A ritual for opening the road in your personal life. Road opening ritual

Powerful rituals for opening roads capable of correcting the most difficult life situations. Our destiny is woven from many different paths - some of them bring happiness, others, on the contrary, disappointment.

Each person has the right to independently choose his own path and life purpose. But what to do if the road you would like to take is closed? We are talking about witchcraft damage, which has been occurring very often lately. In a similar way, people try to take revenge on their offenders.

The ritual for opening roads will help you get off the ground and start what you have planned. Magic will support you if the road to life is closed - discover its extraordinary charms.

What does the ritual of opening roads give?

There are seven most important roads in the destiny of every person; if they are open, life is full of happiness. But as soon as even one obstacle arises, troubles immediately begin. How to open roads for a person and why is this necessary?

Here are the life paths:

  • success

When you learn how to perform the opening of roads ritual, you will instantly notice changes for the better. You will intuitively know where and when to go to get what you want. Here are some simple but obvious examples: the bus will pull up to the stop as soon as you get there, or your lottery ticket will always be a winner. Although this cannot be called great fortune, it is from such little things that our life line is built.

  • Communications

If you have problems with communication, perhaps the problem lies in the clutter of this road. When the problem is solved, you will become more confident, more sociable, and more socially developed. Friends and colleagues will listen to your opinion.

  • Works

Even if you do not have a permanent job or even sit at home and do household chores, this path is also necessary. Guided by its winding lines, you will achieve your goal - even if it’s just regular cleaning. A very powerful prayer to open the way to work: by turning to Heaven, you open your soul and let light into it.

  • Spirituality

Fame and fame overtake people whose spiritual development is at its best. You won't be able to influence someone else's opinion if you lose heart over the smallest failure. If you dream of achieving a certain social status, work to open that road.

  • Balance

Are your thoughts constantly confused, and making a specific decision is too difficult for you? It is likely that the road that is responsible for balance and harmony is blocked at the mental level. After solving this problem, you will become more reasonable, calmer and more confident in your actions.

  • Money

By clearing this path, you will deal with all financial problems. The magic of magic will help you open up money roads - turn to her for help.

  • Love and relationships

We can talk about this topic endlessly. Agree, problems in relationships happen to many people - this indicates unnecessary garbage on the love path. The ritual for opening the road in your personal life will lead you to a true feeling of love.

If you decide to find out how to open roads in life, rituals and prayers will be the best helpers.

Ritual with a lock to open roads

You will need a small lock with a set of keys.

Sit comfortably, place an open lock next to it and light three candles. Continue reading the words of the conspiracy until the last light goes out:

“Show me, river, shallow
bright, secret fords, everything
your approaches, all the bridges!
So that I won't be afraid of deep water,
(name) so that troubles pass
black so that the road is clear
kind to me, so that sorrows-
worries disappeared. Plant it,
river, a dashing share in the iron cage, don’t forget the key
lock up the faithful!”

Afterwards, coat the lock with honey and close securely. Now you need to get rid of the enchanted object - it is best to do this near a fast river. Throw the lock into the current and repeat the spell again.

Ritual with Tarot to open roads

Tarot cards are a powerful magical tool that is used in many rituals. They are often associated only with fortune-telling practice, but this is a mistaken opinion.

A deck of magic cards is used in rituals to open paths. The magician lays out several cards on the table in a certain sequence and describes the resulting picture.

Card magic will tell you how to close all roads to a person, but it is better not to do harm to others so that it does not come back. Do not try to make the layout yourself - trust a professional.

Ritual of opening roads to the egg

The ritual is performed during the waning moon.

Take your photo, a regular chicken egg, candles from the temple (4 pieces) and new sewing needles (also 4 pieces).

Place a photo on the table - in the very center - and place an egg on top. Say the prayer words “Our Father.”

Then you pierce the shell with a needle, forming a cross - do this very carefully and do not rush. Attach candles on top of the needles and light them. Say the following text three times:

“Earthly passions, human slander, failures, contempt and bad luck
I remove the earth from the servant of God (name) and send it to the cheese.
The damp earth cleanses the servant of God (name) and delivers him from troubles. Amen"

When the candles burn out, bury all ritual paraphernalia away from your home.

Rituals and rituals for opening roads have very strong energy, so after them you will need a period of recovery.

Conspiracy to open roads

“I shed burning tears, I mourn my sorrows and misfortunes. There is no way forward for me, it is closed, fenced off, locked with seven locks. I ask water and earth for protection and help. Take away my burning tears and leave only joy in my soul. The candle burns out, takes all the sorrows out of me and lowers me into quick water. Grief floats away irrevocably, but luck smiles at me, beckons me, shows me the path full of happiness and joy.”

If you turn to the Higher Powers with faith in your soul, the conspiracy to open paths will take effect very soon.

Prayer for opening roads

What prayers can open the paths of life? Let's try to figure it out.

Place icons of the Lord, the Mother of God and your Guardian Angel on the table, and a burning candle next to it. And say the holy prayer:

“Damage, cramps, aches, failures, vanity, an evil word, a slander, a black slander and a slander from the Holy Cross turned to dust, they fell from my paths in life, my paths are clear, my paths are smooth, my roads are wide. The Lord Almighty helps me, the Mother of God delivers me from trouble, Archangel Michael protects me on the roads of life during the days and nights, in the blue evening. I walk along a wide road, I won’t trip over a stone, I won’t fall into a hole. Get away, writhing, damage, tossing, from the path of life, from my wide road. Amen. Amen. Amen"

When the candle burns out, thank Heaven for your help.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


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Failures have little to do with behavioral characteristics. Some people live “haphazardly” - and new opportunities constantly open up before them, while others, making every effort, are left with nothing. It's all about energy blocks placed by ill-wishers or the person himself. A conspiracy to open roads is intended to solve the problem. The ritual is quite simple, but at the same time effective.

Who needs a ritual to open roads?

One should turn to magic only when one is sure of the need for it. In particular, people who:

  • for a long time they cannot meet their soul mate and start a family;
  • do not know how to find a common language with others;
  • constantly feel overwhelmed, weak, and emotionally empty;
  • regularly encounter failures even where others are unconditionally lucky;
  • they earn little and at the same time devote a lot of effort and attention to the profession;
  • suffer from chronic diseases, the cause of which cannot be determined.

The signs described above clearly indicate the presence of a problem: something is blocking a person’s success in life, preventing him from receiving the benefits he deserves and determined by fate. There are no 100% unlucky people, so constant troubles are most likely associated with the activity of the destructive program for closing roads. You need to get rid of this influence.

Ritual for opening the roads of life: how and when to read the plot

You will need:

  • . a pair of his old shoes (which were worn only by the ritual operator);
  • . basin with water;
  • . wax candle.

You need privacy. Nothing should distract from the ritual, so turn off phones and the doorbell. You need to put shoes in a basin and light a candle. It is recommended to hold it above the water while reading the plot:

“My shoe, that walked with me, that led me through troubles, that led me to closed doors, that drove me into dead ends, that did not let me lift my little head, that sent me on empty paths, that drove me onto roads untrodden, you will lie in cold water “Don’t lead me along an overgrown path, don’t call you to me for bad grief, don’t call an evil enemy to me.”

You need to pronounce magic words according to the number of years you have lived. Then the candle is blown out and hidden in the pocket. Water from the basin must be poured outside so that it does not fall on the legs or other part of the body. In this case it should be said:

“The empty dust that obscured my eyes, that did not give my hands any will, get away from me!”

“We walked around the world for a long time, fought against blank walls, came to a distant forest - and then we were separated. For a long time, little shoe, you will stand on an old tree stump, forever guard the goblin and scare the mermaids. And I can walk along the open road, never know any troubles, avoid all the bumps, never end up in a swamp. Walk with good fate by the hand, laugh at sadness, make fun of misfortune.”

You need to turn around and go home without looking back. There you should take a shower and go to bed. At this point the work is considered completed. The road opening ritual demonstrates a gradual effect. During the first two to three weeks, a person will encounter sudden successes and good offers, but they may periodically be replaced by negative events. At some point, the ritual operator will notice that he has begun to easily cope with any troubles, and more and more positive things are entering his life. When the roads are open, people feel light and happy: this is precisely the goal of witchcraft.

When something in life doesn’t work out and doesn’t work out, when you make every effort, but still end up with nothing, you get the feeling that the world is against you. Doors closing in front of your nose destroy not only your motivation to do something, but also deprive you of strength, hope, and self-confidence. And this, in turn, negatively affects all aspects of your life.

In this article, I will look at several areas in life and tell you how closed roads can manifest themselves.

Financial road (money, career, business):

  • You start a new business, and time after time your plans are broken, people let you down, previous agreements are terminated, and as a result you have to say goodbye to your new business.
  • When taking the first steps towards success, problems arise that require urgent attention and solutions, and because of this, things stand still.
  • Regardless of your actions, the money “doesn’t arrive”, deals break down, clients go to competitors without explanation.

Love path (family, relationships, friendship):

  • You cannot meet a person with whom you would feel good.
  • Normal relationships do not begin, and the search for a partner becomes more and more like surfing.
  • There are relationships, but they cannot be maintained. A series of events and unpleasant situations take you in different directions.

The road to health (maintaining health, curing illness):

  • Due to circumstances, you have to live or work in a dirty or dangerous place, a long stay in which is harmful to health.
  • Lack of at least any opportunities despite a strong desire to recover from the disease (inability to raise funds for treatment or find/get to the right specialist).
  • Constant mistakes by doctors, which further aggravates the problem.

What can block the road?

If you understand that the roads are closed, then you should try to understand the reasons, of which there may be several:

Fate. Each of us is born with closed and open roads. Everyone is prescribed by the stars which “roads” he should walk in this life. But you should not think that Fate cannot change its attitude towards a person. Fate is made up of many elements: this is the destiny of a person, by fulfilling which we can realize all our goals, and the attitude of the Higher Powers - Gods and Spirits - by interacting with whom we can agree on help. If this is the reason for the closed road, then you should diligently develop a relationship with your heavenly patron, conduct rituals in his honor and make sacrifices (flowers, food, drinks). You can perform such rituals yourself or contact a specialist.

Evil will and petty negativity. The road may also be closed due to the presence of small multidirectional negativity, which can be the result of: envy, anger, resentment and even gossip. If people constantly envy you, get angry and offended at you, discuss your every move and do it not with good intentions, then you will accumulate negativity. Sooner or later this will lead to problems. It’s difficult to say what kind of problems you will have as a result of the appearance and increase of negativity, but most often this leads to a deterioration in well-being, discord in business, road closures, fatigue and apathy. In such cases, I recommend from time to time to carry out rituals of cleansing from negativity; how to do this is written in the article - “Casting on wax”.

Road opening ritual

When we talk about the ritual of opening roads, we mean not just one ritual, but many. There is not one ritual for opening every road, but today I will teach you a general ritual that will help open all roads. If this article is popular and there are many comments under it, then in the future I will publish several more articles with rituals for opening a particular road and tell you how to use them correctly.

Before we begin to consider the ritual itself, it is worth saying a few words about what it does. And so, by carrying out the ritual of opening roads in your life, the following events can occur:

  • Unexpected lucky coincidences. These can be both small matters and large significant matters.
  • Improving relationships with others. Suddenly, you can start talking with a colleague you don’t know well and get help from him.
  • Good outcome. This is very important in our lives, regardless of whether we are doing household chores or managing a corporation.
  • Getting inspired. An unexpected breakthrough in creativity or finding an answer to a long-standing question.
  • Money. The appearance of a variety of money, big and small, indicates that the road is opening. Money can come in a variety of ways, from returning a forgotten debt, finding money, a bonus, winning the lottery...
  • Love. As a result of the ritual, the same one or the same one may be found. And in an established relationship, feelings can manifest themselves with renewed vigor.

How to perform a ritual to open roads:

The ritual is performed on a full moon (on those days when the Sun and Moon are in opposite constellations). In my VK group I regularly publish posts indicating the exact time of the beginning and end of the full moon with a brief description of which rituals will be especially strong at this time, so check back often -

There are ways to literally damage the road. Having learned that the enemy is preparing to travel, the magician can cause severe damage to the road, so that the enemy does not find good luck on the road, so that he will be empty. It’s done like this: tie nine magical knots – nauzs – on a rope, reading a spell for each of them – putting obstacles on the road. In conclusion, a real magician says: “As the knots are strong, so is my word.” Rope.

However, in magic there are other types of damage to the closure of the road of life, which blocks all life paths, all roads, wherever a person goes, he will not see good luck.

Damage to road closures - what is it?

A strong black curse on road closures closes any projects that could bring a person closer to success; the carriers of this negativity do not get what they want.

Each of you has 12 paths in life - material wealth, health, love, family, children, etc. The blocking of any road affects the general condition of a person, the course of events in his life. If you make a curse to close several roads at once, it can kill a person.

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They light candles and read the “Our Father” prayer three times. Then you need to light the coal and burn the incense. They pronounce a magic spell to remove damage to road closures 4 times, to all four cardinal directions. Start from the eastern side, in the direction of the sun. Before reading the words of the conspiracy, a full-length sign of the cross is made with a censer at arm's length.

A conspiracy that removes evil witchcraft damage to close the roads of life, good luck and success:

“Damage, aches, failures, an evil word, a slander, a black slander, a slander from the Holy Cross turned to dust, fell off the paths of my life. My ways are pure, my roads are smooth and wide. The Lord Almighty helps me, the Mother of God delivers me from trouble, Archangel Michael protects me on the roads of life all the days and all the nights, in the clear morning and in the blue evening. I’m walking along a wide, smooth road, I won’t trip over a stone, I won’t fall into a hole. Get away, black corruption, from my path in life, from my wide, smooth road. Amen".