Inflamed Eustachian tube treatment. Inflammation of the Eustachian tube: how to cure tubootitis Is it possible to blow out the ears with a runny nose

Blowing (Eustachian) auditory tubes according to Politzer is a therapeutic and diagnostic manipulation, which consists in introducing air through the nose and further through the Eustachian tube into the middle ear cavity. The procedure is carried out using a special balloon with a capacity of 300-500 ml (pears), on the tube of which tips of different sizes in the shape of an olive are put on.

The procedure is shown in the following cases:

  • Hearing loss due to tubo-otitis;
  • restoration of patency of the Eustachian tube after eustachitis;
  • assessment of the drainage and ventilation functions of the auditory tube;
  • in the treatment of exudative otitis media.


Before blowing out the ears, the nasal cavity is prepared:

    clear it of mucus;

    produce irrigation (anemic) vasoconstrictor drugs to reduce swelling in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, to improve access to the anastomosis of the auditory tubes.

How is the blowing of the auditory tubes according to Politzer

The tip of a Politzer balloon is inserted into the patient's nostril and pressed against the wing of the nose to create a tightness. After this, the patient is asked to pronounce the word “pa-ro-hod” or “lu-kosh-ko” in syllables. At the moment of pronouncing the vowel sound, the balloon is compressed, thereby directing the flow of air through the nasal cavity and nasopharynx into the Eustachian tube. At this moment, the patient hears hissing or clicking, depending on the patency of the auditory tubes.

To restore the patency of the auditory tube, 5-10 daily procedures are performed in combination with other methods of exposure and drug treatment. If the blowing course is ineffective, other options for restoring the patency of the auditory tubes are considered, for example, catheterization of the auditory tubes.

Important to remember that it is not necessary to engage in blowing out the ears on your own without the recommendation of a doctor, because of the danger of additional infection of the middle ear.

The decision on the advisability of using this method is made by the otorhinolaryngologist after examining the patient.

The cost of one procedure of blowing the auditory tubes according to Politzer in the ENT clinic is 600 rubles.

This procedure is also included in the comprehensive program for the treatment of chronic adenoiditis complicated by exudative otitis media, which allows you to save up to 25% of the cost of services according to the price list of the clinic.

Viral and infectious diseases can provoke a short-term or complete loss of hearing activity. When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to identify the exact cause of its appearance as early as possible and select the appropriate treatment that will restore hearing.

Modern medicine offers several proven methods that help to normalize the patient's well-being in a short time. One of these is the Politzer blow. Consider how to blow your ears correctly and not harm your health.

What is a Politzer blow?

Ear blowing according to Politzer is a therapeutic and diagnostic manipulation that allows you to normalize auditory activity. During the procedure, a thin tube is inserted into the middle ear area. A stream of air is supplied through it under pressure.

It is necessary to conduct a study of the Eustachian tube in a specialized institution. Blowing out your ear on your own can damage your eardrum and cause permanent hearing loss.

Before inserting an air tube into the ear area, the doctor cleans the nasal passage. Mucus and cortical formations are removed from it. If these requirements are neglected, then in the process of applying pressure, the risk of penetration of foreign particles into the area of ​​the Eustachian tube increases.

What is the purpose of blowing out the ears?

Frequent inflammatory processes of the middle ear require accurate diagnosis. Thanks to this, it is possible to identify the cause of the occurrence of purulent foci and prevent their further occurrence.

Timely access to an experienced ENT helps reduce the risk of complete deafness

The presence of pathogenic microflora inside the ear is accompanied by the appearance of sulfur plugs, which can cause serious discomfort.

What are the indications for blowing out the ears?

In medical practice, there are a number of indications for this manipulation. These include the following changes in the body:

  • A sharp deterioration in auditory activity;
  • The appearance of autophony after prolonged otitis media;
  • Diagnosis in the field of drainage and ventilation function for the auditory tube;
  • Change and deformation of the eardrum;
  • The presence of exudate inside the middle ear;
  • Prolonged pain syndrome;
  • Feeling of fullness in the ears;
  • Diagnosis of Eustachitis.

If there are any changes in well-being after suffering viral and infectious diseases, it is necessary to seek medical help. Properly selected treatment helps to maintain auditory activity.

How to prepare for ear washing?

This diagnosis and treatment should be carried out by a highly qualified ENT doctor. The specialist will correctly insert the air tube and select the desired pressure level.

The first step is to clean the nasal passages from the presence of foreign particles. If the patient has inflammation of the mucous membranes at the time of the examination, then the procedure is strictly prohibited.

To eliminate discomfort, the patient is treated with a nose with vasoconstrictor drops and solutions. They allow you to reduce sensitivity when introducing a foreign body.

Before carrying out this manipulation, the patient must take antihistamines, which will reduce swelling and prevent allergic reactions.

You need to blow out your ears according to this principle:

  1. A tip from a Politzer balloon is carefully inserted into the cleaned nostril. To create tightness, the nose wing is pressed tightly against the plastic surface. With the help of an otoscope, the external passage of the patient is connected to the ear passage of the attending physician.
  2. Further, the patient must follow the recommendations of a specialist. At this time, he will count from 0 to 5. At the moment of pronunciation of vowels, the balloon is gently compressed. As a result, air pressure moves into the area of ​​the Eustachian tube.
  3. If there are any obstacles in the structure of the middle ear, then the patient and the doctor feel a click. In the absence of pathological changes, the same sound is heard.

It will take 10 procedures to normalize and restore hearing activity. If there is a serous or purulent fluid in the middle ear cavity, then a sharp decrease in the noise level is noted. In this case, the patient hears the sound of a bursting bubble.

Ear blowing at home

Discomfort during a conversation can be manifested by extraneous noise, clicking in the ears. Similar symptoms indicate changes in auditory function. Consider whether it is possible to blow out the ears at home.

It is necessary to carry out such a procedure on your own, taking into account possible negative consequences.

Incorrect blowing can cause an increase in pressure inside the ear canal, which will later be accompanied by a severe headache.

Valsalva maneuver

You can get rid of discomfort yourself at home. For this, the Valsalva method was developed. It is one of the simplest and safest ways to restore hearing function.

It is often used to eliminate the symptoms of catarrhal otitis or tubotympanitis. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of congestion in the ears when talking.

To do this, the patient needs to take a deep breath. At this time, the wings of the nose are pressed tightly against the bony septum to create tightness. Exhalation is through the nose. Air removal should be carried out smoothly, without sudden movements. If this requirement is neglected, then the risk of deformation in the structure of the eardrum increases.

When performed correctly, the patient feels significant relief on exhalation. In the presence of repeated congestion, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a doctor. A similar sign indicates the presence of sulfur plugs or purulent contents inside the middle ear.

Lowry technique

This method has some similarities with the Valsalva method. The patient should swallow air with a closed mouth and hermetically clamped nose.

During swallowing, the Eustachian tube opens. The tongue is pressed tightly against the palate, thereby creating the desired level of pressure in the middle ear.

This method is widely used by experienced spearfishers. This allows them to normalize their well-being after immersion in water to a great depth.

Edmonds maneuver

When swallowing air, it is necessary to strain the palate and muscles in the larynx. The jaw should be pushed forward.

With the tension of the muscles of the mouth and larynx, the jaw section gradually extends 5 cm from its original position. At this time, the pressure in the middle ear begins to equalize.

When performing this technique, the patient may feel unpleasant changes, which consist in the appearance of clicking and autophony. Regular repetition of this method helps to prevent the appearance of sulfur plugs inside the ear canal.

Toynbee technique

A similar technique was named after the British ENT doctor Joseph Toynbee. This man developed an effective way to properly open the Eustachian tube.

The essence of this technique lies in the correct swallowing of air. To do this, the patient must inhale a small amount of oxygen and exhale it through a closed mouth and nose.

To create a tightness, the wings of the nose are pressed against the septum, while creating an optimal level of pressure inside the middle ear. The entire area of ​​​​the tongue presses on the palate. The air is evenly distributed along the larynx.

Are there complications after blowing through the Politzer?

Improper implementation of the ear blowing technique entails a number of serious changes that adversely affect human health. The most common are the following pathologies:

  • Contusion syndrome in the area of ​​the tympanic membrane;
  • Deformation and rupture of the eardrum;
  • The appearance of purulent otitis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • The occurrence of emphysema in the subcutaneous and peripharyngeal tissue.

During the procedure, the patient may experience unpleasant sensations of nausea and severe dizziness.

Similar symptoms indicate serious changes in the structure of the middle ear. You should not endure the pain syndrome, which indicates the presence of a foreign body or improper balloon management.

What is the effect after blowing out the ears?

Experienced specialists identify a number of advantages of this method of restoring auditory activity. These include the following changes:

  • Normalization of well-being. During a conversation, a person stops hearing extraneous sounds. Speech becomes more intelligible and clear;
  • Prevention of the appearance of sulfur plugs. Improper care of the ears is accompanied by the appearance of sulfur deposits, which form a foreign body. Their untimely removal is accompanied by the appearance of purulent otitis media;
  • The technique of blowing the ear passages allows you to normalize the immune defense;
  • Prevents the appearance of chronic and acute inflammatory processes in the middle ear cavity;
  • Helps to restore auditory activity after serious illnesses;
  • Removes congestion in the ears;
  • The technique normalizes blood pressure and improves well-being.

To carry out this manipulation, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the anatomical structure. Incorrect or abrupt insertion of the rubber tip of the tube can lead to deformity or rupture of the eardrum. As a result, a person permanently loses hearing function.

It can only be restored surgically using artificial material. As a rule, such a procedure is characterized by a high price and complexity of implementation.

Remember that when the initial symptoms appear, it is urgent to seek help from highly qualified specialists. This will normalize general well-being and prevent further development of inflammatory processes.

Ear blowing is an effective technique to help clear ear congestion and prevent eardrum rupture. How to carry out this procedure correctly so as not to harm the organ of hearing?

The main purpose of blowing is to ensure pressure equalization in the ENT system. A number of diseases (eustachitis, catarrhal and diffuse otitis media) and conditions (pressure drops during movement, diving, ascent, takeoff and landing) are associated with the appearance of a pressure difference in the auditory tube connecting the nasopharynx and the tympanic cavity. In this case, the membrane is strongly bent inside the middle ear, which leads to unpleasant congestion and the risk of its rupture.

In order for the pressure to equalize, it is necessary to ensure the free passage of the Eustachian tube and the flow of air from it into the tympanic cavity. At the junction of these two sections of the ENT system, there is a one-way valve - a pipe roller. Due to the pressure difference, it collapses and no longer ensures the ventilation process.

It is possible to return the valve mobility in the process of yawning or swallowing, as well as when simulating these manipulations at home using specially developed techniques.

In serious cases, blowing through the Politzer is required by the otolaryngologist using special tools.

Indications for the procedure

Ensuring high-quality ventilation of the ENT system helps to cope with a lot of problems that arise in it and speed up the healing process in a number of diseases of the hearing organs. When is it necessary to blow out the ears?

  • If it is necessary to remove exudate from the tympanic cavity with catarrhal and diffuse otitis media of the middle ear;
  • with hearing loss after otitis media;
  • if necessary, improve the evacuation of exudate or sulfur masses from the ear canal;
  • with aerootitis that occurs during diving, flights and transportation due to pressure drops;
  • with barotrauma;
  • with obstruction of the Eustachian tube;
  • with complaints of noise and rustling in the ears after water has entered them;
  • with stuffy ears of various etiologies;
  • in the diagnosis of patency of the Eustachian tube.

Timely and correctly performed ear blowing improves ventilation within the ENT system and returns the Eustachian tube to its drainage function. These measures make it possible to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of congestion and autophony, accelerate the healing process in case of otitis and help to avoid the spread of pathogenic microflora in the departments of the system.


Despite the obvious benefits of the procedure and the simplicity of its implementation, not everyone can blow out the ears after otitis media - the technique has a number of contraindications.

First of all, blowing out the ears should not be done without prior consultation with an otolaryngologist. Only a specialist after the examination will be able to determine if you have any contraindications to this procedure. It cannot be done when:

  • Inflammation of the eardrum;
  • with acute inflammation of a viral and bacterial nature in the ENT system.

In the first case, the blowing process can lead to rupture of the eardrum. If you do the procedure during the acute phase of inflammatory processes in the lower and middle sections of the ENT system (tonsillitis, rhinitis, etc.), mucus, together with the injected air, can penetrate the tympanic cavity and cause purulent otitis media in it.

Blowing by Politzer

If, after the examination, the specialist decides that you need to blow out, most likely he will prescribe a whole course of procedures according to the Politzer method. This physiotherapeutic manipulation is performed by an otolaryngologist using an otoscope and a pear that pumps air into the ENT system.

How is a Politzer blowdown performed?

  1. Blowing through the Politzer requires some preparation: the nasal cavity is thoroughly cleaned of mucus and possible crusts, and then treated with vasoconstrictor drugs. The latter are designed to reduce swelling of the tissues of the nasal passages, nasopharynx and Eustachian tube.
  2. Then the specialist evaluates the width of the patient's nasal passages and selects a suitable tip.
  3. During the procedure, the tip of the Politzer pear is inserted into one nostril, while the other is tightly clamped.
  4. If the procedure is required to ensure the evacuation of sulfuric masses or exudate from the ear, the patient's head is tilted to the side, and a container is placed under his auricle.
  5. The patient is asked to pronounce certain words with open syllables, and during the pronunciation of a vowel sound, the doctor profits from the pear, driving air into the nostril. Its flow moves along the Eustachian tube, pushes out the valve, enters the tympanic cavity and comes to the membrane.

The course of purges according to Politzer lasts from 5 to 10 days. The length of physiotherapy depends on the severity of the disease and the rate of elimination of unpleasant symptoms.

Techniques for the procedure at home

With mild manifestations of pathology or with the constant occurrence of aerootitis due to professional activities, the otolaryngologist recommends that you blow out your ears with otitis media using special techniques at home.

Currently, many effective self-deflation techniques have been developed based on the correct use of the nasopharyngeal muscles. To learn how to control this muscle, experts recommend “training” before starting the procedures and understanding how to work:

  • Take a little water in your mouth and, throwing your head back, gargle - this is how the muscles of the epiglottis are trained;
  • open your mouth wide and exhale shallowly, so that the air cannot even leave the trachea - such an exercise teaches you to do the so-called. "closed throat";
  • make a “closed throat”, and then, slightly loosening the muscles of the epiglottis, release air from the trachea with a small stream - it should enter with a hissing sound.

It is advisable to do such exercises several times a day, and only after you realize that you have complete control over the muscles of the epiglottis, you can start blowing. Such preparatory measures will ensure the correctness of the procedure and its effectiveness.

What are the techniques for blowing out ears suitable for home use? Currently, about 10 different ways to equalize ear pressure are considered effective and safe. Some of these techniques are used only by professionals (divers, submariners and pilots), and some are available to the average layman who needs ear blowing.

Valsalva maneuver

This technique, like blowing out the ear, helps to quickly equalize the pressure inside the ENT system. The simplicity of the Valsalva maneuver allows it to be used by practically unprepared people:

  1. Take a deep breath.
  2. Create a "closed throat", close the lips tightly and press the nostrils against the nasal septum.
  3. Make a slow smooth exhalation.

The air from the lungs, rushing to the nose, cannot exit through the nasal passages, so it begins to move along the only free path - the Eustachian tube, through which it enters the middle ear cavity and rests against the eardrum, returning it to the correct position and thereby eliminating congestion ear.

Lowry technique

This technique works due to the movement of the muscles of the pharynx associated with the valve that blocks the entrance to the tympanic cavity, and directly with the soft and cartilaginous tissues of the ear.

  1. Press your lips together tightly.
  2. Exhale.
  3. Pinch your nasal passages.
  4. Make several swallowing movements.

Otovent technique

This technique is a homemade version of the Politzer blow. During the procedure, a special Otoventa balloon, which is freely sold in pharmacies, is used to inject air into the nostril. The high elasticity of the rubber ball ensures the safety of ear blowing at home.

If, when using the Politzer method, air enters the auditory tube from the outside, then when using the Othovent technique, on the contrary, you will need to inflate the balloon through one nostril into which the tip is inserted. The success of the procedure will be indicated by a characteristic click in the ear and the elimination of unpleasant congestion.

Edmonds maneuver

Blowing the auditory tubes according to Edmonds consists in exhaling air with closed nasal passages with parallel movement of the lower jaw.

This technique combines two effective methods at once: when the jaw moves, the soft and cartilaginous tissues of the ear begin to move, and the tube roller moves, opening the lumen from the Eustachian tube into the tympanic cavity. The forced air, in turn, purges the ENT system.

Toynbree technique

This technique is similar to the Lowry technique - the blowing of the auditory tubes is carried out due to the action of swallowing movements on the position of the valve and eardrum. During this technique, it is required, by closing the nostrils and closing the lips, to methodically swallow saliva until the congestion of the ears recedes.

With a lack of saliva, it is permissible to take a small amount of water into the mouth and swallow it little by little. The Toynbrie technique is considered the safest, so it is allowed to be used at home, even for children from 5 years old.

Blowing the auditory tubes is an effective method of equalizing external and internal pressure on the eardrum. Physiotherapeutic manipulations can eliminate local manifestations of ear diseases such as tubotympanitis (Eustachitis), catarrhal and diffuse otitis. The main goal of the procedure is to eliminate the feeling of stuffy ears and prevent rupture of the eardrum.

To normalize the pressure inside the ear, it is necessary to restore the patency of the Eustachian tube. It is she who performs the ventilation function, communicating the ear cavity with the nasopharynx. At the level of the posterior wall of the oropharynx, the auditory canal ends with a one-way valve, which is called the tube roller. It opens only when yawning and swallowing, which helps to redirect air masses into the tympanic cavity and, accordingly, equalize external and internal pressure on the eardrum.

Purpose of purges

By blowing the ear at home, you can eliminate the feeling of congestion and transfusion of fluid in the middle ear cavity. The most common causes of discomfort are:

  • otitis;
  • barotrauma;
  • allergic reactions;
  • blockage of the auditory canal with sulfur plug;
  • inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the ENT organs;
  • a sharp change in pressure when diving under water, taking off on airplanes.

As a result, the lumen in the auditory canal, which communicates the ear with the nasopharynx, is greatly narrowed. This leads to a violation of the ventilation function of the Eustachian tube and the appearance of negative pressure in the ear cavity. Inside the organ of hearing, oxygen is constantly being absorbed by the tissues of the mucous membranes. For this reason, a low pressure is created in it, which causes the eardrum to retract into the middle ear cavity.

Pressure drops and blockage of the ear canal lead to the accumulation of serous effusions in the ear, which is one of the main causes of the sensation of fluid transfusion in the organ of hearing.

Properly performed blowing of the auditory tubes at home leads to an increase in their lumen and the restoration of drainage and ventilation functions.

Indications for the procedure

Before resorting to a physiotherapy procedure, you should consult with a specialist. Incorrect manipulations can cause serious barotrauma, up to the rupture of the eardrum. In addition, blowing is not recommended for miringitis, i.e. inflammation of the tympanic membrane. A sudden change in pressure can lead to pain and inflammation in the inner ear.

You can perform manipulations to restore pressure if you have the following symptoms:

  • feeling of fullness in the ears;
  • severe hearing loss
  • stuffy ears;
  • constant "clicking" in the head;
  • violations in the coordination of movements.

In the presence of serious ear diseases, blowing is performed on an outpatient basis using a special catheter or a Politzer device.

The above signs in 90% of cases indicate the accumulation of fluid in the ear cavity and, accordingly, blockage of the auditory canal. However, it should be noted that the effectiveness of manipulations depends on the frequency and correctness of performing special exercises.

How to blow out ears at home? There are at least 10 methods for self-blowing the auditory tubes. Most of them were developed to prevent barotrauma in professional divers, submariners, pilots, etc. Many of them can be used as an additional physiotherapy treatment for ear diseases and the consequences of otitis media.

To open the mouth of the auditory canal and restore normal pressure inside the ear, the following can be used:

  • Valsalva maneuver - exhalation of air with a closed nose and mouth;
  • Lowry's technique - swallowing with blocked nostrils and a closed mouth;
  • Frenzel's maneuver - the use of the tongue as an air blower in the nasal and oral cavity;
  • Otovent technique - blowing the ear canals with a balloon of air pumped with a special pear;
  • Edmonds maneuver - exhalation with parallel extension of the lower jaw with a blocked nose and mouth;
  • Toynbree technique - imitation of swallowing water with blocked nostrils.

Most of the above techniques do not require the use of special tools. However, in order to achieve the desired therapeutic results, it is important to correctly perform physiotherapy manipulations. The simplest but most effective ways to restore normal patency of the auditory canals are described below.

Valsalva method

The Valsalva method is one of the simplest ways to blow out the ear canals, which is used to relieve local manifestations of tubotympanitis and catarrhal otitis. To implement the technique, you need to take a deep breath and, pressing the nostrils to the nasal septum, exhale through the nose.

Important! Do not exhale sharply during the procedure, as this can damage the parts of the inner ear.

Performing the Valsalva technique promotes air injection into the nasopharynx, due to which it penetrates into the auditory canal. This contributes to an increase in the lumen in the Eustachian tube and the outflow of fluid from the middle ear. However, it should be noted that blowing out the ears at home can cause the following complications:

  • damage to the ear labyrinth with a sharp and strong exhalation;
  • infection of the middle ear when pathogens enter the nasopharynx;
  • rupture of the eardrum when creating high internal pressure.

Before performing a physiotherapy procedure, it is desirable to clear the nasal passages of mucus. To prevent the penetration of pathogenic flora into the auditory canal, you need to rinse your nose with saline.

The technique is based on forcing air into the Eustachian tube not with forced expiration, but with swallowing. At the moment of swallowing saliva, the mouth of the auditory canal expands. With swelling of the mucosa nasopharynx in the oral cavity, the air pressure increases, which penetrates the tympanic cavity and thereby restores normal pressure on the eardrum.

How to do self-deflation of the ears? To eliminate congestion and heaviness in the head, you must do the following:

  1. press the nostrils against the nasal septum;
  2. take a small amount of water in your mouth;
  3. swallow water.

The procedure must be repeated until a click occurs in the ears, signaling the equalization of internal and external pressure. This method of blowing out the ear tubes is one of the safest, so it can be used to eliminate the symptoms of otitis media in children from 5 years of age.

Othovent Method

The Othovent method is a homemade analogue of the Politzer ear tube blowing technique. To complete the procedure, you need to purchase the so-called Otoventa balloon at the pharmacy. A simple device is a balloon with a plastic tip that is inserted into the nostril to deflate the Eustachian tube. During the procedure, there is practically no risk of a critical increase in pressure inside the ear, due to the high elasticity of the ball used.

To eliminate congestion and normalize the outflow of fluid from the ear, it is advisable to perform physiotherapeutic manipulations daily for 4-5 days. How to blow out the ear at home?

  • press one nostril against the nasal septum;
  • insert the tip of the Otovent balloon into the second nostril;
  • take a breath and try to inflate the balloon with your nose;
  • do similar manipulations with the second nostril.

The success of the technique will be signaled by a characteristic click in the ear.

Most people do not perform self-deflation properly due to poor control of the nasopharyngeal muscles. To take control of the muscles of the palate, nasopharynx and epiglottis, you should perform a few simple exercises. Among the most effective of them are:

It is advisable to do the above exercises 3-4 times a day until the patient feels complete control over the muscles of the soft palate and epiglottis. The ability to control the muscles of the nasopharynx increases the efficiency of performing procedures for blowing the auditory tubes by at least 30-40%.

Politzer Eustachian tube blowing is an otolaryngological method for the treatment of ear diseases, which involves the introduction of air through the auditory canal into the middle ear.

This procedure is possible due to the use of an otoscope and a Politz balloon.

A few minutes before the start of the procedure, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages from mucous accumulations. It is recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops to reduce swelling of the nasopharynx. A disinfected tip is inserted into the cleaned nasal passage, located on one side of the balloon, which must be clamped with the wing of the nostrils to create an airtight space in the nasal passage.

Using an otoscope, connect the patient's ear to the ear canal of the doctor performing the procedure. The patient pronounces, slowly, clearly and in syllables the word “pa-ro-hod” (or another word with a large number of vowels) and counts up to three. When a vowel is pronounced, the doctor presses the balloon and the air flow enters the auditory tube.


The procedure for blowing the auditory tubes according to Politzer should be performed only by an experienced otolaryngologist. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, significant harm to the health of the patient can be caused.

At the moment of air movement, the doctor should hear the same sound as the patient:

  1. if the auditory canal is clear, a hiss is heard;
  2. if there is any obstruction in the channel, a click is heard;
  3. if there is liquid in the canal or in the region of the middle ear (sulfur or purulent accumulation), the sound of bursting blisters is heard. The directional air flow during the procedure is sharply weakened.

Similarly, blowing of the auditory tubes along the Politzer and in the other ear is carried out. To restore the patency of the auditory tubes, it is necessary to perform at least 5 procedures within a week (it is better to observe an interval between procedures of 1-2 days).

If necessary, the duration of the procedure can be increased. If blowing is not effective after several treatments, the otolaryngologist will suggest other treatment options to the patient.

Blowing of the auditory tubes should be carried out with the following diseases:

  • negative consequences after a severe stage of otitis media;
  • with repeated treatment of the auditory canals (for example, after eustachitis);
  • lack of drainage and ventilation functions of the auditory tubes, or at least one of them;
  • frequent pain in the ears;
  • persistent congestion of the ear canals;
  • poor perception of sounds, partial temporary deafness;
  • increased audibility of one's own voice.

In acute inflammatory processes, the procedure should not be carried out in the nose, in the nasopharynx or oropharynx, so as not to infect the middle ear. Otherwise, the patient's condition will worsen, purulent otitis in the middle ear and other complications may occur. Any invasive procedure, including the blowing of the auditory tubes according to Politzer, does not exclude the occurrence of a complication of the disease.

Most often, when blowing the auditory canals, the following complications appear:

  • Due to the increased air pressure, injuries to the eardrums or middle ear of varying severity can occur, up to rupture.
  • With poor preparatory procedures, purulent otitis media occurs.
  • Bleeding.
  • If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, air accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue.

Also, during the procedures, side reactions often occur:

  • Dizziness, disorientation.
  • Noises in the ears.

If side effects appear, you should not refuse the Politzer blowing procedure, but you should tell the doctor about your condition. The procedure is extremely unpleasant, especially for young children.

For their treatment, parents are often asked to hold the baby's head tightly so as not to damage the auditory canal during the procedure. With advanced diseases of the auditory tubes, blowing does not provide effective treatment.

Ear blowing at home

Many patients refuse treatment in hospitals, and blow out their ears at home. Remember that any self-medication can significantly worsen the condition of the diseased organ.

To carry out the procedure yourself, you should:

  1. To understand the cause of the disease, with a cold, you should first complete the course of treatment.
  2. For nasal congestion, a familiar vasoconstrictor should be used.
  3. Next, directly carry out the self-blowing procedure, that is, close the nostrils tightly and try to exhale with force. As a result, air will enter the auditory canal. This simple procedure is called the Valsalva Purge Method, and is well known to divers and scuba divers.
  4. In addition to self-blowing, you can use the blue lamp to warm up the ear.

There are several other ways to blow out your ears at home.

Modified Politzer method - the execution procedure is similar to the process described at the beginning of the article, with a slight difference in the actions of the patient. When blowing, the head is first tilted forward, then turned towards the healthy ear, so that the diseased ear is at the top (the ear canal will be located vertically). Such manipulations are necessary so that all fluids can flow out of the cavity of the eardrum down the auditory tube.

Ear cleaning with massage. The methods of treatment of various parts of the body with the help of massage are widely known. Those patients who undergo treatment with massage procedures note an improvement in well-being. Ear problems are no exception. While massaging the tragus with your finger, which closes access to the auditory canal, you should tilt your head towards the healthy ear. With the right actions, compressed air will press on the eardrum, pressing it inward, due to which all accumulations at the ear canal of the auditory tube will be pushed out.

Cleaning with a catheter. The main advantage of this method of treatment is the possibility of cleaning only one diseased ear, while using a medication directly in the auditory canal. The steel ear catheters are numbered according to the possible sizes of the ear canals, so choose the right catheter for your size.

The use of a catheter requires preparation - it is necessary to remove the swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and oropharynx as much as possible in order to avoid bleeding during the procedure. With high sensitivity, the patient should drink an anesthetic.

The catheter has a kind of beak at one end, which should be brought to the opening of the ear canal. Further, using the Politzer method, the severity of the disease and the presence of fluids in the passage are determined, the drug is injected into a special recessed section in the catheter. The entire process should be carefully monitored using an otoscope.

After a positive treatment, precautions should be taken - take care of your health, avoid drafts and hypothermia. Otherwise, with each subsequent ear disease, severe complications will appear, up to permanent deafness.