1c enterprise 7.7 set for a small company. Complex delivery; set for a small business

Currently, software products based on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform are sold only through partners with franchisee status upon special requests. Support for software products of the "1C: Enterprise 7.7" line is carried out as part of a subscription to information technology support ().

The software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system were developed from 1999 to 2003. They met the requirements of their time and gained wide popularity in Russia and other CIS countries. However, since 2004, the development of applied solutions of the 1C company has been carried out on a new promising next-generation platform "". The 1C:Enterprise 7.7 technological platform has not been updated since 2003.

Currently, a number of users feel the need to further purchase "1C: Enterprise 7.7". For example, a user has his own development on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform or there is a need to increase the number of enterprises of the same group that were previously automated on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 version in a typical way. For such users, 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software products are sold through partners with franchisee status upon special requests. These applications must include information about the client, justification for the need to purchase 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software products, and confirmation that the end user has been notified that the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software product does not fully comply with modern requirements. At the same time, the existing procedure for supporting these software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 line as part of a subscription to information technology support (ITS) is preserved.

1C strongly recommends users to consider the possibility of transferring systems running on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform to the "" platform. This will help improve the efficiency of organizations through the use of new features of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and application solutions created on its basis.

Details on the terms of the procedure for the sale of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software products, effective from July 1, 2011.

List of software products 1C: Enterprise 7.7 that can be purchased through partners with franchisee status:

vendor code



Permanent partner

1C: Predpr.7.7 PROF.Complex delivery + ITS USB

25 000

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Complex delivery + ITS USB

1С:Accounting 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration + ITS USB

1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse" + ITS USB

1C: Salary and personnel 7.7 PROF + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Calculation. Configuration "Salary+Personnel" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Calculation. Configuration "Salary+Personnel" + ITS USB

33 40 0

1C: Report set 7.7 (basic version) with a typical configuration for the preparation of reports of public institutions

1C: Clothing allowance 7.7

1C:Enterprise 7.7. Web extension version 2.0

1C:Enterprise 7.7. USB Distributed Infobase Management

1C:Enterprise 7.7 PROF. Complex delivery for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Complex delivery for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Accounting 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 PROF for Ukraine + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Ukraine" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 Configuration "Production + Services + Accounting for Ukraine" CD. Selling only through franchisees

1C:Enterprise 7.7 PROF with a set of configurations for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version) with a set of configurations for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Accounting 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 PROF for Kazakhstan + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

1C:Enterprise 7.7 (network version). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel for Kazakhstan" + ITS USB

Economic programs of previous versions (2.0, 5.0, 6.0)



Permanent partner

1C: ACCOUNTING basic version 5.0 for DOS


1C: ACCOUNTING PROF 2.0 network version

1C: ACCOUNTING basic for Windows version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING basic for Windows "95 version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows network version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows "95 version 6.0

1C: ACCOUNTING PROF for Windows "95 network version 6.0

The software product is designed to automate operational management in service, manufacturing and trading companies of small businesses.

The program implements everything you need to maintain operational accounting, control, analysis and planning at the enterprise. The solution is not overloaded with unnecessary functionality, it can be easily configured to the specifics of the organization of management and accounting in the company - this provides the possibility of a "quick start" and the convenience of daily work.

UNF helps to improve the efficiency of the company, providing owners and managers with a wide range of management tools, and employees with new opportunities for productive daily work.

"1C: Managing our company 8" is focused on work from one or two to ten users and is a solution for automating accounting and management operations:

  • performance of work, provision of services;
  • production of products;
  • marketing and sales;
  • supply and procurement;
  • stocks and warehouse;
  • cash;
  • fixed assets;
  • finance;
  • personnel and settlements with personnel.

"1C: Managing our company 8" developed on the new version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

AT "1C: Managing our company 8" provided:

  • registration of almost all primary documents of trade, warehouse and production accounting, as well as cash flow documents.
  • a wide range of reports provides owners, managers and employees with the ability to quickly obtain information - in a form convenient for work and decision-making, with the required efficiency and detail.

The program is not intended for accounting and tax accounting - for these purposes, you can use "1C: Accounting 8", which automatically transfers the necessary information from the UNF.

"1C: Managing our company 8" can be used for several companies or private entrepreneurs - both independent and working within the same business. When changing the scale and structure of the business, approaches to management or organization of work, the program can be reconfigured without spending a lot of time and money.

Upgrading from previous versions

Buy "1C: Managing our company 8" users of the following versions of software products can upgrade under the terms of the upgrade:

  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Set for a small company
  • 1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF,
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Network version for 3 users. operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + warehouse",
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Network version. operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + warehouse",
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7 for SQL. operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + warehouse",
  • 1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF + ITS USB,
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Network version for 3 users. operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + warehouse" + ITS USB,
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7 for SQL. operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + warehouse" + ITS USB,
  • 1C: Aspect 7.7. Compact trading system.


Attention! To scale and expand the number of jobs, you can purchase additional licenses.

Description of functionality

Marketing and Sales

"1C: Managing our company 8" supports the maintenance of the product range, prices and discounts of the enterprise, sales planning, as well as work with buyers and customers.

The program automated operations with the product range:

  • registration and storage of the range of goods and services of the enterprise;
  • registration, storage of various types of product prices, price list printing;
  • registration of types of discounts and markups.

Sales plans can be formed in physical and value terms and drawn up for the enterprise as a whole or for individual divisions.

To analyze the effectiveness of sales, a plan-fact analysis of sales for individual divisions, product groups and goods is formed.

Preparation of sales and work with clients in "1C: Managing our company 8" are carried out by operations:

  • registration and storage of customer contact information;
  • registration of contracts with buyers;
  • registration of buyers' orders (the order is actually a specification for the contract, which reflects the types of goods, works, delivery/fulfillment terms, as well as cost);
  • combining customer orders into projects;
  • formation of a schedule for the shipment of goods, performance of work, provision of services;
  • meeting the need for goods, works, services, formed by orders of buyers by reserving free balances of goods in warehouses, placing orders to suppliers and / or orders for assembly (production);
  • tracking the provision of the buyer's order with goods, products, works and services.

1C:Managing our company 8 supports the following sales schemes:

  • sale from a warehouse and under the order;
  • shipment on credit or prepaid;
  • sale of goods accepted for commission;
  • transfer of goods for sale to the commission agent.

Documentation of sales of products, works and services is carried out by waybills or acts of work performed. Invoices are generated based on sales documents.

Supply and Procurement

"1C: Managing our company 8" (UNF) provides the process of inventory management of the enterprise.

The supply service is promptly provided with information to determine and meet internal and external needs for goods and services: on the presence of unmet needs for inventory, works and services, on actual purchases, on open orders to suppliers and on assembly orders.

Demands are met by reserving goods in free balance in storage places, as well as by placing them in orders to suppliers and in assembly orders.

To ensure the process of procurement of goods, services and work with suppliers, the following operations are automated:

  • registration of suppliers and contact information;
  • placing orders to suppliers and monitoring their execution;
  • formation of delivery schedules.

The receipt of inventories at the enterprise can be reflected according to various schemes:

  • receipt for a fee from the counterparty;
  • acquisition by an accountable person;
  • acceptance for sale from a commission agent;
  • receipt of customer-supplied raw materials and materials for processing.

The function of registering the receipt of additional expenses for the purchase of inventory is supported.

Warehouse and production

The following options are provided for maintaining inventory records of an enterprise in multiple warehouses:

  • separate accounting of stocks - own goods, materials, products, as well as goods accepted and transferred to the commission, and materials accepted and transferred for processing;
  • accounting for arbitrary characteristics of the item (color, size, etc.), as well as batches of stock;
  • accounting in the context of cells of storage places (zones, racks, shelves, etc.);
  • stock reservation.

"1C: Management of our company 8" supports the management of the processes of production, performance of work, provision of services.

Management of data on the composition and technology of work performed and products manufactured is carried out using specifications.

The production schedule is formed by orders for assembly (dismantling), the schedule for the performance of work, the provision of services - by orders of buyers.

Registered orders for assembly (disassembly) have the following features:

  • they can be sources of meeting the needs of buyers' orders;
  • for assembly (disassembly) orders, the need for materials and components is calculated;
  • requirements generated by new customer orders can be placed in open assembly (disassembly) orders.

"1C: Management of our company 8" allows you to register the fact of manufacturing (dismantling, cutting) products. The release can be issued both in the production unit and in the warehouse (for example, packaging, assembly of kits). Products are registered with the structural unit that issued them and can be moved to a warehouse for subsequent sale.

The fact of performing work (rendering a service) and handing it over to the customer is reflected in an act of work performed.

The following functions are supported for enterprise cost accounting and actual cost calculation:

  • accounting of actual costs - is carried out in the necessary sections in value and physical terms;
  • distribution of tangible and intangible costs incurred for the release - can be made both for the specified period and on the basis of a specific release document;
  • routine calculation of the actual cost of production at the end of the period;
  • report on the cost of products manufactured and work performed.


"1C: Managing our company 8" allows you to keep records of funds, as well as create an operational payment calendar.

Cash management includes:

  • accounting of cash flow in cash and bank accounts;
  • registration of primary documents for the bank and cash desk;
  • calculations with accountable persons;
  • formation of a payment calendar;
  • integration with the "client-bank" system.

Salary and staff

"1C: Management of our company 8" supports personnel records of personnel, including employees working part-time, time tracking (time sheet) and managerial payroll of employees of the enterprise. The accrual of regulated wages and the calculation of taxes regulated by law and contributions from the payroll fund are recommended to be performed using the 1C: Accounting 8 program.

Personnel accounting includes the following functions:

  • registration of employment;
  • personnel transfer;
  • dismissal of staff.

Payroll options:

  • payroll calculation is carried out in the context of types of accruals and deductions;
  • formation of payrolls for the payment of salaries and advance payments to employees;
  • accounting of working time - a time sheet is used, which allows you to keep track of time both by day and in summary, for a period.

There are two functions for scheduling the work of performers:

  • registration of piecework orders - used to issue tasks for performing technological operations of the production cycle to performers with piecework wages, orders can be individual and brigade;
  • employee tasks - is used to issue tasks to employees with a time-based wage scheme within the framework of internal or external projects.

It provides for the registration of actual information about the performance of work on orders and tasks. This information can be used in the future when calculating payroll, as well as for evaluating the effectiveness of work and conducting a plan-fact analysis of the work of personnel.

The section provides the possibility of generating analytical reports on settlements with personnel, accruals and deductions of employees.

Fixed assets

"1C: Managing our company 8" provides accounting for non-current assets - fixed assets and intangible assets of the organization:

  • acceptance for accounting, change of parameters;
  • depreciation calculation;
  • sale and write-off.


The software product "1C: Management of our company 8" implements the ability to maintain management accounting, obtain a management balance sheet, form and analyze financial results. For these purposes, the system provides for a management chart of accounts and a mechanism for generating management postings of documents.

Thanks to the availability of such reports as the balance sheet, cash, income and expenses, the application solution allows you to generate financial statements for an arbitrary period of time.

To account for income and expenses, the accrual method or the accrual method and the cash method are used.

Analytical accounting of income and expenses on an accrual basis is carried out in the context of areas of activity, customer orders, items of income and expenses.

According to management accounting, the user gets the opportunity to generate basic financial reports:

  • managerial balance;
  • report about incomes and material losses;
  • cash flow statement.

The system has the ability to register financial plans (budgets):

  • forecast balance;
  • profit and loss budget;
  • cash flow budget.

The section also provides funds for calculating taxes, entering and distributing other expenses, and calling the month-end closing procedure.

To control the activities of the enterprise on the part of the head, the "Monitor of the head" is intended, which summarizes the main indicators:

  • cash balances in the accounts and cash desks of the enterprise;
  • accounts receivable - total, overdue and by maturity;
  • accounts payable - total, overdue and by maturity;
  • profit and loss;
  • overdue obligations to buyers and customers for the shipment of goods and the provision of services;
  • overdue obligations of suppliers and contractors for the supply of goods and services.

Additionally, you can get the following information:

  • general indicators: sales, profits (losses), the state of working capital (cash, stocks and receivables);
  • cash: cash balances and cash flows by items, for the period;
  • accounts receivable: balances and dynamics for the period;
  • accounts payable: balances and dynamics for the period.

Analytical reports

Analytical reports allow you to obtain information on all aspects of accounting. The user can independently set (adjust) the level of detail, grouping parameters and data selection criteria in reports in accordance with the specifics of the tasks being solved, as well as save their own report settings.

Set up accounting options

During the setup process:

  • registration of information on enterprise organizations;
  • registration of the structure of the enterprise - divisions, warehouses;
  • setting accounting parameters;
  • setting up service functions;
  • input of initial data on accounting sections.

Integration with "1C: Accounting 8"

Supports data exchange with the program "1C: Accounting 8" at the level of uploaded documents.

In the new edition editions 1.1 "Managing our company" configurations retail sales are automated, connection of external equipment is supported, orders for work, services, etc. are registered, user convenience is improved:

Retail Automation

AT revision 1.1 the accounting of retail operations in automated retail outlets with a fiscal registrar and in non-automated ones with an autonomous cash register has been implemented. In retail outlets, quantitative-sum or sum accounting can be maintained (only for non-automated outlets).

The following reports are generated: TORG-29, a report on the movements and balances of goods in retail prices, a report on sales in retail prices.

Formation and printing of labels and price tags is supported.

Connecting external equipment

Added the ability to connect the following types of external equipment:

  • barcode scanners;
  • fiscal registrars;
  • data collection terminals;
  • customer displays;
  • magnetic card readers;
  • electronic scales;
  • acquiring terminals.

Formation of item prices

Added the ability to group assign (change) your own sales prices. Prices are generated for the specified price type.

The list of items for which the price is generated can be filled in automatically, using the selection by price groups, item groups, price type, receipt invoice. The price of an item can be set in the following ways: by another price type, counterparty price type, receipt document, calculated by the base price type, changed by a certain percentage, changed by a certain amount, rounded.

Registration of prices of counterparties (competitors, suppliers, etc.)

Added the ability to register, store and use the prices of third-party counterparties. For each counterparty, you can store an unlimited number of price types in the "Types of prices of counterparties" directory. Added the ability to automatically register incoming prices in receipt documents. Counterparty prices can be used to form your own prices for the item.

Registration of work orders for the performance of work, the provision of services

The functions of a work order have been added to the “Buyer's Order” document - a document that combines the functions of a buyer's order, an invoice for payment, an act of work performed and an invoice and is intended for the service sector. The document reflects the performance of work and the provision of services, the cost of the materials used is included in the cost of work, the salary of the work performers is calculated and accrued, the sale of related products is reflected, payments are planned in the payment calendar, and the prepayment is credited.

Working calendar

The working calendar is designed to analyze planned events, production schedule, workload of employees and key resources. The calendar has three options: contact manager, production and work schedule, workload calendar for employees and key resources.

Registration of order states

Added the ability to register the status of customer orders, orders to suppliers, orders for production, work orders, as well as setting the sign of closing (cancelling) the order.

Other new features

  • Added the ability to specify the key resource to be used in order to schedule its loading in a work order for an employee.
  • Storage of information about contact persons of buyers and suppliers.
  • Registration and scheduling of various events by the user (phone call, meeting, etc.).
  • Automatic write-off of materials and posting of finished products and waste in the product release document.
  • Payment of wages through the bank.
  • The document "Invoice for payment from the supplier."
  • Planning of receipt and payment of funds can be carried out in customer orders, work orders, invoices for payment to buyers, orders to suppliers, invoices for payment from suppliers.
  • Reports for the analysis of payment for customer orders and orders to suppliers, invoices for payment and invoices for payment of suppliers.
  • When a new document is created, information about the user (author) who created the document is registered.
  • Plan-fact analysis of the main budgets.
  • Storing default user settings for substitution in new documents (main organization, division, warehouse, etc.).
  • Data exchange with the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration (version 2.0) and other changes.

Licensing features

Software "1C: Management of a small company 8" ensures the operation of the applied solution at one workstation at one point in time.

To work in multi-user mode, users must have 1C:Enterprise 8 client licenses».

To work in client-server mode, users must have server licenses.

List of licenses

Name Price
1C: Enterprise 8 PROF. Client license for 1 workstation
6 300 rub. Buy
1C: Enterprise 8 PROF. Client license for 5 workplaces
21 600 rub.

The tasks of accounting and management can differ significantly depending on the type of activity of the enterprise, industry, the specifics of products or services provided, the size and structure of the enterprise, the required level of automation. It is difficult to imagine one program designed for mass use and at the same time satisfying the needs of most enterprises. At the same time, the manager, on the one hand, needs a solution that corresponds to the specifics of his company, but, on the other hand, he understands the advantages of using a mass proven product. The combination of these needs provides "1c: enterprise 7.7" as a software system.

Solving urgent problems of accounting and management

From the point of view of a manager, when choosing an automation system, it is very important to determine what tasks he needs to solve using 1c:Enterprise tools. 1s:Enterprise functions can be divided according to automation goals and, accordingly, groups of responsible users.

Analysis and management of enterprise performance.

These functions of the system are focused on solving the problems of the head of the enterprise and on managers responsible for the profitability of the business and its development. Their purpose is to provide managers with up-to-date information necessary for assessing the situation and making decisions. These include mechanisms such as budgeting (planning financial activities and comparing plans with actual data), analysis of the profitability of production activities, analysis of the sale of goods and products, sales forecasting, etc.

Accounting and management of operational activities of the enterprise.

This functionality solves the problems of managers and employees directly involved in trade, production or service activities. It ensures the efficient daily work of the enterprise: preparation of documents, management of the movement of goods, management of inventories and output, acceptance of orders and control of their execution, etc.

Regulated accounting and reporting.

These functions of the system solve the tasks of accountants and payroll calculators. Their goal is to ensure that records are kept in full compliance with legal requirements. These functions include the actual maintenance of accounting and tax records, payroll, preparation of accounting and tax reporting, reporting to funds, etc.

The composition of the programs of the "1s: enterprise 7.7" system is focused on the actual needs of domestic enterprises.

Firm "1s" produces circulation software solutions designed to automate typical accounting and management tasks in commercial enterprises in the real sector and budgetary organizations. Each software product combines the use of standard solutions (common for all or several programs) and the maximum consideration of the specifics of the task of a particular industry or type of enterprise activity.

A distinctive feature of the circulation solutions of the company "1s" is a thorough study of the composition of the functionality included in the standard solutions. Firm "1s" analyzes the experience of users using the programs of the "1s: enterprise 7.7" system and monitors changes in their needs. Typical solutions include those functions that are really needed by a significant part of enterprises. This makes it possible to ensure that standard solutions comply with domestic specifics, both in terms of accounting methodology and in terms of enterprise management, and, at the same time, make these solutions fairly compact and easy to use, ensure their effective support and development.

When making a decision, the manager can choose the required level of automation. Along with the creation of powerful integrated solutions, the developers of 1s pay significant attention to the development of solutions for small companies, for which ease of use of the program is especially important. At the same time, the implementation of even the simplest solutions of the 1s:Enterprise program system provides an opportunity smooth development of automation- by gradual transition to more powerful and complex applied solutions or integration of the implemented solution with other programs of the system.

Standard, specialized and customized solutions

The 1C:Enterprise 7.7 program system combines standardization of solutions and consideration of individual needs. This is one of the main qualities of the program, which is very important for a manager or a responsible specialist who makes a decision about choosing a system.

The main tasks of automation, solved by circulation application solutions supplied by 1s:

  • Automation of warehouse accounting, analysis of the state of warehouses, control of the movement of inventory items.
  • Managing the range of goods, products and services, including pricing automation, compiling complex calculations, product explosion.
  • Management of trade activities and automation of trade document flow.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of trading activities and sales forecasting.
  • Automation of settlements with counterparties, analysis of the state and dynamics of mutual settlements.
  • Management of commission trading on behalf of the committent and the commission agent.
  • Calculation of the cost of production and analysis of the economic efficiency of production activities.
  • Production management, including work in progress, multi-stage production, processing of customer-supplied raw materials.
  • Accounting for orders from customers, internal planning of production, control of order fulfillment.
  • Planning and controlling the fulfillment of orders for the purchase of products.
  • Payroll and personnel records include an almost complete set of accruals, deductions, payments and compensations, taking into account national and local specifics.
  • Accounting for fixed assets and calculation of depreciation.
  • Planning, management and analysis of the financial performance of the enterprise (budgeting, planning of financial indicators, comparison of planned and actual indicators).
  • Accounting and tax accounting in full compliance with national legislation.
  • Formation of tax, accounting and other regulated reporting to various authorities.
  • Accounting and control of cost estimates of budgetary organizations in full compliance with the law and departmental instructions.
  • Collection of consolidated reports of budgetary organizations.

How is this combination provided?

The company "1s" produces a set standard(standard) solutions oriented to the most massive types of enterprises. Their development takes into account the experience of using the program in tens and hundreds of thousands of enterprises and organizations. This allows the specialists of the company "1s" to carefully work out the functionality of the system. A significant part of users uses standard solutions, without any changes or modifications.

Development and distribution specialized(industry) solutions on the platform "1c:Enterprise" is currently engaged in more than a hundred firms. Each of them creates a specialized circulation solution, using the general methodological solutions developed by the 1s company, and concentrating precisely on the specific needs of a particular industry. Examples of such industry solutions are programs for automating retail, pharmaceuticals, spare parts, auto repair, agricultural enterprises, military units, etc. The range of successfully applied industry solutions is constantly expanding.

In addition, the capabilities of "1s:Enterprise 7" allow you to create and individual solutions that take into account the needs of a particular organization. This is done by certified specialists of franchising firms. Such solutions, as a rule, are the development or modernization of a typical 1s solution or a specialized circulation solution, but they can also be developed completely from scratch if the situation requires it.

Thus, the manager can choose the best automation option - based on the needs of his enterprise, the priorities of the tasks to be solved, the acceptable timing and costs of implementation. At the same time, it is very important that on the basis of the same system it is possible to carry out phased automation, getting a real return on each step. Starting with the introduction of standard and customized circulation solutions, you can effectively solve the main tasks of automation - while spending a minimum of time and money - and further develop the system in accordance with the individual characteristics of the enterprise, while not stopping its operation.

Continuous development of the system

The composition of the programs "1s:Enterprise 7" and the set of their functions dynamically developing along with a change in the typical needs of domestic enterprises and organizations. The 1s:Enterprise 77 device and the principle of building a software system allow 1s and its partners to quickly respond to changing user needs.

For example, simultaneously with a significant growth in the economy of the manufacturing sector, the company "1s" released a solution focused on manufacturing enterprises. It managed to take into account the massive needs of emerging manufacturing firms that are starting their activities almost from scratch.

Increasing competition required paying more and more attention to business analysis - and the 1s:Enterprise 77 programs now have functionality focused on monitoring the efficiency of production and trading activities, planning, budgeting and analyzing financial activities.

Of course, the specialists of the company "1s" ensure the prompt change of programs in case of changes in legislation. Necessary software updates are released almost monthly. In some cases, changes in legislation lead to the emergence of new mass categories of enterprises that require solutions tailored to their needs. For example, after the emergence of such a mass phenomenon as individual entrepreneurship (PBOYuL, PE), 1s released a special solution focused specifically on these enterprises.

Automation of individual tasks and complex automation

When implementing an automation system, a very important issue is the decision to separate the various automation subsystems or, conversely, centralization - the implementation of a comprehensive solution. Modern trends in the development of economic systems and world experience show that there can be no single approach to solving this problem. The enterprise should have the freedom to choose one of these approaches or a combination of them.

The 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software system provides the possibility of automation both through the introduction of individual application solutions that will work autonomously or be integrated using various information exchange mechanisms, and through the use of complex solutions. The use of separate solutions is easier and more efficient if the individual automation tasks in the enterprise overlap little. Integrated solutions are more effective with a strong linkage of various automation tasks and the enterprise's readiness to form a single information space. Of course, complex solutions (for example, for automating core activities) and separate programs (for auxiliary or independent tasks) can be used at one enterprise.

Single technology platform

The 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software system is based on a single technological platform. It is the foundation for building all applied solutions. The presence of a single technological platform not only facilitates the creation of individual application solutions and ensures their low cost. The main advantage of this approach is the standardization of development, ensuring scalability and ensuring the rapid implementation of modern technologies in all application solutions.

The 1s:Enterprise 7 platform for all application solutions, regardless of industry specifics and developer company, provides:

  • the ability to use the system from a local computer to dozens of users in the local network;
  • using the file option or the "client-server" option (MS SQL Server);
  • the possibility of deploying work at several geographically remote points with a periodic exchange of information;
  • the ability to use modern technologies (WEB, XML, integration with other software systems and various trading equipment).

The presence of a single technological platform and a common methodology allows you to create specialized and individual solutions based on standard ones, adding only the necessary differences to them, taking into account the specifics of the industry or a particular enterprise.

  • From an economic point of view, this makes it possible to ensure a fairly low cost of industry and individual solutions, since the costs of their creation are significantly lower than the costs of developing a program from scratch.
  • This provides a high speed of creation and implementation of solutions, since the proven functionality and methodology contained in standard solutions are used to the maximum.
  • A very important advantage of this approach is the unification of user training. For example, having taken courses on "1c:Enterprise" or having experience with any of the programs, the user quickly masters the capabilities of specialized or individual solutions.
  • Platform standardization also significantly simplifies system administration, since administration functions are practically independent of a specific application solution. Most system administrators and automation specialists already have experience in administering and even modifying 1C:Enterprise application solutions. Experience shows that the development of these functions occurs very quickly - within a few days.

System openness

A very important advantage of "1s:Enterprise 7" is the openness of the system.

For the manager who decides on the choice of automation, it is important enough to be sure that the system will not be a "black box" for the enterprise, and there is a real opportunity to understand the operation of the system and, if necessary, change it. This work can be performed both by franchising organizations specializing in 1c:Enterprise support, and by specialists from the IT services of the enterprise itself.

The system delivery set includes the tools necessary to refine the applied solution and make changes to it of any complexity, as well as a complete set of documentation for them. A specialist who supports the system in a particular organization uses the same tool as the developers of 1C or companies developing circulation solutions. The capabilities of 1c:Enterprise make it possible to minimize efforts to change the automation system and its subsequent maintenance.

Support and service

When choosing a system, it is very important to evaluate the prospects for the operation and development of the system. Standardization of the platform and application solutions in all 1s:Enterprise programs provides the possibility of industrial support for the system.

Firm "1s" provides regular support for standard application solutions and the platform itself. The 1s:Enterprise platform provides the ability to combine updates to an applied solution produced by 1s or a developer of a specialized solution with individual changes made during the implementation of the system.

At the moment, tens of thousands of specialists are working in Russia, the CIS countries and the Baltic States, professionally involved in the implementation and adaptation of 1c:Enterprise application solutions. Firm "1s" conducts regular training and certification of specialists.

Many of the specialists involved in the implementation of "1c:Enterprise" not only solve problems related to the support or development of applied solutions, but also provide consulting services - helping to make the right decisions when setting up accounting and management at the enterprise.

In each region, there are a large number of franchise companies that provide a full range of services for integrated automation based on the programs of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system - from consultations on choosing the most suitable system programs to training and individual system settings.

Franchising specialists provide support for the full range of standard solutions, and, if necessary, can install specialized solutions or make individual modifications. The possibility of transferring the project from one implementer to another is also very important. The design of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system allows you to quickly bring new specialists up to date and transfer application support to someone who can provide the best service. Thus, the presence of a real industry for the implementation and support of solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 77 system is for the customer a guarantee of independence from a single company or specialist, the "survivability" of the implemented project and its trouble-free maintenance and development.

"1C: Enterprise 7.7. A set for a small company is a powerful and reliable management tool based on the integrated automation of the organization of a small company.

This product includes the following software packages:

  • 1C:Enterprise (network version). Accounting. Typical configuration ";
  • "1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + Warehouse";
  • "1C: Enterprise 7.7 (network version for 3 users). Calculation. Configuration "Salary + Personnel";
  • as well as "1C: Enterprise 7.7. Configuration "Production + Services + Accounting" (designed to work with the components "Accounting" and "Operational accounting".
  • The main advantages of the program "1C: Enterprise 7.7. Set for a small company ":

    An important advantage is that the Accounting, Operational Accounting, and Settlement components of the 1C:Enterprise software system can be used both independently and in conjunction with other components. When used together, 1C:Enterprise components not only work with common data in one infobase, but also completely combine their functionality. The user works, in fact, with a single system that comprehensively reflects the economic activity of the enterprise using the capabilities of the installed components.

    In addition, if you decide to automate the production activities of the enterprise using the “Production + Services + Accounting” configuration, then you need the “Accounting” and “Operational Accounting” components, and in this case Purchasing the "Kit for a small business" will be much more profitable purchasing configurations and required components separately.

    The complex of these programs will allow you to organize:

  • arbitrary number of places for accounting;
  • three workplaces for payroll and personnel records;
  • three workplaces for conducting trade and warehouse accounting, as well as three workplaces for maintaining production accounting.
  • As a rule, such a number of places for maintaining computer accounting provides for the automation needs of a small enterprise.

    When implementing a set of programs "1C: Enterprise 7.7. A set for a small company” You will get a much more efficient organization of work at every level.

    You can automate all areas of enterprise management:

    1. Automation of accounting and tax accounting.
      This product allows you to automate the maintenance of all sections of accounting and tax accounting:
      • bank and cash operations;
      • fixed assets and intangible assets;
      • materials, goods and services;
      • production accounting;
      • accounting of currency transactions;
      • mutual settlements with organizations;
      • calculations with accountable persons;
      • payroll calculations;
      • calculations with the budget and other sections of accounting.
    2. Automation of accounting of any types of trading operations.
      The product allows:
      • automate accounting in wholesale and retail trade;
      • keep records of warehouse operations;
      • generate all necessary primary documents, including invoices, books of sales and purchases, keep records of imported goods in the context of customs declaration;
      • keep an interconnected record of buyers' requests and orders to suppliers with the possibility of reservation at the time of the planned shipment, taking into account expected receipts;
      • monitor the status of mutual settlements with counterparties;
      • conduct mutual settlements with foreign suppliers, take into account customs duties and fees;
      • keep records of cash, commodity loans and sales goods;
      • receive a variety of reporting and analytical information on the movement of goods and money.
    3. Automation of payroll and personnel records.
      This product allows you to:
      • automate the calculation of wages for any types of accruals and deductions;
      • keep tax records of income of employees and other individuals for personal income tax and unified social tax;
      • organize personnel records of employees;
      • register office space;
      • generate reports for submission to various regulatory authorities.

    In addition, the program has a number of additional benefits:

    Openness and accessibility
    Software products of the 1C:Enterprise system contain a variety of means for communication with other programs and hardware and include:

    • the ability to share files;
    • modern integration tools (OLE, OLE Automation and DDE);
    • the ability to work with commercial equipment.

    Flexibility and customizability
    Software products of the 1C:Enterprise system can be adapted to any features of accounting at a particular enterprise. The system includes a Configurator that provides:

    • setting up the system for various types of accounting;
    • implementation of any accounting methodology;
    • organization of any directories and documents of arbitrary structure;
    • customizing the appearance of information entry forms;
    • setting the behavior and algorithms of the system in various situations using the built-in object-oriented language;
    • wide design possibilities for creating printed forms of documents and reports using various fonts, frames, colors, drawings;
    • the possibility of visual presentation of information in the form of diagrams;
    • quick configuration change using "constructors".

    Advanced administration tools:

    • system of authorization and control of user rights;
    • restriction of rights to various functions by category;
    • user activity monitoring: view the list of active users and user activity history.

    The programs that make up 1C Enterprise 8 A set of applied solutions and 1C Integrated automation 8 are shown in the table below for clarity.

    Program 1С Set of applied solutions 8 1C Integrated automation 8
    1C Accounting 8 PROF
    1C Accounting 8 CORP
    1C Payroll and Human Resources Management 8 PROF
    1C Trade Management 8 PROF
    Configuration 1C Integrated automation 8

    Why are 1C:Enterprise 8 solutions better than similar solutions of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 version?

    Solutions based on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform have a number of significant advantages.
    A comparison of some of the features of different versions is given in the form of the following table

    Comparison of PROF versions of solutions 1C:Enterprise 7.7 1C:Enterprise 8
    Ability to change (configure) the application solution
    Working with databases in file mode
    Working with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 databases
    Working with databases Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and higher
    Working with PostgreSQL databases
    Working with IBM DB2 databases
    The 1C:Enterprise server can operate both in Microsoft Windows and Linux environments
    Mechanisms for working with geographically distributed information bases are included in the standard delivery

    Ergonomic user interface 1C:Enterprise 8

    The new, modern interface design provides ease of mastering application solutions for beginners and high speed for experienced users:

    • significant acceleration of mass input of information due to the input by line function and efficient use of the keyboard;
    • convenient tools for working with large dynamic lists,
    • managing the visibility and order of columns,
    • setting up selection and sorting,
    • list printing,
    • maximum use of available screen space for displaying information,
    • styling mechanism.