent or intermittent nausea, which may lead to vomiting
  • Reduced urination, which provokes the development of edema
  • Constipation.

Recent studies have found that reduced consumption of potassium-containing foods contributes to the occurrence of such a serious disease as stroke. Reduced level element in the blood leads to cellular energy starvation, especially in brain cells, which can provoke a disruption of its blood supply and lead to a stroke.

A lack of potassium has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the entire body. There is not a single organ that does not suffer from hypokalemia.

The main reasons for the shortage:

  • The diet does not contain fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Excessive consumption of foods with sodium
  • Excessive consumption of table salt and pickles
  • Improper preparation of food, which results in loss of most of potassium
  • Uncontrolled use of diuretic drugs (if intended long-term treatment diuretics, then special drugs are prescribed to prevent hypokalemia)
  • Application replacement therapy hormones of the adrenal cortex
  • Alcohol abuse, which interferes with the absorption of potassium in the intestine
  • Excessive consumption of coffee - a stimulant of urine filtration in the kidneys
  • Stressful situations.


Excess potassium in the body is as harmful as its deficiency. Usually similar condition does not develop against the background of dietary disturbances. The second reason is renal failure. In this case, the removal of excess of this microelement from the human body is disrupted.

Signs of excess:

  • Increased excitability of the nervous system
  • Pale skin
  • Reduced levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood
  • Arrhythmias
  • Increased urination, even against the background of renal failure
  • Paresthesia, crawling sensation
  • Numbness of fingers and toes.

The last two symptoms develop against the background of impulse conduction disturbances along the nerve roots. This is predisposed by changes in the intra- and extracellular balance of electrolytes.

Nineteenth element periodic table Mendeleev. It is a soft alkali metal with a silvery-white color. Besides this, he is the most important biogenic element into a person.

The role of potassium in the body

IN human body it is responsible for transmitting nerve impulses, which allows them to contract. Controls water-salt balance, outputting excess water. Acts as a catalyst during the synthesis of new protein compounds and some enzymes. Responsible for the storage process of glycogen (storage carbohydrate).

If the human body is exposed to strong influences, then the mineral helps restore acid-base balance, removes , supports work

In hypertensive patients, the mineral lowers blood pressure. For some people, the trace element is prescribed as a laxative, as it irritates the mucous membranes and affects muscular system intestines.

Did you know? Potassium was discovered in 1807 by the English chemist Davy. The element was named "potassium". And only two years later it received its modern name.

Close connection of potassium with other macro- and microelements

Once absorbed, the 19th element of the periodic table seeps through the walls of the small intestine and is excreted through urine and sweat. Its removal from the body occurs in almost the same volume in which it entered. Because of this, its reserves must be replenished daily.

The main assistants of this element in maintaining the functioning of the body are and. They are interchangeable elements. That is, if there is an excess, the body removes a larger volume of sodium and vice versa. If there is a deficiency in the body, the absorption of potassium is greatly impaired, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the heart muscle.

Potassium intake standards

Our body contains approximately 200-250 grams of this element. To maintain micronutrient balance for adults healthy body you need to consume 1.2-2.0 grams daily. In women, the need for this element increases significantly. If a person constantly spends a lot of physical energy at work, then he needs 2.5-5 grams of the mineral daily. A child’s body needs 16-30 milligrams per kilogram of weight.

What foods contain a lot of potassium?

Detailed data on the microelement content in products is in the table.


There are also foods that contain the least amount of potassium. These include: granular (80 mg per 100 g), cottage cheese 2% (78 mg), mayonnaise (40 mg), low-fat herring (31 mg per), unsalted butter (15 mg), pork lard (12 mg), milk margarine (10 mg). Among foods of plant origin, this list includes:(65 mg per 100 g), rice flour (50 mg), premium wheat flour (93 mg), blueberries and blueberries (51 mg), (90 mg), (23 mg).

There are no specific potassium-rich foods that are suitable only for children. The same food is suitable for them as for adults, only taking into account allergens. To children's body better absorbed potassium must be introduced into the diet. It is found in: chicken and beef tuna, salmon, cabbage, legumes, melons, bananas, and sunflower seeds. As you can see, the list of products containing the 19th element and B6 are very similar. Therefore, you can build a diet in such a way that the child receives all the necessary elements from certain dishes at once.

Products containing potassium and phosphorus


Did you know?All potassium-containing products are radioactive, since, along with the usual isotopes of the element, they contain the radioactive isotope potassium-40. But its quantity is so insignificant that it does not cause any harm to humans.

Foods containing potassium and magnesium

Let us present to your attention a table of foods containing potassium and magnesium that are beneficial for normal heart function:


Causes and symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body

A lack of a mineral in the body can occur:

  • due to disturbances in potassium metabolism;
  • due to problems in the urinary system;
  • due to the fact that the diet does not contain enough potassium-containing products;
  • due to excessive abuse of laxatives, diuretics and hormonal drugs;
  • due to constant nervous work, chronic fatigue;
  • due to oversaturation of the body with rubidium, cesium, sodium and thallium.
The main symptoms of microelement deficiency in the body are:
  • fatigue, emotional exhaustion;
  • muscle weakness;
  • frequent trips to the toilet “in small ways”;
  • arrhythmia, heart failure, seizures;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased breathing;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • appearance of gastritis;
  • violation of reproductive functions.
If you notice the first signs of a microelement deficiency, you should carefully review your diet and

There are a number of factors that can lead to excess minerals in the body:

  • abuse food additives containing potassium;
  • the main dish on the menu is potatoes;
  • problems with potassium metabolism;
  • intensive removal of microelements from body cells due to cytolysis, hemolysis;
  • insulin deficiency;
  • problems with the kidneys.
An excess of an element is said to be:
  • irritability, increased activity, excited state, excessive sweating;
  • muscle weakness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • skeletal muscle paralysis;
  • the appearance of colic;
  • frequent trips to the toilet “in small ways”.
When you notice the first symptoms, reconsider your diet. If this does not lead to positive results, go to the doctor immediately.

Features of potassium absorption

The mineral entering the body with food is absorbed in the small intestine. Its absorption capacity is very high - up to 95%. Vitamin B6 helps him achieve such indicators. At the same time, strict absorption rates are reduced, and along with them, the use of laxatives, great amount stressful situations, use as a sedative and alcohol.

The table shows data on the potassium content in food products and the percentage of its absorption from them relative to the daily norm.


Rules for processing and preparing products to preserve microelements

You already know which foods contain potassium. But in order for the body to receive the mineral in the right quantity, the products that contain it must be properly processed. We will give you a description of the technique for preparing healthy food.

First of all, remember that frying can kill almost everything. useful elements in food. Therefore, it is worth switching to steam cooking of dishes. And you don’t need to wait until the product is completely boiled, the main thing is that it softens.

Always eat ripe fruits and vegetables during their ripening season. Then you will not only receive all the necessary microelements, but also enjoy a rich taste. And if you need to peel the fruit, do it immediately before eating it. To important metal preserved in plant foods For as long as possible, store it in a dry and cool place. When choosing vegetables or fruits at the market or in a store, look carefully at their skin. It should be intact, without the slightest damage.

Watch yours carefully. Try to diversify it as much as possible so as not to cause a deficiency or excess of the most important microelement.

Potassium is one of those microelements, along with sodium and chlorine, that every cell of our body needs. Without potassium, work would be impossible cell membranes. The human body contains at least 220 grams of potassium, most of which is found in cells. That is why daily norm Potassium intake for a person is 3-5 grams. You can get this microelement by eating foods containing potassium. In our article we will tell you in detail which foods contain potassium.

Potassium regulates water-salt metabolism and balance of alkalis and acids. Without this element, our muscles, including the heart, cannot function normally. It is also necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, for the functioning of our brain.

Besides, useful microelement protects blood vessels from the accumulation of harmful sodium salts, helps eliminate waste and toxins.

Maintaining the balance of magnesium and potassium in the body plays a particularly important role, so do not forget about foods containing magnesium and potassium.

What are the dangers of potassium deficiency?

Potassium does not stay in our body for long. Over time, this trace element is washed out of our bodies. Stress, alcohol, strong physical exercise and excessive consumption of sweets - all this can speed up its leaching. Its loss is also caused by rapid loss of fluid from the body through diarrhea, vomiting and profuse sweating.

If you don't eat foods rich in potassium and don't get enough of it, potassium starvation can occur. What are its symptoms?

  • Chronic fatigue, nervous exhaustion;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Convulsions;
  • Rupture of small vessels, bruises

Note that a severe overdose of potassium can cause much more harm than its deficiency. Having discovered these symptoms, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy and buy drugs containing potassium. It is better to take them only as prescribed by a doctor.

Simple Products, as rich in potassium as possible, you can always eat. At proper nutrition potassium will not be too little, but not too much (if they provide the average daily requirement: 2-4 grams per day).

If you don't take special potassium preparations, but limit yourself to potassium-containing foods, then you will not be in danger of overdosing. So don't be afraid if you find yourself with too much potassium in your diet.

Products containing potassium: list

The main question of our article is where is potassium found most? Foods richest in potassium are usually of plant origin. The most potassium is found in apple cider vinegar and honey. Plant foods rich in potassium include wheat bran, yeast, dried apricots, cocoa, raisins, peanuts, and parsley. But this is only the beginning of the list of useful products!

Fresh berries and vegetables are rich in potassium. Products and fruits containing potassium include lingonberries, currants, carrots, radishes, zucchini, cabbage, garlic, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, red beets, beans, peas, watermelons, oranges, melons, bananas.

Some types of nuts (almonds, peanuts and pine nuts) are also not far behind. Dried fruits (prunes, figs, raisins, dried apricots) and even millet porridge also contain potassium.

This microelement is found in products of animal origin: salmon, cod, tuna, eggs, liver, milk, beef and rabbit meat. Include in your diet dietary varieties meat and fish, this contributes to better absorption of this microelement.

Foods containing potassium and iron

People suffering from a lack of iron in the blood must know where potassium and iron are found. This will help not only increase hemoglobin, but also improve the condition of the blood and cleanse it.

Products containing potassium and iron include: sesame and sunflower halva, pork liver, dried apples and prunes. These are also high in phosphorus, calcium and vitamins.

Foods containing potassium and sodium

Foods rich in potassium and sodium are very important for the human body, as they complement each other. If we talk about which foods contain potassium and sodium, then these are beets, seaweed and carrots.

Let us draw your attention to the fact that it is important to monitor the amount of their consumption, since our body does not need sodium as much as potassium. Therefore, the amount of foods with sodium and potassium should be limited.

Products containing potassium and phosphorus

As is known, phosphorus - necessary element for our body, since it is part of bone, muscle tissue, blood, as well as proteins and nucleic acids. Phosphorus accelerates the absorption of calcium and is involved in almost all metabolic reactions in the body.

Foods rich in potassium and phosphorus include milk, eggs, whole grains and legumes (especially beans and peas).

Products containing potassium and iodine

A very popular compound in medicine is potassium iodide. It contains inorganic iodine and is used for disease prevention thyroid gland. Products containing potassium iodide are, first of all, iodized salt. Per ton of salt contains up to 25 grams of potassium iodide.

Foods rich in potassium and vitamins

Vitamin B2 plays an important role in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as in the normal functioning of our body. Pine nut, mackerel, rose hips and spinach are foods rich in potassium and vitamin B2. Large amounts of potassium and vitamin B2 are also found in mushrooms, especially honey mushrooms, champignons and boletus.

How to properly consume foods with potassium

Time, soaking, and heat treatment do not contribute to the preservation of this important microelement. The best way receive sufficient quantity potassium - eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Don't keep them in the refrigerator for a long time - buy as much as you can eat in two to three days. It is also believed that fruits and vegetables are high in potassium when they are served during their ripening season. In winter, “live” vegetables and fruits can be replaced with dried fruits.

If there is a lack of potassium, there is one very simple recipe that will allow you to quickly return to normal: you need to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water or apple cider vinegar and drink in small sips between meals.

Foods that contain potassium: table

We present to your attention potassium-containing products: the table is very simple, so you can quickly create your own diet, including potassium and other elements. The table shows animals and herbal products rich in potassium.

Name Potassium content (in mg per 100 g of product)
Tea 2480
Dried apricots 1800
Cocoa and coffee beans 1600
Wheat bran 1160
Raisin grapes 1060
Raisin 1020
Almonds and pine nuts 780
Parsley and peanuts 760
Peas and sunflower seeds 710
Jacket potatoes 630
Porcini mushrooms, walnuts and avocado 450
Banana 400
Buckwheat 380
Brussels sprouts 370
Peaches and oatmeal 362
Green meadow, garlic and yogurt 260
Orange, grapefruit and red carrots 200
Pearl barley 172
Milk and chicken eggs 140
Apple juice, melon and Wheat groats 120
Rice grains and Dutch cheese 100

Products containing potassium deserve a long conversation. The loss of potassium is facilitated by intense physical activity, multiple stresses, and abuse of alcoholic beverages and sweets. The very first signs of potassium deficiency are fatigue and nervous exhaustion. IN this state The vast majority of people try to invigorate themselves with coffee, but it also leads to potassium leaching. And in case of potassium deficiency, bruises appear from a touch that is just a little stronger than usual, and muscle pain begins to bother you. All these signs can be easily eliminated by rubbing apple cider vinegar and honey into the muscle tissue limbs.

If you feel tired, bruises often occur, small blood vessels burst, and causeless cramps bother you, then all this is a sign of potassium deficiency. To replenish potassium, be sure to include foods that contain potassium in your diet. If you start using them systematically and in the required quantity, you will quickly feel better. Without the need and recommendation of a doctor, you cannot self-medicate and take potassium supplements, for the reason that its excess is much more dangerous than its deficiency.

The most affordable source of potassium is millet porridge. You just need to cook it and divide it into several batches.

A drink that is prepared from a glass of water (boiled) with one teaspoon of bee honey and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar dissolved in it well replenishes potassium. This drink should be taken in small sips and between meals. Use foods containing potassium daily and you will feel healthy.

What foods contain the most potassium? Despite popular belief, these are not dried apricots, raisins or baked potatoes at all. The most potassium is found in bee honey and apple cider vinegar. They just consume these foods containing potassium much less often than they should. The same can be said about yeast and wheat bran, they also have quite a lot of potassium.

Of the dried fruits, the richest in potassium are dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins; it is preferable to eat them in winter time of the year. But in the warm season, it is wiser to give preference to fresh vegetables and berries such as cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, red currants, lingonberries. Among nuts, the largest amount of potassium is found in almonds, pine nuts, peanuts, and walnuts and cashews have less potassium.

If you want to enrich your body with potassium, then try to eat more bananas, carrots, oranges, watermelons, melons, to diversify your consumption, you can make juice and puree from them.

There is potassium in everyday foods too.

Rye bread, oatmeal, as well as millet cereals, potatoes, fish, milk are constantly consumed by people, but they also contain a lot of this important microelement.

The preparation of products containing potassium also plays an important role, since it is destroyed if improperly cooked. You should also remember that there is no need to soak foods in water before cooking them, this is especially important when cooking potatoes. It will be much healthier if you steam it or bake it in the oven. Also, try not to leave cut fruits and vegetables on the plate, or keep peeled vegetables for a long time, so as not to lose potassium. When purchasing fruits and vegetables, give preference to fresh products, since limp, cracked vegetables do not contain much potassium.

Potassium must be in balance with sodium and magnesium, which is important for the proper functioning of the heart. Its main function is to ensure the full functioning of all cell walls in the human body. Potassium also helps provide the brain with oxygen, relieves fatigue and prevents chronic fatigue syndrome. Potassium is necessary for everyone who wants to be energetic and healthy.

The table below shows which foods contain potassium.

Table of potassium content in food

The product's name Amount of potassium in mg
per 100g of product
The product's name Amount of potassium in mg
per 100g of product
Tea 2480 Cocoa powder 1689
Coffee beans 1600 Raisin 860
Spinach 774 Peas 731
Walnuts 664 Fresh porcini mushrooms 468
443 Buckwheat
375 Kohlrabi cabbage 370
Peaches 363 Oatmeal 362
330 Apricots 305
Ground tomatoes 290 Beet 288
Apples 278 Garlic 260
Green onion 259 Green peas 258
Grape 255 Radish 255
Eggplant 238 yellow carrot 234
Salad 220 Wheat groats 211
Table bread 208 Barley groats 205
Pumpkin 204 Red carrots 200
197 Cabbage
cabbage white
180 Pearl barley 172
Red pepper
163 Garden strawberries 161
Pears 155 Grape juice 150
Full fat kefir 146 Whole milk 146
Acidophilus 145 Curdled milk 144
Ground cucumbers 141 Chicken egg 140
Semolina 130 Wheat flour,
Apple juice 120 Melon 118
Russian cheese 116 Brynza 112
Fat cottage cheese 112 Rice groats 100
Dutch cheese 100 Sour cream 30%
fat content
Watermelon 64 Mayonnaise 38
15 Pork bacon 14

The vital activity of an organism is a series of continuous chemical processes, for the normal course of which, among other substances, potassium (K, Kalium) is required. When a deficiency of this element occurs, almost all body systems fail. Food is the main source useful substances in the body, so the formation of a diet should be approached with all responsibility. What foods contain potassium? What is the importance of this element?

The average adult needs to consume 3,500 mg of potassium per day. This figure may change based on lifestyle, health, and age. For example, infants need only 400 mg per day, for children from one to three years the consumption increases to 1300 mg, and up to 14 years the norm is 3800 mg. During pregnancy you need to consume 4700 mg of the substance. Women have the greatest need for potassium when breastfeeding. Their body should receive 5000 mg daily.

Effect on the body

Presenting the human body as a complex system chemical elements, it becomes clear that each of them is necessary to maintain balance. Humans especially need potassium large quantities, because it is involved in almost all processes. The more you learn about the effects of a substance on the body, the easier it will be for you to regulate your diet.

Positive properties

There is no doubt that potassium is vital for humans. But healthy curiosity pushes us to learn more about the effects of a substance on the body. It is worth highlighting eight significant points regarding the benefits of potassium.

  1. To normalize blood pressure. Potassium gives elasticity to the walls of blood vessels, preventing them from clogging. People suffering from hypertension need to form a diet based on foods rich in this substance.
  2. For kidney health. Maintaining a constant normal level of potassium prevents the formation of kidney stones. This is due to the fact that the substance fixes calcium in the bones, preventing it from being washed away.
  3. For muscle work. The element takes an active part in the process of converting glucose into energy resources necessary for physical activity. The mineral also gives muscle fibers elasticity and strength. This property is extremely important for the heart.
  4. For the brain. The mineral helps oxygenate brain cells. As a result, it increases mental activity and the ability to remember information is enhanced.
  5. For skin. The substance normalizes the moisture balance in epidermal cells. As a result, the skin is protected from premature aging and external negative influences.
  6. For hair. Prevents hair loss and improves functional state strands.
  7. For the nervous system. Potassium helps accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses.
  8. For digestion. Acts as a catalyst digestive processes, participates in the processing of carbohydrates.

Potassium is vital for people suffering from diabetes. The mineral normalizes blood sugar levels. It also stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas.

Deficiency Symptoms

Taking diuretics, excessive consumption of salty foods, excessive exercise, bad habits and many other factors lead to potassium deficiency. This condition is called hypokalemia. You can understand that your body is lacking this element by the following signs:

  • lack of appetite, aversion to certain foods;
  • muscle weakness and fatigue;
  • rapid arrhythmic heartbeat;
  • muscle spasms;
  • constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • depressed mood and apathy;
  • frequent colds;
  • feeling of dry mouth and constant thirst;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • wounds that do not heal for a long time;
  • brittle nails;
  • deterioration in hair quality.

Potassium deficiency is especially undesirable for women reproductive age. Long-term shortage of this mineral can lead to the inability to conceive a child, complications during pregnancy, and can also provoke a number of gynecological diseases.

What does excess lead to?

With frequent and uncontrolled use vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, the body can become oversaturated with potassium (hyperkalemia). 6000 mg is already a toxic dose, leading to severe malaise. The problem can be identified by the following signs:

  • low pressure;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • swelling of the face and limbs;
  • nervous tension and anxiety;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • stomach ache.

Not only dietary supplements can cause excess potassium. If you eat potatoes or beans every day, chances are you'll also experience unpleasant symptoms.

What foods contain potassium?

Nature is designed in such a way that everything essential for human health is present in natural products. Indeed, our ancestors did not have pharmacies nearby, but they were much healthier and stronger than us. By including foods containing potassium in your menu, you will make your body more resilient.


In order to maintain the concentration of potassium in the body at normal level, it is not necessary to take any dietary supplements. It is enough to properly organize your diet, basing it on foods containing a lot of potassium. The table shows the key sources of this element.

Table - Products containing large quantities of potassium

ProductKcal per 100 gAmount of potassium, mg/100 gShare of daily value, %
Cocoa powder289 1525 32
Dried apricots215 1512 31
White beans102 1188 28
Pistachios556 1043 22
Avocado160 975 21
Sea kale25 970 20
Prunes231 912 19
Pumpkin seeds556 788 17
Salmon142 722 16
Raisin263 649 16
Watermelon27 641 15
Dates292 636 14
Potato192 534 13
Spinach23 466 10
Champignon27 450 10
Walnuts654 441 9
Oatmeal88 429 9
Brussels sprouts36 389 8
Lentils111 370 8
Bananas96 358 8
Carrot32 320 7
Broccoli27 316 7
Beet42 305 6
Apples47 279 6
Grape72 254 5
Tomatoes20 237 5
Rye bread165 208 4
Orange43 198 3

Potassium works in tandem with sodium. The latter helps maintain balance by neutralizing excess potassium. For every three parts potassium there should be a part sodium.

What to include on the menu first

Products with high content Potassium is mainly found in vegetables and fruits. If they make up at least a third of your daily menu, there is no need to worry about a lack of mineral in the body. In addition, they have many other beneficial properties. Worth paying Special attention for six foods rich in potassium.

  1. Avocado. Essential for those who watch their figure. This hearty snack helps normalize and stabilize weight when regular use. Before eating an avocado, it is recommended to sprinkle it with lemon juice.
  2. Watermelon. Despite the fact that the berry is on the list of foods containing potassium, this is not its main value. It is a source of lycopene, which is necessary to maintain normal heart function. This substance also strengthens bones and prevents cancer.
  3. Tomato. Another source of lycopene. The fruit is most useful when eaten fresh.
  4. Beet. The value of this root crop is determined increased content phytonutrients. They remove toxins and “quench” inflammatory processes in organism.
  5. Potato. Almost half of the potassium contained in potatoes comes from their skin. Therefore, it is better to bake and boil this vegetable unpeeled.
  6. Cocoa. To maintain normal potassium levels in the body, experts recommend drinking two cups of the drink per day.

If for some reason there is a violation of the diet, replenishing potassium reserves in the body is quite simple. Drink half a glass of water, after dissolving a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey in it.

How to get the most out of it

Vitamins and minerals vital for humans can lose their characteristics under the influence of internal and external factors. Therefore, even products with the greatest content potassium does not always help to compensate for the deficiency of the substance in the body. Health is a complex science, consisting of a million secrets and subtleties.

What is stopping you from learning...

Potassium is characterized by high bioavailability. Almost 95% of the substance entering the body is absorbed through small intestine. But in some cases the value of this indicator can decrease significantly. Here's what interferes with the absorption of the mineral:

  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • lack of vitamin B6 in the body;
  • frequent use of laxatives;
  • insufficient magnesium intake;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • excessive coffee consumption;
  • the presence of a large number of sweets in the diet;
  • nervous tension;
  • dietary ration.

... and what contributes

It is not enough to be able to cook delicious food. It is important that she does not lose her natural benefits. Five tricks will help make your food healthy and retain maximum potassium in it.

  1. Eat raw foods. Heat treatment reduces the amount of useful components in products by at least a third. Whenever possible, try to consume plant foods in their natural form.
  2. Shock treatment. Pour boiling water over cereals, vegetables and other products before cooking. This will preserve more nutrients than with gradual heating. And judging by the reviews, the taste reveals itself better.
  3. Do not soak grains. It is enough to wash them well before cooking. Otherwise, the lion's share of potassium will simply go into the water.
  4. Less water. During cooking, there should be just enough water in the pan to cover the food, but no more.
  5. Steam and bake. These food processing methods are optimal for preserving beneficial properties.

Potassium is one of the few minerals that is found in some amount in all foods. That's why healthy person, whose diet is dominated by high-quality food, you should not worry about a possible deficiency of the mineral in the body. If you feel unwell and are subject to constant physical, mental and emotional stress, you should look more carefully for potassium in foods, giving preference to foods with the maximum content of this substance.
