Exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. Cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis exercises Show exercises for the thoracic spine

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine are a necessary condition for the treatment of this disease, and they will also help for prevention. The pathology is very common, and every year the number of cases is steadily growing, because modern people have to move less and less in their normal lives. More and more professions simply involve being in front of a computer monitor; physical labor is becoming more and more archaic, which is where problems with the spine arise.

Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis at home can be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor. The fact is that with a sedentary lifestyle, the soft tissues and muscles around the spine allow less blood to pass through, which means less oxygen and useful minerals. Due to this chronic hypoxia and lack of microelements, the spinal discs dry out and become cracked, which in turn leads to curvature of the entire spinal column. Gymnastics for the thoracic spine will help solve these problems.

By starting to do exercises, a person postpones irreversible degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs as long as he plays sports or exercise therapy and leads a healthy lifestyle.

How to prepare for classes

For thoracic osteochondrosis, gymnastics has a therapeutic effect. But before you start regularly engaging in physical therapy, you must first carry out a number of preparatory measures:

  1. Going to the doctor. The specialist not only correctly diagnoses the pathology, its severity, complexity, and form, he must exclude possible complications and side effects from physical activity.
  2. We must not forget about contraindications, because not every body can withstand regular physical activity. A person may have chronic diseases that prevent active participation in sports, for example, heart failure, hypertension, glaucoma and other dangerous pathologies.
  3. The load when performing exercises should increase gradually, without causing pain to the patient. Exercise therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis is a pleasant medicine; it cannot be turned into punishment. If during the exercises you experience pain in the spine, nausea or suddenly become dizzy, you should stop exercising immediately. We must understand that exercise therapy is not the Olympic Games, and sports heroism can only lead to a worsening of the situation. All exercises are performed in slow motion; there should be no sudden turns or movements. The spine can be seriously damaged from certain physical manipulations performed incorrectly.
  4. The course of therapeutic exercises should not be interrupted, and breaking the training regimen is strictly not recommended. If this happens, training must be carried out constantly for treatment to be effective.

Exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis at home are performed for 2–3 weeks. The exact number of days is determined by the doctor. Shorter periods have no therapeutic benefit, and long courses can harm the condition of the spine.

7 useful exercises

There are 7 basic exercises for the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis. They must be performed with an open window to bring fresh air into the room. If it is very cold outside, then you can limit yourself to a window. Training is best done in the morning, preparing the spine for the day's stress. In the evening, breathing exercises will be enough to calm the nervous system.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine should begin with light exercises. The most effective exercises:

  1. The first exercise is performed standing. Starting position - hands on the waist. You need to alternately move your shoulders and elbows to the right and left, twisting the spine in the area of ​​the lower ribs. The movement is repeated 10–15 times in each direction.
  2. The starting position for this exercise is the same - hands on hips, elbows to the sides. The shoulders move forward simultaneously with the elbows, trying to touch, then they are pulled back with the same tension and the goal is to reach each other behind the back. Repeat 10-15 times back and forth.
  3. A set of exercises cannot be performed without a chair with a high back. Having taken a sitting position, you need to place your hands behind the back of your head and straighten your back, trying to press the entire upper part of the spine to the back of the chair.
  4. Starting position - sitting on a chair. The hands are placed behind the back just above the lower back, the shoulders are pulled back as far as possible, and you must remain in this position for 10–15 seconds. Then tilt your torso forward, lower your head and clasp your shoulders with your hands; you should remain in this position for another 10–15 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times per workout
  5. Starting position: hands on shoulders, right palm on the right shoulder, left palm on the left. The shoulders alternately fall to the right and then to the left, while the head tilts in the same direction as the shoulder. Such tilts should be done 10–15 in each direction.
  6. Starting position - sitting on a chair with a straight back, the lower back does not move while performing this exercise. The right arm should be extended to the right and slowly raised up until it touches the head and deviates as far as possible to the left. The hand should be straight at all times. The right hand is in the starting position along the body, the left hand is understood along the same circular parabola. Such swings should be done 10–15 in each direction.
  7. Starting position - palms in front of the chest in the manner of a praying Buddhist. The exercise begins with maximum muscle tension aimed at squeezing the palms; you need to remain in this tension for 10–15 seconds, then you can relax. This process needs to be repeated 4-5 times.

Not a single set of exercises is complete without breathing exercises. It can be done not only in the evening or in the morning, but also several times during the day. It is carried out as follows: one palm lies on the lower part of the sternum, and the other on the upper part of the abdomen, the task is to ensure that when breathing, the palm on the chest is in front of the lower palm when inhaling, and, on the contrary, behind it, in the vertical plane when exhaling. It turns out that breathing is also performed using the abdominal muscles.

Breathing exercises of this kind are carried out for 5–10 minutes in one session and lead to the fact that all parts of the lungs are involved: upper, middle and lower, while the oxygen content in the blood, in all internal organs and soft tissues of the spine increases.

Gymnastics for the thoracic spine with osteochondrosis at home can be completed with another breathing exercise. To do this, you need to stand on all fours, when inhaling, you should lift your chin up and lower your lower back as much as possible. When exhaling, the chin goes down and the back arches in the opposite direction. Each inhalation and then exhalation should take 5–7 seconds, that is, everything is done very slowly.


Whatever prerequisites for exercise therapy the doctor finds, one must understand that therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine are the most accessible and effective remedy for a rather serious disease. Neglecting this, treating the problem frivolously, is unwise and dangerous.

Our interest today is exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis at home. Osteochondrosis is an insidious and unpleasant disease. Where does it come from?

Signs and symptoms

Problems with the spine in conditions of deteriorating ecology are aggravated by a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, abundant irregular meals, and foods harmful to humans. Often people turn to specialists with complaints of pain in the spine.

Erroneously, these signs may indicate diseases of the internal organs: coronary heart disease, intercostal neuralgia, even pneumonia with difficulty breathing.

What causes painful manifestations in the thoracic spine

Here are the reasons that contribute to deviations from the norm:

  • predisposition due to heredity;
  • heavy physical activity associated with professional activities;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • metabolic disease;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • injuries;
  • infectious diseases;
  • ecology (air, drinking water);
  • overtraining;
  • stress.

Self-medication or neglect of these signs is unacceptable. To avoid mistaking one disease for another with similar symptoms, you should see a doctor. Only a specialist will figure out where the pain comes from, what its nature is and what to do in this case.

Effective diagnostic methods are known:

  • palpation;
  • X-ray;
  • magnetic resonance, computed tomography.

Carefully conducted studies will allow you to most accurately diagnose the extent of the disease and determine the treatment regimen first. exacerbation, and then conservation or the final procedure for healing.

Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis

Based on research by specialists and scientists, comprehensive measures have been developed aimed at treating this problematic disease. A comprehensive attack on the disease is used:

  • effects on internal organs (medicinal);
  • and external (manual therapy, physiotherapy).

Both are designed to relieve pain during exacerbation of the disease, relieve inflammation, restore the strength of muscle tissue and nerve endings. The last stage of treatment is massage and physical therapy ( exercise therapy) to consolidate the course and prevent relapse.

About movement therapy

Under the supervision of a doctor, treatment of osteochondrosis at home is possible in the form of a special gymnastics complex. You can compile it yourself, together with your doctor, or use those posted on the Internet.

Among them, the author’s programs for the treatment of spinal ailments, which were developed by famous athletes and doctors, are very popular. For example, Alexandra Bonina, a sports physician and physical therapy doctor, or Dr. Bubnovsky, the founder of kinesitherapy - treatment with physical exercises with loads.

Alexandra Bonina has developed a two-week course to strengthen the muscle corset that supports the spine. Spinal stretching exercises should be performed 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

Dr. Bubnovsky is a program for restoring lost functions of 20 exercises, which are performed in the gym on special simulators, but are also quite accessible at home. Kettlebells and dumbbells are convenient weights for such exercises. To stretch the spine, exercises with an expander or a stick are recommended.

Also, ancient yoga developed many asanas, twists, deflections and various poses that will help avoid ossification of articular cartilage.

And in cases where the disease does affect the thoracic spine, he recommends exercises to develop intervertebral discs. These are the same exercises for stretching the spine, such as squeezing the shoulder blades, arching, and push-ups.

A set of exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis

The purpose of the classes is to increase the flexibility and mobility of the thoracic spine, for which stretching exercises are used.

In the future, additional weight-bearing exercises can be used to strengthen the back muscle corset, but you need to start training small.

The exercises should be performed smoothly, at a slow pace, lingering in the final phase of the movement for 2–3 seconds.

Exercise 1 Starting position – legs slightly apart, straight arms raised to shoulder level. Take a deep breath - move your arms back as far as possible, exhale - bring your arms in front of your chest and grab yourself by the shoulders. Repeat the exercise 5-6 (then up to 10) times.

Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, back straight. Bring your shoulders together in front of you as close to each other as possible, round your back (exhale). Stay in this position for 2–3 seconds, then inhale, smoothly move your shoulders to the sides and back, and also hold for 2–3 seconds. Repeat the cycle 5-6 (or more) times.

Starting position - standing facing the corner, arms bent at the elbows and palms resting on opposite walls. With effort, stretch your body towards the center of the corner, trying to stretch the pectoral muscles and bring your shoulder blades together. Inhale. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times (then more).

Starting position - sitting on a chair or bench, arms bent at the elbows, fingers clasped in a lock around the neck. Bend back with effort, moving your elbows as far to the sides as possible and arching your chest forward. Inhale. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times (then more).

Exercise 5. Starting position: standing on all fours, supported by straight arms. Exhale - bend your back, squeeze your shoulder blades and raise your head up, inhale - arch your back, lower your head down. This exercise is often called the "Cat Back".

Exercise 6. Starting position - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders, back straight, arms down along the body. As you inhale, bend, your hands sliding along the body following the body: tilt to the right - the right hand tries to reach the knee, the left - to the lower border of the ribs, and vice versa. Do not bend the body forward. Exhale - return to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times in both directions, then more.

Exercise 7. Repeat exercise 1 at a slower pace.

At the beginning of training, these exercises are enough. In the future, you should add exercises to strengthen the back muscle corset.

Starting position – lying on your stomach, arms extended forward. Inhale – place your hands behind your head and lift your upper body off the floor as much as possible. Exhale - return to the starting position. Repeat from 3-5 to 10-15 times or more.

Starting position - lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows and connected under the chin. Inhale – raise your straight legs above the floor as much as possible. Exhale - return to the starting position. Repeat from 3-5 to 10-15 times or more.

Starting position – lying on your back, inhale. Exhale - pull your knees to your stomach, clasp them with your hands and tilt your head forward. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position - inhale. Repeat from 3-5 to 10-15 times or more.

Exercise 11. Starting position – lying on your back, inhale. Raise your legs as straight as possible – exhale. The exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, which will subsequently remove some of the load from the spine. Repeat in individual quantities.

You should always end your classes with breathing exercises. It’s easy to follow these recommendations. Their effectiveness is confirmed by reviews of people who have left behind unpleasant moments.

Therapeutic gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is an important element of complex treatment. The sternum area is less mobile and more durable than other vertebral regions, and. Therefore, pathological changes in articular cartilage are much less common in it. The causes of unpleasant and painful sensations are injuries and diseases of the spine. It is impossible to completely eliminate their manifestations with medications alone. Specially selected sets of gymnastic exercises stimulate nutrition and blood supply to the spinal discs and joint mobility.

It is necessary to use exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine correctly. Unprepared muscles and ligaments will “inadequately” respond to the load, causing discomfort and pain. It is especially important to observe “safety precautions” when preparing for classes for beginners who are starting such physical activity for the first time.

Prepare for classes like this:

  • Take a shower using warm water;
  • Gently rub the sternum area with massage movements;

Exercises always begin with a warm-up: rotation of the neck and pelvis, slow turns, swings.


Any complexes of therapeutic exercises associated with physical activity are performed slowly. If there is discomfort or pain, stop exercising and report any unpleasant sensations to a doctor or instructor.

In order for your training to bring maximum benefit, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Classes are conducted in a well-ventilated area;
  • Sportswear is chosen that is loose, breathable, and does not interfere with movement;
  • When doing exercises, watch for smoothness and “softness” of movements;
  • At each lesson, the intensity and amplitude of movements increases;
  • At the beginning of training and after it, blood pressure and pulse are measured;
  • If blood pressure and pulse are unstable, the load is immediately reduced;
  • While performing gymnastics, monitor your breathing: inhale and exhale;
  • Classes must be conducted regularly, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a positive result;
  • Training is carried out only after agreement with the doctor and the determination of an individual set of exercises.

Main goals of gymnastics

Therapeutic exercise for thoracic osteochondrosis is part of a comprehensive treatment. Therefore, its use pursues specific therapeutic goals:

  • Optimize capabilities: breathing and ventilation;
  • Work out the muscle mass of the shoulder girdle;
  • Prevent new attacks of the disease;
  • Form ;
  • Restore the correct curves of the spine;
  • Create strong from muscles;
  • Optimize general blood circulation and lymph outflow;
  • Improve the “supply” of nutrition to the cartilage tissue of the spine.

Physical therapy exercises increase overall tone and significantly improve the patient’s well-being.

Gymnastics during the acute period of thoracic osteochondrosis

Most doctors strongly do not recommend performing gymnastics for the thoracic spine during an exacerbation. Severe pain is eliminated with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor. During this period, the cartilage tissue is inflamed, so sudden movements can cause injury.

However, in some situations, the doctor may consider using gentle exercise. In this case, training must be carried out in the presence of an instructor and under his constant supervision. A special complex is selected for the patient, in which basic exercises are performed in a “light” mode.

The only exercise on which exercise therapy is based in the acute period is as follows:

  • Starting position – lying on your back (use a hard, flat surface with an inclination);
  • The head is located higher than the level of the legs;
  • The legs are slowly placed on a small cushion, under the knees;
  • Begin to breathe deeply using the diaphragm.

The key to this exercise is breathing and body position: the angle of inclination affects the stretch of the spine. Due to the rapid oxygenation of muscle fibers, muscle spasms are reduced, so pain is reduced.

When the patient's condition stabilizes and the pain syndrome decreases, physical activity increases. This is done only after permission from the attending physician.

Exercise 1

  • Starting position – lying on your stomach;
  • Spread your arms to the sides;
  • At the same time, slowly raise your arms up and tilt your head back;
  • Stay in this position for 5-6 seconds.

Exercise 2

  • Starting position – lying on your back with your arms extended forward;
  • At the same time, raise your arms and legs towards each other.

Exercise 3

  • Starting position – on all fours;
  • Slowly raise your head, smoothly arching (lowering down) your back;
  • Take a deep breath;
  • After all the muscles are tense, we slowly lower our head and arch our back;
  • Exhale.

Exercise 4

  • Starting position – kneeling;
  • The arms hang relaxed along the body;
  • Inhale and slowly raise your arms as high as possible, tilting your body forward;
  • Fix the pose for 2-3 seconds;
  • Relax, lower your arms down and return to the starting position.

Exercise 5

  • Starting position – lying on your stomach;
  • Arms extended forward;
  • Slowly raise your right arm and left leg;
  • We return to the starting position;
  • Slowly raise your left arm and right leg;
  • We return to the starting position.

Each exercise is done 5-6 times. If movements are accompanied by unpleasant sensations, the number of approaches is reduced.

Gymnastics during remission of thoracic osteochondrosis

The main load on muscle and joint tissue is provided by exercises carried out during the period of remission. This is the time when the pain syndrome has been relieved with the help of medications, and the patient feels satisfactory.

A well-chosen set of exercises allows a person to perform them independently at home. To do this, it is enough to take 1-2 trial classes with an instructor, who will evaluate the correctness of the complex.

Like any exercises, the exercise therapy complex for osteochondrosis for the thoracic spine begins with a warm-up.


Exercises that “warm up” muscles and ligaments can be performed in any position convenient for the patient: sitting or standing.

  • Slowly bend your neck from side to side;
  • Rotate your body, making circular movements;
  • With your arms extended to the sides, begin rotational movements, first in one direction, then in the other.

All warm-up exercises are done 5-10 times.

Main part

The complex is performed with objects from different starting positions.

Exercise 1

You will need a chair with a firm and straight back.

  • Sit on a chair;
  • Clasp your hands and “throw” them behind the back of your head;
  • Slowly arch your back until it touches the top edge of the chair.

We do 4-5 approaches.

Exercise 2

You will need a roller. To make it, take a rolling pin and a large towel. Wrap the towel around the rolling pin so that you have a roll about 10 cm in diameter.

  • Place the roller on the floor;
  • Lie on it with your back so that it is at the level of your sternum;
  • Throw your hands behind your head;
  • Slowly bend your back;

The exercise will strengthen the muscle tissue of the chest and back. You need to do it at least 5 times.

Exercise 3

Get on all fours and go “travel” around the apartment. This “walking” allows you to solve problems with all parts of the spine. A week after the start of classes, the exercise can be complicated. During one step, slowly arch your back, during the second, arch your back.

As you perform the movements, pay attention to the position of your body: your arms should be straight and your pelvis should be raised high.

Exercise 4

  • Starting position – lying on your back.
  • Bend your legs and bring them to your chest;
  • At the same time, slightly lift your lower back off the floor;
  • Keep your abdominal muscles tense;
  • Fix your body position for 5 seconds;
  • Take your starting position.

Exercise 5

  • Starting position: lying on your stomach.
  • Clasp your hands and throw them behind your head;
  • Spread your elbows to the side;
  • Slowly lift your upper body along with your shoulders;
  • Return to starting position;
  • Alternate raising each elbow in turn;
  • Return to the starting position.

Exercise 6

  • Starting position – standing.
  • Hands are placed on shoulders;
  • Raise your left shoulder while lowering your right;
  • Simultaneously with the movement, turn your head to the right;
  • Return to the starting position;
  • Raise your right shoulder while lowering your left;
  • Simultaneously with the movement, turn your head to the left;
  • Return to the starting position.

Each exercise is performed 4 to 6 times, depending on how you feel.

Completes a set of exercises. They do it as follows:

  • Spread your arms wide to the sides;
  • “Hug” yourself;
  • Feel how all the muscles stretch;
  • Return to the starting position.


Despite the obvious benefits of therapeutic exercises, not everyone can do it:

  • Recovery period after;
  • Pathologies of the nervous system with impaired coordination;
  • Diseases of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • Increased blood and intraocular pressure.

Exercise therapy is a treatment method, so you should not start it on your own. The exercise therapy instructor will select exercises that will take into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Medical control and systematic training are a guarantee of a full life without pain after osteochondrosis.

The appearance of osteochondrosis is difficult to miss, because the disease is accompanied by characteristic symptoms and creates significant discomfort for a person. Pathology occurs not only in older people, but also in young citizens, even children. That is why it is worth knowing its symptoms, as well as methods of treatment.

In this case, it will be much easier to take timely measures and prevent the development of the disease. Exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis are effective because they help maintain muscle tone and generally improve a person’s well-being. It is important to know what kind of physical activity will be required in order to have a positive effect on the patient’s health.

Thoracic osteochondrosis is a pathology that negatively affects the intervertebral discs. Because of this, a person experiences negative symptoms, because the elements of the spine are destroyed. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that other ailments may occur against its background. We are talking about atherosclerosis, pneumosclerosis, infertility, as well as many other abnormalities.

To know when to perform exercise therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis, you will need to know the symptoms of the disease. Because it is precisely from them that a person can independently suspect the disease. At the same time, for its subsequent diagnosis, it is important to consult a specialist.

Main features:

  • A feeling of regular pressure that appears in the back and chest area. At the same time, it is not uncommon for a person to find it difficult to breathe.
  • Reduced foot temperature, which was previously unusual for humans.
  • Gastrointestinal tract disorders. Nausea and even vomiting may occur.
  • , which occurs in attacks and is poorly controlled by conventional analgesics.
  • At times there is a feeling as if the body is going numb. This may also indicate that osteochondrosis has appeared. It is worth noting that numbness mainly occurs on one side, which is affected by pathology.
  • Pain in the chest that resembles heart pain. Because of this, people often mistakenly turn to a cardiologist because they suspect a completely different disease.
  • Stiffness of the trunk. It is difficult for a person to turn and bend.

These are the main symptoms for which it is important to do exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. If you take timely measures, then you will be able to significantly improve your condition. Wherein it is important to understand that seeing a doctor is a mandatory action. If you do not undergo professional diagnostics, it may eventually turn out that the person was treated for a completely different disease.


There are many negative factors that lead to the appearance of an unpleasant disease. In some cases, a person can influence the situation and prevent the occurrence or development of the disease. It is extremely important to lead a healthy lifestyle to be able to prevent the onset of the disease. You should also avoid other negative factors if you do not want to face the disease.

Main reasons:

  • Heredity. If parents or other relatives have been diagnosed with osteochondrosis, then it can often occur in the child. That is why it is important for him to prevent the disease from a young age.
  • Hard physical work. When you have to constantly overexert yourself, especially when lifting heavy objects, back problems may occur.
  • Bad habits. They generally poison the body and lead to osteochondrosis. It will be enough to give them up so that you don’t have to suffer from the disease.

  • Spinal cord circulation problems. It is important to eliminate such a violation immediately, because it leads to various complications.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Even if a person has a sedentary job, he should still find time for walking and sports. In such a situation, it will be much easier to maintain normal health.
  • Injuries. If you have a spinal injury, it is extremely important to see a doctor immediately. You need to undergo diagnostics to understand the condition of your back. If there are violations, then they should be eliminated immediately, so as not to suffer from osteochondrosis later.
  • Incorrect posture. This is also one of the main reasons that leads to problems with the spine. If possible, posture should be corrected from childhood so that there are no problems with it later.

If the disease cannot be avoided, then it is worth choosing exercises for breastfeeding at home. They will improve the condition of the spine, strengthen the human body, and also prevent the development of pathology.

A specific set of exercises must be approved by a doctor so that additional health problems do not arise due to the load.

The benefits of physical therapy

Gymnastics for thoracic osteochondrosis is considered an indispensable part of treatment. It complements drug therapy and helps increase the mobility of the spinal column. As is known, with this pathology, stiffness of movements is observed. They cause significant discomfort to a person, which is why it is important to get rid of this problem.

In addition, exercise therapy allows you to increase ventilation of the lungs. The pain that occurs with this pathology does not allow a person to take a full breath. In this regard, breathing becomes difficult and insufficient ventilation of the lungs occurs. This phenomenon often leads to pneumonia.

Exercise for thoracic osteochondrosis helps achieve the following results:

  • Eliminate muscle stiffness and increase range of motion.
  • Eliminate myofixation of the vertebral region.
  • Prevent the development of severe complications.

Gymnastics generally has a positive effect on health, so it is recommended for every person. Naturally, you need to choose the right exercises that will bring health benefits. It is also important to exercise caution during an exacerbation of the disease; at such times, only light exercise is allowed.

We can conclude that physical therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis leads to clear positive changes, the main thing is not to forget about exercises every day and at the same time carefully monitor changes in health.

Effective exercises - video

As you can already understand, gymnastics for thoracic osteochondrosis is mandatory for all patients. The specific complex is selected depending on the person’s condition and individual characteristics.

What actions to take:

  1. You need to pull in your stomach, straighten your back, and then begin to pull your arms up. It is important to stretch and move your limbs as far away from the body as possible. All this time, the abdominal cavity must remain in good shape. It is with this exercise that exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region begin.
  2. You will need to grab your shoulders with your hands to feel the tension in the area between the shoulder blades. Carefully move your arms back, trying to connect your wrists to each other. All this time, the shoulders should be clasped.
  3. You should place your hands behind your head, and then bring them together in front of you so that your elbows touch. After this, you need to point your hands up and return to the starting position.
  4. You will need to get on all fours, and try to bend your back towards the floor. You should stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, keeping your head straight. Next, you need to return to the starting position and repeat the action again.
  5. It is worth lying on a straight surface with your stomach towards the floor, while placing your hands under your head. As you inhale, you need to carefully lift your shoulders and body, and as you exhale, return to the original position.
  6. You should lie on your side with your legs bent. After this, you need to pull your right leg up so that the muscles tense. You will need to hold the position for about 5 seconds and lower your leg. The action must be repeated with the other leg.
  7. You need to sit on a chair, lean your back on it and try to bend back so that muscle tension occurs in the thoracic region. After this, you need to smoothly lean forward and repeat the action.

For the chest to benefit, it is important not to overdo it. At first, the lesson should last 5-10 minutes, but you can gradually increase the time. While charging, it is important to control your breathing; you need to ensure that your tissues are fully saturated with oxygen.

It is extremely important that gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine be performed daily. Only in this case will you be able to achieve good results and maintain your health in good condition. Physiotherapy exercises must be complemented by other methods of therapy so that the spine can be maintained in normal condition.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, characterized by pathological processes in the intervertebral elements, is a dangerous and fairly common phenomenon. Therapeutic and rehabilitation exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis are one of the most effective methods of combating the disease.

The gymnastic complex is able to eliminate all the signs and symptoms of osteochondrosis, while treatment of thoracic pathology with gymnastics can be carried out both in the hospital and at home.

Characteristic manifestations of thoracic osteochondrosis are:

  1. Pain syndrome of different nature:
  • Aching, dull pain localized in the chest area. It intensifies during rest, when staying in one position for a long time, or in a static position;
  • Paroxysmal acute pain, accompanied by spasms and a feeling of lack of air;
  1. Feelings of stiffness in the center of the back and chest;
  2. Difficulty, “incomplete” breathing;
  3. Intercostal neuralgia of varying severity;
  4. Disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. Discomfort and aching in the area of ​​the shoulder blades;
  6. Sensations of severe cooling of the lower extremities;
  7. Sexual disorders.

The main factors for the occurrence of thoracic osteochondrosis:

  • Curvature of the spinal column;
  • Excessive loads on the spinal column;
  • Disturbances of blood flow and vascular system;
  • Congenital and age-related pathologies, against which osteochondrosis occurs;
  • Metabolic disorders, lack of calcium;
  • Sedentary lifestyle, frequent stay in an uncomfortable, static position;
  • Bruises and damage to the spine.

Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Exercise therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis combines a set of exercises, the purpose of which is:

  1. Elimination of symptoms and manifestations of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region;
  2. Slowing down pathological processes in the spine;
  3. Regeneration of damaged tissues;
  4. Prevention of the development of pathological conditions of the spinal column.

In order for a set of therapeutic exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis to bring a pronounced positive result, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:

  • You cannot start exercising until the pain is relieved. Pain during exercise can worsen the condition;
  • Physical therapy for thoracic, cervical, and lumbar osteochondrosis can only be prescribed by a specialist. The doctor determines the optimal set of activities, taking into account the stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient (age, physical fitness), concomitant pathologies;
  • Exercise should bring relief and a comfortable feeling (as much as possible). If discomfort occurs during any exercise, you should not do it. You can try the exercise after a while.

A set of basic exercises

Initial position

Execution technique

Lying on your stomach With your legs and arms extended, your upper body slowly rises. You need to try to ensure that the main tension is not in the lower back, but in the shoulders and chest. Repeats: 3-6 times;

The arms are extended and pressed to the body. The upper part of the body slowly rises. Repeats: 2-6 times;

Hands clasped at the back of the head. The upper body slowly rises. Repeats: 2-6 times;

Sitting on a chair Lean back. A backward bend is made, with the shoulder blades resting on the back of the chair. The exercise is performed very slowly, with repetitions from 3 to 6 times;

Take a stick and lay it behind your shoulders. Holding its ends, bend in different directions;

standing Palms on shoulders. At the same time one thing rises and the other falls. The head follows the lowered shoulder. Repeats 3-7 times.

Gymnastics for the chest

Therapeutic and restorative gymnastics for thoracic osteochondrosis provides a gymnastic complex that is optimal for each stage of the disease:

Acute period:

  • Therapeutic exercises, which cure thoracic osteochondrosis in the acute period, are aimed at relaxing muscles and improving blood circulation. All exercises are performed exclusively while lying down. It is necessary to achieve complete relaxation of the back muscles; for this you can use bolsters, orthopedic pillows under the neck, legs;
  • Performing a set of breathing exercises to unload the spine. Diaphragmatic breathing is performed with the stomach: when inhaling, the stomach inflates, when exhaling, it retracts. Breathing techniques help relieve muscle spasms;
  • The muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle contract alternately, move your fingers, clench your fists, and slightly pull your shoulders back.

Subacute period

At this stage, the exercises are not only relaxing, but also strengthening:

  • Lying on your back. In a relaxed position, the arms are raised one by one (the shoulder blades are pressed to the floor), then spread to the sides, and then placed behind the head;
  • Lying on the floor. Lie on your back, relax. Legs straight, arms extended, located on each side of the head. The upper and lower limbs smoothly stretch in opposite directions, while the spine is relaxed, the lower back is pressed to the floor. The exercise helps to stretch the spinal column and get rid of micro dislocations.

Remission period

At this stage, the movements are performed more intensively and dynamically, and have a more complex technique:

  • Lying on the floor, stretch out in a “string” position. The opposite hand and foot are raised and touch with the touch of the hand on the big toe;
  • Back arches. Exhale - the back bends, the head drops to the chest, inhale - the back bends, the head rises.

Exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis at home

Therapeutic exercises to combat the manifestations of thoracic osteochondrosis at home are performed taking into account the following rules:

  1. Before you start practicing at home, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will determine the severity of the disease, select the optimal set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, taking into account individual characteristics;
  2. If the exacerbation has passed, you should take a warm shower, which will relax the muscles and relieve spasms;
  3. In the subacute and remission period, light self-massage of the chest area is allowed, carried out with soft, rubbing movements;
  4. Before you start training at home, you need to warm up. Warm-up includes walking on your feet, then on your toes, and then on your heels. Make slow circular movements, smoothly spread your arms to the sides, and alternately raise your shoulders.

Universal complex for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region:

Starting position (with maximally straight posture)

Execution technique

Lying on your back A bolster or rolled blanket is placed at the level of the shoulder blades. You need to “roll” up and down the roller, massaging your shoulder blades and back. Exercise allows you to relax all muscle groups of the back. Continue for 1-2 minutes;
Sitting on a chair Place your palms on the seat of the chair. Arms are bent at the elbows. Take slow small steps with your feet forward, your pelvis lifts off the chair, while your palms remain in place. Feeling tension in the shoulder girdle and chest, bend slightly in the chest area and freeze for 2-4 seconds. Do 3 approaches.
standing Place your fists overlapping on your back under your shoulder blades. Bend over, slowly throwing your head back. Freeze for 2 seconds and straighten up. Wrap your arms around yourself in front, overlapping yourself, hunching as much as possible. Freeze for 2 seconds. Do 3 – 7 repetitions.