10 proverbs and sayings about health. Proverbs and sayings about health, a healthy lifestyle for preschool and school children, schools, preschool educational institutions and adults: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of the meaning

Appetite runs away from the sick, and rolls towards the healthy.
The pharmacy will not add a century.
Indulge in pharmacies - do not squeeze money.
Apothecaries heal, and the sick cry.
Pharmacy will heal for half a century. And a good pharmacy will reduce centuries.

Babi age - forty years.
Bath is the second mother.
The bath is our mother: you will steam the bones, you will fix your whole body.
The bath is everything.
The bath is healthy, the conversation is fun.
The bath soars, the bath rules. Bath is the second mother.
Master's illness - peasant health.
The master's servant began to bend into an arc.
I am not happy without illness and health.
Without chance, a person cannot live a century.
Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age.
Take care of honor from a young age, and health in old age.
God would give health, and the days ahead.
A sick heart is bitter and without pepper.
The disease comes in by the poods, and comes out by the spools.
Sickness and grief will soon be taken away.
Illness and a piglet does not paint.
Disease and cattle does not paint.
The disease does not ask us.
The disease does not go through the forest, but through people.
The disease jumps into the house on variables (on postal), and is selected on long ones.
A person's illness does not paint.
Sick - heal, and healthy - beware.
My side hurts for the ninth year, I don’t know which place.
Pain without a tongue, but it affects.
The pain of the doctor is looking for.
The pain of the doctor is looking for. On the wound and a band-aid.
You will leave the pain and so you will die.
Pain is addictive, timed. A sick wife did not like her husband. It hurts, but it's hard.
A sick wife is not nice to her husband.
Painfully wounded - and the head was not found.
It hurts, but it's involuntarily.
It hurts that stepmother's scratching.
The patient is not himself.
The sick are treated, the healthy are mad.
Sick that child.
Don't trust a sick person to eat.
The patient is sad.
The sick and the golden bed will not help.
You can’t rub jelly into the patient’s mouth.
Sick and honey bitter.
A sick person does not like honey, but a healthy one eats a stone.
Sick wounds on their shoulders.
The disease is small, but the disease is great.
The belly of the patient is smarter than the head of the doctor.
Be not red, but healthy.
The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous.
The disease does not paint a person, but ages.

In good health and getting sick is good.
In a healthy body healthy mind.
What keeps the soul.
Believe not the disease, but the doctor.
The merry one wants to live, but cannot die.
Doctor, heal yourself.
Every disease goes to the heart.
Any disease to the heart.
Take every pain to yourself.
Cut boils and insert sores.

Where it hurts - here is the hand, and where it's nice - here are the eyes.
Where it hurts-grab-praise, where it's cute - look-look.
Where there is health, there is beauty.
Where there is a cough, there is sickness.
Where there are many doctors, there are many sick (and ailments).
Where there are feasts and teas, there are sicknesses.
Where it's simple, they live there for a hundred years.
To teach a fool is to treat the dead.
The rotten pig will chill in petrovki.
Head hurts, butt is better.
Bitter is cured, and sweet is crippled.
Diploma is not a disease - it does not take years.

God bless the whip and collar, and the horse will take you.
Give freedom to pain - it will bend into an arc.
Give freedom to pain - lie down and die.
Give free rein to the pain - it will kill you.
Let the pain free - you will die before death.
God bless you, but no money.
God would give health, but we will find happiness.
I lost money - I lost nothing, I lost a lot of time, I lost my health - I lost everything.
Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm.
A century away: everything will heal.
Until death, everything will heal.
Until the wedding will heal.
A kind person and someone else's disease to the heart.
We undertake to treat others, but we ourselves are sick.
To teach a fool is what to treat a humpback.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Even a fly will kill him with its wing.
Barely a soul in the body.
If you want to be healthy - temper yourself.
There is a disease - there is a cure.
Eat a radish - and slice, and trihu.
Eat horseradish food and you will be tenacious.
Eat, but not fat - you will be healthier.

Wait until the devil dies: he did not even think of getting sick.
Live wisely, you don't need doctors.
Stomachs are not threads: if you tear them, you won’t tie them up.

For the captivity of the move when the legs hurt.
A closed wound is difficult to heal.
Frozen - more than fried.
An old disease is difficult to treat.
An old disease is difficult to treat.
Conceived for health, and brought to rest.
You will be healthy - you will get everything.
Healthy as a bull, and I don't know what to do.
A healthy person does not need a doctor.
Healthy is great.
Healthy and unhealthy is healthy, and unhealthy and healthy is unhealthy.
To be treated healthy is to learn how to limp in advance.
A healthy doctor does not require.
Health is the head of everything, everything is more expensive.
Health is the most precious thing, and so is money.
Health comes out in pounds, and enters in spools.
Health is more valuable than wealth.
Health is more valuable than money, I will be healthy and I will get money.
Health is more valuable than money.
Health can not be bought - his mind gives.
Sick in health.
Health is weak, and the spirit is not a hero.
Health has no price.
Money can't buy health.
You can't buy health.

And a doctor is no better than a healer.
And one cow, yes, is healthy.
And the dog knows that grass is cured.
Play, do not win back; heal, don't heal!
Another doctor would treat himself.
Fatigue is worse than death.

To each his own disease is difficult.
Coughing and sneezing - not your hunt.
If it were not for the bath, we would all be lost.
Someday the devil will die, but he still does not get sick.
The skin is spruce, but the heart is great.
The bell ringing of the disease is not treated.
The body gains bone.
More beautifully put in a coffin.
In addition to death, you will be cured of everything.
Whoever is unhealthy at twenty, not smart at thirty, and not rich at forty, will not be like this forever.

Whoever got up before the day is healthy during the day.
Whoever is not afraid of cholera is afraid of it.
He who has not been sick does not know the price of health.
Who does not smoke, who does not drink, that protects health.
Smoking is injurious to health.

The doctor heals his pocket.
He heals and throws into the grave.
Fever is not a uterus: it shakes, does not regret.
The fever will thrash you more than your stepmother.
Bow and bath all rule.
Onion and garlic siblings.
Onion heals seven ailments, and garlic plagues seven ailments.
Onion heals seven ailments.
Better forty times - to sweat than one - to get frosty.
People are modest, but we are healthy.

A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.
Husband to headlessness, and wife to health.

On a sore head and a blow.
Do not pray for a sore, but heal.
For every disease, a potion grows.
For women's infirmities and a guess is a medicine.
Everything will live alive.
Shines in the sun.
Eat onions, go to the bathhouse, rub yourself with horseradish, and drink kvass!
Get your sore and treat it!
Neither decoction nor powder takes it.
Do not be afraid of the road, if the horses were healthy.
Not the patient is fastidious - the pain.
Old age is not in time, sickness is not to the point.
Not everyone dies who gets sick.
Not every disease leads to death.
Not every disease leads to death.
Not everyone dies who is sick.
God does not give death or life.
God forbid to be treated and sue.
The disease does not go through the forest, but through people.
Don't give in, don't lie down; and you lie down - you will not get up.
Danila did not die, but the sore crushed.
Not happy with a sick and golden bed.
Do not rush to die, you will still lie down.
Do not ask health, look in the face.
Do not ask the patient for health.
Not so much death in the world as pain.
Not the potion to the ground, but the one to live.
Not the sick one who lies, but the one who sits over the pain.
Everything is unhealthy for the unhealthy.
You can't heal, you can cut it off.
It's awkward, awkward, but great.
No life, no death.
Nothing hurts, but everything groans.

Just bones and skin.
There is no cure for health.
There is no cure for health.
Odova coughed from cover to cover, and she says that she is coughing.
You don't get sick of bedsores.

The steam does not break bones, it does not drive the soul out.
Steam doesn't break bones.
For a healthy son, the heart aches, for a sick son twice.
Until the heart hurts, the eyes do not cry.
Lie down after lunch, walk around after dinner.
With frequent grief, pain will come.
Arrived - did not say hello, went - did not say goodbye.
The time has come to fight - there is no time to heal your hands.
The nasty are treated, but the pleasant are often ruined.

A self-inflicted wound does not heal well.
It is easier to hurt than to heal.
You won't die before death.
A frail child, so rotten as an adult.
Cut down a healthy tree, but a rotten one will fall down on its own.
Blush does not cure ailments.

From a sick head to a healthy one.
Go to bed with chickens, get up with roosters.
They don’t die from fasting, but they die from gluttony.
The disease itself will say what it wants.
They don't treat their illness with someone else's health.
Your sore is a big nodule.
Eats sweetly, sleeps so badly.

That soul is not alive that went to the doctors.
The same fat and the same wounds.
Interpret the patient with the assistant doctor.
Interpret Makar with a drunken woman, and a sick man with a doctor's assistant.
He does not know health, who is not sick.
You are not good for me, but I am not good for you.
It's hard to get sick, it's hard to sit over the sick.

The patient's health is not asked.
Every doctor has his poultices. Peace to the deceased, and feast to the healer.
Whoever hurts, he screams.
Whoever has aching bones does not think to visit.
Who does not hurt, he does not itch.
Whoever lost it would have a sticking in his throat, and whoever stole it would be to his health.
Whoever hurts, he talks about it.
Mutilation is not dishonor.
Mind and health are the most precious things.
Moderation is the mother of health.
Fell hurt, but got up great.
She left, tortured, bent and twisted.

I'm sick - I eat a loaf, I can't - I eat a pie.
I'm sick - I eat on a loaf.
Ailment is not your brother.
The ailment enters in pounds, and comes out in spools.
A good (kind) cook is worth a doctor.
Although the mansions are cheerful, they are not very healthy.
At least the hut is spruce, but the heart is healthy.
Although not soon, but great.
Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage will not allow dashing.

The person ages, the disease becomes younger.
Laziness does not feed a person, but only spoils health.
Garlic and onions from seven ailments.
Garlic and radish - so hard on the stomach.
The better you chew your food, the longer you live.
Clean water is a disaster for the sick.
Cleanliness is the key to health.
Cleanliness is half health.
What is healthy for a Russian is death for a German.
What is soon is bad.
Whatever hurts, he talks about it.
Other people's infirmities will not heal.

The wool in the felt is even goatskin - sleep on it to your health.
Fir fur coat, but healthy to the heart.

I'm dumb but healthy.

Children of preschool and school age acquaintance with Russian proverbs will be beneficial, because these well-aimed, figurative expressions teach life, make you wiser. But not all proverbs will be simple and understandable to children. Many of them have a hidden meaning, contain old, obsolete words, metaphors. On this page we have tried to collect the most simple proverbs about health for children of school and preschool age.

Health is more valuable than money.
He does not value health who has never been sick.
Healthy - jumping, ill - crying.
Smoking is injurious to health.
Who does not smoke and does not drink, he protects health.
Health is near: look for it in a bowl.
Healthy treatment - learn to limp in advance.
Appetite runs away from the sick, and rolls towards the healthy.
Not happy with a sick and golden bed.
Give freedom to pain, it will bend into an arc.
Whoever hurts, he talks about it.
Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm - you will live a hundred years on earth.
The more you chew, the longer you live.
Cleanliness is the key to health.

(from the book "Dictionary of a schoolchild. Proverbs, sayings, catchphrases", author O. D. Ushakova)

Health has no price.
Healthy is great.
You will be healthy, you will get everything.
Health is wealth.
You can't buy health.
Healthy and unhealthy are great.
Health comes in days and leaves in hours.
Mind and health are the most precious things.
Lost money - lost nothing, lost time - lost a lot, lost health - lost everything.
It would be health - the rest will be.
Happiness and health are valued when both are not present.
There is no cure for health.
It would be health, and there are many days ahead.
As if hammered together on an anvil.
So healthy that you can drive into the ground.
Healthy as a bull, and I don't know what to do.
Silushka runs through the veins with fire.
So healthy that if a knot squeezes in a fist, so the water will go,
Although the body is not visible, but strong health.
Healthy and grief is not in grief and trouble is not a vow.
Be healthy for a hundred years.

(from the book "Russian folk proverbs and sayings", author A. M. Zhigulev)

Sick - heal, and healthy - beware.
Cleanliness is the key to health.
The disease does not go through the forest, but through people.
In good health and getting sick is good.
A healthy person looks with both eyes and works with both hands.
Health comes out in pounds, and enters in spools.
Health is everything.
Money can't buy health.
He does not know health, who is not sick.
The patient is sad.
The patient is not happy even with a golden bed.
An old disease is difficult to treat.
Whoever has aching bones does not think to visit.
Everything is unhealthy for the unhealthy.

(from the book "Russian Proverbs and Sayings", author M. A. Rybnikova)

A healthy person does not need a doctor.
A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.
A healthy person is a rich person.
Health in war is doubly expensive.
Health is not money, you can't borrow it.
You will ruin your health, you will not buy a new one.
You begin to value your health when you lose it.
Health radiates, courage breathes.
He is weak in health, so he is not a hero in spirit.

(from the book "Encyclopedia of Folk Wisdom", author N. Uvarov)

Healthy, like a bull, like a hog. Strong as a forester.
Healthy for food, but frail for work.
Whoever is not afraid of cholera is afraid of it.
Treat yourself, only spoil.
Play, do not win back; heal, don't heal!
And the dog knows that grass is cured.
The nasty (bitter) are treated, and the sweet is spoiled.
Onion heals seven ailments. Bow from seven ailments.
Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage - they will not allow dashing.
Bath is the second mother. Steam the bones, direct the whole body.
God would give health, and there are many days ahead (and we will find happiness).
Healthy and unhealthy is healthy, and unhealthy and healthy is unhealthy.
Not the sick one who lies, but the one who sits over the pain.
It's hard to get sick, it's harder to sit over the pain.
A person's illness does not paint.
A sick person does not like honey, but a healthy one eats a stone.
The disease itself will say what it wants. What gets into the mouth is useful.
God did not give health - and the doctor will not give.

(from the book "Proverbs of the Russian people", author Dal V.I.)

In this article, we offer a list of proverbs with explanations in order to tell children about them.

Proverbs and sayings have a short content, but they reveal a very big meaning. They can not only give direct instructions, but have a hidden meaning. Therefore, when learning sayings with a child, be sure to give an explanation. What proverbs to learn with a child and what their meaning will be provided below in this material.

Proverbs and sayings about health for children 3-7 years old, preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Proverbs and sayings were passed down from the older generation to their children. Therefore, they often contain unusual words, the meaning of which has already been lost in time. After all, some of them arose even before the advent of writing. Be sure to give your child an explanation of incomprehensible words, because children are able to twist ordinary metaphors in their own way.

  • “To indulge in pharmacies - do not squeeze money”- This proverb says that medicines are expensive. Therefore, if you get sick, you will have to spend a considerable amount of money on treatment.
  • "A sick heart is bitter and without pepper"- this proverb rather speaks not of a physical disease of the heart and a person, but of his mental anguish. That is, a person suffers or misses, worries or is simply offended. Therefore, it feels like the heart is bitter, like pepper.
  • “The disease does not go through the forest, but through people”- sick people, animals and other representatives of the animal world. This proverb teaches that you can get infected from another sick person or animal, but not from a tree in the forest. Although trees and plants are also subject to disease, they simply belong to a different circle.
  • "Where there are feasts and teas, there are sickness"- This proverb refers to proper nutrition. If you eat a lot of sweet or junk food, then diseases will constantly attack.
  • "Eat garlic and onions - will not take the disease"- another "defenders" of immunity. Although they are tasteless, they are useful.
  • "If you want to be healthy - temper"- this is a direct instruction that it is necessary and useful to temper. After all, this strengthens the body's resistance to microbes.
  • « Health leaves in pounds, but comes in golden spools ”- this indicates that it is very difficult to strengthen and improve one's health, it improves with small grains. But the disease takes a significant share of your immunity. If a child already knows mathematical measurements and numbers, then 1 pood is equivalent to almost 4,000 spools.

IMPORTANT: To make it easier for a child to learn information about human health, illness and immunity, build a castle or a large house from the constructor. And here are small cubes - this will be the health that a person brings into his body. And remove large blocks of 5-10 cubes - this is the result of various diseases.

  • "Health is more valuable than gold"- after all, you can’t get health in the ground, like gold, you can’t exchange and you can’t buy it. Therefore, it is much more important than any metal or even a precious stone.
  • "You can't buy health - the mind gives it"- in the store, there are no jars with health anywhere on the counter. And even vitamins need to be taken correctly, so the wise use of your natural resources (immunity) will help maintain health.
  • “People died more often from overeating than from starvation”- Eating a lot is harmful not only due to the fact that excess weight is gained, but it is also a constant burden on the stomach. Over time, it will begin to work worse, and this chain reaction will cover every organ and any system of our body.

The best proverbs and sayings about health for children aged 8-15 years of primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Proverbs have always been informative and instructive. In order not to tell fables and not to retell old legends with important life experiences, our ancestors resorted to a very reasonable trick - to reduce and simplify the material to the very essence. Therefore, highlighting proverbs or sayings among themselves, which one is better is not an easy task.

IMPORTANT: Proverbs and sayings are always spoken together, as if they are the same thing. There is no significant and fundamental difference between them, but to expand your knowledge, remember one rule. A proverb always has an instructive character, it can warn against something or give good advice. But the saying is more simply descriptive. That is, he ate with unwashed hands - his stomach ached.

  • “I lost money - I didn’t lose anything, I lost time - I lost a lot, I lost my health - I lost everything”- this is truly folk wisdom, which comes only over the years. Money is just papers and coins, to which people themselves have only attributed value. Time is a very valuable resource because it can never be returned. But to lose health means there will be no time for rest, entertainment and the same work to earn money.
  • "There is no better remedy for ailment" There is no universal cure for all ailments. Moreover, by treating one disease, such as the throat, the liver or kidneys will begin to suffer.
  • "Do exercises until old age"- Charging is useful at any age. It allows you not only to look good, but also helps the body wake up, activate the body to work and strengthen the immune system.
  • "Who chews long, he lives long"- chewing food thoroughly, it is crushed as much as possible. This means that it is easier for the stomach to digest it and it will be absorbed faster.
  • “The disease enters in pounds, and comes out in spools”- the disease does not penetrate the body immediately and in small "portions". Even the flu starts from a runny nose, a sore throat, and further along the ascending step.
  • "Health is the head of everything, everything is more expensive" are undeniable words. Without health, there will be no work, no friends, no family. Why, a sick person does not know how to enjoy life.

  • "He who does not smoke and does not drink, he protects health"- bad habits have not yet added health to anyone. On the contrary, they cause a chain of negative consequences.
  • “Health is not money - you can’t beg for a loan” These are purely personal traits. Try to ask a friend, for example, for his good eyesight - the result will be zero.
  • “Health and the weather the day before do not affect”- the disease does not strike immediately, it slowly covers the immune system, striking gradually. Like bad weather, it can turn into a storm or a heavy snowfall.
  • "Health comes in days and leaves in hours"- to improve health, you need months of training and proper nutrition, but junk food, for example, will instantly affect the health of the whole organism for the worse.
  • "Health is the best asset of a person" is a Tatar proverb that indicates the importance of health. After all, without it, a person will lose almost all benefits.
  • “You will be tempered from a young age - you will fit for the whole century”- you need to temper and take care of your health from an early age, and then you can not be afraid of any troubles.
  • "Not happy with a sick and golden bed"- the patient is in pain, there is no mood, and it doesn’t matter at all which bed to lie on.
  • "Eat right - and drugs are not needed"- this folk wisdom also points to the need for proper nutrition. Harmful food not only can cause stomach diseases, but the immune system does not give anything necessary and useful.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about health, healthy lifestyle: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Some proverbs remain in our memory, if not for life, then for a long time. By the way, a child can learn proverbs from preschool age. Yes, choose proverbs so that the child can understand them. With their help, you will not only expand the horizons of your baby, but also begin to train your memory.

  • “The disease was taken away from him like a hand”- that is, the person quickly recovered.
  • “Healthy does not think about health”- absolutely true, because "whoever hurts, he talks about it." A healthy person has other interests and hobbies in this life to think about future ailments.
  • "Pharmacy will not add a century"- if you buy vitamins and medicines, then health will not be added from this, and life will not become longer.
  • “I’m not happy without illness and health”- this proverb teaches us to appreciate what we have. For example, if a person has never had a sore throat, then he eats a lot of ice cream without fear of getting sick. After all, he does not know how then his throat hurts and how hard it will be cured.
  • "Take care of honor from a young age, and health in old age"- in youth you need to behave well, so that later you will not be ashamed of your actions. But already in the older and, especially, old age, you need to carefully monitor your health.
  • "God would give health, and the days ahead" If a person is healthy, then he will be able to achieve a lot in life. After all, the patient will not go to work, run in the park, swim and sunbathe in the sea, and also enjoy life to the fullest.
  • "Health is the first wealth, and the second is a happy marriage"- not everyone is given good health by nature, but finding exactly your soul mate is not an easy task.
  • "An old disease is difficult to treat"- Another proverb that the disease must be treated immediately. Better yet, take preventive measures.
  • "Healthy treatment - learn to lame in advance"- Medicines should be taken only when necessary. And taking them unnecessarily is not only useless, but even dangerous.
  • "Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age"- things need to be handled carefully from the very beginning, and then you carry them longer. So it is with health - you need to start taking care of it from youth, so that in old age you don’t make yourself felt oversights in youth.

  • "Healthy praises the baker, and the sick - the doctor"- a healthy person has a good appetite, so he happily eats buns from the baker. And the patient has to spend his fortune on medicines.
  • "Just hammered together on an anvil"- this speaks of the strong and stable health of a person who is rarely stricken by some kind of disease.
  • "It's better to sweat forty times than to get frosty once"- that is, freezing is bad. Then the disease will already take over the body, but warm clothes in winter have not made anyone worse.
  • “Mind and health are the most precious things” are even complementary elements of each other. If a person is naturally strong in health, but has spoiled him with a harmful way of life, then he lacks intelligence. And if there is something in the head, then even the weak will take care of their immunity.
  • "A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king"- even though the king has a lot of money, he will not buy health for him. He cannot savor delicious food, because there is no appetite, and the taste of it is not felt that way. He cannot run around and enjoy life like a healthy person, but without money.
  • "Health is weak, so the spirit is not a hero"- a sick person is unhappy in his soul, because he cannot enjoy life to the fullest.

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about health, healthy lifestyle for children and adults: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Often children refuse to take care of their health, especially brushing their teeth causes difficulties. You can reach the child with the help of proverbs. Just don't turn them into memorizing clever phrases. Always give explanations to your child and turn their learning into a little game. But don't forget to do "workouts" every day. And in order to make it more fun for you to study, arm yourself with a collection of interesting proverbs. Some of them can be instructive even for an adult.

IMPORTANT: Classes with a child require constancy. But do not overload the baby. Start with 1-2 proverbs. Let the child memorize and understand them to the fullest extent, and only then move on to the next sayings. Try to use them casually in everyday life, and not as a lesson in proverbs.

  • “Appetite runs away from the sick, but rolls towards the healthy”- a sick person is so weak and feels so bad that he cannot even eat. A healthy and mobile child is always happy to sit down at the table.
  • “Clean water is a disaster for the sick”- It is useful to drink water, because it performs a lot of fruitful functions. One of the main ones is a solvent for minerals and vitamins, because in a liquid state they saturate our body much better. And an organism that has enough moisture resists microbes more and fights better even with chronic ailments.
  • “You can’t rub jelly into the mouth of a sick person”- When you have a temperature and something hurts, you don’t even feel like drinking tea. And it's not that there is no strength, it's just that the patient's body is not able to cope with the normal digestion of food, and therefore the appetite decreases.
  • "The disease is small, but the disease is great"- Another proverb that shows that the disease begins small. Here is an accessible analogy - a small hole appeared on the toe and, if it is not immediately sewn up, it will lead to damage to the entire product. Folk wisdom teaches that you need to start treating any ailment at the first symptoms.
  • "Bitter is treated, and sweet is crippled"- This proverb is about proper nutrition. A lot of sweet not only spoils the teeth, but also worsens health. But the medicines then you need to drink tasteless.
  • "Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm"- an old admonition that gives clear instructions. You should not fill your head with nonsense, overeating is also harmful, and you need to put on good and warm shoes on your feet. After all, freezing of the legs entails a chain of other diseases.
  • "Eat horseradish go and be tenacious"- Horseradish is very bitter, which even bakes. But it is useful and helps to resist harmful microbes.

  • “The bath is our mother: you will steam the bones, you will fix the whole body”- the bath has long been valued for its properties and effect on the body. High moisture and temperature cleanse the body of harmful substances and sores.
  • “The disease does not make a person beautiful, but ages”- a sick person and looks bad. After all, a tired and sad look does not paint anyone, and it’s hard for a sick person to smile.
  • “To the sick and honey is not tasty, but to the healthy and the stone eats”- again, confirmation that the patient is losing part of his taste buds. That is, he does not feel the taste that food conveys. And a healthy person is full of strength and a healthy appetite, so any food will be to his taste. And the teeth of a healthy person are stronger.
  • "In a healthy body healthy mind"- the most famous proverb, which shows that a healthy person has a good mood, and a smile constantly shines on his face.
  • “When a man becomes stronger, he is stronger than a stone, and when he weakens, he is weaker than water.”- a healthy person can achieve a lot and withstand various harmful microbes and viruses, but a sick person becomes lethargic and vulnerable.
  • “The disease jumps into the house on variables, but gets out on long ones” One sick person will infect another. But the insidiousness of any disease is that it “sits” for a long time in a weak person. Those who have higher and stronger immunity act like postal or messenger diseases.
  • “Look under your feet: you won’t find anything, so at least you won’t break your nose”- this should become the golden rule of all children. After all, they are so passionate about their games and thoughts that they rarely look under their feet or even around.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children and adults about health, healthy lifestyle: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Your baby will quickly learn small sayings and proverbs, so it is best to start with them. But even then, their meaning is too short for the perception of the child. It is also very important for the baby to hear them from your lips. After all, children take an example from their parents. So, first of all, start educating yourself.

  • “Wash more often, don’t be afraid of water”- We wash off not only dirt, but harmful microorganisms with water.
  • "Healthy teeth are healthy" Teeth have always been an indicator of human health. After all, microbes from diseased teeth enter the stomach, leading to its various diseases, enter the circulatory system, worsening the functioning of the heart. And if you do not brush your teeth, then “bad” microbes will appear, which will cause frequent diseases.
  • "Sleep is better than any medicine"- in a dream, our body not only rests after a hard day, but also performs important functions for immunity. Therefore, proper sleep is so important for health.
  • "Onion is a friend to health" Onion is very useful, it helps to resist viruses and pathogenic bacteria, as it is saturated with important substances for the body.
  • "Laughter is the health of the soul"- Laughter not only helps to strengthen the body, but also shows the state of a person. If nothing hurts him, then his heart is joyful, which means that you want to laugh and please others.
  • "The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous"- sports, physical education and a mobile lifestyle strengthen our immunity. And a strong person cannot get sick.

  • "If you are sick - get treated, but if you are healthy - beware"- this proverb teaches that the disease cannot be "launched". But a healthy person also needs to carefully monitor their diet and lifestyle so as not to get sick.
  • "Sick that baby"- there is a comparison with small children who still do not know how. After all, it is difficult for the patient to even eat on his own. Plus, they are often naughty, because the food loses its taste, the head hurts from cartoons and in general the mood is bad.
  • "On it at least carry water"- another proverb that speaks of the strength and health of a person. And since before there was no water in the taps, but it had to be brought from a distant well, they checked their health in this way. After all, the patient will not take much water away.
  • "Lie down, don't get up"- you can recover from the disease, but as soon as the disease has penetrated your body, you won’t be able to take a walk on the street. You need to lie down under the covers and take medicine.
  • "Lack of sleep - you lose health"- another wisdom that points to the importance of sleep and rest on our body.
  • "Moderation is the mother of health" Everything needs to be measured. Even healthy and fortified foods can be harmful. You should always adhere to the rule of the "golden mean".
  • "Greed is the enemy of health"- a slightly similar proverb. Only she more indicates that passing or drinking a lot is bad and fraught with health.

Proverbs and sayings about health with drawings for children: photo

Visually it is sometimes much easier and faster to perceive any material. It is especially good when the baby already knows how to read. Show him some colorful pictures with sayings and proverbs. Often bright colors activate visual memory and are absorbed faster.

IMPORTANT: And do not forget that children need bright pictures and positive information. Therefore, when explaining proverbs, highlight only positive points. For example, do not say that onions are bitter, but healthy. Emphasize more on its enormous power that fights germs.

  • "Heal yourself, only spoil."
  • "Mowed grass dries in the field."
  • "Not every disease leads to death."
  • "The poor are looking for diseases, but they themselves go to the rich."

health proverb

  • "Lie down after dinner, walk around after dinner."
  • “Sit and lie down, wait for illness.”
  • "Don't trade health for sickness."

Video: Folk wisdom - the best proverbs


Appetite runs away from the sick, and rolls towards the healthy.
The pharmacy will not add a century.
Indulge in pharmacies - do not squeeze money.
Bath is the second mother.
The bath is our mother: you will steam the bones, you will fix your whole body.
The bath is healthy, the conversation is fun.
The bath soars, the bath rules.
Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age.
God would give health, and the days ahead.
A sick heart is bitter and without pepper.
The disease comes in by the poods, and comes out by the spools.
Sick - heal, and healthy - beware.
My side hurts for the ninth year, I don’t know which place.
Pain without a tongue, but it affects.
The pain of the doctor is looking for.
A sick wife is not nice to her husband.
The patient is not himself.
Sick that child.
Don't trust a sick person to eat.
The patient is sad.
The sick and the golden bed will not help.
You can’t rub jelly into the patient’s mouth.
Sick and honey bitter.
A sick person does not like honey, but a healthy one eats a stone.
Sick wounds on their shoulders.
The belly of the patient is smarter than the head of the doctor.
Be not red, but healthy.
The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous.
In a healthy body healthy mind.
The merry one wants to live, but cannot die.
Every disease goes to the heart.
Where it hurts - here is the hand, and where it's nice - here are the eyes.
Where there is health, there is beauty.
Where there are many doctors, there are many sick (and ailments).
Where it's simple, they live there for a hundred years.
Bitter is cured, and sweet is crippled.
Diploma is not a disease - it does not take years.
God bless the whip and collar, and the horse will take you.
Give freedom to pain - it will bend into an arc.
Let the pain free - you will die before death.
God bless you, but no money.
God would give health, but we will find happiness.
Lost money - lost nothing, lost time - lost a lot, lost health - lost everything.
Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm.
A century away: everything will heal.
Until the wedding will heal.
A kind person and someone else's disease to the heart.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Even a fly will kill him with its wing.
Barely a soul in the body.
If you want to be healthy - temper yourself.
There is a disease - there is a cure.
Eat, but not fat - you will be healthier.
Live wisely, you don't need doctors.
Stomachs are not threads: if you tear them, you won’t tie them up.
A closed wound is difficult to heal.
You will be healthy - you will get everything.
Healthy as a bull, and I don't know what to do.
A healthy person does not need a doctor.
Healthy is great.
Healthy and unhealthy is healthy, and unhealthy and healthy is unhealthy.
To be treated healthy is to learn how to limp in advance.
A healthy doctor does not require.
Health is the head of everything, everything is more expensive.
Health is the most precious thing, and so is money.
Health comes out in pounds, and enters in spools.
Health is more valuable than wealth.
Health is more valuable than money, I will be healthy and I will get money.
Health is more valuable than money.
Health can not be bought - his mind gives.
Health is weak, and the spirit is not a hero.
Health has no price.
Money can't buy health.
You can't buy health.
And a doctor is no better than a healer.
And one cow, yes, is healthy.
And the dog knows that grass is cured.
Another doctor would treat himself.
If it were not for the bath, we would all be lost.
The skin is spruce, but the heart is great.
The bell ringing of the disease is not treated.
The body gains bone.
In addition to death, you will be cured of everything.
Whoever got up before the day is healthy during the day.
Whoever is not afraid of cholera is afraid of it.
He who has not been sick does not know the price of health.
Who does not smoke, who does not drink, that protects health.
Smoking is injurious to health.
The doctor heals his pocket.
Fever is not a uterus: it shakes, does not regret.
The fever will thrash you more than your stepmother.
Bow and bath all rule.
Bow from seven ailments.
Onions and garlic are siblings.
Onion heals seven ailments, and garlic plagues seven ailments.
Onion heals seven ailments.
It is better to sweat forty times than to get frosty once.
People are modest, but we are healthy.
A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.
Husband to headlessness, and wife to health.
Do not pray for a sore, but heal.
For every disease, a potion grows.
For women's infirmities and a guess is a medicine.
Everything will live alive.
Shines in the sun.
Do not be afraid of the road, if the horses were healthy.
Not the patient is fastidious - the pain.
Old age is not in time, sickness is not to the point.
Not everyone dies who gets sick.
Not every disease leads to death.
Not happy with a sick and golden bed.
Do not rush to die, you will still lie down.
Do not ask health, look in the face.
Do not ask the patient for health.
Not so much death in the world as pain.
Not the potion to the ground, but the one to live.
Everything is unhealthy for the unhealthy.
It's awkward, awkward, but great.
Just bones and skin.
There is no cure for health.
Steam doesn't break bones.
Until the heart hurts, the eyes do not cry.
On the wound and a band-aid.
Lie down after lunch, walk around after dinner.
With frequent grief, pain will come.
Arrived - did not say hello, went - did not say goodbye.
The time has come to fight - there is no time to heal your hands.
The nasty are treated, but the pleasant are often ruined.
It is easier to hurt than to heal.
Cut down a healthy tree, but a rotten one will fall down on its own.
Blush does not cure ailments.
From a sick head to a healthy one.
Go to bed with chickens, get up with roosters.
They don’t die from fasting, but they die from gluttony.
The disease itself will say what it wants.
They don't treat their illness with someone else's health.
Eats sweetly, sleeps so badly.
That soul is not alive that went to the doctors.
The same fat and the same wounds.
You are not good for me, but I am not good for you.
It's hard to get sick, it's hard to sit over the sick.
The patient's health is not asked.
Every doctor has his poultices.
Whoever hurts, he screams.
Whoever has aching bones does not think to visit.
Who does not hurt, he does not itch.
Whoever hurts, he talks about it.
Mind and health are the most precious things.
Moderation is the mother of health.
Fell hurt, but got up great.
I'm sick - I eat a loaf, I can't - I eat a pie.
A good (kind) cook is worth a doctor.
Although the mansions are cheerful, they are not very healthy.
At least the hut is spruce, but the heart is healthy.
Although not soon, but great.
Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage will not allow dashing.
Garlic and onions from seven ailments.
Garlic and radish - so hard on the stomach.
Clean water is a disaster for the sick.
Cleanliness is the key to health.
Other people's infirmities will not heal.
Fir fur coat, but healthy to the heart.

In Russian proverbs people call health great value, wealth, puts it more expensive than money. And in fact: you can buy everything, but health is not. Many folk sayings teach to be healthy, contain the rules of a healthy lifestyle: Keep your head in the cold, your belly in hunger, and your feet in warmth - you will live a hundred years on earth. The most accurate and interesting Proverbs on the topic "Health" we have collected on this page.

Health is a value and a blessing

Health is more valuable than money.
You will be healthy, you will get everything.
He does not value health who has never been sick.
Health is the head of everything.
Health has no price.
Healthy is great.
Happiness and health are valued when both are not present.
Health is wealth.
Health comes in days and leaves in hours.
A healthy person does not need a doctor.
It would be health, and there are many days ahead.
It would be health - the rest will be.
Healthy and unhealthy are great.
Healthy and grief is not in grief and trouble is not a vow.
Mind and health are the most precious things.
Lost money - lost nothing, lost time - lost a lot, lost health - lost everything.

A healthy person looks with both eyes and works with both hands.
Health comes out in pounds, and enters in spools.
Money can't buy health.
To a healthy person, any food is tasty.
A healthy mind in a healthy body.
A healthy person is a rich person.
Health is wealth.
Health is the greatest value.
Health is the same gold.
Health is more valuable than money.
Health is not money, you can't beg for a loan.
You can't buy health, its mind gives.
You begin to value your health when you lose it.
Healthy, like a bull, like a hog. Strong as a forester.
Alive - healthy, neither burned nor sick. At least carry water on it.

A beggar seeks diseases, but they themselves go to the rich.
Money is copper, clothing is decay, and health is the most precious thing.
Health is the most precious thing, and so is money.

Illness and health

Healthy - jumping, ill - crying.
Not happy with a sick and golden bed.

Whoever hurts, he talks about it.
Sick - heal, and healthy - beware.
The disease does not go through the forest, but through people.
The patient is sad.
The pain of the doctor is looking for.
An old disease is difficult to treat.
Whoever has aching bones does not think to visit.
Everything is unhealthy for the unhealthy.
A sick person does not like honey, but a healthy one eats a stone.
Oh, my stomach hurts, I can not live in the world.
The patient is treated, the healthy one is furious (fooling with fat).
The disease comes in by the poods, and comes out by the spools.
Pharmacy and heals, so cripples.

Movement is life

Movement brings grace.
Move more, live longer.
No matter how much you run, and not pass the rest.
Without a stumble, the horse will not run.
A fast horse will soon tire.
Horses have fun when they gallop through the fields.
Yours are jumping, and ours are crying.
Whoever hurries wisely always succeeds in everything.
Hurry, don't rush.
A small deed is better than a big idleness.
It’s good to plow on the stove, but it’s difficult to wrap.
Crawls like a turtle.
Clumsy as a bear.

Folk health recipes

Smoking is injurious to health.
Who does not smoke and does not drink, he protects health.
Health is near: look for it in a bowl.
Healthy treatment - learn to limp in advance.
Appetite runs away from the sick, and rolls towards the healthy.
Give freedom to pain, it will bend into an arc.
Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm - you will live a hundred years on earth.
The more you chew, the longer you live.
Cleanliness is the key to health.

Healthy is the one who feels healthy.
A healthy mind and a healthy body.
A healthy person does not need a doctor.
He ate like a pig on a bard. Sick in health.
Healthy for food, but frail for work.

If your nose hurts - put it out in the cold, it will fall off on its own and be healthy.
Eat onions, go to the bathhouse, rub yourself with horseradish and drink kvass.
Give in to one pain and lie down - and you will gain another.
Give free rein to the pain, lie down, and die. Give free rein to the pain, it will kill you.
Don't give in, don't lie down; and if you fall down, you won't get up.
If you lie down, it will break worse; but at least break, but help yourself.
Whoever is not afraid of cholera is afraid of it.
Treat yourself, only spoil.
Play, do not win back; heal, don't heal!
A nasty potion is better than a disease.
In addition to death, you will be cured of everything.
The nasty (bitter) are treated, and the sweet is spoiled.
Onion heals seven ailments. Bow from seven ailments.
Horseradish and radish, onions and cabbage - they will not allow dashing.
The more you hurt, the better you heal! Where you fell, spit there (and scratch).
Bath is the second mother. Steam the bones, direct the whole body.
Eat half full, drink half drunk (do not drink half drunk), you will live a century to the fullest.
Where there are feasts and teas, there are sicknesses. Do not eat butter: you will go blind.
Lie down after lunch, walk around after dinner!
Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm!
God would give health, and there are many days ahead (and we will find happiness).