Free gynecological appointment. Gynecology The best obstetrician gynecologist is always there

The best gynecologists in Moscow rating you will find on this page and you can make an appointment online! A gynecologist is considered a "women's doctor". No lady can do without this specialist. A gynecologist must become a true friend so that he can be entrusted with the most secret secrets, which are sometimes impossible to tell relatives or friends. Experience, personal qualities, popularity among patients are the components of the best gynecologists, their rating is high, and it is not always possible to “break through” to such a doctor.

The competence of gynecology includes:

  • prevention of gynecological diseases;
  • treatment of problems associated with the female genital area;
  • help in conceiving or in preventing pregnancy;
  • explanation of the features of the functioning of the body, their relationship with other areas of a woman's health.

A gynecologist must be sensitive, attentive, professional. His attitude, competence, knowledge not only in the field of reproductive and related fields form the basis of the recommendation.

Many of their girlfriends ask: “Where can I find this? Would you recommend a highly rated gynecologist? How to find". The answer is simple. On the portal, where the best doctors of the city of Moscow are presented.

Knowing firsthand that a “female doctor” is worth its weight in gold, we have compiled a portfolio of the most competent medical professionals. Anyone who is interested can find information about the place of work, about hours of admission.

If you are interested in a good gynecologist, the price for services varies depending on:

  1. Qualifications.
  2. Seniority.
  3. Experience in handling the most difficult cases.

Consultation fees start from 1000 rubles!

The best obstetrician gynecologist is always there

As for the management of pregnancy and childbirth, one must be especially careful with the choice of a doctor. The management of pregnancy, successful childbirth, the health of the mother and the unborn baby depend on his professionalism.

It is advisable to find the best gynecologist even before the birth, who can be contacted at any time. He will become a personal doctor, one who will observe, advise, conduct research procedures on time.

From visits to such a doctor, only good memories will remain, and not fears and fear of failure. Pregnancy is one of the best moments in a woman's life. More than half of the future depends on how confident she will be in herself and in the doctor.

Among other things, below you can sort the best gynecologists in Moscow by:

  • rating;
  • seniority;
  • cost;
  • home visit opportunities.

All women know that from a certain point in their lives, the key to their good reproductive health is regular preventive visits to the gynecologist. A gynecologist is a specialist who deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the female genital area, in addition, he helps expectant mothers to safely carry a healthy baby.

The first visit to a specialist of this profile should take place in adolescence, when the girl begins menstruation. From this moment, a gynecologist's consultation is mandatory every 12 months, and with the onset of sexual activity - every six months.

What diseases does a gynecologist treat?

A gynecologist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of the following pathologies of the reproductive sphere:

  • Inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs - adnexitis, endometritis, colpitis, oophoritis, vaginitis, salpingitis and others;
  • Vaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • endometriosis;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • Hormonal disorders that prevent pregnancy;
  • Miscarriage, habitual miscarriages;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • Menstrual disorders.

Along with a venereologist, a gynecologist deals with the treatment and prevention of diseases that are transmitted through unprotected sexual contact.

When is the help of a female doctor needed?

Many disorders in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system signal conditions that require immediate treatment. The reasons for visiting the gynecologist's office are:

  • The appearance of copious discharge from the vagina with an unpleasant odor or an admixture of pus;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by sex or on the eve of menstruation;
  • The appearance of bleeding from the vagina, not associated with the menstrual cycle;
  • Delayed menstruation (even if pregnancy is excluded);
  • Cycle disorders (periods are irregular, extremely heavy, scanty, or the menstrual cycle is less than 21 days);
  • Burning and itching of the genitals, painful urination.

For women who do not want to become pregnant, a specialist will help you choose a reliable method of contraception and tell you how to avoid contracting sexually transmitted infections.

A good gynecologist - dream or reality?

An important factor that you should pay attention to when choosing is the rating of gynecologists. The data are based on the skill level, work experience, seniority and recommendations of patients who have already been seen by these doctors. The best specialists who have won the trust of women have the highest ratings.

If you have any problems with the health of the reproductive organs, just something is disturbing, or you have been dreaming of a child for a long time and have decided to approach pregnancy planning responsibly, consult a gynecologist for advice. As soon as you make your choice in favor of a particular doctor, call the clinic number listed in the "contacts" section and make an appointment. Pre-registration will allow the client to choose the most convenient day and time for her, and not wait for her turn among the crowd of people.

Gynecologists are currently in high demand. They can conduct reception on a paid and free basis. There is an opinion among the people that free gynecological appointment not the best, but it's not. These gynecologists solve very important tasks that are aimed at maintaining women's health. Specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology are engaged in two main areas:

Obstetrics is a specialty that studies the issues of pregnancy, how to conduct it correctly, determines the method of childbirth and the timing of their onset

Gynecology is a specialty that solves the issues of the development of diseases of the female genital organs in different age periods, methods of their diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

However, this is not the only division of these specialists who are receiving free of charge. There are also narrower specialties, which include:

Miscarriage Specialist
- Specialist in reproduction (engaged in the study of assisted reproductive technologies)
- Endocrine gynecologist
- Oncologist-gynecologist
- Specialist in cervical pathology, etc.

Tasks of an obstetrician-gynecologist

Free gynecological appointment involves solving the following questions:

It studies the causes leading to the appearance of various pathological conditions in obstetrics and gynecology (however, it is not always possible to determine the exact causes, therefore it is customary to identify predisposing factors that increase the likelihood of developing a particular process)

The study of pathogenesis, that is, the mechanisms that led to the development of certain disease states

Engaged in the study of diagnostic methods, and also describes the characteristic clinical manifestations of a particular disease and condition

Allows you to choose the most rational method of treatment for each patient

He is engaged in the study of prevention, that is, how to reduce the likelihood of developing a particular pathological process.

Preventive checkups

Free gynecological appointment includes both preventive and unscheduled examinations. Each of these examinations has its own specific indications and methodology, which are applied individually, depending on the situation.

Preventive examinations at the gynecologist all women pass with a certain frequency, regardless of the presence or absence of complaints. The recommended frequency of such medical screening examinations is:

- Women of reproductive age and those who have not reached it, but live sexually - once every six months

Women of the perimenopausal and postmenopausal period - once a year.

Unlike preventive unscheduled examination by a gynecologist indicated for women who have certain clinical manifestations of the disease.

Types of treatment in gynecology

Gynecology has the following types of medical care:

Conservative therapy
- Laparoscopic treatment
- Hysteroscopic treatment
- Carrying out laparotomy operations
- Carrying out vaginal surgeries
- Uterine artery embolization
- Immunological treatment, etc.

In order to choose a rational method of treatment, gynecologist takes into account factors such as:

Woman's age
- The nature of the pathological process
- Accompanying illnesses
- Patient preferences
- Possible contraindications to this or that method of treatment.

obstetric care

Free gynecological appointment in the obstetric aspect deals with the following issues:

Reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant
- Treatment of infertile couples
- Rational management of pregnant women
- Determination of indications when a woman needs inpatient treatment
- The choice of methods of childbirth, as well as the timing of their onset

Summarizing all of the above, it must be emphasized that obstetrician-gynecologist , leading a free reception, helps a woman maintain her reproductive health at the proper level. His correct and effective work improves the demographic indicators in the country and in the world, so this profession is indispensable in modern society.

It is important to understand that regular monitoring of the state of women's health and consultation with a specialist allows you to track all changes in the body. This is the only way to timely detect the development of pathology at the initial stage. The doctors of our gynecology department are ready to advise you on all issues, conduct a scheduled examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Gynecology as a science

Gynecology is a special branch of medicine that studies the structure of the female genital organs and related diseases. Gynecology is often called the "science of women", and its significance for each of the fair sex is enormous.

A gynecologist is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the female reproductive system. The scope of professional activity this year of the doctor is quite diverse:

  • scheduled examination and provision of urgent medical care;
  • detection and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital area;
  • detection of hormonal disorders;
  • determination of the causes and treatment of infertility;
  • planning and management of pregnancy;
  • consultation of women during menopause.

A gynecologist deals with the treatment of ovarian dysfunction, cervical erosion, dysplasia, polyps, benign neoplasms.

A woman independently chooses a gynecologist. She can go to the clinic at the place of residence or make an appointment with a paid specialist.

When should you see a gynecologist?

Every woman should visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. Even if there are no complaints, a simple examination by a doctor and a conversation with a gynecologist will make sure that the body is working properly. Consultation with a gynecologist is the first step towards identifying and treating pathologies at an early stage.

Absolute indications for contacting a gynecologist are the following complaints of a gynecological nature:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discharge and bleeding;
  • itching and other unpleasant symptoms in the vaginal area;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • painful menstruation.

With severe symptoms, an appointment with a qualified gynecologist should be made immediately. The lack of adequate treatment can lead to a deterioration in the general condition, the development of dangerous infectious processes, and increased pain. An experienced doctor will listen to the patient's complaints, conduct an examination and prescribe an examination in order to eliminate the cause of the disease as soon as possible.

Be sure to consult a gynecologist for problems with conception. The doctor will conduct all the necessary examinations and prescribe therapy.

How is a gynecological examination performed?

Before visiting a gynecologist, no special preparation is required. The main thing is to follow the simple rules of intimate hygiene and tune in psychologically. A consultation with a gynecologist always begins with a conversation, during which the doctor asks questions about disturbing symptoms, the characteristics of the menstrual cycle and sexual life, and the methods of contraception used.

The initial appointment and consultation with a gynecologist includes examination on a chair, visual examination, palpation, examination of the cervix with mirrors. Having received a general idea of ​​the patient's health status, the gynecologist may prescribe an extended examination (ultrasound, taking smears for analysis).

If tests were taken at the initial examination, their results will be announced during the second visit to the gynecologist. When a disease is detected, the doctor prescribes therapy, a sparing diet is selected, and a therapeutic regimen is drawn up. Compliance with the recommendations will allow you to get rid of the pathology as soon as possible.

Gynecologist's appointment at the Clinic of Modern Medicine

If you truly value your health, then monitoring it should be entrusted to real professionals. The gynecologists of our center are specialists with vast experience, in the arsenal of which are the most modern techniques.

A gynecologist's appointment in our clinic is:

  • friendly attitude towards each patient;
  • confidentiality;
  • acceptable cost of consultations and examinations.

An appointment with a paid specialist is carried out by phone in Moscow. Contact our representatives to get detailed advice on the prices for services and the work of the gynecological department.

On the basis of the gynecological departments of the hospital GKB No. 31, a clinic of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian National Research Medical University has been deployed.

Gynecology City Clinical Hospital No. 31 is rightfully considered one of the best in Moscow. All types of conservative and surgical treatment of any gynecological diseases are used. Hysteroscopic and laparoscopic diagnostics are possible, and surgical treatment using these methods allows to speed up the recovery period as much as possible and is the most gentle for patients.

Since 2004, the modern organ-preserving method for the treatment of uterine fibroids and adenomyosis has been firmly rooted in the hospital - uterine artery embolization.

detailed information

general information

Head of Department No. 1 - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.N. Kaukhova.
Head Nurse of the Department Yu.N. Tarasova.

Head of Department No. 2 - Ph.D. O.I. Mishiev.
Senior nurse - N.G. Kosolapova.

In two gynecological departments of the hospital, all types of conservative and surgical treatment are successfully applied, including for the following diseases:

  • uterine bleeding of the reproductive, perimenopausal periods, menopausal periods;
  • diseases of the cervix;
  • physiology and pathology of the postmenopausal period;
  • intrauterine pathology (uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, endometrial polyps, endometriosis, synechia, foreign bodies);
  • ovarian formations in patients of different age periods
  • inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs.

The main types of surgical treatment:

  • diagnostic laparoscopy;
  • abdominal surgery and laparoscopic operations in the amount of amputation and extirpation of the uterus;
  • abdominal surgery and laparoscopic operations on the appendages;
  • vaginal extirpations;
  • plastic vaginal surgeries, including prolapse of the uterus and prolapse of the walls of the vagina;
  • laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of infertility;
  • laparoscopic organ-sparing operations in tubal pregnancy; restoration of patency of pipes;
  • hysteroscopic treatment of intrauterine pathology;
  • electrosurgical, laser and thermal ablation of the endometrium, embolization of the uterine arteries.

The motto of the team of gynecological departments is
warm care for patients.

The clinic receives dozens of letters of thanks. The implementation of high-tech methods is carried out by the doctors of City Clinical Hospital No. 31 in close professional contact with the staff of the department.

general information

    • Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Presidium of the Board of the Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, member of the New European Surgical Academy (NESA), member of the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ( FIGO)- Kurtser Mark Arkadievich— student of the founder and honorary head of the department — Savelieva Galina Mikhailovna, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist, Vice President of the Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric Faculty from 1971 to 2017.
      At the moment, the achievements of the clinic are associated with the implementation of a wide range of laparoscopic therapeutic and diagnostic interventions on the pelvic organs. Over the past 20 years, one of the employees of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Vyacheslavovich Shtyrov a school of endoscopic gynecology was established on the basis of 31 hospitals.Professor Valentina G. Breusenko- the founder of the hysteroscopic method in the City Clinical Hospital No. 31. At the present stage, with the introduction of hysteroresection, laser ablation and thermal ablation of the endometrium, the arsenal of hysteroscopic operations performed has significantly expanded. Since 2004, the modern organ-preserving method for the treatment of uterine fibroids and adenomyosis has been firmly rooted in the hospital - uterine artery embolization. Over the past 5 years, cooperation with the department has allowed practitioners to defend 4 doctoral and 38 master's theses. Currently, a grant has been received to carry out scientific developments on the topic "Early diagnosis of ovarian cancer." To the staff of the department: Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences G.M. Savelieva, professors V.G. Breusenko, S.V. In 2003, Shtyrov was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation for the development and implementation of endoscopic methods of diagnosis and treatment in gynecology.

general information

Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is one of the modern directions of surgical treatment of uterine diseases, which consists in puncture of the artery on the thigh, catheterization of the uterine vessels and the introduction of particles of a special embolization preparation.

Symptomatic or growing uterine fibroids

  • Size up to 20 weeks of pregnancy in the absence of severe pathology of the cervix, endometrium and ovaries.
  • In patients interested in pregnancy, with a confirmed role of uterine fibroids in the pathogenesis of infertility or with a high risk of miscarriage, if it is impossible to perform a safe myomectomy.
  • As preparation for myomectomy or hysteroresectoscopy.

Intensive uterine bleeding of various etiologies, when other methods of treatment are impossible or are associated with a real threat to the life of the patient.

When determining the indications for UAE for fibroids, the motivation of patients is important: the patient's strong desire to preserve the uterus, avoid surgery, and interest in pregnancy.

Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is performed in:

general information

Robotic surgery is a new, high-tech type of minimally invasive surgery, which consists in surgical intervention through small incisions on the patient's skin and the ability to operate remotely. This ensures minimal trauma, faster recovery, reduces the length of the patient's stay in the hospital, and minimizes the likelihood of further complications.

Benefits of Robotic Surgery

The da Vinci Si robot does not perform operations on its own, contrary to popular belief. But thanks to remote control and high-quality imaging, it allows the operating surgeon to make more precise movements and eliminate hand tremors. That is, the robot follows all the movements of the surgeon, and he is not able to move or program himself.

These factors create ideal conditions for the surgeon and facilitate complex laparoscopic operations. As a result of the maximum precision of even very complex instrument movements, excellent image quality and the ability to operate on small and hard-to-reach areas, patients spend less time in hospital, feel less pain, lose less blood, have a better aesthetic result, recover faster and return to hospital sooner. Everyday life.

Robotic operations in gynecology City Clinical Hospital No. 31

In the 1970s and 1980s, laparoscopy began to be widely introduced into clinical practice, which was associated with the advent of fiber optics and special instruments. As a result, not only the quality of diagnostics has improved, but some interventions on the abdominal organs have also become possible. By the way, in our country, the experience of using laparoscopy in gynecology was summarized in 1977 in a monograph by G.M. Savelyeva, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor and our doctor, under whose leadership the first operation was performed in our hospital after its opening in 1970.

At the moment, almost all gynecological operations are performed using laparoscopy and a robot. Robotic surgery in gynecology is one of the fastest growing areas and is used in the treatment of all benign and malignant gynecological diseases. Our gynecologists perform operations on women with genital prolapse (prolapse), including pelvic floor support (promontofixation using a mesh implant), removal of myomatous nodes (myomectomy) with preservation of the uterus, panhysterectomy with lymph node dissection. Thus, operations that were previously performed laparoscopically can now be reliably performed using a robotic method.

Operation of uterine fibroids and ovarian formations

Today, endoscopic operations are routinely performed regardless of the size of the uterus. Depending on the localization of myomatous nodes and their number, removal can be done with small incisions and without resorting to open surgery. In this case, uterine fibroids, regardless of their size, are removed from the abdomen in small sections using a marcellator.

Radical hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is a classic and effective method of treating oncological diseases of the uterus and appendages at the initial stage. Robot-assisted surgery makes it minimally invasive, with less blood loss and hospital stay.

Experience in conducting robotic operations in City Clinical Hospital No. 31

At the moment, in City Clinical Hospital No. 31, robotic operations of varying complexity using the da Vinci robotic system are carried out on a regular basis.

Today, gynecological robotic surgeries include removal of ovarian tumors, myomectomy, promontofixation, total and partial hysterectomy, treatment of endometriosis, and treatment of endometrial and ovarian cancer.

general information

Laparoscopy is an endoscopic method of emergency and elective surgery. It allows you to examine the internal organs of the abdomen through a small opening in the abdominal wall. Inspection is carried out using an optical tube. After 2-3 other punctures, the necessary manipulations with the organs are performed. Laparoscopy is practically bloodless and less traumatic.

At the origins of laparoscopic gynecology in Russia is the Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian State Medical University Galina Mikhailovna Savelyeva. Every laparoscopy specialist rightfully calls her your Teacher.

The range of surgical interventions performed by laparoscopic access is wide: gynecological operations, cholecystectomy and hernioplasty, gastrectomy, pancreatoduodenal resection and operations on the colon and rectum.

general information

Ectopia of the cervix (also Ectopia of the epithelium of the cervix, Pseudo-erosion of the cervix, Erosion of the cervix, Endocervicosis) - the location of the cylindrical epithelium lining the cervical canal, on its vaginal surface, which looks like a red spot around the outer opening of the canal. Ectopia occurs in about half of women of reproductive age and almost never occurs in women over 40 years of age.

general information

Hysteroscopy - examination of the walls of the uterine cavity with a hysteroscope, followed by (if necessary) diagnostic and surgical manipulations. Hysteroscopy allows you to identify and eliminate intrauterine pathologies, remove foreign bodies, take tissue biopsies, and remove endometrial polyps.

Indications for a diagnostic procedure are:

  • Anomalies in the development of the uterus.
  • Bleeding in postmenopause.
  • Infertility.

Indications for a surgical procedure are:

  • Submucosal uterine fibroids.
  • Intrauterine septum.
  • Intrauterine synechia.
  • Endometrial polyp.
  • hyperplasia of the endometrium.

Contraindications are:

  • Recently transferred or existing at the time of the study, the inflammatory process of the genital organs.
  • Progressive pregnancy.
  • Profuse uterine bleeding.
  • Stenosis of the cervix.
  • Advanced cervical cancer.
  • General infectious diseases in the acute stage (influenza, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, thrombophlebitis).
  • Severe condition of the patient with diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys.

Indications for a diagnostic procedure are:

  • Submucosal uterine fibroids.
  • Intrauterine septum.
  • Intrauterine synechia.
  • Endometrial polyp.
  • hyperplasia of the endometrium.
  • Removal of remnants of the intrauterine contraceptive.

Indications for a surgical procedure:

  • Suspicion of internal endometriosis of the uterine body, submucosal fibroid node, synechia (unions) in the uterine cavity, remnants of the fetal egg, cervical and endometrial cancer, endometrial pathology, perforation of the uterine walls during abortion or diagnostic curettage.
  • Suspicion of malformations of the uterus.
  • Menstrual disorders in women of childbearing age.
  • Anomalies in the development of the uterus.
  • Bleeding in postmenopause.
  • Infertility.
  • Control examination of the uterine cavity after surgery on the uterus, in case of miscarriage, after hormonal treatment.