Arbitration Court of the Yaroslavl Region.

As noted by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (, the most serious violation of antimonopoly law is anticompetitive agreements - most often they find their expression in the form of cartel agreements. The word "cartel" (from Italian carta - document) refers to a secret agreement between entrepreneurs competing within the same commodity market, aimed at obtaining excess profits and, as a result, infringing on the interests of consumers.

One of the most common forms of cartel agreement is price fixing in bidding. Currently, the bulk of bidding takes place within the scope of Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” and Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities".

Price collusion during bidding is expressed in the conclusion by bidders (potential competitors) of an agreement on the conditions for obtaining a contract before the start of bidding. There are several opportunities to win bids fraudulently, and all of them are known to the Federal Antimonopoly Service and there is an unambiguous established administrative and judicial practice for them, for example:

1) bids with the most favorable price offers are submitted by the participants of the collusion in turn,

2) bidders put forward unacceptable conditions or prices in advance (thus, the winner turns out to have no alternative),

3) bidders withdraw their previously submitted bids for no apparent reason,

4) in some cases, such actions punishable by law as blackmail and the use of violence against potential competitors are possible.

In exchange for their “losing”, “losing companies” receive another contract, a subcontract from the winner, monetary or other reward.

Collusions and/or concerted actions during electronic auctions stand apart among the violations. The FAS Russia is fighting against anti-competitive agreements in the framework of electronic auctions, which have various manifestations, but the most common are two schemes:

1) the minimum price reduction on the part of one participant and the "silence" of others;

2) concerted action to drastically reduce the minimum price of a government contract, with no intention of subsequently concluding a government contract (the so-called “ramming” scheme).

Anti-competitive agreements are detected both by the territorial departments of the FAS RF, the CA of the FAS RF, and by other regulatory/law enforcement agencies (the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, etc.), for example:

  • The Altai Territory Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service brought to administrative responsibility two construction companies in the city of Barnaul for collusion at the auction. Case on grounds of violation of Art. 11 of the Law “On Protection of Competition” (a ban on agreements restricting competition between business entities) was initiated based on an analysis of materials received from the Investigation Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Barnaul. As part of the auction with a declared value of more than 900 million rubles, as a result of an oral agreement reached, the auction participants applied an anti-competitive behavior strategy, which consisted in the fact that one of the participants refused to compete and did not enter the auction, thereby allowing the second participant to obtain the right to conclude a contract with a price that is only 0.5% lower than that offered at the auction;
  • The Moscow OFAS Russia recognized four participants in the auction as violating paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 11 of the Competition Law. The total amount of the initial (maximum) prices of all contracts amounted to more than 16 million rubles. During the auctions, the participating organizations agreed, which led to the maintenance of prices at the auction and allowed LLC "P." win bidding in 3 auctions with a price reduction in two of them by 1.5% and in one by 3%. LLC "G." won bidding in 2 auctions with a price reduction of 3% and 3.5%, LLC Firma "A." won 2 auctions with a price reduction of 1.5% and 2% of the initial (maximum) contract price. The specialists of the Department found that commercial organizations, competing with each other when participating in the auction, acted in each other's interests - they exchanged information, and when submitting price offers, they used a single infrastructure;
  • 04/21/2014 18 The Arbitration Court of Appeal supported the position of the Arbitration Court of the Orenburg Region and recognized the decision of the Orenburg OFAS as lawful.

    The antimonopoly body found that there were active, but not justified by the real intention to conclude a contract (the second parts of the bids obviously did not correspond to the auction documentation) actions of two participants in the agreement, expressed in the submission and maintenance of dumping price proposals to reduce the initial (maximum) price of the contract by 24, 87% and 25.37% respectively. In this connection, it became possible to conclude a contract with a third party to the agreement while reducing its price by 3.5% of the initial contract price. These actions were the result of an oral agreement implemented by these organizations, aimed at coordinating their actions (group behavior) when participating in the auction. The actions of the participants in the agreement to submit dumping price offers and artificially reduce the initial (maximum) price of the contract without the intention to conclude a contract were aimed at creating the appearance of competition and misleading the rest of the auction participants. The result of this behavior was the conclusion by the participant of this conspiracy of a contract with a price different from the initial (maximum) by only 3.5%.

  • On July 30, 2013, the Rostov OFAS Russia uncovered a conspiracy to participate in an auction for the maintenance of regional and intermunicipal roads in the Azov and Kagalnitsky districts. The commission of the Rostov OFAS Russia established that the auction participants entered into agreements to maintain prices at the auction. As a result, despite the fact that four companies were allowed to participate, the price offer was received from only one participant with a decrease in the original contract price by only 0.5%;
  • On March 17, 2014, the Moscow OFAS Russia fined three companies for cartel conspiracy at a snow removal auction. The total amount of fines imposed was 79.4 million rubles, with the initial (maximum) price of the contract over 105 million rubles. The specialists of the Department found that commercial organizations did not compete with each other when participating in tenders, but acted in each other's interests - they exchanged information, and when submitting price offers they used a single IT infrastructure.
  • The Moscow OFAS made a decision, according to which the IP and the persons included in the same group with it: LLC "S." and LLC "B." found to have violated paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 11 of the Law on Protection of Competition by concluding and participating in an agreement that led to the maintenance of prices at auctions in open auctions in electronic form.

A group of persons in the course of participating in open auctions in electronic form on the trading floor of Sberbank-AST CJSC in March 2011 did the following: two of the parties to the agreement, within a short period of time, alternately reduced the price of the lot by a significant amount, until they were convinced that others the auction participants, misled by such a strategy of behavior, did not refuse to compete, after which, in the last seconds of the auction, the third party to the agreement offered a price slightly lower than the price offered by bona fide auction participants, or the initial (maximum) price of the contract and became the winner of the auction.

The existence of an agreement between these persons is confirmed by the following circumstances. The individual entrepreneur is the general director of OOO S. and B. LLC, as well as the sole founder of the latter. Actual and legal address of OOO S., OOO B. and IP are the same and the latter carries out its business activities in the premises owned by the General Director of LLC "S." and OOO B. These persons, when participating in ongoing auctions, entered the website of the electronic platform from one IP address.

Thus, participation in the auction is a legally significant action for the auction participant, therefore, liability is provided for any actual actions committed during the auction. The behavior of the bidder must be reasonable, determined solely by objective external circumstances and aimed solely at achieving a transparent economic result. The exceptional importance of compliance with the norms and principles of antimonopoly legislation is due to the presence of liability for the establishment of an anticompetitive agreement, provided for by Article 14.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of 10% to 50% of the value of the auction.

Moreover, in some cases, participants in anticompetitive agreements may be held criminally liable for committing a crime under Art. 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


For price fixing can be imprisoned for 6 years

At least the antimonopoly authorities now have such powers. Their hands were “untied” by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who approved amendments to the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”, the Code of Administrative Offenses and Article 178 of the Criminal Code “Prevention, Restriction or Elimination of Competition”.

“Now, under certain conditions, an enterprise that owns even less than 35% of the market can be considered a monopolist,” explains Anatoly Avdeev, head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Penza Region. “In addition, a case against them can be opened even three years after the discovery of the violation.”
Cartel or price collusion between enterprises of the same industry will be severely punished - for this you can go to jail for three years.

“If earlier we could endlessly fine the same company for unfair competition, then from now on, for the third violation, the head of the enterprise faces 6 years in prison,” Anatoly Ivanovich emphasizes. “The officials involved in this may lose their positions.”

Another important innovation is that from now on, representatives of the antimonopoly service can conduct unannounced checks and inspections of documents and premises at enterprises.
By the way, since the beginning of the year, 28 facts of violation of antimonopoly legislation have been revealed in the Penza region. Large resource-supplying organizations, oil companies, and insurance firms were involved in them.


In connection with the entry into force of the “second antimonopoly package” of laws, the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, Igor Artemiev, answered topical questions related to the application of these laws in practice.

From August 23, 2009, Russia will live under the new antimonopoly legislation. What would you single out as the main achievements?

2/3 of the laws are directed against unscrupulous officials who violate the rights of entrepreneurs. The adopted amendments significantly expand the possibilities for holding officials accountable for granting preferences to individual companies. These are large fines, and a ban on the profession, and compensation to the state treasury for the damage caused. This means that an official may be prohibited from holding his position from 6 months to 3 years for violating the antimonopoly law.

The laws significantly reduce the administrative burden on entrepreneurs. The threshold values ​​of the assets of organizations that need to apply to the FAS with a request for permission to make a particular transaction are being raised.

Finally, this is the introduction of criminal liability for violation of antitrust laws.

How has the definition of the concepts of monopoly high and low price, which business is so concerned about, changed?

Now, when determining a monopolistically inflated price, both the costly research method (estimating the amount of necessary costs for the production of goods) and the "comparable markets method" (comparison with the price set in market competition) are used.

The monopoly price is the price set by an economic entity occupying a dominant position, if this price exceeds the sum of expenses and profits necessary for the production and sale of such goods and the price that has been formed in the conditions of competition in a comparable commodity market in the territory of the Russian Federation or outside it. That is, now, when determining the monopolistically high price of a product, we can use both the costly research method (estimating the amount of expenses and profits necessary for the production of a product) and the “comparable markets method” (comparison with the price set under competitive conditions in a comparable market).

It is important to note that we specifically made a reservation: the monopolistically high price of a product that is the result of innovative activity is not recognized, that is, activity that leads to the creation of a new non-interchangeable product or a new interchangeable product while reducing the cost of its production and (or) improving its quality.

Your proposal to remove the 35% market dominance threshold has made a lot of noise. What is its meaning?

If the largest company in the market begins to dictate its terms and everyone else is forced to adapt to it, then the actions of such a company can be regarded as violating antitrust laws. But under certain conditions. For example, if the subject can have a decisive influence on the promotion of a competitor's product on the market and limits it. Thus, the 35% threshold of dominance by market power, fixed earlier, has practically been removed. But it is up to us to prove that the company occupies just such a position.

Nowhere in the world does the 35% threshold exist. Either you abuse your behavior and limit competition, or you don't. And the share is estimated through market power and through the ability to really influence the pricing policy in a particular market. However, it is important that for those companies that violate the law, but whose share is less than 35%, turnover penalties will not be applied.

Who will be primarily affected by the “second antimonopoly package” of laws?

First of all, officials and top managers of companies. If you look in the sectoral context, then the markets for oil products, medicines, and food products.

How will amendments to the law help to fight such a malicious violation as a cartel?

Cartels cause great harm to the country's economy and citizens and are now punishable by a "turnover" fine for companies. At the same time, we provided an opportunity to avoid punishment for those companies that voluntarily declared to the FAS about their participation in anticompetitive agreements and refused to further participate in them. This is the so-called leniency program. Over the past 2 years, 300 companies have taken advantage of this program. We exempted all companies that came to us from liability. We have succeeded in clearing the markets of cartels, especially in the financial markets. But the transitional period is coming to an end. Now only the first company that applied to us will be released from punishment. The rest will be punished as much as possible - turnover fines.

This practice is valid in the US and in the European Union. It is from the first participant in the conspiracy who applied to the antimonopoly authorities that we get the maximum help in disclosing the conspiracy scheme, the rest will not tell us anything new. However, today they are exempted from responsibility, so they feel their impunity.

Will the introduction of criminal liability facilitate the disclosure of cartel agreements?

Undoubtedly. We expect that when some of the conspirators go to jail, many entrepreneurs who are engaged in illegal practices today will stop breaking the law. It is one thing when a turnover fine threatens a company. And another thing is when you yourself can go to jail for violating antitrust laws.

We hope that now the leaders of companies will think a hundred times before entering into a cartel and this will help reduce the number of violations in the markets.

What is the harm of cartels and concerted actions in the market?

If someone raises the price, then it would be correct economic behavior for the company not to raise its own - and the consumer will go to them, for their goods, and not where it is more expensive. And concerted action is when everyone acts in the same economic interest against the consumer and raises prices one after another. The consumer does not have a choice, the opportunity to buy goods cheaper.

For example, the European Court said to this: such actions to extract excess profits are not justified in any way, and the punishment will be the same as for cartels.

And, for example, the budget suffers from bid rigging, when, due to the concerted actions of economic entities or economic entities and authorities, the state contract is sold at the highest possible price.

Does the entry into force of a criminal measure mean that the FAS will have new powers for operational-search activities?

No, the main sanctions of the FAS Russia will be of an economic nature. Questions of disqualification will be decided only by the judiciary. The antimonopoly body has the right to investigate the place of possible violations and crimes. The FAS Russia may apply to law enforcement agencies, primarily the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and include its employees in the commissions of the FAS Russia. During inspections, all operational actions will be carried out by law enforcement officers.

In terms of access to documentation, now, with the adoption of the second antimonopoly package, are your powers comparable to those of fiscal officials?

In terms of access, yes, that's exactly how we were oriented.

Exactly what the tax service and customs or the Central Bank has in relation to banks.

And when compared with world systems, we, of course, remain much weaker. All the world's antimonopoly authorities have the right to conduct operational search activities, all of them are law enforcement agencies. We are the only ones without such rights.

But we have never demanded and never will demand. The Russian specificity is such that great care is needed in what we do. We already have a really serious weapon in our hands.

So we do not need operational search activity, for this we have the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office.

What sanctions threaten the violator of the antimonopoly legislation with the entry into force of amendments to the criminal code?

The article establishes criminal liability for anti-competitive actions: price fixing, repeated abuse of a dominant position.

The law provides for fines from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles or imprisonment for up to 3 years for preventing, restricting or eliminating competition by concluding agreements or concerted actions that restrict competition.

Also punishable will be repeated abuse of a dominant position, expressed in the establishment and maintenance of a monopoly high (low) price of goods, as well as for acts that entailed "causing major damage to citizens, organizations or the state or entailed the extraction of income on a large scale."

Amendments to the Criminal Code were prepared by the service in order to implement the principle of inevitability of liability for socially dangerous violations of the antimonopoly law.

What damage will be recognized as major?

The damage will be recognized as large if its amount “exceeds one million rubles”, and “large income” is recognized as a benefit of more than 5 million rubles. A repeated offense is considered to be committed by a person more than twice within three years, for which such a person was brought to administrative responsibility.

For the same acts committed using one's official position, involving the destruction or damage of another's property, or with the threat of its destruction, or causing especially large damage (more than 3 million rubles) or generating income on an especially large amount (more than 25 million rubles). ), will have to spend in places of deprivation of liberty for up to 6 years and pay a fine of up to 1 million rubles or in the amount of the salary of the convicted person for a period of up to five years.

Isn't the punishment too harsh - a term of up to six years?

This is a last resort and will be applied by court order to persistent antitrust violators and repeat offenders. In conditions of insufficient development of individual markets, from the point of view of competition, this amendment will be very useful for the development of healthy competitive conditions.

Is there an exemption from criminal liability?

The offender may be exempted from criminal liability if he contributed to the disclosure of the crime, compensated for the damage caused or transferred to the federal budget the income received as a result of his actions, and if his actions do not contain a different corpus delicti.

Thus, with the entry into force of amendments to the criminal code, the punishment for violations of competition law, which until now were punishable by fines, is seriously tightened. The FAS believes that these measures will help influence price fluctuations that are the result of cartel collusion.

When will the amendments to the criminal code come into force?

On July 29, 2009, President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed amendments to the draft federal law "On Amendments to Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation". After 90 days, the amendments will come into force, and the antimonopoly body will be able to apply them in practice.

How can a business protect its rights from the FAS?

All our decisions are suspended from the moment they are challenged in court. Businesses have the right to protect their interests and prove their case in court.

Do you have any further plans to modernize the legislation?

FAS Russia will start developing the so-called. "third package of laws". The main idea of ​​the draft law is the formation of a system of legislative regulation of the activities of natural monopolies, ensuring reliable, efficient and high-quality provision of consumers with goods and services, increasing the transparency of the activities of natural monopoly entities, as well as creating conditions for the development of competition.

For these purposes, a number of significant changes and additions to the legislation on natural monopolies are proposed.

According to the materials of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation,

previousmore news

Collusion in all forms: how the largest cartel in Russia worked

FAS announced the disclosure of the largest cartel in Russia. According to the department, dozens of textile factories have teamed up to bid for the supply of clothing for the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service and customs for a total of 3.5 billion rubles.

During the investigation, the FAS studied the actions of 118 companies, 90 of which were found guilty of violating the law on protection of competition, the FAS said in a statement. “Some of these companies are affiliated with each other,” said a spokesman for the FAS press service.

According to the agency, 18 open auctions were held under collusion for a total amount of more than 3.5 billion rubles. “These are almost all garment workers who have recently participated in tenders for the supply of clothes for the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” the director of one of the enterprises accused of cartel conspiracy told RBC. Andrey Tenishev, head of the FAS anti-cartel department, confirmed this information to RBC, making the reservation that there were several companies whose involvement in the cartel could not be proven.

“Price proposals were submitted more often by one organization, despite the fact that from 11 to 40 organizations participated in the auction, the rest refused to fight to ensure the victory of the “necessary” participant and maintain prices,” the message on the FAS website says. The cartel members have developed a system of "quotas" for participants in the collusion, "quotas" were calculated taking into account the initial price of the contract in proportion to the number of participants, Andrey Tenishev said.

"Quotas" could be obtained, exchanged or accumulated. After accumulating a certain amount and reaching agreements with the rest of the cartel members, one of the conspirators could become a “contract holder” in the auction,” explains Tenishev. The confessions of some of its participants, who testified under conditions of release from liability, helped to reveal the scheme of the FAS cartel. In addition, according to Tenishev, the evidence of the collusion was the materials of the correspondence between the participants in the collusion, in which they discussed who would win in a particular tender, as well as the fact that some applications of various participants in the competition were submitted from the same IP addresses.

As FAS told RBC, the eight largest participants in the cartel are the Moscow clothing company Optima and the clothing factory Paris Commune, the St. "Initiative" from the Perm Territory, the company "Nadezhda" from the Nizhny Novgorod Region and LLC "Industrial and Sewing Association" Yuzhanka "(Rostov Region).

The Paris Commune website reports that the factory produces linen knitwear, as well as Tsifra camouflaged synthetic knitwear, on orders from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among the customers of the Baltic Manufactory, along with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Federal Security Service (FSO). By order of law enforcement agencies, she sews summer and winter uniforms, raincoats, wind and moisture protective suits, raincoats and camouflage suits. PSHO "Yuzhanka" produces various types of clothing made of woolen fabrics for privates and officers of the Ministry of Defense, the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Ivanovo CJSC "Clothes and Fashion", as reported on the company's website, specializes in the production of pea coats, tunics and trousers, as well as coats made of woolen fabrics for privates and officers of state power structures, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the FSO and the Ministry of Defense. The list of products of the Ivanovo State Unitary Enterprise "Biser" mentions signal vests, raincoats, windbreakers, caps and suits for traffic police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Taimuraz Bolloev, a representative of the largest holding of light industry in Russia, the BTK group of companies, one of the main activities of which is the production of uniforms, said that BTK had nothing to do with the situation and had not received any instructions from the FAS related to the law on protection of competition. Andrey Tenishev confirmed the absence of claims against BTK.

According to SPARK-Marketing, since 2011, companies accused of collusion have signed contracts with the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the supply of clothes, shoes, sleeping bags, bed linen and other clothing for more than 7 billion rubles. The most profitable year for these companies was 2015, when they won tenders for 3 billion rubles.

It is to this period that purchases belong, during the inspection of which the antimonopolists revealed collusion, the director of one of the enterprises accused of participating in the cartel told RBC.

“Yes, we did not participate in any collusion. I don’t even know many of these companies,” Mikhail Kapitov, general director of the Yuzhanka association, is indignant.

“The FAS found information from someone with a list of companies where shares were indicated,” says the director of an enterprise accused of cartel conspiracy, on condition of anonymity. But let's look at it from the other side. No one will fulfill a contract for several hundred million rubles in one person. There is a contract holder, and the rest work with him on a subcontract. This is a normal practice in general.

The press service of the FAS RBC clarified that an administrative case will be initiated against companies found guilty of violating competition law, in which they face a fine of 10 to 50% of the initial maximum value of the auction. “The decision on officials to initiate criminal proceedings against them will be taken by the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” the press service of the FAS told RBC.

In an interview with RBC TV channel, Tenishev said that the antimonopoly service believes that the data collected indicates a criminally punishable cartel and signs of a criminal community. “It is under these two articles - 178 and 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - that we will ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to initiate a criminal case,” Tenishev said.

Creating the appearance of competition at auctions in Russia is not uncommon, says Sergey Vodolagin, Managing Partner at Westside Advisors. According to him, the distribution of roles between bidders falls under clause 2, part 1, article 11 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition", being, in fact, a kind of cartel conspiracy. “For legal entities, administrative liability is provided in the form of large fines. Individuals can be held not only administrative, but also criminally liable,” Vodolagin notes. - In this case, when contracts were concluded for billions of dollars, bringing the perpetrators (as a rule, leaders) to criminal liability is very likely if law enforcement agencies manage to prove their guilt. Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Restriction of Competition” provides, in the event of particularly large damage (with respect to this article - 30 million rubles) caused by a cartel agreement, maximum liability in the form of imprisonment for up to six years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for a period of up to three years."

Kiryanova Viktoriya Sergeevna / Kiryanova Viktoriya Sergeevna - Department of Finance and Credit,
School of Economics and Management, student;
Vakulenko Kseniya Eduardovna / Vakulenko Kseniya Eduardovna - Department of Finance and Credit,
School of Economics and Management, student
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

Annotation: The article discusses collusive schemes at the auction, provides specific examples of these collusions, and proposes a solution to this problem. Articles of regulatory legal acts that control competition and agreements between market participants are given.

abstract: the article considers with the scheme of collusion in the auction, provides specific examples of these collusions, and offers a solution to this problem. This article provides an article of legal acts, regulatory competition and agreements between market participants.

Keywords: auction, collusion of auctioneers, agreements between business entities, concerted actions, competition, electronic auction.

keywords: auction, conspiracy of auctioneers, agreements of economic entities, concerted action competition, electronic auction.

During the auction, participants compete with each other for the right to purchase a certain product, type of service, or work. But in recent years, cases of collusion have become more frequent, which take various forms. As a result of such agreements, the main goal of holding auctions is violated - saving money for budgetary institutions, making profits for private auctioneers.

Collusion at an auction is a preliminary, prior to the auction, a secret agreement of several participants to act in a certain way in their own interests and to the detriment of the interests of other persons and economic entities.

Collusion at auctions restricts competition and violates human rights, which is why they are prohibited by law.

According to Article 34 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to engage in entrepreneurial and other economic activities not prohibited by law, but it should not be aimed at monopolization and unfair competition.

In accordance with Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”), concerted actions of economic entities and agreements between them in the commodity market are prohibited if they lead or may lead to an increase, decrease or maintenance of prices at auction .

According to Article 14.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), the conclusion by an economic entity of an agreement, participation in it or the implementation of concerted actions, as well as the coordination of economic activities, are considered an administrative offense and entail administrative responsibility.

In accordance with Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the prevention, restriction or elimination of competition by concluding agreements between economic entities-competitors, if they caused major damage to citizens, organizations or the state, or resulted in the extraction of income on a large scale, are criminal offenses.

When bidding, actions that lead or may lead to the prevention, restriction or elimination of competition are prohibited, including:

1. coordination by the organizers of the auction or customers of the activities of its participants;

2. creation of preferential conditions for a bidder or several bidders;

3. violation of the procedure for determining the winner of the auction;

4.participation of the organizers of the auction or customers in the auction.

Among collusion at the auction, agreements between auctioneers are most common. Although there are other collusion schemes. Let's consider some of them.

Scheme No. 1. Collusion of participants.

1. Since the list of auctioneers is placed in an open source, they can agree in advance among themselves by dividing the lots. And then the scheme of behavior will be as follows: the auctioneer announces the lot and the initial price. Only one card is raised. The next lot is another card and so on.

This type of collusion was uncovered by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (hereinafter referred to as the FAS) of the Rostov Region in 2009. During the auction for the right to conclude a municipal contract for the production of a project for the gasification of social facilities in the Semikarakorsky district, Rostoblzhilproekt LLC and Monolit LLC agreed on their actions and did not reduce the price of the contract for individual lots in favor of each other. By their actions, they violated Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition” and were forced to pay a fine: Rostoblzhilproekt LLC - in the amount of 147 thousand rubles, and Monolith LLC - more than a million rubles.

2. Auctioneers gather in advance and hold their own auction, during which they determine their prices for lots and offer each other “compensation”. Who will offer the largest amount of "compensation", he won. During the auction, they raise the card once and lower the price as much as possible.

As an example of this type of collusion, concerted actions between the participants during the holding of an auction for the maintenance of sections of the Syzran-Saratov-Volgograd federal road in 2013 can serve as an example of this type of collusion. Volgogradavtodor and DSP PK-Stroy entered into an agreement with Avtotekhpark to transfer 10 million rubles to it for its refusal to participate in the fight, and signed subcontract agreements with Volgogradavtomost to perform work on the won lots. Auctions for lots No. 11 and No. 12 were declared invalid as a result of the refusal to participate in them by DSP PK-Stroy and OGUP Volgogradavtodor, respectively. And state contracts were concluded at initial prices with one participant: with OGUP Volgogradavtodor for lot No. 11, for lot No. 12 with DSP PK-Stroy LLC. With such an agreement, the auction participants violated Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”, creating conditions under which budgetary funds were spent inefficiently. The guilty face fines ranging from 10 to 63 million rubles.

3. Auctioneers do not come to the auction, except for the highest bidder.

In 2009, the Sverdlovsk OFAS Russia established that 5 participants were allowed to participate in the auction for the repair of metal roofs of educational buildings, including Construction Enterprise SMU-30 LLC, MonolitStroy LLC and Agroremstroy LLC. However, a representative of only Agroremstroy LLC appeared at the auction procedure. As a result, the auction did not take place, and the state contract was concluded with the only participant in the auction - Agroremstroy LLC. In this case, article 14.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation was violated, according to which a fine from 1 hundredth to 15 hundredths of the amount of the offender's proceeds from the sale of goods on the market is provided for the implementation of concerted actions that restrict competition.

4. Auctioneers do not bid until the auctioneer lowers the starting price of the item, and then they begin to submit bids that reduce the price of the lot by the minimum auction step (0.5–1%).

In 2010, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation disclosed a conspiracy between Trading House GIGIEYA LLC, Dmitrovskie Vegetables LLC, Frutovit LLC, TK Ditrade LLC and Atlantis LLC during an open auction for the right to conclude government contracts for the supply of purified potatoes and vegetables harvested in 2009 to feed pupils of educational institutions in Moscow. Participants were found to be in a contractual relationship. This is confirmed by the minimum percentage of the initial price reduction, which is not typical for public procurement. As a result, the decrease was 0.5-1% instead of the prescribed 10-15%. For violation of Article 11 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition", auction participants were brought to administrative responsibility.

5. The auctioneer submits an application for participation in the auction, which contains false information about it, or other information provided to create the appearance of a formal participation of an economic entity in the auction.

In 2013, the prosecutor's office of the Budzyakovsky district of the Republic of Belarus conducted an inspection on the fact of fraud on an especially large scale. The director of the Budzyak firm, participating in the auction for the privatization of securities, ensured the formal participation of another person in the sale, to whom funds were offered to reimburse costs under a contract of employment.

Scheme No. 2. Collusion of the participant and the customer.

The customer draws up auction documentation for a specific supplier or manufacturer, specifying strict requirements that apply only to a specific trade mark of a particular product, which accordingly limits the number of participants in placing an order.

Scheme 3. The customer and the participant are one person.

If an official of any institution knows that budgetary funds have been allocated for the purchase of goods, then he creates a company participating in the auction and winning it due to the rejection of applications from other participants.

The solution to the problem of auction collusion is to conduct auctions in electronic form. Since participation in such auctions is anonymous, the likelihood of collusion is reduced, and “paper” procedures are simplified. In addition, the electronic form attracts more participants.

An electronic auction is an auction in which bids are submitted via the Internet. Suppliers submit bids if they agree to the terms of delivery and compete only on price. The website reflects all the proposals of the participants, and each of them can see them and submit their own. If the offer has been on the site for an hour, and no one has submitted another offer after it, the auction is declared over. If identical bids are received, the winner is the one whose bid was first. By law, you must report the end of the auction immediately.

Electronic auctions have a number of advantages over other types of transactions. They are open and objective. This results in lower purchase prices. An important feature is the unlimited geographical coverage of suppliers, combined with a reduction in the time of the transaction. This method of holding auctions has proven itself well in Europe. Foreign experts believe that the electronic auction is an effective anti-corruption mechanism against the possible collusion of its participants.


  1. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (CAO RF) N 195-FZ of December 30, 2001 / (Accessed on June 21, 2014).
  2. Constitution of the Russian Federation dated 12.12.1993 /
  3. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) N 63-FZ dated 06/13/1996 / (Date of access: 06/21/2014).
  4. Federal Law "On Protection of Competition" N135-FZ dated July 8, 2006 / (Accessed on June 21, 2014).
  5. Peculiarities of proving the collusion of economic entities at the auction / Y. Kulik, A. Grishina / Legal Insight; No. 7 (13), 2012, p. 8-13.
  6. Concerted actions of participants in the placement of state orders / E.S. Shabanova / Bulletin of the Omsk University. Series "Law"; No. 3 (24), 2010, p. 138–141
  7. Electronic auctions: from a laser pointer to ... / A. Emelyanov / Management of the metropolis; No. 4-5, 2008, p. 87-91.
  8. The authorities of local mayor's offices dispose of state property as their own property / (Accessed: 06/21/2014).
  9. For collusion at the auction of road builders, the FAS threatens with a fine of half the price of the contract - up to 113 million rubles. / (Date of access: 06/21/2014).
  10. Problems of the state order / (Date of access: 06/21/2014).

The capital's anti-monopolists continue to fight against cartel collusion at the auction. According to the general opinion, it is the collusion of market participants that causes the most serious damage to the budget, reduces the level of competition and facilitates the purchase of substandard goods.

The other day, the Moscow OFAS Russia brought LLC Ecoservice and LLC Fenikstrade (former LLC DEKOLIGHT) to administrative responsibility. Ecoservice was fined RUB 1.25 million for participation in the bid rigging. For Phoenixstrade, the fine amounted to 2.9 million rubles. This was reported by the press service of the Moscow OFAS.

Earlier, the agency disclosed a collusion between Ecoservice LLC and Fenikstrade LLC (former DECOLIGHT LLC) at the auction organized by the State Budgetary Institution Zhilischnik
Yasenevo district.

In 2014, the budgetary institution held three auctions, including an auction for water supply, sewerage and electricity supply for a camp for temporary storage of special equipment on the street. Golubinskaya. The maximum price of contracts amounted to 9.8 million rubles.

The conclusion of a cartel agreement between the organizations led to the maintenance of prices at the auction, as a result of which DEKOLIGHT LLC won all three auctions and concluded contracts for a total of 9.1 million rubles.

The Moscow OFAS of Russia found that during the auctions the companies exchanged information in the interests of each other and used a single infrastructure when submitting bids, quotations and signing a contract.

Recall that the amount of the fine for each participant in the collusion is calculated based on the amount of revenue each of the companies from the sale of all goods (works, services) for the year preceding the violation. An administrative fine for an anti-competitive agreement is provided for in Part 1 of Art. 14.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and for legal entities is from 10 to 50% of the initial (maximum) cost of the subject of auction. The heads of companies can also be held liable, the amount of the fine for them is from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Some bidders who have been convicted of dishonest actions are trying to defend their position in court. In particular, the Moscow Arbitration Court refused to recognize the decisions and instructions of the Moscow OFAS Russia as illegal for the pharmaceutical distributor BSS LLC. Earlier, the agency acknowledged the existence of a cartel agreement between BSS LLC and AMT LLC at the auction for the supply of medicines for the needs of state institutions.

In January 2017, the regulator found that BSS LLC and AMT LLC during auctions for a total amount of over 414 million rubles. acted in each other's interests. The cartel agreement between organizations led to the maintenance of prices at 107 auctions in 11 regions of the Russian Federation.

Participation in the collusion allowed BSS LLC to win 95 auctions with a decrease from 0 to 1% of the initial (maximum) price and three auctions with a decrease from 1.5 to 5%. The total amount of auctions exceeded 403 million rubles.

In turn, AMT LLC won seven auctions with a reduction in the initial (maximum) price from 0.5 to 1%. For two more auctions, the reduction was 3 and 5.5% of the initial (maximum) price, respectively. The total amount of auctions amounted to more than 6 million rubles. The list of medicines purchased by state institutions includes vital drugs, including insulin, as well as drugs for the treatment of cancer, diabetes, and various antibiotics.

The Moscow OFAS Russia found the companies guilty of violating the ban on concluding an anticompetitive agreement (clause 2, part 1, article 11 of the Law on Protection of Competition), issuing an order to prevent actions that restrict competition.

Disagreeing with the decision and order of the antimonopoly body, BSS LLC challenged the regulator's conclusions in court. The company insisted that AMT LLC, being an independent business entity, is controlled by BSS LLC and is actually an auxiliary subdivision of this enterprise.

Thus, according to BSS, the companies are included in one group of persons, falling under the exception of Art. 11 of the Law on Protection of Competition, and their actions during the auction cannot be considered collusion.

Meanwhile, as it was established by the antimonopoly authority, contrary to the position of the applicant, the structure created by him is precisely a cartel and in no way falls under the exceptions established by the Law on Protection of Competition, as insisted by BSS LLC.

According to h.h. 7 and 8 st. 11 of the Law on Protection of Competition, the prohibition on agreements restricting competition between economic entities does not apply to agreements between economic entities belonging to the same group of persons, if one of such economic entities has established control over another economic entity or if such economic entities are under the control of one person .

In the present case, during the period of holding 107 auctions, BSS LLC and AMT LLC did not fall under the specified exceptions, and neither the antimonopoly authority nor the court considered the fact that the companies concluded a trust management agreement and an agency agreement as a basis for applying the provisions of 7 and 8 st. 11 of the Competition Law.

At the same time, the antimonopoly authority notes that such actions of BSS LLC and AMT LLC, in which the companies participate in tenders for the supply of, among other things, vital drugs for the needs of state and municipal institutions, are actually excluded from competition. for contracts of other applicants.

Also, the Moscow OFAS of Russia brought to administrative responsibility the participant of the cartel conspiracy JSC KAMPES. The fine for the company amounted to 11 million rubles. The second participant in the conspiracy, Vozrozhdenye TD Management Company LLC, was released from liability, since, as part of the antimonopoly investigation, the company admitted its participation in the anticompetitive agreement and assisted the regulator in establishing the circumstances of the conspiracy.

Recall that the Moscow OFAS Russia uncovered a cartel at the auction of the State Budgetary Institution of Moscow for the operation and repair of engineering structures "Gormost". The agency found that in the course of the auction for the right to supply materials from granite and natural stone for the repair of pedestrian crossings in Moscow, the companies Vozrozhdenie TD Management Company and KAMPES exchanged information and acted in each other's interests, which led to the maintenance of the price for bidding. Both companies were recognized as violators of the ban on the conclusion of an agreement restricting competition, established by paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 11 of the Competition Law.