Allergy on the face symptoms and treatment. Probable causes of the development of allergies on the face: photos of manifestations, treatment with medications and traditional medicine recipes

Allergy is a disease that is accompanied by an uncomfortable and sometimes painful condition. If such a reaction appears on the face, then this causes even more inconvenience, since the appearance of a person suffers. The question arises of how to treat allergies on the face. Is it possible to cope with this disease? The success of the treatment will depend on many factors that everyone needs to be aware of.

Allergy symptoms

First of all, you need to know what an allergy looks like on the face. There are several forms of its manifestation.

Redness in the form of spots, small dots may appear on the face. It is possible a rash, blisters, similar to those that remain after a rash, most often occur on the cheeks, chin, bridge of the nose.

It is very dangerous. This manifestation of an allergy usually affects the area of ​​​​the lips, nose, and eyelids. Conjunctivitis is also one of the manifestations of allergies. It has extremely unpleasant symptoms.

All these allergic reactions can be accompanied by itching. It is expressed in varying degrees - from mild to painful, with consequences in the form of scratching and ulcers.

Allergy on the face, the photo of which sometimes indicates its very strong manifestations, occurs more often than in other parts of the body. The reason may be cosmetics. Before purchasing a particular product, it is recommended to test using probes. The presence of an allergen is not excluded in the composition of the cosmetic product. If this substance enters the body with food or air, then the lips, tongue, nose are the organs that first come into contact with the dangerous component.

The face, unlike other parts of the body, is always open, not protected from the harmful effects of the environment.

Types of allergic reaction

An allergic reaction can begin immediately or within a few hours after a foreign body enters the body (immediate development). It is also possible that this ailment makes itself felt only after a few days from the moment when there was contact with the allergen (delayed view). Are there any differences? The mechanism of these phenomena is practically the same, but the result is the same.

Sources of the problem

The causes of allergies are very diverse. It all depends on what substance is the causative agent of the reaction. The classification of the reasons causing such a phenomenon may look like this:

Eating a product (or products) containing an allergen.

- Use of a drug that causes changes.

Insect bites cause the body's response to poison, complex forms of allergies can occur only in exceptional cases.

Contact with animals can be dangerous with similar reactions to wool, saliva, feathers.

Allergy to dust. In this case, the causative agent is a tick.

Allergy to cold is a special kind of disease.

Allergy to the sun - photodermatitis.

The predisposition to such reactions of the body to seemingly normal phenomena and products is inherited. If one of the parents suffers from allergies, then with a probability of 40% the child will also fight this disease.

All other causes of allergies are related to the environment and the conditions of human existence in it. Pregnant women should be very careful about this issue. It is not at all uncommon for a newborn to have various facial rashes. How to treat it, only a specialist will determine. But during the course of pregnancy, the mother must fulfill a number of requirements.

First aid

Allergy on the face (you can see a photo of its manifestations below) is a very serious problem. It is necessary to react to its appearance immediately.

It is impossible to cure an allergy on your own, but everyone can provide first aid and alleviate the condition.

Allergy manifests itself in different ways. A red face is one of her signs. What to do? In this case, immediately clean the skin. This must be done carefully, using wet cotton swabs. A good cleaning agent is sour milk, kefir, sour cream. The next step in the procedure will be rinsing the face with boiled or distilled water.

One of the ways to provide first aid for such problems can be the use of drugs. New allergy drugs (Lordestin, Norastemizol, Fexofenadine, Descarboethoxyloratadine) have a quick effect, in addition, they are quite harmless. A positive characteristic of such new generation medicines is also the fact that they do not have a hypnotic effect.

Doctors advise to pay attention to the drug "Kestin", which effectively helps at the first sign of an allergy.

If a person knows about the possibility of a similar reaction in him, then he must have antihistamines in his home medicine cabinet. They must be applied immediately after the first signs of allergy appear.

How to relieve symptoms

Unpleasant symptoms of an allergic reaction that you want to get rid of quickly are swelling, rash, spots on the face. Allergies can temporarily recede if you use a compress.

To prepare it, you need gauze, which must be applied to the face. The fabric can be moistened in a solution of boric acid (1 teaspoon per glass of pure water), in a decoction of chamomile, sage, chilled tea.

Specialist consultation

In addition to recommendations on the use of medications, allergists can give patients simple everyday advice on how to treat allergies on the face, runny nose, conjunctivitis. Recommendations usually give good results.

Many people suffer from allergies during the flowering period of plants. It is impossible to get rid of pollen completely, but it is possible to reduce its amount in the room where the patient is located. How to do it?

To do this, you need to keep the windows closed. If this cannot be done, then you can pull gauze in the opening, which should always be wet.

The apartment will also alleviate the patient's condition. It is best to go for a walk in rainy weather, when there is no pollen in the air.

If the patient has the opportunity, then it is best to go on a trip during the flowering of potentially dangerous plants, change the climate. The main thing is that in a new place you do not have to face the same problem. The exclusion of contact with the allergen is an important condition in the treatment of the disease in question.

Experts advise not to use homeopathic remedies and herbal treatment in the fight against the disease if the cause of the allergy is the flowering of plants. Why? The danger lies in the fact that herbs and homeopathic remedies can only aggravate the situation.

How to fix the problem?

How to treat an allergy on the face, the doctor will determine. Most often, intramuscular or intravenous injections of such drugs are prescribed: Claritin, Suprastin, Dimedrol, etc. The use of these drugs in the form of tablets is allowed.

With allergic swelling of the face, a diuretic is sometimes prescribed. It is able to remove excess fluid from the body and alleviate the patient's condition.

To prevent allergic reactions or eliminate its first signs, you can use topical preparations - drops and sprays. These include such medicines: "Romoglin", "Hi-krom", "Lomuzol".

Treatment of the disease in question is a very long process. This may take several years. In addition, therapy is a complex event. The whole point is to minimize the excessive reaction of the body to foreign bodies.

Scars, changes in skin pigmentation - such unpleasant consequences can have an allergy on the face. Only a specialist can know how to treat an ailment that has arisen, so seeking medical help is the only right decision.

The result of therapy will depend on how correctly the causes that gave rise to the allergy are identified. This is the main condition. Without eliminating the cause of the disease, it is impossible to get rid of it.


Chamomile cream is a proven remedy that will not cure allergies, but will significantly improve the patient's condition, at least for a short time.

It contains azulene, which has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. Cream based on chamomile is able to heal damaged skin.

As for decorative cosmetics, the use of it should be completely excluded during the treatment of allergies.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes also suggest how to treat allergies on the face. Such options are especially relevant for people who cannot use drug treatment (for example, for pregnant women).

The means offered by traditional medicine can be attributed to gentle methods of treatment. First of all, it will be plants. Washing with a decoction of herbs will relieve an allergic reaction, have a calming effect on the skin of the face. A string and chamomile have just such an ability.

Allergy diagnostics

If the patient is not sure or does not know what causes an allergic reaction in him, then a test is performed. A solution with an allergen is applied to slightly damaged skin of the forearm. During the allotted time, the condition of the skin is observed, after which a conclusion is made about the effect of the pathogen on the body. When a group of allergens is identified, treatment can begin.


From the foregoing, it follows that such a phenomenon as an allergy on the face requires serious attention. How to get rid of the disease and keep it away from you can be advised by doctors and those people who have overcome the disease.

Preventive measures are most often aimed at preventing an existing disease from becoming acute or chronic.

But there are tips, using which, you can avoid the appearance of this serious illness. So, it is not recommended to use pillows made of feathers and down. They contain a very large number of allergens. Synthetic pillows are safer. Many people prefer them. These materials rarely cause allergies.

Decorative cosmetics should be used in reasonable quantities. It is worth paying attention to its quality, terms of implementation.

But if, nevertheless, a runny nose, conjunctivitis, an allergy on the face of an adult have a pronounced character, then one cannot do without the intervention of a doctor, since we are no longer talking about the prevention of the disease, but about its treatment. It must be remembered that timely actions of the patient significantly affect the process and result of recovery.

The appearance of an allergic reaction to some kind of irritant is a normal phenomenon in the modern world. An allergy on the face manifests itself in the form of peeling of the skin, rashes and redness. Other symptoms also appear that need to be treated and eliminated with various ointments for allergies on the face. In the article, we will consider the reasons for the appearance of this reaction.

Allergy manifests itself in some people instantly, while in others - after a few hours or even days. In the second case, it becomes difficult to identify the cause of its occurrence. That is why the site site recommends contacting doctors so that they can conduct diagnostic tests and tests to identify the allergen. If it is impossible to identify it yourself, then you can use medical services.

In addition to skin problems, a person has such allergy symptoms:

  • Sneezing.
  • Cut in the eyes.
  • Hard breath.
  • Swelling of the nasal mucosa.

There are rashes of various kinds on the skin of the face in copious amounts, and swelling may also appear. Many people can attribute these symptoms to respiratory diseases, such as a cold. However, a distinctive feature of any allergy is that a person does not have a fever. If you are concerned about some symptoms without a high temperature, then it is most likely an allergy.

Another property of allergies is that the pathological reaction goes away as soon as the allergen is eliminated. If a person ceases to be in contact with what he is allergic to, then his symptoms disappear, and health is restored.

Causes of allergies on the face

The main reason for the appearance of allergies on the face is a special reaction of the immune system, which is highly sensitive to specific stimuli. Weak immunity is the reason that a person may have an allergic reaction. This must be treated, because otherwise it will lead to the appearance of serious diseases: atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema, etc.

Scientists are inclined to believe that a special immune response is caused by those genes that are passed on to the child from the parents. If there are allergy sufferers in the family, then this indicates that the child will also be born with a tendency to allergies. Only what irritant will cause it will become known after allergic cases.

Causes of allergies on the face can be called:

  1. food allergy. Nuts, cow's milk, eggs, seafood and many other foods are allergenic.
  2. Medications. For example, sulfonamides, anesthetics, salicylates, penicillin.
  3. Chemicals, especially cosmetics or detergents.
  4. Insect bites.
  5. Animal fur.
  6. Mold mushrooms.
  7. household dust.
  8. Mites in house dust.
  9. Plant pollen.
  10. Features of the seasons.

The gradual introduction of new foods into the baby's diet can reveal what he is allergic to. If it is food, then the doctor can identify diathesis.

Man is constantly in contact with the environment. Thus, the sun's rays, cold and other natural phenomena can also provoke an allergic reaction. A common is photodermatitis - an allergy to the sun's rays. In this case, it is necessary to avoid walking in the sun (), sunbathing, and also use sunscreens, wear sunglasses.

Some people may develop skin allergies when exposed to cold. The level of temperature decrease can be different: some are allergic to severe cold, others just need to plunge into cool water in the summer.

Components of drugs or cosmetics that come into direct contact with the skin should not be excluded. A person is not allergic to the cream or medicine itself. However, its individual component provokes an allergic reaction. On which one, only a doctor can find out.

Bad ecology, fast pace of life, as well as excessive attention to cosmetics develop an allergy on the face.

Allergy symptoms on the face

What are the symptoms of a skin allergy?

  • Copious eruptions on face, arms, neck.
  • Itching and burning of these areas.
  • Swelling, redness of the eyes. The appearance of conjunctivitis and tearing.
  • Tingling, bursting, swelling and redness of the lips. Blisters may appear on the inside.
  • Ears. Depending on how extensive the rash is, you can determine the type of allergy:
  1. Extensive redness and itching are indicative of a food allergy.
  2. Local rash, peeling and dryness indicate a contact allergy.

The main symptom of an allergy on the face is a rash on the skin. Consider its main types:

  • Nodule (papule). Red swelling that rises above the skin. Changes color to white when pressed. In a small form it has a painful character.
  • Abscess (pustule). Bulge filled with pus. You can recognize the white head where the pus is located. Does not fade when pressed. The deeper the pustule is located, the more likely it is to turn into a scar.
  • Urtica (blister). Large bladder filled with exudate. Accompanied by burning and itching.
  • Vesicle. Tubercle with reddish or white exudate up to 10 mm in diameter.
  • A scab is a crust on the skin in the form of dead tissue and dried inflammatory exudate.
  • Scale - exfoliated layer of the epidermis.
  • Erosion - deep defects in the skin.

You should also be aware that skin rashes during an allergic reaction are often progressive. Small patches will coalesce into larger patches, and some may migrate to neighboring areas. Common areas where rashes are seen are:

  • Places of flexion of the limbs.
  • Skin on the face.
  • In skin folds on the neck, wrists, around the joints.
  • Upper body.

If treatment is not performed, then a change in the pigmentation of the rash is possible.

Is it possible to have a rash only on the skin of the face? Answer: yes. With the defeat of only the front part, we can talk about the following reasons for its occurrence:

  1. contact allergy.
  2. Medicinal or cosmetic preparations.
  3. household allergies.
  4. Sun allergy.

If a rash appears on the skin, it is forbidden to wash your face with cold or hot water using cologne, lotion or soap. This measure is more likely to worsen inflammation.

Skin allergy treatment

The best treatment for skin allergies is to eliminate the allergen, to contact with which a person has a pathological reaction. To do this, you first need to identify it, which is not always possible in everyday conditions, since an allergic reaction can occur several hours after contact with the allergen.

Seeing a doctor is a must. He will not only diagnose allergies, identify the allergen to which this reaction was provoked, but also prescribe treatment. An ambulance can be intravenous or intramuscular administration of antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, etc.). In another way, they are administered orally. The best way is to put the medicine under the tongue.

Doctors direct their actions not only to relieve the symptoms of allergies, but also to prevent exposure to the allergen. This is especially true for removing it from the body (for example, with food allergies).

Treatment is carried out in the following areas:

  1. Diet therapy, which is prescribed individually.
  2. Treatment of a concomitant disease, which became an auxiliary factor that led to allergies.
  3. Facial skin treatment.

Antiallergic drugs are prescribed strictly by a doctor, who takes into account the age of the patient and the course of the syndrome. To relieve swelling of the face, a subcutaneous injection of a 0.1% solution of adrenaline or hydrocortisone hemisuccinate is performed. Also nominated:

  • Antihistamines.
  • Immunotherapy.
  • Means that alleviate the condition.
  • Extracorporeal methods of purification from blood allergies.

Food allergies are eliminated by the use of sorbents: Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb.

Hyposensitization allows you to accustom the body to respond normally to the allergen. Here, the minimum doses of the allergen are introduced, which the body tries to cope with using its own strength.

Ointment for allergies on the face

External exposure to allergies on the skin is carried out through the use of ointments and creams. This method of treatment helps to relieve a symptom of an allergic reaction - a rash on the skin. With the right choice of funds, complications can be avoided. The following ointments and creams are used here:

  • Econom.
  • Fluorocort.
  • Skin-cap.
  • Advantan.

The use of ointments is accompanied by internal treatments that are aimed at removing the allergen. Azulene, which is part of the chamomile face cream for allergies, has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. It can be used for any cause of skin rashes, even after a sunburn.

As a wash, you can use herbs that have a persistent calming effect: string, chamomile, etc.

Conventionally, all ointments can be divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. Hormonal ointments are prescribed only by a doctor. Frequent of them are:

  1. Sinaflan. Use 2-4 times a day, before the skin is wiped with an antiseptic. Apply from 10 to 25 days, which is negotiated with the doctor.
  2. Advantan. Rub once a day. Can be used up to 12 weeks.

Non-hormonal creams, ointments and gels have antihistamine, antipruritic, healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

  1. Solcoseryl is used as a wound healing regenerating agent.
  2. Fenistil gel has antipruritic and antihistamine properties.
  3. La Cree is indicated for moisturizing dry and flaky skin.


Any allergy is a danger to human health. Treatment measures should not be ignored, since in some cases the body's reaction may progress, causing more serious symptoms of the disease. The prognosis depends entirely on the actions of the patient, who must follow the recommendations of the doctor.

The result of therapeutic measures is recovery and even possible relief from allergies on the face. However, one should not forget about the allergen to which the allergic reaction manifested itself. It should be excluded from your everyday life and use, so as not to provoke a negative reaction anymore.

Preventive measures can be:

  1. Hypoallergenic diet.
  2. Refusal of a large amount of cosmetics.
  3. Reducing stressful situations to zero (allergies can also occur on a nervous basis).
  4. Refusal to wear jewelry made of precious metals if you are allergic to them.
  5. Careful selection of cosmetics, the use of the same brand.
  6. Hypoallergenic housekeeping (no pets, wet cleaning).
  7. Use of sunscreen.
  8. Consultation with an allergist or dermatologist if problems arise.

In the 21st century, allergic reactions are increasingly overtaking people. Moreover, allergies can disturb both small children and adult female and male representatives. In some, the disease manifests itself in plant pollen, in others on certain drugs, various foods, animal hair, etc. Today we will talk about what an allergy is on the face, what symptoms are characteristic of it, whether treatment is possible, what are its features. We will also learn about the main risk factors, other features of allergies on the face.


  • For this kind of ailment, the characteristic features are:
  • hyperemia, tearing of the eyes;
  • redness of the skin (red spots appear, which quickly spread over the entire area of ​​​​the face);
  • itching, peeling, dry skin;
  • many pimples, wounds, blisters;
  • inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the facial tissues (otherwise - Quincke's edema).

It is important to know that an allergy that occurs on a person's face will not necessarily be accompanied by all of the listed symptoms. For example, in adults there may be no inflammation on the skin at all, while in children, on the contrary, a skin rash of the type of urticaria is often diagnosed. At the first symptoms of an illness on the face, it is necessary to seek the help of a doctor as soon as possible in order to avoid complications, undergo diagnostics in time, and begin appropriate treatment.

Allergy on the face: development mechanism, causes

First of all, it should be noted that an allergic reaction occurs in a person due to the imperfection of his immunity. Therefore, substances that cause allergies (that is, allergens) have the ability to attack cells and change their structure. Such an ailment in terms of the speed of manifestation of symptoms is of two types:

  • delayed (when it makes itself felt a few days after contact with the allergen);
  • instant (occurs about a few hours after contact with a substance that provokes an allergic reaction).

Infection usually follows the same pattern. Let's consider its features. The body of each person contains cells that collect information about all others, as well as their own body cells. Due to the penetration of the irritant in the form of a foreign cell, the protective properties of immunity are activated, since it is necessary to remove it from the body. At this stage, a variety of factors interfere with the removal of a foreign body, for example, a weakening of the immune system, the negative impact of the external environment, a large number of foreign cells, etc. Immunity becomes simply unable to conduct an active, effective fight. As a result, allergens remain in the human body, making themselves felt with the help of negative symptoms, some of which are rashes, acne, flushing on the skin of the face, and many other parts of the body.

Common Risk Factors

Allergies on the face in the form of rashes, spots can appear due to the influence of many factors. Here are the most important ones:

  • Excessive observance of hygiene rules (frequent washing of the face, especially with the use of all kinds of gels consisting of flavors, dyes, and other harmful substances). It is important to know that the abuse of facial skin care leads to a weakening of its protective properties. As a result, acne, spots, etc. begin to appear.
  • Changing climatic conditions, for example, when traveling on vacation, when moving to another place to live. In this case, the body falls into unusual conditions. Again, the immune system becomes weak, provokes the appearance of allergies on the face.
  • Wrong, unbalanced diet. Aromatic additives, dyes, preservatives contained in many foods lead to the appearance of signs of an allergic reaction on the skin of the face and body.
  • Contacts with cats, hamsters, dogs, many other pets. Here, their fur acts as an allergen.
  • hereditary predisposition. If the mother or father suffers from any type of allergy, the transmission of the disease through the hereditary line is very likely.
  • Allergens can also serve as house dust, plant pollen, insect bites.

Allergy on the skin of the face is provoked by a variety of factors, and in the modern world there are quite a lot of them. In any case, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate therapy, determine the specific type of allergy, and be sure to prescribe the exclusion of contact with the allergen. Treatment is usually long, so you need to be patient, make every effort. In addition, the doctor should tell the patient about all kinds of preventive measures that will help him prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant ailment.

Treatment of allergies on the face

To cure a disease on the face, you should undergo a full course aimed at reducing sensitivity to a particular substance that causes allergies. This therapy is called hyposensitization. What is the essence of such procedures? For a long time, a small amount of the allergen is introduced into the body of a sick person, which will allow developing immunity to it. Thus, little by little, the allergic reaction will not be so bright, and then it will completely disappear. If it is not possible to undergo a whole course of therapy or the allergy does not manifest itself very clearly, you can resort to other methods. For example, give preference to topical drugs. To date, popular are:

  • Antihistamines for internal use. For children, they are sold in the form of syrups, powders, for adults in capsules, tablets.
  • Injections for intravenous administration. This method of therapy allows you to eliminate spots, rashes on the face, get rid of edema.
  • Antiallergic creams, ointments. Often, doctors prescribe their use in parallel with oral medications, as they help to enhance, accelerate their effect.

Consider the most popular means to combat allergies on the face.

  • Tavegil acts quickly, has an anti-allergic effect. Tavegil can be taken after three years. During pregnancy, Tavegil is contraindicated, so the task of the doctor is to find other effective drugs.
  • Allertec is prescribed with caution to women during lactation and pregnancy. Allertec fights against various types of allergies, including on the face.
  • Fenistil can be used by babies from the age of 1 month, as well as by adults in the absence of contraindications.
  • Suprastin is also an excellent tool that eliminates the symptoms of allergies, that is, itching, redness, rashes.

It is important to remember that only a doctor prescribes the treatment of allergies on the face, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the course of the disease, and the results of the diagnosis.

Alternative treatment

Allergy on the face is treated not only with the help of pharmacological medicines. Many folk remedies that you can prepare yourself have a positive effect on the skin. Therefore, we consider several effective recipes that will get rid of unpleasant symptoms on the face. To get rid of the spots characteristic of an allergic reaction, you can use a decoction based on sage, chamomile. (Ingredients can be used individually or in combination). So, the preparation is quite simple:

  • You need to take a tablespoon of collecting chamomile with sage.
  • Pour 200 ml of boiling water over.
  • Insist for ten minutes.
  • Strain the decoction.

After that, you can apply a decoction. It is great for lotions to inflamed areas of the skin of the face. It is required to take a cotton swab, moisten it in a decoction, then proceed to wipe the eyes and other affected areas. Consider the following effective recipe. Boric acid solution will help eliminate itching, get rid of rashes, red spots on the face. For 200 ml of purified water, there is 1 tsp. this tool. Combine the ingredients, mix well. Then they take a gauze compress and apply it to the areas in which the inflammatory process is taking place. It is important to remember that the skin must be pre-cleaned of cosmetics, if it was previously applied.

It should be remembered that folk remedies only help to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms characteristic of allergies. But they cannot eliminate the causes of the disease. Therefore, in order for the therapy to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo a diagnosis, and begin the prescribed drug treatment. In addition, the prevention of allergies on the face plays an important role. Prevention measures include:

  1. Refusal of feather or down pillows. It is necessary to give preference to synthetic materials, because they are much less likely to provoke an allergic reaction.
  2. Use of a moderate amount of cosmetics.
  3. Timely treatment of any dermatitis, since even a non-allergic disease can develop into an allergy if no treatment measures are taken.
  4. Use of an individual face towel. It is desirable that it be cotton. Do not wipe your face heavily after washing. You can just lightly, gently blot it.

You should try not to comb the rash, acne on the face, no matter how much they itch. Otherwise, the face will simply become like a bright, large wound. It's ugly, no one needs it, agree. Contact the doctor in time, do not wait for deterioration, the development of complications. Allergies are difficult to treat and take a long time. The sooner you start doing this, the sooner you will get rid of the disease. Take care of your skin and face!

Allergy on the face manifests itself much more often than on other parts of the body, and the pathology is expressed by rashes, redness, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes, accompanied by severe itching and other unpleasant phenomena.

Every fifth inhabitant of the planet faces pathological reactions. Allergy on the face, in addition to aesthetic discomfort, indicates the presence of health problems.

Causes of the manifestation of allergies on the face

Remember! There are a large number of factors that contribute to the appearance of allergies, therefore, to diagnose pathology, sometimes it is necessary to apply many methods. Allergic reactions on the face are similar to a number of infectious diseases.

Allergy is the resistance of the immune system to the release of free histamine. In each person, the skin reacts individually to the organic compound of histamine, the biological substances of which act primarily as an irritant on the upper skin layer.

After a certain amount of time (everyone is different), allergy symptoms appear. Signs of a pseudo-allergy are similar to those of a true allergy, but the immune system is not involved.

Factors contributing to the manifestations of allergies on the face:

  • exposure to low temperatures, air, heat, ultraviolet rays;
  • foods with a high concentration of allergens;
  • long-term use of potent drugs - antibiotics, analgesics;
  • pollen grains of highly allergenic plants, accumulation of mold spores, waste products of pets, dust;
  • cosmetics, the composition of which is not suitable for some people due to skin type;
  • the impact of a severe psycho-emotional state, environmental pollution, genetic predisposition;
  • abuse of deep cleansing of the skin of the face - the upper skin layers become thinner, which leads to sensitization of the epidermis to the irritant.

Important! According to ICD-10, allergies on the face are assigned the number L-20-L-30 (Dermatitis and eczema).

Experts distinguish:

  1. Types of allergic reactions, that is, what contributed to allergies - consumer products, medicines, contact with an allergen and other reasons;
  2. Allergic manifestations - rash, peeling, itching, burning, redness, acne on any part of the skin of the face (forehead, cheeks, chin, bridge of the nose and even neck).

Classification of allergic reactions

Allergies in adults and children can appear for various reasons. At the moment when the immune system begins to fight the irritant, it is difficult to determine what contributed to the allergic reaction.

Allergic reactions are divided into:

  • instant- a dangerous type of allergy, characterized by the instant onset of allergic symptoms. The reaction is observed after a few minutes to half an hour after interaction with the allergen;
  • slow- symptoms are noticed after a few hours - two, three days. A distinctive feature of an allergic reaction is pale, small rashes, usually with mild itching - a consequence of a cumulative allergy.

Allergy symptoms on the face

Allergic symptoms are directly related to the location and type of allergy.

The main symptoms of an allergy on the face:

  • rashes of a different nature - spots, pustules, papules, blisters, scales, erosion;
  • swelling, swelling of the face;
  • redness.

Primary and secondary signs of an allergic reaction

At the initial stage of allergy on the skin of the face are formed:

  • pustules - small cavity formations with pus inside, which subsequently burst with further scarring of the tissue;
  • papules are small red bumps that vary in size from 3 to 30 mm. Papules disappear without a trace after treatment;
  • vesicles - a spherical rash filled with liquid exudate - transparent or with blood impurities. Often formed during a severe inflammatory process on the skin;
  • blisters - outlined, swollen rashes with fluid inside, itchy severely, and the skin of the face swells.

Secondary allergy symptoms are:

  • scales - are formed as a result of peeling of the upper layer of the skin, the result of healed papules, vesicles, pustules, as areas of the dead epidermis exfoliate. Grayish, white or yellowish crusts are localized on the eyebrows, ears, head, eyelids;
  • scabs - seen due to prolonged dermatitis. Yellowish or gray crusts form after the attenuation of an acute process from dried exudate;
  • erosion - opened pustules and vesicles provoke erosive formations that serve as open gates for the penetration of infections and bacteria.

In addition to various kinds of rashes on the face, the following allergic signs appear:

  • flushing of the face - often redness indicates a food allergy, the provocateurs of which are honey, nuts, chocolate, coffee, spirits, citrus fruits. Redness appears on the cheeks, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin, neck, on the forehead;
  • contact dermatitis - with allergies, the skin of the face begins to itch strongly, redness and swelling of the epidermis are also possible;
  • eczema is an allergic inflammation of the skin that is acute, after which it usually becomes chronic. With the manifestation of an allergy, the face turns red, swells, the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off, various rashes form, and after them erosion is noticed;
  • erythema - sometimes an allergy provokes an increase in blood flow and expansion of capillaries, due to which red flat spots can be seen on the face that cannot be felt - they merge with the epidermis. An allergic reaction resolves with the elimination of the allergen;
  • Quincke's edema - an allergy manifests itself at lightning speed, and the symptoms are very diverse: from redness and swelling of the epidermis with severe itching to swelling of the mucous membranes - eyes, lips, eyelids. At the first symptoms, it is necessary to call an ambulance, otherwise swelling of the larynx, tongue, and upper palate may occur, which is accompanied by suffocation. This manifestation is called anaphylactic shock.

Attention! As for children, an allergy on the face of a child can manifest itself when switching from breastfeeding to artificial or with the introduction of complementary foods. If the mother is still breastfeeding, the baby has allergic symptoms in the case of a highly allergenic product eaten by the mother. Redness, itching, various rashes, crusts and scales are formed with contact dermatitis, eczema, food allergies.

Allergic symptoms, taking into account the localization of the lesion

In most cases, allergy symptoms appear for a specific reason. So, redness can be observed on the chin, cheeks, forehead. But there are some features.

A rash usually does not appear in the eyes, but swelling, redness, lacrimation appears, and the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. The lips are also mucous, like the eyes, so rashes are rare, and with an individual reaction on the inside of the lips, patients complain of blisters. Also, the lips swell, and the tingling sensations do not stop until the allergy subsides.

Allergy on the ears is manifested by severe redness and itching, which leads to peeling. Most often, an allergic reaction in the ears is the result of contact dermatitis or a food allergy.

Allergy treatment

Important! Before treating an allergy on the face, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Self-therapy leads to irreversible consequences and complications.

Allergy treatment is provided depending on the reaction rate. Therapeutic treatments for different types of allergies differ from each other. Lightning and delayed types of allergies are treated differently.

lightning type

Quincke's edema is a severe allergic reaction, the symptoms of which appear instantly and do not require delay and self-treatment. You should immediately call a rescue team, and before the ambulance arrives, it is advisable to drink an antihistamine that helps relieve swelling.

In case of acute allergies, Suprastin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Erius, Claritin, Cetrin, Feksadin and other medicines will help, at least one of them should be stored in a home medicine cabinet.

Attention! Allergic Lyell's syndrome is characterized by an instantaneous course. On the skin of the face and other parts of the body, blisters quickly form, which burst, and the epidermis is covered with erosions. An allergic reaction is accompanied by a high body temperature of a person, and if you do not call an ambulance as soon as possible, a fatal outcome is possible.

slow type

With a delayed type of allergy, the processes occur sequentially and slowly. Usually, red spots appear on the face, which subsequently begin to itch and cause discomfort. Itching and redness are accompanied by a rash on the cheeks, chin and nasolabial triangle.

The sequence of actions of a patient suffering from an allergy on the face of a delayed type:

  1. Determine the cause contributing to the irritation and allergic reaction. It is advisable to remember what you ate, drank, what medications you took recently, stroked someone's cat, came into contact with synthetic fabrics, etc.;
  2. Limit contact with the allergen - if this rule is neglected, the allergy will go from an acute stage to a chronic one;
  3. Before visiting a doctor, wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of chamomile, calendula, string, sage. Herbal tea is distinguished by antiseptic and sedative action;
  4. Make a compress based on boric acid. Dilute 1 tsp. a glass of water and periodically apply moistened gauze to your face;
  5. Take an antihistamine - the sooner the substance begins to fight allergies, the faster the symptoms will go away;
  6. Visit an allergist or dermatologist who will diagnose allergies using proven methods, and then choose a treatment tactic.

Note! Treatment depends on the severity of the allergic process.

After collecting an anamnesis and receiving tests, the doctor prescribes treatment for allergies on the face. Therapy is most often complex, and may consist only of oral or topical drugs. The process of curing allergies consists of the following methods:

  • restoration of the immune system;
  • removal of allergens from the body and blood purification;
  • antihistamines.
  • antihistamine drugs in tablets, drops and syrups - antiallergic medicines in syrups and drops are prescribed for babies, and tablets for children after 12 years and adults. The new generation drugs Erius, Claritin, Xizal and others are especially effective, but in acute conditions it is advisable to use the first generation drugs - Suprastin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine;
  • non-hormonal and anti-inflammatory ointments and creams - Fenistil-gel, Skin-Cap, Bepanten;
  • hormonal creams and ointments - if non-hormonal remedies have not coped with allergies on the face, corticosteroid drugs will help, which must be used with caution. It is undesirable for children to apply hormonal medications, and adults will be helped by Advantan, Elokom, Sinaflan;
  • sorbents for cleaning the body of allergens - Enterosgel, Laktofiltrum, activated carbon;
  • sedatives for calming and maintaining the nervous system - Persen, tincture of valerian, motherwort.

Treatment with folk remedies

It's important to know! Alternative methods of treatment will not cure allergies, but help relieve symptoms, soothe and smooth the skin of the face.

Experts are sure that if you wash, smear your face with herbal teas from celandine, nettle, burdock, calendula, chamomile, dandelion and other medicinal plants, you can overcome allergic symptoms.

Here is one of the recipes. Requires 2 tbsp. l. dry small leaves of celandine and 2 tbsp. l. boiled water. Steam the medicinal herb, let it brew for about 4 hours, and then treat the affected areas of the face 2-3 times a day.

Most medicinal plants act as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic, therefore, relieves discomfort on the skin of the face.

Prevention measures

  1. At the first signs of an allergy on the face, you should consult a doctor;
  2. Self-medication will not save you from allergies, but will only aggravate the situation;
  3. With a tendency to allergic manifestations, you should always keep an antihistamine at home;
  4. Following a hypoallergenic diet will relieve the symptoms of food allergies;
  5. Limit contact with the allergen.


In this article, we will consider the main factors that provoke the appearance of allergic acne, the types of manifestations of allergies on the face and ways to get rid of the problem.

Skin rashes are one of the common symptoms that accompany many allergic reactions. Allergy is an aggressive response of the immune system to the effects of substances perceived by the body as foreign. In fact, this is a malfunction of the immune system.

Therefore, the treatment of allergic acne must necessarily be comprehensive, including not only topical agents, but also systemic drugs.

Causes of an allergic rash

The tactics of therapeutic measures is determined taking into account the reasons that provoked the appearance of a rash on the face and the clinical picture of the pathological process.

Sometimes it is possible to determine the provocateur of such a phenomenon on their own, but often only a doctor can identify the substance that caused such a reaction in the body. Therefore, if a rash occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The causes of the pathological process may be the following:

  • the use of medications;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • the use of allergenic products;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • plant pollen;
  • insect bites;
  • contact with animals;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • unsuitable climatic conditions;
  • dust mites.

Allergic manifestations on the face may appear 3-4 hours after contact with the antigen. Such symptoms should not be ignored, because with prolonged exposure to the allergen on the body, the mucous membrane, lymphatic system, and respiratory organs are damaged.

If left untreated, this condition can cause malfunctions in the body and seriously affect health.

Types and symptoms of allergies on the face

It can be quite difficult to distinguish an allergy rash from acne of a different origin, especially with existing similar problems on the face. You can determine the allergic reaction based on other accompanying symptoms.

Acne, the cause of which was an allergy, most often, is not the only symptom. As a rule, the pathological process is accompanied by other clinical manifestations.

These include:

  • labored breathing;
  • hypersecretion of the nasal mucosa;
  • increased tearing;
  • eye redness;
  • coughing fits;
  • sneezing
  • secretion of sputum.

Features of the rash

Among other things, an allergic rash differs from other skin manifestations in the scale of the affected areas. A favorite place for the localization of such rashes are the cheeks, forehead, chin. The patient is disturbed by severe itching, a feeling of tightness of the skin, burning.

The same allergen can cause different types of allergic reactions. What acne looks like with allergies can be seen in the photo on the Internet.

Most often, signs of an inadequate immune response appear in the form of:

  • small rash;
  • puffiness;
  • acne;
  • blisters;
  • peeling;
  • hyperemia of the skin.

It is possible to choose the most appropriate therapy and understand how to get rid of such a problem only after determining the pathogen that provoked such a reaction. To do this, you need to undergo an examination and pass the appropriate tests.

Treatment of allergic acne in adults

How to treat an allergy on the face can only be said by a doctor after receiving the results of the tests. As a rule, therapeutic measures are based on the complex use of systemic and local agents.

The former are prescribed to suppress the body's painful reaction to an irritating factor. The latter can reduce the severity of symptomatic manifestations and alleviate the patient's condition.

Means for local use

  1. Boric acid. Half a teaspoon of boric acid is mixed with 200 ml of distilled water. In the resulting composition, a gauze cut is moistened and applied to the affected surface for 10 minutes.
  2. Ointments. Allergic acne on the face in adults may be recommended to be treated with external antibacterial agents. The most commonly prescribed drugs are: Fucidin, Levosin.
  3. In addition, hormonal ointments containing corticosteroids are prescribed. Such funds are considered safe and practically do not provoke side effects. These include - Elkom, Advantan.

Preparations for internal use

Common antiallergic drugs include Fenistil, Tavegil, Setastin, Diazolin. This kind of funds produce a quick positive effect, while they are relatively low cost.

Their disadvantage is side effects, expressed in the form of increased drowsiness, which negatively affects working capacity and concentration.

Today, preference is given to new generation drugs that do not provoke such reactions. Among these medicines, the most commonly prescribed are Erius, Telfast, Zirtek, Claritin, Kestin.

In severe pathology, corticosteroid hormonal preparations are prescribed - Triamcinolone, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone.

Treatment in infants

Allergic acne on the face of a baby is a reaction to exposure to irritating factors, ranging from switching to artificial feeding and vaccinations, and ending with improper care of the baby's skin.

The basis of treatment in this case is the termination of contact with the allergen. This is an important condition, because otherwise no medicine will give positive results if the child's immunity is constantly exposed to irritation.