Adenoids, treatment with folk remedies in children. Safe folk remedies for inflammation of the adenoids Folk remedies for adenoids in children

Surely most parents have encountered such a problem as adenoids in a child. However, not everyone knows what it is and how to deal with this condition. With the diagnosis of adenoids, treatment with folk remedies in children should be carried out with extreme caution. But first, we will figure out where they come from, what threatens the growing body, and why it is so important not to miss the development of this pathology.

By itself, the nasopharyngeal tonsil is an important part of the child's immune system. It resists the action of bacteria, viruses and allergens, protects the pharynx, nasopharynx and oral cavity from "harmful" microorganisms. But during infectious diseases, an inflammatory process begins in the tissue, which leads to the growth of the mucous membrane. It is this condition of the hyperemic pharyngeal tonsil that is commonly called adenoids.

There is an opinion that adenoids will not cause much harm to the child and you do not need to fight them - they will pass by themselves. And in which case, they can simply be removed surgically. Both statements are false and extremely harmful.

Reference: The outstanding Danish physician Hans-Wilhelm Meyer (1824-1895) is one of the first "discoverers" of this disease. He believed that the presence of adenoids in a child can be determined already on the basis of the "nasal" pronunciation of nasal sounds in words. Developing a systematic system of treatment, Meyer made adenotomy (removal of adenoid vegetation) a priority method of getting rid of the disease and turned it into an ordinary, everyday procedure. Modern methods of adenotomy make it possible to remove adenoids in just a few minutes with minimal trauma and an easy postoperative period.

Are adenoids dangerous in children?

Growing, the nasopharyngeal tonsil almost completely closes the passage, preventing the free movement of air. Thus, a child with adenoids is forced to breathe exclusively through the mouth, which is not natural for the human body.

In addition to the fact that this way of breathing brings discomfort (the baby does not sleep well, snores in a dream, it is inconvenient for him to eat), adenoids are simply dangerous for the child’s health:

  • entering the body, the air is not cleaned and moistened, which can lead to more frequent colds, and subsequently to the appearance, or to problems with the bronchi;
  • hyperemic tissue interferes with the outflow of mucus, thereby creating a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Due to this, various inflammatory processes of the ENT organs occur, provoking, up to hearing loss;
  • breathing becomes difficult, the brain is not fully saturated with oxygen, as a result of which the baby may even lag behind in development;
  • the constantly ajar mouth of the child gradually leads to a change in the bite and deformation of the growing facial skeleton.

Adenoids in children is a very difficult disease to cure. The proposed conservative treatment is ineffective, and the removal of the adenoids can only bring temporary relief, since they can grow back very quickly, and running in a vicious circle will begin again. The site CURE has collected recipes of traditional medicine to combat adenoids and offers them to your attention.

We always select the most affordable and effective means for the treatment of various diseases. we talked about how to prevent the appearance of hematomas with bruises, and now we will present you the best folk remedies for the treatment of adenoids in children.

Gargle with the following solution: add iodine drops to 100 ml of boiled water according to the number of years of the child. Leave for about an hour. Gargle in the morning and before bed

Prepare the following solution: 1.5 tsp. s.oli in a glass of boiled water, add 12 drops of iodine. Mix well and pour into a nasal spray bottle. Irrigate the nose 5-6 times a day.

Mix ½ tsp. salt and baking soda, add 6 drops of iodine. Gargle in the morning and evening.

Celandine with adenoids

Celandine is widely used in folk medicine to get rid of adenoids. It is based on instillation of the nose with fresh or canned plant juice at the rate of 2-3 drops per nostril up to 4 times a day. Since celandine is a poisonous plant, consult your doctor before use.

Aloe for adenoids

Also, a very popular remedy for adenoids is aloe juice. Fresh juice of the plant is instilled into the child's nose 2 drops 5-6 times a day. The treatment is long. After a monthly course of treatment, a month break.

Also combine aloe juice with lemon and honey. The treatment regimen is similar.

Beetroot juice is actively used for washing the nose. The procedure consists of alternately drawing beetroot juice into the nostrils. The procedure is carried out twice a day for 21 days. If there is no dynamics, repeat the course in two weeks.

Another folk recipe. Mix 1.5 tbsp. beetroot juice, 1 tsp honey and ¼ tsp. salt. Stir, insist and drip with adenoids 4 drops 5-6 times a day.

Thuja with adenoids

Perhaps one of the most popular folk remedies for adenoids is thuja oil. Recommended by almost all ENT doctors. Bury the child 3-4 drops in the nostril at least 3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 1 month.

St. John's wort oil for adenoids

If thuja oil does not help, you can try oil from St. John's wort flowers. It is prepared as follows: pour a glass of corn oil into 100 g of St. John's wort flowers, bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour over low heat with continuous stirring. Remove from heat and leave to infuse for one day.

Apply 3-4 times a day, two drops per nostril.

Clove infusion for adenoids

Add 10-12 clove sticks (spice) to a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 3-4 hours (the infusion should be brown). Drip 2-3 drops a day 5-6 times a day.

Extreme prescription for adenoids

The use of this recipe requires extreme care in application.

Take half a glass of aviation kerosene and 3-4 pcs. small chili peppers. Grind pepper in a blender and mix with kerosene in a dark sealed container. Leave for one week at room temperature.

When using extremely carefully, in order to avoid contact with the eyes, lubricate the resulting liquid overnight under the nose and throat. Tie the throat with a warm scarf. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Pour one tablespoon of burdock leaf with a glass of water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

Rinse twice a day in the morning and evening. Bury 3-4 drops 5-6 times a day. Drink 1 tsp. decoction 3 times a day before meals. The course is three weeks.

Herbal infusions for adenoids

For instillation into the nose with adenoids, infusions of the following medicinal herbs are used:

  • Coltsfoot.
  • Chamomile flowers.
  • Series.
  • Currant leaf.
  • Oak bark.
  • Flowers of calendula.
  • Mint leaf.
  • Viburnum flowers.
  • Eucalyptus leaf.
  • Dog-rose fruit.

Here we briefly talked about folk methods for the treatment of adenoids in children. But remember that children are the most precious thing for us to eat. Therefore, before using any medicinal or folk remedies, be sure to consult your pediatrician!

Full information about adenoid vegetations in children can be obtained at this link.

And good health to you!

Treatment of adenoids with folk remedies in children helps to get rid of swelling, reduces the risk of surgery. In addition to treatment, preventive measures are needed that prevent the disease and prevent existing adenoiditis from becoming chronic.

Adenoids in children and preventive measures to prevent the disease

Adenoids are nasopharyngeal tonsils that protect the nasal passages from infection. In its original state, this tonsil is small and does not pose any danger to the child.

With colds, the adenoids become inflamed and increase in size so much that it becomes difficult for the child to breathe, he snores in his sleep. As a rule, after recovery, the tonsil returns to normal. In debilitated children who are often ill, adenoiditis can become chronic, in which the adenoids do not swell, but grow. In this case, surgical intervention is required.

Complications that cause overgrown adenoids:

  1. The child stops breathing through the nose.
  2. Hearing problems appear.
  3. The kid becomes lethargic and absent-minded, poorly absorbs information.
  4. Overgrown adenoids cease to protect the body from infection, so the child is more likely to get sick.
  5. Enlarged adenoids can change the facial skeleton.

Only a doctor can determine whether it is swelling or a tumor. After diagnosis, the otolaryngologist prescribes treatment or recommends to avoid serious complications in the future. do not need to be removed, they must be treated with medications and folk remedies approved by the attending physician.

An important role is played by preventive measures that prevent the growth of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. In order for the child to get sick as little as possible, it is necessary to dress him according to the weather. Remember that children have increased blood circulation, so they are less cold than adults. Excess clothing leads to the release of sweat, of course, that a sweaty baby in the cold can catch a cold. The baby's feet should be warm, but not sweaty, otherwise a cold cannot be avoided.

An important rule for mothers and caring grandmothers: put on a baby one layer less than an adult, do not wrap the child in such a way that he cannot move.

An important role is played by the nutrition of the baby, it should be comprehensive, contain vitamins necessary to maintain immunity, macro- and microelements. Children need to move as much as possible, so it is advisable to send the child to the sports section, if this is not possible, then work with him on your own. Skiing, skating, ball games, running contribute to the health of your baby. Breathing exercises prevent inflammation of the adenoids. It is important to remember that after suffering a cold, it is necessary to let the child's body get stronger for 3-5 days, after which the child can be safely sent to kindergarten or school.

Nasal lavage

Treatment of adenoids in children with folk methods must be approved by a doctor. Flushing the nasal passages with saline is an effective, but rather complicated and painful procedure. Not every child will voluntarily go for this.

If for some reason the baby refuses to rinse his nose, then in no case should you force him to do this. In this case, the result depends on the correct implementation of the procedure, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the growing organism. If the child resists, then the saline solution can get into the Eustachian tubes, which will lead to disastrous consequences.

To wash the nose, use a saline solution from sea or table salt (a teaspoon per 250 ml of boiled water). Salt is dissolved in warm water, and then filtered through gauze or a sieve. If this is not done, then undissolved salt particles injure the mucous membrane. 3-4 drops of iodine are added to the filtered solution for disinfection. You can put a teaspoon of natural liquid honey, this will make the solution more pleasant for the child.

In no case do not use sea water for the procedure, otherwise you will introduce an infection and only complicate the situation.

The resulting solution is poured into a wide cup, brought to the baby's face, then one nostril is covered with a finger, and the second child draws in the solution, which flows down the wall of the nasopharynx and enters the mouth, after which the child spits it out. The same manipulation is carried out with the second nostril. There is another way to wash the nose. It is necessary to bend over the washbasin so that one nostril is at the top (tilt the head to one side). A solution is poured into the upper nostril using a special container designed for washing the nose, which should flow out of the second nostril. The operation is performed from the second nostril. If the child flatly refuses to wash, then you can limit yourself to instilling the same saline solution into the nose.

Treatment of adenoids in children with folk methods

It is necessary to treat a child with folk remedies with great care. It is important to use only safe, time-tested methods and means. Sea buckthorn oil has healing properties: it relieves swelling, reduces inflammation, softens the mucous membrane, destroys microbes. Sea buckthorn oil is instilled into the child's nose 3-4 times a day (2 drops in each nostril). It is important that the baby does not have an allergic reaction to sea buckthorn. Use only industrial oil, then you will prevent infection from entering the nasopharynx. From sea buckthorn berries, you can make a healing tea that will strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients.

Eucalyptus leaves are widely used in official medicine; on their basis, many medicines are produced for the treatment of various colds. Eucalyptus leaves are an excellent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor. To prepare a healing decoction, take a tablespoon of crushed leaves, put them in a thermos, pour boiling water (500 ml). Let it brew for 2 hours, after which the infusion is filtered through sterile gauze. Ready infusion is used for gargling (3-4 times a day), taken orally in a diluted form (3-4 tablespoons of infusion per cup of boiling water). Eucalyptus oil is instilled into the nose (2-3 drops in each nostril).

Alternative treatment of adenoids with Kalanchoe juice gives good results. The leaves are thoroughly washed, wiped dry, then kneaded, after which they are twisted into tubes, thrust into each nostril by a leaf. Hold until the child begins to sneeze heavily. It is important not to confuse medicinal Kalanchoe with decorative. In a medicinal plant, children are formed on the leaves, in a decorative Kalanchoe they are absent.

Treatment of adenoids with honey

For the treatment of nasopharyngeal tonsils, bee products are often used. Helps reduce inflammation by instilling honey into the nose with the addition of beet juice. On a tablespoon of liquid flower honey take 2 tbsp. fresh beetroot juice, which must be boiled in a water bath. This is necessary in order to destroy a possible infection in the juice. This remedy is instilled into the nose 3 times a day (2 drops in each nostril). If you are allergic to honey, this method is better not to use.

Chamomile is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, in combination with honey it works especially effectively. To prepare healing tea, take a tablespoon of chamomile flowers, pour boiling water (500 ml), let it brew for 20 minutes, then filter. A teaspoon of quality honey is added to the warm infusion, tea is drunk 3-4 times a day. You can gargle with the same solution, use it to rinse your nose.

For the treatment of adenoids, honey with aloe juice is used. Juice is squeezed out of old fleshy leaves, mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 1, used for instillation into the nose and ingestion (a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals).

Treatment of adenoids in children with folk methods helps only in combination with medications. This is only a preventive measure aimed at maintaining immunity, preventing chronic adenoiditis.

If you are reading this article because your child "has developed adenoids in the nose" and you do not know what to do with "this disease", then the pediatric ENT doctor has not explained to you the nature of your baby's problems.

Unfortunately, it is the elementary ignorance of parents about what exactly is “wrong” in the child’s body, why this happens, why it is dangerous and what it is necessary to strive for, most often leads to the need to remove adenoids.

Adenoids - the forge of your baby's immunity

But, in fact, adenoids are not a disease, but very important formations combined with the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. In the body of a healthy child, the adenoids work very actively, informing him about the dangers - allergens, microbes, toxins, etc. – and launching mechanisms to counter these dangers.

Before continuing reading: If you are looking for an effective way to get rid of constant colds and diseases of the nose, throat, lungs, then be sure to look into section of the site "Book" after reading this article. This information is based on the personal experience of the author and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. NOT advertising! So, now back to the article.

But here is the most surprising and most important thing: thanks to the nasopharyngeal tonsil (another name for adenoids), the baby’s body learns not only to quickly and effectively respond to “enemy attacks”, but also to ignore harmless (and sometimes useful) factors and substances, mistaken for harmful and aggressive.

Yes, yes, that’s right: the “terrible adenoids” that your child “fell ill” with are actually the most important part of his immune system. That is why the term itself is incorrect: “treatment of adenoids”.

What do we actually treat if the adenoids are not all right?

In fact, it is possible and necessary to treat not adenoids in the nose, but the inflammatory process that develops in them - adenoiditis.

In addition, it is necessary to take measures for grade 2-3 adenoid hypertrophy, even if they are not inflamed. In this case, the amygdala begins to do much more harm than good.

However, since you came to us in order to learn “everything about the treatment of adenoids”, we will no longer take this phrase cutting the doctor’s ear in quotation marks, but we will speak the same language with you, relying on what you now understand what it is actually about.

When can you think about problems with adenoids?

So, we already know that adenoids are not a disease, but a special “baby tonsil” that lurks deep in the nasopharynx. Therefore, we will not be able to see it through an open mouth as we see the palatine tonsils (tonsils).

In the normal state, the adenoids are small and do not manifest themselves in any way, and therefore neither the child nor his parents think about them, and often do not know if:

- the baby rarely and more easily has colds,

- sleep peacefully at night

- breathes easily

- hears well

- in a word, if the child is healthy.

Unfortunately, the statistics of recent years is inexorable: more than 50% of children around the world suffer from adenoiditis or non-inflammatory forms of hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsils, in Russia and the CIS this figure is even higher. While only 30 years ago these problems bothered no more than 10% of the world's population.

Impressive and frightening statistics, isn't it?

And this means that both the children themselves and their parents are well aware of the symptoms of extremely undesirable conditions caused by inflammation or pathological growth of the adenoids.

What is the difference between children with enlarged and / or inflamed adenoids from healthy babies?

First, they often suffer from acute colds.

Secondly, the course of many diseases, and, above all, inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract, in a child with abnormal adenoids usually takes on a chronic character.

Thirdly, resistance to any changes in the external environment, and not just to infection, decreases. A child with infected and practically non-functioning adenoids is afraid of drafts, always gets the flu and other acute respiratory viral infections during their epidemic, and practically cannot attend kindergarten because of a constant runny nose and cough.

If the process has gone far, children begin to hear poorly, nasally, snore at night, breathe almost exclusively through their mouths (therefore, their mouths are constantly open).

And that is not all. Such children lag behind their peers in physical and mental development, even the appearance of the child changes: the so-called adenoid face appears - a sign of the extreme degree of the problem and an unfavorable prognosis of conservative treatment of adenoids.

Don't you want it? And you are absolutely right! Therefore, the most important thing is not to start the process!

And that is why, when the first signs appear that make it possible to suspect something was wrong, it is necessary to throw all your efforts into effective, harmless and complete treatment of adenoids in children, or rather, problems caused by changes in the structure, condition and functionality of the nasopharyngeal tonsils.

What are the best treatments for adenoids?

That's how simple it is! you say. Rather, give us the best prescription, tell us what are the best remedies for the treatment of adenoids, we do not want to operate on a child and are ready to buy the most expensive medicines, just tell me - which ones?

If the capabilities of the pharyngeal tonsil are no longer enough to maintain a normal state of immunity, it begins to grow, trying to produce more substances that stimulate (or suppress) certain protective processes.

And, I must say that for quite a long time such compensatory growth helps the body cope with aggression from the outside.

However, you yourself understand that this cannot continue indefinitely. What happens then, and at what point does it become necessary to look for drugs for the treatment of adenoids?

Three degrees of enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsil: signs and solutions to the problem

In ENT practice, it is customary to distinguish 3 degrees of enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsil.

With 1 degree of adenoid hypertrophy, they do not create obstacles for the passage of air through the child's nose during wakefulness.

If at the same time the lymphoid tissue is not inflamed, then the problem makes itself felt only at night: the baby breathes heavily in a dream.

However, if the tonsil becomes inflamed, then the matter is not limited to heavy breathing at night and the adenoids most often become the cause of chronic infection of the upper respiratory tract. And this means that your healthy and active baby turns into often long-term ill, capricious, tired and indifferent to life.

Remember: if your child has grade 1 adenoids, treatment does not always follow the same pattern.

Therefore, you should not take as a basis the reviews on the effective treatment of adenoids on the forum, even if they seemed true to you. And not because someone is trying to deceive you.

Why does it make no sense to look for a panacea for inflammation and hypertrophy of the adenoids on the forums?

Just because in your case, everything can be completely different. Perhaps your child has enlarged adenoids, but they are not inflamed, and ordinary washings, normal nutrition, vitamins and physiotherapy, as well as alternative methods of treatment are quite enough for you.

At the same time, the baby you read about could have been different: in his tonsil, which was not too enlarged, but almost completely ceased to fulfill its regulatory functions, there was a chronic infection that led to tonsillitis and tonsillitis, bronchitis, endless otitis media and stomatitis.

And so he had to be treated with serious antimicrobial agents, for example, powerful antibiotics, and even they, quite possibly, did not help ...

Of course, everything can be quite the opposite.

What should be remembered if the reason for the increase in adenoids is an allergy?

It may well be that your child's enlarged adenoids are a consequence of allergies, and, above all, hay fever and other forms of allergic rhinitis, which manifest themselves as swelling of the mucous membrane and are a violation of the work of the same immune system, which is responsible for the pharyngeal tonsil.

In this case, effective treatment of the underlying disease will help prevent the progression of adenoid hypertrophy and related problems, and antibiotics may not only be unnecessary, but generally contraindicated.

At home, you can quite successfully carry out an alternative "folk" disposal of adenoids with thuja oil, propolis and celandine, combining natural antiseptics with the action of silver ions (protargol) and homeopathic remedies.

However, we once again want to draw your attention to the fact that any conservative scheme can only be used if the process is not running.

But even at the same time, it is necessary to approach the choice of methods and means in a differentiated and conscious manner.

What should be remembered when trying to get rid of adenoiditis or hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil of a non-inflammatory nature at home?

Here are a few simple rules to remember:

  • exposure to adenoids with celandine, thuja or propolis should not be carried out by a child with allergies. You risk only worsening the process, and in some cases provoking serious exacerbations.
  • The result of the treatment of adenoids in children with homeopathy or folk remedies depends on the problem that led to a change in the condition and function of the pharyngeal tonsil, and not on the usefulness or futility of the method or reviews on the forums.
  • "Safe herbs" can cause very serious complications and even poisoning. So, for example, infusions and decoctions of celandine contain toxins that have a detrimental effect not only on microbes, but also on the children's body. Therefore, you should not assume that this folk remedy is much more harmless than the “bloody operation”. Other times it may be just the opposite.
  • Treatment with protargol can provoke seizures if the child has a lower seizure threshold.

Remember the main thing! In the presence of serious complications, it is simply unacceptable to hope that alternative treatment will help the child get rid of the adenoids and it is simply unacceptable to ignore the doctor's recommendations.

Adenoiditis and hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil in adults: signs and features of treatment

In conclusion. The problem of adenoids is far from childish, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

If it was previously believed that at the age of 10-12-14 adenoids in a child’s nose completely disappear as uselessness, today ENT doctors are unanimous: the pharyngeal tonsil works on our immunity much longer, and in some people - throughout life.

Therefore, the numerous problems of adults associated with chronic infections, such as tonsillitis or sinusitis, endless inflammation of the middle ear, persistent allergies, nosebleeds may well be signs of inflammation or enlargement of the adenoids, which are much more difficult to find in the nasopharynx of an adult than to detect a pathological growth of the pharyngeal tonsil child.

Not only diagnosis, but also the treatment of adenoids in adults has its own characteristics.

So, for example, if operations in older children are performed under local anesthesia, then in adults, the removal of adenoids very often occurs under general anesthesia with the involvement of endoscopic equipment. Otherwise, there is a high degree of likelihood of complications during the operation, or a recurrence of the disease in the future.

As with children, adults can be prescribed homeopathic remedies. In some cases, folk methods - propolis, thuja, etc. in adult patients give good results.

Your health is in your hands!

Let's remember once again that in both adults and children, the root of problems with adenoids is the result of malnutrition and lifestyle, poor ecology, undertreated or improperly treated diseases.

And therefore, going on a hike for health at any age, look for the cause, and do not eliminate the effect. And do not rely on the fact that someone else's experience will necessarily be useful to you.

The main thing: do not stop along the way if you or your child feel better, including strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for the treatment of the nasopharynx after removal of the adenoids.

Remember: his health and a fulfilling life are in your hands.

Treatment of adenoids in children with folk remedies is effective for grades 1 and 2 of the severity of the disease. In this case, conservative medical treatment cannot be ruled out. Washing and instillation, of course, alleviate the condition of the child, but not always save from adenoids.

Treatment of adenoids in children at home should be under the supervision of an otolaryngologist. In most cases, doctors do not mind the use of folk remedies for adenoiditis, often they themselves prescribe recipes from traditional medicine. It is only important to remember that a child may experience an allergic reaction to a herbal preparation. In this case, it is necessary to stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor.

Proven folk recipes for adenoids

Infusions and decoctions prepared at home relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, and restore nasal breathing. What plant components are most often used for washing and instillation?

It is necessary to instill into the nose only after thorough washing and cleansing of the nasopharynx from mucus. Otherwise, the effect of the drops will be minimal. Usually decoctions and tinctures are used for a long time - from two weeks to one month.

More about celandine

Celandine is one of the most effective folk remedies for adenoids in children. There are several options for its preparation.

  • Celandine with milk. The decoction is prepared from a glass of milk and a teaspoon of celandine grass. The prepared and strained mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. Apply three times a day, 1-2 drops in each nostril.
  • From 100 g of water and 5 leaves of celandine, prepare a decoction, cool, pour into a dark glass container and leave for two days. Bury in the nose in a diluted form: 1 drop of tincture 2 drops of boiled water. Bury three times a day, 1 drop in each nostril.
  • Drops from fresh celandine. One drop of fresh celandine juice is diluted in 60 drops of boiled water. Instill 1 drop in each nostril in the morning and evening. Do not store diluted juice, a fresh solution is prepared every day.

Celandine is also popularly called "damn's milk", "witch's weed", which indicates the content of toxic substances in it. Therefore, it is prohibited:

  • take tinctures of celandine inside;
  • chew celandine leaves;
  • bury fresh juice in pure or slightly diluted form.

Steam inhalations and flushes

Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and the accumulation of mucus in acute respiratory viral infections provoke an increase in adenoids. Therefore, it is recommended to eliminate mucus by moistening the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and washing the nose.

  • Steam inhalation. For the preparation of solutions, the following components are used: eucalyptus, Kalanchoe, calendula, pine buds, ivy-shaped buds, iodine, soda. Inhalations should be carried out twice a day for 10 minutes.
  • Saline solutions for washing. You can buy special solutions at the pharmacy. You can prepare a solution at home: for 1 liter of boiled water, 1 teaspoon of salt. Better to use sea salt.
  • Herbal solutions for washing. The most commonly used medicinal plants are: chamomile, calendula, celandine, horsetail, St. John's wort.

According to some experts, the nasopharyngeal tonsil performs an important protective function until the age of five, for this reason it should not be rushed to be removed. Therefore, parents resort to a variety of methods for the treatment of adenoids, just to avoid surgery. However, it is important to know that there are clear indications for surgical treatment. In this situation, no herbs and poultices will help. Delaying the operation can only worsen the child's health.

Strengthening immunity

It is necessary to strengthen the immune system for preventive purposes. In what ways can this be achieved?

  • Herbal remedies to strengthen the immune system. Onion, garlic, honey, echinacea, lemon, ginger, propolis.
  • Healthy lifestyle. The child should be outdoors as often as possible, engage in physical education and sports, temper, eat rationally. And if he has an example of adults before his eyes, this point will not seem so difficult.
  • Positive emotions. Joy boosts immunity. It has been proven that the immune responses of a person with a negative attitude are much weaker.

Recently, more and more often they talk about the psychosomatic nature of adenoids. Eternally snotty, unhappy child will not leave anyone indifferent. Children often suffer from adenoids, "loved" by parental anxiety.

7 rules for washing the nose at home: a reminder to parents

In young children, the auditory tube is short and wide, so during washing, liquid easily enters it, which often leads to inflammation of the middle ear. This is one of the main dangers in such a seemingly harmless procedure. Quite often, in the reviews of parents, you can read that otitis was successfully “washed”. How to carry out this procedure correctly and safely?

  1. Rinse with a slight tilt of the head forward. You can do this over the sink or over a bowl where the liquid will flow. It is not recommended to wash the nose while lying down, with the head turned to the side. During the procedure, you must hold your breath while inhaling.
  2. Rinse and blow out alternately one nostril. After washing, you need to close one nostril with your finger and carefully blow out the second. With a strong blowing of the nose, the liquid along with the mucus is thrown into the auditory tube.
  3. Use disposable syringes (no needle). The plunger of the syringe must not be tight, otherwise the liquid will be strongly injected. Instead of a syringe, you can use a small syringe.
  4. Do not inject fluid under pressure. If the solution is injected quickly, the fluid flows into the sinuses and the auditory tube. This can worsen the situation and lead to complications: sinusitis and otitis media.
  5. Volume of liquid. For washing, take 1.5-2 ml of solution for each nostril (for small children, 0.5 ml is administered). For infants, 2-3 drops of the solution are instilled into each nostril, after which the nasal passages are cleaned with a cotton flagellum.
  6. Wash frequency. With a large amount of mucus, the doctor may recommend frequent washings: up to 6 times a day. On average, you need to wash at least 3 times a day. Otolaryngologists do not recommend getting involved in frequent washings. At the very least, you should not do this without a preliminary examination and the recommendation of a doctor.
  7. temperature and concentration of the liquid. Solutions for washing should be at room temperature and moderate concentration. If the child complains of a burning sensation in the nose, you need to dilute the solution with boiled water.

The procedure must be carried out carefully. It must be warned that the liquid through the nasopharynx will enter the throat and must be spit out. If the child is afraid of washing, it is best to show the procedure by example.

It is possible to cure adenoids in children with folk remedies only in the complex of general therapy prescribed by the ENT. Of course, you can hope for miracle herbs. But it is even better to rely on an experienced, qualified specialist. If a child has adenoids of the 3rd degree, he has difficulty in nasal breathing, frequent otitis media, hearing loss, deformity of the maxillofacial bones, "grandmother's recipes" are unlikely to help.
