Antibodies to cytomegalovirus igg treatment. An analysis for IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus is positive in a child - what does this mean and what to do? Cytomegalovirus - symptoms, causes and treatment

Among the hygiene products that are used by women during menstruation, the menstrual cup (it is also called a cap or cap) is the least known. It was invented almost 100 years ago as tampons and pads, but is still inferior to them in popularity. Although perfectly fulfills the task (provides hygiene). And, most importantly, it completely solves the biggest "women's problem" during menstruation - it prevents leakage.

The product is a small cap that is inserted into the vagina. Blood flowing out during menstruation accumulates in it. As it fills, the product is removed, emptied and reinstalled. The menstrual cup has recently become more in demand, many women who have tried this hygiene product have become its fans.

For those who want to get acquainted with this product, this article will be useful and interesting. In it, we will consider in detail all the features of this hygiene product, find out what it is, how to use the product, get acquainted with the features and nuances of sizing. We will also inform you about the positive and negative characteristics of the hygienic bowl and its advantages from the point of view of users.

Why do you need menstrual cups

What is it for? As the name implies, this hygiene product is designed to accumulate blood secretions during menstruation. It is a special cap that is inserted into the vagina and serves as a reservoir for flowing blood.

Cups can be used on any day of the cycle, regardless of the abundance of secretions. They are made from hypoallergenic material. Therefore, they will become an excellent alternative for women who are allergic to modern hygiene products. They produce cups as a disposable product or for repeated use, in different sizes and even colors. Therefore, each woman will be able to choose the ideal option for herself, taking into account the characteristics of her body (there are large sizes in the line to collect abundant secretions). This will completely eliminate the flow and allow the woman to do her usual things, without any restrictions.

According to the manufacturers, even swimming in open water, pools or lying in the bath is allowed. A short (maximum 20 minutes) stay in the water will eliminate undesirable consequences. Moreover, there will be minimal risk of infection at a time when the uterus is especially vulnerable. The menstrual cap creates an ideal barrier that prevents contact with the external environment during menstruation. As you can see, the product has many advantages, but before you finally decide whether you need a menstrual cap, check out the main characteristics of this hygiene product.

History of appearance

The first menstrual cups appeared at the beginning of the last century, they were developed and released almost simultaneously with other hygiene products. Despite their convenience, this product is still little known among women. Experts explain this fact in different ways. But the main reason is the price difference. Tampons and menstrual cups hit the market almost simultaneously, but disposable absorbent products were much cheaper than silicone reservoirs. In addition, the first caps were reusable, and women preferred tampons that could be thrown away and replaced with new ones.

With the development of modern production technologies, menstrual cups have become more in demand. First, disposable mouthguards appeared. Secondly, in the production of menstrual cups they began to use medical silicone, from which modern implants, cardiac valves, etc. are made. This material is also actively used in the production of goods for children (pacifiers, bottles). Thirdly, they have become more affordable. And if you consider that a reusable menstrual cup is designed for many years of operation, then the economic benefit becomes obvious.

Advantages and disadvantages

Menstrual cups, like any other hygiene product, have their advantages, but they are not without some disadvantages. Consider in detail the positive and negative characteristics of this product.


  • different sizes allow you to choose the ideal option, taking into account the abundance of secretions, the length of the vagina and the age of the woman;
  • you can choose disposable products or reusable;
  • the material chosen by manufacturers for the manufacture of modern caps is hypoallergenic, which prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • with proper use of the menstrual cup, leakage is completely excluded, it is tightly fixed and creates a vacuum effect that will not allow the product to move;
  • unlike tampons, the cap does not absorb secretions, but only serves as a reservoir for them, so it does not affect the natural microflora of the vagina in any way, the natural lubricant remains intact;
  • can cope with even the most abundant periods;
  • does not need constant emptying (it can stay in the vagina without emptying up to 12 hours), and is initially designed for more secretions than pads or tampons;
  • serves as a reliable barrier to pathogenic microorganisms;
  • tightly fixed inside the vagina, so it does not interfere with physical activity and allows you to lead a normal life;
  • since the reusable cup is designed for long-term use (different manufacturers give a guarantee for 5, 10 or even 15 years), women will be able to significantly save on intimate hygiene products during menstruation;
  • The product is easy to maintain and use.

With all the advantages, this hygiene product has certain disadvantages, so women should also learn about them.

Cons of a menstrual cup:

  • the effect on the female body has not been sufficiently studied;
  • practically not sold in pharmacies and other points of sale of hygiene products, most often you can order a mouthguard only on a specialized website;
  • it takes time to master the technology of correct insertion, size selection may cause some difficulties;
  • there is an individual reaction to the effect of vacuum tension (some users noted discomfort);
  • since a vacuum effect is created inside the vagina, there is a risk of developing aerobic infections (but there is such a risk when using other hygiene products if they are not changed in a timely manner);
  • since blood accumulates in the reservoir, and the uterus is open at this moment, there is a theoretical possibility of a reverse cast. And such a process is considered one of the reasons for the development of endometriosis (objectively, there are no such statistics, just as there is no consensus on the etiology of this disease).

As you can see, the main negative points have more to do with the lack of research than with the real facts.

Contraindications for use

Caps for menstruation have practically no negative characteristics and restrictions on use, they can be used by most women. Although before buying, you should still consult with a specialist. He will be able to make an informed decision whether to try this hygiene product or not.

Contraindications for use:

  • a menstrual cup is definitely not recommended for virgins, since the constant vacuum effect during the installation of a cap can lead to stretching of the hymen;
  • women using intrauterine contraception (spiral) should also not use such a cap;
  • since the long-term effects of the use of menstrual cups are not fully understood, they should not be chosen by those who have any gynecological diseases (at least without the approval of the attending physician).

That is, a healthy woman at any age, regardless of whether she has given birth or not yet, can choose this personal hygiene product during menstruation.

Types of menstrual cups

Currently, manufacturers are ready to offer women different options for menstruation cups. They are distinguished:

  1. in form;
  2. to size;
  3. by capacity.

The main manufacturers of this product offer silicone mouthguards most often, there are products made of TPE plastic, it is rare to find products made of latex. For the production of disposable models, polyethylene is used.

Depending on the form, there are:

  • menstrual cup tulip (oblong);
  • round shape.

The handle of such cups is in the form of a ring, a ball or a stem.

The sizes of menstrual cups are marked as follows:

  • for women after natural childbirth - "A";
  • for nulliparous or after caesarean section - "B".

There are no uniform standards for capacity, length and width, each manufacturer may have slightly different sizes (the discrepancies are minor, the diameters almost always coincide, the length may differ). The most common markings are:

  • S - with a diameter of 4 cm and the same length, with a capacity of 10 ml;
  • M - in diameter and length 4.5 cm, with a maximum capacity of 15 ml;
  • L - respectively 4.5 cm diameter, length 5.4 cm, capacity 24 ml.

The largest product diameter of 4.7 cm and a length of 5.7 cm can be found from the manufacturer Yuuki.

Silicone reusable mouth guard can be transparent or multi-colored. This characteristic practically does not matter when choosing a product. But experts recommend using a transparent cup. Firstly, it is easier to keep in order (you can visually assess the cleanliness of the washed product). Secondly, it will be subjected to regular disinfection (thermal or chemical), which will lead to discoloration over time.

How to choose the right bowl

A menstrual cup will only be an ideal hygiene product if it matches the individual characteristics of the structure of the vagina of each woman. That is, when choosing, you should focus on all the main parameters: the length and width of the product, its capacity, and also take into account which category (“A” or “B”) it belongs to.

To choose the size according to the length, you can contact the gynecologist, he will be able to estimate the length of the vagina. Since the mouth guard is not inserted too deeply and should not go beyond it, the anatomical features of the structure of the vagina should be taken into account (it can be both short and long). You can independently determine this parameter if you insert a finger and try to touch the cervix. If it was easy to reach her, then the vagina is short, if with difficulty - long.

Choosing the right bowl is very important, if the product does not match at least one parameter, then there is a risk of leakage. And if it is more than necessary, then a woman may experience discomfort during installation, change and operation. Since it is better to consult a gynecologist before buying, during the visit you can use his help in determining the size of a new hygiene product.

How to use a menstrual cup

It is not difficult to use a menstrual cup correctly. Usually, difficulties arise only at the first attempts, after which the woman easily masters the technology of installing and changing the product.

  • introduce this hygiene product in the most comfortable position, it is desirable to achieve complete relaxation of the muscles;
  • it should be changed carefully, preferably over the toilet or bathtub, so as not to accidentally spill the contents;
  • be sure to observe basic hygiene skills: wash your hands, thoroughly rinse the cap itself every time, be sure to disinfect it after the end of the cycle (before packing it for storage until the next menstruation);
  • although the tray is left for several hours (up to a maximum of 12), it is better not to wait for this period, but to empty it a little more often. This will significantly reduce the risk of developing aerobic pathogens.

The instructions for use are quite simple, all the steps are described in detail and clearly shown. It happens like this:

  • before installation, wash your hands thoroughly (required with soap);
  • moisten the cup with water or a special water-based pharmacy solution. When it comes to the first use of a new reusable product, it must be disinfected. How to do this will be described in the Care and cleaning of the mouth guard;
  • before inserting the menstrual cup, fold it in half and insert it inside (the handle should be accessible, usually its tip is at a distance of 1-2 cm from the entrance to the vagina);
  • turn the folded mouth guard around its axis so that it straightens and opens completely.

After the cap is installed, its material softens a little and is firmly fixed on the walls of the vagina. Gradually, the reservoir fills up, while preventing blood secretions from penetrating beyond it. Proper use completely eliminates leakage. If this happened, then:

  • you failed to insert the cap correctly;
  • the size is not correct;
  • the product has been damaged.

There are no other reasons for the violation of tightness, any woman can quickly master the technology, especially if she practices several times before the onset of menstruation.

How to properly extract

Emptying the menstrual cup is also easy. The procedure is as follows:

  • a woman washes her hands with soap;
  • feels for the tip of the menstrual cup and presses lightly on it. This allows you to break the tightness of the connection of the cap and the walls of the vagina;
  • the cap is carefully removed from the vagina (it is better to do this over the bath to avoid accidental spillage of the contents);
  • the menstrual cup is emptied, washed under running water and soap, dried slightly, and reintroduced into the vagina. If a disposable product is used, it is simply replaced with a new menstrual cup.

Care and cleaning of the mouth guard

The disposable menstrual cup does not need any additional sterilization means. Another thing is when it comes to reusable hygiene products designed for long-term use. The instructions detail how to properly store and use the menstrual cup.

Sterilize the product before the first use and after the end of each menstrual cycle. This can be done at home in the following ways:

  • boiling (for 5 - 10 minutes, manufacturers often indicate that 2 is enough) in ordinary water or saline;
  • steam sterilization: in a water bath (some manufacturers recommend doing this in the microwave);
  • chemical disinfection: treatment with a solution of vinegar (3%, cold or heated) or hydrogen peroxide (12%).

In the "field conditions" processing with wet wipes is allowed. After that, the menstrual cup is placed in a special bag and left in this form until the next menstruation. During a regular shift, this treatment is not necessary, it is enough to wash the product thoroughly with soap and dry it slightly before inserting it into the vagina again. Multiple use of the menstrual cup is allowed for 5 to 10 years. The reason for the replacement may be:

  • damage to the product, as a result of which leakage begins;
  • anatomical changes in the structure of the vagina that can occur after childbirth or due to age (muscle weakening and expansion are natural age-related processes of the female body).

A menstrual cup or, as it is also called, a cap, a cap, a ledcap is a small container of a round and oblong shape with a small tail on the “bottom”, by sipping on it, the cup can be removed. This feminine hygiene product has long been popular in Western countries, where it was produced in the 1930s at the same time as tampons. But in Russia it appeared 10-15 years ago, but it is becoming known only now. We tell you how to pick up a cup, insert it into the vagina and remove, disinfect and store it.

TO HELP HEALTH. Menstrual cups have several important advantages. First, they support a woman's health. “During the use of the bowl, the vagina works normally, it cleans itself, its walls remain naturally moist, which is extremely important for protecting the body from infections and damage,” says Irina Vovk, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Modern Technologies Clinic. - Also, since the cup separates the menstrual fluid from the walls of the vagina and does not allow air to enter, the use of this hygiene product is associated with less unpleasant odors during menstruation than when using pads or tampons. In addition, the bowls do not contain chemicals, additives or bleaches that are found in other hygiene products. Again, unlike tampons, no association has yet been found between cup use and toxic shock syndrome.” So, tampons can lead to infections and toxic shock syndrome (this is a serious disease that is caused by exposure to staphylococcal toxins in the body). “Even an allergic reaction should not occur with the bowl, because they are made from latex, thermoplastic elastomer, medical silicone, which is used in cardiac surgery and plastic surgery,” adds Klavdiya Vzdora, obstetrician-gynecologist, leading specialist of the Lechu network of medical centers. “They are hypoallergenic and do not affect the microflora of the vagina.”

It should be noted that the use of menstrual cups is economical and environmentally friendly. On average, a cap made of quality materials costs 1-1.5 thousand rubles. One product is enough for 5-10 years. However, some gynecologists advise changing the bowl once a year. But even in this case, the cap does not come out more expensive than pads or tampons. With regard to environmental friendliness, the woman does not pollute the environment with excess waste, and less material is required to produce bowls.

For 5-10 years, you can use one menstrual cup, but sometimes gynecologists recommend changing it every year.

YOUR SIZE. Normally, during menstruation, up to 30 milliliters of blood is released per day. But, since this process is individual - someone has abundant menstruation, someone has the opposite, then you can choose the cup for yourself. There are small caps, for example, for 15 milliliters of blood, medium - 30-35 milliliters and the largest - 42 milliliters. The larger the volume, the usually larger the diameter of the rim of the bowl, it is 36-45 millimeters. “For nulliparous women and for women after caesarean section, with small menstrual flow, sizes M, S, 1 are suitable,” continues Klavdia Vzdorov. - Women who have given birth and women with heavy bleeding should choose size L or 2. Menstrual cups are available in two shapes: round and oblong. For women with a short vagina, a round one is more suitable, and for women with a long vagina, it will be more convenient to wear an oblong one.

In addition, the rigidity of the bowls is distinguished. “We recommend cups made of a harder material to young, non-parous, active patients,” explains Irina Vovk. - For women who have given birth, bowls made of soft materials are more suitable. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the selection of these hygiene products is still individual.

A cap made of quality materials costs 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

HOW TO USE. Before using the bowl, gynecologists recommend dipping it for a few minutes in boiling water to disinfect and be sure to wash your hands.

Then you need to decide on a comfortable position for the introduction. Women introduce the menstrual cup squatting, sitting on the toilet, raising one leg to the surface, standing, lying down. The main thing is that the muscles of the vagina are relaxed. Gently fold the cup (each cup has special folds along which it folds) and insert it into the vagina. If insertion is difficult, a water-based lubricant can be used. Use your hand to move the mouth guard so that the tip of the tail can be reached with your fingers. If the cup is inserted too deep or incorrectly, it may be difficult to remove and leak. In order for the cup to open inside the vagina and take the correct position, turn it by the base around its axis. A slight discomfort may be the first time the mouthguard is used, but then this feeling passes.

You need to remove the bowl with clean hands by the tail, slightly pulling on it. Be careful, the cap can be full. Then it must be cleaned of secretions, washed under running water with soap, dried and then reused.

Emptying the bowl depends on the profusion of menstruation. During normal menstruation, the cup can be cleaned once a day (wearing up to 12 hours). However, gynecologists also recommend emptying it once every 4 hours on days of heavy discharge and once every 6 hours on the first and last day of menstruation.

At the end of each menstrual cycle, the cup should be boiled for 20 minutes, washed with soap beforehand, and stored in a special bag with holes. Wash the cup again with warm soapy water before next use.

The bowl has practically no contraindications, the only thing is that it is better for virgins not to use it. In acute and exacerbation of subacute vaginitis, the use of caps, as well as tampons, is contraindicated.

The menstrual cup is an alternative to traditional menstrual hygiene products. It is actually a bowl or mouthguard made of silicone with a tail. It is installed on the cervix and collects all the secretions, then it is removed and washed. This is a reusable product, that is, one bowl will last for several years. It can be of different sizes, shapes, hardness and colors.

The girls of our editorial team decided to test the menstrual cups on themselves and honestly tell everything that they felt.

How menstrual cups work

Story 1, about the first pancake lumpy

Natasha, 28 years old

Bowl: MeLuna Classic Stem S, 1299 rubles.

Days of menstruation are real torture for me. I can’t really use tampons: constantly feeling that there is a foreign object inside you is a dubious pleasure, and without that everything hurts. There is no such problem with gaskets, but they are quite insidious and often strive to leak. A menstrual cup seemed like the solution: minimum fuss. Inserted and forgotten for the next 12 hours.

It's easy to say. To begin with, the bowl must be inserted correctly.

It's simple in words and pictures, but those two minutes while I was trying to put the bowl where it should be could be accompanied by the soundtrack from The Benny Hill Show.

As a result, I figured out the sin in half. And then - she hoo as felt inside. From the smallest size, I did not expect such meanness. It's not even about the ponytail, about which I had suspicions. There are just no problems with it - I cut it to the desired length, and that's it. You just really feel that you have some kind of garbage of decent size. Does not gurgle, and thanks for that.

The bowl was tested by the gym with conditional success. There were no particular inconveniences during the exercises, apart from the very feeling of a foreign body inside. By the end of the lesson, you seem to forget about it, although after a decent load, you can already forget about everything in the world. Nothing leaked, there were no problems with removing and washing either, since the process is elementary.

Perhaps you should have chosen a model made of softer silicone. Perhaps you should have tried a bowl from a different manufacturer. Maybe it's me. One way or another, so far the ingenious, which is glorified on the Internet, has not made a positive impression. I'll keep trying, I'll get used to it. If not, hello nasty pads.

Story 2, dramatic, with a happy ending

Anna, 30 years old

Bowl: Yuuki Classic 2, 1,470 rubles.

When the girls took out bowls from soft bags of pleasant colors, and I - from a huge red glass, I sensed something was wrong. I ordered the largest of our "batch" size: for large women in the pelvis who gave birth over 30 years old with heavy bleeding.

I saw a lot of things, after all, a woman giving birth in her 30s with a wide pelvis, but the size scared me. At the same time, my cup turned out to be the most dense and hard, compared to other soft and almost silk cups. It was stressful.

On day X, according to the instructions, I disinfected the bowl right in the glass in the microwave (here hello to the glass, it's very convenient, fast and hygienic) and went to try it. First, to insert the bowl, it must be folded. Do you remember that I got the toughest one? She didn't want to fold. But I'm a woman in her 30s who gave birth, I forced her, of course.

And then I made a fatal mistake.

According to the instructions, the cup must be inserted folded into the vagina, and then opened, after which it is already checked how it is located there. I let go of the hard-wired construct too soon. Feelings ... Well, as if I were at the reception of an evil gynecologist. Very angry and just for me. I don't remember how I got it out of there. But it became clear that it was necessary to shove from the heart and keep it under control to the last.

The second attempt was successful, but the size… Yes, I bleed very profusely, I need a large cup, but I immediately automatically began to train because, damn it, it was like very large vaginal balls. In general, all week I reflexively squeeze this foreign object, reassuring myself with the fact that it is useful in every way.

The process of extracting a hard bowl each time resembled a fight "who wins." Of course, I won, but this is not the kind of battle in which I would be going to participate. Because if you first pull on the ponytail, it seems that you will stretch everything up to the uterus. And if you first fold it a little to remove the vacuum effect, then this is still acrobatics. I think it's because the silicone is too hard.

The bowl leaked a little. There were enough pads for every day to save the underwear from one spot, but I wouldn’t risk wearing white lace panties without such a pad.

Although compared to tampons and pads, this is generally a meaningless minus - I usually bother and go crazy much more.

The cup provides much better protection against leaks than the largest pads that look like skis and the thickest tampons that look like logs. A bowl is better.

I even did bowl dancing, went to the swing and played laser tag. And she did not disappoint. Only once this toadstool leaked. I was in the hospital, I had to get up before the doctor's round, and I felt that the "vacuum" was broken (maybe due to reflex attempts to squeeze it?). And everything that splashed (by the way, I sometimes felt how blood was splashing there - not for the faint of heart), overflowed its banks. I did not expect such meanness and missed the doctor's round in the hygiene room.

But you know what? I'll order myself a smaller bowl. Even just two different ones to try. Because for all the acrobatics, inconvenience and set-ups, the cup created ten times fewer problems for me than the standard set of pads and tampons for women with heavy bleeding. The cup failed me once, but pads and tampons do it all the time.

So here's what I'm trying to say: a bowl is great if you get the right size. I vote yes.

story 3 scary

Lena, 25 years old

Bowl: LilaCup Premium S, 899 rubles.

Since the beginning of my puberty, I have been a confident pad user. Yes, this is not very, especially in the last days of menstruation, when the amount of discharge is minimal. But other methods didn't work for me. At sea, I once tried to use tampons. And the desire to replace them with gaskets disappeared. The feeling of a log between my legs did not go away for a long time.

Why did I, such a conservative, decide to try menstrual cups? Well, they are still being talked about! And they say mostly positive things.

I must say right away: the big mistake was that I did not train to insert the cup before the onset of menstruation.

On the first painful day for me, I did not want to introduce a silicone thing into myself at all. Started a little later. Got it on the sixth try.

At first it was very unpleasant. Well, like at first. Somewhere within an hour. I tried to keep myself busy, but it didn't work. I had to take it out. And then the second trouble happened. It was necessary to pour out the contents of the cap. And this for me, as for a person who cannot bear the sight, was a quiet horror. After that, I could not overcome my disgust and the bowl remained lying. Apparently, until the future. When I mentally grow up and learn how to choose the right size.

Story 4 full of hope

Polina, 29 years old

Bowl: MeLuna Classic Ring M, 1299 rubles.

I didn’t really believe that the cup would fit. Due to crooked hands and the eternal lack of time, I switched to tampons with an applicator a long time ago: it is impossible to make a mistake even in a matter of seconds. Still, the bowl was too attractive.

Here's what I realized after 5 days of experimentation:

  1. Get ready for your period. These are not tampons that you can buy at every corner if you forget ahead of time to throw a couple in your backpack. The bowl must be washed, boiled for 3 minutes, put in a clean bag and do not forget to take it with you.
  2. It is better to insert the bowl at first in the bathroom, or rather, in the bath. It may have been worth experimenting before the onset of menstruation, but, as usual, I forgot. Well, at least you were lucky at the moment X to be at home. Crooked hands did not suddenly become even, I fiddled for about 5 minutes. The bowl did not want to straighten out and seal inside, and then for another 20 minutes it slightly leaked.
  3. If you're not lucky, you'll have to practice. Perhaps quite a long time. Over the following days, I never learned how to always quickly and accurately put the bowl. It turned out to arrange it in 15 seconds. Then she tinkered for 10 minutes, freaked out, and after half an hour or an hour, when the hope of auto-sealing the bowl left, she went to redo everything. In general, it is not surprising that outside the house I did not dare to play with a new hygiene product.
  4. There will be no problems with extraction. Before I rummaged around on the Internet and found a life hack for crooked hands: buy a bowl not with a tail, but with a ring, tie a rope to it and sleep peacefully. Like, the bowl will not be lost, anyone can pull the thread without spilling the contents in a panic. In short, I did just that. And for the first time I realized that I was worried in vain and the rope is definitely not needed.

I will continue the experiment. The bowl was felt only in the first half hour after the introduction, then I safely forgot about it. Care was also not stressful. Now it's up to the small: learn how to quickly and correctly position the bowl. And you can forget about tampons. Maybe.

Story 5, final

Masha, 32 years old

Bowl: Mooncup A, 2,191 rubles.

I chose a Mooncup made of transparent and rather dense silicone. The material is pleasant to the touch. When I looked at the bowls in the pictures, they seemed larger in size. In fact, the bowl fits easily in the palm of your hand. It comes with a cotton bag for storage.

Despite the small size of the bowl, it was not so easy to install it. First, I folded the cup in the simplest way, the letter "C", and it opened at the very beginning of the vagina. It was very painful, and I somehow pulled it out screaming. After catching my breath, I decided to make another attempt, folding the bowl in a more complicated way: one edge is bent inward almost to the bottom of the bowl, as a result, it does not open so easily and turns out to be more compact, it is easier to insert it.

This time we managed to set it to a suitable depth. My bowl opened inside immediately, I did not have to scroll it clockwise and perform other manipulations that promote opening. I didn’t feel the cup itself inside, but the tail got in the way. I ended up cutting it in half.

Using a bowl is definitely more convenient than gaskets. You feel clean and fresh.

My cup did not leak during use, although I even walked with it in a rather active way. Compared to tampons, they still seem more comfortable to me, but this is more likely because they are more familiar.

My bowl must have been too big for me, because after a while after installation, I began to feel pressure from the inside. Because of this, I spent only 2 hours with her, then I washed it, put it in again and went on for another 1.5 hours. When I tried to go to the toilet with a bowl, it seemed to interfere. I tried to put it deeper, but it was unpleasant. So I decided that the size is still not mine.

When I took out the cup, I was relieved. I didn’t dare to sleep with her: I was afraid that after 8 hours of such pressure everything would hurt.

Removing the bowl is not so difficult, but skill is required. You need to firmly take the bowl by the base and, breaking the vacuum, slowly but surely pull it out. The first time I took it out, it snapped open again on the very exit, and I don't want to experience that feeling again. I don't yet see how I could remove the cup in a public place.

I would like to order a smaller bowl. Possibly from a different brand. They differ in shape, density of silicone. It’s a pity that the bowls are still quite expensive, a bit of a pity for the money to try everything and find the perfect option.

On the other hand, if you use the bowl constantly, then you can spend a very significant amount on hygiene products.

What is the result

Hygiene products are an individual thing. Therefore, to decide whether menstrual cups are right for you or not, you just have to try. Don't give up right away if you feel uncomfortable: handling this thing requires some skill. Perhaps you will be satisfied with the result and will no longer return to the usual pads.