Frequent urination what to do. Frequent urination in women - causes and treatment

Everything is individual, depending on the amount of fluid drunk, the level of metabolism.

But when should you sound the alarm?

After all, frequent urination can be a variant of the norm, also a symptom of many diseases.

This article describes the main causes, methods for diagnosing and treating this condition.

What is polyuria?

The amount of urine depends on many factors. The first of these is fluid intake. The more a person drinks, the more often he goes to the toilet.

But this connection is not always observed. Stressful situations, hypothermia, hormonal changes, infectious diseases affect the process of urine formation.

In medicine, there is a special term - polyuria, it describes this condition. In women, frequent urination can be with or without pain. Unpleasant sensations while going to the toilet should alert, because they indicate diseases of the genitourinary system.

You need to see a doctor urgently if:

There is burning, itching, pain on the background of polyuria.

The urine is cloudy, or it contains impurities of blood, pus.

Sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

The general state of health worsens: the temperature rises, sweating, the person is apathetic, weakened.

Pain in the lower back, above the pubis indicates an inflammatory process of the internal organs.

The main causes of frequent urination in women

Painless polyuria is observed not only in diseases, it can also be a reaction of the body to environmental influences.

Drinking plenty of water puts more stress on the kidneys, resulting in more frequent trips to the toilet. There is a circulation of fluid in the body, therefore the amount of urine excreted depends on the use of water. These quantities are directly related.

Some products have a diuretic effect: cucumbers, watermelon, coffee, tea, cranberries. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account their effect on the body.

Alcohol, especially beer, leads to dehydration.

Medications, diuretics increase the formation of urine, this is their direct effect.

Tea for weight loss removes excess fluid from the body, so the girl loses several kilograms.

Stress, anxiety, nervous tension reflexively increase the frequency of urging to the toilet.

In old age, the elasticity, functional properties of the urinary system deteriorate. This leads to frequent urination in women, which happens with pain and without pain.

Pregnancy. Hormonal imbalance, increased size of the uterus affect the functioning of the kidneys. In the third trimester, the fetus becomes quite large, it squeezes the bladder, so during this period the desire to go to the toilet occurs more often. If there are no additional symptoms, urine is not changed, the general condition is not disturbed, you should not panic. But for prevention, it is recommended to warn the doctor about such a situation, to pass a general urine test, blood for glucose. After all, often diabetes manifests itself during pregnancy.

If polyuria is accompanied by pain, burning sensation, temperature, the following diseases should be suspected:

Reactive bladder.

Diabetes or diabetes insipidus.

Fibroids or uterine prolapse.

Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.

The most common causes of frequent urination with pain in women should be considered in detail, because additional symptoms will help to make the correct diagnosis.


The disease occurs after hypothermia, influenza, measles, rubella, with weakened immunity. The classic manifestations are frequent painful urination, burning sensation, incomplete emptying. Going to the toilet does not bring relief, after a few minutes you may want to again. Urine becomes cloudy over time. In the treatment of cystitis, antibacterial, antimicrobial drugs, uroseptics are used. Warm baths with chamomile, sage, linden are shown. The amount of fluid is recommended to be increased to wash the infection from the bladder.


The clinical picture resembles cystitis, except for burning, pain is more pronounced at the beginning of urination. Based on complaints, it is difficult to distinguish between these two diseases, only an additional study will help to make an accurate diagnosis. Urethritis treatment includes antibiotics, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs.


The inflammatory reaction is more often localized on one side. The woman notes a dull pain in the lower back, polyuria with impurities of pus, fever, nausea. The general condition is deteriorating. Over time, arterial hypertension joins. After determining the sensitivity to antibiotics, a specific treatment is prescribed.

Urolithiasis disease

In women, frequent urination with or without pain is observed when a stone is located in the bladder. If it is located higher, on the contrary, urine is not excreted, since the lumen of the ureter is blocked. A characteristic feature of the disease is an increase in pain after exercise, cycling, motorcycle, in a car on a rough road. The stone moves in the lumen of the bladder, causing discomfort. The pain is localized above the pubis, gives to the perineum. Another distinguishing feature is an intermittent urine stream. Urination stops even though the bladder has not yet completely emptied. The doctor chooses the tactics of treatment after a detailed examination, visualization of stones. If the size is small, conservative treatment is possible. Coral-like stones, the ineffectiveness of medicines are indications for surgery.

Reactive Bladder

This organ has its own innervation, in violation of the structures of the central nervous system, impulses too often irritate the muscle layer of the bladder. Such hyperreactivity in women is manifested by frequent urination with or without pain. The drugs of choice are sedatives.

Gynecological diseases

The pelvis contains the organs of the female reproductive system. Some diseases lead to squeezing, displacement of the bladder, which is manifested by frequent urination in women with or without pain.

Myoma is a tumor-like growth in the uterine cavity, which can reach a large size. The neoplasm grows slowly, because the symptoms appear gradually. In addition to polyuria, patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature, menstrual irregularities, and uterine bleeding. If the tumor is large, it can be felt through the anterior abdominal wall, in advanced cases, visually notice an increase in the abdomen. Treatment depends on the size of the neoplasm, growth rate, and the general condition of the woman. Hormonal drugs reduce or completely stop growth. If conservative therapy fails, surgical intervention is performed.

Significant prolapse of the uterus compresses the bladder, causing frequent urination with or without pain. The main reason is the failure of the ligamentous apparatus, which maintains the uterus in the correct position, weak pelvic muscles. Treatment in most cases is surgical. Additionally, it is recommended to perform exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, abdominals.


If frequent urination is not accompanied by pain, a person may not pay attention to it for a long time. Just think, I want to drink more, I go to the toilet more often. But such a symptom is the first sign of a severe endocrine disease - diabetes mellitus. It is not necessary to consume a lot of sweets to provoke the development of the disease. In most cases, diabetes cannot be prevented. The following manifestations should alert:

Thirst. A person can drink up to 5 liters of water per day.

Fatigue, fatigue, poor sleep.

Tingling, numbness, decreased sensation in the limbs.

Wounds, scratches, abrasions do not heal for a long time.

There may be an odor of acetone from the mouth.

Itching of the skin, genitals in women.

These symptoms are indicative of diabetes. A blood glucose test will help to make an accurate diagnosis. At the initial stages of treatment, the doctor prescribes a special diet with a restriction on the amount of simple carbohydrates, physical exercises. If the sugar level does not normalize, special preparations are indicated.

diabetes insipidus

What to do when thirst and frequent urination do not give peace even at night, and glucose is normal? The answer is simple. These are manifestations of diabetes insipidus, in which the amount of vasopressin decreases. The disease is associated with damage to the central nervous system, because the hormone is produced in the hypothalamus. Tumors, injuries, inflammatory reactions are the causes of the disease. The only treatment is lifelong hormone therapy.

Diagnosis of frequent urination with and without pain in women

General urine analysis. This study is very informative. The density of urine, color is determined. The presence of leukocytes indicates an inflammatory reaction (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis). Erythrocytes indicate glomeluronephritis, urolithiasis. The protein appears due to a malfunction of the renal glomeruli.

Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky allows you to see and calculate the amount of daily urine, its concentration. With diabetes or diabetes insipidus, it is of low density.

If a large number of bacteria are detected, they are sown on special media with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. It is better to prescribe antimicrobial therapy against a specific pathogen, so the treatment will be more effective.

Complete blood count and biochemistry give an idea of ​​the severity of inflammation. Leukocytes, SOE, acute phase proteins are indicative.

Blood is tested for glucose to rule out diabetes. If necessary, a glucose tolerance test is performed, the determination of glycosylated hemoglobin.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs allows you to see the location of the organs, their size, the presence of additional formations, changes in the structure. With the help of the study, you can determine the stones in the bladder, ureters, size, shape of the kidneys, uterus, the presence of tumor neoplasms.

If diabetes insipidus is suspected, the level of vasopressin is determined.

If the doctor suspects a disease, he may prescribe an additional examination. For example, excretory urography for kidney diseases, fundus examination for diabetes mellitus, MRI of the head with a lack of vasopressin.


The doctor carefully examines the problem of frequent urination in women with and without pain. First, all external factors that could affect going to the toilet are excluded: drinking plenty of water, alcohol, drugs, hypothermia. Further, with the help of diagnostic measures, the main cause is determined. Treatment depends on the underlying disease.

Folk recipes

Many herbs, plants help in the treatment of polyuria. These drugs will not cope with the disease on their own, but they will perfectly complement drug therapy.

Grind the leaves, mint stalk, pour 3 tablespoons with a liter of water, put on fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove to a cold place until completely cooled. Then strain, take half a glass 4 times a day.

A teaspoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 3 hours. It turns out useful tea from birch buds. In this form, the maximum amount of biologically active substances passes into the infusion. Use 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

Finely chop the homemade greens, add the tops of the carrot, chop it as well. Pour two tablespoons of raw materials with a liter of water, bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 10 minutes. After cooling, drink 50 ml 4 times a day.

Sage infusion is very easy to prepare. Crushed leaves can be bought already at the pharmacy. Pour a teaspoon of hot water, let cool. Take 100 ml 3 times a day. Carefully! sage is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it can provoke an early miscarriage or cause premature contractions in the third trimester.

Potentilla and plantain are added in equal proportions to the chopped horsetail. Two tablespoons of herbs and half a liter of boiling water are mixed, the medicine is infused for 3-4 hours. After straining, it is ready for use.


For women, frequent urination, both with pain and without pain, brings many problems. In addition to frequent trips to the toilet, she may be disturbed by discomfort in the lower abdomen, thirst, fever. To prevent the above manifestations, you need to follow several rules of prevention.

Hypothermia must be avoided. A weakened immune system will not be able to fight opportunistic flora.

The optimal amount of water per day is 1.5-2 liters. To avoid stagnation, a sufficient amount of fluid must enter the body.

At least once a year visit a gynecologist, even if nothing bothers you. An elementary blood and urine test will help the doctor notice a latent infection.

To strengthen the muscles of the pelvis, there are special exercises. Performing them every day can prevent prolapse of the uterus.

A cool shower should replace taking a bath. It perfectly strengthens the immune system, promotes hardening.

Proper nutrition, refusal of sweets, moderate physical activity, walks in clean air will help to forget about such a problem as frequent urination in women with pain and without pain.

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Portal Editor-in-Chief: Ekaterina Danilova


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Frequent urination in women

An adult, on average, visits the toilet 5-10 times a day, and he can freely control the process of urination. If this rate rises, there is a reason to consult a doctor for an examination of the genitourinary system. Frequent urination in women, as a rule, is not a sign of pathology. With hypothermia, heavy drinking, taking certain groups of drugs, or in stressful situations, urges can occur much more often than usual.

Causes of frequent urge to urinate without pain

The root causes that a woman often wants to go to the toilet for a little can be different, often they are not associated with diseases. There are 4 main factors that explain frequent urges. The first place is occupied by pathologies of the urinary system. In addition, constant urges can be a secondary sign of the development of a disease. They can also be stimulated by medication or the implementation of any physiological processes in the female body. Consider the most common causes of profuse painless urination in girls:

  • Cystitis. Due to the anatomical features in women, the disease occurs three times more often than in the stronger sex. The initial stage does not cause pain, but later cystitis brings severe discomfort to the girl. A characteristic symptom of the disease is that the bladder, even after urination, may seem unemptied. As the disease progresses, urine becomes cloudy.
  • Pyelonephritis. Frequent urination in adult women may indicate the development of kidney disease - chronic pyelonephritis. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by an unpleasant pulling feeling in the lumbar region. If the pathology worsens, body temperature begins to rise, nausea, weakness appear, blood or pus can be seen in the urine.
  • Stones in the bladder. Constant urge in women can be a sign of urolithiasis. The desire to empty the bladder occurs abruptly and unexpectedly, as a rule, after playing sports or shaking in transport. In the process of urination, a woman with urolithiasis notices interruptions in the jet and, in some cases, feels discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Weak muscular corset of the bladder. The main symptom is frequent urination with a small amount of urine. Women feel a strong urge to visit the toilet. This pathology is congenital in nature, so the only way to solve the problem is to train the abdominal muscles.
  • Overactive bladder. Strengthening of the supplied nerve signals is interpreted by the brain as the urge to urinate. Therapy of the disease is aimed at suppressing the pathological excitability of the nervous system.
  • During pregnancy. In the early stages, the increased urge to urinate is caused by a change in the hormonal background of a woman and an increase in the size of her uterus. In the second trimester, the desire to constantly empty the bladder is not physiologically justified, but may indicate the development of pathologies. At the end of the term, the pressure of the baby's head and the enlarged uterus on the bladder increases, so the desire to empty it occurs more often than usual.
  • Gynecological pathologies. Abundant urine output can be a symptom of uterine fibroids (a benign tumor that presses on the bladder). With the development of the disease, the cycle of menstruation may be disturbed. If a woman has a congenital disorder - the uterus is lowered, frequent urges are due to the displacement of the pelvic organs.
  • Endocrine pathologies. Often, constant trips to the toilet indicate diabetes. At the same time, the following symptoms appear: fatigue, itching of the skin, thirst. If a woman is constantly thirsty, this may also indicate diabetes insipidus, which is characterized by an increase in the volume of urine excreted up to 5 liters per day.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. With insufficiency of cardiac activity, in addition to an increase in the frequency of urination, skin edema occurs.
  • Physiological factors. Common causes of increased urine output in women are dietary features, worries, stress, oxygen starvation of cells.
  • Taking medications. Excessive urination is sometimes provoked by the use of diuretics prescribed for the treatment of preeclampsia, with hypertension or edema.

Symptoms that may accompany frequent urination

Here are the main symptoms that accompany the disease:

  • Pain and cramps indicate an acute form of cystitis. The presence of pathology, in addition, is indicated by incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  • Burning after urination in women is a symptom of a urinary tract infection or insufficient hygiene of the intimate area. A burning sensation and itching, in addition, may be a sign of individual intolerance to the selected contraceptive or excessive consumption of spicy food.
  • Temperature with constant urges may indicate urogenital tuberculosis or some sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Pain in the lumbar region is a common symptom of pyelonephritis, less often it speaks of urogenital tuberculosis.
  • Discharge of pus occurs with advanced urethritis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.
  • Discomfort in the pelvic area (lower abdomen) is felt by women with various gynecological diseases or infection of the urinary tract.
  • Pain at the end of urination indicates urethritis or acute cystitis.
  • Delayed periods with frequent urination may indicate pregnancy.

Which doctor to contact

Frequent urge to urinate in women is a serious inconvenience. However, they do not always indicate the presence of the disease. If no other symptoms appear and the frequency of going to the toilet does not exceed a day, there is no reason to panic. But painful urination in women cannot be ignored, so contact a gynecologist, therapist or urologist without delay. The specialist will determine what causes frequent trips to the toilet and, if necessary, select an adequate treatment.

Treatment of frequent urination in women

Therapy for frequent urination in women is selected by a doctor, depending on the diagnosis. So, if the cause of this symptom is diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to correct the glucose level with special drugs that involve long-term use. To get rid of stones in the urinary system that provoke frequent urges, ultrasound or conservative drug therapy is used.

How to treat reactive arthritis, which caused a constant desire to empty the bladder? The doctor in this case prescribes antibiotics, for example, Azithromycin or Doxycilin. It is possible to reduce the amount of urination during menopause with the help of hormonal drugs. If frequent trips to the toilet are the cause of iron deficiency in a woman's body, the doctor prescribes pills based on this substance (Ferroplex, Maltofer). Consider the treatment of the most common diseases that cause copious urine output:

  • For the treatment of acute cystitis, antibiotics are prescribed ("Monural", "Nofroloxacin"). If a specific microflora is detected, a woman should undergo a course of antifungal, antiviral or antimicrobial drugs. In addition, you can use folk remedies. For this, 1 tbsp. l. crushed dill seeds are brewed in a cup of boiling water, insisted for 2-3 hours and drunk twice a day.
  • With bacteriuria, therapy is aimed at eliminating the source of infection. The doctor prescribes antibiotics, sulfa drugs, uroantiseptics (Cyston, Canephron, Monural) to the woman. At the same time, alternative medicine is used: herbal teas, douching with decoctions of herbs at night.
  • For the treatment of STIs (sexually transmitted infections), it is necessary to identify the pathogen, and then determine its sensitivity to various antibiotics and choose the most effective one. Often with STIs, Vagilak, Doxycilin, Fluconazole and others are prescribed.

Video about the causes and treatment of frequent urination

The volume and frequency of urination is individual for each woman. However, the physiological rhythm sometimes goes astray and there may be an increased urge to empty the bladder. This symptom is sometimes accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen - this means that the girl should visit a doctor. After watching the video below, you will find out what can be the cause of constant urges and how the pathologies that served as the main reason for this are treated.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Frequent urination in women without pain - causes and treatment

Frequent urination in women is common. It may be associated with any pathology or manifestation of a special physiological condition. Frequent urge to urinate is referred to as pollakiuria.

Quite a lot of women face such a delicate problem in the modern world. The reasons for frequent urination in women without pain can be very different, and therefore you do not need to compare your case with a similar one of a friend. This condition does not cause any particular inconvenience, so women are not always in a hurry to visit the doctor, which is a mistake.

Normally, a woman visits the toilet for a small need per day. If this figure is much higher, then this is the first signal for concern. You should be especially wary when urination is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

In this article, we will look at why there is a frequent urge to urinate in women, the causes of this condition, as well as modern methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Are there any rules?

Each female body has its own norms, so it is impossible to say unequivocally how much each person should walk on a small one every day. There are many factors. How much liquid you consume during the day, for so many hikes and the rate of urination increases or decreases.

As a rule, if frequent urination is pathological, it is accompanied by one or more symptoms:

  • burning, pain or itching in the urethra when emptying the bladder;
  • a small amount of urine released during urination (normally ml);
  • if the frequency of urination disrupts the normal rhythm of life (creates discomfort at work or at night).

If you visit the toilet up to 10 times a day and 1-2 times at night, and also do not experience other unusual symptoms, then there is nothing to worry about.

Causes of frequent urination in women

Women often urinate without pain, often in situations that are associated with natural processes in the body. In particular, these are the following factors:

  • the use of a large amount of liquid;
  • taking certain medications, such as diuretics;
  • the use of infusions or decoctions of herbs with a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • bearing a child;
  • during menopause;
  • hypothermia;
  • stressful situations or strong excitement;
  • in older women.

Pathological disorders in a woman's body can also cause frequent urge to urinate, which may or may not be accompanied by pain:

  1. Diabetes. Signs of frequent urination in women without pain may appear with diabetes mellitus, when blood sugar remains elevated for a long time. The thirst that occurs in this case leads to the fact that a woman consumes a large amount of liquid, as a result of which she plentifully and often goes to the toilet “in a small way”.
  2. Cystitis. Acute cystitis is characterized by frequent and painful urination, the appearance of blood in the urine, pain in the bladder and perineum. These symptoms are also observed in the chronic form of the disease during periods of exacerbation. The most common causative agent is Escherichia coli. The bacterium enters the bladder through the urethra, attaches to the walls of the bladder and begins to corrode the mucous membrane.
  3. Pyelonephritis. Frequent urination and prolonged aching pain are symptoms of pyelonephritis. With exacerbation, weakness, chills, nausea, a sharp increase in temperature are observed. Pyelonephritis is treated for a long time. Painkillers, antispasmodics, antibiotic therapy are prescribed.
  4. Dysfunction of the pelvic muscles of a neurological nature. With neurological disorders, there are problems with the innervation of the muscles responsible for emptying the bladder, because of this, the regularity of urination changes.
  5. Urolithiasis disease. As salt conglomerates increase, painless frequent urination is gradually complicated by increasing pain.
  6. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Frequent urination causes problems with blood vessels and heart failure. The process is aggravated at night. Active activity during the day can lead to swelling. They go off at night and are expressed in frequent urination. Therapeutic measures are etiological in nature, they must compensate for heart failure.
  7. Gynecological diseases. One of the common pathologies that cause this symptom after 35 years is advanced uterine fibroids. It is a benign tumor that presses on the bladder. In younger girls, the cause of frequent urination can be STDs, as well as vaginitis of various etiologies, etc. Sometimes the problem becomes the result of uterine prolapse.
  8. Chronic renal failure. It can develop due to some chronic ailments of the excretory system. Most often, the cause is glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, kidney amyloidosis, polycystic disease and other developmental defects of this organ. One of the early manifestations of kidney failure is frequent nighttime urination, as well as increased urge during the day.
  9. Spinal cord injury. It is impossible to ignore the fact of any mechanical impact on the spine.
  10. Genital infections. They lead to inflammation of the urethra, and its irritation provokes the appearance of frequent urge to urinate. Even a banal thrush can lead to the need to go to the toilet more often than usual.

It is important to understand that without proper treatment of frequent urination in women, the symptoms of a possible disease can develop into a chronic form, and in the future affect the reproductive system negatively, or lead to severe consequences for all health.

How to treat frequent urination in women?

It is possible to talk about the treatment of frequent urination in women only after the disease that caused it is discovered. After all, the schemes for combating various pathologies differ significantly, and sometimes even radically, from each other.

Therefore, when frequent urge to urinate began, it is first necessary to exclude the physiological causes of this phenomenon:

  • a diet that is enriched with foods or drinks with a diuretic effect, abuse of coffee, alcohol;
  • stressful situations;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • taking certain medications, such as diuretics.

The main indications for going to the doctor are the following:

Depending on the identified cause, after passing the examination, a woman may be prescribed:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • pre- and probiotics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • uroantiseptics;
  • sedatives;
  • physiotherapy, including UHF, iontophoresis, electrophoresis, inductothermy, etc.;
  • exercise therapy, including Kegel exercises;
  • herbal medicine.

However, even frequent urination without pain, which bothers you for a long time, should not be ignored. There is no need to neglect your health, because only a timely visit to the doctor will help you find out the real causes of the problem and prescribe effective therapy.

Which doctor to contact

With frequent urination, you need to contact a therapist and undergo an initial examination: take blood and urine tests, undergo an ultrasound scan of the urinary tract. Kidney diseases should be treated by a nephrologist, with bladder pathology - by a urologist. Diabetes (diabetes and insipidus) is treated by an endocrinologist.

Frequent urge to urinate in men: causes and treatment

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How to treat pain and burning when urinating in women

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If I start running to the toilet, then this is only one cystitis (((And it does not manifest itself painlessly, there is always pain and pain, if not treated.

Victoria, how are you? Have you had a doctor? Cystitis? Most likely he is. I already recognize this pain. I even always have Uroprofit in my first-aid kit for such cases, if you start taking it right away, then pain and cramps quickly pass. But it is still necessary to see a doctor, this question is generally without options and is not even discussed.

It is amazing how quickly the monural solves this problem, although, it would seem, it has a completely different principle of operation. Previously, with antibiotics, you had to take something else like urolesan, but now, in fact, you can limit yourself to one monural.

Why a different principle of operation? As they explained to me, monural was specially invented to treat cystitis. So he quickly helps.

very often I run to the toilet but painlessly, pulling in the lower abdomen, feeling as if the intestines and uterus will come out. as if something is pressing on the bladder. no medicine helps. did everything well. doctors don't heal. Help…..

Tonya, what medications did you take?

Often pulls to the toilet in a small way, and after a burning sensation in the genital area. Feeling that something is pressing on the uterus. Also pulls the toilet for the most part.

I took cholisal and iberogast.

I am very familiar with all these symptoms, frequent urination, pain and burning ... in my case it turned out to be cystitis. I would like to say that I have been drinking uroprofit for more than a year for preventive purposes. It contains extracts of cranberries, bearberry leaves, horsetail grass and Vitamin C. And all these components have a positive effect on the functional state of the urinary tract.

I have clear urges. But the pain is not sharp at all. It only tingles in my right side, but not when I go to the toilet. What could it be?

Hello. I had a tip injury for a long time and was diagnosed with coccygenia, when I cool down, I have pain in the tip area and now against this background there is frequent urination without pain, but there is such a feeling in the urinary area, like vibration, especially at night time, and this is a sleep disturbance, due to frequent urination. I did a course intramuscularly of the mill course, the pain in the tip area subsided, but there were no changes with urination. At the moment, it is very difficult for us to get an appointment with a narrow specialist. Please advise what to do in my situation? Thanks

In Larisa's comment, a misspelling was made in the word mill, it must be correct melgamma.

Tonya, I have the same thing as you, how do you feel now, has something changed?

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only a qualified doctor can treat diseases.

Regular urge to go to the toilet in a small way negatively affects not only the general well-being, but leaves an imprint on the psycho-emotional state.

Frequent urination in women at night

Nocturia or frequent urination in women at night is a common cause of sleep disturbances and a signal of problems in the functioning of any organs and systems. Every day, the kidneys secrete about 2.5 liters of fluid, while nocturnal diuresis accounts for about 1/3 of this volume. If the work of the urinary system changes, then nocturnal diuresis accounts for about 2/3 of the daily amount of water. The causes of this condition can be both physiological and associated with pathological processes in the body.

Physiological factors of nictruria:

  • Pregnancy - in the last stages of bearing a child, an enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, which causes a decrease in the volume of urine that fits in it.
  • The premenstrual period is characterized by fluid retention in the body due to hormonal changes. After menstruation, the condition returns to normal.
  • Climax - this process is accompanied by a decrease in the elasticity of tissues, including the muscular frame of the bladder. This causes destabilization of his work. The body cannot hold a large amount of fluid, provoking nighttime urge to go to the toilet.

In addition to the above factors, nocturnal pollakiuria is inevitable with heavy drinking before bedtime or the use of diuretic drinks.

Pathological causes of nocturia in women:

  • Infectious lesions of the urinary tract. Pathological processes in the urethra, ureters and bladder cause irritation of the mucous membrane of these organs, which leads to the urge to urinate.
  • Diabetes mellitus - this endocrine disease is caused by poor functioning of the pancreas, which synthesizes insulin. Because of this, the patient drinks a lot of fluids, causing dysuria. Urine is excreted in large volumes both during the day and at night. Against this background, there is increased dryness of the mucous membranes and, of course, strong thirst.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system - it can be cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, nephrosclerosis, cystopyelitis and other pathologies.
  • Chronic heart failure - in this case, nocturia in women is associated with blood stasis and malfunction of the genitourinary system.

When determining the causes of the disorder, a comprehensive individual approach is needed. This is due to the fact that there is no clearly established norm for urination at night. Particular attention is paid to the presence of concomitant symptoms and the general condition of the patient.

Frequent urination in women during the day

The problem of pollakiuria is familiar to many people firsthand. Frequent urination in women during the day can be associated with both natural processes in the body and various disorders. An increased desire to go a little is considered quite normal during pregnancy and in old age, before menstruation or with changes in hormonal levels.

An unpleasant condition may indicate the development of diabetes or diabetes insipidus. In the first case, the disease is associated with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the body, which is manifested by a complex of various symptoms. In the second case, the patient suffers from intense thirst, so going to the toilet is explained by drinking plenty of water. The problem occurs with kidney disease and heart failure, as well as with prolapse of the uterus and many gynecological diseases.

Dysuric syndrome can occur with additional symptoms that indicate problems such as:

  • Pyelonephritis - in urine there are impurities of pus and blood, back pain, chills, fever, general weakness.
  • Urolithiasis - painful sensations above the pubis, interruption of the process of urination until the organ is emptied, incontinence during physical exertion, coughing, laughter.
  • Cystitis - burning and pain in the urethra, a feeling of not completely emptying the bladder.
  • Sexual infections - vaginal discharge of a different nature, swelling and redness of the external genital organs, an increase in inguinal lymph nodes.
  • Urethritis - burning, pain and itching in the urethra, mucous discharge from the urethra.
  • Uterine fibroids - violation of the menstrual cycle, pain in the lower abdomen, uterine bleeding.

If the endless urge to the toilet causes anxiety and painful symptoms, then you should immediately seek medical help. The doctor diagnoses the pathological condition and prescribes its treatment.

Frequent urination in the morning in women

Important indicators of health are the frequency and nature of bladder emptying. Their changes allow drawing conclusions about the state of the urinary system and identifying various diseases. Normally, a person urinates about 7-10 times a day. Exceeding this amount should cause concern.

Frequent urination in the morning in women may be due to completely harmless factors. For example, if a lot of liquid was drunk before going to bed, a watermelon or other diuretic products were eaten. This is observed in pregnant women, with various hormonal changes in the body and with the use of dysuric drugs before bedtime.

If dysfunction occurs with additional symptoms, then this may indicate diseases such as cystitis, urethritis, overactive bladder, adnexitis, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, and much more. Treatment of a painful condition depends entirely on its cause. So, infectious and inflammatory pathologies are treated with antibiotics, and in case of hormonal disorders, replacement therapy is indicated.

Itching and frequent urination in women

Itching and frequent urination in women occurs with many inflammatory and infectious pathologies. Consider the possible causes of the disorder.

  • Fungal infections - most often women experience candidiasis. Infection occurs when the microflora of the vagina is disturbed due to antibiotics, tight synthetic underwear, irritating sanitary pads, or regular change of sexual partners.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases - this can be a herpes infection or gardnerellosis. Both pathologies cause vaginal dysbacteriosis, itching and regular urge to urinate.
  • Vulvovaginitis is an inflammatory lesion of the genital organs by gonococci or Trichomonas.

If itching occurs immediately after emptying the bladder, then this may indicate such pathologies:

  • Cystitis - is diagnosed in more than 25% of women, in 10% of cases it occurs in a chronic form.
  • Urolithiasis - stones and sand irritate the mucous membrane of the urinary canal. Because of this, there is a burning sensation, pain, blood discharge.
  • Urethritis is an inflammatory lesion of the urinary canal that provokes itching, burning, pain.

A painful condition can be triggered by pathologies of internal organs, hypothermia of the body and various injuries. There are also non-infectious causes of the disorder: psycho-emotional experiences, non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene or an allergy to cosmetics, pinworm infection, diabetes mellitus. The final diagnosis is made by the doctor after a gynecological examination, smears and tests.

Frequent urination in women after sex

For many people, sex is a source of emotional release and pleasure, but in some cases it can lead to unpleasant and even painful consequences. Many people ignore the discomfort after intercourse, considering this condition is not dangerous. At the same time, one of the symptoms of the pathological process in the body is frequent urination in women after sex. Its appearance indicates a violation of the normal functioning of the urinary system.

Consider the main causes of the disorder:

  • Postcoital cystitis is an inflammatory process that is quite common among women who have an active sex life. Symptoms occur shortly after sex. The disease state is associated with the introduction of harmful microorganisms from the male urethra into the female urethra and bladder.
  • Aggressive sexual intercourse, in which the mucous membranes of the external genital organs and the urethra are injured. In this case, microtraumas open the way for the penetration of pathogenic agents and the development of inflammatory reactions.
  • Non-compliance with intimate hygiene is a high risk of developing various infectious pathologies of both the bladder and the vagina, the adnexa of the uterus.
  • Violation of the normal microflora of the vagina - bacterial vaginosis is accompanied by dysuric disorders and other painful symptoms.
  • Weakened immune system - a violation of the protective properties allows bacteria and viruses to enter the body, causing various diseases and inflammatory reactions.
  • Metabolic disorders - diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, obesity and more.
  • Hormonal disorders - in violation of the secretion of female sex hormones, there are problems with the reproductive system and many inflammatory pathologies.

Pollakiuria can occur not only after vaginal, but also after oral or anal sex. With oral caresses, there is a risk of transmission of the pathogen from the mucous membranes of the oral cavity to the genitourinary organs and vice versa. Against this background, inflammation of the gums and tonsils can develop. As a rule, patients with immunodeficiency states face this problem. Anal intercourse can cause the development of not only cystitis, but also pyelonephritis.

To prevent a painful condition, preventive methods should be observed: maintain intimate hygiene, increase the protective properties of the immune system, use barrier contraceptives (condom) when having sex with an unfamiliar partner or developing inflammation of the genital organs in a permanent one, and also regularly undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist.

Itching, burning and frequent urination in women

The anatomical structure of the female reproductive system contributes to the appearance of inflammatory reactions in the urethra and bladder. Such a symptom complex as itching, burning and frequent urination in women occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Infectious factors (inflammation of the bladder, urethra, external and internal genital organs).
  • Cystitis.
  • Urethritis.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Urogenital chlamydia.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Ureoplasmosis.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • herpetic infections.
  • Bacterial vaginosis.
  • Atrophic vulvovaginitis.
  1. Non-infectious factors (mechanical, chemical irritation).
  • Non-compliance with intimate hygiene or its improper conduct.
  • The use of cosmetic preparations that change the normal level of acidity and inhibit the healthy microflora of the vagina.
  • Hypersensitivity to chemical contraceptives.
  • Use of tampons or pads in violation of hygiene.
  • Injuries of the urethra (urolithiasis, improper insertion of the catheter, rough sexual intercourse).
  • Worm infestations.
  • Abuse of bladder irritating foods or drugs.

In addition to the above reasons, itching and burning in combination with pollakiuria may indicate a condition during pregnancy, before / after menstruation, or endocrine disorders.

To determine the cause of the disease state, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination and pass a series of laboratory tests. According to the results of the diagnosis, the doctor makes the most optimal treatment plan.

Diarrhea and frequent urination in women

As a rule, diarrhea and frequent urination in women are not signs of any pathologies, of course, provided that there are no additional symptoms. This may be a normal reaction of the body to certain violations of its functioning.

If a combination of diarrhea and polyuria make themselves felt over a long period of time, then this may indicate pathologies such as:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart failure, heart attack).
  • Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, diabetes).
  • Stones in the urinary tract or kidneys.
  • Liver or kidney failure.
  • Cystitis.
  • Viral or bacterial infections.
  • Weakened pelvic floor muscles.
  • overactive bladder
  • Various injuries.

As for the physiological causes of diarrhea and diuresis, it can be:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Condition before or after menstruation.
  • Food or drug poisoning.

Particular attention should be paid to urinary tract infections (UTIs), as they are the typical cause of bladder dysfunction and diarrhea. The mechanism of the development of a disease state is associated with the entry of bacteria into the organ through the urethra. According to medical statistics, about 50-60% of women have experienced a UTI at least once in their lives.

There are certain risk factors for this pathology: irritation and inflammation of the vagina, changes in the structure of the urinary system during pregnancy, various chronic diseases, improper wiping after the toilet, sexual trauma, hydration and retention of urine for a long time.

To diagnose the cause of an unpleasant condition and eliminate it, you should seek medical help. After a complex of various examinations, the doctor will prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

Constipation and frequent urination in women

There are many causes of problems such as constipation and frequent urination. Women are most often diagnosed with disorders such as:

  • Diabetes mellitus (1 and 2 types).
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Stones in the bladder.
  • Overactive bladder.
  • Infectious lesions of the kidneys.
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Use of laxatives and diuretics.
  • Stress and emotional experiences.
  • Deficiency of fiber in the diet.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eating Disorders.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Some medications.

Similar symptoms occur during pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the body cause dysuric syndrome and difficulty with bowel movements. Another possible cause of the disorder is urinary dysfunction. Most often it is diagnosed in childhood. The problem arises from damage to the muscles that control the bladder and bowel movements. Various neurological diseases can cause damage to the nerve fibers that feed the bladder and are responsible for bowel function.

If regular urination and constipation persist for a long period of time, then this is a reason to immediately seek medical help. Without timely treatment, there is a risk of developing an acute inflammatory reaction and intoxication of the body with feces.

Nausea and frequent urination in women

According to medical statistics, every day a woman visits the toilet from 3 to 6 times, while the number of trips in a small way depends entirely on the amount of fluid drunk, metabolic rate and a number of other physiological factors. Symptoms such as nausea and frequent urination in women are most often associated with such causes:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Condition before menstruation.
  • Menopause.
  • body intoxication.
  • Abuse of caffeine or alcoholic beverages.
  • Overeating foods with diuretic properties (cucumbers, cranberries, lingonberries, watermelon).
  • Nervous experiences.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pathologies from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Urinary system disorders.
  • endocrine disorders.

All of the above factors require careful diagnosis and differentiation. If this condition is left without medical attention, this can lead to its progression and aggravation of painful symptoms.

Bloating and frequent urination in women

Many people are faced with such a problem as flatulence and pollakiuria. Several factors are thought to be the cause of this condition. Bloating and frequent urination in women in most cases is associated with pathological changes in the genitourinary system.

Causes of the disorder:

  • Drinking large amounts of fluids, especially carbonated drinks, coffee, or alcohol.
  • Pregnancy - during growth, the fetus begins to put pressure on the urinary organs, causing unpleasant symptoms.
  • If flatulence and the urge to go to the toilet are accompanied by pain, cutting or burning, then this indicates a progressive inflammatory process.
  • Hemorrhoids - symptoms occur due to increased pressure on the cavernous vessels.
  • Oncological diseases.

To establish the root cause of the disease state, complex diagnostics are shown. It consists of ultrasound, various laboratory tests and smears, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. According to the results of the examinations, the patient is prescribed a treatment regimen.

Frequent urination due to nerves in women

A periodically diagnosed pathology in both children and adults is bladder neurosis or frequent urination due to nerves. In women, this condition is associated with disturbances in the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the nervous system. The first section retains urine by contracting the sphincter, and the second is responsible for relaxing the walls of the bladder and the sphincter to remove fluid. Various stresses and nervous experiences lead to the excitability of each of the departments, which is why the dysuric syndrome occurs.

The disorder is associated with such factors:

  • Increased muscle tension. When stressed, the muscles are in an overstrained state, putting pressure on the bladder. This causes the urge to go to the toilet.
  • Intrusive thoughts and ideas. Neurological disorders force you to concentrate on your physical sensations. Most often it is the desire to urinate.

The painful condition may be associated with nerve damage in the urinary departments, that is, the neurogenic bladder. In this case, in addition to stress, pollakiuria provokes Parkinson's disease, systemic atrophy, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, stroke or herpes zoster, which affects the nerve endings in the sacral region.

Neurosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Paruresis (psychogenic factor) is the difficulty or inability to go to the toilet with strangers, even with a strong desire.
  • Patients do not feel their bladder. Because of this, trips to the toilet become regular. This symptom can be supplemented by pain in the lumbar region and perineum.

Neurotic disorders are difficult to diagnose, but they are easily treatable. As a rule, various anti-stress drugs or tranquilizers, physiotherapy and a therapeutic diet are prescribed to eliminate them.

Frequent false urge to urinate in women

As a rule, frequent false urge to urinate in women indicates the development of an inflammatory process. But do not forget that the urinary system is multilevel, that is, it is not only the bladder and neurons, but also many other organs. Based on this, pollakiuria can occur at any of its levels due to the influence of certain pathological factors.

Consider the main causes of false pollakiuria:

  • Inflammatory diseases.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Gynecological pathologies.
  • Immune system disorders.
  • Menopause.
  • Pregnancy
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Venereal infectious diseases.

In addition to the above factors, the disorder may occur due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, with diseases of the central nervous system, constipation, uterine myoma, iron deficiency anemia.

There are more harmless reasons: the abuse of coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, sweets. In any case, if the discomfort persists for several days and interferes with normal life, then medical attention should be sought.

Such a symptom as frequent urination in men without pain appears quite often in the stronger sex. It brings every man a lot of trouble, despite the fact that it manifests itself completely painlessly.

In the event that a man drinks a lot for several hours, then this can be considered a completely normal and justified phenomenon, because the liquid drunk during the day leaves the body.

In the same way, the urinary process can also manifest itself at night, especially if a lot of liquid was consumed at night, because this is the only way the liquid comes out. It should be noted that in any case, this phenomenon brings a lot of discomfort, since a man has to constantly run to the toilet.

However, sometimes there are cases when men often start running to the toilet, in one trip they release a little liquid, just a few drops, and so on throughout the day. All this has its own explanation.

The neck of the bladder is an innervated area that can respond to stretching of the tissues of the organ. In any inflammatory process, certain receptors are irritated, as a result of which signals are distributed that indicate that the bladder is full. It is because of this that a man wants to go to the toilet and empty himself as soon as possible. But when he comes to the toilet, he urinates a few drops, and this does not help him at all to overcome the problem and lose the constant urge. After a while, he wants to go to the toilet again.

It is worth noting

The reasons for frequent urination in men can be different features, and they do not always indicate the development of some serious disease, but inflammation or an infectious process can also occur in the body.

For any man, a terrible diagnosis is prostatitis, which can not only disrupt sexual functions, but also cause pain and discomfort when urinating. If this disease is not treated in time, then it can develop into complete impotence, and then there can be no question of any woman nearby.

It should be noted

With this disease, the symptoms can be quite different, they are not limited only to frequent trips to the toilet, so you should not immediately panic and sound the alarm, you should immediately consult a doctor who will accurately determine the causes of the problem, make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In addition to the above disease, the following ailments and problems can cause frequent urination in men without pain.

  • Prostate- This is one of the most common causes of violations of the genitourinary system.
  • Prostatitis- inflammatory process. With this disease, the process of urination may be accompanied by a burning sensation, and the amount of urine excreted can be equated to a few drops.
  • Urolithiasis disease. This disease occurs in men much more often than in women. Because of stones in the kidney or both organs, you may want to constantly go to the toilet.
  • Sexual infections, namely diseases of the penis are often the cause of increased urination.
  • Violation of the acid composition in the urine leads to irritation of the walls of blood vessels and contributes to frequent urge to urinate.
  • Abuse of harmful drinks. As a preventive measure, you can try to stop drinking teas, coffee and alcoholic beverages. And if the rapid symptom stops, then it is worth throwing all experiences aside. But if the body has not reacted in any way to a decrease in the drinking regime and the abandonment of bad habits, then you should consult a doctor with this problem.
  • Cystitis- this disease is a less common harbinger of frequent urination in men than in women, but such cases also occur.
  • neurotic states when the problem of pathology lies not in the organs of the genitourinary system, but in the head.

Only a doctor can diagnose a disease associated with frequent urination in men without pain, who should be observed until the condition improves and all prescriptions for treatment should be followed. Typically, in this case therapy is aimed at eliminating the causes of pathology and may be of the following nature:

  • medical(with the help of medicines) if the problem is caused by one of the above ailments.
  • Physiotherapy, and represent procedures that help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and eliminate inflammatory foci.
  • Physical, which is aimed at strengthening the smooth muscles of the bladder and perineum.
  • Operational, and be aimed at eliminating the pathology by one of the surgical methods.

If frequent urination in men without pain appears more and more, then it's time to take the necessary measures. Doctors do not recommend patients to self-medicate and trust traditional medicine. To diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment, you need to contact your doctor.

As noted above, it is not worth treating such ailments with folk methods, but using them as an additional therapy to the main treatment is quite acceptable. However, in this case, you should first consult with your doctor so as not to harm yourself and further aggravate the situation.

There are many traditional medicine recipes that help to cope with this problem. Most often they are decoctions of medicinal herbs, and in some cases it is recommended to soar the legs or warm the limbs with dry heat.

Constant urge to urinate in men with pain: signs and symptoms

The constant urge to urinate in men can be absolutely painless and cause only psychological and aesthetic discomfort, although they are harbingers of serious diseases. Painful frequent urge to urinate alarms the representatives of the stronger sex much more often and forces them to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

The list of diseases due to which a man can often urinate, while feeling pain, partially repeats the list of causes of painless frequent urination. In this case, it all depends on the characteristics of each organism and the degree of complexity of the disease.

Among the most common problems are cystitis, kidney stones, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.

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Frequent urination is considered to be urine discharge from 5 to 20 times a day. There are several varieties of this phenomenon. Among them it is worth noting:

  • Increase in urine during the daytime during vigorous activity. This variety occurs in people with urolithiasis.
  • Emptying during night sleep in the event of an infection or inflammation of the prostate gland or an increase in its volume. This may be due to the fact that a person has consumed a lot of caffeine or diuretic drugs.
  • The desire to go to the toilet increases during the day, and at night the person sleeps normally. This may be due to a nervous breakdown. This type is less common in men than in women.

Constant urge to urinate in women

The constant urge to urinate in men is no exception, and they also occur in women. They can be the causes of various kinds of diseases, in such cases, the number of urination exceeds the norm, resulting in a large volume of urine. However, the cause of such increases may be completely different problems than those of the strong half of humanity, and one of them is pregnancy.

As a rule, signs of an increase in the frequency of the need to urinate are observed in the first trimester due to certain physiological changes in the female body. When the period is already decent and affects the third trimester, a woman also has to deal with such a symptom as copious urine output. Urination increases due to the fact that the fetus presses on the bladder, as a result of which the woman has to wake up several times a night to go to the toilet. The movement of the baby in the womb can also lead to the urge. It is not worth treating these phenomena in any way, everything will go away by itself as soon as the baby is born.

Constant urge to urinate in children

The process of frequent urination occurs not only in adults, but also in children. The child begins to excrete more urine when he drank a lot of water, is tense and worried. Infants also often urinate, this is due to the physiological characteristics of the development of the child's body. There is nothing bad in this. You should not compare different children, because one can pee ten times a day, while the other will have to change at least 15 diapers.

Newborn babies can urinate up to twenty times a day. And many babies immediately urinate after drinking liquids or mother's milk. But if the child is already more than nine years old, then this problem should alert his parents. After all, he should urinate no more than five times a day. This is an occasion to bring the child to the doctor, who will assess his condition and development.

Causes of frequent urination at night

There are times when frequent urination occurs at night. This phenomenon is called nucturia. The process of excessive urination in this case occurs precisely at night, while during the day no pathologies are noted. This process can become more frequent for various reasons, which were described above.

When such a problem becomes relevant, it is imperative to see a doctor in order to accurately identify the origin of the pathology, which can be either a banal nervous strain or a serious development of a tumor.

Frequent urination in men during the day

Frequent urination in men during the day is the need to empty the bladder many times a day.

This problem in any case requires close monitoring and therefore it is not recommended to ignore it, especially if there are some other accompanying symptoms.

First, you should identify the reasons for the need for frequent urination, they may be the following:

  • Pathological- when inflammatory processes begin to occur in the body, like prostatitis, cystitis.
  • Physiological, which may depend on the large volume of fluid drunk or the use of drugs.
  • Psycho-emotional, which are manifested due to stress and various diseases.

The key to eliminating such problems is certainly timely and correct treatment. Frequent urination can be observed both in children and in women and men, and if the cause is identified in time and the proper course of therapy is taken, then the development of serious diseases can be excluded.

To prescribe treatment, the doctor must examine several organs of the patient, collect all the tests, conduct examinations, and only then make a final diagnosis. Most often, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs, and in some cases antidepressants are prescribed for such symptoms. Vitamins for men will not be superfluous.

Frequent urination in men during the day or at night is a fairly serious problem. To prevent it from touching you, you should pay due attention to prevention and follow these recommendations:

  • Drink moderate amounts of liquid.
  • Do sport.
  • Get tested and checked annually.
  • Pay attention to all diseases of your body, especially the organs of the genitourinary system.

Urination (synonym: deurination) of a person is an arbitrary emptying of the bladder into the external environment through the corresponding channel (urethra). Any violation of this process is called dysuria. There is no exact figure for the number of urination, after which we can talk about its increase.

The average number of trips to the toilet per day for an adult is five to nine during the day and no more than one episode at night. At a time, an adult should allocate from 200 to 300 ml of fluid. Nighttime urination is called nocturia.

Frequent urination exceeds 10 trips to the toilet per day. If at the same time an increase in the volume of secretions is also noted, such a symptom is called polyuria. With frequent urination, a single amount of urine is less. By the way, this symptom can be harmless and hide serious pathologies.

Below will be considered the symptoms and treatment of cystitis in women, the drugs used in therapy, and many other issues.

Urine formation in general

The renal pelvis system is involved in the production of urine, which is a filter for the body. The regulation of the process occurs under the control of the central nervous system. 180 liters are produced per day of primary urine. It contains not only water, but also salts, sugars, a special acid, and in case of pathologies, protein and other substances. But a person excretes only about one and a half liters of urine into the external environment, which is already secondary.

What it is? This is urine obtained after primary reabsorption. In this process, many substances are absorbed back into the blood.

What determines the amount of urine excreted? It is directly related to age, nutrition, gender, climate and the general condition of the body.

Causes of frequent urination in women

There are the following reasons:

  1. Physiological - are the norm. With them, the symptoms of a certain disease in the form of temperature, cramps, itching, burning, pain and other things are absent.
  2. Pathological - associated with a variety of ailments of the body.

Only 15% of these manifestations are associated with diseases of the renal system, the rest can be triggered by cardiac, endocrine, STIs (genital), gynecological and other pathologies.

Frequent urination without pain: causes

In many cases, the constant or frequent urge to empty the bladder in women is not a pathology:

  1. The cause of frequent (without pain) urination in women can be the use of diuretics for different purposes. This increases both the number of discharges and their volume.
  2. Pregnancy is the most common physiological cause of frequent (no pain) urination in women. It is due to the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the urethra and bladder. And in this case, nighttime urination is characteristic. But the reason is not only this. A change in the hormonal background in a pregnant woman leads to an increase in the volume of circulating blood to create better nutrition for the fetus. This, in turn, further burdens the renal system. In addition, the amniotic fluid must be renewed every two to three hours. All together cannot but be reflected in the diuresis of a woman.
  3. Features of nutrition - various spices, pickles, fats contribute to the increase in fluid secretion. All of them irritate the internal receptors of the bladder on the mucosa.
  4. Abuse of caffeinated drinks - green tea, alcohol, especially beer. Too much coffee produces copious urine. This is not felt when drinking an instant drink. But if you switch to coffee from fresh beans, you will immediately feel the difference.
  5. Hypothermia of the legs. In this case, the frequency of going to the toilet is a normal reaction of the bladder.
  6. Psycho-emotional shocks. Under stress, tissue hypoxia occurs, resulting in frequent urination.
  7. Menstruation. A few days before its appearance, fluid begins to linger in the body (the body is preparing for a potential pregnancy), and with the advent of menstruation, it begins to be excreted intensively.
  8. Climax. An increase in the frequency and constant urge to urinate in a woman at this age is associated with a restructuring of the hormonal background. Estrogens are coming to naught, and a lot depended on them at one time. Before menopause, they maintained the tone of the uterus and vagina, the normal sensitivity of mucosal receptors in the urethra and bladder, and contributed to their good blood supply. Now this is not happening. Metabolism slows down. Urination not only becomes more frequent, but also disturbs during sleep. At least two trips to the toilet at night is the norm during menopause. Additionally, at this age, urinary incontinence often joins.

Pathological causes of frequent urination in women

A certain pathology is becoming one of the most common causes of constant urge to urinate in women. Usually it is infectious and inflammatory, and in women it occurs much more often - three times - compared to men. The culprit is the anatomy of the MPS - the female urethra is shorter and wider, and the pathogen can easily enter the urinary tract.


Inflammation of the bladder mucosa. With this pathology, pain in the lower abdomen and in the region of the bladder itself is characteristic. Trips to the toilet occur with pain, burning and frequent. In a woman, the constant urge to urinate is also due to the fact that there is no feeling of complete emptying with cystitis. Often, incontinence joins, and the discharge may become cloudy due to pus and protein, which indicates complications.

Painful and frequent urination in women, accompanied by a burning sensation and pain, is one of the early manifestations of cystitis. At the same time, the general condition is not disturbed, the temperature is within the normal range or rises slightly - up to 37.5 ° C.

Antibacterial drugs are always prescribed for the treatment of cystitis. In addition, therapy begins with a plentiful drink. Useful decoctions of cranberries and lingonberries.

Not only antibiotics are used, but also antispasmodics, physiotherapy, herbal medicine, analgesics. Well helps UHF, iontophoresis, inductothermy.


So called most often infectious inflammation of the urethral mucosa. Painful and frequent urination in women is the most common complaint. It is supplemented at the initial stage by malaise, burning and itching in the urethra. General symptoms of intoxication are uncharacteristic. The insidiousness of urethritis is that it does not go away without treatment, so therapy is necessary.

Getting rid of pathology in women consists of several stages.

  1. Elimination of infection, antibiotics are used for this.
  2. The next phase is the normalization of the vaginal microflora.
  3. Either way, boost your immune system.

Urolithiasis disease

Painful urge to urinate in women, often with pain and blood, is very characteristic of KSD. This is because stones often damage the mucous membrane of the excretory tract. Also, the stream of urine may be interrupted, the bladder is not completely emptied; there are pains above the pubis, with a return to the inner surface of the thigh and perineum.

The localization of stones can be different, and increased urination may indicate their localization in the bladder. This usually manifests itself when running, shaking driving - then a woman suddenly has a sharp desire to urinate.

To start treatment of KSD, the type of calculi, their size and localization are preliminarily established. The type of stones suggests a different diet. If necessary, surgical measures are prescribed. They can be in the form of endoscopic or cystoscopic crushing of stones. Often and abdominal surgery.


Infectious lesion of the renal tubular system. It is acute and chronic. Let's take a look at the features below.

The constant urge to urinate in women with pyelonephritis usually becomes a symptom of a chronic form. In addition, it is accompanied by dull aching pains in the back, worse in cold or damp weather.

The progression of pathology with damage to two kidneys leads to the development of arterial hypertension. In the acute form, the temperature quickly rises to 39-40 ° C, the patient complains of weakness and chills, nausea and even vomiting.

Lower back pain intensifies, urine may become cloudy as a result of an increase in leukocytes - a purulent process. Treatment should be under the supervision of a physician. The course of antibiotic therapy is long, combined with phytotherapy, antispasmodics. At the end of the acute period, spa treatment is desirable.

Bladder atony

The name suggests a weakening of the tone of the bladder walls. The main symptom is frequent, painless urge to urinate in women with a small amount of fluid secreted.

This pathology is often congenital, so the only way to solve the problem will be special exercises and taking drugs to strengthen the muscular wall of the bladder. Atony is characterized by a sharp urge to urinate in women without delay.

Overactive bladder (OAB)

Usually this condition becomes a consequence of other pathologies. In this case, spontaneous contraction of the muscles of the bladder occurs, caused by increased activity of the receptors. There is a failure of one of the links in the chain: "bubble - wire paths - the brain."

Deurination is frequent and occurs at any time of the day. It is often accompanied by urinary incontinence. Treatment will be aimed at normalizing the increased excitability of the central nervous system: muscle relaxants, botulinum toxin, sedatives.

False urge to urinate

False urge to urinate in women - these are situations where there is a desire to empty, and there is no discharge of fluid or its meager amount is observed.

They can be provoked by:

  • the presence of stones in the kidneys or bladder;
  • persistent constipation;
  • the systematic use of alcoholic beverages in large quantities;
  • constant stress or anxiety;
  • cystitis.

Diseases of the female genital organs

Fibromyoma - there may be no symptoms or at the initial stage there are only menstrual irregularities, pain in the lower abdomen, metrorrhagia. With the growth of this benign tumor, it compresses the excretory tract, which leads to an increase in urges.

Treatment of frequent urination in women in this case depends entirely on the elimination of the tumor. Treatment is hormonal or surgical.

Descent of the uterus. It occurs as a result of the weakening of the ligamentous apparatus that supports the organ; weakening of the pelvic muscles and fascia. In this case, the bottom and neck fall below their normal anatomical and physiological boundaries. This also displaces the bladder. Patients suffer from meno- and metrorrhagia, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, sensations of a foreign body in the vagina, incontinence and increased urges. If you do not carry out treatment, the uterus falls even lower, the displacement of the rectum joins.

Medicines for frequent urge to urinate in women are selected according to the degree of the disease, taking into account concomitant gynecological pathologies and the age of the patient.

As a conservative treatment, strengthening the muscles of the press and the pelvic floor (gymnastics, gynecological massage, HRT) is used. Heavy physical labor is excluded. The radical method is an operation.

Endocrine pathologies

Diabetes mellitus - glucose is always connected with water molecules, so frequent urination occurs. Moreover, it is one of the first symptoms, especially at night.

In addition, there are additionally polydipsia and polyuria - thirst and a large volume of diuresis (up to three liters). Other symptoms include itching of the skin, vulvitis on this basis, a decrease in the regenerative abilities of tissues (long-term non-healing of scratches and wounds).

Diabetes insipidus - this disease is characterized by a sharp polydipsia and diuresis of up to five liters. With pathology, the urge to urinate in women is constant. As a result of dehydration, patients lose weight, weakness, nausea appear; the skin becomes dry.

The disease is associated with dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, when the level of vasopressin in the blood falls. Diabetes insipidus is treated with HRT, which becomes lifelong.

Cardiovascular diseases

The urge to urinate in women at night is often associated with CVD. They appear due to the fact that during the day in the tissues of the body due to a decrease in the pumping function of the heart, fluid accumulates - edema. At night, in a horizontal position of a person, it begins to be actively excreted.

Painful frequent urination in women: causes

Frequent urination in women with pain can be caused not only by inflammation of the urinary tract, but also by infections such as STIs - gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. The symptom occurs because the urinary apparatus is closely connected with the genital area.

If women have an urge to urinate with a burning sensation, the cause is not only cystitis, but also STIs. The prerequisite for such dysuria may also appear in the improper use of hygienic tampons, which irritate the vaginal mucosa.

Frequent urination can also occur immediately after sex, due to irritation of the walls of the vagina, but it is transient.


Various methods are used for diagnosis. These include:

  • MRI of the brain;
  • urethrography;
  • measurement of excretory function of the kidneys;
  • bacterial analyzes of urine and blood;
  • UAC and OAM;
  • biochemistry of blood and urine;

But the main thing is ultrasound.


Let us now consider what treatment (drugs) is used for symptoms of cystitis in women:

  • penicillins that are not destroyed due to the presence of flormuleclavulanic acid;
  • fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin);
  • cephalosporins (cefuroxime, ceftriaxone);
  • nitrofurans (nitroxoline, nevigramon).

Uroantiseptics - "Furadonin", "Furazolidone", "Uronefron", "Kanefron", "Urolesan".

Pre- and probiotics - are needed to normalize the microflora of MPS. More often than others, "Lactobacterin", "Acipol", "Linex", "Enterol" and others are used.

Antispasmodics - are indicated for ICD, because there is irritation of the mucous membrane with salts and stones, as a result of which a spasm appears. Assign "Drotaverin", "Spazmalgon", "No-shpu" and others. Mirabegon is popular. The drugs are taken for at least three months.

Phytopreparations - contain plants that have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effects. These funds also contribute to the dissolution and excretion of some salts (centaury, horsetail, rosemary, lovage, dog rose and others). More often than others, Fitolizin, Cyston, Urolesan are used.

Management of non-urinary dysuria

With uterine fibroids, conservative treatment is ineffective, therefore, only surgical removal is required.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, in order to drive away edema, on the contrary, they achieve increased urination. For this, diuretics are used. Then the BCC decreases, swelling decreases. The more frequent trips to the toilet - the more effective the treatment. With a decrease in edema, diuretics are either canceled or the dose is reduced.

Treatment of urinary incontinence with drugs

For him, drugs are prescribed that enhance the work of sphincters and muscles. More often than others, "Midodrin" is prescribed - an alpha-adrenergic agonist. The action is based on increasing the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, due to which the sphincter is strengthened.

Duloxetine - inhibits the reuptake of serotonin. The latter begins to increase in the brain structures and the frequency of urination decreases. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, because the drug can cause a withdrawal syndrome.

More often than others are appointed:

  • "Driptan";
  • "Detrusitol";
  • "Spazmeks";
  • "Toviaz".


Prevention of the described pathologies should be comprehensive:

  1. Do not delay urination when there is an urge from the bladder. This is very harmful in all respects - the walls of the organ are irritated. Urine contributes to the deposition of stones, the appearance of a tumor, overstretching, etc.
  2. Drinking plenty of fluids before bed is undesirable.
  3. In the process of urination, make sure that the bladder is completely emptied.
  4. Do not abuse coffee, tea and soda.
  5. Observe the water-drinking regime - drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  6. Wearable underwear should be made from natural fabrics.
  7. When bathing, do not get carried away with bath foam.
  8. Showering should be a daily routine.
  9. Without indications, diuretics and herbal preparations should not be taken.

It is also necessary to eat right, give up bad habits and use clothes according to the weather to avoid hypothermia.