Rum baba recipe at home. Baba

Despite the fact that baba is a dessert with a very long history, confectioners are still arguing: what region is the citizen from? We thought that this was our Russian cake bun, known and loved since childhood, but it turns out that they are arguing about it? The French and Italians have been engaged in a long-standing dispute over the right to call baba their dessert. Yes, yes, it is BabA, which, you see, changes things. Or doesn't it change?

The truth is that there are women and women, that is, a woman and a woman. Russian, French, Italian - they are both similar and different. All three are prepared on yeast dough, all three are sweet, soaked in aromatic alcohol, with an appetizing “cap” on top. But if you try one after another, you will understand that they are still completely different products. Today we will prepare Italian rum baba.

So the dough. The dough for baba, although yeast-based, is more similar in consistency to batter for pancakes. It contains a lot of eggs, thanks to which the babas are fluffy and elastic and absorb the syrup remarkably well, without getting soggy, but maintaining their texture.

The cake has a rather sweet taste even without a “cap”, so it is not at all necessary to prepare fudge for it; simple sour cream, cream, anglaise sauce or light custard is much more suitable for an Italian woman. Which is what we will bring to life.

Cooking time: about 3 hours / Yield: 16 baba the size of a standard muffin


  • white wheat flour 240 g
  • softened butter 80 g
  • sugar 30 g
  • fresh yeast 20 g
  • eggs 4 pieces
  • milk 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt a pinch
  • water for syrup 400 ml
  • sugar for syrup 160 g
  • dark rum 200 ml


    Prepare a thick dough. To do this, dissolve the yeast in slightly warm milk.

    Then add a third of the total flour to this mixture.

    Mix the dough mixture thoroughly.

    It will turn out quite thick. Don't try to knead it too much. The main thing is that there are no dry particles of flour left in it, and it is completely moistened. Roll the resulting dough into a ball, place it in a deep bowl and cover with film.

    Leave the dough in a warm place to ferment for 30-40 minutes. The dough will increase in volume (2-3 times).

    Now add sugar to the dough and stir it in.

    Separately, beat the eggs with a whisk or blender.

    Pour the eggs into the dough little by little and knead it with a mixer using hook attachments.

    Then add salt and remaining flour to the dough.

    Continue kneading the dough with the mixer. 4-5 minutes after adding flour, add softened, but not melted butter into the dough.

    Continue kneading the dough until it becomes smooth.

    Cover the resulting dough with film and leave to ferment in a warm place for about an hour. As you can see from the photo, the dough has increased very much in volume - 2.5-3 times.

    Place the fermented dough into the molds, filling them halfway. If you are using metal molds, grease them with butter. Silicone molds do not need to be greased.

    Cover the mold to protect the dough from airing and leave to proof until the dough reaches the edge of the mold.

    Bake the baba in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-18 minutes until golden brown.
    While the women are baking, prepare the syrup: mix rum, water and sugar.

    Bring the syrup to a boil, stirring until all the sugar dissolves. Remove syrup from heat.

    When the baba are ready, carefully remove them from the molds and place them directly into the syrup while still hot.

    As you turn them, make sure they are thoroughly soaked, then carefully squeeze out the excess syrup from the baba.
    This dessert can be served immediately or after it has been left in the refrigerator for several hours.

This is a dessert that can turn even everyday life into a holiday - light fluffy yeast dough soaked in syrup, the heady aroma of rum in every bite, a tall shape topped with seductive sugar fudge. It's all baba.

Of course, such baking is not for beginner cooks, since preparing the ingredients and kneading the dough require certain practical skills. But having plunged a little into the history of this dessert, having studied all the cooking standards and the secrets of experienced confectioners, anyone will be able to conquer this confectionery Everest.

Culinary certificate

Rum baba is a dried muffin made from rich yeast dough, soaked in syrup and covered with fudge sugar.

The history of this dessert is associated with the name of the Polish king Stanislaw Leszczynski. According to one version, he dipped a dry Kugeldorf pie with rum and liked the taste of the baked goods in wine so much that he decided to name this dish in honor of his favorite literary character Ali Baba.

The recipe for rum baba was modified to its more familiar form by the French critic and culinary specialist Savarin in the eighteenth century. The French version of this pastry made from rich yeast dough with raisins, soaked in sweet syrup, was named in his honor.

Despite the fact that the baba is more than three centuries old, it continues to remain “a berry again” and has many admirers. The most popular recipe for this dessert remains baking according to GOST standards of the Soviet Union, but there are also original recipes (for example, from Yulia Vysotskaya) worthy of attention.

Recipe for fudge (glaze) for baba

The fondant (or glaze) for coating baba according to GOST standards is prepared from sugar, water and citric acid. Housewives only slightly reduce the amount of ingredients, in proportion to the number of women.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Mix sugar with water in a saucepan or saucepan, you need to try very hard so that as few grains of sugar as possible get on the walls of the dish;
  2. Place the mixture over high heat. The fudge is cooked only over very high heat so that the syrup does not darken as a result of caramelization of the sugar;
  3. Before the syrup boils, use a brush dipped in water to brush off grains of sugar from the walls of the saucepan (pan) and cover with a lid so that drops of condensation wash away all the sugar from the walls;
  4. After the mixture has boiled for several minutes, add citric acid and cook further until a drop of syrup rolls into a ball in cold water (test for a soft ball). If you have a kitchen thermometer, then you can do without testing, just the temperature on the thermometer should be 117 degrees Celsius;
  5. Cool the finished syrup quickly by placing the saucepan in a deep bowl with cold water and ice;
  6. When the temperature drops to 40 degrees, beat the mixture with a hand whisk or wooden spatula. The fondant will thicken and turn white;
  7. Cover the finished fudge with cling film and leave to ripen in the refrigerator. Before covering the baba, melt the fudge in the microwave or in a water bath.

Rum baba according to GOST at home

This recipe belongs to the culinary heritage of the Soviet Union; it can be called the golden fund of confectioners of that time. And even though it is now very difficult to find confectionery shops where exactly such women bake, but thanks to the preserved standards - GOST - they can be repeated in your own kitchen.

In the process of preparing this dessert, you will need to prepare four of its components (dough dough, dough - the main batch, impregnation and sugar fudge), so it is logical to divide the list of necessary ingredients into four blocks:


  • 5 g dry fast-acting (instant) yeast;
  • 212 g of premium wheat flour;
  • 147 g water;

Basic dough batch:

  • 82 g melange (chicken egg);
  • 105 g crystal sugar;
  • 103 g margarine or butter, the main condition is 82% fat;
  • 3 g table salt;
  • 2-3 drops of vanilla essence;
  • 52 g dark raisins;
  • 200 g flour;


  • 240 g of drinking water;
  • 240 g fine granulated sugar;
  • 20 ml of rum (cognac, dessert wine) or 2-3 drops of rum essence for flavoring;

Sugar fudge:

  • 500 g sugar;
  • 160 g of drinking purified water;
  • 5 ml lemon juice.

The process of baking rum baba is a long journey, so you need to be prepared for the fact that you will only be able to enjoy the dessert 48 hours after you start working.

The calorie content of baked goods per 100 g is 283.6 kcal.

Step-by-step algorithm of all actions:

  1. First you need to prepare the dough. Since instant yeast is used, the recipe amount should not be dissolved in water, but mixed with dry flour. Then, gradually adding warm water, knead the dough into a soft, sticky dough. Transfer the dough to a bowl greased with vegetable oil and leave in a warm place for 3-4 hours;
  2. Add loose melange, sugar, vanilla essence, salt and flour to the ripened dough. Knead the resulting dough for 2-3 minutes. Then stir in very soft (but not liquid) butter in portions. The oil must have 82% fat content, as provided by GOST, otherwise its quantity will need to be recalculated;
  3. Knead the dough carefully using the French technology until it has a homogeneous consistency. To do this, you need to pick up the dough, stretch it, fold it in half, turn it over and repeat all the steps again;
  4. Add steamed or soaked raisins to the kneaded dough and place in the refrigerator for 60 minutes. After an hour, mix the mixture for one to two minutes and put it in the cold again for 60-90 minutes;
  5. After this, divide the finished dough into equal pieces (depending on the volume of the molds). Round each piece, hiding the raisins from the surface so that they do not burn in the oven;
  6. Transfer the pieces of dough into molds greased with vegetable oil. The dough should occupy 1/3 of the total volume of the mold. Leave the dough in the molds until it doubles in volume. This will take approximately 90 minutes;
  7. Before baking, very carefully so that the pieces do not settle, brush them with beaten egg. The temperature and time standards for baking according to GOST are respectively 210 degrees and 45 minutes, but you still need to focus on the appearance and the dry splinter test;
  8. The finished baba must first be cooled a little in the molds, and then taken out and allowed to cool completely. After cooling, turn the babas over with the narrow side up and cover for 4-8 hours (can be left overnight);
  9. For impregnation, cook syrup from sugar and the same amount of water. When the sugar is completely dissolved and the mixture boils for 2-3 minutes, remove the impregnation from the heat, add fragrance and cool until warm;
  10. Pierce each baba on the narrow side in several places with a toothpick and dip in warm syrup for 10 seconds. Then remove and turn the narrow side up;
  11. For fudge, mix sugar with water and cook over high heat until absolutely every sugar crystal is completely dissolved. To prevent sugar from remaining on the walls, you need to brush it off with a brush dipped in water, and then boil the syrup with a lid for 2-3 minutes so that the remaining crystals are washed away by condensation. Then add lemon juice and cook for another 5 minutes. Cool the finished fudge in a container with cold water and beat until white with a wooden spatula;
  12. Glaze the soaked babas with sugar fudge. After the glaze has set, the rum women are ready.

Baking option from Yulia Vysotskaya

Baking baba according to the recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya is not such a long and labor-intensive process as according to GOST, but the finished baked goods with their rich citrus aroma thanks to Limoncello liqueur and coarsely grated lemon zest have won more than one heart of a lover of this dessert.

For the yeast dough of the rum baba base you need to take:

  • 10 chicken eggs;
  • 45 g crystal sugar;
  • 210 g butter;
  • 14 g dry yeast;
  • 10 ml vanilla extract;
  • 60 ml Limoncello liqueur;
  • 3 g table salt;
  • 600 g flour.

For citrus syrup-impregnation:

  • 1500 ml of drinking water;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • zest of one orange.

To bake rum baba soaked in syrup with a citrus aroma it will take not two days, as according to GOST, but only 2 hours.

The calorie content of the dessert is 280.3 kcal/100 g.

Step-by-step recipe for baba from Yulia Vysotskaya:

  1. Melt the butter and set aside to cool slightly;
  2. Combine salt and flour, mix well;
  3. Dissolve the yeast in 60 ml of warm water with a pinch of sugar (5 g) and let it activate;
  4. Beat the eggs with the remaining sugar with a mixer at high speed;
  5. Reduce speed, add vanilla extract and liquid butter;
  6. Replace the whisk on the mixer (food processor) with the dough attachment and continue kneading, adding half the amount of flour mixed with the dough;
  7. When the mass becomes homogeneous, pour in the active yeast, stir and add the remaining half of the amount of flour;
  8. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel soaked in hot water and leave for 20 minutes;
  9. After 20 minutes, transfer the dough into a greased cake pan and let it rest again for 20 minutes under a wet hot towel;
  10. Bake the rum baba for about an hour in a hot oven. Transfer the finished baked goods into a deep bowl and cool completely;
  11. For impregnation, cook syrup from water, sugar, coarsely grated lemon and orange zest. The sugar should be completely dissolved;
  12. Pour the finished cooled baba with strained syrup and Limoncello liqueur. Since the woman will only take the amount of syrup she needs, the deep mold will keep the excess syrup in her.

The amount of time required to prepare the dough depends on many factors: the temperature of the room where it stands, the activity of the yeast, the temperature of the water in which the dough was kneaded, the quality of the flour, etc. But with all this, it is quite easy to determine its readiness without focusing on time. The dough is ready when its center begins to fall.

For the baba, the process of kneading the dough is of great importance. It will help the gluten become as elastic as possible, which will fix the pores of the dough and help the baked goods not to deform. Therefore, for the first 10 minutes the dough needs to be kneaded with a mixer with dough attachments, and when the mass becomes thick, knead for another 10 minutes with your hands.

You can make the taste of the finished products more rum-rich if you soak the raisins overnight (8-12 hours) in rum. For this dessert, it is better to give preference to dark varieties of rum that have been aged for more than three years in charred oak barrels.

Rum baba is a juicy and tender cake originally from Poland. According to legend, the “father” of the baba is considered to be the Polish king Stanislav Leszczynski, who dipped pieces of dry butter cake into wine. The king liked the taste of this delicacy so much that he came up with a name for it - Ali Baba. And the court chef slightly improved the recipe - and for many years now everyone has been enjoying a dessert called “rum baba”!

Name: Baba
Date added: 01.01.2017
Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Recipe servings: 15
Rating: (No rating)
Product Quantity
For the test:
Flour 500 g
Pressed yeast 20 g
Eggs 4 things.
Softened butter 500 g
Milk 120 ml
Rum 250 ml
Raisin 150 g
Granulated sugar 1 tbsp.
Vanillin 1 sachet
Salt pinch
For fondant:
Water 170 ml
Rum 40 ml
Lemon juice 2 tbsp.
Granulated sugar 350 g
For the syrup:
Rum 50 ml
Water 300 ml
Granulated sugar 250 g

Dissolve yeast in heated but not boiled milk, add sugar and flour, mix and place in a warm place for 40-45 minutes until the dough rises. Heat the rum (do not boil!), pour it over the pre-washed raisins. Beat the eggs with a whisk. When the dough has risen, add the eggs to the dough and stir. Then add the remaining flour, salt and butter.

Knead the dough for 20 minutes: first with a mixer, then with your hands. Leave the dough to “rest” for 40-45 minutes (knead the dough 2-3 times during this time). Add the raisins, after draining the rum into a clean container. Lightly heat the molds for baking rum baba and grease with oil. Roll the dough into balls, place them in molds, and give them time to rise.
Homemade baba is tastier and healthier than store-bought! Brush the balls with egg yolk. Bake the baba in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water in equal proportions. Cook the syrup, stirring, over low heat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Cool the resulting syrup and add the remaining rum to it.

To prepare fudge, add sugar to water and cook over high heat in a closed container. After the syrup becomes homogeneous, add lemon juice and simmer for about 5 minutes. Remove the container from the stove and cool the fudge in cold water, while gently whisking it. Beat until it becomes white and smooth. Add the remaining rum to the finished fudge and mix thoroughly.

Cover the container with a damp towel until the fudge has cooled completely. Remove the finished rum baba from the oven and let it cool. Make several punctures with a toothpick at the bottom of the babs. Soak them in syrup and decorate with fondant. If desired, you can sprinkle the rum baba with almond petals. Let the rum baba steep for at least an hour.

Surely many people remember and love the delicious dessert called baba? Nowadays, few people prepare it at home, preferring to buy ready-made baked goods in pastry shops. Nevertheless, the recipe for rum baba is not at all complicated, although it requires quite a lot of time to prepare along with certain skills. And thanks to Irishka (rum baba is her order), today I have prepared for you detailed instructions on how to make this amazing, lush, juicy and delicate dessert yourself at home.

In fact, baba is usually called a baked product based on a rich yeast dough in the form of a cake, which is generously soaked in aromatic sugar syrup and then covered with sugar fudge. Rum babu can be prepared in the form of one large cake or baked many small ones - this is not important and depends only on the choice of the cook.

Interestingly, there are quite a few versions of the origin of the name of this sweet dish (as well as the dessert itself). So, for example, according to one of them, the recipe for these juicy buns was invented by Stanislav Leszczynski (the Polish king and Duke of Lorraine), and he named them in honor of his favorite hero Ali Baba (hence baba - initially the emphasis fell on the second syllable). And the first part of the name (rum or rum) comes, accordingly, from the name of the drink, which Stanislav accidentally poured on the baked goods.

There is another version of the origin of rum baba: the king did not invent a recipe for this pastry at all, but simply dipped a served piece of dry cake into wine during a meal and was extremely pleased with the juicy result. True or not, who knows... But this is the name of the dessert that has reached our time, which is still popular today, and at the same time has an already established recipe.

Enough of the lyrics, let's get down to practice. From the specified number of ingredients used, I got 12 rum baba (6 large and 6 small, so I indicated the number of servings as 18 pieces). The logic is probably not entirely clear: in general, you can get 18 small buns. I made the recipe very detailed and long, but solely so that no additional questions would arise. From words to deeds - we are preparing unreal delicious rum baba!




(200 grams) (105 grams) (105 grams) (80 grams) (50 grams) (0.25 teaspoon) (1 pinch) (1 piece )


Sugar fudge:

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

Despite the fact that the preparation of rum baba is divided into several stages, I decided to prepare all the ingredients at once. So, we will need: premium wheat flour, drinking water, granulated sugar, butter, chicken egg and egg yolk, raisins, yeast, salt, lemon juice, vanillin and rum flavoring. I will write in detail about all possible product replacements step by step.

So, the first thing you need to do is prepare the dough. This is our basis for yeast dough, which, as you understand, we will make using the sponge method. In this case, thick dough is used. Pour 150 milliliters of lukewarm drinking water into a suitable container and crumble 15 grams of fresh (pressed) yeast into it. It is not necessary to take exactly this kind of yeast - dry or fast-acting yeast is perfect, which you need exactly 3 times less, that is, 5 grams (that’s 1 heaped teaspoon). Mix the yeast well in the water.

Knead the dough until smooth and homogeneous. It turns out quite dense, but just a little sticky. Round the dough, cover the bowl with a lid or towel (cover with film) and leave to ferment at room temperature for 2-4 hours. Such a difference in time is quite understandable - it depends primarily on the activity of the yeast and the temperature in the room.

I wrote about the readiness of the dough for work in the recipe for Tsarsky Easter cake, but I’ll repeat it again. First of all, mature dough increases in volume very well. In addition, if you pick it off with a spoon or fork, you will notice that the dough is completely riddled with air bubbles. But this is not all the indicators of its readiness - it is recommended to introduce the dough into the dough when it has already grown in volume and HAS ALREADY STARTED TO SAG A LITTLE (especially in the center). I'm intentionally writing this in capital letters because it's really important. I didn’t write this in baking recipes before, because I didn’t suspect that many people might simply not know this nuance. In other words, the yeast has already eaten everything tasty in the dough and is hungry, so it’s time for them to feed themselves again. And then we introduce them into the dough. I hope I explained it clearly.

And this is how the dough stretches out in thin threads when you transfer it to a bowl for kneading dough. Beauty, simply impossible beauty...

When the dough is ready to work, move on to the next stage. Here we need to take 80 grams of fresh chicken egg. This can be one giant egg (I have exactly this - 90 grams in the shell) or two small ones. Weigh the egg and add to it 105 grams of granulated sugar, a quarter teaspoon of salt and vanillin (used as desired and replaced with a teaspoon of vanilla sugar or a few drops of vanilla extract).

Mix everything until the flour absorbs the liquid. The result is a soft and sticky dough. Now you need to add soft butter into this dough in parts, literally a teaspoon at a time. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and let it warm up on the counter for a couple of hours.

After completely introducing the oil, as a result of a fairly long (at least 10 minutes with a mixer with a hook attachment) and intensive kneading, you will receive the most delicate, incredibly soft and elastic dough. This wet dough is kneaded by hand using the French technology (stretching and folding), and it takes even longer - about 15 minutes. It’s quite difficult to show such a process without a video, so search the Internet.

By the way, in this picture I wanted to show how stretchy the dough is. But, since I only have two hands, and there was no one to help at that moment, look what is there. In fact, the dough stretches as high as the length of your entire arm - it is so elastic, moveable and tender. It practically does not stick to your hands. The dough is like chewing gum, only very soft.

Add 50 grams of raisins to the dough (any kind can be used, most importantly without seeds), which must first be washed and, if necessary, steamed for softness. Be sure to dry the raisins before adding them to the dough.

Mix everything carefully again so that the raisins are distributed throughout the dough. We round it and transfer it to a dry and clean bowl, greasing it quite a bit with refined vegetable oil (just so that the dough does not stick). Cover the bowl with cling film or cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator (yes, the dough for baba is fermented in the cold) for 1 hour.

During this time, the yeast dough will puff up a little and become denser and more elastic. Now it is much more convenient to work with it.

It needs to be divided into pieces of the same size. I specifically looked for molds for rum baba, but I only found quite large ones and only 6 of them. That's why I used these 6 large pans and 6 small metal muffin tins. The resulting 915 grams (Ira, the numbers are for you personally) of dough were accordingly divided into 12 pieces weighing 100 and 52 grams.

Grease the molds with refined vegetable oil (I didn’t list it in the ingredients) or butter. In the second case, be sure to sprinkle the molds with flour, since butter contains water. Round the dough pieces and roll them into balls. Place in the molds, seam side down. By the way, if you roll the workpieces well, the seams will not be visible. Do not put a lot of dough (maximum half the volume of the mold), as it will rise well during baking.

Cover the pieces with cling film or a cut plastic bag (like mine), which should be sprinkled with flour on one side so that the dough does not stick. Let the pieces sit for 1.5 hours in a warm place. For this purpose, it is most convenient to do this in the oven with the light on (it turns out to be approximately 28-30 degrees - the ideal temperature for fermenting yeast dough).

When the dough has doubled in size, whisk one egg yolk in a bowl to brush the surface of the dough. You can dilute the yolk with plain water if it turns out too thick.

Bake the rum baba on medium level for about 35-45 minutes until beautifully golden brown. Cooking time depends on the size of the products and the nature of your oven. You know its features, right?

Let the finished rum baba cool in the molds for 5 minutes, then remove them. Now the baked goods need a rest so that the crumb does not turn into porridge from being soaked in sugar syrup. First, cool with the golden side up for a couple of hours, then turn them over and leave the buns in this position for 4-8 hours. It is best to choose the time of their readiness so that you can safely leave the baked goods overnight and continue in the morning. Here you see the complete set, but, frankly speaking, 2 babies still didn’t survive until the morning. They were so fragrant, they were still warm and so tasty...

If your rum women have successfully survived the resting stage, it’s time to move on to the next step - we’ll prepare the aromatic impregnation. Everything here is very easy, fast and simple. In a small saucepan or saucepan, combine 240 grams of sugar with the same amount of water. We put everything on medium heat and, stirring, wait for the sugar crystals to completely dissolve. Let the sugar syrup boil, then boil it for a couple more minutes and remove from heat.

Where they learned to bake rum baba.

What can you say about rum baba? And is it necessary?... But, if anyone doesn’t know, rum baba are soft, sweet, juicy, raisin creatures, soaked in rum or cognac syrup and covered with fudge... one type of rum baba inspires you to prepare them and, of course, you want it that way them... um-yum-yum-yum

Recipe for rum baba according to GOST:
Rum baba is a product made from yeast dough in the shape of a truncated cone with a ribbed or smooth side surface, soaked in soaking syrup and glazed with lipstick. Weight 0.05;1; 0.5 kg.
baked semi-finished product 740 g, soaking syrup 50 g, sugar fondant 210 g, yield 1000 g
weight of 1 rum baba 1000 g
Baked semi-finished product: premium wheat flour 412 g, granulated sugar 305 g (this is probably with syrup and fondant), butter 103 g, melange (or chicken egg) 82 g, raisins 52 g, vanilla powder 2 g, salt (sea) ) 2 g, pressed yeast 21 g, water 132 g. Sponge method: 50% flour, water and yeast completely. Fermentation time is 2.5...3 hours. When the dough increases in volume by 2...2.5 times and begins to fall, add salt, sugar, melange or eggs to it, then mix everything, add the remaining flour mixed with vanilla powder and knead the dough. Before the end of the kneading, add butter and raisins. Cover the container and leave for 2...2.5 hours for fermentation. Proofing in molds 80...90 min. Bake for 23...34 minutes at a temperature of +175...185C. The baked semi-finished product is cooled, removed from the molds and left to stand for a shift. Soak in syrup and glaze.


Free translation into home conditions, for the impatient
for small cake pans or muffins, but you can use a larger pan with a hole
water 40ºC 65 g
premium flour 65 g
sugar 1 pinch
active dry yeast 5 g (only for steaming)
premium flour 141 g
granulated sugar 52 g
salt 1-2 g
butter 52 g
egg 41 g
raisin 26 g
a packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar (reduce the amount of sugar by 10 g)
sugar 120 g
water 120 g
rum, cognac or dessert wine (allowed according to GOST) 30 g (I used homemade liqueur)
rum essence a few drops
Powdered sugar 200 g
Water 3 Art. l, add the last spoon in parts
A few lemon crystals, or you can do without it

Step-by-step recipe with photos

The recipe is a free translation into home conditions for the impatient
Makes 9 pieces, approximately 50 g each
for regular small cupcake tins or muffins,
but you can use any large mold with a hole
Water 40C - 65 g
Premium flour - 65 g
A pinch of sugar
Dry active yeast - 5 g (only for dough)
Mix water with yeast and sugar and leave for 10 minutes. Add flour and mix well. Place the container with the dough in warm water (so that your hand feels pleasantly warm). The dough should increase 2.5-3 times and begin to fall off.

Premium flour - 141 g
Granulated sugar - 52 g
Salt - 1-2 g
Butter - 52 g
Eggs - 41 g
Raisins - 26 g
A packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar (reduce the amount of sugar by 10 g)
Those who don’t have scales can use measuring cups or a weight conversion table; as for the eggs, take 1 tbsp from the loose eggs for lubrication, the rest into the dough. More flour may be needed. You can put less sugar, 20-30 g, in the recipe there is an option for those with a sweet tooth, I put 2 g of salt, otherwise the dough tasted empty to me.
Mix all ingredients except raisins, knead the dough by hand for 20 minutes, in a food processor for 1.5 minutes, then knead in the raisins by hand. The dough at the end of kneading should be very warm, approximately 35C. Let the dough ferment in a very warm place (35-40c), doing two kneads: each time the dough increases in volume by 1.5-2 rubles, knead it. I built a very warm place like this: 2 saucepans with an encapsulated bottom, a larger diameter - with water, a smaller one - with dough, it is more convenient to use a glass lid on the pan, it is more convenient to peek at the dough and not cause significant fluctuations in the temperature inside. Heated a saucepan of water to a pleasant warmth, put a saucepan with dough in it, covered it with a lid, and covered the whole thing with a thick towel. It turned out to be such an improvised thermos bath. After about 30 minutes there was the first warm-up. Heated the water in the saucepan again. And another 15-20 minutes (the second time the dough grows faster). Knead the dough well, so that you end up with a fine, even porosity of the product.
Remove our warm, soft, aromatic dough from the saucepan. Divide into 50 g pieces (this is the optimal weight for small ribbed muffin tins), roll out and leave for 10 minutes. We form balls and place them in oiled pans or lined with parchment. I have two sets of metal muffin tins, in one nothing sticks, in the other it sticks ungodly, you have to literally pick out the finished muffins, so I lined these molds with parchment. Proofing for 40-60 minutes at 40-50C with steam, as in Rigas Radzini. After proofing, brush the top with egg. Bake in the oven at 180C for 23-25 ​​minutes. with steam.

Now you need to cook syrup While it is cooking, the dough will cool slightly.
Sugar - 120 g
Water - 120 g
rum, cognac or dessert wine (allowed according to GOST) - 30 g (I used homemade liqueur)
rum essence - a few drops
According to GOST, it is supposed to be cooked with a thermometer, to a certain density... but we are at home, we don’t have control over compliance with the yield for cost, etc., therefore:
Heat water, add sugar, cook for 5 minutes over medium heat. During the cooking process, you can add (instead of essence) spices - vanilla, cinnamon, ginger (on the tip of a knife, if powder, or a small piece), star anise, clove bud, allspice, lemon or orange zest... choose, mix for your taste.
The cooled women are soaked in syrup for about a minute. At home you can hold your grandmother with your hands, or you can do it this way