Download maps of morocco in high quality. Morocco map in Russian

The Kingdom of Morocco is located in the northwestern part of Africa. The shores of Morocco are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

The country goes to the Strait of Gibraltar, from here to the Iberian Peninsula is less than 50 km. A detailed map of Morocco shows two territories - Ceuta and Melilla, which belong to this European country and are its exclaves.

Morocco, with a population of over 34 million, is one of the top 50 countries in the world, second only to Egypt, Algeria and Iraq among the Arab countries. And in terms of area it occupies 57th place in the world (446 thousand km 2).

Morocco on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Morocco has land borders with three countries: in the east and southeast with Algeria, in the south with Western Sahara and Spain, and more precisely, with Ceuta and Melilla in the north, on the Mediterranean coast. But Western Sahara was declared Moroccan and annexed. Therefore, in the country itself, showing the position of Morocco on the world map, it also includes the occupied territories, considering Mauritania as its southeastern and southern neighbor.

Morocco lies in two regions that differ sharply in natural conditions. The northern part of the country is occupied by the Atlas Mountains, and the southern part by the Sahara Desert.

Atlas is a whole system of mountain ranges and depressions between them. The country has the highest peak of the mountain system with a height of 4165 m. This is the city of Toubkal, it is also the highest point of the state. The Atlas Mountains are separated from the Mediterranean Sea by the Rif Ridge up to 2440 m high.

To the south of the Atlas Mountains, valleys stretch, gradually giving way to the desert. Along the Atlantic coast lie vast plains. In the southwest, near the border with Western Sahara, is the Sebha-Tah depression - the lowest place in Morocco (-55m).

There are few permanent rivers in the country. The longest of them - Umm er-Rbiya (556 km), flows in the central part of Morocco. Like most rivers that originate in the Atlas Mountains, it is fed by melted snow waters, as well as by rains. The waters of the river are used for irrigation. Therefore, the riverbed is blocked by dams; an insignificant part of the flow reaches the mouth in the Atlantic Ocean.

The most full-flowing river is Cebu (137 m 3 / s). The country's only river port, Kenitra, is located on it. Riverboats go up Cebu for 20 km. And the river valley is an important area of ​​Mediterranean agriculture with the cultivation of citrus fruits, olives, grapes, rice, wheat and sugar beets.

Of the rivers flowing into the Mediterranean, the Muluya is the largest.

The nature of Morocco has been greatly modified by man. Almost nothing remains of the mixed forests of cork oak and Atlas cedar. They were replaced by secondary vegetation of arborvitae, holm oak, and juniper. In the southwest, sparse forests of endemic argan have been preserved. They are of great importance in the fight against desertification. In the mountains, altitudinal zonality is expressed, starting from oak forests or plantations of cultivated plants at the foot and ending with alpine meadows at the peaks. And at an altitude of more than 4 km there are only bare rocks. To the south of the mountains, dry steppes from cereals are replaced by semi-deserts with alpha grass, wormwood, saltwort.

The animal world also suffered greatly. Exterminated lions, many antelopes. 25 species of mammals and birds are endangered. Typical inhabitants of desert and semi-desert regions are locusts, lizards, snakes (cobra, horned viper), rodents (jerboas, hare). Of the predators - the jackal, hyena, caracal, etc. In the forests, the leopard, the Barbary macaque, the porcupine, the wild cat are still preserved. In the mountains there are mouflon, a maned ram.

To protect wildlife, national parks and reserves have been created, their location will be shown by a map of Morocco in Russian.

The climate of Morocco is subtropical. In the north, this is a Mediterranean type of climate, characterized by dry, hot summers and cool, rainy winters. Precipitation falls 500-750 mm per year. January temperatures are about 10-12°C, July - 24-28°C. A dry and sultry wind from the Sahara often penetrates - shergi, bringing a sharp rise in temperature to 40 ° C.

The farther from the mountains, the more continental the climate. It is not only the annual amplitudes that increase (from 37° in summer to 5° in winter). Daily fluctuations in air temperature can be up to 20°C. Precipitation is from 250 mm in the western part and 100 mm in the east of the country.

In the mountains, the climate changes with altitude. Up to 2000 mm of precipitation can fall on the windward slopes. Above 2 km, winter temperatures are negative, there is snow.

Map of Morocco with cities. Administrative division of the country

Morocco consists of 12 regions. They are divided into prefectures and provinces (13 and 62 respectively). Smaller units are arondissement, communes, urban and rural communes.

The capital of Morocco is the city of Rabat, located on the Atlantic coast at the mouth of the Bou Regreg River. It is the second most populated city (more than 1.8 million inhabitants) in the country, its economic and cultural center. Rabat is interesting not only for its historical and cultural monuments. Thanks to the Canary Current, there is rarely a debilitating heat. Therefore, it is here that the permanent residence of the king is located, as well as the main organs of state power.

Casablanca, located to the southwest, is the most populous city in Morocco (3.4 million people), its largest seaport. The artificial harbor where the port is located is one of the largest in the world. The city and mosque of Hassan II is known, the minaret of which is the highest in the world (210 m). Interestingly, half of the mosque is built over the ocean.

Fes, the third largest city (1.1 million people), a historical, cultural, educational center, is located far from the sea, as the map of Morocco with cities in Russian shows. The city was founded in 789 on the banks of the Fez River in the foothills of the Middle Atlas. The old part of the city - Fes el Bali - was included in the UN World Heritage List. Here is the largest pedestrian zone in the world. It includes 40 quarters with narrow winding streets, fortress walls, arsenals, caravanserais, etc. Fes is a major center of crafts and trade, famous for the production of silk fabrics, jewelry made of gold, copper and brass, leather goods, etc.

Morocco on the world map

Morocco detailed map

Morocco map

Morocco is an African state located in the west of North Africa, the capital is Rabat. In the north of Morocco, on the Mediterranean coast, there are two sovereign Spanish territories - Melilla and Ceuta. A map of Morocco will allow you to get to know the geography of this amazing country better.

Morocco borders on Algeria - in the east and Western Sahara - in the south, is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea - in the north and the waters of the Atlantic Ocean - in the west.

If you find Morocco on the world map, you can see that the Strait of Gibraltar separates the African country from Europe.

Morocco is characterized by a mountainous terrain, high plains and plateaus also predominate. As the map of Morocco shows, the Atlas Mountains are located in the southern and central part of the country, and the Rif mountain range is located in the northern part. Most of the eastern part of the country is occupied by the Sahara desert.

The map of Morocco in Russian gives an idea of ​​the largest cities in the country, the most significant in terms of tourism. On the coast of Morocco there are such popular resorts as Agadir, Rabat, Essaouira, Casablanca, Tangier, as well as many beautiful beaches.

A map of Morocco with attractions is located in the "Map" tab, in the "Places" section. This service will allow you to better plan future routes and serve as a good reference point for your trip.

Morocco remains one of the most charming and incomprehensible African countries, because indeed, the cities and resorts of Morocco are a combination of the great heritage of Islamic culture and the result of the historical intervention of Europeans. In almost every major city, you can find a walled area called the "Old City". The most beautiful buildings, authentic markets with snake charmers and fire eaters are hidden here. It is in this place that the soul of this amazing country is located. Holidays here are suitable for those who love a luxurious beach holiday, and fans of history, and even skiers.

Spa tourism

The hot African climate with high humidity and sea air helps cure many stress-related diseases. The medical resorts of Morocco are located in the most visited places in the country. The main ones are:

  • Casablanca;
  • Essaouira;
  • Agadir;
  • Moulay Yacoub.

Casablanca, in addition to relaxing in thermal springs, tourists will also have the opportunity to get acquainted with local attractions.

Ski holidays in Africa

Not everyone knows that the cities and resorts of Morocco are not only hot beaches with white sand. There are several ski resorts in the Atlas Mountains. One of the most famous is Ukaimeden, located at an altitude of about 2600 m above sea level. The center is able to accommodate more than 4,000 guests at the same time, it is well equipped for a comfortable skiing holiday.

Other cities in Morocco are also very attractive for athletes and lovers of outdoor life. The large resort of Ifrane, located near Marrakesh, is popular. There are two lifts at the ski base, tracks for skiers and snowboarders are equipped.

Rest under the scorching rays of the African sun

The most relevant holiday destination in this mysterious country is, of course, visiting the beach resorts of Morocco. Agadir is rightfully considered the best. The locals call it the "White City". The name was given due to the white sands that cover not only the coast, but also some of its areas. Agadir is very attractive for surfers and divers who will see many interesting artifacts. Another beach destination - Essaouira, is one of the main surfing centers of the country.

Many resorts are located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. One of them is Tangier, which is a rather large port. Those who like to combine beach holidays with curious excursions and those who are interested in the world of animals should visit Saidia, a town with a very developed entertainment infrastructure.

Morocco - the cradle of history

On the map of the country there is a huge number of ancient monuments. Therefore, those who want a rich excursion program will definitely like it here.

One of the most interesting, from this point of view, is the ancient Marrakech, where the large Old City is located. The authenticity of the country is noticeable here in everything: in noisy bazaars, classical Moroccan architecture, national cuisine.

A large number of attractions, including modern museums and expositions, are located in Casablanca, one of the most democratic regions of this Islamic state. A must to visit the town of Fes. Donkeys still walk along its streets, and there is simply an incredible concentration of historical monuments for every kilometer.

Morocco is a country in the western part of North Africa. In the east and southeast it has a common border with, in the south - with. From the northern part of Morocco, the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar, which separates the country from, from the west - the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Morocco area - 710,580 sq. km, population - about 30 million people, the capital - Rabat.

Almost the entire territory of the country is occupied by the Atlas Mountains, only in the west along the Atlantic coast stretches a small lowland. The Atlas Mountains include three ranges: the southern Anti-Atlas with the highest point of 2,360 m, the central high Atlas with mountains above 3,700 m (Mount Toubkal, 4,165 m) and the northern Middle Atlas with a forest plateau and meadows at an altitude of more than 1,800 m, which used as pasture. The Atlas Mountains form the boundary between the relatively humid northwestern Atlantic and the desert to the east and southeast. Between the Mediterranean coast and the center of the country is the Rif mountain range up to 1,500 m high. From the northern regions of Morocco, Algeria can be reached through the Taza mountain pass, located between the Rif and the middle Atlas. In the south of the country - the sands of the Sahara.

The climate of Morocco is formed under the influence of the sea and the Sahara. For the most part the climate is subtropical, in the Mediterranean it is hot, dry in summer and rainy in winter. In sea areas, there are no frosts in winter; inland, summers are hot and winters are cold. In January, the sea average sea temperature is +12 °С, in July + 24 °С. In hot Marrakech in summer up to + 38–40 ° C, at night it is cooler - + 18–24 ° C.

In the north, precipitation is 500–1000 mm, in the south - less than 200 mm. In the western part of the Atlas, sometimes more than 2,000 mm of precipitation falls annually, sometimes there are floods.

- a place of exquisite national culture, traditions and customs. Fairyland is a popular tourist destination. People of all countries visit Morocco to enjoy the wealth and splendor of this kingdom. Tourists have access to local national clothes - djellaba, as well as the opportunity to participate in various national traditions, for example, henna body painting.

Guests in this country are received kindly and openly, always treating the best that is. So, Moroccan delicacies are couscous, pastilla and, of course, tagine - the famous dish of Marrakech. It is impossible to refuse such oriental sweets as baklava, halva. Fairy tale country is truly a kingdom in which everything is like in a fairy tale.

Morocco on the world map

Below is an interactive map of Morocco in Russian from Google. You can move the map to the right and left, up and down with the mouse, as well as change the scale of the map with the "+" and "-" icons, which are located at the bottom right side of the map, or with the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Morocco is located on the world map, zoom out the map even further in the same way.

In addition to the map with the names of objects, you can look at Morocco from a satellite if you click on the "Show satellite map" switch in the lower left corner of the map.

Below is another map of Morocco. To see the map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print it out and take it with you on the go.

You were presented with the most basic and detailed maps of Morocco, which you can always use to find the object of interest to you or for any other purpose. Happy travels!