How does dog allergy manifest in children? Allergy to dogs: types, symptoms, treatment

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 3 minutes


Article last updated: 05/11/2019

All children certainly love pets, especially dogs. But often, in the presence of a four-legged pet, a child begins to have a strong cough, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes. All these symptoms are heralds of an allergic reaction and indicate, first of all, that the child should not have contact with dogs.

The main causes of a child's allergy to dogs

  • The main reason is the hypersensitivity of the baby’s immunity to the protein substance. Namely, it is part of the fur and saliva of the four-legged friend. Moreover, the baby’s immunity will be fully formed only by the age of three. Around this time, the dog allergy may disappear completely, although in some children it remains for life.
  • Another reason is the baby's intolerance to dog hair. The fibers present in it can irritate the mucous system, thereby provoking a similar reaction. Such intolerance is usually individual. Therefore, an allergy can occur to a specific breed, regardless of the length and thickness of the animal’s fur. The reaction can even occur in one dog rather than in an entire breed. Therefore, you need to monitor the condition of the newborn in the presence of pets and if such symptoms appear, then take the necessary measures. Namely, do not let the dog near the baby.

Sometimes an allergy does not arise from the dog at all, but from dust or mites inside its fur. They can be brought from a walk if the pet is a pet. Therefore, it is necessary to wash it as often as possible so that the baby does not develop a runny nose or cough. It's good if you do this after every walk.

The risk of an allergic reaction may also increase if one of the members suffers from a similar disease. But it manifests itself in completely different ways. If a mother, for example, gets a runny nose and watery eyes because of a dog, then her child may have completely different symptoms - rash, itching, burning, etc. This occurs as a result of the fact that only the ability to develop allergies is inherited.

Symptoms of a child's allergy to dogs

Everyone's allergies manifest themselves completely differently. Symptoms may manifest as individual characteristic reactions. But it is still possible to recognize it in children. Main features:

  1. itching and burning on the surface of the skin;
  2. redness and rash all over the body, similar to hives (usually occurs in areas that have been exposed to the animal's saliva);
  3. the appearance of a runny nose, rhinitis, difficulty breathing, swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  4. the occurrence of a dry cough;
  5. sneezing;
  6. tearing eyes;
  7. gastrointestinal disorder (diarrhea, constipation);
  8. in severe cases of allergy, Quincke's edema may occur, or anaphylactic shock may occur.

In most cases, symptoms appear immediately, that is, during the child’s interaction with the animal, but there are cases. when the first signs are visible only after a few hours.

Such symptoms should alert parents. Indeed, in this case, it is recommended to immediately seek advice from an allergist or your treating pediatrician. If this disease is not dealt with, the baby may become much worse over time. For a newborn, allergies can pose a certain danger.

During the diagnostic process, you will be able to identify other possible allergens. Sometimes there are even several of them. This information will help you protect your children from further reactions.

Diagnosis of allergies in a child

If your baby has the first symptoms of an allergy, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will send the baby for a radioallergosorbent test. This is a blood donation for a specific allergen. Or a diagnostic method such as “skin tests” is possible.

In children, they are usually performed on the forearm. First, the skin is processed, and then small scratches are made on it (up to 0.5 mm deep). Next, a small amount of the allergen is applied to the surface of the skin and the reaction is observed. If it is positive, then swelling or redness occurs in its place. Children are usually given no more than 10-15 samples at a time.

If the doctor discovers a certain reaction to dogs in the baby, then the parents will most likely be asked to give the pet to relatives or friends. After all, in order to be sure of a baby’s allergies, he needs to live in a house without animals for at least four to five weeks. If the symptoms disappear, then the diagnosis is correct and it is the dog that is causing discomfort to the baby.

Treatment of allergies in children

What to do if your child is still allergic to dogs? Most often, doctors advise parents to give their four-legged pet to someone they know forever. If this is impossible to do or the parents are not ready to part with a faithful family friend, then the symptoms in children can be eliminated by following a number of rules:

  • The first thing to do in this situation is to minimize the interaction between the baby and the dog. Namely, the baby should not touch the animal, sleep with it in the same room, or especially in the same bed.
  • Every day you need to wash your pet dog thoroughly and regularly wash things it comes into contact with. This must be done, otherwise the allergens will continue to irritate the baby’s nasal mucosa and throat.
  • It is recommended to groom your dog approximately once every three months. But this of course depends on how quickly her fur grows.
  • If your pet sheds heavily, then it is necessary to include vitamins in its diet that will combat this problem.
  • If the child does have contact with a four-legged friend, then the child’s hands and face should be thoroughly washed.
  • In order to prevent wool from accumulating on carpets, thick blankets, curtains, they must be replaced with other materials, or get rid of them altogether.
  • To ensure that wool fibers and particles of saliva do not remain on interior items, you need to frequently carry out wet cleaning, vacuuming, and ventilating the room.
  • If an allergist has prescribed antihistamines to your child, then you need to regularly give them to the baby according to the age-specific dosage.

In the first year of a baby's life, it will be better if parents limit his contact with dogs. The baby’s immunity is just developing, which is not yet able to influence the developing allergies. Moreover, such a disease can ultimately lead to chronic rhinitis or bronchial asthma. When the baby gets older, he may not have a reaction to a four-legged pet, and he will be able to calmly play with dogs. But during infancy, it is better if the baby grows without the presence of pets.

Read further:

An allergy is an excessive reaction of the body to any “provocateur”: a substance or factor. The body perceives something as a hostile component and begins to actively produce specific immunoglobulins to protect against danger. Often the cause of pathoimmune reactions is domestic animals, in particular dogs. The body reacts to a protein found in the animal's fur, saliva, feces and skin. This allergy is dangerous due to its complications, and therefore requires treatment aimed at relieving symptoms.


Children are most susceptible to various types of allergic reactions. Many children are allergic to animals, particularly dogs. Reactions occur through direct or indirect contact with a dog. An allergy does not appear to wool, as is commonly believed, but to a specific protein, which is one of the constituent components of the animal’s saliva, epidermis and urine. Protein can enter a child’s body through the respiratory tract or esophagus; a reaction is also observed when protein comes into contact with the skin. Sometimes the cause of an allergy is not protein, but the components that a dog brings from the street on its coat - pollen, mites, dust, fluff.

Why the body exhibits excessive reactions to a specific substance is not known for certain. However, there are factors that contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction in children:

  • weakened immunity (due to age or after illness);
  • genetic predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • individual hypersensitivity.


In children, an allergy to dogs usually manifests itself with a clear clinical picture. Signs may appear immediately after contact with the allergen, or after some time. The most common symptoms of dog allergies include:

  • skin symptoms - redness of the skin, various rashes (usually urticaria), burning, swelling, itching of the affected areas;
  • respiratory symptoms - dry non-productive cough, wheezing in the chest, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, sometimes fever;
  • signs associated with the eyes - conjunctivitis, increased tearing, redness of the eyes, burning and discomfort.

When allergies manifest in a child, problems in the gastrointestinal tract may occur, but this is not a defining symptom: usually an upset stomach accompanies allergies in children, but does not indicate it. Signs of a dog allergy can appear complex or isolated. They usually weaken when the “provocateur” is excluded and worsen if the allergen is regularly nearby.

Diagnosis of dog allergies

Diagnosis of allergies requires a comprehensive approach. The doctor examines the child, interviews the parents, studies living conditions, and uses methods for differentiating allergies and other diseases. If there is a dog in the house, then the first thing suspicion falls on it. To confirm the allergen, the doctor recommends completely eliminating the child’s contact with the animal for several weeks. To do this, you need to live in a house where there is no dog. If you “evict” a pet for a while, the signs may not disappear, because the allergens remain in the apartment.

There are other diagnostic methods that allow you to quickly identify the allergen. The most informative include:

  • special blood test;
  • skin tests.

When allergies manifest themselves in a child, such methods cannot always be used. Allergy tests, for example, are done only from three to five years of age. In addition, the tests will not give an accurate result if remission has not occurred.


Allergy to dogs, like any other, causes discomfort to the child. As a result of pathological immune reactions to this allergen, bronchial asthma and allergic skin diseases can develop. Some manifestations of allergies to dogs are also dangerous. For example, in an acute reaction, you may experience:

  • bronchospasm;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylaxis.

Such manifestations require immediate medical attention. If it is not provided, suffocation may occur.


What can you do

Treatment of allergies to dogs in a child is carried out at home. In order to begin the fight against pathological reactions, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor. Only an allergist can prescribe effective treatment that will help relieve symptoms. It is strictly forbidden to give your child anti-allergy medications before consulting a doctor. The same applies to folk remedies: even medicinal plants can be dangerous if a child has a tendency to allergies. Parents can speed up their child's recovery by:

  • monitor compliance with doctor's instructions;
  • provide conditions under which contact with the allergen will be minimized;
  • take steps to strengthen the child’s immunity.

What does a doctor do

Having identified the allergen, the doctor prescribes treatment. The goal of therapy is relief of symptoms. It is impossible to prolong the effect of treatment, so the next time you encounter an allergen, a relapse may occur. Allergy treatment is approached in a comprehensive manner. The doctor gives recommendations that reduce the risk of exacerbation of the reaction: adjusting everyday life, increasing immunity. An allergist prescribes the following medications for children:

  • antihistamines;
  • enterosorbents;
  • ointments to relieve skin symptoms;
  • sprays and drops for the treatment of allergy symptoms in the eyes and respiratory symptoms.

All medications are selected based on the child’s age. If you follow the recommendations for use and dosage prescribed by your doctor, they will not harm the child’s body.


Allergies in children can be prevented. If a child has a predisposition to allergic reactions, you should not get a dog at least until the immune system is stronger - up to five years. If a child comes into contact with animals on the street, it is necessary to monitor his body’s reaction. At the first characteristic sign, you need to limit any contact with dogs.

It is more difficult to prevent allergies if there is a dog in the house. In severe cases of pathoimmune reactions in a child, the pet will have to find a new home. It is usually possible to prevent allergies if there is a dog in the house by following these rules:

  • daily wet cleaning and frequent ventilation;
  • getting rid of carpets and heavy curtains that accumulate wool;
  • proper dog care, including not only bathing and brushing the pet, but also caring for its bowl and bedding;
  • avoiding contact of the dog with children's clothing, toys, bedding, observing hygiene rules by all family members.

Find out what can cause the disease and how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about the signs that can help you identify illness. And what tests will help identify the disease and make a correct diagnosis.

In the article you will read everything about methods of treating a disease such as dog allergy in children. Find out what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medications or traditional methods?

You will also learn how untimely treatment of dog allergy in children can be dangerous, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent allergies to dogs in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find on the service pages complete information about the symptoms of dog allergy in children. How do the signs of the disease in children aged 1, 2 and 3 differ from the manifestations of the disease in children aged 4, 5, 6 and 7? What is the best way to treat dog allergy in children?

Take care of the health of your loved ones and stay in good shape!

It happens that parents get a dog, wanting to get everyone’s pet, but instead of the joy of communicating with a pet, they get problems, the symptoms of which indicate that the child has an allergic reaction to the animal’s fur. What to do in such a situation? and dogs in children, the phenomenon is quite common. Today, statistics show an increase in the number of allergic diseases in children.

Surprisingly, the largest number of cases of allergic reactions was recorded in megacities and countries with high economic indicators. Most often, allergies occur in a child from a prosperous and wealthy family.

The main cause of allergies to dogs is considered to be the increased sensitivity of the immune system of children to various elements of a pet’s life. The body identifies them as a threat and signals danger by showing symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or watery eyes. But there are also more serious reactions of the immune system that manifest themselves as asthma.

The main causes of allergies to dogs are due to hereditary predisposition. If the mother or father of the baby has ever had symptoms of allergic manifestations, then there is a high probability that he will inherit such diseases.

But the substances that provoke these may differ. For example, a father experiences a reaction in the form of a runny nose to plant pollen, a mother suffers from asthma due to the use of an allergenic washing powder, and a child suffers from tearing from the family’s four-legged pet.

It happens that a young patient does not have allergies in his family, but manifestations of the reaction are still observed. For a specialist, this means that the body’s immunity is not working correctly.

In such cases, the immune system perceives ordinary substances as dangerous microorganisms, after which a protein called “immunoglobulin E” is produced in large quantities. He decides to get rid of dangerous “strangers” who actually do not exist. As a result the body begins to fight against its own cells, after which the inflammatory process may begin and the first allergic manifestations are observed. Only an allergist can help you get rid of them.


The most common symptoms of an allergic reaction to dogs in children include many manifestations. The main signs of an allergy to animals:

  • Intestinal tract disorder, with symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea;
  • , considered dangerous to the lives of children;
  • Inflammation that occurs at the site of a dog's scratch, bite or saliva;
  • Symptoms manifested in the form of itching, eczema, peeling of the skin;
  • Dermatosis, ;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Dry cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • Bronchitis, suffocation;
  • Conjunctivitis, red eyes, watery eyes;
  • , nasal congestion in a child;


To diagnose dog allergies, specialists They propose to do a special analysis, “radioallergosorbent test”.

Sometimes allergies in children are caused not by fur, but by mold or pollen that dogs can carry on themselves. You can check this only by removing your beloved pet from the apartment for a while.

A mandatory diagnostic step is a laboratory blood test. It will help determine the level of immunoglobulin E. Its results can accurately indicate the allergic nature of the symptoms. For example, if the level of a certain protein is higher than normal, then the child will have to undergo additional immunological tests that will confirm or refute the dog’s attitude towards allergies. Sometimes the allergen is not the animal itself, but its shampoo or food.

Another type of diagnosis is an allergy test. This analysis is not considered a complex procedure. There is no need to do anything special, since all actions consist of applying special solutions to the child’s skin, which contain various allergens. If spots or redness appear on one of the treated areas of the skin, it means that the cause of the allergy has been clarified.

In some cases, after carrying out all the tests and analyses, the specialist finds out that the child has a reaction, for example, asthma, not only to dogs, but also to cats, chinchillas and other animals.

The diagnostic steps often involve taking a medical history and determining the type of allergy. In addition, the specialist will definitely ask whether the child has allergies in his family, and what potential allergens may be in the little patient’s home. Recommendations for allergy treatment and further actions can only be obtained on the basis of the information collected by the doctor.


A professional doctor can help you get rid of an allergic reaction to a pet. After a detailed examination, which must be done to determine the allergen, the little patient will be prescribed treatment. The medical center will help you find out whether a disease such as asthma is a consequence of the presence of a dog in the house and whether there are other reasons for the baby’s unpleasant symptoms.


If it is impossible to remove yourself from surrounding allergens, then treatment is carried out by taking medications with antihistamine action. These drugs help get rid of all symptoms and alleviate the general condition of the patient.

Today, medicine has advanced, and second and third generation drugs have appeared. They do not cause side symptoms such as drowsiness. And their efficiency is high. The most common antihistamines in pharmacies today are: Telfast, Aleron. But do not forget that treatment is always selected individually, and only a professional doctor can help get rid of allergic manifestations.

What to do with the animal?

Most often for treatment The doctor suggests getting rid of the animal for a month. At this time, the dog can live in the yard if you live in a private house, or with relatives. This way you can find out the causes of allergies and get rid of them.

If your child has such unpleasant allergic symptoms as asthma, rash, etc., but you are not ready to take drastic measures and kick the animal out of the apartment, it is enough to strictly observe hygiene for your pet.

You will have to regularly do the following:

  • Bathe your dog with hypoallergenic shampoos;
  • Groom the animal and thoroughly comb its undercoat;
  • Give anthelmintic drugs regularly;
  • Add vitamins for fur to your four-legged friend’s diet, which will reduce hair loss;
  • Be sure to wash your hands and face with soap after each contact with the dog;
  • Remove from the house all carpeting, large curtains and everything where wool can linger;
  • Carry out wet cleaning in the apartment every day.

Allergies to dogs can manifest themselves with varying degrees of intensity. Key role plays a role in the general state of the child’s immune system.

Symptoms of this condition occur immediately after contact with the animal or after some time.

In some cases, symptoms of dog allergy in a child can be confused with a manifestation of a cold. If the baby’s immunity is significantly impaired, then the signs of an allergic reaction will be as pronounced as possible.

General information

In a broad sense, an allergy is an excessive reaction of the immune system to a certain substance that begins to be perceived as a foreign body.

Allergen entering the body may be through the respiratory tract, digestive system or other means. Allergies to dogs are triggered by saliva, various types of secretions and exfoliated epidermis. Particles of such substances settle on the wool.

Lost hairs spread the allergen throughout the environment and cause an allergic reaction in a certain group of patients.

Could there be a reaction?

Allergies to dogs can occur any age. In medical practice, there are cases of cure for such a pathology, but they are isolated. Most often, this type of allergy persists throughout life.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction can even occur in infants.

When an animal approaches them, they begin sneeze intensely.

If the immune system is weakened, then signs of allergy will be accompanied by swelling of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as other characteristic symptoms.

What exactly is an allergen?

Allergies to dogs provoke not dog hair, but protein, which is found in certain types of animal secretions. These include saliva, genital discharge, sebaceous gland product, urine and excrement.

Some breeds are prone to increased peeling of the epithelium. Such particles, if they enter the child’s respiratory system, can cause allergies.

Different types of dogs are different degree of risk cause an allergic reaction in a child. The type of coat, the presence of undercoat and even the size of the animal play an important role.

Cross shape

In the cross form, allergies to dogs can spread on other animals.

Symptoms of a negative immune system reaction will occur at the slightest contact with fur.

Lacrimation, rhinitis and coughing attacks will appear in the child not only on, but also during the visit zoos, animal exhibitions, as well as other places.

How to identify?

How does the reaction manifest itself? Dog Allergy Symptoms appear according to a certain algorithm. The pattern of the body's reaction to an allergen does not depend on the age category of the patient. In infants, the first manifestations of allergies may be sneezing, skin rashes and digestive system upset.

These conditions occur after contact with a pet or while being in the same room with it.

If there are serious abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system, symptoms will manifest themselves to the maximum extent.

Signs of a dog allergy are the following states:

  • rhinitis in combination with nasal congestion;
  • signs with attacks of suffocating cough;
  • symptoms;
  • (for complications);
  • attacks in combination with;
  • skin rashes (causing discomfort for the child);
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • eye redness and symptoms.

Why is it dangerous?

Allergies to dogs have a negative impact on a child's respiratory system.

In the presence of constant contact with an allergen, the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Some conditions caused by allergies can pose a threat to the life of a small patient (for example, excessive swelling leads to suffocation and anaphylactic shock).

To the number complications the following consequences include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • bronchospasms;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • death.

Diagnostics and tests

The task of diagnosing allergies is not only to identify pathology, but also identification of a specific allergen.

An allergic reaction in a child can occur not only to protein particles present in the dog’s body, but also to pet food or pet care products.

When examining a small patient, the doctor must find out presence of allergy sufferers in the family. Before carrying out special tests, the baby must undergo a general and biochemical blood test. The scheme for further examination is prescribed by the doctor.

Methods for diagnosing pathology include the following procedures:

  • laboratory blood test;
  • blood test for different types of immunoglobulins;
  • radioallergosorbent test;
  • provocative tests;
  • allergy tests.


What to do? Therapy for dog allergies includes not only drug treatment, but also elimination of the allergen. Recommended for a month exclude any contact between the baby and the pet.

During this time, the little patient needs to take a course of special medications and take preventive measures aimed at improving the dog’s health.

The animal must be examined, existing diseases treated, the digestive system normalized and the coat put in order.

In some cases, allergy symptoms occur in children at the slightest contact with dogs, which is ban on the presence of a pet in the apartment.


An allergy to dogs requires the mandatory use of medications. Their selection should be done by a doctor. Symptoms of a child's negative reaction may vary in intensity.

It's enough to give one little one antihistamines, others require a full course of therapy with a mandatory recovery stage (consolidating the effect of medications with vitamins and normalizing the functioning of disturbed body systems).

The following can be used to treat dog allergies in children: drugs:

  • antihistamines (Aleron, Loratadine, Fenistil);
  • nasal agents against rhinitis (Sofradex, Nazivin);
  • glucocorticosteroids (Nasonex);
  • anti-edema drugs (Sudafed);
  • bronchodilators (Benadryl);
  • products for external use against rashes (Gistan, Bepanten).

Additional measures

The main reason for the development of allergies to dogs is considered to be the excessive sensitivity of the child’s immune system. After a course of pathology therapy, it is necessary to take measures to strengthening the baby's body.

This can be done with vitamin complexes and taking medications that restore intestinal microflora. Necessity of admission immunomodulators determined by the doctor.

It is not recommended to give such medications to your child on your own.

Do you need to get rid of an animal in your home?

The need to get rid of a pet depends on the severity of symptoms allergies in a child.

In some cases, controlling the dog’s diet, taking extra care of its coat and treating existing diseases helps to cope with the problem.

Healthy and well-groomed pets are less likely to provoke allergy attacks than sick and unkempt. If such actions have no effect, it is better to exclude the child’s contact with the animal.


Prevention of allergies to dogs in a child can be difficult, if there is a hereditary factor of pathology. In this case, the baby is born with a special immune system.

Acquired types of allergic reactions can be prevented by maximally eliminating the child’s contact with the allergen - wool containing protein. If the dog sheds, then the apartment should be cleaned as often as possible.

The constant presence of hairs in the air can cause a negative reaction in a baby even without an initial tendency to allergies.

Prevention measures include the following recommendations:

The culprits Parents themselves can develop allergies to dogs in children.

If you do not limit the infant’s frequent contacts with the pet, then the fragile internal systems of his body may begin to perceive the animal as a potential allergen.

About whether there are "hypoallergenic" dogs, you can find out from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!


With the appearance of a dog in the house comes joy. It happens that someone in the household begins to have red eyes, an itchy nose, profuse lacrimation and wheezing in the chest area. It's a dog allergy. It appears most often in children. What to do in this case? There is no need to get rid of the puppy. There is an option in which there is no need to stop communicating with these beautiful and friendly creatures.


Allergic reactions occur in children than in adults. There are allergies to animals, including dogs. It can occur through direct or indirect communication with a pet. This is not a reaction to wool. The reason lies in a specific protein that makes up the dog’s urine, saliva and skin. When it gets on the skin, respiratory tract or esophagus, allergy symptoms immediately appear.

Sometimes the reason is not the dog. In some cases, the animal is only a carrier of allergens. When she walks on her fur, she can bring mites, fluff, pollen, and dust.

Not all children have an allergic reaction. There are risk factors that may contribute to the development of this problem:

  1. Weak immunity due to illness or young age.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Hypersensitivity of an individual nature.

Dog Allergy Symptoms

Symptoms: severe nasal congestion, heavy watery discharge

When the first signs of an allergy to a dog appear, it is important to try to limit the baby’s interaction with the pet for some time (on average 1-2 weeks). This will allow you to determine exactly what the allergen is. How can you tell if your baby is having a reaction? There are a number of symptoms that indicate an allergy to dogs:

  • suddenly, suddenly, severe nasal congestion appears, and copious watery discharge occurs;
  • Nausea and vomiting may develop. Patients begin to feel pain in the solar plexus area. Diarrhea occurs;
  • eczema and urticaria appear on the skin;
  • The baby begins to have an attack of suffocation, accompanied by coughing and sneezing.

If a child is allergic to dogs and animal fur or saliva gets on his skin, reddish spots and severe swelling appear in the area. The worst and most dangerous manifestations of a pathological reaction are: bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. These problems are fatal if no action is taken.

An exacerbation of the disease can begin immediately; it can be recognized by its manifestations:

  • dry cough;
  • runny nose;
  • conjunctivitis in the form of redness of the eyes;
  • skin reactions - rash, itching;
  • dyspnea;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • wheezing.


If you have an allergy, your doctor will do skin tests to determine the cause of your allergic reaction.

Has your baby experienced the first symptoms? Then you urgently need to consult a doctor. This is important for newborns, because... their immunity is not fully formed. When contacting a specialist, the patient is referred for diagnostics. Several methods are used for this:

  1. Radioallergosorbent test. To carry this out, the child's blood is taken for analysis. With its help, it is determined which allergen there is a reaction to.
  2. Skin testing is a popular method. In newborns and older children, it is performed on the forearm. A small area of ​​skin is treated with a special solution. Next, scratches are made on it. The allergen is applied to the skin and the reaction is observed. If it is present, then redness and swelling appear in the affected area. A child can be given no more than 15 tests at a time.

If an allergy to dogs is detected, the doctor will prescribe effective therapy.


After the examination, the doctor prescribes antihistamines.

Only a professional can help you solve the problem. After the examination, the doctor prescribes antihistamines. These medications help relieve the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

The patient's general condition will improve. If several years ago patients experienced many side effects from taking such drugs (drowsiness, decreased attention, etc.), now there are second and third generation antihistamines. Their effectiveness is high, and unpleasant consequences are completely absent.

The following drugs are popular:

  • Telfast;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Aleron;
  • Loratadine;
  • Fenistil.

The choice of drug is made only by the doctor. He approaches each patient individually, prescribing a remedy based on individual characteristics.

A child is allergic to a dog: what to do with the animal?

There are people who, when a child develops an allergy to a dog, immediately give the pet to a shelter. There is no need to do this. It is enough to pay attention to preventive measures that will help avoid such a reaction in infants and older children.

You will have to perform the following manipulations with the animal more often:

  • bathe your pet using only hypoallergenic shampoos and foams;
  • Constantly give your dog anti-helminth medications;
  • regularly take your dog for a haircut or do it yourself;
  • brush the undercoat daily;
  • after each contact with the dog, all family members should wash their hands with antibacterial soap;
  • You need to include vitamin complexes in your four-legged friend’s food that will help prevent hair loss;
  • the house will have to be wet cleaned;
  • You need to remove any things that can accumulate dust from the baby’s room;
  • frequently wash soft toys, bed linen, blankets, mattress covers, and all kinds of blankets.

Possible complications

If allergies are not treated promptly, there is a possibility of complications such as skin rashes.

Like any other allergy, a reaction to dogs brings serious discomfort into a child’s life. If you do not treat it in the early stages of development, there is a chance of complications in the form of:

  1. Bronchial asthma, which will accompany the baby throughout his life.
  2. Skin allergic problems that are chronic.
  3. Anaphylaxis, bronchospasm and Quincke's edema are conditions that require urgent medical attention and can be instantly fatal.

About 15% of all people on the planet suffer from dog allergies. More than half of them are children. Unfortunately, this reaction option does not depend on the breed or size of your four-legged friend.

And if the treatment prescribed by a specialist, as well as hygiene measures, do not help, then you will have to give up keeping your pet at home for the sake of the baby’s health.