Inflammation of the sweat glands under the armpit. Hidradenitis under the arm: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

The inflammatory process that affects the sweat glands is called hidradenitis. The process that occurs under the arms is called axillary hidradenitis. This pathology is considered one of the options.

The most common type is hidradenitis (“ bitch udder"in common parlance) is formed in the armpits, a little less often - in the inguinal folds, since these two areas are especially rich in sweat glands. In some cases, a purulent process may form in the scrotum, navel, or perianal area. In rare cases, hidradenitis also occurs on the labia.

Hidradenitis under the armpit occurs in people prone to excessive sweating, these are mainly females. Children and men suffer from hidradenitis much less frequently. Usually the disease is long-term, with periodic exacerbations. Exists high risk chronicity of the disease.

Causes of hidradenitis

The main causative agent of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus ( Staphylococcus aureus). Through damaged epithelium, bacteria penetrate into the sweat ducts, or the lymph flow brings bacteria from other areas.

The most common causes of hidradenitis are:

  • state of general exhaustion of the body
  • disruptions in hormonal metabolism
  • excessive activity sweat glands
  • immunosuppressive state
  • all degrees of obesity
  • dermatoses that were caused by disorders in the endocrine system
  • microtrauma of the epithelium (for example, during shaving the armpits) and diaper rash
  • poor personal hygiene, especially in hot weather
  • hereditary tendency to form inflammation in the follicles
  • working conditions that promote constant sweating

Hidradenitis under the armpit does not develop immediately: first in the armpit, under the skin. a small compaction appears, similar to a pea. After a couple of days, the pea increases in size, up to about two centimeters, and becomes purple-crimson in color. The general tumor is “overgrown” with fresh formations, which quickly unite into a single conglomerate.

The armpit swells, the swelling becomes larger, the pea turns into a huge blue-purple lump with purulent contents in the middle. The tubercles located around the cone also become larger. Even a slight movement of a limb causes severe discomfort, pain. The body temperature may rise, the patient feels general malaise,

How hidradenitis under the arm may differ from simple boils:

  • the initial stage of inflammation occurs without pain
  • with hidradenitis there are many “papillae” around the central infiltrate
  • there is no rod inside the lump, like a boil
  • after opening the abscess and removing the purulent contents, fresh bumps appear almost immediately

Hidradenitis suppurativa in the inguinal folds is more common in people who neglect the rules of personal hygiene. It also happens due to weakened immunity or hypothermia. Hidradenitis in the inguinal folds prevents the patient from fully walking and moving in general, causing painful sensations. This form of the disease is the most unpleasant.

Since the symptoms of hidradenitis are similar to the symptoms of a regular boil, felinosis or carbuncle, diagnose the disease on early stages only based on the results of a blood test. Later, hidradenitis may resemble donovanosis, scrofuloderma, or actinomycosis.

Additionally carried out bacteriological examination purulent discharge, to determine the type of pathogen and correct selection antibiotic.

Treatment of hidradenitis

The basic rule for successfully combating a disease is mandatory medical intervention. Drug treatment of hidradenitis is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Triamcinolone mixed with lidocaine is injected into the cone, after which the abscess is opened and drained;
  • at the chronic stage, antibiotics of the tetracycline, erythromycin or minocycline group are prescribed internally;

Treatment of hidradenitis can continue with Prednisone if it occurs in a complicated form.

As for the sanitation of the armpits, this is very important event which should be carried out in the following ways:

  • you need to warm the flannel diaper and apply it to the affected area for several minutes
  • It is advisable to use a blue lamp. You need to warm up the abscess with a lamp four times a day for five minutes;
  • It is very good to treat hidradenitis with solar heat. It is advisable to warm up with the sun at least twice a day, for half an hour

Any stage of the disease must be treated immediately so that the infection does not spread to healthy sweat glands. You should carefully remove hair under your arms; it is advisable to avoid getting wet, take a shower carefully, and avoid taking a bath. It is good to wipe the nodules with camphor alcohol.

Surgical removal of hidradenitis

The surgeon performs the autopsy of hidradenitis in his office. The doctor runs out of fistulas and inflamed nodes. If the stage of the disease is advanced, then a significant area of ​​skin is often subject to excision.

Sometimes a very significant part of the skin is removed, which is subsequently transplanted. After the operation, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Local treatment of hidradenitis is possible: the infected skin area is treated with iodine (5%), salicylic acid (2%) or two percent boric acid. In a clinic setting, the patient undergoes physiotherapeutic procedures (ultraviolet irradiation, UHF).

If relapses of the disease occur regularly, the doctor prescribes vitamins and restorative medications.

As for preventive measures, they are simple - careful adherence to the rules of personal hygiene.

Treatment at home

Treatment of hidradenitis at home is possible, but all actions should be coordinated with your doctor. For example, not everyone knows that warming with dry heat can only be done in the early stages of the disease, but later it is better to abandon them.

In folk medicine, cakes made from eggs, honey and rye flour are used to get rid of “bitch udders”. From the listed ingredients, knead a not too stiff dough, form a cake and use it as a compress on the affected area. The cake is applied overnight and replaced with a fresh one in the morning.

Another popular recipe medicinal flatbread: take rye flour and sour cream, knead a stiff dough. This cake is also applied for the whole night or for the whole day (8-10 hours). After which the cake is changed again.

During the treatment period, you should not drink alcoholic beverages, consume spicy seasonings, sweets, and you should definitely stop smoking at least temporarily (for those who smoke). It is advisable to enrich the patient’s diet with foods rich in phosphorus and iron (spinach, tomatoes, vegetable oil, beets, dairy products, liver, green pea, nuts, rosehip decoction).

1 Comment

    I got a lump under my armpit this summer. I was very afraid of the autopsy and I’m glad it didn’t come to that. IN complex therapy Elon ointment helped a lot. Hidradenitis has not spread to adjacent areas. The ointment removed the pain and inflammation.

The occurrence of hidradenitis under the arm is associated with the development of an inflammatory process in the ductal glands. The disease can occur in young people, children during puberty, and pregnant women. In older people, the disease is rarely diagnosed, which is due to a decrease in hormonal activity and the production of natural enzymes. The disease is accompanied by abscesses that resemble the appearance of the mammary glands in dogs, so hidradenitis was quickly dubbed “bitch udder” by the people.

Timely treatment allows you to eliminate the disease without surgical intervention, but even rapid therapy does not guarantee that unpleasant symptoms will not arise again.

Features of the disease

Hidradenitis is a process of inflammation of the sweat glands, often caused by staphylococcus bacteria. Damage to the sweat glands also affects the apocrine glands, which are responsible for normal sweating and giving each person a unique natural aroma. The occurrence of the disease in the armpit is the most common place of occurrence. Hidradenitis may appear in the groin area, near the navel, and on the external genitalia.

Hidradenitis does not differ according to the gender of patients and can occur equally in both men and women. In addition to the sweat gland, the apocrine gland, which is responsible for natural pheromones (a person’s individual odor), is affected. The apocrine gland begins to form precisely during puberty in adolescence, and stops functioning normally after 50 years, so hidradenitis cannot occur in children and the elderly. The trigger for the onset of the disease is always infection. The main difference between hidradenitis and other types of dermatological purulent formations (for example, boils) is the absence of a root of dead cells.

Video about the relationship between hidradenitis and deodorants:

Types and classification

Hidradenitis can occur in varying degrees severity, which completely depends on the time the patient contacts a dermatologist or surgeon. According to the severity of the disease, hidradenitis can be divided into the following stages:

  • initial when the process of clogging the sweat gland has just occurred (swelling, redness, itching and soreness);
  • average when the inflamed “nodules” grow and the pain intensifies;
  • heavy degree when pathological process characterized by the appearance of purulent abscesses with blood.

The main factors for determining treatment tactics are the generally accepted classification not only according to the degree of severity, but also according to the form of the course.

Purulent form (acute process)

The form is characterized by the rapid development of the inflammatory process as a result of blockage of the sebaceous, sweat and apocrine glands. The appearance of abscesses in this form is often a consequence of insufficient hygiene axillary region, skin trauma during depilation.

The course of the disease is identical to the manifestations of a common cold with malaise, increased body temperature, which is later joined by soreness in the armpit area. The purulent form poses a serious danger to the patient’s life if not properly treated.

Chronic (recurring) form

The development of the chronic form is characterized by a long course of the acute process. The disease may be caused by purulent abscess, which was not fully healed. Chronic form has several stages of development:

  • Stage I(formation of dense nodular formations under the skin, the appearance of pain);
  • Stage II(enlargement of nodes, the beginning of their mobility, change in skin color to a red-blue hue);
  • Stage III(formation of a purulent viscous composition that ruptures the granuloma (capsule) and comes out with blood).

Important! Having correctly determined the stage and development of the disease, the doctor can quickly develop the necessary treatment tactics. During treatment acute form Speed ​​is important for hidradenitis, because a protracted acute process always leads to the formation of a chronic disease.

Causes of the disease

In surgical dermatology, the main cause of the disease is a regular humid environment caused by excessive sweating of the patient. Any organic liquids in the human body become a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful and conditionally harmful bacteria. Harmful microorganisms clog the sweat glands and provoke the occurrence of acute inflammatory formation. In addition to staphylococcus, hidradenitis can be caused by bacteria from the group of streptococci and others. More often, hidradenitis occurs due to the following factors:

  • weakened immunity of the patient;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • diseases of the thyroid or parathyroid gland;
  • chronic dermatological diseases;
  • excess weight or obesity;
  • abnormalities in the development of sweat glands:
  • changes in the work of the central nervous system;
  • lack of diet;
  • taking drugs that suppress the immune system;
  • fasting or poor diet;
  • chemotherapy for cancer;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • inaccurate shaving of hairs axillary area:
  • skin trauma;
  • low quality hygiene products;
  • allergic reactions to personal hygiene products (gels, oils, shaving foam, etc.).

There are many factors that can cause hidradenitis. If the patient is at risk, is overweight or has other diseases that contribute to the development of purulent growths in the armpit, then his chances of developing chronic hidradenitis are quite high.

Signs and features of the course

In acute and chronic course hidradenitis, some signs of the disease can vary greatly in severity and nature of manifestations. Inflammation of the sweat glands in the axillary area is accompanied by the following conditions:

  • the appearance of a small nodule and pain;
  • enlargement of the nodule up to 2 cm;
  • skin discoloration;
  • the appearance of new nodules;
  • the formation of several nodules in one affected area;
  • swelling;
  • the appearance of swelling and pus;
  • increased temperature (sometimes up to 39-40°C);
  • a feeling of severe itching mixed with pain;
  • stiffness of movements.

Important! Severe inflammation may be accompanied by the release of pus with bloody patches from burst capsules of nodular formations. Danger long term The inflammatory process can result in severe sepsis for the patient (spread of pus through the bloodstream) and intoxication.

Hidradenitis during pregnancy

Even in the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s hormonal background, immunity naturally decreases, general weakness appears. The appearance of a disease of a bacterial or viral nature can overshadow the course of pregnancy. The main causes of hidradenitis in pregnant women are considered to be frequent colds or herpes virus (any herpes virus). It is important for women to maintain careful hygiene of the armpit area, try to use only proven personal hygiene products, avoid shaving with machines or epilators, and fight unwanted hairs with mild depilatory creams.

Any potentially traumatic shaving methods can trigger hidradenitis. Emerging hidradenitis always occurs with severe symptoms, and therefore, if the first signs of the disease develop, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, dermatologist and surgeon. Taking antibiotics during pregnancy is prohibited, but when the threat to the mother’s life exceeds the harm to the fetus from active substances drug, then prompt treatment is started.

Diagnostic methods

Dermatologists and surgeons are involved in identifying hidradenitis. Before treatment, it is important to determine the nature of the disease, its form and development characteristics. The following diagnostic methods are distinguished:

  • interviewing the patient for complaints;
  • visual inspection of the armpit area;
  • feeling the seals and pressing on the nodules;
  • definition appearance diseases;
  • blood sampling for biochemical testing;
  • test collection of purulent material;
  • urine test (if necessary).

Important! The purpose of diagnosis is not only to determine the nature of hidradenitis, but also to separate it from other types of diseases, for example, lymphogranulomatosis, chronic lymphadenitis, furunculosis or tuberculosis. If primary data on the disease is not enough, they may prescribe additional methods research (for example, ultrasound).

Despite some differences in the course different forms hidradenitis, treatment tactics do not differ significantly. Official medicine implies the following types of treatment for the disease:

  • medicinal;
  • operational;
  • physiotherapy;
  • traditional methods.

It is important to choose the right drugs for local and internal use to quickly relieve the unpleasant symptoms of hidradenitis.

Treatment with drugs

Medicines can be prescribed intramuscularly or intravenous injections or in tablets. For successful treatment Several targeted medications are prescribed at once, which correspond to the form and stage of the course:

  • Antibiotics. Tetracycline and macrolide class drugs are prescribed, which have a depressing effect on the development of the inflammatory process (Ceftriaxone, Summed).
  • Hormonal agents. Hormones prevent the development of inflammation at various stages of their appearance and are introduced into the lesion itself (Prednisolone).
  • Immunomodulatory drugs. Used to strengthen local immunity (gamma globulins). Contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can lead to miscarriage (Viveron, Immudon).
  • Antiseptics. Prescribed to disinfect the skin of the armpits from harmful microflora (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Iodinol).

Any medication treatment must be prescribed by specialists. When self-medicating hidradenitis, you can not only not cure the disease, but also aggravate the course of the disease.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is required for purulent separation with incision of the nodule and installation of drainage. Manipulations help eliminate inflammation and prevent the risk of residual purulent fragments. After the wounds have healed, special therapy with antibiotics and disinfectants is carried out.

Important! Successful and timely treatment help the patient quickly recover from inflammation, eliminating the risk of unwanted recurrences. Of course, with absolute observance of hygiene rules and treatment concomitant diseases, which in one way or another could contribute to the development of hidradenitis.


To speed up the recovery process, doctors prescribe physiotherapy, which includes the following procedures:

  • UHF procedures;
  • photochemotherapy;
  • magnetic laser therapy;
  • infrared therapy.

All procedures are aimed at postoperative treatment of scars, healing of damaged pores, and alleviation of the patient’s general condition.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of hidradenitis with folk remedies can be carried out at the end of the disease to speed up the healing process. For example, decoctions of chamomile, linden, and yarrow will help relieve tension from damaged skin, and an infusion of thyme or sage will create antibacterial protection. Well-known traditional methods of treatment here will not be a panacea for the inflammatory process.

Herbal infusions and compresses will help quickly restore the skin after surgery and become additional natural antiseptic drugs for treating armpits.

The doctor talks about the treatment of hidradenitis

Lifestyle during illness and diet

It is recommended to combine moderate physical exercise With breathing exercises. This way the body is more quickly saturated with oxygen and increases resistance to various bacteria. The right image life helps strengthen the immune system. For hidradenitis suppurativa, adherence to special diet And healthy image life is extremely important. Alcohol and tobacco should be excluded, as during the breakdown harmful substances(alcohols and resins) their components come out with sweat through the pores. Intoxication does not contribute to a quick recovery.

The diet of a patient with hidradenitis should include fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. IN winter time years should be drunk vitamin complexes for general tone. Important products during illness are:

  • dairy products;
  • nuts and cereals;
  • flour products;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • vegetables fruits.

Additionally, the correct drinking regime. The volume of liquid must correspond age norm. For example, it is important for an adult to drink about 2 liters of fresh water per day. This allows you to quickly remove the infection from the body, promoting a speedy recovery.

Prevention and complications

All preventive measures are based on compliance with hygiene standards and rules for caring for the armpits. The main measures include the following:

  • organization of daily hygiene care;
  • wearing comfortable clothes;
  • treatment of hormonal disorders;
  • prevention of obesity, diabetes;
  • selection of high-quality cosmetics for the armpit area;
  • soft shave.

In case of chronic hidradenitis, it is important to additionally treat the armpit area with boric or camphor alcohol. Especially if the skin was injured during shaving. It is worth adding vitamin complexes during the cold season, and weather-appropriate clothing during the hot months. It is necessary to exclude colds and other infectious diseases that may lead to the development of hidradenitis or its complications. Special dangers of the disease include:

  • entry of a purulent infection into the central bloodstream (sepsis);
  • development of hidradenitis suppurativa;
  • spread of inflammation to other parts of the body;
  • the appearance of putrefactive phlegmon ( skin formation with pus without pronounced boundaries);
  • development of lymphadenitis.

Any inflammatory process in the body, it is important to eliminate quickly and efficiently, because the development of complications against the background of a spreading infection can have serious consequences, up to the development serious illnesses brain and central nervous system. Hidradenitis under the arm has clear symptoms(pain, swelling, discomfort in the armpits, fever), so the development of the disease can be recognized even before the formation of a purulent form of the disease. Compliance with prevention and attention to own body will protect you from many dangers including hidradenitis.

Question answer

How to get rid of armpit pain?

If the pain occurs suddenly, and you cannot see a doctor today, then you can resort to taking Ibuprofen (one of safe drugs) or attach cold compress. With hidradenitis, the pain can be severe, so there is usually time to see a doctor.

What means can be used to remove inflammation?

Using only traditional methods for any form of hidradenitis will only worsen general state sick. Methods traditional medicine will be effective along with traditional drug treatment. After proper treatment, to speed up healing, you can make compresses with a decoction of chamomile, celandine, and string.

What can become inflamed under the armpit?

Hidradenitis occurs as a result of inflammation of the sweat gland, spreading to the apocrine glands. It is their blockage that leads to inflammation with the subsequent formation of purulent nodules.

Axillary hidradenitis develops as a result of purulent inflammation apocrine glands located in the armpits.


The main reason for the development of hidradenitis is exposure to excretory duct apocrine gland of the pathogen - Staphylococcus aureus. However, the entry of staphylococcus occurs only in the presence of predisposing factors:

  • increased sweating;
  • the presence of microtraumas to the skin resulting from careless shaving or scratching;
  • weakening protective forces body (decreased immunity);
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • endocrine diseases such as diabetes mellitus, exogenous constitutional obesity.

Hidradenitis, localized in the armpit, occurs more often in women than in men.

In old age, the occurrence of hidradenitis practically does not occur, since at this age the sweat glands no longer function well.

Signs of hidradenitis

The process is most often unilateral; in rare cases, there may be bilateral damage.

At the beginning, hidradenitis is represented by small, dense single nodules, they are located immediately under the skin. When palpating them, the patient feels slight pain.

With further progression of the disease, the nodules increase in size; they can range in size from 5mm to 3cm. As the size of the nodes increases, their pain increases.

Painful sensations in the armpit worsen with movement. The nodules adhere to the skin, causing the skin to become bluish in color.

Symptoms of body intoxication may be present:

  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • headache.

Large nodes tend to merge to form a dense infiltrate big size. Painful sensations also occur when bringing the arm to the body.

After 4-5 days, softening occurs in the center of this infiltrate and the purulent formation is opened. The discharge is purulent, thick, and sometimes there may be a small amount of blood.

After opening the patient, pain in the axillary region decreases, body temperature decreases, and overall well-being improves.

Healing occurs with the formation of scar tissue.

If hidradenitis is not treated, the disease will recur.

Photo: website of the Department of Dermatovenereology of the Tomsk Military Medical Institute


Diagnosis of axillary hidradenitis is based on clinical picture diseases, characteristic changes in the armpit area.

A surgeon can make an accurate diagnosis.

Unlike boils (inflammation hair follicle), with hidradenitis, a necrotic core does not form.

IN general analysis blood shows signs of inflammation:

  • the number of leukocytes increases (leukocytosis);
  • the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) increases.

In case of recurrent or protracted course of hidradenitis, a culture of discharge from the wound is carried out and it is determined which antibacterial drugs pathogen is sensitive.

Treatment of hidradenitis

Axillary hidradenitis is treated by a surgeon, but in the initial stages of the disease you can consult a therapist or general practitioner.

If treatment is started in the early stages of the disease, it can be cured without surgery and the development of complications can be avoided.

Treatment is divided into general and local.

TO general treatment applies:

  • taking antibiotics: flemoclav, erythromycin, ampicillin;
  • for severe pain, painkillers are prescribed: nimesulide, ketorol, meloxicam.

In case of recurrent course of hidradenitis, immunostimulating therapy is carried out, it is carried out strictly as prescribed by the immunologist, after an examination.

In case of a prolonged course, autohemotherapy can be carried out in order to increase the body’s defenses: the patient’s own venous blood is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

TO local treatment applies:

  • ultraviolet irradiation of the axillary area;
  • UHF treatment.

Treatment of hidradenitis at home

At home at initial stage diseases can be treated with warming procedures using dry heat. To do this, apply a bag of salt heated in the oven or a hot boiled egg to the armpit 2-3 times a day.

Treat the skin with antiseptic solutions: alcohol, brilliant green solution, alcohol solution salicylic acid, boric alcohol.

During the stage of infiltrate formation (“suppuration”), vodka compresses are recommended. To do this, make a 1:1 solution of water and vodka. Apply a compress for 20-30 minutes.

Ichthyol or Vishnevsky ointment is also applied when a softening area appears in the center of the infiltrate.


If conservative therapy is ineffective, it is carried out surgery at the stage of softening of the infiltrate center. In this case, the abscess is opened and the purulent contents are removed. Then daily dressings are done using antiseptic solutions(chlorhexidine, miramistin), you can pour antibacterial powder Baneocin into the wound.

Attention! You cannot open or squeeze out a purulent formation yourself.

During illness, you should avoid consuming spicy foods, smoked foods, seasonings, and alcoholic beverages. It is recommended to take multivitamins.

Hidradenitis is treated on average 10-14 days.

Possible complications

Spread to subcutaneous fat with the development of soft tissue phlegmon. This process develops with untimely or incomplete treatment. At proper treatment and following all doctor’s recommendations rarely develops.

The entry of the pathogen from the wound into the blood and the spread of infection throughout the body can cause sepsis. It develops when the patient attempts to open the infiltrate on his own.

Prevention of hidradenitis

  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  • Careful hygiene of the axillary area in case of excessive sweating.
  • Reducing body weight in obesity.
  • Avoid irritating perfumes and deodorants.
  • Be careful when shaving your armpits.
  • Treatment of the armpit area with antiseptics (chlorhexidine, miramistin) with a high tendency to develop hidradenitis, a recurrent course.

With timely and competent treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. If signs of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  • At the first stage The lymph nodes increase slightly, discomfort in the armpit does not cause pain.
  • Inflammation and redness of the node indicates a transition to the serous form: the flesh becomes hot, swollen, painful to touch, the node increases in size, but the general state of health does not worsen.
  • If this stage of lymphadenitis is left unattended, it turns into a purulent form. Lymph nodes begin to fester, body temperature increases, and pus may break out at the site of inflammation through the fistula.
  • Lymphadenitis mainly occurs against the background of infectious diseases: influenza, measles. Therefore, the patient should pay attention to swelling in the armpit during the treatment of other diseases.

Symptoms of another cause of armpit inflammation, hidradenitis, include:

  • the appearance of itching and swelling in the armpit
  • gradual increase in pain
  • formation of a compaction ranging in size from a few millimeters to 2 cm
  • simultaneous thickening and intensity of pain
  • if several glands are involved in the process, then the foci of inflammation merge into one dense lump

Against the background of ongoing hidradenitis, the patient experiences an increase in body temperature to 38.5°, signs of intoxication, and weakness. The skin at the site of inflammation becomes bluish or purple-red. After 10-15 days, the abscess mixed with blood breaks out.

The symptoms of hidradenitis are similar to a boil. The difference between a boil: the disease begins with rashes in the armpit, redness of the skin and the formation of one purulent core. With atheroma, a painful dense ball is felt in the armpit; the skin turns red only if an infection is attached.

Because of the abundance similar symptoms It is necessary to diagnose the cause of inflammation in the armpit from a qualified dermatologist or therapist.

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Treatment methods

If the cause of inflammation is an allergy to cosmetical tools, That specific treatment not required. Usually it is enough to change the antiperspirant or gel to a hypoallergenic analogue and the inflammation goes away on its own.

You can get rid of irritation after shaving using baby powder or talcum powder. Prevent inflammation in decoction baths medicinal plants with a natural anti-inflammatory effect: chamomile, string, calendula, coltsfoot, aloe.

In case of inflammation in the armpit, the cause of which is infection, the treatment will be much more serious.

Hidradenitis, detected at the initial stage, usually responds to conservative therapy:

  • Use (most often these are drugs based on amoxicillin, ampicillin or erythromycin)
  • Taking painkillers (Nimesulide, Ketorol)
  • Treatment of the inflammation with tetracycline ointment, Levomekol, Neomycin, boric alcohol, salicylic acid

Typically, treatment for axillary hidradenitis takes about 14 days. If it does not bring results, surgeons open the abscess. It is strictly forbidden to open the inflammation yourself: carelessness and lack of disinfection can cause blood poisoning.

After removing the abscess, the wound under the armpit is cleaned of pus and a bandage with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine) is applied. During the treatment period, the patient is advised to limit spicy and smoked foods, as well as alcohol.

Treatment of axillary lymphadenitis depends on the stage at which the disease is detected. Inflammation of the lymph nodes without purulent contents can be cured conservatively. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the original source of infection, since the lymph nodes become inflamed due to infectious diseases.

If lymphadenitis has already progressed to purulent stage, then the inflamed node in the armpit will have to be opened: abscesses and ulcers must be cleared of their contents. Antibiotics are required wide range actions and ointments for local use (Tibonovaya or Tubazidovaya), compresses with streptomycin.

Treatment of armpit inflammation should be entrusted to a doctor: self-medication for serious forms of disease will inevitably lead to surgical intervention.

Hidradenitis under the arm (ICD code L73.2) is an inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands. The disease is popularly nicknamed “bitch udder.” This disease is more common female, is more common in adults; the disease affects children less frequently. At the first suspicion of the development of inflammation of the sweat glands, you should consult a surgeon to decide how to cure the pathology. The disease is serious and does not tolerate self-medication due to the possibility of complications. Antibiotic treatment should be started in a timely manner; a specialist will select a therapeutic regimen.


With hidradenitis under the armpit, it is important to establish and eliminate the causes of the disease, this will the best prevention relapse. The causative agents of the disease most often include Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), which is abundant in environment. A pathological microorganism can reach the sweat gland in three ways:

  • migrating along the excretory duct;
  • using the lymphatic system;
  • penetrate through the smallest wounds on the skin.

The triggers for the development of the disease often include a general decrease in the body's defenses, noticeable exhaustion or obesity. Irregularity of hygiene procedures, excessive function of the sweat glands, occupational hazards- this is another list possible reasons. Experienced surgeons make a connection between burdened heredity and the possibility of “catch” hidradenitis. Many diseases endocrine system become provoking factors that can cause disease.

Interesting fact! It has already been officially proven that many depilatory products and deodorants actively provoke the development of hidradenitis, as they contain aggressive ingredients. Be careful when choosing products to care for your armpit. After the depilation procedure, be sure to treat the area where unwanted hair is removed with an antiseptic several times.

Symptomatic picture

Symptoms of hidradenitis under the armpit increase gradually. First, itching appears, intensifying with sweating, then a compaction the size of a small pea appears. Every day the knot increases in size and becomes denser. Similar “peas” gradually form, quickly merging into a welded conglomerate (the photo illustrates the clinical picture of the disease). Limb movement is limited.

Then low-intensity pain occurs. As the formation of purulent contents begins, well-known symptoms of intoxication appear: health worsens, performance decreases, general weakness and headache appear. The symptomatic picture becomes pronounced over time, and the list of signs of the disease gradually increases.

After just a few days, the sweat glands seem to become fused with the skin and lose mobility. There is no necrotic core, the inflammatory process is diffuse in nature, the infiltrate has a dense consistency. Fluctuation is often palpable in the center. Skin covering above the abscess changes its usual color, becoming red or bluish-purple.

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Live healthy! Hidradenitis

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Results of treatment for Lyudmila Gusak (hidradenitis)

Sometimes hidradenitis occurs on its own, but another outcome is also possible - chronicity of the process. Chronic axillary hidradenitis proceeds according to a wave-like scenario, when periods of remission are replaced by another inflammation of the sweat glands. This is an unfavorable outcome that can lead to complications. Hidradenitis under the armpit often occurs in people with excessive sweating.

Hidradenitis during pregnancy: features of the course of the disease

Inflammation in the armpit in pregnant women occurs in aggravated form. Intoxication increases rapidly symptomatic picture worsens in a matter of days, or even hours. During pregnancy, only approved medications are used. Many antibiotics do not penetrate breast milk and through the placental barrier to the fetus, therefore they are allowed during breastfeeding and at any stage of pregnancy.

Carefully select solutions for washing the wound (sanitation). Furacilin, a hypertonic solution, is more suitable. Ointments are applied Echthyol, Vishnevsky. Dressings are changed more often, preferably immediately after the cotton-gauze pad gets wet. Upper limb give physical peace. It is better for a woman to lie down more.

Drug therapy

Treatment of hidradenitis under the arm often begins with medication prescribed by the surgeon. At the first signs of inflammation in the armpit, you should consult a doctor rather than buy them yourself medical supplies. Self-medication for purulent diseases unacceptable!

For local therapy ointments are prescribed: Echthyol, Neomycin. You can use Kandamycin lotion solution. For prevention reinfection, I treat the epidermis around the opened hidradenitis with Borium, Camphor alcohol, which are purchased at the pharmacy. In case of a relapsing course of the disease, vitamin complexes, immunostimulants, and restoratives are additionally prescribed.

Antibacterial therapy

Hidradenitis in the armpit is treated with antibiotics. If the degree of neglect of the disease allows, the internal contents of the affected gland should be cultured for sensitivity to antibiotics. This will allow you to more accurately verify the diagnosis and not confuse the disease with a boil, carbuncle, fennelosis, donovanosis, scrofulodermosis or actinomycosis.

Antibiotic cultures will accurately indicate the drug that is “killer” for the pathogen. If you wait for results from bacteriological laboratory there is no time, then penicillin drugs are prescribed:

  • Sinukol;
  • Clamoxil;
  • Amoxicillin.

The disease is effectively treated with the use of cephalosparin antibiotics. These include:

  • Zinnat;
  • Ceftazidime;
  • Cefpodoxime;
  • Cefotaxime;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Cefoperazone;
  • Cefpyramide.

Antibiotics are taken strictly in accordance with the prescribed doses, observing time intervals. During the period of massive antibacterial therapy in food significantly increase the proportion fermented milk products, yoghurts. Avoid spicy, salty, fried foods. It is advisable to start taking medications aimed at protecting the cells of the liver parenchyma.


Hidradenitis is often treated surgically. The scalpel operation is performed under conditions of absolute sterility. Hospitalization is rarely required, usually sufficient outpatient observation and regular dressings. Today's medicine is able to completely protect the patient from the risk of contracting blood-borne infections. This is due to disposable tools used individually.

The surgeon excises the nodes of hidradenitis (you can see it in the video, photo), and first triamcinolone mixed with lidocaine is injected into the lump. If necessary, drainage is applied to improve the outflow of internal contents. In advanced stages of the disease, skin grafting is required, since a significant area of ​​the epidermis has to be removed. Then the treatment takes place under conditions surgical hospital, and the rehabilitation period is significantly extended.

Treatment of hidradenitis requires quitting smoking. This applies to all smokers. Be sure to enrich the diet with foods rich in iron and phosphorus. These include:

  • spinach greens;
  • all types of nuts;
  • milk products, especially low-fat cottage cheese;
  • tomatoes;
  • beet;
  • olive or sunflower oil.

Experts advise giving up alcohol, even beer. Sweet foods should not be taken until the disease has completely subsided. Should become more frequent hygiene procedures, more to be on fresh air, do breathing exercises. Then treatment will go faster. You can avoid chronicity of the process if you follow the above recommendations.

Traditional treatment

Treating hidradenitis at home is quite dangerous. Therapy can only be started after consultation with a surgeon. Folk remedies practiced with a small inflammatory focus and in the earliest stages of the disease. Many “grandmother’s” recipes can be safely used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are safe for both mother and fetus.

Recipe No. 1

Apply to the inflamed area in the armpit cabbage leaves or plantain leaves. They will help cure the disease. Secure the bandage with medical tape. The leaves are thoroughly washed under running water and scalded once with boiling water. They can be replaced with an onion baked in the oven. This treatment is safe and allows you to get rid of the disease without drug therapy.

Recipe No. 2

Preparing the “Tibetan patch” ointment. Take 100 gr. laundry soap and rye soap, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and vegetable oil. Mix all the ingredients in a small glass container and cook in a water bath for several minutes. As soon as the mass has boiled, additionally add wax from a church (thin) candle. As soon as the ointment has cooled to room temperature, it is applied in a thick layer to the area of ​​infiltration.

Recipe No. 3

At home, you can treat hidradenitis with a blue lamp. This is a safe method that allows you to achieve tangible therapeutic result. Armpit Warm up 4 times a day for no more than 5.5 minutes. Heat treatment is carried out in the earliest stages of the disease, after which it is prohibited.

Recipe No. 4

Egg, honey, rye flour are the worst “enemies” of hidradenitis. A loose dough is kneaded from the listed ingredients. Roll it into a cake and apply it to the affected area overnight. In the morning, prepare a new portion and repeat the procedure.

Recipe No. 5

Rye flour is mixed in equal quantities with thick sour cream or cream. Prepare the “dough” and use it as indicated in recipe No. 4.