Free consultation with an ophthalmologist. Ophthalmologist consultations online for free - have time to get free help When you need the services of an ophthalmologist

Ophthalmologist- a doctor of a surgical profile who is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the eyes and their adnexal apparatus (eyelids, tear-producing and lacrimal organs, retrobulbar tissue). An ophthalmologist may have additional specializations in eye microsurgery, vitreoretinal surgery, optometry, oculoplastic surgery, and pediatric ophthalmology. In view of the very close relationship between the nervous system and the organ of vision, neuroophthalmology should be considered as a separate area. An ophthalmologist treats a number of diseases together with a neuropathologist.

When should you see an ophthalmologist?

A scheduled consultation with an ophthalmologist is recommended in the early neonatal period (the first 7 days after birth), as well as once a year at the age of 6 and after 40 years. Examination of newborns is performed to exclude congenital malformations of the organ of vision. Preventive examination of children under 6 years of age makes it possible to timely diagnose pathologies of refraction and accommodation. An annual examination of persons after reaching the age of 40 allows you to identify early signs of glaucoma, cataracts and retinopathy, and correct presbyopia. Unscheduled consultations are indicated when the following symptoms appear:

  • Decreased visual acuity. There are many prerequisites for the occurrence of visual dysfunction. The most common refractive errors (myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia, astigmatism). Visual impairment may be a symptom of cataracts or glaucoma.
  • Diplopia. Double vision is a common manifestation of mixed astigmatism and strabismus. If during an ophthalmological examination the cause of diplopia could not be established, consultations of an infectious disease specialist and a neurologist are indicated. The sudden development of these symptoms is a sign of botulism.
  • Feeling of itching and burning. Such symptoms in most cases indicate the allergic nature of conjunctivitis, keratitis or blepharitis. Less commonly, itching and burning are provoked by an inflammatory process of an infectious or fungal nature.
  • Conjunctival vascular injection. Hyperemia of the palpebral or orbital conjunctiva is often due to the reaction of the mucous membrane to external stimuli (smoke, cold air, dust) or develops secondary to the inflammatory process. Congestive vascular injection occurs in glaucoma.
  • Hemorrhages. Subconjunctival hemorrhage (hyposphagma) does not pose a threat to the organ of vision. At the same time, hyphema or hemophthalmia require immediate referral to an ophthalmologist for help, as they can be complicated by amaurosis.
  • Sensation of a foreign body. Usually foreign bodies are small in size, they are quite difficult to notice during visual inspection. Despite this, they should be removed early. The longer foreign elements are in the eye area, the higher the risk of complications (corneal ulcer, keratitis, blepharitis).
  • The appearance of "floating" opacities."Flies" or "floating" opacities before the eyes primarily indicate damage to the vitreous body (destruction, hemorrhage). During the consultation, the ophthalmologist should exclude iron deficiency anemia, which may be accompanied by similar symptoms.
  • Lachrymation. Excessive lacrimation is observed in most diseases involving the anterior segment of the eyeball in the pathological process. An increase in the production of tear fluid is a protective reaction of the body, which over time is complicated by maceration of the skin in the area of ​​​​the eyelids and nose.
  • Violation of the function of the eyelids. Most often, drooping of the eyelid and signs of inflammation (blepharitis, barley, chalazion) are detected. Cases of violation of eyelid closure (lagophthalmos, ectropion, entropion) of neurological origin are treated by ophthalmologists together with a neurologist.
  • Pain. The occurrence of pain in the orbit is a non-specific symptom. Acute pain is a common symptom of traumatic injury, retrobulbar neuritis, an acute attack of glaucoma. Dull pain is characteristic of inflammatory processes localized in the periorbital region.

What does an ophthalmologist treat?

An ophthalmologist treats diseases that affect the organ of vision and its adnexa. Only ophthalmologists who have specialized in eye microsurgery or vitreoretinal surgery have the right to perform certain surgical interventions. The list of major diseases treated by an ophthalmologist includes:

  • Refractive anomalies: myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, presbyopia.
  • Inflammatory diseases: conjunctivitis, keratitis, scleritis, uveitis, scleritis.
  • Pathologies of the eyelids: blepharitis, ptosis, entropion, ectropion, Marcus-Gunn syndrome.
  • Congenital malformations: microphthalmos, anophthalmos, iris coloboma, aniridia.
  • Diseases of the lacrimal organs: dacryocystitis, dacryoadenitis, lacrimal sac phlegmon, chronic canaliculitis.
  • Injuries of the organ of vision: burns, fracture of the walls of the orbit, penetrating injury to the eye, concussion.
  • Pathology of the optic nerve: atrophy, retrobulbar neuritis, ischemic neuropathy.
  • Diseases of the orbit: endocrine ophthalmopathy, orbital cellulitis, orbital myositis, lymphangioma, hemangioma, phlegmon of retrobulbar tissue.
  • Glaucoma and pathologies of ophthalmotonus Key words: eye hypotension, ophthalmohypertension, glaucoma cyclistic crisis.
  • Diseases of the lens Key words: cataract, ectopic lens, lenticonus, lentiglobus.
  • Retinal diseases Keywords: diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, age-related macular degeneration, retinopathy of prematurity.
  • Other pathologies: corneal dystrophy, dry eye, strabismus, retention cyst of the conjunctiva.

How to prepare for the reception?

Before consulting an ophthalmologist, it is recommended to remove makeup and, if possible, not to extend eyelashes. This will allow the doctor to conduct a detailed examination of the eyelids and eyelashes. Visual loads on the eve should be moderate. Doctors do not recommend instilling any medications into the eyes before the consultation. Culture results will be uninformative if patients have previously instilled antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drops. Local use of analgesics does not allow to assess whether the sensitivity of the cornea is preserved, and the use of hormonal drugs inhibits the regeneration of the cornea. You should bring your outpatient card, all the results of the ophthalmological examinations performed, as well as glasses or contact lenses and a prescription for them (if any) with you to the appointment.

How is an ophthalmologist's appointment?

At the initial visit of the patient, the doctor collects a detailed anamnesis and fills in the accounting documentation. The ophthalmologist finds out complaints, draws attention to such anamnestic information as the duration and severity of symptoms, the burden of family and allergic anamnesis. Then the doctor performs the following studies:

  • Visometry. Distance visual acuity is determined using the Sivtsev-Golovin and Snellen tables. To study visual functions in preschool children, the Orlova table is used. Then examine near vision. The first stage is diagnostics without correction, the second - with the use of spectacle correction or contact lenses.
  • The study of refraction. To determine refraction, retinoscopy or skiascopy is performed. With the help of autorefractometry, the type of correction preferred for the patient is established without specifying the true refractive indices.
  • Ophthalmoscopy. The technique makes it possible to visualize the fundus, to identify pathological changes in the retina, optic nerve head and macula. The study is recommended to be carried out after pupil dilation in order to carefully examine the peripheral parts of the inner shell of the eye.
  • Tonometry. Measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP) is a routine procedure in ophthalmology. At the initial examination, it is used only in the examination of patients of middle and advanced age. Most often produce pneumotonometry, measurement of IOP according to Maklakov or Goldman.
  • Ultrasound of the eye. Ultrasound examination in the A-scan mode is prescribed when refractive errors are detected in order to measure the anteroposterior size of the eye. The procedure is also necessary when fitting an intraocular lens (IOL). B-scan is carried out to study the state of the eyeball and retrobulbar tissue.
  • Biomicroscopy of the eye. The patient is examined with a slit lamp. The technique allows you to examine the conjunctiva, eyelids, cornea, iris and lens, partially assess the condition of the anterior chamber, vitreous body and meibomian glands.

Further diagnostic tactics depend on the results of the studies. If pathological changes in the fundus are detected, optical coherence tomography of the eyes and computed perimetry are recommended. To assess the condition of the lacrimal organs, the Schirmer test and the Norn test are used. In case of eye injuries, an x-ray of the orbit or computed tomography of the affected area is additionally performed. Identification of symptoms of infectious diseases of the anterior part of the eyeball is an indication for microbiological studies of scrapings and the determination of tests for sensitivity to antibiotic therapy.

At the second appointment, the ophthalmologist examines the results of previous studies, taking into account the nature of the disease, repeats the procedures necessary to study the dynamics of the pathological process. For example, if a patient presents with keratitis, it is reasonable to perform only eye biomicroscopy at the return visit. Determination of visual acuity is a mandatory step in the examination of the patient, regardless of pathology.

Outpatient treatment of all eye diseases that do not lead to acute and irreversible loss of vision. These include conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis. At the outpatient appointment, correction of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism is carried out. On an outpatient basis, such surgical interventions are performed as removal of foreign bodies from the surface of the cornea and eyelids, cataract phacoemulsification, opening of a chalazion, excision of the pterygium. With penetrating eye injuries, grade 4 contusion, eye burns, severe uveitis and endophthalmitis, corneal ulcer with a high risk of perforation, an attack of primary open-angle glaucoma, retinal detachment, retrobulbar neuritis, the ophthalmologist sends the patient for hospitalization.

Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures related to the treatment of eye diseases are not extremely simple measures. Often in the process of their implementation, even the most theoretically savvy people have many questions, the answers to which cannot be found in available sources.

In order to resolve existing problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor, but what if there is no such possibility? One of the solutions to the problem is online consulting, which will help anyone to find answers to their questions.

By the way, free consultations of ophthalmologists online can also be obtained from our resource, if you fill out the appropriate form and explain the essence of the issue. For general information, let's talk about the benefits of such consultations, their necessity and some features.

The Internet plays an important role in the life of a modern person. According to official statistics, about half of the world's population periodically use the Internet to get answers to their questions.

Perhaps, one of the most demanded spheres in the information space is medicine. Since ophthalmology refers specifically to it, the frequency of questions in user search queries regarding the treatment and diagnosis of eye pathologies is quite high.

Unfortunately, not all sites provide all the information that people need. With insufficient information security, it is better not to take risks and visit an ophthalmologist in order to get answers to your questions. However, if this is not possible due to circumstances, you can resort to online consulting.

Naturally, the answers received from an ophthalmologist online cannot be extremely reliable, since the doctor does not see his patient. But, if the latter describes the current state of affairs in sufficient detail and clearly formulates the question, then, most likely, the answer will be really useful.

In the last 5-7 years, online consultations with doctors have become very popular on the Internet. This is due to the fact that online consulting:

  1. firstly, it does not require a personal visit to an ophthalmologist at a given time;
  2. secondly, it allows the patient to get answers to his questions as quickly as possible;
  3. and thirdly, it eliminates some of the other inconveniences that are associated with the need to visit a specialized institution.

On the pages of our site, everyone can get the information they need not only from pretty high-quality articles, but also through the described online consulting. We assure you that the answers you receive will be as reliable and qualified as possible.

On the usefulness of consultations

Online consultations with an ophthalmologist are convenient, but a “live” examination will not replace

As noted above, the usefulness of online consultations with an ophthalmologist directly depends on how clearly and efficiently the patient formulates his question.

The maximum effect of online consulting can be obtained if:

  1. the person described his problem in great detail and did not exaggerate or lie in any aspect;
  2. accurately reflected information about previously transferred pathologies;
  3. provided the necessary list of knowledge about himself (gender, age, etc.);
  4. He expressed his ideas in a clear and understandable way.

With such an approach to obtaining information of interest, any visitor to our resource will be able to:

  • find out information on an existing or potentially existing illness;
  • get advice and recommendations on organizing the diagnosis and treatment of pathology;
  • understand the danger of a potentially existing disease and the need for prompt access to an ophthalmologist in real time.

That is, by asking any question regarding ophthalmology on our website, each person, in fact, will receive the same consultation as when visiting an ophthalmological office in person.

Of course, our specialists will not be able to conduct an examination, but according to the detailed description of the etiology of the disease, they will be able to conduct a competent, professional consultation of the patient. In addition, readers of the resource will be able to receive all answers to questions and advice absolutely free of charge.

How to get answers to questions

It is not always possible to make a correct diagnosis at a distance!

To get answers to questions of interest regarding the ophthalmological field of medicine, readers of our resource need to fill out a short form. In the fields, according to their name, you must specify the relevant information.

The specified data must:

  • be reliable;
  • presented in Russian;
  • reflect the general essence of the appeal;
  • not contain profanity and offensive language.

Compliance with the spelling rules is definitely welcome, but not a mandatory parameter. It is much better if the basic rules for constructing sentences and verbal turns are observed.

The greatest attention should be paid to the aspects of the formation of the question being asked. In addition to following the above rules of treatment, it is desirable:

  1. describe the essence of the problem as concisely as possible, but with clarification of its significant features;
  2. try to observe the structural literacy of the appeal;
  3. form a precise question or several precise questions.

Naturally, most of the noted rules are not mandatory for full compliance, but their use in drafting an appeal will be useful for the reader who wants to get a free consultation. Do not forget, the more competently and correctly the appeal is drawn up, the faster and more clearly the answer will be received.

Perhaps, on this note, the story on today's issue can be completed. We hope that the presented material and consulting on our website will be useful to many. Health to you!

A video will introduce you to one of the online consultation services for doctors:

Dear guests of the site "Moscow Eye Clinic"!

On this page you can ask your question about your disease.

For example:

  • regarding your condition
  • the capabilities of our ophthalmological center in the diagnosis and treatment of various eye diseases,
  • the cost of services rendered
  • specialized ophthalmologists available in the state.
If you have medical reports, attach files (photos or scans of medical records), which will allow the ophthalmologist (oculist) to more fully answer your question.

You will receive a notification of a response to your e-mail address (the address is not published). As a rule, it takes from several hours to a couple of days.

Attention! This online consultation does not replace a face-to-face visit to the doctor. Do not self-medicate - this can lead to serious consequences. Contact professionals for a quick and effective solution to the problem.

Please note that the information you send is placed in the public domain along with the doctor's answer to the question, in this regard, do not leave personal data such as phone numbers, email address (in the "Question" field), full name . and so on, if you do not want it to be available to other people.

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Do not self-medicate! If you have health problems, get the necessary examination. All answers of the consultants of the site are only recommendations and an alternative view of the problem and are exclusively preliminary-informative in nature and cannot replace an in-person consultation with a doctor! Be sure to visit your doctor before taking any action.

Consultants work on the site absolutely free of charge and spend their personal time, so the Administration cannot guarantee the exact time frame in which you will receive an answer to your question.

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I am asking you the following question:
It seems that the eye is inflamed, it looks like barley, but not barley. A week later, the other eye also became inflamed. a 77-year-old patient cannot get out of bed, we cannot get to the hospital. what drops are needed for the eyes?