Mulberry benefits and harm to the body. Mulberry: harm and benefit

Mulberry, otherwise called mulberry or mulberry tree, grows in areas with a warm climate, is found in Asia, Africa, America, in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine. Berries that are white, black or reddish in color have a pleasant refreshing taste. The delicate texture of the fruit does not allow their transportation over long distances. If mulberry trees grow in the area where you live, then you have the opportunity to enjoy fresh berries, thereby strengthening your own health.

Wild mulberry has about two dozen varieties. In artificial cultivation, two types are mainly used - black mulberry and white mulberry. The young foliage of the white mulberry is a food source for the silkworm caterpillars. The threads with which the pupae of this insect entangle themselves are used as raw materials in the production of natural silk.

Since ancient times, the beneficial properties of mulberry for the human body have been known. In the writings of the healer Avicenna, who lived in the first millennium of our era, an extensive section is devoted to this plant, describing its characteristics and methods of using mulberry fruits and leaves in the treatment of various diseases.

Mulberry - 10 useful properties

  1. Stimulation of digestive processes

    Like most fruits and vegetables, mulberries are high in fiber. Eating 100 grams of mulberries a day can provide about 10% of the body's daily requirement for fiber. As a result, the assimilation of food will improve, bowel movement will improve, such unpleasant phenomena as bloating, increased gas formation, spasms will disappear. In addition, due to the ability of fiber to regulate the level of cholesterol in the body, the use of mulberries will help maintain the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

  2. Acceleration of metabolism

    Due to the high content of iron, the inclusion of mulberry berries in the diet will increase the production of red blood cells, increase the supply of organs and tissues with oxygen. This will help improve metabolism and optimize the functions of all vital systems.

  3. Normalization of blood pressure

    The composition of mulberry pulp contains a very important flavonoid resveratrol, which has powerful antioxidant properties. This element increases the production of nitric oxide, which reduces the risk of damage and narrowing of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, relieves vascular spasms. With regular consumption of mulberries, many health problems can be avoided, including hypertension, heart attack and stroke.

  4. What is useful mulberry for diabetes

    The pulp of mulberries contains compounds that help maintain the optimal ratio between glucose and insulin in the body of diabetic patients. Flavonoids prevent a sharp rise and fall in sugar levels, which prevents the complication of the disease.

  5. Oncology prevention

    Mulberry contains vitamins A and C, anthocyanins, polyphenolic compounds and phytonutrients. The combination of these substances has a high antioxidant potential. Antioxidants are a line of defense against free radicals, which, as a by-product of cellular metabolism, mutate healthy cells and promote cancer. The antioxidants in mulberries block the activity of free radicals before they cause irreparable damage to the body.

  6. Useful properties of mulberry for eye health

    Mulberry berries contain zeaxanthin, a substance that can affect certain cells in the eyeball, reducing oxidative stress in the retina and macula. In addition, the beneficial properties of this element protect the organs of vision from age-related changes, prevent macular degeneration and the occurrence of cataracts.

  7. Useful properties of mulberries to strengthen immunity

    Vitamin C is a powerful weapon against any disease and the introduction of viruses and bacteria into the body. By including mulberries in your daily diet, you will saturate your body with vitamins and minerals, which will provide strong protection against seasonal colds, acute and chronic infectious diseases.

  8. Increasing bone strength

    Mulberry fruits are rich in Vitamin K, iron and calcium, and also contain small amounts of phosphorus and magnesium. Therefore, the use of these berries will bring great benefits to the bones, accelerate the healing of injuries and fractures, prevent age-related disorders in the structure of tissues, act as a barrier to the development of osteoporosis and other similar diseases.

  9. Useful properties of mulberry leaves against skin aging

    Mulberry berries are high in vitamins A and E, carotenoids (lutein, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, alpha-carotene). All these elements have an antioxidant effect, have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. The presence of mulberries in your menu will help maintain skin firmness and elasticity, eliminate the appearance of pigment and age spots, prevent dullness, premature graying and hair loss.

    For facial skin and hair care, you can use oil infusions of mulberry leaves. To prepare them, it is enough to pour a handful of fresh leaves with one hundred grams olive What is olive oil good for and what harm it can do to our health. 11 amazing health benefits of olive oil as well as contraindications to its use. or coconut oil Benefits and harms of coconut oil for our health. 15 unique, beneficial properties of coconut oil for the body and for whom this oil may be contraindicated. How to use this oil in food. and keep in a dark place for 5-7 days. The resulting product is filtered and applied warm to the face or scalp.

  10. What is useful mulberry for the body of debilitated patients

    Mulberry juice is recommended for people who have had serious illnesses or surgical interventions. Vitamins and trace elements accelerate wound healing, eliminate residual inflammatory processes, and stimulate blood circulation. Decoctions of leaves or infusions of dried mulberries can be drunk instead of tea for women in the postpartum period to restore strength and improve lactation. For the same purposes, mulberry jam is perfect, which has a pleasant taste and retains the beneficial properties of fresh berries.

Mulberry - contraindications

    The main contraindication to the use of black and white mulberry berries, as well as infusions of dried or fresh mulberry leaves is individual intolerance, which can be expressed in allergic reactions and digestive disorders.

    Unripe mulberry fruits, which have an astringent taste, can cause pain in the stomach and intestinal problems.

    In order to avoid the occurrence of fermentation processes in the digestive organs, you should not eat berries mixed with other vegetable fruits.

    People with diabetes should limit the amount of sweet mulberries in their diet to 100-150 grams. per day.

    The leaves and fruits of the mulberry tree are capable of accumulating harmful substances from the environment. Therefore, there is no need to collect raw materials for culinary or medicinal purposes from trees growing along the sides of busy highways.

Description of the plant mulberry white. The composition and calorie content of berries, useful properties and alleged harm. Recipes for delicious dishes and application in cooking.

The content of the article:

White mulberry (lat. Morus alba) is a plant of the Mulberry family (Moraceae), of the Mulberry species (Morus), whose homeland is China, and to be more precise, its eastern regions. It has been cultivated here for over 400,000 years as food for the silkworm. Other names for a deciduous tree: mulberry, tyutina, tutina. The fruits are a complex white drupe, their length is 2-3 cm. The berries have a sweet taste and a pleasant aroma. The life expectancy of a plant reaches 200 years, and sometimes even 500. Nowadays, the mulberry tree can be found in many parts and countries of the world: Afghanistan, North India, Pakistan, Iran, Transcaucasia. It is also grown in Europe, Ukraine and some regions of Russia. There are 20 species of this plant.

The composition and calorie content of white mulberry

Despite the low energy value of white mulberry, its berries contain a considerable amount of minerals and vitamins necessary for the human body.

Caloric content of white mulberry - 43 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 1.44 g;
  • Fats - 0.39 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 9.8 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1.7 g;
  • Water - 86.78 g;
  • Ash - 0.69 g.
Vitamins in the composition of white mulberry per 100 g:
  • Vitamin A - 25 mcg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.029 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.101 mg;
  • Vitamin B3, niacin - 0.62 mg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 12.3 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folates - 6 mcg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 36.4 mg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol - 0.87 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 7.8 mcg;
  • Lutein + Zeaxanthin - 136 mcg.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 194 mg;
  • Calcium - 39 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 18 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 10 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 38 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Iron, Fe - 1.85 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 0.6 mg;
  • Selenium, Se - 0.6 µg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.12 mg.
The fruits of this berry contain a large amount of sugars - from 12 to 23%, represented mainly by monosaccharides. This product is rich in nitrogenous substances, phosphoric acids, flavonoids, carotene, pectin, organic acids (malic and citric), as well as tannins.

Useful properties of white mulberry

White mulberries contain many useful substances, which makes them a good tool for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. For this purpose, they use fresh fruits, juices, decoctions and infusions prepared from this product.

Benefits of white mulberry:

  1. Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to potassium, iron and magnesium, these berries are recommended to be eaten by patients with heart disease and myocardial dystrophy. Regular consumption of white mulberry will help reduce shortness of breath, heart pain, cholesterol levels, and also normalize the functioning of this important organ.
  2. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Fresh unripe berries and an aqueous infusion of them should be used for diarrhea. But ripe fruits act as a laxative, they will help with constipation. In addition, this product is useful for hypokalemia. It is recommended to eat white mulberry and with ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  3. Beneficial effect in cancer. Berries contain polyphenols, antioxidants and anthocyanins, which have a preventive effect on malignant tumors.
  4. Fights nervous disorders. This beneficial property of white mulberry is observed due to the already mentioned substances in its composition, namely B vitamins. Consumption of berries improves sleep, increases efficiency, and also treats neurological diseases.
  5. Reduces blood pressure. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals in these berries, and especially the polyphenol resveratrol, mulberry minimizes the likelihood of a stroke and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  6. Strengthens the immune system. Vitamins A, E and C in the composition of the fruit have the ability to replenish the reserves of vitamins in the body and improve health. It is useful to use them for those suffering from anemia and dysbacteriosis.
  7. Good for the eyes. The vitamins contained, and especially carotene, in the fruits we are considering protect the organs of vision from ultraviolet rays, and also improve vision.
  8. Prevention of liver diseases. Due to the choleretic effect, white mulberry is recommended for consumption in biliary dyskinesia.
  9. Prevention of pneumonia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. For a preventive effect in these ailments, it is recommended to take juice and infusion of white mulberry. These funds will enhance the liquefaction and separation of sputum.
  10. Useful for kidney disease. These berries, acting as a natural diuretic, remove excess fluid from the body.
  11. Helps with type 2 diabetes. White mulberry has in its composition such chemical elements that control the level of insulin in the blood and slow down the breakdown of sugar in the intestines, and as a result, it enters the bloodstream slowly, which is why it is advised to include these berries in the diet.
  12. Rejuvenates the body. White mulberry has the ability to cleanse the body of free radicals, thereby preventing the aging of the body and the development of arthritis and arthrosis.
  13. Normalizes metabolism. Regular consumption of mulberries will help to cope with obesity.
  14. Beneficial for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the berries are rich in folic acid, which is necessary for expectant mothers.

Important to remember! White mulberry berries should be eaten by people who are emaciated after illness, especially boys who have been ill with mumps and scarlet fever, in order to avoid problems in the genital area.

Contraindications and harm to white mulberry

Despite the large number of useful elements and healing properties, white mulberry can still harm the body. Therefore, it is necessary to eat it in moderation, without abusing it.

Contraindications to the use of white mulberry:

  • Hypertension. When consuming white mulberry berries, especially in hot weather, because they ripen on such summer days, blood pressure may increase and there is even a risk of a stroke.
  • Severe form of diabetes. The fruits of this plant contain a lot of sugar, so people with this disease should refrain from consuming them.
  • Individual intolerance. Berries and fruits are strong allergens, for this reason it is recommended to include white mulberry in your diet very carefully.

White Mulberry Recipes

Excellent sweet taste and pleasant aroma make white mulberry a very popular berry, which is known and eaten willingly in many parts of the world. Various desserts, preserves, jams, compotes, wines and tinctures, berry and fruit salads, pastries - this is not the whole list of culinary delights, where these berries are one of the components.

Recipes with white mulberry delicious dishes:

  1. Dessert "Magic of tenderness". Grind 1 piece of shortbread cookies into crumbs with your hands and put them on the bottom of the bowl. Spread 70 g of curd cream on top. Both strawberry and children's curd dessert are suitable for our recipe. We wash 50 g of white mulberries and put them on a mass of cottage cheese. Now we will work with a blender. Beat 50 g of washed fruits, 70 g of curd cream and vanillin (to taste). Add 1 teaspoon of honey. And spread the resulting mass on the berries. Once again, we need to work with a blender: whip 70 ml of heavy cream. Crush 1 piece of shortbread cookies and pour it into a bowl, smear it with a creamy mixture on top. Our dessert is ready! It can be garnished with berries and mint leaves.
  2. Coffee mannik with white mulberry on kefir. First you need to mix 1.5 cups of kefir, 1 cup of semolina, 0.5 cups of sugar and 1 egg and leave to infuse for 1 hour. Then add 2 teaspoons of baking powder and mix well. After that, pour 1-2 tablespoons of instant coffee into the dough and mix again until the lumps dissolve. We wash 1 cup of white mulberry, cut off the tails and put it in the dough, mix again and put it in the multicooker bowl. Bake for 1 hour, then take out, turn over and bake for another 10 minutes so that the product is browned. Enjoy your meal!
  3. Strawberry and white mulberry smoothie. We wash 150 g of strawberries and white mulberries. Grind them in a blender. Add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar, 75 g of ice cream and 2-3 tablespoons of water. Mix all the ingredients well, beat, and the dish is ready. This sweet and sour dessert is perfect for a table in hot weather.
  4. Milkshake with white mulberries. Rinse 1.5 cups of white mulberries and beat with 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of sugar in a blender. Gradually add 150 g of ice cream and continue beating. The last component is 1 glass of milk, pour it into the prepared mass and mix well.
  5. White mulberry wine. We wash 1 kg of berries and leave them to dry for 24 hours. Squeeze the juice and add the same amount of water. For each liter of diluted juice, add 5 g of ground cinnamon and 150 g of sugar. Pour the product into a jar and leave to ferment for 5-6 days. We filter and pour 1 liter of fortified white wine into 10 liters of wine and leave for 2 weeks. Add sugar to taste, pour and cork.
  6. Mulberry compote. We wash 300 g of white mulberry and strain it into a colander. We put the berries in heated jars, pour syrup made from 650 ml of water, 350 g of sugar and 1 g of citric acid. We sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 l for 10-25 minutes, depending on the temperature, cork and wrap until cool.
  7. . We wash 1 kg of berries, sprinkle them with 1 kg of sugar and leave for 6-8 hours. After this time, put the jam on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat, let the product cool and send it back to the stove, continue the cooking process: bring to a boil and cook for 5-10 minutes. And so you need to do 5-6 times. The finished jam has the density of good sour cream. Add 2-3 g of citric acid to it. We sterilize the jars, fill them with the product and seal them.
  8. Fruit salad. First, we wash 9 pieces of plums, 2 peaches and 30 g of white mulberry. Then we take out the seeds from the plums and peaches and cut all the berries into small pieces. After that, add the components with 1 teaspoon of sugar and mix them. Pour the salad with 2 tablespoons of any yogurt.

The inhabitants of the East call the white mulberry the "tree of life", and its fruits - the "queen of berries".

One large plant has the ability to produce up to 200 kg of berries, and sometimes up to 500 kg.

Christians tell a legend that once Jesus Christ was hiding under white mulberry. This tree can still be seen in Jericho.

It has become a great tradition in Cyprus to hold a silkworm festival once a year, which is treated with great respect here.

There is a connection between the mulberry tree and silk fabrics. The leaves of this tree are a food product for the caterpillar, which is called the silkworm, its chrysalis is made of silk threads. Hence the second name of the mulberry tree is mulberry. Silk became known to the world after one very curious incident. There is a legend about this. Chinese princess Xi Ling Shi rested under a mulberry tree and drank tea. The silkworm cocoon fell into her cup. And in the bowl with this fragrant drink, the cocoon began to unravel, and its thin but strong threads shimmered in the sun. This is how people learned that a caterpillar that lives on a silk tree gives us wonderfully beautiful silk fabrics.

In eastern countries and in Central Asia, the mulberry tree is treated as sacred. The bark is an excellent material for amulets and amulets. In the yard, under this tree, they put a table where the whole family gathers, because evil spirits are afraid to approach the mulberry tree, and all family members are safe here.

The inhabitants of Europe got acquainted with this wonderful plant in the 12th century. From the 17th century, it began to be grown in Russia, in regions located near Moscow. But the climate here turned out to be unsuitable for the cultivation of white mulberry, due to its severity and cold weather. Therefore, cultivation was moved south. Currently, the mulberry tree is found both in cultivated and in the wild.

Watch the video about white mulberry:

So, white mulberry is a plant that produces fruits that are excellent in taste and aroma, in addition, they are also very beneficial for health. You can eat them both raw and cooked. There are many recipes with these berries. There are dishes that are consumed immediately after preparation, and there are those that are stored for the winter: preserves, jams, compotes, wines and dried products. You can get fruits in the markets and supermarkets. But it is best to plant a tree in your area and grow these berries yourself, being sure of their full usefulness and the absence of any chemicals. In addition, this plant will be a talisman for the whole family from bad energy and bad people.

Most of us know this berry as a mulberry. It was one of the most favorite sweets for many in childhood, from which, as I remember, hands, teeth and tongue were washed with difficulty. But these are incredibly healing fruits that are used in traditional medicine and are a tasty, effective medicine for various diseases. For readers, useful information about what kind of berry this is - dried mulberry: we will name its useful properties and contraindications, we will tell you how to use it and give its calorie content.

Useful properties of dried mulberry

Feeding on leaves, it forms a cocoon, from which silk is subsequently made. In addition, mulberry wood is a good material for creating musical instruments.

The peoples of the East consider mulberry a sacred tree, they even make talismans and amulets from it.

The richest chemical composition makes mulberry berries unique and useful. They contain a vitamin complex (B1, B2, PP, A, C, beta-carotene), fructose and glucose, a number of organic acids. Per 100 grams of the product, there are 51 mg of magnesium, 25 mg of calcium, 350 mg of potassium, as well as sodium, selenium, zinc, copper and iron. At the same time, white mulberry contains 4% of the daily norm of iron for a person, and black - about 7%.

Fresh mulberries have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. Due to the effect of profuse sweating, they are recommended for puffiness, colds. In addition, mulberry is an effective, very mild laxative that works without irritating the digestive tract. But it is important to remember that not quite ripe berries have the opposite - a fixing effect.

  1. to prevent early aging processes in the body;
  2. to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to infections and viruses;
  3. to improve the condition of the retina and increase visual acuity.

Mulberry is also necessary for men's health. It helps to increase the production of testosterone, and also improves the quality of sperm, which is very important for couples planning to conceive. Mulberry will help get rid of impotence.

Mulberry also acts in a special way on the female body. It reduces irritability during menopause, makes up for the lack of useful components. With the help of mulberry juice, you can stop bleeding (evaporate fresh juice 2 times, drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day).

During pregnancy, berries should be given special attention. This is an effective prevention of the virus and influenza, which is highly undesirable for the mother and fetus. The daily rate should not exceed 300 grams, this is enough to get a slight diuretic effect with swelling.

Mulberry is valued for its high content of phosphorus, useful during pregnancy. It increases hemoglobin and can even increase the flow of breast milk.

Dried mulberry contraindications

Treatment with natural products also has its own precautions. Mulberries should not be eaten on an empty stomach, combined with other products (with the exception of fruit salads). This is a powerful allergen, so it is better to refuse to consume in large quantities, and offer children, starting with a minimum portion - 1-2 berries per day.

Dried mulberry calorie content

There are only 50.5 calories per 100 grams of dried fruit. In this case, the nutritional value is made up of the following components:

  • 0% fat;
  • 0.7 grams of proteins;
  • 12 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 1.7 grams of dietary fiber;
  • 0.9 grams of ash;
  • about 1.5 grams of organic acids.

Berries are consumed fresh and dried. Both those and others are great for making infusions and alcohol tinctures.

Dried mulberry antidepressant: pour 2 tablespoons of dried fruits into 300 ml of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours, and after straining, drink a few sips.

One serving is for 1 day. This remedy will relieve insomnia, improve the functioning of the nervous system, relieve fatigue, tension and irritability.

Mulberry bark is an effective remedy for making ointments. For example:

  1. chop 2 tablespoons of bark;
  2. boil 100 ml of sunflower oil in a water bath;
  3. mix the components until a homogeneous consistency and prepare an ointment, insist in the refrigerator for 3 days.

It will turn out an effective folk remedy for the treatment of acne, abrasions on the skin, purulent formations, wounds and cuts.

When coughing: 1 tablespoon of dry berries and the same number of leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 30-40 minutes, strain and drink warm. For the treatment of cough - 50 ml before meals, to relieve swelling - 1 glass at night.

Infusion can be washed with wounds so that they heal faster.

To enhance potency: grind 1 kg of berries with 200 g of honey. Put the mixture in the refrigerator, take 1 teaspoon every day after lunch.

During menopause: pour 1 kg of ripe berries into 0.5 liters of water and put on low heat. After boiling, cook the mulberry for 30 minutes. Strain the broth, mix with 300 g of honey, carefully bring to a boil and cool. Take 1-2 tablespoons after meals twice a day.

The action of mulberry in cosmetics

Due to the presence of several unique natural ingredients known as mulberosides A and F, mulberry has shown impressive brightening potential.

An additional antioxidant effect is provided by phenolic resins and their subclass, known as flavonoids: these compounds are found in fairly large quantities in all parts of the white mulberry, while the highest concentrations are achieved in the leaves of the plant.

Mulberry leaf extract in cosmetics helps prevent excess melanin synthesis and also helps to reduce the severity of already formed age spots on the skin.

However, the skin whitening effect is mainly provided through the inhibition of the tyrosinase enzyme, without which the normal formation of melanin is impossible. At sufficiently high concentrations in cosmetics, mulberry extract perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, normalizes metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis, and also reliably protects against its harmful effects of damaging environmental factors.

Another function of mulberries in cosmetics is quite interesting: the so-called silk powder - a fat-soluble component in the form of powder - acts as a moisturizing component, as well as an agent that blocks ultraviolet radiation.

Silk peptides are also obtained from white mulberry (as you know, this plant is a source of natural silk). As for cosmetic silk peptides, subunits are extracted from decomposed fibroin (silk protein) - water-soluble polypeptides.

With their help, the effect of natural skin moisturizing, regeneration and enhanced nutrition is achieved. It is important that mulberry plant extracts are compatible with most active and auxiliary cosmetic ingredients.

First of all, mulberry extracts are shown to combat age spots of any nature (melasma, chloasma, freckles, ultraviolet damage, etc.).

This component is ideal for the care of aging skin: it not only relieves it of age spots, but also restores its natural radiance and uniform color. Also, mulberry extract, especially silk polypeptides, is great for hair care - it will provide protection, shine and strengthen the hair cuticle.

At the same time, mulberry bark extract has an anti-inflammatory effect and excellent regenerating properties, and is used to treat skin lesions (burns, cuts, ulcers).

Who is contraindicated for mulberry

Strict contraindication - individual hypersensitivity reaction.

Cosmetics containing mulberry

Mulberry extracts are used in various skin care products, mainly for the face, neck and décolleté. Silk protein and mulberry polypeptides are also added to hair care products (shampoos, conditioners and styling products).

Silk powder is used for powders in children's cosmetics, in nourishing products for mature skin, as well as tonal creams, foundations and pancakes, toothpastes and liquid soaps.

Accurate concentrations of this component have not been established by manufacturers, so if your main goal is to get rid of age spots, it is better to look for cosmetics containing not only mulberry extract, but in combination with other proven skin-lightening ingredients.

Mulberry Sources

The mulberry tree, also known as white mulberry (the Latin name is Morus alba), grows in warm and temperate climatic zones on almost all continents. For the manufacture of cosmetics, mulberry leaves are most often used, although manufacturers often also make extracts based on the roots and bark of this plant.

Extracts are obtained in various ways. It should be borne in mind that alcohol extracts of any parts of white mulberry have a stronger effect than hot water extracts, and at the same time, acetone extracts are not significantly more effective than alcohol extracts.

Generally, mulberry plant extract is odorless and is a very stable clear solution with a pH > 6.5. But silk powder, a high molecular weight component rich in protein fibroin, is obtained from the fibers of real Morus alba silk.

When and how to harvest mulberries

The mulberry tree has been grown since ancient times for the production of natural fabric - silk. They fed the silkworm caterpillar, which gave the silk thread. Berries, bark and leaves were often used in folk medicine to treat various diseases and ailments.

In the modern world, mulberry has not lost its popularity. Delicious berries that have a light or dark color are enjoyed by many people.

The harvest time lasts only a few weeks from July to August. Since the berry ripens unevenly, it is harvested in several stages.

The best time to harvest is early in the morning, after the dew has gone. The weather should be dry and sunny. To facilitate the collection process, a large piece of cloth or a thin blanket is spread under the tree.

Then the stick begins to tap on the branches of the tree. This procedure causes the ripe fruits to break away from the branches and fall down. The collected berries are poured into a separate container.

Mulberry leaves are harvested along with twigs when the shoots are still quite tender. The best collection time is the very beginning of summer. At the same time, only healthy, even leaves are chosen, not twisted and not damaged by cobwebs.

Mulberry bark can be harvested regardless of the season. To do this, cut small sections from different tree trunks with a sharp knife.

Preparing food for drying

Mulberry fruits are sorted after harvesting, removing debris and damaged specimens. It is not recommended to wash the berries before drying, so as not to damage the already tender pulp. If there is a desire, then the mulberry tree is rinsed with cool water and allowed to dry on paper towels at room temperature for a couple of hours.

Before drying, the leaves are also washed in cool water and dried on towels.

Mulberry bark does not need preliminary preparation before drying.

On air

Mulberry berries are laid out in one layer on grates or sieves, and exposed to the sun. It is important to create maximum air ventilation between the fruits. For this reason, drying mulberries on pallets is not recommended.

If there are no suitable gratings, then a dense, clean cloth can be used as a bedding. In this case, the berries will often have to be turned over to ensure uniform drying.

In the evening, containers with fruits are brought into the room so that they do not become damp from dew, and in the morning they are put back in place.

Solar drying of mulberries will take approximately 2 to 3 weeks, subject to favorable weather conditions.

The foliage is dried in the shade, in a dry and well-ventilated area. So that it does not rot, it is turned over 3 times a day.

Drying mulberry bark does not require certain conditions. It is dried at room temperature for 10 days.

In the oven

If it is not possible to dry the berries in the sun, you can use a conventional oven. But before this procedure, the berries need to be slightly dried at room temperature for 2 days.

Then the mulberries are laid out on pallets covered with baking paper and sent to the oven. The exposure temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. To ensure good ventilation inside the oven, the door should be kept slightly ajar.

Every 2 hours, the berries are taken out and mixed. Total drying time - 18 - 20 hours.

The foliage can also be dried in the oven according to the above scheme, but it will be necessary to control the readiness process every half hour.

In an electric dryer

Modern electrical appliances for drying berries, vegetables and fruits are equipped with thermostats. In order to dry the fruits of the mulberry, in the unit you need to set the heating temperature to no higher than 35 - 40 degrees.

After 6 - 10 hours of drying, it can be increased to 50 degrees. In this mode, the berries need to be dried until cooked. Drying time 20 - 25 hours.

How to store dry fruits, leaves and bark

Berries are stored in glass containers under a lid, leaves - in cardboard boxes or canvas bags. Mulberry bark is ground into powder and stored in small sealed jars.

The shelf life of dried mulberry products is 1 year.

Mulberry is a tree from the mulberry family. There are more than 160 species of this plant in the world. The most common are the black mulberry, which is considered to be native to Southwest Asia, and the white mulberry, which grows mainly in the eastern regions of China. But the color palette of fruits is much richer: they can be red, yellow, pink, dark purple.

This plant has several names: mulberry, mulberry, mulberry. The benefits of its fruits have been known to people for more than one millennium. In Chinese medicine, there are recipes for medicinal potions based on the use of fruits, bark, leaves, and mulberry roots. They are used for cardiovascular diseases, anemia, hypertension, diabetes and other diseases. In addition, in China, young mulberry leaves serve as food for silkworm larvae.

The mulberry tree loves a hot climate, but feels good in temperate, tropical and subtropical climates, can tolerate low temperatures. It is common in many parts of Russia, from the Black Sea coast to Sakhalin, as well as in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Mulberry is a photophilous and heat-loving plant. With the expansion of the natural habitat, it exhibits frost resistance. Mulberry tolerates frosts down to -30 degrees.
The plant is tall, reaching 20 meters in height, with a wide crown. Spherical forms of mulberry are more common. The tree is considered long-lived. Its age on average can reach 150-200, and individual specimens live up to 400 years.

Mulberry leaves are simple, lobed, with serrated edges. Small-sized fruits are called polydrupes. Their diameter is from 1 to 4 centimeters. These are fruit nuts that outwardly resemble the blackberries we are used to. Their shape is cylindrical, spherical, conical. And their taste depends on the variety. There are sour-sweet and sugar fruits. All of them emit a light pleasant aroma.

Yields can be very high. So, one tree under favorable climatic conditions can produce about 200 kilograms of berries. The period of their maturation may be different in different places of growth. On the territory of Russia, some varieties begin to bear fruit in the middle of summer, but mostly the crop is harvested in August.

There are a huge number of varieties on the planet, which are named according to the color of the fruit: black, white, red, yellow, pink, dark purple mulberries.

Mulberries: description and chemical composition

Mulberry fruits have a refreshing, pleasant taste. Due to their delicate texture, it is difficult to transport them over long distances. Therefore, mainly residents of those areas where this plant grows can enjoy fresh berries of the mulberry tree. Mulberry tastes like raspberries.
The beneficial properties of mulberry have long been known. The berry contains a large number of chemical compounds useful for the body. The composition of the fruits of the mulberry tree contains:

  • vitamins C, A, B, K and others;
  • iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, copper;
  • flavonoids;
  • antioxidants;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • alimentary fiber.

Fruits serve as an excellent source of ascorbic acid. 100 grams of mulberry contains about 35 grams of vitamin C. It is a strong antioxidant. Therefore, the use of fresh berries is the key to activating the body's defenses, resistance to inflammation and infections. In addition, antioxidants fight free radicals.

Berries are high in a substance called resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant. Its most important property is the ability to prevent strokes and vascular diseases. With the use of this antioxidant compound, the production of nitric oxide, which has a vasodilating effect, increases. Blood vessels relax, which reduces the risk of strokes and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Other antioxidants that make up mulberries are vitamins A, E, zeaxanthin, lutein. All of them are important for human health, as they help neutralize the oxidative effects of free radicals, protect against diseases and slow down the aging process.
Mulberry berries also contain anthocyanins, which can prevent the development of tumors, inflammation, diabetes, and also protect the body from the development of bacterial infections.

Another useful substance contained in mulberries is iron. 100 grams of fruit includes 1.85 mg. Iron is a valuable element that affects the composition of the blood and improves the transport of oxygen to the organs. The richer the color of the mulberries, the more iron they contain.

Like many other fruits, mulberry is rich in fiber. It is useful for digestive processes, preventing constipation, spasms. In addition, due to the use of fiber, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.

Mulberry species

In our country, two types of mulberry are most common: white and black.
The white variety is cold hardy. Due to this, the area of ​​​​its growth is wide. In addition, the foliage of the tree is very delicate. It serves as food for caterpillars. The bark is thick and gray in color.

The black mulberry has coarser foliage. For this reason, it is not suitable for feeding silkworm larvae. Iran, or Persia, is considered the birthplace of the black mulberry, from where this plant spread several centuries ago to many areas of the globe. It is more thermophilic, although modern varieties bred by breeders are able to tolerate frost.

Differences between white and black mulberries

White mulberry berries have a slight sourness. Compared to black fruits, they are not as sweet and at the same time less high-calorie. Therefore, white mulberry is recognized as a useful dietary product. Fruits can have not only white, but also yellow, pinkish color. Sometimes they are dark.

Black mulberry is superior in taste to its “brother”. Outwardly similar to blackberries, it has a sweet taste. Sourness is felt to a lesser extent in comparison with white mulberry.
The chemical compositions of the varieties also differ. White berries contain more carbohydrates. Black mulberry is rich in organic acids.

Useful and medicinal properties of mulberries

  • Mulberry fruits, thanks to the iron they contain, help to improve the production of red blood cells in the human body. This activates the metabolism.
  • Berries contain zeaxanthin, which has a beneficial effect on the cells of the eyeball. The substance slows down age-related changes in the organs of vision, helps to avoid the appearance of cataracts.
  • Since the fruits of the mulberry tree are rich in calcium, iron and vitamin K, they are an excellent tool for strengthening bones, accelerating the healing of fractures, and preventing osteoporosis.

Useful properties of white mulberry

White mulberry berries are recommended for those people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system or have problems with the functioning of the liver.
Berry juice is a good anti-inflammatory agent. It is rich in vitamin C and potassium. This has a beneficial effect on the immune system. In addition, white mulberry berries are recommended for children, as they serve as a prevention of rickets. And can benefit men who have problems in the genital area.

Healing properties of black mulberry

The tree is common in the southern regions of our country. The beneficial properties of mulberry are used in the treatment and prevention of colds, as it helps to increase sweating, as well as disorders of the digestive system. The fruits relieve heartburn and also act as a laxative.
Black berries differ from white berries in an increased concentration of iron.

Contraindications to the use of berries

The only contraindication to the use of mulberry fruits is individual intolerance. The product is not allergenic. When using it, it should be borne in mind that you cannot drink cold water at the same time as the berries, as this can cause diarrhea and cramps.
In addition, people with diabetes should eat berries with caution in order to prevent a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.

Fresh mulberry lovers can easily grow their own. Plant seedlings are sold in gardening stores and nurseries. The tree is unpretentious, tolerates arid climate and frost. And in the summer months it gives a rich harvest of tasty and healthy berries.

Description of the mulberry tree: a low tree (up to 15 m in height) lives an average of 300 years. There are old-timer mulberry trees that are already about 500 years old. The fruit is a complex drupe, like a blackberry and raspberry, but sweeter and more tender. It has an elongated shape, reaches 1.5 cm in length (and in some varieties it grows up to 2-3 cm). There are varieties with juicy, sweet berries of white, pink, purple color with a pleasant aroma.

The most common 2 types of mulberry: black and white. White mulberry gives light fruits with a subtle, barely perceptible aroma. The bark is gray or pale brown. Homeland - Eastern China. Black mulberry came to us from Southwest Asia, it is distinguished by a dark reddish-brown bark. Its fruits are intensely cherry, purple or almost black in color, contain more organic acids than white varieties, so they taste sweet with a noticeable sourness. They have a stronger pleasant aroma.

Various parts of this valuable plant are used in many industries. Mulberry fruits, roots and leaves have unique beneficial properties and are used in medicine. Mulberry wood is used to produce musical instruments, decorative and household items. Trees are often used in landscape design, for landscaping industrial areas and securing slopes.

The composition of berries, calories

Mulberry berries are a source of valuable vitamins and minerals, essential oils and organic acids.

Nutritional value and chemical composition per 100 g of product:

87.68 g
Retinol (A)
1 mcg
Calcium, Ca
39 mg
1.44 g
Thiamine (B1)
0.029 mg
Iron, Fe
1.85 mg
0.39 g
Riboflavin (B2)
0.101 mg
18 mg
0.027 g
Niacin (B3)
0.620 mg
Phosphorus, P
38 mg
0.041 g
Pyridoxine (B6)
0.050 mg
Potassium, K
194 mg
0.207 g
Folacin (B9)
6 mcg
Sodium, Na
10 mg
9.8 g
Vitamin K
7.8 mcg
Zinc, Zn
0.12 mg
mono and disaccharides
8.1 g
Vitamin C
36.4 mg
Selenium, Se
0.6 mcg
alimentary fiber
1.7 g
Vitamin E
0.087 mg
Copper, Cu
60 mcg
87.68 g

organic acids
1.2 g

0.9 g

The energy value
43 kcal

The glycemic index of different varieties of mulberry is different. For white mulberry, it varies between 25–32, and for black it is 24–27.

Useful properties and application

All parts of the mulberry tree are used in various fields: the leaves are fed to the silkworm, the bark and roots are actively used in folk medicine, various household, decorative products and musical instruments (utars, sazs, rubobs, tanburs) are made from wood. But the most popular product is delicious and juicy mulberry fruits.

Application in cooking

Mulberry fruits have long been used in cooking. They are prepared from:

  • drinks (kissels, juices, wine);
  • healthy and tasty preparations (silk honey, jam, jam);
  • fillings for pies;
  • dried fruits;
  • oriental sweets (marshmallow, sherbet).

Fresh berries are enjoyed by everyone from young to old. Fresh mulberry is stored for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator. It is also not subject to transportation over long distances. Therefore, the berries are dried and prepared from them jam, syrup, drinks. Dried mulberry perfectly retains its taste. In this form, it is very useful and can replace any sweets.

After heat treatment, the berries do not lose their beneficial properties, so you can prepare jam for the time when fresh berries are not available. Mulberry fruit jam is not only a delicious delicacy, but also a healthy remedy that helps with heart disease, hypertension, and colds. The jam recipe is simple:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 1 pinch of citric acid.

The berries are sprinkled with sugar and left for 30-40 minutes so that they release the juice. Then the jam is put on a quiet fire. After boiling, you need to cook for 10 minutes and turn it off. After 8 hours, add citric acid and cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Now it remains to decompose the product into a sterilized container and twist.

It is undesirable to exceed the indicated sugar rate, because the berry itself is very sweet. Since mulberries contain more than 80% water, a lot of syrup is formed during the preparation of jam. To make the jam thicker, the syrup can be separated and prepared separately. For the treatment of colds, sore throats, bronchitis, coughs, a syrup is prepared from berries without adding sugar, by boiling. To enhance the effect, the leaves of this plant are added to the syrup during cooking.

Mulberry syrup is called or mulberry honey. To prepare it, 100 ml of water and 1 kg of sugar are added to 1 kg of berries, boiled for at least 1 hour on fire. After cooling, filter, wring out the press, separating the dry residue. The resulting syrup is simmered over low heat for 6 to 24 hours, periodically removing the foam and stirring. It is better to store doshab in a glass container. It is useful for diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, with a decrease in male potency, depression and chronic fatigue, for women during menopause.

Some agricultural enterprises grow mulberries for wine production. You can also prepare it at home. For this, only ripe fruits are harvested. They add sugar, a little water, lemon juice. After fermentation, the wine is poured into dark wine bottles and corked. Gourmets appreciate it very much for its characteristic taste and useful properties. Fans of stronger drinks will appreciate the mulberry vodka made from sweet fragrant berries.

Application in traditional medicine

In the East, the mulberry tree has always been honored and called the tree of life. It was believed that its sweet fruits restore vision, prolong life, fill the body with strength and energy. Modern scientific data on the rich chemical composition confirm ancient knowledge. Mulberry fruits contain malic, citric and other organic acids, essential oils, pectin compounds and flavonoids.

Anthocyanin - a powerful antioxidant found in black mulberries - binds free radicals, prevents the destruction of cell membranes. Resveratrol slows down the aging process of cells, prevents the development of tumors. A valuable vitamin and mineral complex helps the body maintain normal metabolic processes, fight vascular and heart diseases. Mulberry berries are used to prepare effective medicinal products with a wide spectrum of action. They are used as:

  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • mild laxative.

Such a drug will be useful for hypertension, diseases of the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, with a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood (especially black mulberries), to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Berries are useful for the elderly, children and pregnant women in any form: fresh, dried, boiled.

The mild laxative effect that overripe fruits have will allow them to be used to prevent constipation. In their immature form, they have a fixing effect. Mulberry juice helps to separate sputum, therefore it is effective as an expectorant for bronchitis and prolonged cough.

Ointments and decoctions are made from the bark of the mulberry tree for the treatment of certain skin diseases, abrasions, abscesses. A decoction of mulberry leaves is used as an effective sugar-lowering, multivitamin and general tonic. A decoction of the bark and leaves of the mulberry tree effectively relieves inflammation and fever during colds, cleanses the blood of toxins, stimulates hematopoietic function and helps with anemia, removes excess fluid from the body.

The use of leaves, bark and wood of mulberry

In the East, the mulberry tree has always been considered a sacred tree, everything from berries to roots was honored in it. In ancient China, paper was made from its bark. The medicinal properties of this plant are still used in traditional medicine. Bast is used to make cardboard and rope. A yellow dye is obtained from the leaves and bark. In Japan, paper for money is made from mulberry.

Mulberry wood is highly valued. It is heavy and dense, comparable to beech and oak, easy to process, does not crack or dry out over time, and has a rich texture. That is why musical instruments, amulets, decorative items, dishes, barrels were made from it in Central Asia. Today, exclusive furniture and expensive parquet are produced from mulberry. All products perfectly retain their shape.

Mulberry firewood is generally priceless. When smoked and roasted on mulberry wood, the meat acquires a delicate and sweet taste. But there are practically no such firewood for sale. The leaves are used as feed for the silkworm caterpillar, whose cocoons are used to produce natural silk.

Due to the beauty of dense crowns, mulberry trees are indispensable in landscape design. Dwarf varieties with a spherical crown and decorative weeping mulberry are used for landscaping parks, gardens, and settlements. Trees with a pyramidal crown look beautiful in the form of a hedge and in group ensembles. The resistance of leaves to atmospheric pollution allows planting mulberries in industrial areas. These low neat trees have a very strong root system, so they are planted on slopes to prevent landslides.

Contraindications and harm

Mulberry is useful for people of all ages. The only contraindication is individual intolerance, which is very rare. Mulberry is important for the health of expectant mothers. But you should strictly observe the norm, eat no more than 250 g of ripe high-quality berries per day. At the same time, care must be taken not to create a load on the kidneys, because mulberry has a diuretic effect.

For lactating women, mulberry is also useful. So that the pantry of vitamins does not harm the baby, berries should be introduced into the menu during this period with caution, several pieces a day. If a child develops allergies, colic or bloating, it is better to temporarily stop using it.

There are no strict contraindications for use for diabetics, people with low blood pressure and hypertensive patients. These people are advised to consume juicy berries in moderation, then they have a beneficial effect on the body, lowering blood sugar levels, normalizing blood pressure. Overeating can lead to intestinal upset, diarrhea, and exacerbation of diabetes symptoms. It is undesirable to eat berries on an empty stomach or drink them with water.

Selection and storage of berries

Mulberry fruits are harvested in June-August. Immediately after collection, they are sent for processing. If this is not done, then in about a day the yeast fungi living on the surface of the berries will start fermentation processes. For 2-3 days, mulberries can be stored in the refrigerator if the fruits are not too ripe. They cannot be transported fresh.

The technology of drying berries is very laborious. It is no less difficult to preserve the berries without moisture after drying. The packaging must be sealed. In winter, you can enjoy the taste of mulberry in the form of dried berries or jam prepared for future use.