The most harmful habits for the heart. The influence of bad habits on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, presentation for a biology lesson (grade 8) on the topic The influence of bad habits on the circulatory system

Presentation on the topic "The influence of bad habits on the cardiovascular system" in biology in powerpoint format. The presentation for schoolchildren talks about the consequences of smoking, alcohol and drugs on the health of the human cardiovascular system. Presentation author: Olga Konovalova.

Fragments from the presentation

Effect of smoking on the heart

  • Smoking is a common cause of all cardiovascular heart diseases, which include atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, various types of arrhythmias, peripheral vascular diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and aortic aneurysms.
  • We all know that the heart is the main organ for supplying blood and oxygen to the entire organ. Carbon monoxide competes with oxygen to combine with hemoglobin and is absorbed into the blood much faster than the latter; lack of oxygen causes the heart to work harder.
  • So, the heart is forced to work harder to better distribute oxygen-depleted blood throughout the tissues of the body. Smoking is responsible for increased levels of fibrinogen, a blood-clotting protein, as well as an increased number of platelets, which causes blood to stagnate in blood vessels.

Effect of alcohol on the heart

  • Chronic alcohol abuse is a cause of cardiomyopathy. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is more common in men. Symptoms of the disease usually appear after alcohol abuse for more than 10 years. A common primary clinical sign is shortness of breath, often coinciding with symptoms of heart failure.
  • Drinkers may also complain of a cough, especially at night, and describe the onset of a persistent "respiratory" illness as "flu-like" - without any respiratory infection. As the disease progresses, patients quickly become fatigued and complain of chest pain with exertion. Heart failure results in pulmonary congestion, cardiac arrhythmia, systemic edema, anorexia, and abdominal discomfort.
  • Knowledge of the effects of alcohol on the coronary arteries of the heart is deepening. Alcoholics are more likely to develop myocardial infarction despite having normal or minimally narrowed coronary arteries.
  • The effect of alcohol on the heart often causes disturbances in heart rhythm, and then the death of the drinker or his disability; such a person is not able to continue to work and perform physical activity that a non-drinker can calmly perform.

Effect of drugs on the cardiovascular system

  • The importance of the heart and blood vessels is well known to everyone. These organs ensure the delivery of all the substances they need to the tissues and the removal of “waste” from the tissues. Drugs contribute to the inhibition of the vasomotor center, and as a result, a decrease in blood pressure and a slower pulse.
  • For this reason, in the body of a drug addict, a decrease in the functions of the cardiovascular system always occurs, the supply of cells with the substances they need, as well as the “cleaning” of cells and tissues, decreases. The functions of all cells weaken, they and the entire body become decrepit, as in extreme old age. The addict can no longer develop sufficiently great efforts to cope with the usual amount of work. Senile changes at a young age do not add joy to life.

INFLUENCE OF BAD HABITS ON THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Performed by Olga Konovalova pptcloud. ru Portal of ready-made presentations

The effect of smoking on the heart. Smoking is a common cause of all cardiovascular heart diseases, which include atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, various types of arrhythmias, peripheral vascular diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and aortic aneurysms.

We all know that the heart is the main organ for supplying blood and oxygen to the entire organ. Carbon monoxide competes with oxygen to combine with hemoglobin and is absorbed into the blood much faster than the latter; lack of oxygen causes the heart to work harder.

So, the heart is forced to work harder to better distribute oxygen-depleted blood throughout the tissues of the body. Smoking is responsible for increased levels of fibrinogen, a blood clotting protein, as well as an increased number of platelets, which causes blood to stagnate in blood vessels.

The effect of alcohol on the heart. Chronic alcohol abuse is a cause of cardiomyopathy. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is more common in men. Symptoms of the disease usually appear after alcohol abuse for more than 10 years. A common primary clinical sign is shortness of breath, often coinciding with symptoms of heart failure.

Drinkers may also complain of a cough, especially at night, and describe the onset of a persistent "respiratory" illness as "flu-like" - without any respiratory infection. As the disease progresses, patients quickly become fatigued and complain of chest pain with physical exertion. . Heart failure leads to pulmonary congestion, cardiac arrhythmia, systemic edema, anorexia, and abdominal discomfort.

Knowledge of the effects of alcohol on the coronary arteries of the heart is deepening. Alcoholics are more likely to develop myocardial infarction despite having normal or minimally narrowed coronary arteries. The effect of alcohol on the heart often causes disturbances in heart rhythm, and then the death of the drinker or his disability; such a person is not able to continue to work and perform physical activity that a non-drinker can calmly perform.

The effect of drugs on the cardiovascular system. The importance of the heart and blood vessels is well known to everyone. These organs ensure the delivery of all the substances they need to the tissues and the removal of “waste” from the tissues. Drugs contribute to the inhibition of the vasomotor center, and as a result, a decrease in blood pressure and a slower pulse.

For this reason, in the body of a drug addict, a decrease in the functions of the cardiovascular system always occurs, the supply of cells with the substances they need, as well as the “cleaning” of cells and tissues, decreases. The functions of all cells weaken, they and the entire body become decrepit, as in extreme old age. The addict can no longer develop sufficiently great efforts to cope with the usual amount of work. Senile changes at a young age do not add joy to life.

We present to your attention a report and presentation on the topic The influence of bad habits on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This material, presented on 15 pages, will help you prepare for the Biology lesson. It will be useful for both pupils and students, as well as teachers of schools and universities. You can read and download this and any other report on our website. All materials are absolutely free and accessible. You can find the download link at the end of the page. If you liked the material, share it with your friends using the social buttons and add the site to bookmarks in your browser.

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There are more than 3,660 components in tobacco smoke, many of which are very unsafe for the body, in particular for the cardiovascular system, 300 of them are active biological poisons. Thus, nicotine, stimulating the vasomotor and respiratory centers of the brain, thereby causes spasm of blood vessels, damage to their walls and promotes the formation of sclerotic plaques, narrowing the lumen of blood vessels. There are more than 3,660 components in tobacco smoke, many of which are very unsafe for the body, in particular for the cardiovascular system, 300 of them are active biological poisons. Thus, nicotine, stimulating the vasomotor and respiratory centers of the brain, thereby causes spasm of blood vessels, damage to their walls and promotes the formation of sclerotic plaques, narrowing the lumen of blood vessels.

Each of us has some habits that negatively affect not only the psyche, but also human health. Bad habits include many factors that have become part of the usual way of life. Some of them are so serious that they can lead to disastrous consequences.

The main habits that destroy human health:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • drugs;
  • smoking mixtures.

Let's consider the damage bad habits cause to human health.

Poor nutrition.

The influence of bad habits on human health is very significant; those who value their health should get rid of the bad habit.

The problem of malnutrition is common, because 90% of people on earth do not eat properly. Your health and body functioning depend on what foods you eat. Let's consider the main reasons that form the habit of unhealthy eating:

  • Excessive consumption of sweets. Leads to diseases of the skin and cardiovascular system. Formation of caries, problems with tooth enamel.
  • Excessive salt. Kidney disease, musculoskeletal disorder.
  • Fatty, carbohydrate-rich foods. Development of chronic gastritis, obesity.
  • Meals for the night. Disruption of the digestive system.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult about giving up junk food and solving the problem of your daily diet. But people suffering from this bad habit find it very difficult to control themselves.

If you eat unhealthy foods uncontrollably, you will definitely harm your internal organs; if you eat in very small quantities, you cannot avoid anorexia. This is the whole point of an addiction.

If you have such a habit, but don’t know how to overcome it, follow these simple rules:

  • Before eating in the morning, drink a glass of clean water on an empty stomach.
  • If it's difficult for you to completely overhaul your diet in an instant, start by correcting your breakfast. To start, replace fried eggs with sandwiches with a bowl of porridge with fruits, nuts or berries. The rest of the time, eat as you are used to. After nutrition is established in the morning, begin adjusting lunch and dinner.
  • Try to eat more often, but you should reduce your usual portion by two or three times.
  • The most harmful food is fried food. Try to replace it with boiled or stewed.
  • If you really want to eat at night, limit yourself to a glass of kefir.


Smoking is a harmful habit of inhaling tobacco smoke; this habit belongs to one of the types of substance abuse. As a rule, smokers themselves do not even suspect how dangerous their habit is. After all, smoking can not only cause many diseases, but also cause death. A person starts smoking to calm down and relieve stress. Many smokers believe that they can quit smoking in an instant, of course, this is a huge misconception.

How does smoking affect human health:

  • Increases blood pressure;
  • Problems with the respiratory organs arise;
  • Frequent colds with complications on the lungs and bronchi;
  • Destruction of tooth enamel due to lack of calcium;
  • Violation of the heart and blood circulation;
  • Causes stomach ulcers.
  • Oncological diseases.

The reasons for developing a habit can be different. Most often, a person starts smoking because he imitates someone, then a conditioned reflex is developed, after which the habit becomes an addiction.

Some tips for those who want to kill bad health habits:

  • For starters, stop buying cigarettes by the carton.
  • Smoke half a cigarette.
  • Do not take cigarettes with you when leaving home.
  • Limit communication with smokers.
  • Find a like-minded person who, like you, will quit smoking. Interest in sports can be an excellent motivation.


Alcohol addiction is the most harmful habit that causes a huge blow to the human body. Many people believe that alcohol is a completely harmless habit that makes itself felt only in the morning after drinking alcohol again. In fact, alcohol leaves permanent scars on your body. Let's look at how alcohol affects health.

Brain. With regular consumption of alcohol, ethyl alcohol in its composition can harm the brain. Over time, this will be reflected in the following symptoms:

  • clouding of consciousness;
  • loss of coordination;
  • memory losses.

Heart. Alcohol, when consumed in excess, relaxes the heart muscles, causing problems with blood circulation. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Shortness of breath, even with the slightest physical activity.
  • Chronic cough.
  • Fatigue quickly.

Liver. The heaviest blow falls on the liver. The liver is destroyed by any dose of alcohol consumed; with its systematic use, the following liver diseases may develop:

  • Fatty hepatosis.
  • Acute hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis.

Useful tips for those who want to get rid of a habit that is destroying human health:

  • Everything will definitely work out, provided that the person who suffers from an addiction wants to get rid of it.
  • Try to start every morning with small physical exercises, this will relax your body and relieve possible stress.
  • Find yourself a sober company or partner who will constantly motivate you. If there are no such people in your social circle, you can find like-minded people on the Internet: on relevant forums or communities.
  • Try to be alone with yourself as little as possible, spend more time with your family and loved ones.
  • If something goes wrong, don’t blame yourself under any circumstances. Don't give up, set goals and achieve them at any cost.
  • Imagine yourself in the future as a successful, realized person who does not depend on a bottle of alcohol. Think only about the positive aspects of life and your dreams will definitely materialize.


What habits are more harmful to health than drug use? Drugs are poison that gradually kills a person. Let's look at how they affect health.

When starting to take drugs, a person is bothered by minor symptoms:

  • Peeling of the skin.
  • Dull hair.
  • Brittle nails.

After prolonged drug use, symptoms become more severe:

  • Frequent colds;
  • The vegetation on the body gradually falls out;
  • Even a small abrasion or wound on the body does not heal, and may begin to rot.

In addition to physiological symptoms, the psyche suffers irreversibly:

  • The person withdraws into himself and does not want to discuss his problems with anyone;
  • Stops noticing what is happening around;
  • Drug addicts lie all the time. Capable of deceiving even the closest person;
  • Drug addicts stop enjoying and receiving positive emotions without using drugs;
  • The perception of the outside world changes completely;
  • A person taking drugs takes a very long time to think.

To get rid of drug addiction forever, you need to go to a rehabilitation center, since it is almost impossible to quit a bad habit on your own.

Smoking mixtures.

Today, almost everyone knows what spice is - a synthetic drug consisting of plants - entheogens. The habit of using smoking mixtures develops several times faster than regular smoking of tobacco products. Even a single use can affect human health.

Habituation occurs according to the standard scheme:

  • After the first use, a habit develops. Since the body gets used to the new effects, the smoker is forced to increase the dose each time.
  • Soon a person ceases to feel relaxed, but becomes unreasonably irritable, after which many problems arise in the family or at work.
  • Because of the resulting stress, a person goes back to smoking a harmful mixture. This is a vicious circle that has no end if action is not taken in time.

A bad habit has a negative impact on psychological and physical health.

Nervous system. A person becomes unable to control his own actions, becomes overly emotional, and hallucinations appear.

Brain. Toxic substances in smoking mixtures reduce attention, cause memory problems, and the smoker gradually degrades.

Also, with regular use of smoking mixtures, symptoms such as nausea, constant high blood pressure may appear, in more severe cases, fainting, coma and even death may occur due to severe intoxication of the body.

Psychological habits.

This type includes the habit of Internet addiction or gambling addiction. At first, the situation does not foretell trouble: a person plays computer games in his free time to relax after a hard day. After several months, real addiction begins; the player spends almost all his time on the computer.

This habit can lead to the following health problems:

  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Rachiocampsis.
  • Fast fatiguability.

Now you know how bad habits affect human health. If you want to devote your life to a healthy lifestyle, bad habits must leave you once and for all.

If you have several of the above-mentioned habits, you won’t be able to quit them all at once. Because this is a big burden on the psyche. But this must be done by systematically eliminating harm from your life. The elephant is eaten piece by piece. Good luck to you, have a happy and long life.