1s Bitrix corporate. Brief overview of enterprise portals

Some aspects of the comparison of "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal" and "Microsoft SharePoint"


The problem of choice is different - for the SMB segment (Small and Medium Business) and large companies. Large companies with their own IT department have already heard a lot about Sharepoint, and they are interested in specific arguments, why a new product and a new platform for solving specific problems would be better for them. Small businesses (sometimes without their own IT infrastructure) sometimes do not know at all which product can fulfill their desires, but a priori they use two most important criteria. The first is the speed of deployment, the ability to immediately start using the product. Such companies cannot afford multi-month implementations. The second most important criterion is the price. It should be optimal and reasonable. The same requirement must be met by the cost of ownership in the long term.

It is far from always possible for a client to make an objective comparison on his own, due to insufficient knowledge of the characteristics and features of both 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal and Sharepoint Server. There are many psychological and emotional components (price factor, opinions of acquaintances, etc.) that prevent the client from weighing the pros and cons.

This document attempts to consider a number of factors in the acquisition, implementation and use of products from 1C-Bitrix and Microsoft for the SMB segment. It is impossible to consider the document as a full-scale study that affects all aspects and features of each of the products, since each of the products has a long history, its own established view of solving certain problems. It is unlikely that such a comparison is possible in principle.

Brief Comparison Summary

For the small and medium business (SMB) segment, "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal" in many cases is the preferred choice compared to the Microsoft Sharepoint Server product.

Corporate portal

sharepoint server

License cost

Control Interface


Integration into IT infrastructure


Crossbrowser compatibility

Flexibility of customization

Redesign flexibility



to SMB segment



About products

Microsoft SharePoint

The family includes two main products:

- Microsoft SharePoint Foundation is a free application for Windows Server. Microsoft SharePoint Foundation provides the basic infrastructure for collaboration - editing, document storage and workflow platform, version control, to-do lists, reminders, etc. Previously, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation was known as WSS (Windows Sharepoint Services).

- Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 is a paid component for integrating SharePoint functionality into MS Office applications. It is an add-on for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation and extends its capabilities. Formerly known as Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS).

Simply put, there is essentially only one commercial product for creating a corporate portal from Microsoft - this is SharePoint Server 2010. It is impossible to consider it as a separate product of SharePoint Foundation, which is included as a free add-on for another product - Windows Server, since in fact it is only a platform or basis for development of portal solutions.

The following figure will help visually show the fundamental difference in functionality (http://blogs.technet.com/b/vladkol/archive/2009/01/11/office-sharepoint-server-2007.aspx):

SharePoint Foundation features are only featured in the core and green sectors here, all other features are only in SharePoint Server. That is, Foundation lacks or has very limited functionality of most of the portal modules: content management system, portal parts, search, employee social network and employee personal account, web forms and many other components.

Accordingly, in Foundation-based solutions, the missing functionality is developed from scratch or finalized by the developer of the final solution, which is not related to Microsoft development. But at the same time, when describing the advantages of these solutions, development companies often use the general term Sharepoint and refer to all of its advantages, which, as has already been shown, is incorrect.

Based on the foregoing, in this review, the term Sharepoint is hereinafter understood exclusively as a product Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and the comparison will be made with it.

The product was released in 2008, it is an independent software product, based on the common BitrixFramework platform, on which another popular (http://itrack.ru/research/cmsrate/) product of the company "1C-Bitrix: Site Management" is also developed. Official resource: http://www.1c-bitrix.ru/products/intranet/

The boxed delivery of the product exists in 4 editions that differ in functionality. In addition, there is a Bitrix24 service that allows you to use the corporate portal in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode.

License cost

Microsoft SharePoint Server

Choosing the optimal composition of licenses for the operation of a corporate portal on Sharepoint is a rather difficult task that only an experienced licensing specialist can correctly perform (and this is Microsoft's opinion). Delivery of Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2010 involves the purchase of the following licenses:

Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2010 Server License
- Client Access Licenses (CALs) per user or device working with the server. This is usually understood as a seat license - by the number of employees in the company using the portal.
- License for Windows Server 2008 Standard operating system or higher
- CAL for Windows Server by number of seats
- License for SQL Server Standard Edition DBMS
- CAL for SQL Server by number of jobs

Licensing of the portal and related components for access from the Internet is an additional license.

1C-Bitrix24: Corporate Portal

The licensing scheme for "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal" is simple. The product comes in two editions: "Corporate Portal" - RUB 199,500 and "Holding" - RUB 499,500

The license is purchased for one installation, regardless of the number of servers (in cluster mode). Editions differ in functionality that is available to portal users. To solve most of the tasks facing the portal, the Business Processes edition is recommended, it has a full set of functionality, with the exception of multi-departmentality and a number of specific modules that are in demand either in large companies or for special tasks. For large, as well as geographically distributed companies, the "Holding" edition is intended. In addition to the built-in scaling tools, it also allows you to implement a multi-branch portal structure.

Server licenses from 1C-Bitrix do not impose any restrictions on the ability to access the portal for users from the Internet, so there are no additional costs for organizing remote work from outside the office.

Editions are licensed by users, the cost of an additional user (similar to CAL) is 1400 rubles, regardless of the edition. In addition (unlike the Microsoft product), 25 user licenses are already included in the price of the product edition, and there is also a license for an unlimited number of users worth 599,000 rubles. This license is beneficial for companies with more than 400 portal users.

Licensing Comparison Table

Microsoft SharePoint

1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal

Server software licenses

Windows Server Standard 2008 R2
RUB 43,437 *

Windows Server CAL 2008
1 755 rub.

SQL Server Standard 2008 R2 for 1 processor
RUB 429,462

(based on free software)**.

0 rub.

KP server license

SharePoint Server 2010
RUB 295,029

Edition "Corporate Portal"
RUB 199,500

Edition "Holding"
RUB 499,500

Client licenses (seat license)

0 pcs
As part of a server license
25 pcs.
Microsoft Office SharePoint 2010 Standard CAL
RUB 5,646
License for additional user
(over 25)
1400 rub.
Unlimited license
Unlimited license
RUB 599,000

Total for a company of 100 employees:

RUB 1,508,028

Total for a company of 500 employees:

RUB 3,118,029 ***

*Microsoft product prices are ERP (Estimated Retail Price) for enterprise customers under the Open Value + Software Assurance program when paid in advance, obtained at http://www.microsoft.com/licensing/licensewise/ on December 5, 2011.

** 1C-Bitrix supplies and recommends using free Hyper-V, VMWare and other virtual machines with a fully configured and productive environment (Linux + MySQL), which is created for companies that do not have much experience with Linux systems. A similar option is "Bitrix Web Environment" for Windows, which will install the environment components necessary for operation as an application for Windows.

*** For large organizations, it may be necessary to scale the Sharepoint portal across multiple servers, which must be taken into account in the cost of licenses for both Sharepoint Server itself and related software products, which may require more functional editions.

Licensing the Sharepoint portal for a small company of 100 employees will cost one and a half million rubles, which is 10 times more expensive than the cost of 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal licenses. For large companies 1C-Bitrix: The corporate portal is especially beneficial due to the availability of a license for an unlimited number of users for large companies, and also due to the fact that scaling the portal to several servers does not require the purchase of additional server licenses.

Product functionality

The task of comparing functionality is very multifaceted, and it is almost impossible to build a simple comparison table with a list of features and their representation in each product. Microsoft and 1C-Bitrix have their own ideology, their own principles for solving business problems. It is very difficult to choose the required level of detail of functionality and make some kind of a single list of them that would equally well illustrate the solution of customer problems.

We propose to consider several aspects that will illustrate the difference in approaches and the corresponding differences in functionality.

Ready portal out of the box

Functional Conclusions

The functionality of Sharepoint is very significant and allows you to implement almost anything. With proper tuning and individual refinement, after the specialists have expended some effort, this toolkit can satisfy almost any request of the most demanding customer. However, many experts emphasize that the readiness of the functionality to work out of the box is very low, the solution is simply inconvenient, not configured. A recent study (http://www.bitrixsoft.com/company/blog/unleashed/2109.php) showed that approximately 93% of customers are ready to be satisfied with an alternative solution to SharePoint, with fewer features, but completely solving their problems. We are talking about small and medium-sized businesses.

In turn, the functionality of 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal also provides a very wide range of functionality for small and medium-sized companies. Yielding to the Microsoft product in some capabilities, it surpasses it in others, and, as a rule, more in demand in
segment of small and medium-sized companies.

Technology platform

1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal


"1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal" is a portal solution that is ready to work out of the box, safe and fully meets the criteria of functionality and price. The product is specifically designed to meet the specific needs of the mass customer out of the box. The solution can be implemented in just a few hours, provides rich functionality out of the box and does not require deep knowledge for maintenance. Equipped with a robust security system that can cope with the ever-increasing level of threats, the product will ensure reliable operation within the company. It is important to note that the product comes with guaranteed technical support from the vendor and includes free updates (not only minority updates, but also major updates that affect a major platform change). As a result, a company that has implemented a corporate portal gets more functionality for less money and in a shorter time.

Small and medium organizations should carefully consider the full set of hidden costs when considering SharePoint as their internal work environment. Sharepoint was designed for large enterprises and does not always fit into the specific requirements of small and medium businesses in many of the aspects mentioned above. Sharepoint is a solution for enterprises that have serious IT budgets, special requirements for product functionality and qualified personnel who are able to a) configure, modify and implement functionality and b) maintain the platform. As a result, the product often receives negative feedback from small and medium-sized enterprises that have not been able to adequately implement it.

1. 1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal - official site

2. Microsoft Sharepoint - official site

3. Choosing a Cost-Effective SharePoint Alternative For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

4. Microsoft Sharepoint and Alternatives for the Poor

5. Use of SharePoint in the Russian web development market

6. Microsoft Product Sales Guide

7. Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Assessment Guide

8. Sergey Ryzhikov: There is practically no competition in the corporate portal market today

10. WordPress versus SharePoint, another big smackdown

1C Bitrix is ​​a domestic market leader in the development of software and tools for managing web projects and corporate portals.

Among the products:

  • Site management;
  • Corporate portal;
  • Bitrix 24 and other tools.

1C Bitrix has a dealer network of tens of thousands of companies. This allows you to distribute, implement and develop branded products, guided by current requirements and tasks.

1C Bitrix is ​​a joint achievement of two companies at once: 1C and Bitrix, which have teamed up to work more efficiently in the field of creating Internet solutions.

Experienced developers make every effort to create products that have:

  • Practicality and versatility;
  • stability and security;
  • efficiency and relevance;
  • Manufacturability and improved functionality;
  • Modularity for customization flexibility.

Brief history of occurrence

Bitrix was founded in 1998. Gradually, the development of the products "Rented stores" and "Info-portal" began. Work has also begun on the creation of a content management system.

For several years in a row, the world has seen a number of versions of the Site Management platform. By 2004, the Bitrix partner network included more than fifty companies. At the same time, CMS received compatibility with the 1C system, which expanded its scope.

In 2005, the sale of a boxed version of "Site Management" in retail networks began. The number of projects based on the platform has grown rapidly. A year later, the first version of the "Corporate Portal" was released in joint development with QSOFT.

The joint company 1C Bitrix was established in 2007. After that, the full integration of Bitrix and 1C software was carried out.

Active development of several directions at once began, due to which Bitrix products are suitable for solving most tasks when creating web projects.

Who is 1C Bitrix products suitable for?

1C Bitrix products are a practical and versatile option for small and medium business. For selling goods and services online, an online store on 1C Bitrix is ​​a great option.

They are also used in government agencies and education. Portals based on Bitrix are owned by large organizations and enterprises.

The presence of different versions and editions of proprietary developments allows you to choose the best option for any task.

With the help of 1C Bitrix tools, you can implement the most efficient, modern and high-quality portal with a minimum of investment.

A well-implemented project will become an important functional link in the overall corporate infrastructure.

Benefits of CMS 1C Bitrix

The 1C Bitrix platform has many advantages, including:

  • Security and burglary resistance. The developers offer a powerful firewall that protects the site without administrator involvement. Protection works like an antivirus and becomes more reliable with each update.
  • Stable technical support. Experienced consultants will be able to answer all your questions and help you deal with problems.
  • Automatic updates. The administrator only needs to download the necessary modules, and the system will perform further operations itself.
  • Site backups. To create them, special knowledge is not required, because you just need to click on the appropriate button, after which the copy will be automatically saved to the Bitrix server or cloud. You can restore the site in one click.
  • Scalability. With the development of the project and the expansion of its functionality, you do not have to create a new site every time or do its transfer. 1C Bitrix allows you to gradually complicate the project by moving to a new level on the same hosting.
  • Standardization. 1C Bitrix supports the continuity and typicality of solutions, due to which there is no binding to a specific studio or developer.
  • Large selection of templates. Allows you to create sites that meet all the necessary requirements without spending a lot of money and time for its development.


1C Bitrix is ​​a universal and practical solution with clear logic and structure. Developers are constantly improving their products and simplifying the user part as much as possible, which makes learning and working with the system more enjoyable.

Designed for rapid deployment and customization internal information resource of the company, which helps to increase the efficiency of teamwork, the socialization of business processes and the formation of a unified information environment of the enterprise.

The product integrates easily with "1C Enterprise 8.1: Payroll and personnel management" and Active Directory, which allows you to automatically fill the portal with the necessary information.

The product "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal" actively applies the principles Enterprise 2.0 – the use of simple, effective, familiar and user-friendly Web 2.0 tools in business that simplify the search for information and internal communications.

Product features

Why "1C-Bitrix"?

The corporate portal is a new class of software for effectively solving problems in three areas:


The software product "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal" allows employees to effectively interact in daily work: create working groups, lead discussions, set and control the execution tasks to plan joint activities in calendars, publish reports and store the documents.


Effective communications between employees help to create a unified information environment in the company, make the process of internal information simple and accessible. "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal" contains many tools to improve the efficiency of internal communications: news feeds, newsletters, blogs, instant messaging.

Corporate culture

Official information about the company and its mission, employee lists, telephone reference books, regulations work, corporate photo gallery and video library, electronic courses, absence schedule- this is not a complete list of ready-made functionality for the formation of a corporate culture, provided in the product "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal".

"Desktop" of the corporate portal

Booking a meeting room

Employee absence schedule

Calendar of events for planning collaboration

Installing Company Portal

  • Installation and integration into the company structure in just 4 hours
  • "Installation Wizard" of the product and its integration into the corporate infrastructure
  • Fast cycle of implementation and information filling
  • "Upload Wizard" of users from the "1C" database, CSV, XML

It will take you only 30 minutes to install the product with the help of a convenient wizard. You will need to specify company data, a logo, select a design template, set up authorization and import employee data. You will receive a ready-made portal with a pre-configured structure and services that can be adjusted to the specifics and requirements of the company within a few hours.

The main features of "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal"

List of company employees
  • a single directory of company employees;
  • quick search for information about an employee (alphabetically, by structure, by parameters);
  • customizable employee card (photo, contacts, field of activity);
  • quick contact with an employee (web chat, e-mail, VoIP), control of the employee's presence on the portal;
  • information about the absence of employees, absence calendar;
  • lists of new employees and personnel changes, honor roll, birthdays and other opportunities;
  • personal account of an employee with advanced features (personal documents, photo and video materials, blog, personal calendar, etc.).


  • visual representation of the hierarchy of departments, offices and divisions of the company;
  • general information about the company, its history, tasks, values ​​and corporate culture;
    official news feeds (orders, orders, rules);
  • company events calendar;
  • photo and video reports on the company's activities;
  • a feed of important industry news, the ability to import from external sources;
  • internal vacancies of the company;
  • contacts and details for quick access.
    simplification of the search for a unit responsible for some function;
  • quick identification of a person performing specific duties within the selected unit.
Working groups
  • employees are united in groups working on different projects;
  • an arbitrary number of thematic groups is created;
  • groups are created by those network users who are allowed by the administrator;
  • when creating a group, its name and description, tags are entered, themes, image, etc. are configured;
  • privacy, functionality and its availability (conditions, rules, access to content) are configured in groups;
  • a moderator is appointed, the composition of the group is edited, blacklists are maintained, invitations to join are distributed, etc.;
  • classification is carried out and the search for groups is possible.

For each group there is:

  • a blog with the publication of messages in the general blog feed, if the blog is open for reading;
  • photo gallery with bulk photo uploads, ratings and discussions;
  • own forum - open or closed;
  • tabs with group-specific data.
Intracorporate communication
  • portal users communicate via instant personal messages (as in Internet messengers);
  • emoticons, fonts, colors, links, pictures and other familiar elements are used to improve the quality of the dialogue;
  • the presence of an employee on the portal (online) is indicated;
  • employees present on the portal conduct a “live” dialogue;
  • notifications about new messages appear on any page of the portal;
  • Messages to users not currently working on the portal are delivered later;
  • absent users are also notified by e-mail about new messages on the portal;
  • an archive of user dialogue messages is maintained;
  • you can view the archive of personal correspondence by clicking the link "My messages" in the registration area;
  • an employee can also view personal correspondence from the profile of another user (“Show correspondence”);
  • the portal has the ability to enable the functionality of adding "friends".
Absence Schedule
  • visualization of the presence of employees at the workplace for the current month;
  • displaying a presence/absence graph for any month selected on the timeline using the navigation buttons;
  • formation of a schedule both for the whole company and in the context of departments;
  • color marking of the reasons for the absence of employees;
  • obtaining an up-to-date list of employees present or absent, indicating the reason for their absence;
  • fast moving through the link from the list to the page of the missing person to find out these reasons;
  • planning the work of the company and the employment of employees, taking into account the known periods of their absence, reflected in the schedule;
  • planning vacations for employees in accordance with the rules in force in the company (no more than two vacations at the same time in the unit, etc.).
Reservation of meeting rooms and resources
  • any number of meeting rooms and resources for management are created on the portal;
  • access rights to the booking are distributed among employees;
  • employment of meeting rooms is simply and visually marked directly on the calendar;
  • busy resources are displayed for viewing in the format day/week/month;
  • to search for free premises, several meeting rooms are combined on a single calendar;
  • meeting rooms are booked for several minutes or hours;
    reservation for the whole day is provided without specifying the time;
  • a recurring booking is created during the day/week/month/year;
  • Reservation reminders are displayed to employees.
Event Calendars
  • each employee, workgroup and administration create any number of calendars;
  • calendars of different levels are combined, which increases the convenience of work - both for individual employees and departments, and for the entire company;
  • events are presented for viewing in the format day/week/month;
  • the calendar displays not only current, but also past/previous periods;
  • events are placed directly on the calendar - visually and simply;
  • events are created with a duration of minutes - very convenient when planning the working time of employees, work groups and the entire company;
  • events can be "looped" - made repeated during the day/week/month/year;
    employees check their calendars and group calendars with company calendars thanks to the "favorite calendars" technology;
  • calendars are uploaded to Outlook or mobile devices, you can start exporting not only each calendar separately, but also all “favorite calendars” in iCal format;
  • it is worth including reminders of upcoming events - they will take place at the appointed time.
Task and assignment management
  • each employee creates personal tasks and manages them;
  • a group member creates tasks for members of working groups and manages them in accordance with the rights assigned to him;
  • you can attach files to a task and set a degree of importance for tasks;
  • personal and group tasks can be "arranged" into folders by topic;
  • each task is assigned a person responsible for execution;
    those responsible confirm the acceptance of tasks or set a refusal to complete;
  • employees and group members receive notifications about changes to the tasks they created;
  • performers provide reports on completed tasks;
  • provides control over the execution of tasks with an indication of their status and readiness in percent.
Enterprise Information Management
(ECM, Enterprise Content Management)
  • libraries of office documents with collective access and the ability to work through a browser and Explorer (network drives);
  • working with portal documents using Microsoft Office;
  • portal document management system,
  • version control of portal documents;
  • access control to documents;
  • management of multimedia materials (photo, video).
Working with electronic applications
  • each employee creates any number of electronic applications;
  • any number of fields and data types requested in the application is determined;
  • any number of statuses are determined by which the application is being processed, by default: New / Accepted for consideration / Processed / Rejected;
  • groups of employees are assigned to place applications;
  • groups of employees processing applications are assigned;
  • email notifications are sent about the creation of an application, its processing, rejection, etc.;
  • control over the status of execution of applications for each employee;
  • an archive of placed and processed applications is maintained.
Corporate search
  • full-text search for all information posted on the portal in Russian and English;
  • tag search and tag cloud;
  • support for Russian and English morphology;
  • instant indexing of updated and new documents;
  • search by the internal content of documents (DOCX, XLSX, DOC, XLS, PPTX, PPT, PDF, RTF, ODS and others);
  • flexible setting of search results ranking;
    accounting for employee access rights when displaying search results;
  • advanced search query language;
  • federated search: issuance of search results of different types per query (news, employees, documents, etc.).
Bidirectional integration with Microsoft Outlook
  • two-way data synchronization of the Portal and MS Outlook;
  • synchronization of shared company calendars;
  • synchronization of personal calendars of employees;
  • synchronization of employees with Microsoft Outlook;
  • synchronization of employee contacts;
  • synchronization of tasks of employees;
  • structure import, export and synchronization of user images;
  • the ability to configure work under IIS;
  • an implementation based on the SharePoint list management protocol;
  • connecting portal calendars in static and dynamic mode;
  • export of several Portal calendars to MS Outlook;
  • display of exported calendars on one grid in MS Outlook.
and other possibilities

Integration into IT infrastructure

  • Integration with Microsoft Office and Open Office products
  • Direct upload of the list of employees and access rights to the portal
  • Integration with "1C: Salary and Human Resources Management", integration with Active Directory and LDAP servers, OpenID
  • SSO Single Sign On a single authorization system that allows employees to log into the portal with the same login and password as in the corporate network
  • Cross-platform - work on UNIX and Windows (XP, Vista, Windows Server)
  • Support IE 5, 6.7 and FF 2, 3
  • Support for MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, Oracle XE, MSSQL Express
  • Web services and SOAP protocol support

10 reasons to choose "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal"

1. Ready-made functionality for most tasks

The standard delivery of the product includes 25 functional modules and more than 500 ready-made components for the most common needs of corporate portals.

2. Wide integration possibilities

The product is easily integrated into the company's IT infrastructure, having a large set of standard interfaces to various services and services: Active Directory, Microsoft Office, "1C 8.1: Payroll and Human Resources", import/export
data in various formats.

3. Implementation speed

It will take you only 30 minutes to install the product using a convenient
masters. You will need to specify company data, a logo, select a design template, set up authorization and import employee data. You will receive a ready-made portal with a pre-configured structure and services that can be adjusted to the specifics and requirements of the company within a few hours.

4. Affiliate network

If you need to refine the portal for the individual needs of the company, deep customization of typical functionality - a wide partner network of 1C-Bitrix is ​​at your service, including more than 3000 companies and individual developers throughout the Russian Federation and the CIS.

5. Minimum server requirements

The portal server can run both Windows and Linux / Unix and other platforms, depending on corporate standards and the requirements of IT services. Technical requirements also provide for the use of several DBMS: MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server.

6. Technological experience of the developer

The technology platform for web solutions has been developed since 2001, and the platform has been successfully used in more than 20,000 Internet and intranet projects.

7. High level of security and safety of information

The architecture and program code of the product have been thoroughly tested by experts in the field of information security. The results of internal and external audits, confirmed by appropriate certificates, testify to the high resistance of the product to various security threats.

8. Technical support and documentation

The technical support service helps to solve the problems that arise when installing, configuring and working with "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal". It offers free e-learning courses for the product, as well as complete technical documentation for both developers and end users.

9. Simplicity and ease of operation

Any PC user can post information and manage the portal without the need for lengthy training.

10. Predictable implementation cost

The basic package for 25 users costs only 34,500 rubles. A convenient licensing policy allows you to take into account only those users who actually interact with the portal, not taking into account company employees who do not use a computer.

About 1C-Bitrix

1C-Bitrix is ​​a Russian developer of web project and corporate information management systems. 1C-Bitrix software products are professional web project management systems: company websites, online stores, social networks and communities, corporate portals, web application rental systems and other projects. 1C-Bitrix systems successfully work on Windows and Unix platforms running PHP and ASP.NET.

The corporate portal is a practical and functional resource for effective business management.

It solves several problems at once and is an indispensable find for large companies and organizations that use business applications and have large amounts of inside information.

Functions of corporate portals:

  • Secure and personalized access to data;
  • One user authentication point;
  • Storage and systematization of data;
  • File management, business processes and RSS feeds;
  • Placement of new materials by employees;
  • Corporate communication;
  • Collective work on common tasks;
  • Creation of thematic communities;
  • Integration of extensions for business.

Corporate portals greatly simplify the work with clients, in comparison with other platforms, providing quick access to up-to-date information. The presence of a serious and thoughtful resource increases the trust of users.

For employees, a corporate portal is a significant time saver by automating most daily processes. Communication becomes faster and more efficient, news travels almost instantly, and new tools are easy to test and master.

In the presence of branches and divisions, the corporate portal significantly increases the productivity and speed of interaction. The need for employee travel is reduced, and work processes become much more transparent, which helps to avoid errors and identify problems in a timely manner.

At the same time, document management and reporting are simplified. All data is stored in one place, files are uploaded to one hosting, and their processing is carried out according to the same principles. Additionally, you can create data backups.

The corporate portal should be as secure as possible, because competitors can use the services of hackers to obtain inside information. Also, do not exclude the risk of data leakage, so you need to carefully play it safe from all risks.

Who needs corporate portals on Bitrix?

The answer to this question will be this: corporate portals are needed by all large companies seeking to optimize and increase work efficiency.

It is important to distinguish such a portal from a regular site designed to communicate with customers.

First of all, this is an internal system for employees, which has a much wider functionality.

Most corporate portals are initially inaccessible to ordinary users. Such resources are created for internal use. This is an optional purchase for small businesses, but an indispensable find for large chains.

It is important that only qualified specialists deal with the creation, configuration and support of the portal. The presence of problems and malfunctions can adversely affect the activities of the entire company, so it is necessary to ensure a professional approach in advance.

Who will use the corporate portal?

Users of corporate portals can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • Ordinary users;
  • Relations and Communications Managers;
  • HR managers;
  • IT professionals;
  • Heads of departments and divisions.

Each group has its own needs that must be taken into account when creating. For ordinary users, this is a quick work with information, timely receipt of updates and automation of routine operations.

Communications professionals need tools to share information, develop and conduct internal marketing activities, collect information about employees and assess the current intra-corporate situation.

HR managers need archives of documents, results of surveys and questionnaires, tools for working with new employees, as well as a variety of statistical data.

IT specialists require mechanisms for processing applications, analysis of statistics and frequency of calls, convenient contact databases, the presence of a unified access point to information systems, and other auxiliary tools.

Managers need operational communication with subordinates, as well as analysis, processing and convenient visualization of any relevant information at any time.

Corporate portals on 1C-Bitrix

1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal is a powerful resource for managing internal processes in a company's activities. The system allows you to solve any issues and develop projects of varying complexity.

The software is installed directly on the internal hosting or server. Flexible settings open up wide possibilities, and a clear structure will not cause problems when mastering.

It will not take much time to learn how to work with 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal, because the system interface resembles familiar social networks.

There is a wide range of convenient tools to optimize workflows, improve internal communication, manage urgent tasks, maintain documentation and much more.

Product features

Among the main features of the product:

  • Task and project management, including integration with lists, templates, calendars, and designers. You can monitor the implementation of installations in a timely manner and identify violations.
  • Scheduling time, where activities, breaks, absences and other data will be noted.
  • Automation of business processes using a visual designer.
  • Internal and external communications, including chats, messaging, document co-authoring, and voice and video communications.
  • CRM database for customer records, sales, partners, deals and events. Here you can plan cases, use business processes, process the results of transactions and contact customers.
  • Personnel management using a visual interface, search, personal pages and reference data.
  • Mobile applications allow you to work from any device and screen.
  • Desktop applications support basic functions even when the browser is closed.
  • Integration with 1C keeps the product catalog and price list up to date.
  • Integration with Google, GoogleDocs, MS Outlook, MS Office, McOS, Android, iOS and other essential services.


1C-Bitrix: Corporate portal is a practical and multifunctional choice.

The system combines a huge number of universal tools, while being distinguished by the highest reliability and safety. Now this platform can be bought on the official website.

The presence of a corporate portal in your company will not surprise anyone. More and more large and medium-sized business representatives one way or another faced with the choice and implementation of the portal. Nevertheless, many enterprises are still on the verge of making a decision to launch a corporate portal implementation project. I hope my brief review will help you take the first step in this direction.

So, all portal solutions on the market today can be divided into three groups:

  • platforms for creating corporate portals;
  • boxed products (ready-made solutions) based on platforms;
  • solutions offered as a SaaS service (cloud solutions).

Let's consider them sequentially.

Platforms for creating corporate portals

Platforms for creating portal solutions, in turn, are divided into commercial ones, such as

Oracle WebCenter Suite, MS SharePoint, IBM WebSphera, 1C-Bitrix

and open ones like

Joomla!, Jboss, Plone, Drupal, Jive, etc.

Platforms are used to develop corporate portals for specific terms of reference (TOR), and theoretically better than other groups meet the needs of customers. If a competent TOR is drawn up, if it describes all the needs of the company, then they will be implemented in such a solution.

Here the story about the fearless Spartans is recalled: When Philip of Macedon (Alexander's father) approached the walls of Sparta, he sent a message to the Spartans, which said: “I conquered all of Greece, I have the best army in the world. Surrender, because if I capture Sparta by force, if I break its gates, if I break through its walls with rams, then I will mercilessly destroy the entire population. To which the Spartans replied: "If."

Indeed, it is very difficult to foresee all possible ways of using it before the start of the test operation of the system. This may cause the project to miss deadlines and/or go beyond the approved budget.

Ready-made solutions based on platforms

Boxed products (ready-made solutions) are divided into solutions built on the basis of commercial platforms: IBM WebSphere Portal, Oracle Portal 11g, SAP NetWeaver Portal, DeskWork, Ittilan Portal, WSS Portal, 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal, and open solutions: Liferay Portal, Alfresco, JomPortal, Jive, Jahia, etc.

All these products can be divided into several groups:

  • heavy commercial solutions for large companies (IBM WebSphere Portal, Oracle Portal 11g, SAP NetWeaver Portal);
  • commercial solutions for medium and large companies (DeskWork, Ittilan Portal, WSS Portal, 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal);
  • open (free licenses) solutions for medium and small companies (Liferay Portal, Alfresco, JomPortal, Jive, Jahia).

Next, I will give a brief description of the listed ready-made solutions. The description contains approximate prices for licenses that do not include the portal implementation project. Check with solution providers for final license prices and implementation costs. From practice, the cost of an implementation project can significantly exceed the cost of licenses:

  1. Heavy business decisions
    1. IBM WebSphere Portal() is a turnkey portal solution based on the IBM WebSphere platform. A feature-rich solution for content hosting, collaboration, and distance learning. The functionality of the system is built on modules - applications that can be modified using WebSphere Portlet Factory. Full automation of any business processes, including routine operations (ordering business cards, ordering stationery, recruitment requests, booking meeting rooms, etc.) and project management mechanisms with tracking stages, deadlines and assigning users responsible for tasks. Among the disadvantages: a heavy system designed for large companies with a large number of concurrent users, respectively, the high cost of ownership of the system. The approximate cost of licenses is 1,500,000 rubles. (either 300 nominal licenses, or a server with 2 processors, 2 cores each).
    2. Oracle Portal 11g(www.oracle.com) is a complete portal solution based on Oracle WebCenter. Business analytics tools, full-fledged teamwork with documents, tasks and projects are very strongly represented. Advanced business process automation tools. Separately, I would like to note the search and indexing of information, both inside the portal and outside. Ideal for companies already using products from the same manufacturer. Among the shortcomings: Complex system, you can forget about launching in a short time, high cost of ownership. If the enterprise is already using corporate systems from another manufacturer, you will have to tinker with integration. The approximate cost of licenses is 600,000/processor.
    3. SAP NetWeaver Portal Enterprise Portal (www.sap.com) is another top-level portal solution. The functions of integrating various systems are conveniently implemented - the function of a single point of access to the company's information system. The main focus is on group work, project management and employee communication. One of the key competencies of the SAP-based portal is the management of the company's knowledge base. Allows you to automate existing business processes and optimize document flow. It is possible to get access from the portal not only to SAP applications, but also to applications of other developers. It is possible to refine the portal in the SAP Portal Content Studio environment and through the SAP Portal Development Kit. Among the disadvantages: a system that is difficult to administer and configure, the cost of ownership and scaling is high. The lack of open information about the cost of licenses, but the price level corresponds to the class.
    1. WSS Portal(www.wss-consulting.ru) - a ready-made corporate portal, includes a large number of functions, information about the company, application management, department pages and project management. Perfectly implemented: Forums, photo and video gallery, voting and FAQ. Search both in the content of the portal and in external sources. Differentiation of access rights at the document level. Full integration with MS products. WSS Portal is one of the leaders in the portal market based on MS SharePoint. Among the shortcomings: restrictions associated with the operating system - works only on Windows + MS SharePoint Server 2010, the approximate cost of a license is 450,000 rubles, the cost of a standard implementation (including licenses) is 895,000 rubles.
    2. Desk Work(www.deskwork.ru) is a turnkey solution covering all the basic needs of companies in a corporate portal. Company structure, address book, new employees and birthdays, application and task management. Shared calendars, etc. Disadvantages: limitations associated with the operating system - works on Windows. A budget version of the portal based on SharePoint Foundation, the approximate cost of licenses is 120,000 rubles - an unlimited number of users.
    3. Ittilan Portal(www.ittilan.ru) - a boxed portal solution based on SharePoint, more than 60 ready-made modules. The main page displays news and events of the company, information about the latest documents and messages in the forum, birthdays and new employees. Display of the company's key performance indicators (KPI). Project management, electronic document storage and application module. Of the shortcomings: limitations associated with the operating system - works on Windows. Convenient telephone directory and company knowledge base. The approximate cost of licenses is 400,000 rubles.
    4. 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal(www.1c-bitrix.ru) - a boxed intranet, social network and group work functions are implemented. Project management, CRM features, news feeds, microblogs and workgroups. Automation of routine operations. Integration with MS products (Exchange, AD, SharePoint). Advanced search functions, full-text, by tags, by content, based on document rating. Company knowledge base and group calendars with the ability to integrate with Outlook and ical. Employee training module and vacancies for employees. The visual structure of the company. Among the shortcomings: Difficult to finalize. Approximate cost (unlimited number of users) 300,000 rubles.
  2. Open Solutions with Zero License Costs
    1. Liferay Portal(www.liferay.com) is an open source enterprise portal developed in Java. According to Garthner (2009), it is in the top 5 horizontal corporate portals, along with IBM, Oracle, SAP and MS. Organization of a single point of access to enterprise resources, unique display of pages for each user, convenient user interface, social communication tools included, automation of existing business processes, integration with MS Office, company news and bulletin board, high degree of scalability, full-fledged search for information both inside portal, as well as in external sources. Support for free and commercial DBMS. Among the shortcomings: poorly adapted to Russian companies, difficult to finalize. There is no cost for licenses of the basic version, it is possible to purchase the Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition, which differs mainly in the presence of professional support (24x7).
    2. Alfresco(www.alfresco.com) - ready-made intranet system for enterprise content management. An open source system, the main difference from Liferay is the emphasis on working with documents (document flow), it is presented in Alfresco better than in other open solutions. Support for MS office documents, version control and executive discipline, document journal, etc. Just like Liferay, it is developed on Java technologies. Of the portal functions: Company news and events, address book, company structure, business process automation. Personal home page. Support for free and commercial DBMS. LDAP authentication. Among the shortcomings: when you start out of the box, you need to refine it, difficult to finalize. There is no cost for licenses of the basic version, it is possible to purchase a commercial version.
    3. Jom Portal is a ready-made corporate portal based on CMS Joomla! Open source system. General information about the company (history, structure, department pages). News and events of the company, information about birthdays and newly hired employees. Conducting employee surveys and surveys. Project and request management. Electronic document storage, forum and company knowledge base (wiki). Video and photo albums. Social network features. LDAP authentication. Integration with 1C. There is no cost for licenses, it is possible to purchase technical support.
Cloud Solutions

Cloud solutions include:

Bitrix24(www.bitrix24.ru approximate cost - 9900 rubles / month with an unlimited number of users and 100 GB of space in the cloud,

simple business(www.prostoy.ru) approximate cost - 1000 rubles / month with an unlimited number of users and 10 GB of space in the cloud,

Teamtools(www.teamtools.ru) approximate cost - 700 rubles / month with an unlimited number of users and 5 GB of space in the cloud, etc.

Modern cloud solutions largely repeat the basic functionality of ready-made portal solutions, with the possible exception of integration with other corporate systems used in the company.

The advantages of cloud solutions are the reduction of fixed costs associated with the cost of owning a server, system software, lower requirements for a PC (in fact, input / output terminals are needed, and all logic is processed in the cloud), ease of scaling and deployment speed (if I need to open a new office, it is enough to install a PC and organize Internet access), reducing the costs associated with software administration, territorial independence (access to the portal from anywhere where there is Internet access).

But all these advantages (perhaps with the exception of renting licenses) can also be achieved by deploying a ready-made solution in the cloud when renting a server (dedicated server) - the approximate cost is 3000 rubles / month (1 CPU Core i3-2100 (3.1GHz 2 cores), RAM 8GB, HDD 1Tb) or space in a data center rack (collocation) - the approximate cost is 2000 rubles / month 1 unit.

Disadvantages of cloud solutions - business unwillingness to take corporate information outside, complexity of integration with other corporate systems, low network bandwidth, lack of trust in providers of such services, three possible points of failure (in fact, three responsible ones appear: cloud solution provider, provider, IT department or system administrator), security related issues.


In this review, I first of all tried to describe in simple terms the variety of portal solutions present on our market, and based on the basic needs and size of companies, give a guide in the direction of finding a suitable solution.

Today, any company can find a portal solution according to taste, budget and the list of tasks to be solved.

Development custom portal solution based on existing platforms does not make much sense for two reasons:

  • there are a large number of ready-made solutions and the development of a custom solution is unlikely to be more functional or cost-effective;
  • support for a custom solution may be more expensive than for a mass-produced product.

Heavy business decisions are more suitable for large, distributed companies with a large number of working users. Ideal for companies already using products from one of the major manufacturers (IBM, SAP, Oracle).

Middle class commercial solutions more suitable for medium-sized companies. The products presented in this class cover most of the needs of an ordinary enterprise.

The selection guidelines are as follows:

  • the number of simultaneously working users up to 3000 people;
  • budget up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • personal sympathy for the product, availability of professional support.

Open Solutions in terms of functionality, they are close to commercial software and cover most of the needs of an ordinary enterprise. The zero cost of licenses seriously reduces the cost of the project. Recently, the open source market has been developing dynamically, and the problem of the lack of professional technical support, which was felt until recently, is disappearing.

The guidelines for choosing a solution in this segment are:

  • the number of simultaneously working users up to 1000 people;
  • budget up to 400,000 rubles;
  • the presence of successful projects with the solution provider;
  • availability of professional support.

Systems offered as a SaaS service (cloud) more suitable for the market of small companies. Main arguments for: low start-up costs, territorial independence.
To a lesser extent, cloud solutions are suitable for medium-sized businesses for the following reasons: the difficulty of integrating with other corporate systems, the unwillingness of a business to take corporate information outside.


  • overview of corporate portals
  • choosing a corporate portal
  • free corporate portal
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