Analyzes in 20 minutes. HIV test (AIDS)

Correct diagnosis is the first step in successful treatment of the disease. In our clinical diagnostic laboratory, you can take express tests for HIV (AIDS), RW, hepatitis C and B. We also do blood tests: general, biochemistry, hormones, which determines the blood group and the presence of the herpes virus.

Signs and symptoms of HIV

The human immunodeficiency virus is a disease that affects the immune system. Every year in Russia, new cases of this dangerous disease are recorded. HIV is a retrovirus that lives on human T-lymphocytes. Subsequently, the development of the virus leads to immunodeficiency (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS), gradually destroying the immune system. There are two types of virus: HIV-1 and HIV-2. The second type is less common.

From the moment the virus enters the body until the development of immunodeficiency, an average of several years pass, after which the patient begins to suffer from frequent acute respiratory viral infections, severe atypical pneumonia, and malignant neoplasms develop. The asymptomatic incubation period of HIV infection is characterized by the production of antibodies to the virus. The period of clinical manifestations following it looks like a general malaise, weakness, weight loss; peripheral lymph nodes may be enlarged.

Reception and consultations of doctors

How is HIV transmitted?

HIV is transmitted from person to person in the following ways:

  • sexual (see also STDs),
  • through the blood (during transfusions, contact with contaminated blood products, medical instruments),
  • vertical (from an infected mother to a fetus during pregnancy).

When should you get tested for HIV?

HIV testing is required in the following cases:

  • when planning a pregnancy, registering with a antenatal clinic,
  • in preparation for surgery
  • after unprotected sexual intercourse (casual relationship, especially if there is uncertainty in the partner),
  • some time after blood transfusion,
  • after using non-sterile instruments for medical or cosmetic purposes.

Preparation for donating blood for HIV consists in refusing to eat at least 3 hours before the test.

The following laboratory diagnostic methods are used to detect HIV infection:

1. Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA):
it is a way to detect antibodies to HIV in the blood. It makes sense to carry out this analysis no earlier than 3 months after the alleged infection, since after this period of time antibodies are detected in the blood. The result of the analysis can be positive and negative; in the first case, diagnostics is additionally carried out by immunoblotting.

2. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR):
a method for detecting the genetic material of the immunodeficiency virus in the body. For analysis, both whole blood (qualitative analysis) and blood plasma (quantitative analysis) are used. The quantitative method of PCR in dynamics allows you to determine the activity of the virus and the effectiveness of the treatment.
The advantage of this method is that, unlike ELISA, there is no "serological (therapeutic) window" period, when antibodies are not detected in the blood. Therefore, this analysis can be taken as early as 2 weeks after the probable infection. PCR also ensures the absence of false results, unlike ELISA.

The code Name of service CITO, min
GMC laboratory
91.500 CITO service -
91.501 Microscopic examination of the detachable urogenital tract (cervical canal + vagina + urethra) 20
91.502 Microscopic examination for Demodex (Demodex) HMC 20
91.503 Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko 20
91.504 General urine analysis 20
91.505 Clinical blood test without leukocyte formula (5DIFF) 15
91.506 ESR 60
91.507 Glucose (fluoride) 30
91.508 Bilirubin total 20
91.509 Bilirubin direct 20
91.510 ALT 30
91.511 AST 30
91.512 Uric acid 20
91.513 Creatinine 20
91.514 total cholesterol 30
91.515 Urea 25
91.516 total protein 40
91.517 Triglycerides 30
91.518 Basic biochemistry 90
91.519 Iron 20
91.520 C-reactive protein 20
91.521 Microscopic examination of skin scrapings for fungi 20
91.522 Microscopic examination of scrapings from the nail plates for fungi -
91.523 Microscopic examination of hair for fungi 20
91.524 Microscopic examination of fungi r. Candida 20
91.525 Amylase 30
91.526 Bleeding time -
91.527 Clotting time -
91.528 Determination of INR of capillary blood
Material sampling
91.700 Taking biomaterial (blood)
91.707 Collection of material for mycological examination
91.708 swab from urethra
91.709 Gynecological smear 2 points (vagina + cervical canal)

Attention! When ordering express analysis services, the cost of the CITO service (urgent analysis execution) is added to the cost of the order.
When ordering several analyzes at the same time, the lead time may increase.

Want to get tested quickly? Do you urgently need certificates of the absence of skin and infectious diseases for obtaining a visa, employment? Express testing is possible at the City Medical Center in Mytishchi. We guarantee accurate results within an hour.

Express analysis

Passing tests is an essential attribute of a clinical examination, passing medical examinations when applying for a job, entering a university, processing documents for traveling abroad. Unfortunately, in most public, and in many private clinics, the process, from taking samples to handing over the result, can take up to several days ...

And everything would be fine, but when time is very limited, and without analysis, the next specialist from the list refuses to accept, the medical examination can take up to a week. A worse situation can happen when a loved one needs to urgently prescribe treatment, but waiting for the results takes invaluable time ...

The HMC in Mytishchi is the leading multidisciplinary polyclinic institution in the city. We have created all the conditions for each patient to receive qualified medical services. Warm, homely atmosphere, modern equipment and experienced professionals. We will take care of you and your closest person. Express tests and urine tests, express smear analysis for flora, microscopic examination of the skin for fungi, Demodex - any tests will be ready within an hour.

Express blood test

It is difficult to assess the importance of blood in the life of the human body. It carries oxygen, nutrients, hormones, antibodies that fight foreign organisms. Therefore, an express clinical blood test is the simplest and most popular way to assess the state of the body and, if available, to identify pathologies. Most often we do:

Express analysis for cholesterol is an important analysis that allows you to timely identify predisposition to problems of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, heart attack, coronary thrombosis, angina pectoris, etc.) and prevent them.

A general express blood test is the most popular and most informative study. Shows the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes, hematocrit and other blood components. The analysis makes it possible to identify many diseases that go unnoticed and begin treatment at an early stage.

Express analysis for hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is an important protein that is responsible for delivering oxygen to the body. A low level of hemoglobin can cause severe fatigue, headache, dizziness, and at a critical level can cause death.

Express urinalysis

Urinalysis is a popular study that allows you to identify diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system. If you are still looking for where to take an express urine test - we will help you. Modern equipment provides accurate results within an hour.

Why the City Medical Center in Mytishchi?

City Medical Center is an institution with an excellent reputation for providing quality medical services for adults and children. Cozy rooms and offices, modern equipment, innovative technologies in the field of medicine, its own laboratory complex that meets WHO standards... But the main advantage of the medical center in Mytishchi is its specialists.

Each employee passed a special commission and proved his professional suitability. First of all, we look at the knowledge and skills of candidates, the qualifications of each as a physician. Control over the quality of work of each doctor is carried out after the completion of the probationary period.

GMC is chosen because:

  • each patient is treated with respect;
  • when passing express tests, the result will be in 20-60 minutes, depending on the type of research;
  • the center has a modern laboratory complex and we guarantee the accuracy of the results;
  • The center employs specialists from various fields around the clock and seven days a week, from whom you can get a detailed explanation of the results.

Order an express blood test at home

Donating blood for analysis at home is one of the many medical procedures that can be performed at home. The following types of blood tests are carried out in our medical center:

  • blood test on a general basis;
  • blood sugar analysis;
  • analysis of the immunohematological properties of blood.

The mobile team that takes blood for analysis at home consists of professionals with extensive experience in the field of field medical work. Therefore, our specialists will find an individual approach to any patient, they will be able to calm him down and perform the procedure painlessly.

The call can be made through a phone call indicated on our website, or it is enough to fill out an online application and our employees will immediately contact you and inform you about all the features of this work.

The procedure itself is available to absolutely all categories of citizens, the team arrives as quickly as possible, according to each individual situation. You can get the results of analyzes carried out on modern equipment on the same day.

We work around the clock and seven days a week.

  1. 2. During pregnancy and when planning it
  2. 3. Before hospitalization
  3. 4. With pronounced weight loss
  4. 5. With prolonged febrile conditions of uncertain origin
Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection is carried out

Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection is carried out using two methods:

  1. 1. Serological diagnosis by ELISA. During this study, specific immunoglobulins for the virus are detected in the blood serum. Thus, the diagnosis of HIV infection is confirmed or refuted.

  1. 2. PCR diagnostics. It is based on the detection of the virus itself in the blood, and not antibodies to it, as in the previous case. The immunodeficiency virus is detected even with its meager content in the blood. And what is important, in the early stages of infection, when there are no signs of an immune response in the body in response to the introduction of the virus.
  • To clarify the diagnosis in case of negative results of an immunological study
  • To identify the type of virus
  • To monitor viral load

When can I get tested for HIV:

  1. 1. Diagnosis by ELISA becomes informative only 1-3 months after infection. The results of the analysis can be obtained 1 day after their delivery.
  2. 2. Diagnosis using PCR allows you to accurately confirm the diagnosis of HIV as early as 10 days after infection. The results of the analysis in this case can be found out 3 days after they are submitted.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any citizen of the country can count on a guarantee of non-disclosure of the results obtained.

Except in cases where the diagnosis is carried out during professional examinations, before hospitalization or in order to provide the results to the attending physician of the clinic.

Get tested anonymously for hepatitis

When diagnosing diseases of the genital tract, one of the types of analysis is the study of hepatitis B and C.

Today, they are quite often used in laboratory diagnostics.

Hepatitis is manifested by an inflammatory process in the tissues of the liver.

When should these tests be performed?

You can become infected with hepatitis in the following cases:

  • Blood transfusions
  • Manipulations using contaminated medical instruments
  • Sexual intercourse, without barrier contraception
  • Reusable disposable syringes

Asymptomatic hepatitis can be in the patient's body for several weeks.

Sometimes the incubation period can take up to 6 months.

If necessary, you can get tested for hepatitis anonymously.

In this study, information about the patient is not disclosed.

In a paid KVD, patients are admitted for anonymous hepatitis testing daily, from morning to evening.

If necessary, you can take a rapid test for hepatitis.

Such studies take about twenty minutes.

What symptomatic manifestations should be tested?

It is necessary to perform a study if there is:

  1. 1. Pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium
  2. 2. Brief bouts of nausea
  3. 3. Decreased appetite
  4. 4. Weakness
  5. 5. General malaise
  6. 6. Apathy

A common warning sign is the dark color of urine.

For hepatitis, a characteristic feature is yellowing of the sclera and skin.

Important! With untimely diagnosis, cirrhosis of the liver and subsequently cancer can develop.

These are medical workers, employees of laboratories and other institutions that work with biological fluids.

Note! When symptoms of hepatitis appear, it is imperative to be tested anonymously for diagnosis and treatment should be started immediately.

For anonymous analysis, the doctor takes blood, urine or feces.

Before this, you should properly prepare for the collection of material.

To do this, remember that for blood tests, the material is taken in the morning and on an empty stomach.

Venous blood is taken for analysis.

As a rule, you can collect the result after an anonymous hepatitis test 4 hours after blood sampling.

If a quantitative analysis is supposed, then the result will be ready only in a day.

Remember! Direction for research anonymously appoints only a doctor.

After receiving the result, you should consult a specialist.

It will help you decipher the results of the analysis.

To get tested for hepatitis, you should contact a private or public clinic.

If you need to get the result quickly, it is recommended to take tests at a paid clinic.

Where can I get tested for syphilis anonymously?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that results from infection with Treponema pallidum.

Infection can occur mainly through sexual intercourse.

To confirm the presence of syphilis in humans, a series of laboratory tests should be carried out.

Many people choose to get tested for syphilis anonymously.

A characteristic symptom is the presence of ulcers and rash.

Such signs involve contacting a medical institution and passing anonymous tests for syphilis.

In such studies, in a private clinic, the patient's passport data is not indicated.

To study the material of the patient anonymously use the following diagnostic methods:

  • Microscopic studies
  • polymerase chain reaction
  • ELISA analysis

Syphilis is diagnosed and treated anonymously by a venereologist.

Girls can visit a gynecologist.

A urologist works with diseases in men.

A preventive test for syphilis should be taken by employees whose activities are related to the food industry, education, and medicine.

However, such an analysis cannot be submitted anonymously.

In this case, it cannot be used for a medical book.

Get tested for HIV anonymously

There are situations when a person needs to urgently take an HIV test.

The most frequently asked question is: "Where can I get an anonymous HIV test?".

The answer is quite simple.

You can apply to any paid or state laboratory.

When to get tested for HIV:

  1. 1. With unprotected intercourse with an unverified partner
  2. 2. Before and after blood transfusion
  3. 3. Annually for prevention
  4. 4. If there are symptomatic signs of STDs in a sexual partner

You can take an anonymous HIV test in Moscow.

To do this, you should contact the paid KVD.

When examining in a private clinic, your data will not be recorded.

For diagnostic analysis, a blood sample will be taken.

Blood is taken from a vein.

In terms of duration, the studies take approximately 20 minutes.

When performing the analysis in our clinic, you will get a high-quality and fast result.

All our clients are guaranteed complete anonymity of the survey.

If necessary, you can be tested and tested for AIDS anonymously.

Where can I get drug tested anonymously?

In our life there may be situations in which it is necessary to pass drug tests.

One of the leading ones is the suspicion of drug use by loved ones.

With the timely diagnosis of drug use, serious consequences in the form of addiction can be avoided.

To conduct a drug test anonymously, a person is taken for analysis:

  • saliva
  • Blood
  • Hair

The analysis will be effective if the material is studied within a day after the use of the narcotic drug.

The analysis is usually prepared within two days.

In some cases, the duration of the analysis can take 10 days.

Anonymous analysis for the determination of narcotic substances can be done at any diagnostic center.

When performing an anonymous analysis, the results of the study cannot be used by law enforcement agencies.

If this type of research is necessary for legal cases, then a drug test is performed in a forensic examination.

Anonymous drug tests are not used in forensic investigations.

Anonymous analyzes in Moscow: where to take

Performing any tests for infections can be done in our specialized clinic, at the lowest prices.

We work daily.

If you need to pass any tests anonymously, including for HIV in 20 minutes, please contact the author of this article - a venereologist in Moscow with 15 years of experience.

They use modern test systems, the principle of which is based on the detection of antibodies to the virus. It will take some time to prepare the sample and study, but what to do when an urgent analysis for HIV, AIDS is needed?

Express tests

Quick results are needed only in case of urgent surgical intervention. To detect the pathogen, rapid tests are used, which, like laboratory research methods, detect antibodies to the virus.

The essential difference is that if an AIDS test is done urgently (specialists do not have time for blood sampling, ELISA and immunoblotting), they examine saliva or urine for antibodies. In these biological fluids, an insufficient amount of antibodies is present, and there are also substances that can affect the reliability of the result.

An HIV test is carried out in 20 minutes, but very often it gives a false positive result. In such cases, surgical intervention is prescribed using increased security measures, and after the operation, the patient is sent for re-examination using laboratory methods.

HIV test in 1 day - how to quickly get the result?

If a person has applied to the AIDS Center and independently decided to find out his HIV status, the examination will be anonymous, and he will receive the result the next day (delays are possible). You can also find out an HIV test in an hour - a paid service.

If a person needs a certificate in order to obtain a certificate, blood donation will be personalized - the patient must present a passport. This study is paid, but a certificate can be obtained in a few days (depending on the workload of the laboratory).

To detect antibodies by immunoblotting, HIV tests are taken quickly, but the results will have to wait from several days to one week. This is related to the specification of the laboratory method.

Also, for research, they turn to private laboratories or clinics. Most of these institutions examine blood serum using the immunochemiluminescent method of determination - ICA. In this case, for an immunoblot, you can take an AIDS test quickly, but you should also expect results for about 5 days.

There is another modern method - polymerase chain reaction. The procedure itself is expensive, but in some patients (with long-term immunosuppression), this pathogen can only be detected in this way.

The PCR method for the detection of HIV is not quickly tested. The material is loaded into an amplifier - a special device, where, with repeated heating, the virus proteins are detected in turn with cooling.

How many times do you need to be tested for HIV?
Timely diagnosis of the immunodeficiency virus can prevent the spread of the pathogen, and also allow specialists to choose antiviral therapy in time. ELISA - the first HIV test...