Dream Interpretation dreamed that my friend and I were crying. Reasons that upset you greatly

There are times when a person wakes up with tears in his eyes. This is usually accompanied by a depressed, anxious state. Tears in a dream are not an accident, but a kind of key that can reveal inner emotional experiences.

First, you should carefully consider the causes of tears and the consequences to which they can lead.

Where do tears come from in a dream?

Sleep is a state in which the body is at rest and consciousness is switched off, partially or completely. Why then do tears arise in such a defenseless situation?

This can be explained by a set of stressful situations that occur during the day. All sorts of experiences, anxiety and fears form into one big bundle of nerves, which must find its way to liberation. The people who suffer the most are those who silently endure all the disorders. They, like no one else, are prone to tears during sleep.

The cause of tears can be dreams that are so emotionally filled that a person unconsciously experiences all the sensations as if in reality. These could be close relatives who are no longer around, or positive dreams where dreams come true and touching events occur. A person lives all this as in real life, which is why such an emotional outburst occurs.

What do tears tell in a dream?

It is not surprising if a person woke up in tears after experiencing a breakup or a major disagreement, because this is a strong strain on the nervous system. You shouldn’t worry about this, it’s better to focus on something positive and the sad consequences in your dream will soon stop. If anyone is interested in taking a deeper look at this phenomenon, then you can get acquainted with various interpretations regarding tears.


Modern interpretations do not predict anything bad for a person who cries during dreams. On the contrary, such a dream is interpreted as a good omen for young unmarried girls: a wedding is possible in the near future. Everyone else can be ready for unexpected but pleasant gifts from fate.

A dream in which a person does not cry alone promises gifts. But not if a girl cried with him in a dream. Sometimes this predicts the appearance of a rival on the horizon.

Waking up on a pillow wet with tears is considered a good sign. This means you can free yourself from the burden of problems that will soon be resolved safely, and boldly begin a new life and new things.

French dream book

The French view tears only on the positive side, as a sign denoting joy, positivity and peace of mind. But if it is not the owner of the dreams who cries in a dream, but other people, one should be wary of sad events and friendly sympathy. A dream in which one laughs at one's tears represents courage and fortitude in confronting life's troubles.

Other interpretations

Emotional instability, which manifests itself at night, is considered a sign of a weak, weak-willed character, according to interpreters of white magic. If you feel sadness and anxiety too often, you need to reconsider your life principles and habits.

A person who holds back tears and forbids himself to cry is in reality weak and constrained in his complexes. In order not to injure yourself, you need to learn to communicate and express your feelings and experiences as clearly as possible.

In a dream, you can see yourself joyful, cheerful, or you can be sad and dejected. But this does not mean at all that the same emotions await you in reality.

Why do you dream of crying? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream of crying - basic interpretation

If in a dream you cry for a long time and with all your heart, it means that in reality you have accumulated important and complex matters that need to be resolved very quickly. But you don’t have such an opportunity, and you are internally very worried about this. It is also important to take into account all the details of the dream:

For what reason did you cry in a dream;

Was it significant?

Who else appeared in your dream;

How long have you been crying?

Did you also worry after sleep?

If in a dream you cried because of someone who caused you mental suffering, remember who it was. Perhaps in reality you will face troubles associated with this person; perhaps in reality you will become a victim of his cruel joke or inappropriate statement.

If in a dream you cry because of an enemy, such a dream promises you a showdown with a loved one. The enemy himself will not be able to harm you in reality.

Such a dream may also indicate that a recent quarrel will bring you a lot of inconvenience and a lot of problems. You experience that situation too painfully and do not let yourself out of it. Try to relax and get out of the problem you are in. Morally let yourself go and don’t let circumstances negatively impact you.

If in a dream you see yourself as a small crying child, you lack care and attention. You need mutual understanding and love. And even though you have grown up a long time ago, it is very important for you now to find the support of loved ones. If you don't find it, you won't be able to solve your main problems.

If you dream that you are crying while standing in front of the mirror, you need to pay special attention to your shortcomings and not look for excuses for them, but find logic in all your actions. Understand that you are also not perfect, like everyone else, that you should not be biased towards your neighbors, but should try to help them.

Such a dream can also warn that problems in your personal life will be your own fault. No one forces you to choose this particular partner, no one forces you to endure, but you shouldn’t blame others for all sins either.

If you dream that someone is shouting at you and hitting you in the face, you start crying - you will have enough reasons for frustration and disappointment. You may be caught in shortcomings, in a biased attitude towards colleagues, in problems with management.

Arguments will be put forward to your face that will prove to you that you are wrong. Try to take them into account, using common sense and drawing conclusions. Yes, the situation may be unexpected and very unpleasant for you, but there is nothing you can do, try not to panic, just trust fate.

A dream in which you see your mother crying promises you memories of childhood, of the past in which you were happy and in which you and your mother were close, which means you really miss this time, miss her closeness and love . Try to pay attention to your loved ones as often as possible.

If you have a dream in which you cannot calm down for a long time and tears are rolling down like hail, you begin to choke on them - such a dream means that you will choose a rather difficult fate for yourself.

You will solve issues not only for yourself, but also for everyone around you. Try not to take on too many responsibilities, because in any case you will be to blame, you will in any case bring problems to other people, so they will think.

A dream in which you cry in church foreshadows your repentance for actions that you committed a long time ago. You can remember them or forget them, but they will remind you of themselves. Be prepared for this and expect trouble.

If you dream that someone else is crying and you are calming him down, you are shifting your problems and your guilt onto others. The dream book advises you not to do this again and to be responsible for your actions yourself. Try not to be biased towards your loved ones and people around you.

If in a dream you cry from pain, remember what exactly hurts you:

Crying because of pain in the heart means disappointment in your personal life;

Crying because of pain in the legs - stomping in one place;

Crying because of pain in the head means suffering because of heavy thoughts.

If in a dream you cut your finger and cry because of it, you will not miss your chance in reality. Don’t worry if your competitors decide to beat you in this matter - very soon they will give up their positions, and you will get the desired result.

If you cry because of the death of a child in a dream, in reality everything will be wonderful with your children. Prepare for the right attitude towards life, for the right attitude towards loved ones. Don’t be too categorical, try to support your loved ones in difficult times.

Why dream of crying according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that crying for a loved one in a dream means a happy and joyful life in reality. Perhaps you yourself will no longer hope that happiness is possible in this relationship, but it will definitely happen for you.

If you cry in your sleep and your loved one calms you down, try to be as close to him as possible, now you need each other more than ever. Try not to sort things out and look for someone to blame where, in fact, no one is to blame. Just learn to agree on those little things that don’t play a big role in your personal life.

If you dream that you are crying because of your mother or father, in reality you will cry because something will be wrong with their health. Prolonged stress will play a role and your loved ones will worry and cry with you because of health problems.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is crying, it means it’s time for her to rest, perhaps she is too worried about everything that is happening to her. Perhaps she is too worried about communicating with loved ones, precisely because she does not feel support and love from them. The dream book advises talking to your relatives and explaining that you need their support now more than ever. Try not to refuse them everything they ask for.

Why dream of crying according to the Esoteric Dream Book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that you dream of crying when you have accumulated a lot of internal experiences and a lot of internal disappointments. Now is the time for you to relax and not expect anything from others. Stop regretting the past, because it is already over. Better think about the future, which you need to build in harmony with yourself.

If in a dream you cry because of the loss of a loved one, in reality you will be able to improve your relationship with someone with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time. Try to be attentive to other people's lives, do not make the mistakes you made earlier. If you are still offended by many people, reconsider your attitude towards grievances. Otherwise, you will really spend a huge amount of time on disappointment and resentment.

If you cry in a cemetery in a dream, it means that a loss will actually happen in your life, quite significant. Think about playing it safe now and taking care of yourself, and the people close to you who really need your support and your love.

Why do you dream of crying according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book It is said that crying from disappointment in a dream means joy and pleasant moments in waking life. You will finally be able to clear your life of everything unnecessary and will be able to prevent more difficulties and problems. You will be able to think about everything that once happened to you, and now live without prejudice and without the fear of losing yourself in another person.

Why dream of crying according to Aesop's Dream Book? The dream book says that if you see yourself crying for the umpteenth time in a dream, in reality you will miss joyful events. You may be too immersed in problems in reality and do not understand that in reality, it is very important for you to free yourself from problems today.

The dream tells you a way out of the situation. Analyze all his tips, interpret his symbols and use the tips. When you cry in your sleep for a long time and then start laughing heartily, it’s time for you to rest. You yourself are no longer able to determine what you really want. And no one will decide this for you. You will have to negotiate with yourself for a very long time in order to continue to enjoy work and life in general. But it's worth doing soon.

– the child’s psyche is less stable; various shocks experienced by the child during the day are reflected in dreams and night crying. Especially emotional and sensitive children may even scream and talk in their sleep. Usually this does not require taking additional measures, however, if crying during sleep is repeated frequently, the child may need to consult a psychologist or neurologist.

Folklore says that those who cry in their sleep laugh during the day – the resulting release brings peace and good mood.

Adults usually react to everything less emotionally than children, often prohibiting themselves from expressing negative feelings. Nervous tension finds its way out during sleep, which can cause people to have nightmares and possibly cry at night. If you wake up crying and feel relieved, there is no reason to worry.

If, after a night of crying, you feel depressed and depressed, perhaps you should analyze your attitude towards upsetting situations and look for new solutions to pressing problems. Frequent cases of crying in your sleep, especially against the background of daytime well-being, may be a reason to contact a psychologist or doctor for the prescription of sedatives - usually a course of light herbal medications is sufficient.

Crying in a dream can also be due to dreams in which a person has to relive traumatic events, sympathize with dream characters, or find himself in unusual, frightening or sad situations. Often in the morning a person forgets what exactly he dreamed - only traces of tears remind him of the emotions he experienced.

If you see that your loved one is in a dream, you should wake him up only if crying clearly causes him discomfort, and the person cannot calm down on his own. In other cases, you can simply hug the crying person and say a few soothing words in a quiet voice - usually this is enough to keep him calm for the rest of the night.


Children suffer from somnambulism more often than adults; usually, as they grow older, this condition goes away without a trace.

In rare cases, the cause of nighttime crying is somnambulism, a pathological condition characterized by unusual activity during sleep and formerly called sleepwalking.

It is more typical for somnambulists - they get up, walk around the house, perform their usual actions and do not wake up. Less common are crying, laughing, and even talking in your sleep. In adults, sudden onset of somnambulism can be caused by severe stress, depression, and less commonly, epilepsy.

Surely all people have heard the saying that sleep is a little death, because when a person falls asleep, it is believed that he goes on a journey to other worlds, and when he wakes up, he returns to the body. But still, both scientists and ordinary people know that there is a huge difference between sleep and death, and we are all able to distinguish a sleeping person from a dead person at first glance, because in a dream people not only breathe, but also move, smile, frown, cry, laugh , and some even walk and talk. Why is our sleep so restless and what is the reason that a person actively moves, shows emotions or talks in his sleep?

Why do people cry and laugh in their sleep?

In ancient times, it was believed that children, righteous people and crazy people could laugh in their sleep, but modern doctors and psychologists refute this fact, since many adults who are completely mentally healthy sometimes smile, laugh and cry in their sleep. Despite the apparent difference between laughter and crying in a dream, the reasons for these phenomena are similar, since both are manifestations of emotions.

But as to what exactly causes an emotional outburst in a dream, the opinions of psychologists and physiologists differ. For example, Sigmund Freud believed that laughter in a dream is an opportunity for the human body to relieve emotional and sexual tension and relax the body. Today, there are two main versions of why a person laughs or cries when sleeping:

  1. Laughter or crying in a dream is a manifestation that was not realized, lived in the waking state. For example, if something made a person very happy or made him laugh before going to bed, but for some reason he held back his laughter, then in a dream, when the brain analyzes what happened during the day, and the sleeper cannot control his dreams and emotions, suppressed emotions are manifested by laughter , smiles, etc. There is a similar reason why a person cries in a dream, but instead of unlived positive emotions, suppressed negative ones lead to crying - anger, fear, irritation, etc. The feeling of constant stress, anxiety and danger can lead to that a person will cry in his sleep regularly, and his quality of sleep will be significantly impaired.
  2. Crying, laughter and other manifestations of emotions in a dream are a reaction to what was seen in a dream, and what was dreamed may be completely independent of the events that occurred in reality. has not yet been fully studied, so it is likely that people who do not sleep very soundly can experience the emotions caused by a dream in reality - really cry because of a nightmare, rush around the bed and even fall out of bed, “running away” from a dreamed chase, etc.

Based on these theories, we can say that crying, laughing or the manifestation of other emotions in a dream is not a pathology, but a completely normal phenomenon, except in cases where the cause of crying or hysterical laughter is stress or constant nightmares. Psychologists also agree that stress and nervous tension are the main reason why people groan and grind their teeth in their sleep. But groaning can also be a symptom of diseases of the nervous and respiratory systems.

But smacking your lips in a dream, on the contrary, may be due to the fact that the sleeper mentally returns to the time when he was small and carefree, and feels calm and safe during sleep. However, another reason why a person slurps in his sleep may be problems with the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and diseases of the nasopharynx.

Talking in a dream - a symptom of somnambulism or a harmless phenomenon?

In addition to crying, laughing or smacking, many people can also make other sounds in their sleep - muttering something inaudible, pronouncing individual words or entire phrases and screaming. According to statistics, approximately 5% of adults are prone to somniloquy - talking in their sleep, and among children, sleep talking is observed much more often - more than 50% of toddlers and primary school children periodically chat in their sleep.

The causes of somniloquy have not been fully studied, and some doctors believe that this tendency is inherited, while others are confident that the reason why people talk in their sleep at night is in their emotional state. Words and phrases, like laughter and tears, help a person relieve strong psychological stress, so people often tend to talk in cases where shortly before a night's rest they felt strong negative or positive emotions.

Despite the fact that most people who are prone to sleep-talking speak slurredly and utter meaningless phrases in their sleep, sometimes a person can truthfully answer any questions while sleeping and tell his secret, and in the morning not remember it at all. Therefore, for those who have noticed the habit of chatting in their sleep, the following tips will be useful:

  • a warm shower or bath before bed will help relieve psychological stress and relax;
  • walking in the fresh air will promote deep and restful sleep;
  • refusing to watch TV (especially shows that evoke strong emotions) will eliminate the possible reason for talking in your sleep.

The feeling of falling in a dream: what is its cause?

Most people have at least once felt the feeling of falling in a dream and woke up because of this not the most pleasant feeling. In medicine, this false sensation of falling during sleep is called hypnogogic twitching. Most often, people experience the sensation of falling not during deep sleep, but when they fall asleep, and physiologists and doctors attribute this to the fact that the physical and nervous activity of a person during falling asleep is significantly different. That is, the body completely relaxes, breathing becomes deeper and more measured, but the brain remains awake. And it is muscle relaxation that the nervous system interprets as a fall, and through an unpleasant sensation the brain tries to wake up the person and return the body’s musculoskeletal system to its usual tone.

Doctors believe that another reason why a person “falls” in his sleep is stress, anxiety and a feeling of restlessness. At the moment of falling asleep, the boundary between reality and one’s own thoughts and fantasies in the mind is erased, so negative emotions can be evoked in the falling asleep person, accompanied not only by a feeling of falling, but also by half-sleep about its causes. Since stress and anxiety indicate that a person does not feel comfortable and safe in real life circumstances, in a state of semi-sleep the brain interprets these feelings more literally - the person dreams that he is falling out of bed, falling into an abyss, slipping on ice etc. The feeling of a real fall in this case arises due to the fact that the body, not completely relaxed due to stress, in the process of falling asleep, reacts to any stimulus, including a change in position (turning to the other side, straightening the legs, etc. ).

The feeling of falling, accompanied by a dream about its causes, is also interpreted by many psychologists and the most popular dream books as a signal of anxiety, restlessness, discomfort, fears and a difficult life situation. Therefore, people experiencing stress and regularly encountering such problems when falling asleep may need the help of a psychologist in order to find peace of mind.

Ekaterina Vyatskikh

Specialization: Esoterics
Education: Professional

Articles written

It is difficult to imagine our world without emotions, since through them people’s reactions to events, life situations, etc. are manifested. Crying is one of the strongest and most eloquent manifestations of human emotions. The instinct to cry, as an expression of emotions, is laid down already from infancy. It can occur for various reasons, but crying is predominantly associated with negative events.

Sometimes you have to experience certain situations by crying in your sleep. After disturbing “weeping” dreams, awakening occurs with relief that this did not happen in real life. However, not everyone prefers to forget the vision, and many dreamers are concerned with the question, why dream of crying sobbing in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book - sad news awaits you

Miller advises to understand such a dream as a warning from above: be prepared - sad news awaits you soon. It may be worth postponing long trips far from home for now, and also try to avoid making final decisions on important issues.

A person who is about to go through a serious quarrel with a close relative cries in his sleep. or even with the whole family. For a young girl to grieve and cry in a dream means a scandalous break in relations with her beloved, and restoring the union after such a quarrel will require a lot of time and diligence on the part of the girl.

If in real life you are a businessman or engaged in trade, then why dream of crying sobbing foreshadows the onset of a dark period in business. Moreover, after such a dream, you should not embark on the path of entrepreneurship - the idea will not succeed. It is also better to postpone the sale of a car or real estate for some time. Watching children cry in a dream is a sign of experiences that may be associated with the health of the nervous system of someone close.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Cry yourself - your worries will soon dissipate, in reality good news awaits you.

To see someone crying - trouble could happen to someone close to you, but you have the power to prevent it. Take a closer look at who needs your help.

Dream book for a bitch

Crying - joyful events, fun and entertainment.

Modern combined dream book

Crying is a family joy.

If you cry, there will be comfort and joy.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Crying bitterly in a dream is a manifestation of violent emotions.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Crying for some reason in a dream means rejoicing in reality.

Crying bitterly in a dream means having fun in reality.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Crying is a sign of joy.

Crying bitterly in a dream is a sign of relief.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Crying is unexpected news, great joy; to see people crying - you will do a dirty trick on a loved one.

Islamic dream book

Crying in a dream means joy, and laughing in a dream means heavy thoughts and sadness.

Crying in a dream according to Vanga's dream book

Crying loudly in a dream is a very good sign. According to this interpretation, the nature of the tears determines the degree of future joy. A couple of tears in a dream - good news awaits the sleeper. If tears flow in a stream, everything in life will be just wonderful, everything will work out, there will be a reason for fun. Dreaming of crying, which reaches the point of hysteria, marks a wedding soon (yours or one of your friends).

Dream Interpretation of Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about Crying in a dream book?

Crying in a dream - Family joy.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream about crying in the fall?

Cry - Crying for some reason in a dream means rejoicing in reality.
Crying bitterly - Crying bitterly in a dream means having fun in reality.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about crying in the summer?

  • Crying bitterly – Crying bitterly in a dream is a manifestation of violent emotions.
  • You will cry - Comfort and joy
  • Crying bitterly - Crying bitterly in a dream - sadness about a lost friend.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about crying in spring?

Crying out loud - To the disease of the bloodline.
Crying out loud - To the catch.

To dream that someone is crying or to cry yourself is a sign of trouble that is inevitably approaching you. Perhaps this will be unpleasant news or a rather tangible loss for you (if you see a deceased relative in tears). A dream in which you see a stranger crying means that you will not find consolation for your grief in anyone.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book

The esoteric dream book gives an interpretation of the dream related to the state of the soul of the sleeper. A person crying in a dream is overwhelmed with emotions that he holds back in reality. Thus, having freed himself from conventions in a dream, he gives them a way out and relieves himself of the burden of dissatisfaction and grief. After this, life will return to a smooth track, and the person will feel calmer.

English dream book

If you are wondering why you dream of crying a lot in a dream, refer to the experience of the British. They interpret this vision as follows:

  • Tears foretell the onset of joyful events. You will experience success at work and complete harmony in family relationships. It may also portend profit.
  • Crying can symbolize a rush at work, which will take up almost all your free time and energy. But rest assured that your efforts will be rewarded.
  • Sobbing in a dream can mean parting with your soulmate. But the decision will be mutual, and you will maintain good friendly relations.
  • If in a dream you hear other people crying, this means that joyful events are coming for your friends or relatives. You will also be able to share their happiness with them.
  • Loud sobs from a large number of people foreshadow a noisy wedding. Most likely, you will be among the guests at such an event.
  • If in your vision you watched a stranger cry, this is also a good sign. You will become an unwitting participant in some fun event.
  • If in a dream you saw your parents crying, this means that you will soon leave your father’s house and start your own family.

Chinese dream book

Chinese sages were well versed in the vicissitudes of real life, as well as the intricacies of night visions. This is what it means to dream about crying a lot in a dream:

  • If you shed tears with someone, remember who it was. It is with this person that you will experience joyful moments or achieve serious success.
  • If you cried because you were offended by someone, this means that in real life you will enjoy the authority and respect of others.
  • If the tears were a consequence of the actions of another person, it means that in life he will also try to harm you. But you will come out of this confrontation as a winner.
  • If in a dream you heard a child crying, that means you will receive news of your loved one's infidelity. But if you managed to calm the baby down, then these will be just rumors.
  • If a familiar person is crying in your vision, it means he is in danger, and you are entrusted with the mission of preventing it.
  • If you shed tears for a living person(friend or relative) - this means that this man is in for trouble. You must help him cope with this situation.
  • If you had to wipe tears from someone's face, it means you shouldn't ignore requests for help. You will be richly rewarded for your kindness.

Why dream of crying according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that crying for a loved one in a dream means a happy and joyful life in reality. Perhaps you yourself will no longer hope that happiness is possible in this relationship, but it will definitely happen for you.

If you cry in your sleep and your loved one calms you down, try to be as close to him as possible, now you need each other more than ever. Try not to sort things out and look for someone to blame where, in fact, no one is to blame. Just learn to agree on those little things that don’t play a big role in your personal life.

If you dream that you are crying because of your mother or father, in reality you will cry because something will be wrong with their health. Prolonged stress will play a role and your loved ones will worry and cry with you because of health problems.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is crying, it means it’s time for her to rest, perhaps she is too worried about everything that is happening to her. Perhaps she is too worried about communicating with loved ones, precisely because she does not feel support and love from them. The dream book advises talking to your relatives and explaining that you need their support now more than ever. Try not to refuse them everything they ask for.

Crying in a dream according to Razgadamus's dream book

The louder the crying in a dream, according to Razgadamus’s dream book, the larger the joy, the grander the event.

Do you dream of people crying in church? This is a harbinger of a fun wedding to which you will definitely be invited, and perhaps not as a guest, but as a toastmaster, or a witness.

Why do you dream about crying? In most interpretations, such a dream is interpreted as a joyful family event, but the dream can be closely related to work, promotion, a significant increase in income in business, etc.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cry - quick joy awaits you.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Crying in a dream is a sign of joy.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Crying yourself crying in a dream means unloading yourself from accumulated negative emotions that block the lungs and can cause illness and the collapse of affairs and relationships, since a person is despondent and depressed about business and is not able to maintain normal relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Crying is joy.

Dream book of a gypsy

If you dream that you are in tears, this means you will receive a letter containing bad news.

Seeing a crying baby means a letter will bring good news.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Cry - rejoice, consolation; crying, hearing a pitying voice is joy, news / they are sad for you; wiping away tears is a consolation.

The plot of the dream

Cry in a church or cemetery

Expert opinion

Dream Interpreter


Seeing a church in a dream usually indicates that you are seeking to fill gaps in your spiritual life. It can also be a harbinger of dramatic changes in some area, entering a new stage. Most likely, you already have new plans that you are planning to do, but you should not rush things. First, carefully plan everything, think it over, and only then proceed to implement your plans.

Crying bitterly in church in a dream means finding peace and spiritual joy in reality, gaining positive energy and strength. According to Miller's dream book, tears in the temple may indicate negative events in the near future.

If you dream of a grave or cemetery, then such visions will definitely not evoke pleasant emotions. Especially if they were also accompanied by your tears. But don’t panic, as this may just be a warning about mistakes being made or possible obstacles. You have the power to change everything.

According to Meridian's dream book, if you cried in a dream at a grave and at the same time felt some kind of emotional relief, then your troubles will soon end and a white streak in life will come. If the tears were accompanied by a feeling of loneliness or pain, then get ready for the situation to worsen.

According to the Egyptian dream book, such dreams are a good sign. They mean that you are currently at the stage of purification, which will subsequently lead to spiritual growth. Now it is necessary to accept new emotions and calmly, without fear, open up to new things.

Tears of happiness: what do they mean?

It is much more pleasant to cry in your sleep with happiness. Moreover, such a dream does not apply to shapeshifters and should be interpreted in the literal sense. That is, in real life you will soon experience joy and inspiration.

Pay attention to the circumstances that made you experience such emotions, because they are your real aspirations.

Crying in a dream with joy speaks of the imminent onset of pleasant events, perhaps some holiday (family celebration, anniversary, wedding).

Swear and roar

If you dreamed that you were swearing and crying at the same time, then take a closer look at how you feel, you may have nervous tension. And soon it will reach its maximum. Therefore, try to reduce your ardor a little and, as soon as the right opportunity arises, restore your strength and rest. Otherwise, this can lead either to a serious scandal or to unbridled fun: depending on what kind of emotional outburst you have.

Also, such visions can warn that life is not turning out the way you dreamed. This is probably a kind of signal from the subconscious that you are doing the wrong thing and it is worth reconsidering your aspirations and changing your field of activity.

Cry for the deceased, or see a crying dead person

Tears for a person who died in real life - this is a kind of psychological reaction of a person sleeping on grief . Thus, his subconscious longing for the departed manifests itself. You should not try to find a special meaning in this plot. You just need to give yourself time to forget about what happened and let go of your loved one.

If the deceased is dreamed of repeatedly, and each time the dreamer sheds tears for him, it is probably in this way that the deceased reminds of himself. The best solution would be to visit the cemetery and the grave of the dream character or light a candle for the repose in a church.

It happens that he sees the dead person crying and sleeping. This is a bad sign that promises a long quarrel with loved ones. Sometimes in this unusual way the deceased warns the living member of his family about a possible tragedy. Therefore, after seeing the plot, you should behave more carefully.

It happens that in a dream a man or woman with tears buries a loved one who is alive and well in reality. This is a clear sign that the sleeper is in for trouble with the actor. There may be a breakup with your significant other, a major quarrel with a friend, and other similar events.

Dream about other people crying

Have you ever watched someone else cry in a dream? Surely this is a sign for the dreamer that someone dear to him in reality needs care, support and love . Perhaps the dream character urgently needs help, but he himself is embarrassed to ask for it.

A crying male acquaintance, for whom such a manifestation of feelings is unusual in reality, suggests that positive changes in the field of career await the person. There is no need to be afraid of a new job or a radical promotion. Over time, such changes will begin to bring joy to the sleeper. You just need to get used to them.

If parents cry in a dream, this is a clear sign that the dreamer’s soul is restless. Recent serious problems literally pulled the rug from under his feet. You need to pull yourself together as soon as possible and return to your usual life track.

A spouse sobbing in secret is an important subconscious signal for the fair sex. In real life, a woman is too preoccupied with herself and does not notice at all the things that greatly bother her significant other. You need to take a closer look at the man’s behavior, show concern and concern.

Your own crying children in your night dreams should also be perceived as a call to action. Most likely, in reality, your son or daughter has begun a difficult period. The offspring needs advice and parental support. You need to set aside time for a joint exciting walk and intimate conversation.

Cry bitterly, cry heavily in a dream

When figuring out why you dream about crying a lot in a vision, you need to take into account the circumstances under which this all happened:

  • sitting on the bed - to sad sad news;
  • by oneself ( hiding from others) - to quick prosperity;
  • with friends– to valuable gifts;
  • with your other half- to problems in relationships.

If, crying in a dream, a person wakes up in tears in reality, it means that he urgently needs an emotional reboot. It's time to take a vacation, forget about all pressing problems and do what the dreamer likes.

Cry in a dream from resentment

If you dream of tears because of an insult, a similar situation may arise in real life. The plot foreshadows a person with an unpleasant conversation, conflict or dirty gossip that will greatly damage his reputation.

If someone else cries from resentment in a dream, it means that the dreamer himself will be able to easily get out of any (even the most difficult) situation. The wisdom and worldly experience accumulated over the years will help him in this.

A man crying because of an insult received from a girl should listen to such a dream. Most likely, in reality he behaves unworthily with representatives of the fair sex and that is why he still cannot find happiness in his personal life.

Who cried in their sleep

Cry in your sleep yourself

When the sleeper himself cries bitterly for some acquaintance in his night dreams, this may indicate that the latter is in serious danger. We need to try to warn him about this.

Crying with joy in your dream means your cherished dream will come true. Soon a man or woman will be able to achieve a goal or get the desired material value. For representatives of the fair sex who have long dreamed of motherhood, but could not give birth to a child due to health reasons, such a plot promises pregnancy. Even a serious illness and disappointing forecasts from doctors will not prevent this.

And the Muslim Dream Book notes that tears in a dream promise bright, strong emotions in reality. True, it is not clear whether they will be positive or negative.

If the sleeping person himself cries bitterly, and one of his friends consoles him, it means that it is this person who in reality should turn to for help in the first place when serious problems arise. He definitely won’t refuse support.

About my father

If you dreamed that your father was crying, the dream book interprets such dreams as a reflection of your inner state. Recent unexpected events have literally knocked the ground out from under your feet; you are frightened by the unpredictability of the world around you, in which there is so little stability.

When you dreamed about your dad crying, the dreamer should be prepared for the fact that his worldview will soon cease to be the same. In the near future, we will see with our own eyes what previously seemed as impossible as the very fact that dad is capable of crying. Upcoming events may force the dreamer to seriously reconsider his views.

When you see your husband crying in a dream, the dream in this way is trying to focus your attention on little things that you do not attach importance to in everyday life. Most likely, you have noticed that your husband is preoccupied or upset about something. There is a high probability that your relationship or family well-being is at risk, warns the dream book.

If you saw your son crying in your dream, the dream book believes that right now he needs your support or advice, not daring to actually cry into his vest. Spend time together on a walk or have an intimate conversation.

When you dream of a stranger crying, the dream book reminds you that such wonderful qualities as unselfishness and the ability to empathize are not always appreciated by those around you. It is possible that someone intends to take advantage of your kindness.

Why do you dream of a crying guy whom you know well? The dream book explains it with the need for emotional release. It is quite possible that he is simply tired of being left alone with his problems, but you only guess about this in a dream.

Ex-boyfriend in tears

If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend crying, the dream book promises that your disagreement will be resolved in the most incredible way. In the near future, it will become clear that the cause of your quarrel was just an annoying misunderstanding.

When you dream about your loved one crying, the dream book warns of a possible brewing conflict. A careless word or a misunderstood statement can lead to a serious quarrel and mutual disappointment. Women's flair and wisdom will help smooth out rough edges.

Crying girl

Explaining why a crying girl dreams, the dream book first of all draws attention to her appearance. A girl who is attractive even when she cries portends good news. If you dreamed of an unpleasant, emaciated person, the news may be disappointing.

If you see your ex-girlfriend crying in a dream, it is quite possible that you will be able to, if not renew the relationship, then at least overcome the bitterness of separation. The dream book promises that only warm memories will remain with you, and in reality there will be nothing to cry about.

Since you happen to see a crying woman in a dream, you will not be able to avoid making new acquaintances, many of which will turn out to be very interesting, the dream book promises. If you already know a woman who had to cry in a dream, you can be happy for her: a favorable period awaits this woman.

Mom's tears

Everything that you dream about your mother crying in your sleep is regarded by the dream book as a transparent hint that the time has come to think about your lifestyle. Your mother is concerned about your health and how your personal life is going, perhaps with good reason.

Interpreting why a crying mother dreams, the dream book mentions possible problems in communicating with others, difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, and instability. Another option is also possible: an overly cheerful lifestyle often creates a feeling of emptiness in the soul.

When you see your friend crying in a dream, take this dream as a warning that someone around you is hiding their true intentions towards you. This is not necessarily your friend who happened to cry in her sleep.

If you happened to see a crying daughter in a dream, the dream may have a completely straightforward interpretation. Your daughter may indeed have problems that she is in no hurry to share with her family, however, you can guess about them.

The dream book considers a dream in which a daughter is crying to be a harbinger of a series of significant and impressive events. Will you be pleased with what is happening or not? It really depends on which side you look at these events from.

What you dream about when an unfamiliar girl cries should be understood as a call to take care of yourself. The dream book mentions possible health problems or chronic fatigue, which also will not bring any benefit to the body.

I dreamed about my wife

If you dreamed about your wife crying, the dream book advises you to prepare in advance for unforeseen difficulties in business. There may be problems at work or prolonged paperwork. What you see in a dream foreshadows only temporary difficulties, but not complete collapse.

  1. The dream book interprets a dream in which a grandmother cries as a harbinger of injustice that threatens you. Try not to be too upset if you are presented with undeserved reproaches or accusations of something to which you are not involved.
  2. That, Why does a crying bride dream, the dream book explains by a recent streak of bad luck on the personal front. The lack of stunning success among the opposite sex is not yet a reason to exchange yourself for the first people you meet and unloved.
  3. Interpreting why you dream about your rival crying, the dream book assures you that you will prevail over her. In reality, some woman is trying to cross your path and make you cry, however, she will not succeed.
  4. If you dreamed about your sister crying, be on guard: you may be drawn into a quarrel out of nowhere or a heated argument about nothing. Even if you manage to come out on top in this verbal duel and demonstrate your superiority over your opponent, it will not bring you much joy.

Animals and religious objects can cry too

Since anything can happen in a dream, and even inanimate objects can cry, the dream book offers an interpretation of what a crying icon means in a dream. It turns out that such dreams are unwise to ignore: they often signal an impending disaster or illness. Try to anticipate and prevent danger.

If you dreamed that a dog was crying in a dream, it means that the enemy clearly did not calculate his strength by contacting you. Your invulnerability will infuriate him. The more noise he makes, the more he will harm himself. You will even feel a little sorry for him.

Seeing a crying child

A dream with a crying child does not carry the most rosy message. An unmarried girl faces a painful break with her beloved. A businessman will get confused in calculations and miss out on a profitable deal due to his overconfidence and short-sightedness. After a woman sees her own crying child in a dream, she will have a lot of housework to do.

The best way out when sleeping with an upset baby is to try to calm and lull him to sleep. If it is successful, the dreamer will have to work hard, but the reward will exceed his wildest hopes. This is especially true when sleeping with a crying baby.

Other interpretations include: deteriorating health , according to Miller, and a person’s fear of encountering everyday difficulties. When a boy cries, the sleeper misses something important, but does not feel it. The dream encourages you to pay attention to your family and ask them about their needs and problems. If a girl sheds tears, an improvement in her financial situation is possible.

Loved ones cry in dreams

Quite often, in a person’s sleep, he dreams of his loved ones crying. The reasons for this may be different.

So, for example, they can cry in a dream:

  • Mother;
  • dad;
  • child;
  • grandmother;
  • beloved person.

Most often, dreams in which your relatives cry indicate that, most likely, in real life, the one who shed tears in your dream lacks attention and support from the sleeper.

A dream where the dreamer consoles someone who is crying in a dream is considered a good sign. In this case, life will soon give you a chance to participate in a joyful event that will affect the person you are comforting.

When you see your mother crying in your dream, such a dream tells the dreamer that the woman who loves you with all her heart in real life is very worried and worried about you. Most likely, the reason for her worry was your lifestyle or recent events that made the dreamer nervous. Also, such night vision indicates possible health problems that need urgent attention so as not to worsen the situation.

Seeing tears in your father’s eyes in a night vision indicates that the sleeper will soon dramatically change his opinion about many familiar things. Perhaps secret things will be revealed to the person that he had not even imagined before.

Also, such night vision may portend a change in religious beliefs. Experts say that such a dream, in which the always strong head of the family shed a tear, can reflect the deep experiences of the sleeper and indicate that events are happening in his life for which he is not ready.

Quite often, women can also dream of crying husbands. In this case, the crying of a loved one indicates the seriousness of the misunderstanding between the spouses.

If the other half does not pay attention to the behavior of her man, then a strong conflict and even separation is possible, followed by divorce and division of property.

Night vision has the same interpretation if the guy and the girl are not in an official relationship, but are simply dating.

If during a night's rest a grandmother dreams of crying, it means that the person will soon be undeservedly accused of something. Subsequently, the situation will be resolved favorably, but the sediment will remain and for a long time will be classified as “I remember and will never forget.”

The dream book advises you to try to calmly respond to accusations against yourself, which will help the situation resolve faster and not make a lot of unnecessary enemies.

Weeping friends and strangers

During a night's rest, you had a dream in which grief touched a friend who was friendly to you in real life, a good acquaintance or a close friend; this draws the sleeper's attention to the fact that this person needs his support.

You may have to bring the person crying in your dream to a frank conversation to help him resolve the problem or simply speak out. Also, a dream about a sobbing girlfriend can warn the sleeper that not everyone in his close circle is sincere and he should carefully monitor who he says and what.

If a woman dreams of a stranger crying, then this dream promises her good news in the future. But a dream in which tears are rolling from the eyes of an unfamiliar guy recommends that the dreamer be more careful in showing good nature and understanding, since not everyone can appreciate such sincerity.

For a man to see an unfamiliar girl crying in a dream promises trouble. However, you should not immediately be upset, but it is recommended to look at the sobbing person’s appearance. If she is attractive, then good news awaits the sleeper, but if not, then the news will be unpleasant or even tragic.

Seeing a crying ex-lover in a dream, both a guy and a girl, indicates that soon the relationship between the separated ones will improve. This in no way means that warm feelings will be revived and people will be together again. The context of such a dream suggests that they will finally be able to talk about each other calmly and with respect.

You cry, and your ex-boyfriend consoles you? Such a vision suggests that help in difficult times will come to you from this person, after which a renewal of feelings and relationships is possible.

If in a dream many people cried with you, then such a night vision indicates that a bright streak has begun in a person’s life. Experts assure that collective crying in a dream is evidence that the sleeper has cried all his tears and now he can only rejoice.

Expert opinion

Dream Interpreter


The most unexpected things can happen in a dream, but psychologists rightly believe that people’s emotions and mood influence both the events of the dream and its perception upon awakening.

If a person is tormented by his conscience, he realizes that he has offended someone, it is not surprising to see a dream with crying acquaintances. You should not think that after it it will become easier, and the feeling of guilt will be forgotten. Disagreements and disputes need to be resolved in order to calm down and not drive away disturbing thoughts. In this case, dreams will become more joyful, and awakening will be carefree.