Antiseptic nasal drops. Children's cold drops - effective and safe

Runny nose is one of the most common symptoms of infectious and viral diseases. To get rid of it, a variety of means are used, each of which has a specific purpose (constricts blood vessels, kills microbes, etc.). In some cases, it is necessary to use nasal drops with an antibiotic. This measure helps to avoid serious complications after the flu or SARS. How to choose and use drugs correctly, you will learn from the presented review.

Why use antibiotic drops

If congestion does not go away for several days in a row, it is recommended to replace the medicine with a drug with. The doctor should prescribe it, determine the dosage, and warn about possible side effects. It is necessary to bury such drugs strictly according to the instructions. Antibiotics have an immediate effect, thanks to the active substance included in the composition.

Nasal drops, acting directly on the infection, help in the following ways:

  • prevent the growth of microbes;
  • dilate blood vessels;
  • relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • restore free breathing.

It is advisable to start taking antibiotics for sinusitis, coryza or sinusitis if there is a risk of complications. Specialists prescribe this type of medication in conjunction with others. Before using them, you need to rinse your nose from snot with saline (or apply "") and drip vasoconstrictors ("Vibrocil", "Rinofluimucil", "IRS-19").

Which antibacterial drops to choose

As part of any nasal drops, there is an active ingredient that has a therapeutic effect. Pharmacies offer a very wide range of drugs that target a specific problem: they constrict blood vessels, relieve inflammation of the mucosa, destroy viruses, and kill pathogenic bacteria. In addition, you can purchase means of combined action.

Nasal drops are distinguished according to their basis, on which the absorption of the drug into the blood, the consistency and duration of action depend:

  1. The water-based drops help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose, but the effect has a limited duration.
  2. If the drops are based on a colloidal solution, then they have a viscous consistency. This provides a longer effect from the application.
  3. Oil-based drops are ineffective with severe nasal congestion, because the active substances are released for a very long time and have an effect.
  4. If the product is based on anhydrous lanolin, it is important to consider that such a composition sticks together the cilia of the mucous membrane.
  5. The polymer base of the drops indicates that the product is safe and very effective. The drug does not penetrate into the blood, is not addictive.

What drops in the nose containing an antibiotic are:

  1. "Bioparox". The composition contains a potent component fusafungin. If after two days the desired effect from the use of drops has not come, then the reception is canceled. If the patient has asthma attacks, then this drug is contraindicated.
  2. « » - polymer-based drops containing framycetin. This antiseptic is allowed to be taken by children. It does not give any result against diseases that are caused by anaerobic bacteria.
  3. « Polydex" contains active substances: dexamethasone, neomycin, polymyxin, xylometazoline. Combined anti-inflammatory drug. Helps to moisturize the mucosa, dilate blood vessels.

With sinusitis

Which remedy is better to choose depends on the specific diagnosis of the patient. For example, when detecting sinusitis, you can use:

  1. Polydex with phenylephrine. Very effective, costs about 400 rubles.
  2. "Sinuforte". It is not an antibiotic, it contains cyclamen extract, it will cost you 1,500 rubles.
  3. "Isofra"- an inexpensive option, often prescribed to patients with chronic and acute sinusitis. The price is about 180 rubles.

For sinusitis

In the bacterial form of this disease, the following antibiotics are recommended:

  1. "Bioparox" will help relieve inflammation and swelling, it is allowed to use no longer than 1 week, the price is 350 rubles.
  2. « » gives a good antimicrobial effect, use no more than 5 days, price - 280 rubles.
  3. « » (self-prepare a complex solution with lincomycin). Assign in severe forms of the disease from the age of 14. The course of treatment is 5-10 days, the price is 20 rubles.

Which is better: isophra or polydex spray

When choosing between two different drugs, it is worth paying attention to the components of each. "Isofra" contains framycetin, due to which it has an antibacterial effect against gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. The composition of the spray "Polydex" contains dexamethasone and glucocorticoid. They help fight germs, allergies, inflammation of the mucosa.

It is optimal to use Isofra drops for children, because this medicine is allowed from an early age, and Polydex can only be taken from the age of three. In the first case, it is worth remembering that the drug is contraindicated in people who are sensitive to aminoglycosides. The second remedy has even more limitations: glaucoma, thyroid problems, cardiac ischemia, hypertension.

Contraindications for the treatment of the common cold with antibiotics

Often parents are afraid to treat children, especially infants, with antibiotic nose drops. It is believed that in addition to the therapeutic effect, such drugs reduce immunity, destroying the beneficial microflora of the upper respiratory tract. However, it is worth noting that this opinion is not entirely correct, because in the sinuses there is no such environment that antibiotics violate. Difficult in composition drops do not affect vascular tone, immunity, general health. But they are not recommended to be taken against allergies, viral rhinitis.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women are not recommended to use any preparations containing antibiotics to treat a runny nose or cold. Active substances have an extremely negative effect on the unborn child (slow down the formation of the skeleton, cause fatty infiltration of the liver). In difficult cases, specialists can prescribe antibiotics, reasonably assessing the possible risks.

In newborns and infants

If treatment is required for a newborn, then there should be no initiative of the parents. Only an experienced otolaryngologist has the right to prescribe antibiotics. It is impossible to exceed the medical dosage of drugs, even if these are popular vasoconstrictor nasal drops for children - Salin, Protargol, Otrivin. Babies are often prone to allergies, a lot of silver ions can accumulate in their body from taking Protargol.

Often during the period of colds, many are worried. Special drops or sprays will help to alleviate the patient's condition and eliminate nasal congestion. There is a large selection of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract: vasoconstrictor, antibacterial. Antibiotic nose drops help cure various nasal diseases and get rid of bacterial infection in both children and adults.

The principle of action of antibacterial drops in the nose

After applying antibacterial nasal drops, the active substance that is part of the preparations acts on the infection and prevents its reproduction. Medicines contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and restore breathing.

Unlike the use of general antibiotics, antibacterial nasal drops have a number of advantages. After applying the drug to the site of infection, the drug begins to act faster than drugs intended for oral use.

When using drugs based on antibiotics, the risk of allergic reactions and resistance is reduced. This is due to the fact that the drugs do not enter the bloodstream and intestines.

Preparations in the nose with antibacterial action do not harm healthy microflora: the agent does not spread outside the nasal mucosa and do not lead to a decrease in immunity.

The most common drugs for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract are:

  • Isofra
  • Polydex
  • Bioparox

These antibiotic drugs are quite effective in combating, which is caused by various bacterial pathogens.

Antibacterial drops based on antibiotics are used to treat:

  • Rhinitis
  • Rhinopharyngitis
  • Tracheitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • laryngitis

The doctor in rare cases prescribes, but only if serious bactericidal complications occur. Preparations with antibacterial action for topical use are prescribed when it lasts more than 5 days and is infectious in nature. Drugs in the nose with antibiotic action are used in the discharge of yellow, thick mucus from the nose, as well as in the detection of the pathogen by sowing nasal mucus.

Features of the use of the drug Isofra

A drug containing the antibiotic framycetin. The drug acts bactericidal and inhibits the vital processes of pathogenic microorganisms. The antibacterial drug is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The drug is prescribed in combination for the treatment of various infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drug is available in the form of a spray. It is prescribed for children from one year old and only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Do not use drugs on your own. When prescribing a particular drug, the doctor takes into account the type of infectious agent, as well as their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

Before using the antibiotic drug Isofra, the child's sinuses should be cleared of, and then the drug should be injected into each nostril.

This procedure should be carried out at least 3 times a day. The drug should be used for about 7-10 days. Injection for adults should be done at least 6 times. Before the procedure, it is important to observe equal time intervals.The patient's condition improves within a few days. If it was not possible to eliminate the runny nose and ease breathing, then the causative agent of the disease is not sensitive to the antibiotic. In this case, the use of the spray should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

Useful video on how to treat a runny nose.

Instructions and features of the use of nasal ointment Evamenol

In rare cases, when using the drug, adverse reactions in the form of an allergy appear.With prolonged use of the drug, the normal microflora of the mucosa is disturbed, which leads to dysbacteriosis.

Isofra should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. If there is an individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug or an allergy to aminoglycosides, then the drug is prohibited.

The action and use of the drug Polydex

The drug is designed to reduce the amount of mucous secretions. The main active ingredients are the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin. They have different effects on the foci of inflammation.

The composition of the drug also includes other components that have antimicrobial, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. In otolaryngology, the Polydex drug is used to treat rhinitis of various microbial etiologies.

The antibacterial drug is available in the form of a spray or drops.

For children, injection should be carried out 2-3 times a day. For adults, the dosage increases and is 4-5 times a day in each nostril.

When using drugs in the form of drops, it must be remembered that they are intended only for instillation. It is strictly forbidden to use an antibacterial agent for washing or inhalation. This may lead to ingestion of the drug. In this case, an overdose may occur, allergic reactions may occur. It also contributes to the inhibition of the normal microflora of the nasopharynx.

Among the adverse reactions that may occur with prolonged and uncontrolled use of the drug, the following may appear:

  • Edema
  • Dryness and burning in the nose
  • Headache
  • insomnia
  • Irritability
  • tachycardia
  • Lowering blood pressure

It is forbidden to use the drug for viral diseases and the nasal cavity, glaucoma, hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug. Pregnant and lactating women should use the drug only with a doctor's prescription.

Description and use of Bioparox

An antibiotic preparation containing the active substance fusafungin. The drug is intended to combat pathogens such as streptococci, mycoplasma, staphylococci, pneumococci, candida. The drug acts not only on the surface of the nasal mucosa, but also on the oral cavity. When using the drug, the resistance of pathogenic bacteria does not develop. Bioparox has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Does not contain a vasoconstrictor component. The drug can be used by children from 2.5 years.

Bioparox is released only by prescription. Use the remedy as through the nose or mouth. Before use, the drug must be shaken several times. After the introduction of an antibacterial agent, a positive effect occurs after a few hours. The drug does not dry the nasal mucosa, reduces the amount of sputum and nasal discharge.

Taking into account the severity of the disease, the doctor selects an individual course of treatment for each. For adults and children, the dosage is 4 inhalations per day through the mouth, 2 inhalations through the nose. Use the drug should not exceed 7 days.

The drug is well tolerated, but in special cases, nausea, sneezing, bronchospasm, dry mouth may occur.

Possible allergic reactions. It is not recommended to use the drug for pregnant women.The use of drugs alone for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is not recommended. Any antibacterial agent for the nose is prescribed by a doctor.

Before treatment, you should consult with a specialist and read the instructions for using the antibacterial drug. Frequent use of nasal drops with an antibiotic can lead to negative consequences:

  • Cause addiction to the drug
  • The walls of the nasal passage become thin
  • The supply of nutrients is interrupted
  • Pressure drops cause nosebleeds

To speed up the healing process, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow his strict recommendations. This will prevent negative consequences.

Nasal sprays and antibiotic drops should not be used for any rhinitis. Antibacterial drops have a narrowly targeted effect. If they are used incorrectly, undesirable consequences can be obtained. But there are situations in which antimicrobial drugs are indispensable. In what cases should antibiotic nose drops be used, and which means should be preferred?

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When to Use Antibiotic Drops

Antibiotics work on bacteria. Therefore, antibiotic nose drops should be used only for rhinitis caused by bacteria, as well as for (sinusitis,).

To determine the signs of a bacterial rhinitis, we list the types of non-bacterial rhinitis:

  • Viral rhinitis - manifested by abundant watery discharge from the nose, congestion, fever;
  • - manifested by transparent discharge from the nose, irritation, itching of the nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, redness of the eyes;
  • - manifests itself episodically and for no reason in the form of copious liquid discharge from the nose, nasal congestion, sneezing.
The fundamental difference between the bacterial rhinitis and those described above is yellow or green discharge from the nose - pus, which is formed as a result of the neutralization of microbes by cells of the immune system.

In addition, bacterial rhinitis is characterized by:

  • Thickening of the nasal secretion;
  • nasal congestion;
  • in acute form or with sinusitis - fever;
  • sometimes - headache, weakness, feeling unwell.

At the microbiological level, bacterial rhinitis develops according to the following algorithm:

  1. Due to a decrease in immunity (as a result of the overwhelming ability of viruses - that is, against the background; as a result of hypothermia or prolonged medication), bacteria enter a state of active spread.
  2. Special immune cells attack bacteria: both sides die in this collision, the yellow-green nasal discharge is mainly deactivated microbes, waste products and immune cells that have completed their function.
  3. The body has the ability to cope with a bacterial attack and its own means. It all depends on how intense the immune response will be. However, in most cases, if a bacterial infection has developed, then this response is weak, so antibiotics are usually not enough.
  4. If not taken, then the bacteria will spread further - primarily into the sinuses, in which they are much more comfortable than in the constantly ventilated nasal cavity. Penetrating into the pharynx, these bacteria cause,. A chronic bacterial focus in the nose is a common cause of sore throat,.
Bacterial rhinitis without the help of antibiotics can cause complications in the form of inflammation of adjacent organs, and with a late start of treatment, it can go into a chronic stage. For this reason, it is advisable to start taking antibiotic nose drops at the first sign of yellow-green purulent discharge.

Name of antibiotic drops and their use

There are not many nasal antibiotics available. One of the most popular until recently - - since April 2016 is not allowed for sale and use. Consider those antibiotic nasal drops that you can buy at the pharmacy today.

Isofra spray is based on an antibiotic with good antibacterial activity framicetin. This chemical damages the wall of the bacterial cell, disrupts the metabolic processes in it, which together leads to its death.

Framycetin is an aminoglycoside that is well tolerated. The drug can be used, including by pregnant women. Side effects are extremely rare: as a rule, they occur in the form of a skin reaction.

Polydex spray contains a complex of the following active ingredients:

  • Antibiotics (neomycin, polymyxin B);
  • anti-inflammatory agent (dexamemazone);
  • vasoconstrictor (phenylephrine).

Due to its complex composition, Polydex has a pronounced therapeutic effect:

  • Relieves inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • reduces the separation of pus;
  • reduces the concentration of bacteria.

Like all drugs that include an anti-inflammatory glucocorticosteroid, Polydex has a number of contraindications, including:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • kidney disease;
  • viral respiratory disease (can camouflage the infectious process);
  • used with caution in patients with cardiovascular diseases.


Another drug with a complex composition is Sofradex. It includes substances already familiar from Isofra and Polydex:

  • Antibiotics (framycetin, gramicidin C);
  • anti-inflammatory glucocorticosteroid (dexamethasone).

All of the above about Isofra and Polydex is also true for Sofradex. With the only exception: in accordance with the instructions for use, Sofradex is a remedy for the treatment of otitis externa. This explains its droplet form. While it is more efficient to use spray spray to deliver the drug to the nose and sinuses.

It is not rational to use Sofradex as a nasal remedy: there are more convenient in form and similar in composition to Polydex and Isofra.


An antibiotic (gentamicin) and an anti-inflammatory agent (betamethasone) are part of Garazon drops. The drug is intended for the treatment of bacterial inflammation of the ears and eyes. But in the absence of antibiotic sprays, Garazon can be used as nasal drops.

The gentamicin and betamethasone that are part of the drug are contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy;
  • with lactation;
  • children under 8;
  • with viral respiratory infections.

Use with caution in the herpes virus, in diabetes.


Protargol is a silver protein solution. It is not an antibiotic in the strict sense of the word. Protargol is a nasal antiseptic that has a pronounced disinfectant effect. Its advantageous difference from the drugs discussed above is the absence of contraindications and good tolerance, which allows it to be prescribed even to the most sensitive categories of patients, including children and pregnant women.

Protargol is a prescription drug made to order in pharmacies that have appropriate departments.

Antibiotic nose drops for children

It is advisable to use Isofra as children's nose drops with an antibiotic. This drug is considered safe for use even in the smallest. For children, Isofra is sprayed 1 time into each half of the nose three times a day.

Antiseptic drops Protargol - can also be used at any age. However, in the acute form of rhinitis, these drops in isolation from other drugs will not be effective. Their main purpose is to prevent exacerbations of sinusitis.

Polydex is used for children in case of severe bacterial rhinitis. Instructions for use of this antibiotic allows you to use it, starting from 2.5 years of age. Decisions about the choice of this drug, about the dosage are solely in the competence of the doctor.

With a cold

It should be emphasized once again that not with any runny nose you need to drip or spray antibiotics into the nose. In most cases, topical application of simple herbal antiseptic preparations is sufficient for the treatment of rhinitis:

  • Pinosol;
  • Sinuforte;

The listed drugs are not antibiotics, but with the usual non-purulent rhinitis, antiseptics in the nose are the main means that should be used.

Antibiotic nose drops for sinusitis

- a disease that is not treated only with antibacterial sprays. The sinuses are fairly protected, poorly drained areas. The fine spray method is able to deliver the medicine to the entrance to the sinuses, but cannot overcome the inflammatory process inside. For the treatment of sinusitis in the acute stage, systemic antibiotics are required orally.

Nose drops from sinusitis with antibiotics are always an additional treatment:

  • Isofra: adults up to 6 times daily, 1 spray in each half of the nose. The instructions for use of the antibiotic do not recommend the use of a sinus rinse.
  • Polydex: adults up to 5 times daily, 1 spray in each half of the nose.

Before using a nose spray with an antibiotic for sinusitis, you should first rinse your nose with any of the following:, etc.

When not to use antibiotic drops

It is impossible to use antibiotics for a long time, because. destroying some bacteria, they make room for other microbes, as well as for fungi. Such a change in the microflora of the nasal cavity can lead to the development of a secondary infection, as well as to the formation of bacterial resistance to this antibiotic.

An antibiotic should not be dripped into the nose in three cases:
  • If nasal discharge does not have a purulent component - transparent, whitish or absent;
  • if there is no improvement within 2 days of use, it is possible that the bacteria are resistant to the antibiotic used, and it needs to be replaced, or the runny nose has a non-bacterial cause;
  • longer than 10 days - if the infection is sensitive to the selected antibiotic therapy, then it should disappear within 7-10 days.


Antibiotic nose drops are used for bacterial purulent rhinitis. The best way to deliver medication to the nasal mucosa and sinuses is.

Today, two nose sprays with an antibiotic are used under the names - Isofra and Polydex. Polydex is more effective. However, it has more side effects and is contraindicated in some groups of patients.

For effective treatment with antibiotics in drops and sprays, the dosage should be observed and not exceed a 10-day course of treatment.

In acute bacterial rhinitis, antibacterial drops should be used in combination with antibiotic tablets.

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Perhaps there is no such person who has never used nose drops in his life. They are so familiar in our first aid kit that we no longer perceive this remedy as a medicine. The hand reaches out to the cherished bottle at the first sign of a runny nose or.

It is clear that it is not easy to run to the clinic with a light desire, but you want to quickly get rid of the “squishing” that has overtaken you so inopportunely, because tomorrow you have to go to work and you need to be in shape. We go to the pharmacy and ask for "the best nose drops."

But what do we know about such a common remedy? Why are there so many different names for cold drops in pharmacies? Why do doctors prescribe different drugs to different patients? For what diseases, besides the usual colds, are nasal drops used? Can nose drops hurt? Any more or less educated person should know the answers to these questions in order to help themselves and their loved ones avoid the consequences of improper use of nasal drops.

What are nasal drops?

Nose drops are a dosage form. These include drugs with different mechanisms of action and paramedical agents. Drops are used in the nose for (infectious, vasomotor, allergic), for the prevention and enhancement of immunity, moisturizing the nasal mucosa. All drops and applied intranasally (directly into the nose) can be divided into the following groups:

Ideally, any treatment, even a common cold, should be prescribed by a doctor. But in reality this is not always feasible. Some drugs can be started on their own, but not more than 3-5 days.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops

This is the most common and popular group of remedies for the common cold. Their other name is decongestants. The main effect of these drugs is the effect on the α-receptors of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. Due to the excitation of these receptors, vasoconstriction, a decrease in edema, and a decrease in the formation of mucus occur. Nasal congestion is reduced, nasal breathing is restored. In fact, we do not treat a runny nose with these drugs, we only dry the mucous membrane to make life easier for ourselves.

There are several dozen names of vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays. But the main constituent components are represented mainly by 4 types:

  1. Naphazoline (trade names - Naphthyzin, Sanorin). These drugs are short-acting (up to 4 hours).
  2. Xylometazoline ( Galazolin, Otrivin, Rinorus, Fornos, Rinostop). The action of xylometazoline lasts up to 10 hours.
  3. Oxymetazoline ( Nazol, Nazivin, Fervex-spray from a cold). Longest acting drugs - up to 12 hours.
  4. Phenylephrine (part of Vibrocil, children's nose drops Nazol Baby(for children under 2 years old) , Nazol Kids(for children from 2 years). The action of phenylephrine is short and the effect is less pronounced than that of the three above-mentioned substances. However, it is much safer and approved for use by children.

Vasoconstrictor drops can be used without a doctor's prescription for no more than 3-5 days. If during this time the congestion does not go away, you should consult a doctor for an examination. Why is it impossible to abuse drugs of this group? The main side effect of vasoconstrictor drops is the dependence that occurs with their long-term use. Vascular receptors stop responding to the usual dose of the drug, drops are being used more and more often to relieve symptoms. As a result of the uncontrolled use of these drugs, vasomotor rhinitis may develop, which is very difficult to treat.

To avoid such dependence, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • Use vasoconstrictor drops only when. Can only be done at night. Remember! Drops do not cure, but only relieve symptoms.
  • Use other means between or instead of successive doses (, with essential oils, instillation of oil drops, such as peach oil).
  • Do not use drops of this group for longer than the recommended period. Replacing some vasoconstrictor drugs with others (for example, "Dlyanos" to "Nazol" does not avoid the development of dependence).

In some diseases, vasoconstrictor drops are indispensable. In other cases of acute otitis media, these drugs are used to reduce swelling of the fistulas of the paranasal sinuses and the auditory tube, which helps to improve the outflow of inflammatory secretions and better penetration of antibacterial drugs into the focus of inflammation. It must be remembered that this type of nose drops is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Video: vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, Dr. Komarovsky

Saline solutions

Nasal saline solutions available in pharmacies ( Aquamaris, Aqua-ENT, Physiomer etc.), are nothing more than sterilized sea water, in terms of salt concentration close to the composition of blood - an isotonic solution. A solution of this concentration allows you to maintain the normal physiological state of the nasal mucosa, moisturizes, cleanses it of mucus, microbes, dust, allergens.

Saline solutions have practically no contraindications, they can be used even for newborns and pregnant women.

An expensive pharmacy solution can be replaced with a regular saline solution or you can prepare a solution at home by dissolving 1 teaspoon of sea or regular table salt in 2 glasses of water.

Washing the nasal cavity with saline solutions is carried out with catarrhal rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis in a child. Such irrigation gives a good effect in order to prevent ARVI during the cold season and prevent allergic rhinitis during the expected exacerbation, flowering of plants that cause allergies.

Antiseptic solutions

An antiseptic is a substance that, upon direct contact with the skin or mucous membranes, causes the death of infectious agents. Therefore, the use of drops in the nose with an antiseptic is already a therapeutic measure, and not a symptomatic one. An antiseptic is prescribed both for independent use in patients with purulent, and for washing the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses during medical procedures.

The most famous antiseptics:

Antibiotic nose drops

Antibiotic-containing nasal drops are prescribed for the treatment of prolonged rhinitis (lasting more than 5 days), bacterial rhinitis (with purulent discharge), sinusitis, acute otitis media, adenoiditis in children. It is not necessary to delay the start of the use of local antibiotics, since their timely appointment often allows you to save yourself from the need for systemic antibiotic therapy.

The most well-known antibiotic for topical use in diseases of the upper respiratory tract is Bioparox. This is an aerosol, the main active ingredient of which is fusafungin. This drug is active against most bacteria that most often cause inflammation of the nose, pharynx, larynx, as well as against fungi of the genus Candida. Inhalations are carried out both through the mouth and through the nose.

Isofra- drops or spray containing the antibiotic framycetin (from the group of aminoglycosides).

2 antibiotics, neomycin and polymyxin B, contains nasal spray Polydex. It also contains the vasoconstrictor component phenylephrine and the hormone dexamethasone. Such a complex composition provides a complex antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect of this drug.

Sometimes doctors prescribe antibacterial drops to drip into the nose, which are produced exclusively as eye drops. This, for example , Albucid, Tsiprolet, chloramphenicol drops. Do not be afraid of such appointments, this is an antibiotic solution, and its effect is the same everywhere.

Immunomodulatory drops

Immunomodulatory nose drops are used to stimulate local and general immunity. These drugs are prescribed not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of acute respiratory diseases, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.

Immunostimulating drugs should be attributed first of all interferon preparations. They are also called antiviral, as they inhibit the reproduction of viruses, but their main action is to increase antiviral immunity. it human leukocyte interferon for intranasal use. Produced in powder in ampoules, before use, it is necessary to dilute with water and use the resulting solution immediately. 5 drops are instilled into each nasal passage. The sooner treatment is started, the more pronounced the effect. From the first days of the disease or SARS, the frequency of instillation is every 2 hours.

The preparation of recombinant interferon (genetically engineered, and not obtained from donor blood) is Grippferon. It is considered safer, it is more convenient to use it, since it is produced in a ready-made solution and can be stored up to 30 days after opening.

Derinat- an immunomodulator used in the complex treatment of many acute and chronic diseases. Increases the body's resistance to viruses, bacteria, fungi. Derinat nose drops are prescribed both for the treatment and prevention of various inflammatory diseases of the nose and pharynx.

IRS-19 is a mixture of lysates (residues) of various bacteria, in response to the introduction of which protective antibodies are produced.

Antiallergic drops and sprays

With allergic rhinitis, inflammation of the nasal mucosa also develops with the development of edema and the release of abundant mucus. However, the nature of this inflammation is somewhat different. Treatment of allergic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis is usually long-term, so conventional vasoconstrictor drops will not work here.

Drops in the nose from allergies can be divided into 2 large groups - non-hormonal and hormonal.

Non-hormonal drops and sprays: these are antihistamines Allergodil, Histimet(eye drops, but also prescribed in the nose), and mast cell membrane stabilizers drops Ifiral, sprays Kromoglin, Kromoheksal, Kromosol.

For severe allergic rhinitis, hormonal funds – Aldecin, Baconase, Flixonase, Nasonex, Nasobek. They are available in the form of sprays, practically do not have a systemic effect (they are not absorbed into the blood) and are suitable for long-term use (up to 6 months). Hormonal sprays are sometimes used in the complex treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis, but in these cases they are prescribed for a short time.

Spray Nazawal can also be attributed to the group of antiallergic drugs. However, it is used more for the prevention, rather than treatment of allergic rhinitis - when it is used, a protective film is formed on the nasal mucosa, which prevents the penetration of the allergen. Nazoval is not absorbed into the blood, it is approved for use by pregnant women and children.

Phytodrops (plant-based drops)

Topical preparations containing herbal ingredients are always popular with patients who prefer to be treated “without chemistry”. These drugs are quite effective in the early stages of the disease, they can be used in combination with other agents (for example, vasoconstrictors). Pharmacy forms of herbal nasal drops are almost always made on an oil basis, so they have a softening effect on the mucous membrane and are effective in people with atrophic rhinitis.

The most famous herbal drops - Pinosol contain essential oils of pine, eucalyptus, mint, plus the anti-inflammatory drug thymol. Apply in the nose and oil solution Chlorophyllipta(antiseptic and bactericidal action), Cameton(anti-inflammatory aerosol for the throat, but with the same success applied in the nose).

Complex nose drops

Complex drops are dosage forms that contain not one, but several components. There are ready-made preparations with patented trade names. These include the above Polydex, Pinosol(anti-inflammatory agent thymol + mixture of essential oils + vitamin A), Rinofluimucil(vasoconstrictor drug + diluting nasal secretion acetylcysteine), Nazol Advance(oxymetazoline + essential oils), Vibrocil(Phenylephrine + anti-allergic component Dimetinden), Sanorin-analergin(vasoconstrictor + antihistamine components).

The manufacture of complex drops can be ordered at a pharmacy by prescription. Sometimes such a medicine is available to make yourself by purchasing the necessary components. On various forums on the Internet, you can find many recipes for complex drops, presented by their authors, "as the most effective nose drops." However, it is necessary to remind once again about the dangers of self-treatment!

Complex drops are designed to make life easier for us, providing a complex effect of "2 in 1" or "3 in 1" at once on several links of pathogenesis. As a rule, complex drops consist of an antibiotic, a vasoconstrictor, hormones, and an anti-allergic drug.

Meanwhile, the use of complex drops is not quite the right treatment. Due to their vasoconstrictive component, their use should be limited to a few days, while antibiotic treatment is usually required for 7-10 days. Also, vasoconstrictor substances, when used simultaneously, slow down the absorption of antibacterial agents, so ideally they should be diluted in time with an interval of 30-40 minutes. But the convenience and rapid effectiveness of complex drops still outweigh all these inconsistencies in pharmacodynamics, which is why they are so popular among the population.

In a separate line it is necessary to highlight homeopathic nose drops. The most famous of them are Euphorbium compositum, Tui Oil (EDAS 801), Rhinitol (EDAS 131). One can argue a lot about the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment, but it always has adherents. In addition, homeopathic drops have practically no contraindications, they are liked to be prescribed to children.

Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies

There are many recipes for homemade nose drops: from the well-known to the very exotic.

The most common, accessible to everyone and well known to us since childhood:

  • Aloe juice, Kalanchoe juice, red beet juice, carrot juice.
  • Oils: peach, olive, menthol, eucalyptus.
  • Complex homemade drops: beet or onion juice + honey + vegetable oil.

All these remedies have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties and are quite effective in uncomplicated rhinitis.

Drops in the nose for children

Do not self-treat a runny nose in children. You do not need to choose drops for a child based on the reviews of girlfriends or recommendations found on the Internet. Many drops have age restrictions - what is possible for a five-year-old child is absolutely contraindicated for a child at 2 years old, and even more so for a newborn. Even well-known folk remedies must be used very carefully.

In children, an overdose can occur faster than in adults, up to poisoning. This is especially true of vasoconstrictor drops. Drops with essential oils can cause in young children. It is also necessary to know that in children under 2 years old, sprays are not used, but only drops.

Video: nose drops for children, Dr. Komarovsky

It often happens that a child develops a runny nose as a result of secondary bacterial infection in the process of a viral disease (ARVI, influenza). As a rule, this occurs on the 5th-6th day of a viral infection. In this case, topical antiseptics are an effective treatment for rhinitis. They are instilled into the child's nose in accordance with the dose prescribed by the pediatrician or otolaryngologist.
The main reason for the appointment of antiseptic nasal drops is the presence of mucopurulent (cloudy) or purulent (green or yellow-green) discharge from the nose. As a rule, antiseptic agents are used as part of the complex therapy of the underlying disease.

Currently, a disease such as adenoiditis is not uncommon - an increase in the pharyngeal tonsil. Among the main symptoms is a violation of nasal breathing. Adenoids can increase in all types of rhinitis, including allergic. Therefore, the appointment of the correct treatment depends on the timely and correct determination of the cause and nature of rhinitis. For the treatment of adenoiditis, an antiseptic such as Protargol (collargol) is often used, as well as additional local preparations, depending on the cause of the disease (allergy, virus, bacterium).

Effective and common antiseptic drugs:

Antiseptics are prescribed for the treatment of a cold of an infectious (bacterial) origin. Such agents have antimicrobial activity. In addition, they have a significant drawback - overdrying of the nasal mucosa and, as a result, a decrease in the functioning of local immunity. Thus, the uncontrolled use of antiseptics in the treatment of rhinitis can lead to irritation and burns of the nasal mucosa. All these facts indicate that it is impossible to independently prescribe such funds to a child. They can only be recommended by a doctor in a strict dosage in accordance with the age of the baby.

Most often, in the process of complex treatment of the common cold in children, the following antiseptics are used:

- Protargol (collargol) . It is a colloidal solution of silver. As an antiseptic, it is used in the form of a 1-5% solution for treating the nasal cavity. Currently, medicine considers this remedy obsolete. The main antiseptic effect is achieved due to the antibacterial properties of silver, which is the basis of the drug. In finished form, it is not sold in a pharmacy, but is made to order according to a doctor's prescription;

- Albucid (sulfacyl sodium). Sodium sulfacetamide, which is part of the drug, is an antibacterial substance of the sulfonamide group. It has an antimicrobial effect on a large number of bacteria. The drug is available in the form of 20% eye drops, but is very often used to treat the common cold of a bacterial nature in children;

- Chlorophyllipt. The main active ingredient is obtained from eucalyptus leaves. It is very active against staphylococcus, and also exhibits pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. For the treatment of the nasal cavity, only a 2% oil solution of chlorophyllipt is used;

- Ectericide. Contains components resulting from the oxidation of fish oil. Very effective for prolonged bacterial rhinitis. It is used by treating the nasal cavity in the form of drops;

- Decamethoxin. It has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Decamethoxin B 0.02% aqueous solution is used for instillation into the nasal cavity at the dosage indicated by the doctor. It is effective only for bacterial rhinitis, including a protracted one. But most often Decamethoxine is found in the composition of ear drops;

- Miramistin. An effective antiseptic that is widely used to treat the common cold of bacterial etiology, including sinusitis. Effective against most bacteria, protozoa, fungi and some viruses. In pharmacies, the most common drug based on Miramistin, Okomistin, is presented. It comes in one form - ear/eye drops. That is, the same vial is used for instillation into the nose and eyes.

All of these funds are not drugs for uncontrolled self-medication. Consultation with a pediatrician is required before starting the use of antiseptics. The doctor will select the optimal remedy and form of release, as well as give instructions on dosing and frequency of use.

Letting your kids be healthy!