Free medicines for children. Free Medicines for Children Features of the Drug Benefit Program

In families where children often get sick, parents are forced to spend a lot of money on medicines. This is clear to everyone - the health of the child is the most important thing.

In such cases, you can count on the support of the state. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 of July 30, 1994, all children under three years of age are entitled to free medicines.

Unfortunately, the resolution is not a federal law, and there are a number of difficulties with its implementation.

What Healthcare Workers Are Saying

The Decree of the Government is constantly being adjusted: the lists are expanding, the distribution of budgetary funds by regions and their management are changing.

Since 2012, regional authorities have been allocating money for medicines. They also establish a list of medicines that are among the preferential ones.

The regional budget is determined for the year, social support spending is limited.

In most regions, the established limit is clearly insufficient, and doctors have to hush up all the possibilities of free treatment.

For example, the attending physician is required to talk about prescription drugs that are given out at no cost, but this is usually “forgotten”. And parents of sick children often do not know that they can not pay, and do not use this opportunity.

Who is eligible for free medicines

The list of children who can qualify for a free prescription is established by Government Decree No. 809, and includes three categories:

  1. All children under the age of three (treated at home).
  2. Children under 6 years old from large families.
  3. Disabled people under 18 (the group does not matter).

The list of medicines is the same for all categories, regardless of diseases, the presence of a disability group, the number of children in the family.

Regional authorities annually update the list of budget medicines.

What medicines can be obtained as social support, you can find out from or the Ministry of Health.

Keep in mind that eligibility does not mean you cannot be denied a particular drug. This is explained by restrictions on the number of drugs allocated to a particular city or region. Medicines may not be enough for everyone. Therefore, when issuing a free prescription, the doctor decides “who needs it more”.

A request for a free prescription should be supported by a range of indications, clinical presentation, and other factors. If you know a drug is on the free list, try to exercise your rights.

Let's say the prescription is received, it's time to get the medicine at the pharmacy. But you are told that the medicine is out of stock, and you will have to wait for it to arrive. Some drugs may be out of stock for months, and the queue for one package is expanding every day.

This fact has been repeatedly noted by the President of the Russian Federation as a violation of the law. Faced with such a situation, you have the right to complain to the regulatory authorities.

There is an alternative to receiving free medicines - monthly monetary compensation, which can be paid to the mother.

Amount of aid

There are no restrictions on the quantity, duration and cost of medicines. If the child has had several diseases in a month/six months/year, you have the right to receive medicines in an amount sufficient for full treatment.

A prerequisite: a prescription can only be issued at a clinic at a doctor's appointment, because registration takes place through the Unified Information System. Conducting an appointment at home, the doctor does not have access to the desired program.

What medicines can you get

The list of free prescription drugs is limited.

The list was compiled by the Ministry of Health in 2006, since then it has been expanded and changed.

An up-to-date list of medicines (about 250 medicines) can be found at the polyclinic, as well as on the websites of the health authorities in your region.

Children under 3 years of age are more often prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  • interferon-containing antiviral;
  • antihistamines (allergy medicines);
  • vitamins;
  • antibiotics;
  • means for the normalization of the digestive tract;
  • antipyretic.

There are no problems with cheap medicines: activated charcoal, iodine, paracetamol are almost always available in state pharmacies, in almost unlimited quantities.

At the same time, expensive drugs may be out of stock for a long time, and drugs for the treatment of serious diseases have to wait for months.

Features of obtaining if you are a beneficiary

Unconditionally, as a matter of priority, two preferential categories of citizens can receive the necessary drugs: the disabled and families with many children.

Alternatively, you can receive a monthly cash compensation.

Children with a disability group are also entitled to free trips and prosthetic orthopedic products.

Families with many children (having an appropriate certificate) can receive free medicines for children under 6 years of age.

To apply for a benefit, you must submit certificates, a birth certificate, a passport, SNILS, and a policy.

Medical workers do not have the right to demand income statements and any other papers.

What documents are needed

To get medicines for free, your child's name must be on the beneficiary list.

This can be done at the city clinic by submitting the following documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • registration certificate.

Health workers will check all the documents, scan them and enter the characteristics of the child into the database. After that, the doctor will be able to issue free prescriptions through the Unified Information System.

It is advisable to register in the list of beneficiaries long before the doctor's appointment in order to avoid conflicts due to possible registration errors.

For convenience, get yourself a notebook where two marks will be put down. One - in the clinic, when issuing a prescription, the second - in the pharmacy, when dispensing drugs. This is especially convenient for those mothers whose children often get sick and need medicine several times a month.

How to receive

To get the drugs, you need to follow a simple step-by-step action plan:

There are a couple of nuances to consider:

  • Two seals are required on the form - polyclinics and a personal seal of a pediatrician.
  • There should be three prescriptions: one remains in the patient's card, two are handed out and provided to the pharmacy.

The pharmacy may tell you that there is no free medicine at the moment. You will be prompted to expect delivery for several days or even weeks.

No one has the right to refuse service.

If this happens, file a complaint with the prosecutor's office, the regional Ministry of Health, and the management of the clinic.

Appeals are considered quickly and are almost always satisfied.

As an alternative - you buy medicines at your own expense. In this case, monthly compensation is provided.

It should be borne in mind that the monetization of benefits can be seriously revised or completely canceled. The fact is that according to the data for March 2018. almost 76% of Russian beneficiaries refused free drug provision, choosing to monetize the benefit.

This led to a shortage of funds for the purchase of medicines for other beneficiaries.

Will there be a compulsory medical insurance reform in Russia?

Those who want to get a prescription for free medicines need to remember that:

  1. The drugs must be on the list approved by the Ministry of Health for distribution to beneficiaries.
  2. The list of preferential medicines is available in polyclinics, on specialized websites of regional authorities.
  3. You must be on the list of beneficiaries at the district clinic, so take care of this in advance by submitting the necessary documents.
  4. You can get an unlimited number of free drugs per child as needed. That is, if the children get sick several times a month, each time you can apply for medicines.
  5. All types of medicines (tablets, syrups, solutions, injections) are issued in social pharmacies, a list of which is available in polyclinics. You can also contact any pharmacy with state support.
  6. In the prescription that the doctor writes out, according to the law, the form of release (syrup, capsules, etc.), the active substance are indicated. Trade name may vary.
  7. If you have a prescription, but there are no budget medicines in the pharmacy yet, you can buy them for your own money. Try to return the purchase amount through the insurance company by presenting a check.
  8. If you are denied free drugs, you can complain to the authorities. The complaint will be considered and granted.

Whether to get involved in the laborious process of obtaining free medicines or not is up to each family to decide. The main thing is to know your rights and use them if necessary.

In order to find out what free medicines are for children under 3 years old in 2020, you need to familiarize yourself with the list, which is approved annually for each region separately.

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It's fast and IS FREE!

It provides for the procedure for obtaining, categories of citizens who have such a right and a list of documents.

Main Aspects

The provision of free medicines for children is regulated by federal and state laws.

The main of which is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994 No. 890 “On state support for the development of the medical industry and improving the provision of the population and healthcare institutions with medicines and medical products”.

Basic concepts

The protection of children who have received a disability and have not reached the age of 3 is expressly provided for by law.

The Russian government has adopted a law that provides for free medicines for children under 3 years old in 2020.

Medicines are dispensed completely free of charge. When providing the minimum package of documents, which is provided for by the current legislation.

The main concepts used in the article:

Free Medicines Medicines, the issuance of which is regulated by the current legislation on the basis of a prescription free of charge in state pharmacies or special centers
Legal framework The list of laws and by-laws that regulate the issuance of medicines
Required documents The list of documents that are submitted to the polyclinic at the place of residence and confirm the age of the child, the right to receive medicines, family status
Obtaining procedure The list of legally regulated actions of a doctor and their sequence related to treatment

Are free medicines allowed in Moscow

The issuance of free medicines is provided in Moscow, as well as in other cities of Russia, including they are issued to parents of children under 3 years of age who have received a disability or are in families that require additional social protection.

The law, which provides for who is entitled to free medicines for children under 3 years old, was adopted in order to improve the social protection of the population, it establishes the procedure for issuing and a list of documents that must be provided.

Given that funding has not yet reached the level to provide medicines to all those in need, most doctors do not inform parents of young children about the possibility of obtaining medicines.

Therefore, a general prescription is issued and medicines have to be bought at a pharmacy. The current legislation provides for the obligation of a doctor to notify citizens for whom free delivery of medicines is provided for such an opportunity.

Legal framework

Providing parents of children under 3 years of age with medicines during an illness is provided for by the special law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, which was adopted in 2012.

In 1994, Resolution No. 890 was adopted, which provides for the right to receive medicines for privileged categories of citizens.

It establishes a list of necessary medicines depending on the disease.

Every year, the government approves the budget for each region, and doctors and clinic workers must write prescriptions, providing patients with free medicines until the funding limit is exceeded.

An important aspect is that the drugs are provided for both outpatient and inpatient treatment.

What medicines can be obtained free of charge for children under 3 years old

Children under 3 years of age can receive medicines prescribed by a doctor free of charge after diagnosis. Their list is established for each region separately within the allocated funding.

The number of medicines dispensed per month is not regulated, and the list of diseases for which the dispensing of medicines is limited is also not limited.

How to get state aid

In order to receive funds for treatment free of charge, it is necessary to apply for a social package. Parents can always choose between material payments and social security.

To do this, parents need to contact the competent authorities and provide a list of documents that confirms:

  • the child's age is up to 3 years;
  • the presence in the family of children of preschool age, including children under the age of three;
  • a child who has a disability or benefits.

The legislation does not limit the number of medicines that can be dispensed. The doctor is obliged to provide parents with all the necessary medicines for the treatment of the disease for which the diagnosis was made.

List of medicines

The list of free medicines includes:

  • painkillers, the main of which are paracetamol;
  • drugs that have an antihistamine effect, including suprastin or similar antihistamines;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs and fever-reducing drugs, such as ibuprofen, which are available in capsules, gels and syrup;
  • medicines that prevent the occurrence of seizures and muscle contractions;
  • disinfectant drugs, as well as antibiotics;
  • sedatives, sedatives and acting on the nervous system;
  • drugs that lower or increase blood sugar levels affect its absorption;
  • drugs that normalize sleep;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • drugs that are used in the treatment of viral diseases and their prevention, ascorbic acid, for example;
  • drugs that favorably affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helping to fight poisoning.

All of the above drugs are available in several forms:

  • in powder capsules;
  • gel;
  • syrup;
  • drops.

They are prescribed depending on the age of the child for convenient reception. The exact list of medicines is established depending on the level of funding.

List of required documents for issuance

To receive medicines free of charge, you must contact a doctor at your place of residence. The pediatrician writes a prescription on form 148-1.

All prescription forms are printed with a stamp for the attending physician and the seal of the clinic. One copy of the prescription remains in the child's card, two are given to parents to receive medicines in the area where the polyclinic is located.

To receive medicines, you must provide:

  • birth certificate;
  • health insurance policy or contract with a medical institution;
  • provide the doctor with a certificate of registration of the child.

You can get medicine at the municipal center, which are located in each region of the country, as well as at the state-type pharmacy, which is located near the clinic.

Issuance can be refused only if the form is filled out incorrectly or there is no seal. If the parents receive benefits, there is no need to provide the doctor with a certificate of income.

He writes a prescription based on information from government agencies that the family belongs to the category of privileged citizens, and the pharmacy or center must issue them according to the list.

Features of the procedure

If the doctor refuses to write a prescription for free medicines, you can contact the head of the medical institution or file a complaint with the health department.

The legislation provides for a complete list of documents required for obtaining medicines and the doctor is not entitled to require additional certificates.

A list of all medicines that are approved for distribution in a particular region can be studied at the registry of the clinic where the baby and his parents are served.

For a doctor, a pension insurance policy or a health insurance policy is equally valid. The main thing is that it is designed for the child.

Free medicines for children under 3 years old in St. Petersburg can also be obtained by contacting the clinic at the place of residence.

The state, taking care of its citizens who require social protection, has adopted a number of legislative acts that regulate the procedure for obtaining free medicines for families with children under 3 years of age or children with disabilities.

The list of medicines is approved annually for each region separately, and the budget allocated for the purchase of such medicines is also adopted.

With the necessary documents, parents can freely receive medicines according to a prescription in centers and state pharmacies.

Video: free medicines for children under 3 years old


Not all parents know that in our country there is a program to provide children under 3 years of age with free medicines. Of course, only a limited number of drugs can be obtained in this way, and yet participation in the project helps to save a lot, especially if the child is often sick or suffers from severe chronic pathology.


By law, free medicines for children under 3 years of age are provided through the compulsory insurance program. Any illness of a child is always a problem for the family budget, so the Ministry of Health issued a law to regulate this area. To take advantage, you need to know who and under what conditions, how and when can count on help from the state. There is a list of funds that you can get for free. Drugs that are not included in it, even if the child is very sick, no one will just give it.

The fact that children under 3 years of age can receive free medicines was announced by the Ministry of Health through a government decree issued in 1994. The document was issued under the number 890 and is dedicated to state support and development of the medical industry, as well as providing people with various drugs and medical devices. The decree mentions that not only children under the age of three, but also children under the age of six can receive mostly free funds if they live in a large family. In some cases, you can count on free drugs until the age of majority - such cases are specified by law separately.

Question Features

In each individual region, the list of free medicines for children under 3 years of age differs from those entered into force in other parts of the state. In the period from 2014 to 2017, such lists were significantly reduced in many areas due to financial problems at the regional level.

The Ministry of Health mentioned the right of the region to form its own register in the order number 665 issued in 2006. The document is devoted to what should be the budgets of the regions for drug provision.

How to exercise the right?

If a child in the privileged category falls ill, parents must come to the local state clinic to which the patient is assigned, along with him. The doctor will examine the patient, write a prescription for the drug. If the baby is shown a medicine that is free for children under 3 years of age, you must ask the doctor to issue a prescription on a special form, which records the fact of free dispensing from the pharmacy. The prescription is issued in triplicate, of which one is left in the patient's personal card, two are given to the pharmaceutical company. A prescription is considered valid if it bears the personal seal of the doctor who prescribed the remedy and the institution where the patient was admitted.

After receiving a prescription, parents need to go to a social pharmacy, where a pharmacist can dispense drugs. True, this is not always possible: the medicine may be absent. An employee of the institution will offer customers to order a product and wait for it to arrive. In this case, receiving free medicines for children under 3 years of age is stretched for a period of days to an unpredictable number of weeks.

Features and safety

If it was not possible to get the necessary remedy in a social pharmacy, while the disease develops rapidly, the medicine is urgently needed, you can go to any other point to buy the drug at your own expense. To recover the amount spent, you can subsequently contact the insurance company with which the compulsory insurance contract has been concluded. This is feasible if checks and prescriptions are saved.

The laws currently in force in our country do not imply the possibility of refusing to issue a drug under such a program. If a disputable or conflict situation arises, it is necessary to contact the clinic where the prescription was issued, file a complaint addressed to the head of the institution. You can ask for help from the prosecutor's office or come to the local office of the Ministry of Health. Almost always the situation is resolved in favor of the needy.

Everything is official

Although a doctor, if asked if medicines are free for children under 3 years old, will say that some funds can indeed be obtained free of charge, while immediately clarifying that this is available only if parents are responsible for formalizing the process. The necessary documentation is mentioned in the 94th government decree issued, mentioned above. It follows from this that doctors working in municipal medical institutions do not have the right to prescribe drugs that are issued free of charge at the usual request of a parent.

In order to receive free and out of turn funds for your sick child, you must first contact the clinic to which the child is attached and fit into a special journal where all persons entitled to benefits are recorded. You must have originals and copies of the birth certificate, social security certificate, medical policy and a document confirming registration at the place of residence with you. The clinic employee checks the documentation, records the name of the person in need in the journal. After that, the doctor gets the right to prescribe drugs to the patient under a preferential program.

When there are many children

Although, in the general case, free medicines are provided for children under 3 years old, if there are three or more kids in the family, then similar rules apply to the age period up to six years old inclusive. Any child from a large family has the right to receive free medicines up to the age of six if the parents follow the procedures and rules. The laws define the primary priority for obtaining drugs by children from large families.

To gain access to the program, parents must bring documentation to the clinic in accordance with the previously listed list. Additionally, official papers are attached, from which the fact of having many children is visible. No other references are needed. In particular, there is no need to report the amount of family income.

Until adulthood

Sometimes a sick child can receive free medicines for children under 3 years of age as they grow up, regardless of how many children were born in the family. Patients with certain diseases, as a rule, chronic and rather severe, have the right to receive it. Thus, drug provision is provided for asthmatics, diabetics, people who have diseases of the visual system and skin. The reason for the appointment of medical support until the age of majority will be immunodeficiency states, rheumatoid diseases, tuberculosis, blood diseases and malignant formations, cerebral palsy, mental disorders, multiple sclerosis. Persons suffering from diseases of the metabolic system and Parkinson's syndrome are eligible to receive free drugs.

Free medicines are given to children under 3 years of age and at an older age if the child needs medicines due to heart surgery, organ and tissue transplantation.

Opportunities and means

In total, the list of drugs that are given free of charge to those in need, belonging to the category of beneficiaries, is about five hundred items. The list varies from region to region. You can get tablets, solutions for infections, powders and suspensions, as well as dressings and some specialized products.

On the website of the Ministry of Health, a general list that fixes which medicines for children under 3 years of age are free of charge is regularly updated, so you need to look at the most current version in the original source.

Types and means

In the list of free medicines for children under 3 years old, you can find antiviral drugs and analgesics, drugs that are effective against seizures and are used in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system. There are antipyretics, anti-infective formulations, probiotics, and allergy medications. The list includes drugs that are effective for anemia, as well as drop solutions used in the treatment of diseases of the eyes and nose.

Most often, the doctor chooses an antiviral or antibiotic, an allergy remedy. The general list of these classes includes drugs "Amoxicillin", "Suprastin", "Anaferon". Often the doctor prescribes Iron Hydroxide or Bifidumbacterin. When issued in the prescribed manner by prescription, these medicines can be obtained at the pharmacy for free.

Know about everything

The pediatrician is obliged to inform the parents about the possibility of obtaining free medicines for children under 3 years of age as soon as the child has appeared in the family - this is the responsibility of the doctor responsible for the site. Also, it is the pediatrician who is responsible for providing parents with information about the rules for joining the preferential program, the features of obtaining drugs. The law stipulates that the doctor does not have the right to refuse to issue a prescription if the patient belongs to a privileged class and this fact is officially registered.

If you pay attention to the current laws, they will not be able to find restrictions on the price of the product, the quantity of the product sold. There is no time frame for the issuance of drugs under the preferential program. For example, if a child catches a cold twice in one month, both times parents can receive drugs for free if the doctor issues a special prescription. However, it will not be possible to get absolutely any medicines for your first-aid kit. The doctor's task is to take responsibility for the preparation of prescriptions, and in case of unjustified issuance of an official paper, he may be accused of exceeding his authority.

I want and I can

In fact, quite a lot of money is spent in our country from year to year to maintain medicine, while many people still do not know their capabilities. About a third of all budget expenditures on health care are finances that are used to buy medicines provided to needy beneficiaries. Not so long ago, a survey was conducted on the territory of several regions, and according to its results, it became clear that more than half of the parents have no idea that they can get medicines for their children for free. About half of the entire audience admitted that they had never received a prescription for a free drug. In many ways, the problem is related to the small regional budgets allocated for the purchase of medicines.

The list of free medicines for children under 3 years old, which is being formed in the region, includes the most relevant and popular drugs in the territory of a particular region. You can find out what the list is in a particular case if you ask for it at the clinic. The list must be published by the health department.

Most wanted

Most often, a prescription for a free receipt is issued if the child needs B vitamins (first, sixth, 12th). Often, in this way, parents receive "Cyanocobalamin", "Pyridoxine". Quite often, doctors prescribe free-of-charge preparations Co-trimoxazole, Amoxiclav in the form of a suspension, indicated for children, and Azithromycin. Of the popular antiviral drugs available for free, it is worth mentioning "Viferon" in the form of candles, "Interferon".

If the child suffers from allergies, the doctor can give a prescription for a free vacation of Claritin, Loratadin. If the need for enzymes for the work of the pancreas is identified, "Creon", "Pancreatin" can be prescribed. Bifiform preparations for children, Linex and Hilak-forte are available for free vacation.

Names and conditions

The list of medicines available for free receipt includes:

  • "Ambrogescal".
  • "Nazol".
  • Ambroxal.
  • Nazivin.

The doctor can issue a prescription, according to which parents will receive free tetracycline or chloramphenicol for ophthalmic use at the pharmacy. They can issue such a prescription for Actovegin. The program of free provision of medicines to children includes Pantogam, Cerebrolysin, Pantocalcin medicines.

If anemia is detected, Aktiferrin, Ferrum-lek, Hemofer solutions available for free receipt can be prescribed.

Peace of mind and responsibility

When the doctor made a diagnosis at the appointment and determined exactly what funds are needed to cure the child, it makes sense to ask for a prescription, according to which parents can get what is prescribed for free. True, in practice it happens that the doctor refuses, saying that he was not provided with forms for paperwork. Parents should contact the administration of the medical institution. If they refuse here, you can call the hotline to the local structures responsible for health care.

The fact is that in our country it is necessary to provide free medicines to children under 3 years old. As a rule, parents simply do not know about this, therefore, doctors simply do not require a properly executed prescription of medicines, but they should. Dear parents, now you are aware that any child who is not yet 3 years old has the right to receive absolutely all medicines for free. These rules also apply to children from large families, only such children are entitled to receive (discharge) free medicines up to 6 years of age. The right to issue free medicines to children under 3 years old is guaranteed to us by the Laws of the Russian Federation and this is spelled out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994 No. 890 "On state support for the development of the medical industry and improving the provision of the population and healthcare institutions with medicines and medical products" (Appendix No. 1).This decree is still in effect, having studied it and pointing to it in the cases necessary for this, it is possible to achieve success in a dispute with doctors.The catch is that these funds are financed from the local budgets of our regions, and as you know, in these budgets often do not have funds to finance such items.Therefore, not all doctors and not all polyclinics advertise this law, although according to the rules, it should be printed out on information boards in our children's clinics.Of course, in reality this does not happen, and therefore parents remain completely unaware of their right to free medicine for children under 3 x years. As for Moscow, according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region dated March 28, 2007 “On approval of codes for population groups and categories of diseases”, children belonging to the category “children under the age of three years”, as well as “children from large families in under the age of six years”, residing in Moscow and the Moscow region, with outpatient treatment are entitled to receive free medicines and medical devices prescribed by doctors. "The list of medicines and medical devices necessary to provide certain categories of citizens dispensed for outpatient treatment on prescriptions of doctors free of charge or with a 50 percent discount from free prices" is determined by order of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region dated December 30, 2010 No. 1079. When defending the right to free medicines for children under the age of 3, one can also be guided by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 of 18. 09.2006 "On approval of the list of drugs, including the list of drugs prescribed by the decision of the medical commission of medical institutions, the provision of which is carried out in accordance with the standards of medical care by prescription of a doctor (paramedic) when providing state social assistance in the form of a set of social services” This document contains a list of free medicines prescribed by the state. It is approved every year and is constantly expanding. The list includes such common drugs as arbidol, children's paracetamol, cough medicines, immunomodulating drugs, etc. You can study this document on the website of the Ministry of Social Development of the Russian Federation. Parents of children under 3 years of age in case of their illness are entitled to a free extract of all necessary medicines, just the procedure for obtaining medicines is a little more complicated. So, summing up what was written in the article, parents of children under 3 years of age need to know that: - essential medicines are prescribed for all children under 3 years of age (regardless of disability), - medicines are prescribed on prescriptions in the prescribed form (therefore, you have the right require prescriptions from attending physicians), - the prescription must be certified with all the necessary seals and signatures, - medicines are obtained at any state pharmacy that provides free drug services to the population, - medicines must be issued to everyone, regardless of the financial situation of the family. The duty of the local pediatrician is to notify the parents that after the birth of the child and until he is 3 years old, the state is supposed to provide all the medicines, this also includes vitamin D, which children are required to write out monthly. If the district pediatrician refuses to issue the necessary prescription for free medicine, then you have every right to complain to the health department of your district administration. Of course, all this does not mean that you will be able to get all the medicines, thus forming a home first-aid kit, but in the event of an illness of your young child, you are required to write out the medical supplies necessary for treatment. The only thing is that you will have to keep a notebook in which the pediatrician will have to put a note on the medicines issued, and they will also have to put a mark in the pharmacy when you receive the right medicine. It is best to take this notebook with you to your doctor's appointment. There are no quantitative, price and time restrictions on the issuance of free medicines. We remind you that children from low-income and large families should receive medicines until the age of 6. Antibacterial agents Amoxicillin, Flemoxin (table) Co-trimoxazole, Bactrim, Oriprim, Lidaprim (table, suspension) Nifuroxazide, Ersefuril capsules, (suspension) Azithromycin, Sumamed (syrup, suspension) Amoxicillin + quavulanic acid Amoxiclav (suspension) Antiviral agents Interferon alfa, Viferron (suppositories) Leukocyte interferon, dry Interferon (ampl.) Methyl phenylthiomethyl-diamethylaminomethyl carboxylic acid ethyl ester Arbidol (table) Antiallergic agents Chloropyramine, Suprastin (table) Loratadin, Claritin (table, suspension) Pancreatic enzymes Pancreatin, Mezim-forte, Creon, Pancreatin (tablet, dragee, capsules) caps. Khilak - forte Khilak-forte (drops) Antianemic drugs Aktiferrin (solution) Hemofer (solution) Iron (III) hydroxide sugar complex Ferrum-lek (solution) Anticonvulsants Valproic acid Depakine syrup, (table) Vascular drugs Piracetam (syrup, tab. .) Cinnarizine (table) Paracetamol (syrup, tablets, suppositories) Sorbents Diosmectide, Smecta (powder) Antitussive and expectorant drugs Fenspiride (hydrochloride), Erespal (suspension) Ambrogescal, Ambroxal (syrup) Neuroprotectors Holantenic acid, Pantogam, Pantocalcin ( tab.) Actovegin, Actovegin 2.0 (amp.) Cerebrolysin Cerebrolysin 1.0 (amp.) Oxymetazoline nasal drops Nazol (spray, drops) Nazivin (drops0 Vitamins Colecalciferol, Vitamin Dz Bon (Oral solution) Thiamine bromide, Vitamin B1 (injection solution) Pyridoxine g/chl Vitamin B6 (injection solution) Cyanocobalamin Vitamin B12 (injection solution) Eye drops and ointments Levomycetin eye drops Tetracycline eye ointment

Social guarantees provided in our country leave much to be desired. This is actually true, but the country is getting out of this quagmire, albeit at a slow pace. One of the conditions for the normal existence of society in a developed country is the satisfaction of the needs of all categories and groups of this society with medicines, including free medicines. Currently, in Russia, the right of certain categories of citizens to receive free medicines has been legally confirmed - about one of these categories of citizens - disabled people, we already wrote, attaching a list for them for 2017. In this article, we will talk about the most, perhaps, unprotected small citizens of Russia - children.

Children under 3 years old are entitled to free medicines, this is how the Healthcare system in Russia works. Legislatively, this issue is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 dated July 30, 1994 ("On State Support for the Development of the Medical Industry and Improving the Provision of the Population and Healthcare Institutions with Medicines and Medical Products"). We will not publish the entire text of the Decree, but we will publish a fresh and updated list of free medicines for children for this year. Note - compared to the previous year, 7 names of medicines were removed from the list due to the fact that manufacturers did not pass the procedure for confirming the quality of their products. All these medicines are interchangeable and have at least 4 analogues, they are produced both in Russia and abroad.

List of free medicines for children under 3 years old for 2017 alphabetically

Amoxicillin - tablets
Amoxicillin - suspension
Arbidol - tablets
Augmentin - powder for suspension production
Magnesium hydroxide algeldrate - chewable tablets
Ambroxol - Tablets, syrup
Acetazolamide - substance
Azithromycin - capsules
Amantadine - tablets
Amitriptyline - dragee, tablets, solution
Anastrozole - Tablets, substance, powder
Anaferon for children - lozenges
Amlodipine - tablets
Atenolol - Tablets, powder
Acarbose - tablets
Amiodarone - tablets
Atorvastatin - Film-coated tablets
Ademetionine - Tablets, dried powder
Alfacalcidol - Capsules and tablets in one package
Benzobarbital - tablets
Bifidobacterium bifidum - Capsules, powder
Bicalutamide - Tablets, powder
Busulfan - Powder, tablets
Bromhexine - mixture
Bisoprolol - Film-coated tablets
Bisacodyl - tablets
Bromocriptine - tablets
Betaxolol - Eye drops
Beclomethasone - aerosol
Budesonide - aerosol
Benciclane - Solution for injection, tablets
Budesonide formoterol - Powder for inhalation
Valproic acid - tablets
Viferon - suppositories
Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate - Tablets
Vinorelbine - Vials with concentrate
Warfarin - tablets
Verapamil - Dragee, tablets
Valsartan - Capsules, tablets, powder
Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets
Glibenclamide Metformin tablets
Gippferon - Nasal drops
Glimepiride - tablets
Hesperidin diosmin - tablets
Captopril - tablets

Enalapril - tablets
Gliclazide - powder
Gliquidone - tablets
Glibenclamide - tablets
Glipizide - tablets
Hydrocarbamide - Hydroxychloroquine - tablets
Goserelin - Subcutaneous capsules
Heparin sodium - Solution for injection
Granisetron - Dry concentrate
Gendevit - dragee
Hydrocortisone - ointment
Glycyrrhizic acid phospholipids - capsules
Bile components pancreatin - pills
Chorionic gonadotropin - powder
Desmopressin - Drops, nasal spray
Digoxin - tablets
Drotaverine - Solution for injection, tablets
Doxazosin - tablets
Diosmin - tablets
diltiazem tablets
Dipyridamole - suspension
Dalteparin sodium - Solution for injection
Dihydrotachysterol - Drops
Josamycin - tablets
Dydrogesterone -
Diethylaminopropionyl-- powder
Iron sulfate hydroxide
Rolimaltozat - Tablets, syrup
Iron hydroxide sucrose complex - Solution for internal administration
Iron hydroxide polyisomaltose - Solution, syrup, tablets
Bile pancreas powder Small intestine mucosa powder - capsules
iron sulfate + [ascorbic acid] - drops
Zyrtec - drops
Ibuprofen - Suppositories, suspension
Isosorbide mononitrate - aerosol
Isosorbide dinitrate - spray
IRS-19 - aerosol
Soluble insulin (human genetically engineered), Rosinsulin R - Solution for injection
Insulin isophane (human genetically engineered), Rosinsulin C - Suspension for subcutaneous administration
Insulin aspart, NovoRapid - Injection solution

Biphasic insulin aspart, NovoMix 30 - Suspension for subcutaneous administration
Insulin glulisin, Apidra SoloStar - Subcutaneous solution
Insulin lispro, Humalog - Suspension for subcutaneous administration
Biphasic insulin lispro, Humalog Mix
25 - Suspension for subcutaneous administration
Insulin glargine, Lantus SoloStar - Subcutaneous solution
Insulin detemir, Levemir - Solution for subcutaneous administration
Disposable needles for insulin injector - packaging
Ipratropium bromide - Solution for inhalation
Ipratropium bromide + fenoterol - Solution for inhalation
Indapamide - tablets
irbesartan - powder
Ketorolac - Solution for intramuscular administration
Ketoprofen - gel
Captopril - tablets
Capecitabine - substance
Clonazepam - tablets
Carbamazepine - tablets
Clonidine - Eye drops
Codelac Phyto - syrup
Colecalciferol - Drops, tablets for pops
Potassium iodide - tablets
Clotrimazole - cream
Carvedilol - tablets
Potassium and magnesium asparaginate - tablets
Calcitriol - capsules
Clopidogrel - tablets
Candesartan tablets
colostomy bag -
Cabergoline - tablets
Self-retaining catheter
Large-headed type of Pezzera -
Creon - capsules
Levothyroxine sodium - tablets
Latanoprost - Eye drops
Letrozole - tablets
Losartan - tablets
Lamotrigine tablets
Levetiracetam - tablets
Lazolvan - syrup
Levodopa + benserazide - tablets
Levodopa + carbidopa - tablets
Lactulose - syrup
Loperamide - Chewable tablets
Lomustine - capsules
Lisinopril - tablets
Lovastatin - tablets
Lappakonitina Hydrobromide - tablets
Levomenthol solution in menthyl isovalerate - drops
Mebeverine - capsules
Aceponate - ointment
Morphine - solution
Mesalazine - suppositories
Medroxyprogesterone - suspension
Melphalan - tablets

Mercaptopurine - tablets
Methotrexate - Solution for injection
Metoprolol - tablets
Metoclopramide - Solution and tablets
Methylprednisolone - ointment
Metformin - tablets
Moxonidine - tablets
Molsidomin - Tablets
Moexipril - Tablets
Multi-Tabs Kid - chewable tablets
Multi-Tabs Baby - nasal drops
Nazivin - drops
Nazivin - drops
Nitroglycerin - spray
Nadroparin calcium - solution for injection
Nifedipine - tablets
Nebivolol - tablets
Nurofen - suspension
norethisterone tablets
Ondansetron - Solution for injection
Omeprazole - Children's suspension
Omega-3 Triglycerides - Softgels
Orvirem - syrup
Oxybutynin - tablets
Pyridostigmine - tablets
Penicillamine - tablets
Piribedil - tablets
Pancreatin - tablets
Pentoxifylline - tablets
Pramipexole - tablets
Piracetam - Oral solution
Paracetamol - Suppositories, suspension
Pilocarpine - Solution
Prednisolone - Ointment
Progesterone - gel
Perindopril - tablets
Propranolol - tablets
Paracetamol - suspension
ranitidine tablets
Ramipril - tablets
Rosiglitazone - tablets
Repaglinide - tablets
Rabeprazole rilmenidine tablets
Rosuvastatin - tablets
Consumables for insulin pumps for children only -
Smecta - powder
Sumamed - powder
Spironolactone - capsules
Suprastin - tablets
Sulfasalazine - tablets
Salbutamol - aerosol
Salmeterol + fluticasone - Aerosol for inhalation
Simvastatin tablets
Spirapril - tablets
Sotalol - tablets
Trimeperidine - tablets
Trileptal - tablets
Trihexyphenidyl - tablets
Tamoxifen - tablets
Tamsulosin - Capsules and tablets
Triptorelin - Solution for injection
Thiamazole - tablets
Timolol - Eye drops
Troxerutin - Gel, capsules
Tolterodine - capsules
Trimetazidine - tablets
Tiotropium bromide - Capsules for inhalation
Tropisetron - solution
Terbinafine - Spray, gel

Terazosin - tablets
Thioctic acid - Solution for injection
Blood glucose test strips for glucometers -
Ursodeoxycholic acid - capsules
Famotidine - tablets
Fludrocortisone - tablets
Phenobarbital - tablets
Furosemide - tablets
Formoterol - Powder for inhalation
Fenoterol - aerosol
felodipine tablets
Fluocinolone Acetonide - ointment
Fosinopril - tablets
Finasteride - tablets
Folic acid - Capsules and tablets
Chloropyramine - tablets
Chlorambucil - tablets
Chlorhexidine - cream
Quinapril - tablets
Ceftriaxone - powder
Cilazapril tablets
Cyclophosphamide - dragee
Tsipromed - ear drops
Cyproterone - tablets
Ergocalcifreol - Drops for oral administration
Ethosuximide - capsules
Exemestane g - powder
Etoposide - Solution for injection
Enoxaparin sodium - Solution for injection
Sodium etamsylate - tablets
Enalapril - tablets
Eprosartan - tablets
Ethanol - Solution for the preparation of dosage forms
Eristol - syrup
Epoetin alfa - Solution for injection
Epoetin beta - Powder for injection

We remind you that the list of free medicines for children under 3 years old for 2017 may be amended, this article reflects the position of the Ministry of Health at the time of writing. We monitor changes in the list and try to promptly correct shortcomings, add fresh information. Most of the listed drugs are prescribed under the strict supervision of the attending physician, since children under the age of 3 years have an increased allergic sensitivity to medications and persistently demand free delivery of drugs from the list, waving an insurance policy and SNILS in the face of the attending physician will not lead to anything good . Remember that the medical staff is much better than you and I know the legislation regarding the issuance of free medicines (and even more so for children under 3 years old) and you need to cooperate with doctors, not argue.

According to statistics, the most frequently prescribed free medicines for children under 3 years old in 2017 are drugs that help fight colds and viral diseases, allergies, anemia and vitamins. The list looks like this:

- ibuprofen,
- amoxicillin,
- azithromycin,
- sumamed,
- viferon, interferon,
- anaferon,
- multitabs Baby,
- claritin,
- loratadine,
- suprastin,
- smecta,
- bifidumbacterin,
- hilak forte,
- lazolvan,
- bromhexine,
- namewin,
- chloramphenicol,
- iron hydroxide,
- vitamins of groups D3, B1, B6, B12.