The autonomic nervous system regulates the work of all human organs. Functions, significance and role of the autonomic nervous system

Centrifugal nerve fibers are divided into somatic and autonomic.

Somatic nervous system conduct impulses to skeletal striated muscles, causing them to contract. The somatic nervous system communicates with the body external environment: perceives irritation, regulates the work of skeletal muscles and sense organs, provides a variety of movements in response to irritations perceived by the senses.

Autonomic nerve fibers are centrifugal and go to internal organs and systems, to all tissues of the body, forming autonomic nervous system.

The function of the autonomic nervous system is to regulate physiological processes in the body, in ensuring the adaptation of the body to changing environmental conditions. The centers of the autonomic nervous system are located in the middle, medulla oblongata and spinal cord, and the peripheral part consists of nerve nodes and nerve fibers that innervate the working organ.

The autonomic nervous system consists of two parts: sympathetic and parasympathetic.

sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system is connected with the spinal cord, from the 1st thoracic to the 3rd lumbar vertebra.

Parasympathetic part lies in the middle oblong section of the head and sacral region spinal cord.

Majority internal organs receive a double autonomic innervation, since both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers are suitable for them, which function in close interaction, having the opposite effect on the organs. If the former, for example, enhance any activity, then the latter weaken it, as shown in the table.

The action of the autonomic nervous system
Organ action of sympathetic nerves The action of the parasympathetic organs
1 2 3
A heart Increased and accelerated heart rate Weakening and slowing of the heartbeat
arteries Narrowing of the arteries and increased blood pressure Dilation of arteries and lowering of blood pressure
digestive tract Deceleration of peristalsis, decrease in activity Acceleration of peristalsis, increased activity
Bladder Bubble relaxation Bubble contraction
Musculature of the bronchi Bronchial dilation, easier breathing Bronchial contraction
Muscle fibers of the iris pupil dilation Pupil constriction
Muscles that lift hair Hair lifting Hair fit
sweat glands Increased secretion Weakening of secretion

The sympathetic nervous system enhances metabolism, increases the excitability of most tissues, and mobilizes the body's forces for vigorous activity. The parasympathetic nervous system contributes to the restoration of spent energy reserves, regulates the vital activity of the body during sleep.

All activity of the autonomic (autonomous) nervous system is regulated by the hypothalamic region - the hypothalamus of the diencephalon, associated with all parts of the central nervous system and with the glands internal secretion.

Humoral regulation of body functions is the oldest form of chemical interaction between body cells, carried out by metabolic products that are carried by the blood throughout the body and affect the activity of other cells, tissues, and organs.

The main factors of humoral regulation are biologically active substances- hormones that are secreted endocrine glands(endocrine glands) that form the endocrine system in the body. The endocrine and nervous systems closely interact in regulatory activity, differing only in that the endocrine system controls processes that proceed relatively slowly and for a long time. The nervous system governs rapid responses, whose duration can be measured in milliseconds.

Hormones are produced by special glands richly supplied with blood vessels. These glands do not excretory ducts, and their hormones enter directly into the bloodstream, and then are carried throughout the body, carrying out humoral regulation all functions: they excite or inhibit the activity of the body, affect its growth and development, change the intensity of metabolism. Due to the absence of excretory ducts, these glands are called endocrine glands, or endocrine, in contrast to the digestive, sweat, sebaceous glands of external secretion, which have excretory ducts.

Endocrine glands include: pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pineal gland, insular part of the pancreas, intrasecretory part of the gonads.

The pituitary gland is a lower cerebral appendage, one of the central endocrine glands. The pituitary gland consists of three lobes: anterior, middle and posterior, surrounded by a common capsule of connective tissue.

One of the anterior lobe hormones affects growth. Excess of this hormone young age accompanied by a sharp increase in growth - gigantism, and with increased function of the pituitary gland in an adult, when body growth stops, comes increased growth short bones: tarsus, metatarsus, phalanges of fingers, as well as soft tissues (tongue, nose). This disease is called acromegaly. Enhanced Function anterior pituitary leads to dwarf growth. Pituitary dwarfs are proportionately built and normally mentally developed. In the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, hormones are also formed that affect the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. The posterior pituitary gland produces a hormone that slows down the rate of urine formation and changes water exchange in the body.

Thyroid lies on top of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx, releases hormones into the blood, which include iodine. insufficient function thyroid gland in childhood retards growth, mental and sexual development, the disease cretinism develops. In other periods, this leads to a decrease in metabolism, while nervous activity slows down, edema develops, and signs of a serious illness called myxedema appear. An overactive thyroid gland leads to Graves' disease. The thyroid gland at the same time increases in volume and protrudes on the neck in the form of a goiter.

Epiphysis ( pineal gland) - small in size, located in diencephalon. Not studied enough yet. It is assumed that pineal hormones inhibit the release of growth hormones by the pituitary gland. Her hormone is melatonin affects skin pigments.

The adrenal glands are paired glands located at the top of the kidneys. Their mass is about 12 g each, together with the kidneys they are covered with a fatty capsule. They distinguish between a cortical, lighter substance, and a cerebral, dark one. They produce several hormones. Hormones are formed in the outer (cortical) layer - corticosteroids that affect salinity and carbohydrate metabolism, contributing to the deposition of glycogen in the liver cells and maintaining a constant concentration of glucose in the blood. With insufficient function of the cortical layer, Addison's disease develops, accompanied by muscle weakness, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, a decrease in the concentration of sugar in the blood, a decrease in body temperature. characteristic feature such a disease - a bronze skin tone.

The hormone produced in the adrenal medulla adrenalin. Its action is diverse: it increases the frequency and strength of heart contractions, increases blood pressure, enhances metabolism, especially carbohydrates, accelerates the conversion of liver glycogen and working muscles into glucose, as a result of which the performance of the mouse is restored.

The pancreas functions as a mixed gland. Produced by her pancreatic juice through the excretory ducts enters the duodenum and takes part in the process of splitting nutrients. This is an exocrine function. The intrasecretory function is performed by special cells (islets of Langerhans), which do not have excretory ducts and secrete hormones directly into the blood. One of them - insulin- converts excess glucose in the blood into animal starch glycogen and lowers blood sugar levels. Another hormone is glycogen- acts on carbohydrate metabolism opposite to insulin. During its action, the process of converting glycogen into glucose occurs. Violation of the process of formation of insulin in the pancreas causes a disease - diabetes mellitus.

The sex glands are also mixed glands that produce sex hormones.

In the male gonads testicles- male germ cells develop spermatozoa and male sex hormones (androgens, testosterone) are produced. In the female gonads - ovaries contains eggs that produce hormones (estrogens).

Under the action of hormones secreted into the blood by the testes, the development of secondary sexual characteristics characteristic of male body(facial hair - beard, mustache, developed skeleton and muscles, low voice).

Hormones produced in the ovaries affect the formation of secondary sexual characteristics characteristic of female body(absence hairline on the face, thinner than a man's bones, fat deposition under the skin, developed mammary glands, high voice).

The activity of all endocrine glands is interconnected: the hormones of the anterior pituitary gland contribute to the development of the adrenal cortex, increase the secretion of insulin, affect the flow of thyroxine into the blood and the function of the gonads.

The work of all endocrine glands is regulated by the central nervous system, in which there are a number of centers associated with the function of the glands. In turn, hormones affect the activity of the nervous system. Violation of the interaction of these two systems is accompanied by serious disorders of the functions of organs and the body as a whole.

Therefore, the interaction of the nervous and humoral systems should be considered as a single mechanism of neurohumoral regulation of functions that ensures the integrity of the human body.

A) muscles of the upper and lower extremities,

B) hearts and blood vessels,

AT) digestive organs,

D) mimic muscles,

D) kidneys and bladder

E) diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

IN 3. The peripheral nervous system includes:

B) cerebellum

B) nerve nodes

D) spinal cord

D) sensory nerves

E) motor nerves.

AT 4. In the cerebellum are the centers of regulation:

A) muscle tone

B) vascular tone,

B) poses and body balance,

D) coordination of movements,

D) emotions

E) inhale and exhale.

Compliance tasks.

AT 5. Establish a correspondence between a particular function of a neuron and the type of neuron that performs this function.


1) transmit from one neuron A) sensitive,

on the other in the brain, B) intercalary,

2) transmit nerve impulses from organs B) motor.

feelings in the brain

3) transmit nerve impulses to muscles,

4) transmit nerve impulses from internal organs to the brain,

5) transmit nerve impulses to the glands.

AT 6. Establish a correspondence between the parts of the nervous system and their functions.


1) constricts blood vessels, A) sympathetic,

2) slows down the rhythm of the heart, B) parasympathetic.

3) narrows the bronchi,

4) dilates the pupil.

AT 7. Establish a correspondence between the structure and functions of a neuron and its processes.


1) conducts a signal to the body of the neuron, A) axon,

2) outside covered with myelin sheath, B) dendrite.

3) short and strongly branched,

4) participates in the formation of nerve fibers,

5) conducts a signal from the body of the neuron.

AT 8. Establish a correspondence between the properties of the nervous system and its types that have these properties.


1) innervates the skin and skeletal muscles, A) somatic,

2) innervates all internal organs, B) vegetative.

3) contributes to maintaining the connection of the body

with the external environment

4) regulates metabolic processes, body growth,

5) actions are controlled by consciousness (arbitrary),

6) actions are not subject to consciousness (autonomous).

AT 9. Match the examples nervous activity human and the functions of the spinal cord.


1) knee jerk, A) reflex,

2) transmission of a nerve impulse from the spinal b) conduction.

brain in the head,

3) extension of the limbs,

4) withdrawing the hand from a hot object,

5) transmission of a nerve impulse from the brain

to the muscles of the limbs.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Establish a correspondence between the structural features and functions of the brain and its department.


1) contains the respiratory center, A) medulla,

2) the surface is divided into lobes, B) the forebrain.

3) perceives and processes information from

sense organs,

4) regulates activities of cardio-vascular system,

5) contains centers defensive reactions body - cough

and sneezing.

Tasks for determining the sequence.

AT 11. Establish the correct sequence of the location of the parts of the brain stem, in the direction from the spinal cord.

A) diencephalon

B) medulla oblongata

B) midbrain

Free Answer Tasks

The human nervous system consists of neurons that perform its main functions, as well as auxiliary cells that ensure their vital activity or performance. All nerve cells are folded into special tissues located in the skull, human spine in the form of organs of the brain or spinal cord, as well as throughout the body in the form of nerves - fibers from neurons that grow from one another, intertwining many times, forming a single neural network that penetrates in every even the smallest corner of the body.

According to the structure and functions performed, it is customary to divide the entire nervous system into central (CNS) and peripheral (PNS). The central one is represented by command and analyzing centers, and the peripheral one is represented by an extensive network of neurons and their processes throughout the body.

The functions of the PNS are mostly executive, since its task is to convey information to the central nervous system from organs or receptors, to transmit orders from the central nervous system to organs, muscles and glands, and also to control the execution of these orders.

The peripheral system, in turn, consists of two subsystems: somatic and vegetative. The functions of the somatic subdivision are represented by motor activity of skeletal and motor muscles, as well as sensory (collection and delivery of information from receptors). Another somatic maintains a constant muscle tone skeletal muscles. Vegetative system It has more complex, rather managerial functions.

The functions of the ANS, in contrast to the somatic subdivision of the nervous system, are not simple reception or the transmission of information from the organ to the brain and vice versa, but in the control of the unconscious work of the internal organs.

The autonomic nervous system regulates the activity of all internal organs, as well as from large to the smallest glands, regulates the functioning of the muscles of hollow organs (heart, lungs, intestines, bladder, esophagus, stomach, etc.), as well as by controlling the work of internal organs, it can regulate the entire metabolism and homeostasis of a person as a whole.

It can be said that the ANS regulates the activity of the organism, which it carries out unconsciously, not obeying the mind.


The structure is not too different from the sympathetic, since it is represented by the same nerves, ultimately leading to the spinal cord or directly to the brain.

According to the functions that neurons of the vegetative part perform peripheral system, it is conditionally divided into three subdivisions:

  • The sympathetic division of the ANS is represented by nerves from neurons that excite the activity of an organ or transmit an excitatory signal from special centers located in the central nervous system.
  • The parasympathetic department is arranged in exactly the same way, only instead of excitatory signals it brings inhibitory signals to the organ, which reduces the intensity of its activity.
  • The metasympathetic subdivision of the vegetative division, which regulates the contraction of hollow organs, is its main difference from the somatic one and causes it to be somewhat independent from the central nervous system. It is built in the form of special microganglionic formations - sets of neurons located directly in controlled bodies, in the form of intramural ganglia - controlling the contractility of the organ of nerve nodes, as well as nerves connecting them to each other and to the rest of the human nervous system.

The activity of the metasymptomatic subdivision can be either independent or corrected by the somatic nervous system with the help of reflex action or hormonal, and also partially by the central nervous system, which controls endocrine system responsible for the production of hormones.

The neural fibers of the ANS intertwine and connect with the somatic nerves, and then transmit information to the central through the main large nerves: spinal or cranial.

There is not a single large nerve that would perform only vegetative or somatic functions; this division occurs already at a smaller or, in general, cellular level.

Diseases to which she is subject

Although people divide the human nervous system into subdivisions, in fact it is a special network, each part of which is closely connected with the others and depends on them, and not only exchanges information. Diseases of the autonomic part of the whole nervous system are diseases of the PNS as a whole and are represented by either neuritis or neuralgia.

  • Neuralgia - inflammatory process in the nerve, which does not lead to its destruction, but without treatment can go into neuritis.
  • Neuritis is an inflammation of a nerve or its injury, accompanied by the death of its cells or a violation of the integrity of the fiber.

Neuritis, in turn, is of the following types:

  • Multineuritis, when a lot of nerves are affected at once.
  • Polyneuritis, the cause of which is the pathology of several nerves.
  • Mononeuritis - neuritis of only one nerve.

These diseases are caused by negative impact directly on the nerve tissue caused by the following factors:

  • Pinching or compression of the nerve by muscles, tissue tumors, neoplasms, overgrown ligaments or bones, aneurysms, etc.
  • Hypothermia of the nerve.
  • Injury to the nerve or nearby tissues.
  • Infections.
  • Diabetes.
  • Toxic damage.
  • Degenerative processes of nervous tissues, for example, multiple sclerosis.
  • Lack of circulation.
  • Lack of any substances, such as vitamins.
  • Metabolism disorder.
  • Irradiation.

In this case, polyneuritis or multineuritis usually cause the last eight causes.

In addition to neuritis and neuralgia, in the case of the ANS, there may be a pathological imbalance in the work of its sympathetic department with parasympathetic due to hereditary abnormalities, negative brain damage or due to immaturity of the brain, which is quite common in childhood, when the sympathetic and parasympathetic centers begin to take turns developing unevenly, which is the norm and disappears by itself with age.

Breakdowns of the centers of the metasympathetic nervous system are extremely rare.

Consequences of disruption

The consequences of violations of the work of the VNS are improper performance its functions to regulate the activity of internal organs, and as a result - to the failure of their work, which at least can be expressed in improper excretory activity by the secretory glands, for example, hypersalivation (salivation), sweating or, conversely, lack of sweat, covering the skin with fat or lack of it workings sebaceous glands. The consequences of disruption of the work of the ANS lead to failures in the activity of vital organs: the heart and respiratory organs, but it rarely comes to this. Severe polyneuritis usually causes small complex deviations in the functioning of internal organs, resulting in a violation of metabolism and physiological homeostasis.

It is the coordinated work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS that carries out the main work on regulation. The fragile balance is disturbed quite often different reasons and leads to wear or, conversely, to the oppression of any organ or their combination. In the case of glands that produce hormones, this can lead to not very unpleasant consequences.

Restoration of ANS functions

The neurons that make up the ANS in the same way do not know how to divide and regenerate the tissues that make up, like the cells of other parts of the human nervous system. The treatment of neuralgia and neuritis is standard, it does not differ in case of damage to the autonomic nerve fibers from damage to the somatic nerves of the human PNS.

The restoration of functions occurs according to the same principle as in any nervous tissue by redistributing responsibilities between neurons, as well as building up new processes with the remaining cells. Sometimes irretrievable loss of any functions or their failure is possible, usually this does not lead to vital pathologies, but sometimes it requires immediate intervention. Such an intervention includes stitching the damaged nerve or installing a pacemaker that regulates its contractions instead of the metasympathetic subdivision of the ANS.

The autonomic (autonomic) nervous system (ANS) regulates the activity of vital internal organs and body systems. Nerve fibers autonomic NS are located throughout the human body.

The ANS centers are located in the midbrain, diencephalon, and spinal cord. The nerves emerging from all these centers belong to two subgroups of the autonomic NS: sympathetic and parasympathetic.

Due to the fact that in abdominal cavity there are many different organs whose activity is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, then there are also many nerves and nerve plexuses, for example, along the aorta there is the so-called solar plexus. Nerve plexuses in chest regulate the functions of the heart and lungs.

Functions of the ANS

The autonomic nervous system controls activity the most important organs and human systems. It regulates all functions of the heart and blood vessels, for example, when playing sports, individual muscles need to more blood Therefore, when exposed to nerve impulses, the number of heart contractions increases and blood vessels expand. At the same time, the nervous system also increases breathing so that the blood can carry more oxygen to the muscles, which have a greater load. Similarly, the ANS regulates body temperature. Excess heat is removed by intense skin circulation.

By regulating the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, the ANS also regulates the sexual functions of a person. So in violation of the blood circulation of the pelvic organs in men, impotence may occur. The ANS regulates the function of urination. Its centers are in the lumbar segments and the sacrum, the spinal cord.

The nerves of the ANS regulate the movement of the muscles of the digestive system from the esophagus, stomach, intestines towards the anus.

If food needs to be digested, they stimulate the liver and pancreas to produce digestive juices. At the same time, the blood circulation of the stomach and intestines becomes more intense, and nutrients of the food eaten and digested are immediately absorbed and carried throughout the human body.

The sympathetic NS is connected with the spinal cord, where the bodies of the first neurons are located, the processes of which end in the nerve nodes (ganglia) of two sympathetic chains located on both sides in front of the spine. Due to the connection of ganglia with other organs, in some internal diseases certain areas of the skin begin to hurt, which makes it easier to diagnose.

Automated activity

It is almost impossible to influence the functions of the autonomic nervous system, because it acts automatically, it regulates all the functions of the body, which should also operate during sleep. The mechanism of regulation of the ANS can be influenced by hypnosis or by mastering the exercises of autogenic training. Therefore, these methods are used to treat various NS disorders.

How are functions regulated?

Vegetative NS is common throughout the body. It regulates life important processes and every “mistake” she makes can be costly. The activity of the ANS is mainly automatic, involuntary, and is only slightly controlled by consciousness.

Where are the regulatory centers located?

The parasympathetic system causes pupil constriction, and the sympathetic system causes pupil dilation.

The centers of the ANS are located in the spinal cord and brain. The regulatory function is carried out through nerve plexuses and nodes. They independently regulate some of the processes that constantly occur in the human body, but only as long as the load does not require the "intervention" of the brain. For example, the function of the muscles of the stomach and intestines is regulated in this way. The task to activate the activity of certain glands, muscles or tissues is transmitted to the nerves of the ANS in different ways, for example, the body can release the appropriate hormones, or the nerves can respond to a stimulus. An example of such a reaction is the contraction of the muscles of the walls of blood vessels in order to stop bleeding (this is important, for example, when donating blood - excitement, causing a spasm of the muscles of a blood vessel, makes this process difficult).

Do not try to influence your body's natural functions (such as your heartbeat) with autogenic training or yoga, as this can lead to serious heart rhythm disturbances.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system is represented by two divisions - sympathetic and parasympathetic. In a number of cases, the sympathetic nervous system enhances the same function of an organ, while the parasympathetic system depresses it, and vice versa for other functions and organs. For example, the sympathetic nervous system increases the heart rate, speeds up the metabolism, and weakens the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, causing the blood vessels to contract and slowing the blood flow. The parasympathetic nervous system acts in reverse: it stimulates digestion, skin circulation, slows down heartbeat and metabolism.

Various nerve conductors have the opposite effect on the internal organs - some weaken their functions, while others strengthen them. For example, to speed up the heartbeat during physical activity and its slowing down after it requires the action of nerves, both stimulating the activity of the heart and slowing it down. Thus, the regulation of autonomic functions is carried out due to the coordinated action of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.

Consequences of violations of the activities of the VNS

The consequences of a violation of the interaction of parts of the ANS are a deterioration in well-being and the development of serious diseases. Insomnia, headache, stomach pain, internal restlessness and tension, a feeling of "pressure" on the heart, fainting - all these symptoms can indicate vegetative dystonia. Sometimes autonomic disorders contribute to disorders menstrual cycle, as well as sexual and urinary functions. In the treatment, in addition to taking sedatives, psychotherapy or autogenic training, yoga is recommended.


A common cause of insomnia is a dysfunction in the regulation of the ANS. For example, if you ate heavy food for digestion or ate too much before going to bed, then the ANS stimulates not only the stomach and intestines, but also the heart and the blood vessel system.

Alcohol is very dangerous

Often people who are in stressful condition. Usually drinking alcohol helps them cope with stress. However, in the future, alcohol abuse leads to the development

All organs of our body, all physiological functions, as a rule, have stable automatism and the ability to self-regulate. Self-regulation is based on the principle feedback”: any change in function, and even more so going beyond the limits of permissible fluctuations (for example, too much increase in blood pressure or its decrease) causes excitation of the corresponding parts of the nervous system, which send impulses-orders that normalize the activity of an organ or system. This is carried out by the so-called vegetative, or autonomous, nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system regulates the activity of blood vessels, heart, respiratory organs, digestion, urination, endocrine glands. In addition, it regulates the nutrition of the central nervous system itself (the brain and spinal cord) and skeletal muscles.

The activity of the autonomic nervous system is subordinated to the centers located in the hypothalamus, and they, in turn, are controlled by the cortex hemispheres.

The autonomic nervous system is conditionally divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic systems (or departments). The first mobilizes the body's resources when different situations requiring a quick response. At this time, not essential for this moment activity digestive organs(blood supply, secretion and motility of the stomach and intestines decrease) and attack and defense reactions are activated. The content of adrenaline and glucose increases in the blood, which improves the nutrition of the muscles of the heart, brain and skeletal muscles(adrenaline dilates the blood vessels of these organs, and they receive more blood rich in glucose). At the same time, the activity of the heart increases and increases, blood pressure blood, its clotting is accelerated (which prevents the danger of blood loss), a frightening or cowardly facial expression appears - the palpebral fissures and pupils expand.

A feature of the reactions of the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system is their redundancy (i.e. mobilization excess reserve forces) and advanced development - they turn on at the first danger signals.

However, if the state of excitation (and even more so overexcitation) of the sympathetic nervous system is repeated very often and persists for a long time, then instead of beneficial effect it can be harmful to the body. So, with frequently repeated excitation of the sympathetic department, the release of hormones into the blood, which narrow the vessels of the internal organs, increases. As a result, blood pressure rises.

The constant repetition of such situations can lead to the development hypertension, angina and other pathological conditions.

Therefore, many scientists consider initial stage hypertension as an expression of increased reactivity of the sympathetic nervous system. The connection between the overexcitation of this system and the development of hypertension, heart failure and even myocardial infarction has been confirmed in animal experiments.

The parasympathetic nervous system is activated in conditions of rest, relaxation, and a comfortable state. At this time, the movements of the stomach and intestines increase, the secretion of digestive juices, the heart works in a rarer rhythm, the rest period of the heart muscle increases, its blood supply improves, the vessels of the internal organs expand, due to which blood flow to them increases, blood pressure decreases.

Overexcitation of the parasympathetic nervous system is accompanied by various unpleasant sensations in the stomach and intestines, and even sometimes contributes to the development peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. By the way, night pains in persons suffering from peptic ulcer disease are explained by increased parasympathetic activity during sleep and inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system. Related to this is frequent occurrence seizures bronchial asthma during sleep.

In experiments on monkeys, it was found that irritation of various areas parasympathetic system electric shock naturally caused in experimental animals the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum. Clinical picture experimental peptic ulcer was similar to typical manifestations this disease in humans. After transection of the vagus (parasympathetic) nerve, the pathological influence of the stimulus disappeared.

With frequent and prolonged activation of both parts of the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic), a combination of two pathological processes: sustained increase in blood pressure (hypertension) and peptic ulcer.

AT normal conditions at healthy person the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions are in a state of balanced dynamic equilibrium, which is characterized by a slight predominance of sympathetic influences. Each of them is sensitive to the slightest changes in the environment and reacts quickly to them. The balance of the divisions of the autonomic nervous system is also reflected in the mood of a person, which colors all mental phenomena. Violations of this balance not only "spoil" the mood, but also cause various painful symptoms, such as stomach and intestinal cramps, changes in the rhythm of cardiac activity, headache, nausea, dizziness.

In the implementation of vegetative reactions great importance has cortical tone frontal lobes brain. When it decreases, caused, for example, by mental overwork, nerve impulses coming from the internal organs can be recorded in the mind as a signal of trouble. A person mistakenly evaluates such sensations as painful (heaviness in the stomach, discomfort in the region of the heart, etc.). At normal tone the cerebral cortex, impulses from the internal organs do not reach the higher parts of the brain and are not reflected in consciousness.

Under certain conditions mental processes flowing in the cerebral cortex can have active influence on the activity of internal organs. This was convincingly demonstrated by experiments with the development of conditioned reflex changes in the activity of the heart, the tone of blood vessels, respiration, digestion, excretion, and even blood composition. The fundamental possibility of arbitrarily changing autonomic functions was also established by observing the effects of hypnotic suggestion and self-hypnosis. Trained in a certain way, people can cause expansion or constriction of blood vessels (i.e., lower or increase blood pressure), increase urination, sweat, change metabolic rate by 20-30%, reduce heart rate or increase heart rate. However, all these self-actions are by no means indifferent to the organism. For example, cases are known when an inept voluntary influence on the activity of the heart manifested itself so sharply that a person lost consciousness. And therefore, the use of such a system of self-regulation as autogenic training should be accompanied by an awareness of the seriousness and effectiveness of the method of influencing the body with a word.

The processes in the internal organs, in turn, are reflected in the state of the brain and mental activity. Everyone knows changes in mood and mental performance before and after meals, the effect on the psyche of a reduced or increased metabolism. Yes, at sharp decline metabolism appears mental lethargy; an increase in metabolism is usually accompanied by an acceleration of mental reactions. At full health, characterized by the dynamic constancy of the work of all physiological systems, such a mutual influence of the cerebral cortex and the vegetative sphere is expressed by a feeling of a comfortable state, inner peace. This feeling disappears not only with certain violations during internal environment organism, for example various diseases, but also in the period of "pre-illness", as a result malnutrition, hypothermia, as well as at various negative emotions- fear, anger, etc.

The study of the structure and functions of the brain made it possible to understand the causes of many diseases, to remove the mystery of the “miracles of recovery” from therapeutic suggestions in a state of hypnosis and self-hypnosis, to see the unlimited possibilities of cognition and self-knowledge of the brain, the limits of which are still not known. After all, in the cerebral cortex, as already mentioned, there are an average of 12 billion brain cells. nerve cells, each of which closes on itself many processes from other brain cells. This creates the prerequisites for the formation of a huge number of connections between them and is an inexhaustible reserve brain activity. But usually a person uses a very small part of this reserve.

It has been found that the brain primitive people potentially capable of doing much more complex functions than was necessary only for the survival of the individual. This property of the brain is called super redundancy. Thanks to this, as well as articulate speech, people can reach the heights of knowledge and pass it on to their descendants. The super-redundancy of the brain is far from being exhausted, and in modern man, and this is the key to the future development of his mental and physical abilities.