Bepanten for labia minora. Effective ointments and creams for the treatment of balanoposthitis

It is a fairly common disease that occurs not only in adult women, but also in infants. And in the latter, it is diagnosed even more often. When it occurs, you should immediately think about treatment and consult a specialist.

For the treatment of vulvitis, various drugs are used to help cope with the cause, that is, the pathogen, pathology, as well as alleviate the symptoms of the inflammatory process. A good effect can be achieved with the appointment of chlorhexidine, Bepanten and zinc ointment. We will talk about the features of their application further.

Zinc ointment for vulvitis

This drug is actively used to treat inflammatory processes, as it is able to eliminate hyperemia, itching, swelling. In addition, it has a drying effect, accelerates the healing of wounds, scratching, which often accompany the disease. There are practically no synthetic additives in the composition of the drug, so it is indicated for use even in infants and pregnant women.

Apply zinc ointment to cleansed and dried skin, evenly distributing over the surface. You can use it no more than 5 times a day.

How to use Chlorhexidine for vulvitis?

The drug belongs to a number of antiseptic agents. It is used in the form of a solution for the treatment of the external genital organs. It effectively fights against various microorganisms, has a fungicidal, bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, and also has a detrimental effect on viruses.

In addition to the antiseptic effect, the product improves regeneration and promotes rapid healing of injuries, relieves inflammation. In children's vulvitis, chlorhexidine should be used as directed by a doctor. The same applies to women during the period of gestation.

Bepanten for vulvitis

The safest and at the same time effective drug is bepanten. Vulvitis can be treated with this medicine in both children and adults. And it's all thanks to its composition. The main substance is dexpanthenol, or provitamin B5. Consequently, Bepanthen is well absorbed into the body and immediately begins to have an effect. It also contributes to the rapid death of microorganisms that caused the disease.

You can use bepanten for vulvitis even in newborns. It is not contraindicated during pregnancy. Women should apply the cream to clean genitals 2-3 times a day. Babies are recommended to use the product after each change of diapers or diapers.

Which remedy from the above to choose for the treatment of the inflammatory process depends on the characteristics of the course of the pathology, the desired effect and the age of the patient.

Reviews and comments

I used zinc ointment. She, in comparison with Bepanten, is not so expensive.

I used chlorhexidine. Good and inexpensive tool. Helps very well.

- a vitamin preparation that has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in body tissues.

Pharmachologic effect.

The therapeutic effect of Bepanten is explained by the presence in its composition of dexpanthenol - provitamin B5, which protects skin cells from damage by aggressive environmental agents and pathogenic microbes, binds free radicals and stimulates regenerative processes in damaged areas.

The beneficial effect of Bepanthen is explained by a cascade of biochemical transformations that occur with dexpanthenol when it enters the deep layers of the skin. In the environment of the body, Bepanthen passes into pantothenic acid, one of the components of acetylcoenzyme, which is an intermediate link in the reactions of the exchange of elementary substances in the layers of the skin and cellular respiration. By activating the metabolic processes of the skin, Bepanten leads to an increase in the production of connective tissue components, the formation of new elements responsible for skin elasticity and its youthful state.

Thus, Bepanten not only relieves signs of inflammation and anesthetizes wounds, but also moisturizes the skin and keeps it fresh.

Bepanthen is used on various parts of the body. The drug has a strong medicinal effect in the treatment of infected wounds in a state of cleansing and clean weeping wounds.

Release form.

Pharmacies sell Bepanten ointment (active substance - 5%), Bepanten cream (active substance - 5%), Bepanten lotion (active substance - 2.5%), Bepanten plus.

Indications for use.

In pediatrics, Bepanten ointment or Bepanten cream is prescribed for the treatment of wet diaper rash, prickly heat in the folds of the body.

Bepanten ointment or Bepanten cream is prescribed by a doctor for the care of lactating mammary glands, healing of wounds, cracks in the nipples of the breast.

Bepanten ointment or Bepanten cream are also prescribed for the treatment of ulcerative defects of the cervix, vaginal walls, chronic skin ulcers, anal fissures. Bepanten ointment or Bepanten cream is used for chemical or sunburn, mechanical injuries, cracks and dry skin. As a means to enhance regeneration, Bepanten is used in the recovery period after skin transplantation.

Bepanten lotion is applied to the skin after sunbathing, water procedures. Also, Bepanten lotion is perfect for treating scratches, cracks, abrasions, accelerating healing, as well as restoring the skin on the damaged area.

Bepanten plus is prescribed for the treatment of scratches, wounds, insect bites, minor cuts, and other inflammatory processes of the skin in case of possible infection.

Instructions for use.

When caring for babies, Bepanten ointment or Bepanten cream is regularly spread on dry, cleansed skin after changing diapers and diapers.

For therapy or prophylactic treatment of the nipples, Bepanten ointment or Bepanten cream is applied after feeding.

For the treatment of gynecological diseases and cracks around the sphincter, Bepanten ointment or Bepanten cream is spread on the damaged area 1-2 times / day.

For the treatment of skin wounds, as well as other injuries, Bepanten ointment or Bepanten cream is smeared on the damaged area several times a day.

The course of treatment and the frequency of use of Bepanten should be prescribed by the attending physician, who will accurately determine the severity of the patient's condition.

Side effects.

During the use of Bepanten, itching and rash may occur.


Bepanten is contraindicated in patients with sensitivity to the constituent components of the drug.

According to the instructions, Bepanten is allowed to be used when carrying a fetus or breastfeeding. Before breastfeeding, the drug does not need to be wiped or washed off the nipples.

There are situations when it is necessary to apply a healing cream for intimate areas. The skin in these places is very delicate and vulnerable. Injuries may remain on it after any diseases, cracks and scuffs may appear from linen. When shaving the perineum and groin, it is easy to injure the skin with a careless movement.


In pharmacies and cosmetic stores, you can find special moisturizing creams for intimate places, which are used after depilation, shaving such delicate areas. There are plenty of these for sale. Therefore, you will definitely be able to pick up something. They should be used immediately after shaving the hair to avoid further irritation.

Wound healing ointments

For the healing of wounds, cracks, there are creams and ointments based on various components. There is a fairly wide selection. You can choose the right drug for the quality and price.

For the treatment of minor cuts and scratches in such a delicate area, the following remedies are used.

Solcoseryl gel(ointment) is suitable for the treatment of various wounds, burns, cuts. It helps to cope with injuries of the skin in the groin and perineum.

The drug covers the wound with a thin film that protects the open injured area from viruses, bacteria and fungi. Promotes healing without the formation of scars and scars.

Suitable for use during pregnancy, which is very important, because during this period there are often problems in the intimate area of ​​expectant mothers.

The active substance of Solcoseryl is an extract from the blood of calves obtained by hemodialysis. This component stimulates the production of its own collagen, accelerates the healing process, slightly cools the treatment area.

The ointment is applied 2 times a day with washed hands on a clean surface. Cover with a sterile gauze bandage.

Actovegin ointment- analogue of the previous drug.

Levomikol ointment is a very effective remedy. It contains an antibiotic, thanks to which the process of tightening cuts is faster.

Helps fight infection, helps with purulent wounds of high complexity, heals deep cuts and first-degree burns. There is a uniform and rapid tightening of the edges of the wounds. The drug is applied 1-3 times a day on a clean, dry surface.

Protact cream- a protective preparation for the intimate zone. It is used for light injuries, scuffs, small inflammations, cracks. It forms a protective film on the surface of wounds, deeply moisturizes the epidermis, has an antibacterial effect, and protects against infection. Promotes the speedy scarring of wounds.

Apply a small amount of cream on dry, clean skin, rub with soft, calm movements until the product is completely absorbed.

Pantestin gel has an antimicrobial effect, has a healing and regenerating effect. The composition includes the substance dexpanthenol, which stimulates regeneration processes, promotes the speedy healing of injuries.

Also in the composition there is a powerful antiseptic miramistin, which acts on a wide range of bacteria, on some types of fungi. The components of the drug complement each other and have a general effect.

The gel substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, thanks to this, fast and effective healing occurs.

Apply the gel 1-2 times a day until complete healing.

Bepanten and the Rescuer to the rescue

D-Panthenol ointment- this drug perfectly copes with violations of the integrity of the skin, caused by various reasons.

The tool normalizes cellular metabolism, increases the strength of collagen fibers, thereby increasing the skin's ability to regenerate. In case of damage to the skin and deep tissues, the body requires an additional amount of pantothenic acid, which this drug contains. The substance penetrates into all layers of the skin. It has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. May be replaced by Bepanthen.

lifeguard balm is a complex drug. Milk lipids have a softening, regenerating, nourishing effect on the skin. They form a protective film on the skin, due to which less moisture evaporates. Lipids are able to moisturize the epidermis, accelerate the scarring of wounds.

Sea buckthorn oil, which is part of the balm, has an antioxidant effect, regenerates skin cells.

Beeswax is an antiseptic, softening and protective substance.

Turpentines relieve the inflammatory process, anesthetize, constrict blood vessels, and stimulate.

Echinacea extract is a good antioxidant and immune stimulant.

Lavender oil soothes the skin, relieves irritation. It is a strong antiseptic.

Balm Rescuer has a complex effect on wounds, cracks. Has many effects. The clinical effect is very fast, the therapeutic effect is manifested within a few hours after use. Together, complementing each other, all components of the drug have the following effects:

  • regenerating;
  • soothing;
  • antibacterial;
  • healing;
  • protective;
  • moisturizing;
  • painkiller.

Like all ointments, the balm is applied to a clean, dry surface. A small amount of. Then they are covered with a bandage or gauze, and sealed with a plaster on top for a better effect. The next dose can be used when changing the bandage or when absorbing the balm.

Ligenten and Argosulfan can also be used

Ligenten gel is a multicomponent drug. It is used as a local antibacterial agent due to the content of the antibiotic. The gel has a prolonged local anesthetic effect (it contains lidocaine). It soothes pain well, quickly fights microorganisms.

Argosulfan also has a complex effect on various types of injuries. Used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing agent. Protects the wound from the penetration of a bacterial infection into it, fights microorganisms that have already fallen and developed inflammation. In addition to sulfanilamide, silver ions also have bactericidal properties.

The drug is applied both under the bandage and on the open surface, which is pre-treated with an antiseptic. It must be dry. Apply 1 to 3 times a day.

In the treatment of certain diseases of the genital area of ​​the stronger sex, one cannot do without the use of topical agents. Among such diseases is balanoposthitis. Since this pathology is more often of an infectious origin, treatment is carried out using ointments that have antibacterial, antifungal, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects. However, it is quite difficult to choose an ointment for balanoposthitis on your own, since this medicine is selected taking into account the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to certain medications. The best ointment for the treatment of balanoposthitis is one that will destroy the bacterial or fungal flora that provokes the disease and create the prerequisites for the rapid restoration of the skin.

Which doctor should I go to with balanoposthitis?

Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the head of the organ and tissues of the foreskin. It is easy to understand what balanoposthitis looks like, as well as balanitis in the photo in men, treatment with ointment in this case is simply necessary, since inflammation is present on the skin of the head and in the region of the foreskin.

Balanoposthitis in a man causes redness and swelling of the tissues of the head, itching and burning in this place. Erosions appear on the skin. A man feels pain when touched. Since several forms of this disease are known, only a doctor can determine its type and choose the right ointment for the penis. This disease is treated by a urologist.

Treatment of balanoposthitis with ointments

If a man has balanoposthitis, ointment treatment involves the choice of a means to destroy the pathogenic flora. So, if the disease is provoked by fungal microorganisms, creams containing antimycotic ingredients are prescribed. With a bacterial lesion, the penis is treated with antibiotic ointments. When affected by chlamydia, the head should be smeared with antiprotozoal agents.

To improve healing, in addition to ointments aimed at combating a specific pathogen, local medications are prescribed to accelerate tissue regeneration, relieve inflammation, reduce itching, pain and swelling.

Important! With infectious balanoposthitis, the use of ointments with corticosteroids is contraindicated, since they will complicate the course of the disease. Corticosteroids are used only in the allergic form of the disease.

To identify the causative agent of balanoposthitis and select the appropriate ointment, the doctor takes a smear for bakposev. After that, a remedy for local use is selected. In addition to ointments, the treatment of some forms of this disease requires the appointment of tablets. This will increase the effectiveness of therapy and accelerate healing.

Most often, the following ointments are prescribed for the treatment of the foreskin:

  • Bepanten;
  • Triderm;
  • Synthomycin ointment;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Levomekol;
  • Clotrimazole.


This is an antibacterial cream with a wide range of effects. It is prescribed for the treatment of diseases provoked by many bacteria and protozoa. The ointment is applied once a day due to its prolonged action. Levomekol relieves inflammation and eliminates discomfort caused by pathology.


This is a local agent that belongs to the group of macrolides. Such an ointment for balanoposthitis is designed to eliminate gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as to combat chlamydia. The agent is applied three times a day, and the duration of treatment is determined individually.


If balanoposthitis was provoked by fungal microorganisms, a cream is prescribed for the glans penis and foreskin tissues with antifungal components. Usually doctors make a choice in favor of Clotrimazole. It is effective against several forms of fungi. The ointment is applied 3 r / d. The course of treatment is at least 1 week, maximum - two.

Important! Do not stop treatment with Clotrimazole after the symptoms disappear, as the disease will recur. It is advisable to extend the course for another 3-5 days.


This cream is prescribed as a drug with a complex effect. Against the background of its use, tissues will heal faster. The tool has the following effect:

  • anti-allergic;
  • antipruritic;
  • antimycotic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-exudative;
  • antibacterial.

Triderm is applied three times a day for a couple of weeks. The maximum course of treatment is four weeks.


The drug is prescribed as an aid to accelerate the regeneration of the skin. Bepanten is applied three times until the moment of complete healing.

What active substances can be included in balanoposthitis ointments?

If balanoposthitis is diagnosed, the ointment for treatment is selected by the doctor depending on its composition and the cause of the disease. As part of different groups of drugs for the local treatment of this disease, the following active components may be present:

  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiprotozoal;
  • antiviral;
  • hormonal.

On sale there are both drugs with a single active ingredient, and drugs of complex action, in which antimycotic and antibacterial ingredients are present. The use of creams with a multicomponent composition is indicated for complicated forms of balanoposthitis, when there is a secondary infection.

How is the ointment applied?

Before applying the medicine for local treatment, it is necessary to clean the skin from plaque and secretions. To wash the head, you should not use soap and soapy water, as they dry out the tissues excessively and lead to cracks and erosion. Hygiene procedures are best done in warm water, chamomile and calendula decoction, potassium permanganate solution.

After water procedures, the skin is thoroughly dried and a cream is applied in a thin layer. At the same time, it is desirable that the drug be applied not only to the affected areas, but also to capture healthy skin. If balanoposthitis is combined with phimosis, then it is not worth forcibly exposing the head so as not to injure the tissues of the foreskin.